The CNET 100 end of the year list special!
The CNET 100 end of the year list special!

The CNET 100 end of the year list special!

Today's Thursday December 13 2011 my name is Steven -- of I am Bryan song and I am Molly Wood and welcome to buzz out loud special. Hybrid just. We're doing a special end of the year's show today not to be confused. With our annual prediction show which we have already recorded it in the -- in the -- -- his addiction that's coming soon don't worry we hope to have results. The results show for you lovely -- -- -- -- what we predicted last year in the PX but this is all others. National coverage yes this is the CNET of 100 in this is one -- the first time this is the first time really done is we put together ten different lists. Of variety of topics of stuff that's imported relevant -- things like the winners the disappointments in -- And others which will talk about -- we've created a top ten for each of these listen we put them all together to let you debate to let us talk and discuss. This can have fun with the year in tech 2001 which has been amazing. -- totally it's it's sort of you know where it's like the definitive list of lists data. And a slow that we -- in -- your team has -- -- at plus you know 100 we have the winners. The disappointments. The beautiful one I like the beautiful and -- let alone data islands and -- the celebrity entourage -- some top sort of geeks celebs picked as their choices there's one chapter in -- we'll get to later. The one for centers that -- check. Yeah. I was an Allen. Yeah yeah I know I have everything on the list of islanders. 111000 dollar projectors make it's it's on the driver chump change similar thing -- -- Via the -- they keep us up at nine dollars and colon that is the coolest of sort of terrifying technology's best apps -- the sleepers. The forgettable and then -- that we think will panic -- -- maybe next year. So nature. Entries and feature the Bulger and stuff that might not like super far future Pacific -- -- -- hit it -- and -- -- -- pretty much -- is a lot of those. Might even be stings that we talked about our predictions show and possibly maybe. Unintentional. -- to leave her fingers random samples and forced to cut a couple of technical so I would do -- talk about the first list yes I think what we're gonna do today is sort of go through some of them really the biggest list -- the winners the disappointments. In some of the maybe next -- stuff. Debate a little some of the choices get there what's on there. That they're there to get their generating controversy -- -- -- So we have here -- the winners this is -- at the top ten. Tech winners in no specific order. And have the iPhone four S is one of the winners. In 2000 -- kind of some -- -- -- medical -- this is definitely like in some order right we're saying kind of that the four wrestlers. A ground shaking earth shaking ground breaking. -- -- -- Yeah I've got assailants from a sales standpoint there -- -- as sales stamp I gotta say I think that's part of the reason that it's on here also that it. Really made a comeback after the first the announcement the big disappointment that it was in the iPhone 5. Come and with all of those sort of rumors about iPhone 5 and excitement and the huge let down. Then this thing came out -- liberty people -- in droves. Into -- does that. Like it was that as a record selling a phone for them up to display the amount that -- the first over the first weekend. Dwarf any other previous weekend. Edit I chairman of the number specifically not yet know it was massive three million -- and now I mean that massive sales and you have to admit that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But theory really is they describe it -- of a break out cultural phenomenon and I think you gotta admit that it is like it's become such -- it's a part of the national lexicon and Alec it was kind of talk about it -- about putting something like that on such a mainstream device it was. Down have been -- -- -- thing that was really how many people are regularly. Using -- right to know about scenery they played about -- when he first of the phone. But how much of -- -- does Syria actually captain. I have not seen one person in the wild. Meet him or anything in the wild that's one of the things that's one of the things they're advertisements show -- Syria in the wild at that time and now which is why I -- to skip ahead as -- -- -- -- lists we can do however we wild and -- -- mottled brown because one cool thing about one interesting thing about the add on for us is that it's number one honor winners list it's also a number ten on our list of disappointments. New -- Slorc pretty much the same reason theory. I've got. I know it though I think I really feel like. The iPhone four -- might have been a bigger disappointment because we all fed into everything we were hearing in -- via. Because I blame I -- I can I do really partially obviously now the media over being the tech Technorati journalists like. Everyone built this thing up -- and again it was not even released and everyone already had an idea. Maybe those images were of the next actual iPhone 5 we don't know but that's at a home believed it would be for what it's not theater it's not doesn't have a bigger screen. It does not seem like busy -- four G when we really knew nothing -- it it does folder disappointments but I think. We've got to put some -- and. That's yeah I guess you always have to like met that is a chicken and egg argument always -- -- Apple manipulates the media better than anybody moment there's no there's no and that is definitely. At the long relationship that the media has had with Apple but absolutely like the hype machine. Over iphones is probably worse than it than it ever has about -- about any other Apple product those huge for the -- on five. Nevertheless I think even Matt said. It was a bit of it was a disappointment that wasn't forgy. And it was and I think that Syria has proved to be a disappointment for a lot of people some people called it written about it and -- that