Remembering Steve Jobs
Remembering Steve Jobs

Remembering Steve Jobs

Your lives. -- -- -- I'm Molly Wood here with Brian Tong and Donald bell and -- -- -- here from we -- they've just gone live with special coverage. Because we have only learn about an hour ago that Steve Jobs has passed away. Which is terrible. I think is the first moment that we've kind of had a minute to exit. And breathe and say it out loud. -- -- the first of many teary moments thank you for joining us if you're here we are going to be taking your calls live 100. -- 1888900. TN ETT 638 because we really want to a kind of have. A memorial if you will here and there is -- -- Talk about some of their experiences. Their thoughts how Steve impact their lives all this -- in this room. Are covering technology so clearly. You know we were impacted are drawn in in some way or shape or form by what Steve Jobs has done -- you guys that are listening right now. Have as well so -- Do -- do we want to go to the Apple Store first off. -- -- -- let's set up I think what we plan to do a little bit we. We're we're gonna stay on air basically as long as we can them we all heard this news like this and may be about an hour ago an hour and a half ago. I think it was first reported by Associated Press. And and there's so far has been only what we know so far is that there's only been a very brief statement from Apple saying that they were. Extremely saddened to hear you -- that's. Yeah I have -- -- here so on Apple's website at Apple dot com if you click on the image of Steve Apple released their statement. As they say Apple has lost a visionary and trade of genius and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor Steve leaves behind a company that only she could -- built. And his -- will forever be the foundation of Apple and in addition to that statement. They they have written where if you would like to share your thoughts memories and condolences. You can email at this email address remembering Steve at Apple dot com and those will go through its Apple so there -- going to be collecting. Those -- messages as well. It is. Not probably not surprising that it was phenomenal to see how quickly this news spread within about twenty minutes or so you can -- Apple dot com website and looking get to that site right now but Apple dot com web -- almost immediately. Put out. Frankly to establish a heart there's so you know the beautiful simplicity of Apple is so heartbreaking and that -- -- of the moment when I knew that it was. Was really happening anyway -- that's -- At Apple dot com right now obviously words of condolences are pouring in Bill Gates has issued a statement saying I'm truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs -- death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends and everyone Steve has -- through his work. It's -- enforcement nearly thirty years ago and -- colleagues competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who's had the profound impact Steve has had the -- which will be felt for many generations to. Now I also have a statement here this is from Steve Jobs -- family. They issued a statement. And they have the industry in -- died peacefully today surrounded by his family in his public life Steve was known as a visionary in his private life. -- -- -- -- -- We are thankful to the many people who have shared their wishes and prayers during the last -- Steve's illness a website will be provided for those who wish to offer tributes and memories. We are grateful for the supporting kindness of those who share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you'll mourn with -- and we ask that you respect our privacy. During our time of grief and that is the statement from Steve Jobs own family. As you can imagine that -- That outpouring I mean because it as we talked about many times as -- -- the technology world but the entertainment world opinion Pixar that it's just. It's been remarkable so far to see everything come together we of course on the show wanna hear from UN and like we said we'll be taking your calls. We also please feel free to tweak any of -- -- -- Molly Wood and at -- -- tong at Donald. And let us know your thoughts and I -- -- we've heard so far that the flags in Cupertino. Are at half staff we we do want to at some point go over to the Apple Store. And show you the scene there the Apple Store in San Francisco and I think. There is very -- that if people are are kind of I think without knowing what else to do. It seems like just showing up at the Apple Store -- news crews of course are showing up at the Apple service seems like -- -- but that people are as well and then we we have some calls already we have one call from a woman -- identified herself as an Apple. Employee and I think that she is on the line now so yeah. Her name -- -- so we're gonna go to her in a moment. Sarah this is Brian and -- and Donald from buzz out loud to nearest. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- us a little bit about why you call this from what we understand you are an Apple employee is that -- Work -- app and it was that ten years and are. -- -- -- Are targeted at college and calling it stated. Wouldn't it -- I get but it's a little while ago. We've been getting updates throughout the day on -- Got -- -- -- we can't believe it. -- -- -- I can't imagine -- news at I mean weren't -- here we don't work there can you. Tell us a little bit about the kind of the data -- influence of Steve Jobs in the Apple offices in I see someone that you. Feel like you interacted with often and isn't just a personal -- -- is it really just the guiding light of the company. -- -- -- -- their time there's a little delay -- NL -- -- hear -- -- And bought and they're well volume as the best you gotta turn you can turn off -- you're going to stay he's with on the ameliorate. When -- came back to work with him. When needed -- but -- art but. What would not Iowa who are actual iPod. Apart. It is outdated day eat it actually -- Some people -- Clayton Anderson and their. He -- and -- In design. In architecture. In the coating everything -- everything it -- but it. -- job and eagle and work. A you don't look why. And -- and a pilot. Does it because -- So they can -- and -- you've gone from white ink. We're all -- -- Much -- and technical. Department would -- only. -- front end treatment. Or any of actually -- -- it in. -- you bought it even -- -- certain things than just knowing. You know and -- -- so you're implementing. All people with vision and it by via. Well it to heart and she wouldn't -- Christians. It will be. One of -- -- Edmonton. I wish him ask users to its heart and it's. And I think everybody kind of in -- -- you know I really -- -- be called -- it -- Together because it. It would also in such shock. I think we Eagles wouldn't know what you get that -- -- but. I don't think we plant expected. To -- up throughout the day you're. