Here's Why Doxylamine Succinate Might Not Help Your Insomnia

Doxylamine is a type of medication to improve sleep, but there are other types of sleep aids that may be able to help long-term.

Lena Borrelli Contributor
Lena is a contributor for CNET.
Lena Borrelli
5 min read
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If you have trouble sleeping through the night, you're not alone. About 30% of people have trouble staying asleep at night, with 10% suffering from insomnia. But what if there was something you could do to improve your sleep? 

Doxylamine could be the answer for short-term relief, but don't knock natural remedies, either. If you want to sleep better, this is what you need to know about doxylamine.

What is doxylamine?

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Doxylamine succinate is an antihistamine medication often used to treat allergies and the common cold. That is because it blocks histamine, the part of the body that controls allergic symptoms like watery eyes, a runny nose and sneezing. It creates a sedative effect that makes you feel drowsy and helps you sleep longer and without interruption. 

This histamine blocker can also help you fall asleep and stay asleep when you take it 30 minutes before bed. It is a key ingredient in many over-the-counter drugstore sleep aids that can be used short-term to help with sleep. Experts recommend use for up to two weeks with your doctor's permission.  

What are drugstore sleep aids?

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Doxylamine succinate is a crucial ingredient in several home remedies; it's present in popular medicines like NyQuil, Benadryl and Unisom. Over-the-counter sleep aids, or OTC sleep aids, are a common form of doxylamine, but that isn't the only way to get your nighttime dose. 

There are three types of sleep aids you can use. 

Over-the-counter drugstore sleep aids

These are temporary solutions for the occasional sleepless night. They are cheap and easily accessible and are already found in most people's medicine cabinets. OTC drugstore sleep aids are effective in helping most people sleep, but they can leave behind what's called "the hangover effect," where you feel groggy or dizzy the next day. It is also very easy to build up a tolerance to antihistamines, making OTC sleep aids ineffective over time. 

Prescription sleep aids

If sleeplessness and insomnia become a regular problem, your doctor may offer you a prescription sleep aid for ongoing relief. There are a few different kinds of prescription sleep aids, like benzodiazepines  (Klonopin and Xanax), non-benzodiazepine hypnotics (Lunesta and Ambien) and anti narcoleptics (Ritalin, Provigil). These too may have side effects, like dizziness, headache and daytime memory problems, but can provide stronger and more reliable relief than the average OTC or natural sleep aid. 

Natural sleep aids

Not all sleep aids have to come in the form of medication. A melatonin supplement is a natural sleep aid that helps you fall asleep faster, with studies showing that it can improve overall sleep quality. The effects are milder than OTC and prescription sleep aids, and you are still subject to side effects like nausea, headaches and daytime sleepiness. Another solution is to simply drink a warm glass of milk or herbal tea before bed to bring on feelings of drowsiness.  

No matter what you decide, always speak to your doctor before starting any kind of sleep aid. 

Are sleep aids safe?

In addition to some of the side effects associated with sleep aids, there are a few other critical points to keep in mind for safe use. Many OTC and prescription sleep aids are not recommended for use with children. If your child is having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor immediately for treatment.

It's critical that you consult a physician before using any kind of sleep aid to ensure continued good health and wellness. This is especially critical if you take other medications that could interact with your sleep aid. Remember, not all sleep aids work for everyone. For example, some sleep aids may not be safe for use with elderly or pregnant patients. Your doctor can best advise you on a safe and effective course of treatment. 

When you begin to use a sleep aid, avoid alcohol, as it can negatively impact your sleep aid. Consider adding some light exercise, such as yoga, into your routine. Proceed carefully, paying attention to how you feel each day. If you experience any side effects, be sure to inform your doctor immediately. 

Best natural sleep aids

Ginger lemon tea
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Natural sleep aids can be a safe and effective way to fall asleep and stay asleep. Herbal teas, valerian root and magnesium are all ways to use a natural sleep aid to fall asleep. 

Herbal teas

Herbal teas are beloved for their soothing, relaxing effects. There's little to no caffeine, so there's nothing to keep you awake when it's time to turn out the lights. Consider a cup of chamomile tea, which has been proven to improve sleep quality. Lavender tea is noted for its stress-relieving properties, while peppermint or lemon balm adds a refreshing take on a comforting favorite. Just avoid teas like black tea, chai tea and green tea, which can contain caffeine and keep you up at night. 

Valerian root

This flowering plant is available as both an herb and a supplement. Its roots are dried and then used to make tea. It has two main properties, valepotriates and sesquiterpenes, that work together to reduce anxiety and improve overall sleep quality. However, you should avoid valerian root tea if you're taking benzodiazepines like Xanax, which can react negatively to the plant. Review your treatment plan with your doctor to be sure that any medications or supplements you are taking are safe to use with valerian root tea. 


Magnesium is another natural sleep aid you can use to improve sleep and is commonly used as a melatonin replacement. It is thought to relax the central nervous system by regulating the neurotransmitters in the brain and relaxing your muscles. This allows you to feel drowsy so you can fall asleep. You already have magnesium in your body, but many people are deficient, which is where a supplement can make a world of difference. 

Bottom line

If you can't fall or stay asleep, you're not alone. About one in three adults in the US report that they suffer from not getting enough sleep each night. Doxylamine succinate has been proven to help soothe many a sleepless night, but it's far from your only option. There are many different types of sleep aids you can use, from over-the-counter options or natural remedies in your home cupboard. Most importantly, however, you should always contact your doctor first and disclose any medications or supplements you may be taking to prevent adverse reactions. Your doctor can also review your history and help you find the best sleep aid that makes sense for your body and sleep schedule. 

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.