Apple's broken promise. That it still is a beta product that it doesn't necessarily doesn't have that sort of. Perfect execs you -- quote -- perfect execution of people come to expect. Also let's talk about Syria has to ping a server you have to have a network connection -- to where you think some of -- searches would work locally on the phone built in the software. And built into the storage the phone -- also it's not just using. I mean for -- and -- talked about as -- now Alter never predicted -- flap came up. That that what it really pointed out was a short coming not just of the existing -- library but of the fact that it could just be search. And it would already be more useful than it is now -- -- the holes in its knowledge -- come from the fact that for whatever reason. They're basically using Yelp and a couple of other sort of local guides that are not. True search -- hasn't begun moon may be your BH app on on the B can be -- No but there working on their own algorithm and accurate put some search and does not all the. -- area. So I get back to the winners of their gonna go back to the winners of Alan title -- people and an excellent point outlets that I've found thoracic and replica of everybody of course the immediate response -- -- Good look Apple movie -- I guess it's not a -- plant. And who wins every -- food might be read my favorite type out of all is of course already in the comments he -- so biased. -- -- -- It's pretty dramatically upward bias to cease to exist in this business and an Internet language the thing about is we -- could isn't going for it okay. Outfit every other tech site like the -- The iPhone -- -- one of -- winners it's always tell why are we. That they make cracking up Atlantic -- so that we were so -- for Apple yeah -- said that we were also. Or bias against it -- and I was bits they'd like and also you're also biased are about Android. Thanks and likely wouldn't that mean that we're doing. Obviously we're doing our job if that's the case I do what I went out in the -- zones us will do I have an iPhone four a 4 S I am I stuck with my iPhone four and I'm not gonna get a -- a -- I'm not I'm not getting a -- yeah it's still of the fourth and I'm still before I'm still that believes yes yeah all. Sticking with it till you find you need to go forward and -- I'm sandbox sidetracked and there are let's talk about some of the other things because I think there's -- -- right on the list. It's it's funny when someone's as a rival by as we spent the first ten minutes -- about iPhone bullets on about some the other things. That we saw on the winners list through an Android phone the Droid RAZR. Definitely I gotta say the great thing about the Droid -- another comeback story. Because this thing gets announce right and then the next to the very neck like two days later galaxy nexus gets announced and it's just like blue. Or little razor and -- buried you know hired all of good I got to the top and then -- -- nexus is obviously. Just ten meter -- -- of other. -- a little bit here and there the I like how people were complaining when they first saw the drug is are the ads like that -- this thing slice seen. Like a -- up like a telephone pole but -- even show the phone. Yeah it's like mine I think we we -- -- -- super -- woman were -- -- we're savvy enough now to show us the damn phone. I don't know every time -- -- those commercials their answer might -- want you to move the I don't know. You know me you know that out I'll admit -- my FBI and dynamite there's some stupid new movie out I don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- Also of the RAZR which will be able to upgrade to a specific. Android operating system. Ice -- -- it's another winner. On our -- and that has proven very controversial they and iPod users and even the charm already people are saying how can you put ice cream -- on the winners list. When it's not even out yet. I've I've got a kind of a -- -- I've got of kind of agreement that'll mean we haven't I don't buy the entire aim at the actual phone launches and releases. You're telling me -- -- -- which has been out for a week and a leak. In people's -- authority winner. I'm gonna be like. I do think that from a sampling of what they've done to revamp the OS. Is definitely -- winning and what they -- -- To do with yeah yeah and how little you know -- on other platforms and devices in different shapes and sizes but we haven't seen -- if anything. This really potentially could be a winner 2012 and 2000 Latin. The acting a little early -- I think you well I agree I think you know good net net net obviously Google is hoping for a lot out of -- cream -- but so far and it might just be that I am. Feeling burned. -- Google and their commitment to Android but there they have a they have promised a lot like device could damage does what is this venture total winner but right now it's just. Promise and it's. On my own personal -- IOS five as a winner and just. How does Apple bias alive. So bias well the next product could lead to recruit. -- This next product to Linda McKinney lead us to the eventuality of the iPad two -- -- Definitely a winner 2011. To meet this one is almost the winner of the year more even then -- from -- -- close to Apple products I think this is the one that -- crashed there was nothing. Wrong with this product you get everything was right and someone who says but it doesn't play flash. Well hey you know -- you can always hold on to that argument. But it was by design -- it's now like it was a mistake and also just the way that every competing tablet that trite. To even make an impact -- take some sort of dent out of marketshare -- -- it didn't happen. With -- were sold many tablets -- the -- every was so this could be at this could be it it just didn't happen and -- price point didn't scare people away. People went to the iPad two and really it's whatever you define as an experience on a tablet it really. Became the first definitive experience of what it tally should be in it was successful via and it was pretty and argue that