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not a question for you Sarah arm and -- use as said you know we've seen the transition of C stepping down what was. How is the house the company. From what from your president have you seen how they've kind of move forward with the transition from Steve's -- -- had to have you felt that Steve's DNA was really. Being drained in all view. I think that the people. -- -- -- -- People that you prepare or are going it was at present -- I that you are so -- -- -- You know what they're. Keeping -- change their -- She accepts. They're -- There are sure it didn't get. I think. It. Apollo vehicle went. Well. That's that is similar to efforts at thank you so much and I can imagine that in that you guys will -- And banding together as fellow employees and the days to come. Thank you so much for calling us please call us -- you don't have to be an Apple employee. We're to have known as Steve Jobs we obviously will Brian -- was -- but were not -- didn't. To feel affected so so please feel free to email us buzz at we -- Read your thoughts -- on here for -- 101888900. CN ET. And as we mentioned we will be live here at and as long as we need to be basically talking about. -- -- map what's just to just just understanding just remembering. Yeah I mean I think I can agree -- may be -- their -- -- when we heard the news at least here in the office it's it was this weird team -- -- a real feeling. -- -- -- This is an icon that has -- everything we do I just I mean I'm still -- I think we're still all a little bit in -- but. You know we're here to talk about it with you guys and just here to talk about in -- -- impact than Alexi that He has -- all this technology that's around us in this room. Who I think it's also it is interesting going back to the caller. It's -- Apple and their corporate culture and I think a lot people outside of the tech industry -- don't realize. How small company Apple really is still we think an Apple -- this giant. Can attack monolith. And all the influence they have -- -- -- having gone to the -- has a couple plans for a few different events and and meeting a few different people you -- struck by how China. It's like. Not modern up to Dayton how low profile that campuses. And the people they I mean there's a lot of other. Now areas around that are all linked up and Apple but just the the community that can be one who -- at Apple. I imagine that it's in really asked me how felt deeply and -- and very personal way to know that. Steve has passed the amendment and can bet that the whole corporate culture that's there and Apple's gotta be in her in China. Here a couple more -- -- of reactions from around the web and around the industry Verizon CEO Lowell Mike Adams says. Our industry and all of our customers benefited tremendously. From his pursuit of excellence Tim Cook. Obviously Apple CEO in an employee to his staff said I have some very sad news to share with you Steve passed away earlier today. Apple has lost a visionary and a creative genius and the world has lost an amazing human being. The board said the Apple board of directors issued a statement saying Steve's -- passion and energy were the source of countless animations that in rich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because -- Steve. Yeah we also have some other comments from amongst his peers Google co-founder Larry Page said jobs was -- to reach out to one page became CEO. Of Google and He offered his and offered him advice Larry Page said I'm very very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say and very few words. When you actually should have been thinking before you thought it his focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. You also have someone like Bob Metcalf co inventor of the ethernet of ethernet you know the connectivity the -- alas Steve Jobs -- died may He rest in peace. What are we going to do now without his insanely greatness. You know that's. -- co-founder Steve case that I feel honored to have known Steve Jobs -- the most innovative entrepreneur of our generation his legacy will live on for they just as we mentioned that the flags there are at Cupertino or at half staff apparently we have some video of valleys and -- A -- down there to sort of see you know you can imagine -- -- people are not only going to be gathering at these places but trying to figure out kind of how best -- Nab also seen at a picture from classic music on an internment that there's -- -- are being put them. That one -- one -- -- I can imagine. It's remarkable how and as we -- we -- we saw earlier all the people at the Apple Store in San Francisco we have our crew there. And then that is to sort of continuing they're -- they're just. People are streaming data or the Apple Store this is footage some -- from our team out there. -- on the ground live from live from the Apple Store -- -- Cisco's you can see. Some of the passer -- as in the crowds this kind of hanging around in just seen what's what's gonna happen over there yet it's interesting you sort of feel like. They're obviously people just passing by and then there's the people they have the sense that they don't know what else and you know like when we just wanna be around this I mean these stores you know let's be clear these stores are. Their own kind of tourist attraction people come to San Francisco and go to the Apple Store people go when there in New York Apple Store is one of the things that they insist they have to view and an -- stores or death are like an actual. Artifact of this Steve Jobs era you know -- that the idea that computer companies could make. -- online storefronts and directly solve their merchandise and attract legions of people to their stores. Just to see -- their latest computers and phones and iPods and all that. I mean that's that's a uniquely Steve Jobs -- Phnom you know. Absolutely -- revolutionizing just the retail industry when at a time people -- -- after the fact that you're going to build. A store that just sells computers Gateway tried it before then and they weren't successful. They were hurt picking up high priced real estate in in shopping areas that you were like okay are you gonna hedge your bets here and it's turned out to be quite the phenomena in the retail and and other companies are now trying to implement that. We talked about -- and kind of briefly mentioned the we will ditch your calls and -- second only briefly mentioned Tim cook's statement. To the acts employs we have the full text of the email here sites wanted to read this. Tim Cook says team I have some very sad news to share with all of you Steve passed away earlier today. Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius and the world has lost an amazing human being those of us who have been fortunate to know and work with Steve. Have lost a dear friend and an inspiring -- -- Steve leaves behind a company that only she could have built and -- -- will forever be the foundation. We are planning a celebration of Steve's -- -- extraordinary life for Apple employs double take place soon. If you like to share thoughts memories and adults is in the interim -- can simply email remembering Steve at Apple dot com. No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve's death or gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work He loved so much. All right so let's say it -- -- -- that the phones and see what people are thinking there aren't enough. Alright we have our friend land in the land in. -- let me know if you can -- hearing now -- -- -- there. They -- and you could please turned down your computer just talk us through the phone because of the delay that betrayed that -- once you do that we would like to stay here you know why -- calling in just some your thoughts on how you're feeling. I'm on my mom ran down the stairs and all merely I didn't leave our -- I immediately went from an iPhone and checked it there. Are. -- -- -- it from you Molly Janet. I just started crying out as such that semi and I don't -- know why. I never actually and I'm only sixteen well I do anything -- see great yet and all things that it's not like. Right now in my English pop -- and writing a Paper out and and I have to change all those things surpassed parents coaches really. No we're seen as you're talking women were so we just saw some flowers that have already started the they were laid down in front of the entryway. At the Apple Store on the you can see people -- news trucks are out there but were -- Tennessee's some of the first. -- -- pain on it in respect to out to Steve in front of Apple stores. Armed how to talk to us for yourself. You've taught us about how you feel -- -- of the impact that Steve Jobs and Apple parts -- had on your life. I think it has helped me greatly and it -- English site like second I thought there's control. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think it helps me stay organized on politics and contacts. And it's helped me trade great -- some. Yeah I have to think about sound to see my own self I grew up -- high school. Phones -- like -- to cell phone users can -- you know and the Internet literally just -- hitting at that time and and -- saving out for my first Apple Computer. In I think I got clone to listen cereal Apple may be it is -- and Apple is making tons. Our was allowed people to make and that's enough for that and that just knowing at that time that that. Just completely noticeable difference between what Apple was making with their OS and the kind of computers they're making. On and how much that spoke to me is to -- This kind of creative -- He kid in high school. And wanted just. Knowing without question that that was -- -- this system that I wanted that was and the kind of computer I want to use. I think that that is so much of what. Steve Jobs had had done to influence that industry. And I -- I can't imagine. You know that with not -- that counterpoint to. You then the Microsoft of the world and content the more that legacy of computing being kind of cold and and just you know basic programming things -- that. Yeah absolutely. So things -- -- -- call we really pre shared time if you guys wanna -- and and it just tell us your thoughts and how you felt when you heard the news you guys can call us. At 1888900. CNET. That's 262368. At the bottom. 263 and I believe CN ET so you guys can -- -- there also armed. We do wanna -- -- just temporarily stepped out to do another call as we are doing this broadcast. Kind of getting pulled -- a lot of different directions but we did wanna go back to the phone lines -- -- -- Ian eons in Orlando Florida and -- just. Tell us how you're feeling today and how you reacted when you first heard the news. While I was sitting at a restaurant actually and I caught between a copy Hollywood's -- arms. And I -- -- polish and my heart sank and I you know. The order of what -- I doubt you'll. -- jobs and aren't from Apple no big deal -- -- board member that signs. What I found that He passed away when I jumped on Apple dot com my -- all -- about -- I'm not kidding. I'm not an Apple fan by at all but I mean its its chat for a man who literally -- the -- -- We think -- technology day. Absolutely now lets tell some of the ways that you -- you felt that. You -- brought in to the experience right YouTube you've used Apple products. Four. Are yet how we first -- Reggie fight in actually -- -- -- try. And I absolutely. Thought it was totally better then windows by. -- I -- little social party unity as -- buggy and it crashed and are we need -- Mac -- actual ship so clean and beautiful. And what first got -- and I'm like wow this is amazing. -- -- -- -- -- three years later I'm using the I -- And -- it's it's it's the best device I've ever used them He clearly changed equality -- much how I got an Apple. I gotta think about even to again gone back to my own experience in being in that that kind generation -- You people -- just cern get used the idea of a personal computer. And -- I think there's a part of like the eighty's and people -- into think they knew they had to have the personal computer to be part. -- the future and the like learn word processing and typing on computers and the typewriter dedicated -- processor. But -- -- -- few things you could do with beanie -- how one. But there wasn't a lot and if I remember like my own like my baby sitter had like -- TR SE -- the RadioShack. It's you know computer. And like -- like. Yet because it thought somebody steps and do like a lot like enter in my actual you know program in -- -- just like launch. Some crappy solitaire games something like yeah yeah yeah but yet it is so much working at the -- -- read manuals to figure how -- even get this and open up like a word like you know a document that I can type in. And then switching from that experience to in grade school my -- was a -- school teacher. And they had like Apple to needs. That were in the classroom and that that was a cool thing that was like the -- we act kind of like -- my mom's job was cool it with over the summer. They would let teachers take the Apple -- -- -- home with them. Like get up on the technology to my mom like resisted and I know executives. Until like a year ago. But I got to have the advantage of baton you know. -- -- all kinds of crappy weird. Walking trail eighties games on -- is that shuffle play game with like or creatures and I'd like -- liking this as a -- don't like -- that technology was so much more comfortable to be year round was that. This -- to lower the intimidation factor on. Hang around -- computer and figuring out what these things to do what you would want to do with them and pre Internet you know it was such a big deal I think that. That just that small little thing that thing -- really change town entire generation got comfortable with computers. Yeah absolutely -- we will obviously talk more about that -- Kind of bounce back if Oracle we wanted you for the time being is we have a look from Brian Cooley. As Steve's incredible life just a great retrospective in the -- show that you guys to sit back and enjoy and we will be back in the studio. And we'll take -- your calls and read more the comments that are flooding on the Internet. The trust that the dots will somehow connecting your future you have to trust -- something. Your gut destiny life karma whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road. We'll give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leaves you off the well worn path. A philosophy Steve Jobs alerts to embrace after a life of victories and setbacks and surprising diversions that made him an agent of change in how we communicate better entertained. He is gone but his vision of our digital world very much remains. The story of his life in technology played out in three acts the magnitude of which can only really be seen now looking back. Pack one this 1977. Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak introduced the Apple two the first successful personal computer. But in 1984 brought a much bigger milestone in the first personal computer that was really personal today. For the first time ever. I'd like to let Macintosh speak for itself. -- -- -- -- -- It truly believe -- -- our book that's bad. The graphical interface. Mouse and creative software and whimsical design and it was a completely different animal from this -- machines coming from Microsoft and Intel. Just as different -- the TV commercials that announced the Mac. One they still talk about in the -- business today and which showed -- jobs and technology sells better with a little hike. But none of that would be enough to hold back the juggernaut of Intel and Microsoft and the difficulties Apple faced in growing the Mac business -- to jobs being shown the door at his own company in 1985. I was basically fired from homes. That was difficult and when it happened but may -- the best thing that happens. To shortly after jobs -- founds next different isn't it kind of advanced workstation computer. -- runs on an object oriented software architecture which would become the basis of a dramatically new and better Mac OS years later. Similarly telling was the design of the next machine stylish austere and breaking convention. Sound familiar. In 1986. Jobs also acquired the graphic arts division of Lucas and turning it into Pixar. The studio that mainstream animated features. And can boast that its films deliver the highest average gross revenue of any studio in the film industry. But -- classic form -- three was job's biggest. He retook the Helm of a nearly bankrupt Apple. And introduced the I Mac the following year -- what was the first of what we now call a -- -- -- homes. From the marriage of the excitement on the Internet. With the simplicity of Macintosh. It was the first personal computer designed around the Internet. What Bill Gates and Microsoft -- to the PC era of jobs was about to become to the Internet and eventually mobile. -- Credible stuff. To show you today his presentation skills and events such as MacWorld would become legendary examples of showmanship and star power in industry it's really beautiful. This is what it looks. Detractors would deride jobs height -- reality distortion seen but the iMac at work and Apple Begin to turn around. But jobs -- single biggest course change for Apple was not a computer but the iPod what is iPod. I -- -- -- regular department. There is right there. Introduced in October 2001 the smallest size spacious and capacity. And looked good. But more importantly it diversified Apple away from head on competition with the win Tel computer makers while luring away their customers when iTunes launched windows support in October of 03. I'm here are reporting today that this is happens. Apple Begin to re write the music business to become a major media player and got its first taste market dominance. But in terms of financial success nothing tops the Apple product that was built on the shoulders of the -- -- is going to reinvent. The -- IPod good jobs and Apple showed an uncanny ability to once again get the formula right above here the originated. And make a piece of advanced technology seems simple and magical and fashionable with SA DN AP iPad -- in an April 20 -- You'd like to show it to you today for the first time. And we call it the iPad and again but -- Companies had only nibbled at the edges here so it's so much more intimate personal laptop. And it's so much more capable. In the Smartphone Apple has had its share of flops they mostly paled compared to its fixed and there -- always notes of hubris around the latter day company. Seemed most in jobs almost dismissing documented problems with the iPhone four's antenna we think it's affecting a small percentage of users. And we think some of that problem is inherent. In most every Smartphone. But mostly -- since jobs returned has been a culture change -- as much as a technology company. One of the biggest success stories in American businesses and virtually in the visible from the identity of its CEO. And it seems right that the best epitaph for him might be found in the words of an Apple TV commercial that wasn't really selling anything. Except Apple. And while some may see them. As the crazy. We see -- -- the people who are crazy enough. I think they can change the world. -- Welcome back everyone as you sign -- One of many retrospective that I think will be -- all over the web today in case. Just it sort of explain what we're doing here if you just joined us. Myself Molly Wood I'm here with Brian Tong and Donald bell and we are taking your calls hopefully your emails your tweets. Just just. Just responding to this news that's Steve Jobs has passed away. Yelled one quick thing come just -- show the impact of this in the tech world Twitter has actually crash now. People are reporting that I can't get through to -- people in our chat room that are saying it's down on so. This is this is sending its ripples through the Twitter verse as as we kind of expect. Yeah. You know the I -- it now it is it's it's remarkable to see how I mean I keep saying this but the the way that. That the response has been so focused so quickly that -- sort of -- like the design humans talking about -- now and I don't think that that's. I don't think that's not the case I don't think that's our tech bubble talking and no evidence that that's really this is really happening. You know I think it's it's also interest and this is coming on the heels of you know -- iPhone four and S announced man all of there's a there's a lot of kind of -- You know bickering about you know all you know which which -- his -- not quite living -- my Apple vitamins that kind of so much of that seems so small now. And -- Compared to the impact of this man's life and -- passing -- It's it's tough to kind of snap back into what's really important and actually get more this long view one. No one man's life in his influence on technology. Yeah and we know when you talked about some of influence and on him and technology news you talked about earlier about your experience is like the Apple the Apple -- is and things of that nature -- -- -- home or Indian -- maybe. It's one thing is we know like these we -- superlative words about -- like visionary. Genius. Innovator and that. That's Thursday in Nevada and -- -- Does not do something about I could not be -- that goes to Nevada I think that's actually one of them that as. Did that do not gloss over that one because He was this guy who like I -- I don't think He started out necessarily to be. Like as technology CEO and I mean when He started out -- -- -- Being a computer. Like and being the leader of of of computer industry was not a big deal -- who is kind of like. -- litter I mean it's. Go -- like the idea of him making like Apple in -- -- with Wozniak and that whole genome. Legacy. But. So much of that was just with passion and wind makes being like a perfectionist about making a computer. That didn't exist yet. And and life I think that is one of those qualities that. Carry through all the way to the the end of these days that no other camp anywhere else and industry right now and see that same quality movement of that. Caring when no one was. Looking human no one cared and when there's no industry team and -- you -- and -- to open their shoulders. That kind of passion is targeted are to create these days are fake. -- -- this thing actually that I think one of the things that made him so unique is that He was not just anti violence on -- He was not just a businessman right so as a CEO of -- consumer electronics. Company what He really brought that was that is so unique and will always be unique was that artistic vision and that's that mean because what He really -- like a lover of art. A creative person you know -- in the last. Presentation He gave the lesson of Steve note that He -- He really talked about how Apple was a company that. Infused its products with the spirit of liberal arts and that they that He it was more than technology and I think that's kind of always