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Memorial Day Mattress Hunt? Why Now Is One of the Best Times to Invest

There are a few key times of year you can save on a mattress, and this weekend is one of them.

Jessica Rendall Wellness Reporter
Jessica is a writer on the Wellness team with a focus on health technology, eye care, nutrition and finding new approaches to chronic health problems. When she's not reporting on health facts, she makes things up in screenplays and short fiction.
Expertise Public health, new wellness technology and health hacks that don't cost money Credentials
  • Added coconut oil to cheap coffee before keto made it cool.
Jessica Rendall
3 min read
A hand presses a mattress in a showroom to test its firmness
Vicheslav/Getty Images

Memorial Day sales are in full swing, and they're swinging all the way over to the mattress aisle. If you've been looking to make an investment as a way to improve the quality of your sleep, or maybe your old bed is showing signs of wear and tear, now is a good time to snag a deal on a mattress, including beds from big brands like Nectar, Brooklyn Bedding, Casper, Purple, Leesa and more.

Here's what to know about shopping for a mattress on Memorial Day and other consumer-focused holidays, as well as some general tips for finding an affordable price on a mattress. 

Memorial Day, Labor Day and other holidays 

Memorial Day is one of the holiday-weekend holidays you'll find a variety of items at a discount, including mattresses. Other notable ones include Labor Day (perhaps especially Labor Day), President's Day and the Fourth of July. 

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (or November in general)

This one is probably top-of-mind for people that like shopping deals, but it's huge enough to get its own section. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are major consumer and purchasing days, and you'll find discounts and deals on just about everything -- including mattresses. 

To find the best buy, research different mattress types and brands to see which one you'd like, and look at sales the company has running. Chances are the best sales were on or around Black Friday, though you'll still see big savings when Cyber Monday rolls around. Many brands extend their sale period to a few days after the holiday. 

man hugging a mattress

Finding a mattress you love doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg.

Sellwell/Getty Images

Other times to save on a mattress 

Here's some more seasonal, general advice for when you need a new bed. 

Winter or early spring

Many mattress stores will replace their inventory with newer models around March or April, which is a great time for you to swoop in and ask a store associate if you can buy an old model you've been eyeing. 

This is also the time of year when stores need to get rid of their floor models to make way for new. As long as you're OK with the fact other customers also likely gave the mattress a test run by lying on it (though the pandemic might mean there have been fewer than usual), you could be able to save up to 50% off the price of a mattress this way. Simply ask the store when they plan on replacing their floor models with new inventory. 

Some general mattress-buying tips? Don't be afraid to negotiate a lower price and walk away if you feel the price is too high, especially in brick-and-mortar stores where prices may be marked up. It's also important to stick to your guns and not let anyone persuade you into buying mattress accessories that you don't need. 

Also, pay attention to the total dollar amount you're saving on a mattress, rather than getting swept away by a high percentage-off deal. While a 20% sale on a mattress sounds great, if the mattress costs $2,500 and it isn't the bed of your dreams, you might be better off getting a $100 discount (or no real discount) on a $1,000 mattress that you like just as well.

Read more: Stop Accepting Bad Sleep. 42 Expert Ways to Take Charge of Your Sleep Quality

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.