this. Pretty unassailable all up until the very end of the year. And along came Kindle fire now obviously Kindle fire not a perfect product -- perfectly executed so far. But if you remember back we talked about this. -- And Mary -- pre recorded but it you remember back to the original Kindle. You guys are here in Illinois and it was not a perfect product either -- like Amazon tends to generate the Kindle fire -- -- already software. Updates coming out for this one but you have to admit in terms of of hype and excitement and. It double -- it created a little bit -- -- where there was -- everybody is like knowing can -- them. Hulu -- resigned to the fact I had David dollar given out in an airport editors Donald bell was beaten to death by the dearth of let's -- not hot. Let's be kind and call not hot tablets -- it uses like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IPad -- and essentially perfect as -- tablet experience why bother and then along comes a thing and replicate. Different it's gonna be a fancy your reader can cost in her bucks in apps and Internet some shopping boom -- -- -- they reintegration complete. Absolutely and this is going to make a lot more noise in 2012. -- just -- Amazon's Kindle strategy. This this thing's not -- annoyances the points and to shocked us and there's like. While we're gonna keep it as minimal as possible from a consumption standpoint and give you a low price cap here and analysts. And that actually is the reason that the -- were the original the ad supported -- nine dollar Kindle is also on the winners list because. That this was not only did they break the hundred dollar barrier with. 179 dollars like ultimately -- And this to -- again sort of like ipads -- iPad comparison. The I think the -- nine dollar Kindle is the real winner. Because that system mass market -- on immediate and the -- Only and upgrade yours. You can't do this -- just say I do you want the keyboard. But then all of Kindle isn't cheap yeah that it's you know. Again also and a list of -- it is real quick the -- MacBook Air -- second generation MacBook Air solid solid the little roku LT amazing. A magazine in the -- and teeny tiny. 49 bucks when you talk about you know allow these companies are trying to pick on stripping down features to get the essentials. Only Wi-Fi only HDMI it has some other composite cable and a power plug that's the only connections there's no USB port there's no other -- block. -- everything does everything 49 bucks. 4949 bucks and is so -- A template of a and his acute than nest thermostat another -- I was kind of controversial few worldly captain thermostat that's existed for. A couple of months yeah a list of some commentators said that for example there are you know bigger and -- ones. That didn't make a -- Smart thermostat although if anything I think it makes sense to have like an attractive. Easily programmable Smart thermostat analyst if you're going to you but also mean Ridley who would think that at and the year Q we're gonna get all -- about -- yet I'm part. Part of this thermostat is amazing to look at and part of it. Definitely has the DNA of Tony Fidel was one of the fathers of the iPod who's behind this project so. That -- hoped from a media standpoint -- to get some exposure and coverage. I don't know if it wasn't him if we would've seen as much buzz about it and this product is very new. I feel like. It's not it's not a product that has been adopted yet but the technology and -- can do the title that's what gets people excited in the tech world via I don't know if I could -- a winner myself. I don't I make calls I'm I'm not ready to calls on a mainstream media definitely disappointing wheels like a proof of concept it could sort of restart at its heart Smart home automation. Industry in some excitement about that but I would have a hard time saying it to break out the mainstream. -- -- -- -- And with. And stick voice control -- -- the number ten number ten number ten on the winners list on the winners list no surprise to us voice control over all so Siri. Connect I'm sorry to see no mention of lingo an Android actually because I think Android really helped. Push speech to text forward in a way that that people were completely aware of people -- People had no idea that -- a lot of times it. With -- the main point of this being a winner is the fact that it was really push forward into the mainstream. When you talk about from that connects user standpoint. You need to talk to it -- console in your TV and there's something like over 3540 million Xbox is on the market. Right that opens of that mass appeal as well as the iPhone is more of how this voice was implemented on mainstream devices. So that really took hold and everyone starts using the words connect in series and now as if you know voice and motion control. -- It's common now to them does not a trend -- ago that it's gonna get a lot better this interpretation find out more. The -- -- spoiler alert. It. Officer Doug not to disappoint me let's let's talk about the -- -- that you always have to have. The winners and the losers in the losers for 2010 and yes I mean outlook 2000 lemon at -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Are. Really a -- no surprise. For our number one pick in the disappointments detect the planets on eleven. There are ED TV absolutely. Huge I mean we we. Saw this coming note no one here. Evers said I really wanna watch TV home for extended hours of the glasses. And neither did the general consumer. -- the 380 -- talks about all there's three in this TV but how many people are actually using it. A lot of these higher in TVs now the 3-D feature is just the built into it it's there at. The content is kind of there. But there's there's not many 3-D cable stations out there for people leaning casually pick -- up you have to buy a Blu-ray player you've got to buy glasses that are like a hundred dollars a pop in most. Aces and you have to Wear it out so here how it on -- how to lose my leg and your does that directly branded TV it's just. To me what I find