the case I was technology as art. And and there was always sort of that thread of media. And beauty that ran through an even from the days when it was they were the computers that designers used -- And one of the things also that stands out so much as you know He. Not only -- pass -- all those things but He was able to bring technology. To my mom you know -- to my drama. To people who. Where it would look at computers may -- let's say tens -- -- years ago. And -- and -- -- wanna touch them or try them you know this is my mom who doesn't know how to set a VCR and asks me to still do it. But can understand how to use an iPhone. And has been able to. Just mainstream that -- that was one of his passions beliefs like make this technology invisible. Making it easy use and -- -- digest the -- with and let them get the benefits of technology without. The trouble and when that adds up to spread that that's everywhere you see -- -- And He said that speaks to also dispatch generation that I remember growing up with -- there is computers that there is no Internet -- -- there's no popular version of the Internet. There's -- -- to go on it He you know involved like putting -- hand -- into a cradle and trying to dial up some renowned bulletin board system on 144 modem. I do have one really quick -- -- from one of my friends inside of Apple retail they tell me that today com. We will be turning off our Apple logo retail store lights across the company. That's the that's funny actually Chicago protecting just and then in the chat that the Apple stores. In Chicago have turned -- -- -- -- and the Big Apple has gone dark so looks like they'll be turning that and you we know how -- those shine and that's. That's about some packed full -- and speaking of that actually we want to get some reaction from San Francisco we do have that crew on the ground on the ground. At we have that crew in San Francisco at the Apple Store we want to go live to Bridget Terry. Who's talking to some people there. I am Bridget -- with CNET TV here at the San Francisco flagship Apple Store. Where people are coming -- -- user's backs. Very hectic here. For the -- by. Heat their reaction after learning that -- as they -- by. Some people learn their reactions and insights -- or by browsing the web on Apple devices like night time. Mile RE society flowers. -- of the and other -- okay. Look it's seen the motion. The vehicle as they hit the -- panic. Stick this on this day. People like -- which -- indictments. -- where you from and -- and it's gonna. It's easier than it started today. Doesn't work and a -- friend works for Apple thanked me. So what if you wanna stay here today -- thought to be good place to come and respects to someone. It's a rare and it only change the world. Steve Jobs absolutely did not immeasurably. On unscrupulous. And happy when people feel like. Banks and other students and things we'll -- tablets out and people who use this way high achieving and t.'s president. So you -- your tablet here management come out and its -- -- minutes. And I I grew up using Macs I learned how to do is offered only about ten years ago on my first Mac and I'm doing that ever since then moved out here in San Francisco at CE part of the -- revolution going on right now. And -- If it wasn't for Steve Jobs and Apple I'd probably organically -- career paths. Came out here and. We get for living and -- -- making. -- -- -- -- definitely impact your life. Well this crowd it's just very. We have people just don't want you are here it's. You can see is hitting people. Yes I I've also heard from other people on Monday when you book -- international night. Sharing that they -- bothering them it's. Another -- please come by just wanna stay here that respects it's been a pretty powerful thing. -- -- Thank you so much Bridget it's it's really -- you can imagine at that scene is only going to get more intense immunized. Heartbreaking that so touching to see -- just -- stand there with his photo and kind of you know I mean it. It's always been not one at that is going to be one of the biggest challenges and that's going to be when it the things that will be the most. They're interesting and hard to watches what is what happens with Apple now because Apple is so is Steve Johnston and people -- -- that Apple Store because they're thinking Steve Jobs. Damn -- we've talked about the impact of a glacier -- Apple has a roadmap probably planned out for the next three or four years with their product line. The that they still don't have that a visionary and Steve Jobs and how much of his. Influence and is DNA and thought process trickles down to those executives that'll that remains yet to be seen. But on you know you'd lose that figure -- we saw even in the keynote with before as. You know. No one is gonna be able to replace -- of some of that prison on that natural -- that Steve has for his Steve notes. And that some people are speculating before we heard this music what if Steve was there would He had been able to at least. Make people feel a little better about the iPhone four -- would He have been able to say look guys. These features are amazing what you gain they never really pounded that features inside this phone are like the guts of a next generation phone we've improved the antenna we're giving you faster data. Instead it was kind of just -- -- -- still ciller talking about the specs the phone. Letting people decide for themselves. -- He was a master at kind of -- okay these are the specs. But is and how He should think about them and why should still be impressed him and so we miss that out of added out of that keynote and that's one of those those. Intangibles that you just can't translate anyone else. Counsel Richard and I remember just when we were we talk about this when -- stepped down my notebook has a month ago when you hit Canon says that this I can't I can't be here anymore. That I'm just cut taking stock of the industry and who is kind of right -- To balance to pounce on like that that Apple's lead and -- okay now that you know Steve Jobs this is resigning owning this is. HP is turned it really make their PC business -- now HP's gone. -- who else is gonna step up and and then mobile phone market aside from. And Google -- an entirely different kind of way of making. That their phone product and to compete against the iPhone so it's. Even though that -- -- Steve Jobs has left Apple still think Apple isn't -- -- position in the industry right now probably will be able to maintain that for awhile. -- so there's -- that they mean part of the legacy hiring of the great people -- and most people are gonna disappear overnight. And its very nature. Let's hear some more of your -- Texas got the phone they know that we have several people who've been on the line for quite awhile now never gonna go to. Are you there can you hear a strain now. -- is still there He is there He. The idea. I can't register not my speaker. There are these guys -- you're just a reminder for everyone that's calling in if you guys -- pleased renowned speakers your computer on the dual. We won't have this -- and you'll be able to speak to us directly but we appreciate you calling -- waiting so long media arm tell us how you're feeling in your reactions to everything. You know -- treat it because. If you like it up for -- not get any feel like. In you know what's coming you know it's going about you know -- got up way up Jacob our own audience leaving the company. Like you know. You'd until