amazing about this is that. That drumbeat from both consumers and -- -- has been identical since the introduction of the concept of 3-D 3-D TVs. It's been no thank you. And the industry continues to try to push it like crazy that is just cynical you know. I've got an and the thing is we're CES 2012 -- coming up and and more than any time. We've got imagine they're still gonna try and shove this down our throats. Alia you know they haven't figured no TV now wants say I don't have 3-D even though people don't care about 3-D. They're still gonna be our TV as treaty this. Its patents and now. But if I mean if you think and not -- -- so cynical and frustrating is it's such. An obvious -- raised such an obvious way to try to force you to get a new TV. And it's a huge antipiracy thing when they -- the 3-D movies in the theatre because it's impossible to videotape them and and currently deployed -- -- counterfeit I really cannot is a big part of the reason the studios are so excited about reading movies they can charge more for them. And they're incredibly hard to counterfeit. I have for those view in the chairman known as you try even playing games in 3-D kind of cool for five minutes and you wanna throw up. You watch a movie at home last year medical less eat what I I would refuse to go to movie entry via last jets -- -- -- On a pilgrimage to find 3-D TVs that feeling that -- history. I came back side with the -- yeah says that's the lesson changed in Tanzania and it's not that weird that we and I. CU for disappointments. A phone you may or may not have seen because it was so small. The HP -- and this is the -- the webos it was. Sony -- -- -- -- but you know and of the HP veer right webos team now there's a strategy. To can offer their platform in three form factors right we have HP -- that we had -- that the pre. The of the pre sized phone and then we had HP touchpad -- this of the year. Was. I can't even explain if you saw it. It was so it's all they put like a web browse. -- to be like you can browse and make the thing really felt like half the size of an iPhone but it was a phone yet it was so. -- -- Tiny it from the zoo Lander from. And that was an add ads are like the worst thing -- that every single review said that every public out of the zoo Lander for yet. -- -- is it was. I get it again in trying to push the envelope in terms of design but it. Has to be functional you can only get only one finger on the touch screen and time and more than anything it also kind of hurt the webos platform -- without having an attractive price that people could. Jump onto it was going and you have those with you can you really gently trying to pursue new -- -- just can't yet again it together at. Number three. Cool TV. 2.0. Speaking of get it together all my -- so when Google TV rolled out initially with some of the manufacturing partners. They had the Logitech revue. And I think Sony based TV. And then at one point in time the manufactures and Google -- like a little tiff. And they were delaying some of the price and they said they didn't wanna work with Google anymore because of the fact that they did not get their -- -- -- -- and the other thing that -- the original Google TV did was -- with. No partnerships no content partnerships they -- me they were so could have Google arrogant about it slick I have searched the Internet will figure -- Internet that you -- so acute you know you're backwards and -- you should just -- -- -- on -- -- -- -- But if you're -- good TV. Product they use a lot of that content not -- tedium and this is a consumer experience. So they still don't have that. Google -- you know we think are our Matthew Moskovciak and his reviews and we still think Google TV has some merit as a content. Except but the implementation. It needs a ton of work it's buggy. It's really buggy and it hardly has any content that sort of like why would you especially when there's a 49 dollar -- that -- and then it's. No matter no matter how much you can dig -- -- content with this whole thing if it's not easy to use. And and there's already other solutions that do a good enough job of what they're trying to do. They're not gonna it's not working Google TV -- I honestly thought the whole Google TV -- was gonna. Die after the first run because it was such a train -- yeah and they still pushed out 2.0 will want -- Munich and maybe three point oh we might feel I wonder -- -- Google TV 2.0 as we'll see. -- -- -- Seriously -- and who I hope not to with the site. -- of Google and there aren't general disorganization. The other -- product that they percent this year was the Chrome book. The sub 500 dollar dollar notebook that was. All cloud all the time like that the showcase. Laptop for Google's operating system the current month -- number four of the Google Chrome book. I remember only first heard about this it was like okay kinda neat I'll give it a chance to see. If it really has something to it. And then I know you -- used it for a little -- I had a chance he's and I think I am. I'm not using a laptop that only connected to the cloud yet it was -- -- a cool idea and and when you first when I mean when I first heard about it. Most of what I do is in the cloud read up on Google services I use Google apps -- work -- have all the but the problem was. There's zero media management so if you do in fact have digital files which all of us do we've got music we have photos photos in particular. Where -- from you just -- only use apps and there just weren't that many and honestly it was is I think it's ahead of its time it's like too much hurdle for any mainstream user ever jump over. Thinking aloud it's a whole new thing that's only the web in the -- and that any ports in the hot all until honestly -- lot of these I came out for -- Yes a lot of these fifty. A lot of these cloud products will be amazing in five years when Internet connectivity wirelessly is everywhere -- Like that's you know and its its trying to be ahead of the game but it's as mystifying and an out and yet and honestly it's it's partly -- -- -- think that