it comes out there and it -- fifteen and basically. For the past three years. Apple in my life I I don't know ordered an. -- -- -- How what -- -- -- that start you know is that the first computer you had it that way it is a good amount. I -- are such. And Alcoa -- in -- so they're not -- is an Apple fan and that. One day Erin and I finally -- -- switched out for sure so much every other night except I'm switching to Mac. And that eventually you know now are old we -- a peek into and out and everything in her we have like ipads and Macs -- not thought. I am so. I'm am so fascinated by. That that you're like a new generation right the second generation of of Apple consumers because my first Apple product and -- them the Mac classic crazy media line is it's remarkable to hear that you started out like an iPod Touch. I think there's also remarkable way to talk about how that. Apple's take on having that trickle up approach of buying something like an iPhone and iPod Touch -- that. Meg getting people so invested in the Apple way of doing things that they would choose different computers choose different ways of of access and the Internet and doing -- doing things the Apple way. Absolutely thank you for earth thank you so much for calling and really ensuring your thoughts of those looks. We had we've we have been telling you to call for all the time had not taken any calls caregiver -- Okay now on an excellent on our -- -- -- and have a special guests here this is a forgive me if I pronounce your name incorrectly but this is Tim buys drain and -- and I'm sorry -- a parent and Tim urine and Apple analysts believe known c.s since 1997 is that correct. Could not -- -- 1981. And you could you just tell us for thirty years He said that's pretty improvements impressive and amazing could you just tell us. Your reaction -- -- reactions when you first heard the news. -- I don't know it. What she. Stepped down from world you know. Pretty sure it -- -- An obvious my reaction -- Is that while Apple. Ortiz and obviously. -- -- -- court to force all of wipes. -- and and now can you talk about sort of that we had an employee from Apple on the line earlier who was talking about how they get Apple we're so. That that they felt god it was her word can you talk about sort of that them. The atmosphere that He created -- -- people felt like it was they were part of that family. Yeah absolutely especially. -- Connection and -- -- -- Apple billion dollars. Or a bankruptcy. Under that state law is mostly. The job. -- Oh and bottom line. Here is where that there that option now or -- there there are. And what was that was that sort of his unique personality was -- force of well I mean. You know we're all sort of fascinated by what it was like to work with someone who had such. A powerful vision and really -- was able to make it happen time and time again. Well that would I insert all of that Apple employees especially felt very it will be a part. A company could actually teach history over and over again product. Their customers really want. And in -- on. You know they -- coming to work at Apple. A lot of people that I know Apple in -- or it's twenty years. And and it -- just go to a big art itself. Can can you tell us what it's like to work with Steve Jobs is is He -- it Leo my sense of him -- that he's involved in everything right that He has that He is the guy is a part of every decision no matter how small. Do you know if that's a case or can you describe sort of what what -- like. -- -- I want more follow him that even -- -- it. I would not buy any in the -- and like just as war or employees. But I know that it -- tended to be very much control. Individual were sent if you really. Where He could. In fact He worked -- because it out sometime in a microbe and that a lot of well you brought some of -- bought what -- -- early days. But the fact that marry -- -- action. And when it dealt -- individual or individuals who -- struck his drug or. And individuals will be -- it wouldn't change. You know should shoddy work or lack of an answer. -- -- Try to go back you know people gonna dubious origin right. And -- You know what it actually probably a little bit but -- -- I probably made everybody really better because -- It -- -- try to be the best that they be. And -- you as -- as an analyst and what do you think that this means for the for the company and and the next generation of products. Well I don't know -- will change but one -- every product -- thought now what we're sorry I almost two years ago. Skis and oh will be actually at next year's. It yes once in that you could be so -- shirt. Is that there's. -- -- -- -- -- What it is at war. How He would make citizens. And I is that what you are forced them going forward. And I think this is really. Where -- Ever actually. Short term mission and vision for Apple -- And your income. And -- -- -- let -- -- security company forward. At least eight years. Absolutely and in -- we were more him have been making those comments and to step down that -- And in Tim Cook the hundred year plan and -- clear last night -- Do you think before they -- I know you're about to get on a plane do you think that there will ever be another Steve Jobs or at least is there one in our lifetime. I doubt it'll -- what -- -- are light on. It it literally. Went up one up at heart. Independent entity because -- -- and curious -- what it can't. Change -- art. And bought other characters. Are all the rep at our -- Or. You can create a neat you think it all -- -- really bright. Industrial wind. -- -- you'd do it. -- -- -- That Gary -- and I think he's quite so what are -- -- Am absolutely panel we will -- -- your flight thank you very much for they stand with us we really appreciate attempt. Take care. I Atlanta more statements are rolling in more commentary and that pretty big one actually just just hit the land -- the -- comes to us from present Obama on the passenger Steve Jobs. This is a statement He wrote Michelle and I -- He writes Michelle -- are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve was among the greatest of American innovators brave enough to think differently. Bold enough to believe He could change the world and talented enough to do it. By building when the planet's most successful companies from his garage exemplify the spirit of American -- ingenuity. Ingenuity by making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets He made the information revolution not only accessible but intuitive and fun. And by turning his tells -- story time he's brought joy to millions of children -- grown ups alike. -- was fond of saying that He lived every day like it was his last. Because He did He transformed our lives redefined entire industries. And achieve one of the -- speeds in human history He changed the way each of us sees the world. The world lost a visionary and their -- -- greater tribute to Steve success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device He invented. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers -- Steve's wife marine has family and all those who loved him. We obviously all the tributes can continue to roll in to Twitter everybody's sort of compounding them I have to say. Our own Ford a long time listener -- deleted from the really great. Thanks for signing a small -- Steve. And that's read on for a citizen does Netflix even if no matter yeah. You know nobody cared about details when Steve Jobs and are pleased to get -- the -- -- -- -- -- the details -- is absolutely and stand over them while they -- it on my do you have a couple of statements due on -- -- gonna go to -- -- to -- -- -- Okay -- enough. -- Mark Zuckerberg wrote Steve thank you for being a mentor and a friend thanks for showing that way you could build can change the world I will miss you. Let's EM got one from Tony Hawk simply -- -- to temple Steve Jobs was meant He thinks He can. Google co-founder Sergey Brin wrote on Google plus from the early stages of Google whenever Larry and I sought inspiration. For vision and leadership. We needed to look no further than Cupertino Steve your passion for excellence is -- by anyone who's ever touched an Apple product. Including the MacBook I'm writing this on right now. And I've witnessed it in person the few times we have met. Kevin Smith the movie directors that -- parents had JFK. We had Steve Jobs. Edison give us electricity jobs gave us the Jetsons in real life we lost an icon today mourn him. No hyperbole there -- solar. -- -- Now that that is not number that Dick Costello to add Twitter is CEO says once in a rare while somebody comes along -- doesn't just raise the bar they create an entirely new standard of measurement. Also Disney CEO Bob Iger releasing the statement He says Steve Jobs is a great friend is -- a trusted advisor. His legacy will extend far be on the proxy treated of the businesses He built. It will be the millions of people He inspired the -- He changed and the culture He defined Steve was such an original. With -- thoroughly creative imaginative mind that -- find an error despite only accomplished it feels like He was just getting started. With his pass in the world has lost a rare original. Disney has lost a member of our family and -- lost a great friend our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Hilary and his children during this difficult time. And you know you talk about Disney. And Pixar. When Steve Jobs at a time you know scooped up Pixar and transformed it into one of the most successful if not the most successful. Movie studio. Making blockbuster after blockbuster in to have an impact we talk about his impact on different industries like the PC industry -- Then -- the movie industry is showing. That that part of his his soul is about the -- of arts in -- letting Pixar live and breed and really truly. At the time it's not even about just the animation the stories that picks are told. -- unlike ones out we had seen before for in in the movie industry self and I -- that's -- that's that's an important. Point to about Steve Jobs and his national maybe -- a little bit of air out of like the all of the all of the attention being paid to blinking when He created -- -- He was. A lot of the things that he's credited for creating. Were more things that existed in some form before He He -- them up. And made them great you know there -- there is great Smartphones before the iPhone their tablets out there before their tablets their MP3 players -- before the iPod. And there's me animation studios out there before received -- that picked up Pixar. But what He was able to do and time after time after time is take those names. And make them write me in -- imprint himself on them in a way that was so different and unique in how have a vision to them. And that it really. It made them so different and able to pull out from the pack with such a huge lead. That is it redefined the entire room their entire industries that they are involved. I think that's actually Travis just asked actually in an interview if I thought that Steve Jobs was the greatest inventor. The world had ever seen map and a and I add depositors -- and and say. That's not quite it -- -- He wasn't the greatest inventor the world has ever seen you may have been the greatest visionary and that the modern technology industry has ever seen right. This is a guy who looked at somebody out somebody's computer or looked at a piece of circuitry. And saw. -- -- -- -- -- -- The fifteen year vision if not more right He saw how He could He fundamentally understood this sort of human psychology and how He could. Turn that into a product that would change people's lives and He got some stuff wrong. You know I don't think about the Newton and you think about or at least you know at least you'll say the wrong timing -- -- of the Newton was a time it now -- -- Just didn't happen with came at the wrong time -- like that the Mac G four cube. Before the Mac mini you know there is there is some -- that's their two. But it you know the -- He was able to transcend them and keep an -- bench and He got more hits than misses significant that. And -- -- to talk about some of the failures you see how old. They cannot learn from those things and and implemented or tweaked some of those failures into future products what you have something like the cue which I own because I was a freak and I I -- -- like a way after the fact because Mike. This is almost -- of a piece of history that may where Apple wasn't this is a successful but. That clean. Clean design. On a little desktop you know you could say argue that was the first try -- a Mac mini. That you know -- even that's because I love that thing that wasn't gangbusters sellers like we're still. Pretty spectacular in there like dot -- and He of their design you know -- no one you know maybe the G four Q -- -- very popular computer that. Man it was it was pretty to look at it was the it was beautiful little look at. Okay we're gonna download we're gonna -- right now is when a -- to a video this is Steve in his own words so stick with this this is some great stuff. Will be back taking warrior more of your calls we'll have more interviews. Angela gets -- more that can register. The tributes to Steve all over the Internet. It's really beautiful. This is what it looks. This is today. It's incredibly durable this is poly carbonate plastic the stuff -- -- bulletproof vests out. What we've gone one step further we've double shot it in rubber all the way around so what you see and oranges all -- feels wonderful. And it makes the -- even safer to travel with again all on the back. When you open it up. It's really beautiful inside. And the IMAX got a fantastic fifteen inch display. But today we are introducing a model with a seventeen inch landscape display authentic. We. Are opening 25. Apple owned retail stores across the US this calendar year in 2000. -- -- And the first two stores will open a Saturday. Here at Tyson's corner in McLean Virginia and yet what -- all in Glendale California across the other side of country. Why these two. Because they were the first ready. There's nothing magic about it. You can trust that we know Mac OS-X is not perfect we think it's a tremendous start. And we think already in many instances we are way above anything else on the market in terms of certain aspects of performance in terms of certain features. But we're not stopping there and we are continuously going to improve this OS so that is the best in the world in every respect. And -- -- criticisms and -- -- help us a lot so keep them coming we are listening. We are announcing that the second generation iTunes doesn't just run on the Mac. But it runs on windows two. Exactly. -- same. Thing. On match. And along. And windows. Not a. This is not. Some baby version of iTunes -- the music store it's the whole. Thing. ITunes for windows. Is probably the best windows ask. There is one more thing. It's one more small thing. When we were inventing all of the technology