I don't think that -- Not -- indictment from -- anymore. You know you mind -- All right and number five the almost all non iPad. Tablets. -- -- -- -- her daddy just the main game there's a pile of home. We talked about in the -- is a little bit of how all these competitors -- -- to match or come close and just went. And help flat I have him either Motorola Xoom is the biggest let Panama. -- that was the one we were all fired up about going into CES it was gonna be so amazing super powerful dual core honeycomb. I mean the Xoom every -- hyped about I was personally. -- genuinely excited about a web OS tablet I -- I thought it had the chance because of its appeal its look it's a less. At least do something in an HP pretty much put it on like first generation hardware if even that I I Lehman I can even say it's active to the first iPad right. And that was what they launch with and we all know how that -- out. You can find the money be eBay for -- Need and buy and it's the number do you really tablet advantage. -- -- 99 dollars as many entire cell and that maps and it comes to you right to make anyone and establishing it in how to -- -- -- -- yes definitely I need to know. Electric cars and I and analysts number five electric car number six. Six members next electric cars that's that you -- its electric cars contraction yeah I don't and I don't tell us yeah that's your regular -- -- -- -- -- It's okay if they get this and here did it. Should. I think -- well I think that the biggest problem here is infrastructure and I definitely think. If it were gonna get there you know we will get there. I don't think there right now it's just range anxiety -- there's too many compromises and they don't work for quite enough people. Yeah or people don't think they work for them and that is still a psychological barrier -- -- to your computer you know using torture temptation to happen. Okay temporary setback. Room and you don't think Canaveral and -- liked car. Eventually that -- again it's one of those things that's way down the line from. And now no absolutely not and that -- I really elect Adam and it went -- the present on them like. I can't have that be -- on the car do I want an electric 37 easy now. No human and then wanna say that -- often -- don't. It's the -- -- Scarlett electric there was an electric sports cars is not appealing. -- -- Did it like an artificial speaker that goes around the -- -- I don't. With some of the by Israel Canada and all copiers and violent cartoon actually playing the difference because they were so quiet a lot of electric cars are so quiet there's very -- -- like tree note phones or sounds of people know that -- -- -- -- -- -- it. All right number seven on our list I'm not super familiar with is particle is the Nikon one. Anticipate highly anticipated mirror lists interchangeable lens camera. Which isn't bad but the problem with that once it released is a pretty much didn't live up to the -- and it really -- -- anything better than the competition that was out there idea. Those system as -- it. -- -- -- -- At a bomber also kind of a -- according to -- list got a treat iTunes match I completely I -- -- -- I think this is just. And are now. And it's kind of -- let them yeah I I signed up for the service immediately. One of the promises it takes such a long time to sync your collection and I remember when. Steve Jobs had first talked about iTunes match and he would. You can criticize some of the other companies like it takes days to upload your music catalog will guest slot with iTunes match even though its -- in -- -- songs. It's still take statements of sixteen Tibetan uploading music -- like seriously if it's also. Problems where. If you had a certain songs there are several editions of it all the sudden four or five versions of the songs showed up in my iTunes library and thanks a lot that's great. Eight you have this dependence on the cloud -- a limit for people that like huge music collections when he 5000 songs -- -- I. Once I came down to and I just was like it's gonna plug my phone back to my computer. And the other thing is it's not paired with any kind of is this correct it's not paired with any kind of subscription service so it's not like a Spotify thing we're integrating your own library plus new music. They can listen to any time right. Yet -- it has no streaming function it's just purely Maxine white and you have and making it available -- which is a great idea like there were. There the idea of like -- all my music is on every device about newbies. NFL it to me I felt like every isn't part of an -- to -- -- -- president papers service and I -- to be something like Spotify which gives me the opportunity to listen to new music also may we add that to my collection named -- -- and have him that it was simply about your own music management which uses like. Not quite enough to warrant that we've -- maximum I think even for the user that purchase the service and knew what they were getting into they were still disappointed. Most fuel that I talk to -- just like well. Okay and if you're a person who has -- -- I would devices and you live completely in the Apple world. Okay that's greatly Enola what I buy without iTunes match when I buy a song on the music store. It'll appearance and my other devices because that's how it's built -- I don't I don't really need this iTunes match and this is one of those services that people just unless they do something to invigorate it it's just not gonna go very far -- just -- feeders is gonna be -- Then the -- there was a little trifecta of Apple related disappointment at the end there because after iTunes match we listed iCloud. As a let down. Race where near this day and handle that that primarily I mean I I have to agree with some of this assessment that it is. Super confusing. To understand. At the outset it was it is very confusing to understand exactly what it does what it doesn't do what the limitations are the photo stream thing. The fact you can't delete things from the photo stream like a lot of that was -- -- -- I have to say though with -- even though this is on the list I have definitely heard a bunch of people say who have never used any kind of cloud -- before. That they're like. In have been with iCloud mainly because for once. As an Apple user their contacts their -- simply. I was gonna click on texting alone makes over everything else there's like charity -- -- -- -- has amazing. I was -- actually. I can see why they might think this is appointment but I would lean towards disagreeing on this on as well a little bit because it's it's a little you know yeah whatever side of the -- your on. Because someone like my sister. Who that who asked me what is cloud computing. And as described -- like a hard disk in the -- it's like here looked. Add this contact. It's gonna show up on your other device and she's like oh and you -- have to do anything. Exactly so fine I think something like this I iCloud -- has to be. Almost if there is a way for them to make it invisible and stop trying to touted as a service. That's a problem because the biggest problem one of the reasons that I agree with this being a disappointment mainly is because people were discovering that -- those invisible and it was seamless that it was. Taking them over -- -- -- That it's doing all of this sort of backup and syncing uploading a very big files in some cases with like -- area. That is a problem and -- people over there their limits that it's using -- gigabyte and that it is a security feature. Our security problem. That there -- -- big security expert concerns around iCloud earlier in the year and I would have liked to see it that a little more spelled out because they think. Those are serious problems and disappointments. And drawbacks to iCloud -- It will -- I think the average. Absolutely mainstream -- -- has never gotten -- sync contacts for right now is just like a miracle yet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- kind of hard actually those lenses don't make the list and went on it and do we have ten draws even -- we could come up with. And then likely mention the iPhone for us -- the plan is the number ten honor honored and minimalist like it was. I think that's fair I think that makes it to -- -- that's street think we have to Gino but you'll see what we -- it was so far we have to draws antitrust. CNET 100 into. I like that again I we have a couple -- -- to get through May be we should take a parade. When we come back we're gonna go through just a couple more the sleepers the ones we think we'll be hadn't won twelve may -- some of the really scary one you know. Plus. A little sneak peek at the video version of this than -- -- and so they can get it like and condensed form little teaser complementary. -- -- Hey I'm Molly Wood from and this. Is this CNET 100. Our editors here at CNET have gotten together and creating ten lists of ten tech products that mattered in 2001. Reason or another. Maybe they were awesome maybe totally forgot about it may be only the one -- centers can afford them maybe we're hoping they take off into when he. Well either way this is the definitive collection -- detect that -- And there are 100 products in total. So to make a video you'll actually watch I would like to present to you here and this -- 10100. Word. -- Theory. -- -- -- -- -- -- Cheaper. Pretty. Hot. And cold. Purple. Mean and -- It is little little sneak peek at the media that we did a bit breathless and -- -- arsenal and -- And every little bit. -- But currently no appointments as popping -- champagne. While we did the whole thing that we did the entire list. One inch word -- -- a couple of my high -- thing. And then in that we have one that a list that the one per center I was cracking myself up -- -- because for the 1% analyst aegis of the product and then adds them to cut. Eleven out. And that's basically like 100 -- than 100 faces do you know about did you actually do a real count of how many words you used. Now but I think it's about a 115 and because of that I mean if you count. Rises -- Like at the -- -- 125 like those are technically more than. -- -- -- -- -- That's what it but. Somebody will inevitably anyway watch video that I have. Alright guys -- we're here at every in the CNET 100 this is ten. Of our top ten lists of the year that CNET has put together treated have a little fun with this and also. Debating about what's going -- three get a jump back into the list right now and now we're gonna talk about a category that -- we all kind of -- -- we love things that take us by surprise things that we just didn't expect to be successful blows away so we have a list of those sleepers. And I'm sure some of you in our chat -- that are watching live have have a product that Canon Canada where maybe some of these are on this list but we're gonna start off with the first sleeper at number one and a lab topped that Dan Ackerman just can't get enough of now this is the HP pavilion at the DE MO one. Z and if you saw our holiday help desk -- -- and his top pick of the year. As a laptop mainly because it's at it's almost like. The new incarnation of the netbook except that it's a full featured ultra portable eleven points and six -- and it's less than 500 dollars. The edited and not under powered like a netbook like. -- -- -- -- -- Ruling. In this DM one ZC I should check out their view that if you haven't but one of the hottest laptops on CNET as well -- sick of -- who knew who -- I don't know I didn't know about businesses at number two. The flew on its iPhone and iPod dock -- made this one specialist stand out as affluent sizzling known. For so for really you know. Audio but not necessarily and selling them like really low price points but here what they've come together as they put together this doc. And it's only 899 dollars but our own Stephen Gutenberg. Has said this delivers true audio file sound quality for one -- -- And that is insanely high praise indeed has been rethought his have -- audio feeling act blog on the net for years and he is aimed -- seriousness. Audio -- -- for -- to say that is a big deal especially to her back. And -- you'll find -- some of these sleepers -- have to do with. Excellent audio quality at lower prices embassy team of this and some of other lists as well similar to the Sonos play three actually -- also on the list -- -- It's not super inexpensive but it's not a lot and in fact that in. With the Sonos play three they finally got under 300 dollars for what is sort of a -- looking. Stereo system that sounds really good. Yet the killer thing about -- Sonos play three system is everyone for awhile was on the -- bandwagon -- playing music from your device of these speakers. -- decided to on this product to get rid of that and -- -- York. Mobile device like an Android phone or an IOS device. Today and -- through an -- Play music streaming services pandora. Arianna things like that -- irate. -- and that's also the beauty that we've kind of lost with all these devices and that's why you know we love things like -- -- is. The whole music discovery finding new songs are hearing his songs from his -- of that. The radio has gotta -- that we know we're gonna -- on the rate you know ten of the same damn songs IE -- pace -- really popular product the Sonos play three. It's really cool and I likes honestly we summed it up with of the same thing that sonus is big -- it's hard to explain me -- that works but trust me through. Can. Trust to rest if you -- looking for a -- alternative. The Toshiba portage JR 835 was our top pick -- there -- -- this -- named super nice like -- thirteen inch. Portable very portable laptop 3.2 pounds -- and has a dvd drive -- like the MacBook. And it was like 700 dollars the thing was so popular for awhile it was sold out no you couldn't find anywhere in your blog posts about white couldn't find it anywhere -- -- that was like. So wheat the only thing it lacks near the candles and backlit keyboard. Yet a dvd drive -- an -- -- on ultra book and a police and sync and around what three pounds young. And seven -- You support Asian day the port -- short portage any of the portage payment is not protege notes they turn the technical asking it's that weird is weird word. You know they like to get silly with those stupid words maybe you were run and -- -- things also words assay also mono price known for their cheap. Cheap a CMI cables really like this we know about that -- monster -- and don't don't buy it. We love to take any significantly tournament because they because they're trolls too they're the biggest solar we're gonna come right back -- 8247. Five point one speakers why should you care about this what if I told you you could get five point one -- sound with a subwoofer. And again our own Steve Gutenberg says. It actually sounds -- what he think the price can be -- What do you think -- -- -- 300 dollars how about 84 box. Showed up eighty bucks for five point one surround sound that's impossible. That sounds good like -- -- -- review. Actually -- For your kitchen and this from -- for your party -- I just -- -- TV sound like for 84 dollars I could be having again -- -- around. See guys this is different this is not cheap skate this is not our -- blog this is like actual recommendations. Blew us away. -- this from -- you know the up and if you were if -- like the last person in the world buying an actual poignancy camera. Then we recommend the Sony cyber shot DSC HX nine V by he meant by that by the way and -- is not a special deal to my guess this is always umbrellas -- trying to talk bad about her boy -- and I never know bay with our highest rated camera of the year it was basically again basically perfect and if you have met. Our photo editors are camera editors like Lori Grunin and Richard Peterson -- -- Grunin and -- Josh Goldman you'll know. That for them to get anything this high -- rating is nothing short of astonishing. So check -- -- -- a few really. If you wanna put into effect they're only gripe is that may be like to. I haven't heard that before and also number seven in that Panasonic. TCP fifty ST thirty -- did you get an ST thirty model. I got it TC -- -- profits SE thirty and it's likely that it would be my IE I'm got to imagine if David Katzmaier -- -- You got ST thirty series and the reason why its Panasonic known for at least this year -- until recently. The best image quality and a plasma they have other lines below at the GT thirty and ST thirty this is really your best -- for a buck. We talk about okay fine in May not be as elegantly designed but with. Excellent video calling timeout 380 built in 900 dollars for fifty -- yeah -- it's insane and the Panasonic displays. Love them. Love them path -- possible that's what I imagine you got that's a pretty straight -- would've told you get the GT that they out of 42 and so that's an opportunity and but I think it has that same line and -- -- it was an amazing breadth. So. Also has apps and now we're connected s.'s killer deal. Dude isn't that is already 78. -- my -- and. I was so excited about -- do. You said that to me as they do know that. Oregon isn't -- place isn't. Also -- number eight for our sleepers. And we show some love to all the platforms and this is legit the Samsung Focus acts. Those -- seven phone -- on this phone is -- I gotta say and this one this is a truce sleeper exit came out and -- the year it is definitely were saying. The best Windows Phone. Phone -- is available it's got the the whole awesome ness of mango all in place because it's supported by the right hardware and IB Samsung phones are wonderful -- galaxy. Lion has been awesome the focus -- now is sort of you know along those same lines it's only on AT&T. But it is. This I think is the phone that finally delivers on the promise of mango and if -- a lot of people trying to get their hands on it the insurgency have -- Some interest -- that you know that that's gonna be one of the biggest but really it's a great yeah and it's only fifty dollars I think that's. Really. Think so -- double checked. And while you double check when we talk about iPad competitors. Starting it acts just like with that -- A why outdated compared masterminds has been -- -- -- blends them and number nine on our sleeper hit some iPad competitors this one came towards in the year. The Asus EEE pad transformer prime in a tablet that is thinner than the iPad two. Has HDMI out and an SD card slot. And ten dock. To a keyboard base that really makes it like a mini laptop and it it's -- done well done. And its Quad Core. This being done is this is fascinating we had a we had a question yesterday in the holiday campus that we didn't get to an email and it was like should I get an ultra book. For a transformer prime and I have to say I think that is a toxin because this thing is battered box. And with the 150 dollar dock and gives you a lot of the functionality of an -- but I mean it's just. It's really cool. By far we you know we've run it through its paces I got to play with it all weekend. It -- the calling it the best Android tablet on the market it's still not. Necessarily on the market right now its -- going on -- pretty soon and there were some rumors about that if it is coming or not this year. But this is by far the best Android tablet that we've used and I looked completely -- that the performance. The speed has some nice snazzy graphical transitions and its flexibility. To do all this you do have to -- to -- -- for the keyboard dock but. It's an option. And it's a really cool option because as we've discussed so many times tablets and attendees delegates and have worked on yup and this thing has the power to do it and then the keyboard option -- And again for all you people who notice that is desolate it's thinner than your eyes and tsuboi. -- it's like -- hair but it's there. Dammit and lighter it's -- it so when it. And then finally on a -- list less than thirteen hundred dollars Spore. The Lenovo idea center B 520 which is an iMac competitor I didn't even know that this existed. But the whole -- -- series -- -- a sleeper it was all in one market sort of quietly. Chugging along and growing and replacing desktops. -- -- This I -- dollar and one concept for one thing and then this one is nice it's actually pretty attractive. Has Nvidia's 3-D vision -- Blu-ray pumped inside right and a 23 inch. Touch screen -- that's -- iMac that is. It will. And the fact that it doesn't -- is pretty amazing how does that mean I have tried some of these PC based Linux and aids he and it's a use case -- really there's not -- -- I wouldn't touch my iMac. Screen. -- the kitchen PC I am all over the kitchen PC -- we'll we'll see. I there are many other lists that you should check out -- we have a nice day the other kind of big one is the tech -- were waiting for that we hope is going to come along in 2012 like obviously. 3-D TV yeah it there did get a couple other ones on the list of all day batteries. Asthma have -- and that's not how good luck. That's I like the dream yet. Some actually great club stores that integrates better with your home network. Color. CES so America. There with a 1 that I really am gonna light a candle for and -- -- -- -- for this again is the password solution. Yes I'm about to lose my -- eleven mines with how many things I have to sign into. And how insecure they all are because there's no way that each one of them is getting like a discrete useful and no I'm not using the lockers the password -- -- and techno. That is not a truly elegant -- -- solution we need one for real. There I mean we -- have cameras can we do something like facial recognition and know able where can I hold a still photo up to it something he felt something. Now -- all of a true iPad alternative button where we're -- -- -- you know we talk about the Kindle fire which is. Kind of a different market but will there be one that stands tall right neck and neck with the iPad are able to transfer from machine to be -- high order. We'll see also smarter TVs. This is the time for us to see that. Truly smarter TVs and truly intelligent voice recognition now -- is like a week in the salt of the possibilities until we are totally ready. IE don't wanna miss the -- the list of the ones they keep us up at night is truly. A terrifying list of -- placement agency and the one word video. Five of the ten largest surveillance that is over and Alex surveillance surveillance surveillance -- -- robots ever muscles and drones and better. If there -- letting you know government policies that we're not so hot about like the so bus stop not -- -- privacy act. Com hackers and what they're up to everything that will scare your pants including. Murder all the way up to and including drug cartels -- bloggers I -- -- it. It will definitely terrify you -- project that -- don't miss the celebrity entourage. One nugget out of that you're gonna wanna know Kevin Mitnick the most famous hacker in the world his favorite gadget -- -- now. The iPad two. You know when you're tired of hacking as well as suspected little seems -- -- that's an insane he started that we get the beautiful lands that really -- gadgets the forgettable platonic cracked me up the stuff that with like really really -- get created in ma. And then of course the 1% yours for when you wanna and it has the luxury of all luxuries -- analogy is you can see them all. At slash CNET 100 the video is there at the -- very bottom of the page or you can find it on CNET TV. And out that's it for our special are special and of the year lists to wrap up and a and of course. I won't be here. Button there is a regular buzz out loud episode happening this coming Thursday December 15 and I'm sorry -- it's okay I'll forgive you we have the rumor has it girls in the house. Friend Emily they're gonna be. Make their debut on buzz out loud yet and I who knows -- -- about the whole beverages -- try to make me drink a I can tell you they won't be successful doesn't like it not a drinkers -- -- media if -- if they bring it can be funny. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- have a great day have a great time have a great CNET alleged check it out and LC guys next time all right. Writing the.

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