to build this. Tremendous technology to be able to do this its way far ahead of what anyone in the industry. Is capable of doing. We decided to apply that technology. To something a little smaller. This. I -- again. I knew. Twelve inch power book. It's the world's thinnest -- It's so thin it even fits inside one of these envelopes that we've all seen floating around the office. And so let me go ahead and show it to you now. Okay. We're a taking down here. This is the new -- MacBook Air. You can get a feel for how thin it is. Yeah -- -- now. It's -- people are -- -- this. Or. Okay. You ain't seen that. -- gotta see this thing in person it is one of the most beautiful designs you've ever seen. This is. Beyond the doubts. The most precise thing when it was beautiful things we've ever made. Glass. On the front rear. And stainless steel running around. And the precision of which this is -- is. Is beyond any consumer product we've ever seen its closest kin is like a beautiful old like a camera. We'd like to show -- to you today for the first time. And we call it. The iPad. A and again to see the whole web page is from home right there holding the Internet in your hands. It's an incredible experience. Keeping these devices in sync is driving that's quite -- And we call it I clout. Welcome back every -- this is obviously special live. Coverage we are remembering Steve Jobs I'm Molly Wood -- here with Brian Tong and -- bell Stephen beat him and -- -- -- controls. We are taking your calls -- 101888. I will I will one day you'll Jerry -- a plant where I get this number it. 1888900. TN ETT six creators are -- of her please call us -- with your thoughts were we've been taking your calls for awhile now we're gonna keep doing it. As long as they come in. Basically in case use. I mean you've heard Steve Jobs passed away today at the age of 56. And at home has -- issued a statement -- and He passed peacefully at home. And we're obviously -- shock and mourning and and just talking about we're serious talk about it is that there's nothing that makes feel better not have so -- that actually we're gonna get. Write to the calls have been telling -- -- and and no organ and would jams are meant to them but first we actually have on the phone Dan Farber who is the editor in chief. Of CBS news -- of CBS dot com and who knew Steve Jobs -- -- -- -- -- -- I think so much for coming and they spend CBS news that -- -- So don't tell us about what what was that what was your relationship with Steve Jobs and -- -- obviously cover the industry. For many years and and are. A well known tech expert in -- -- right. But first jet skiing in 1983. We were starting -- MacWorld magazine. And at that time. -- basically it would spend all our I static Regina or they were building a Mac because we were trying to create magazine. On the machine themselves -- -- artists it jarring note page. And there -- experienced these senior -- affected your distortion field than -- the kind of maniacal. Intense focus on building a product that people really -- Basically taken a lot existing or emerging technology and putting it get it away that people -- CP port because. Yes you are for our lifetime -- beta tester. And I've been -- -- -- years recovery Apple ran intro on a lot but I wouldn't say anyway. -- -- -- -- What -- clearly -- in our industry. What the giants. And isn't -- well we'll certainly felt for. Years if not decades common especially -- -- that people trying to aspire. Chilled to what achieved church that is entrepreneurship. -- in Asia and his dedication or. Making products that. She's just they were insanely great and but children form your portals. Now you know you had interactions dealing with them and covering them what and what about even just from your personal life how do you think. That -- his -- impacted you on that and from that aspect. Well during during my -- used all kinds of technology. And I had prototype actions. Laptops everything else -- -- use a lot of PC charts. I -- -- -- I must admit to act out. Though the one product I completely and totally go forward is the MacBook Air. With the needs here which -- -- Lenovo products that wasn't -- like quite. As I'd like well adopted -- first missile enroll and they took a year for that wonder really kind -- -- But you know its second generation but that -- -- Arctic so it doesn't -- as existing and emerging technology has put -- package that which has. Better than competitors. And their work being -- or competitors circuit due MacBook Air like -- but. What people -- struck by. Despite many people know you need to like the operating system and more markers are watching control every element. In any ecosystem. Of Apple Macintosh. And the whole problem products I think that's what lets you. Every product. During each choose to -- -- really having an -- He was V the ultimate edition beta tester product visionary industrial designer building good -- is Hewlett. And tickets -- people who worked for charity don't eat it in top. And arterial at times but -- got to do their best work. And what do you think at united as He mentioned that to ten years at Apple and and each one of those ten years sort of revolutionize revolutionize the technology world -- not the the world. Disperse the personal computer revolution and then the mobile computer revolution -- you had to point to one of those which would you say is more significant. I wouldn't say either -- -- -- traits he's life where. It started Apple Computer young age. About college -- from me that -- of XP -- Computer geek. Who what an engineer. But -- The float the idea of its kind of products. And Apple to -- and then create an act and what are what your age eighty or scooter company. -- -- -- -- -- -- You could say you know -- wandered around in the desert -- -- what He was still creating new products learning experiences. It would the next -- -- when He got back to Apple 1997. You know what the difference Steve Jobs and Steve Jobs. We knew better how Qiyue. To accompany it will be right attractions. That's exactly what Apple -- -- -- arms came in operating system and envisions. Arms and continued where DOS but it was much more -- church foundation. All right Dan -- thank you so much for that I mean some tree inside and thoughts about this new space justice's anti so we really appreciate the call -- the content and we may we make -- -- and access. -- have a lot of stories to tell. It I think -- never gonna keep on -- into the phone calls there's so many -- that in waiting patiently. Really go right now to Hank thinks been waiting almost an hour and we just love -- -- -- -- Hank. Think from Pennsylvania take how you -- to -- here's okay. All right if you could turn down your computer speakers -- would be great. Are now right there you go to terrorists on time incentive with a slight delay so -- -- please just tell us how you're feeling in -- your reactions to the news. All the world are -- -- extremely upset. You know just hearing about Steve Jobs. Way and no it's not like we all didn't know what was going to have been but now that -- act sisters. -- -- So tell us a little bit about yourself are you are are you an Apple user Ari are you an Apple and what you know what is. What is it about I guess the company of the products that -- you the most. All I really really like Apple products just because I'm well how simple LR. I I have a -- error. And an iPhone or. And it would just my overall experience we -- is it just you know -- -- work. And that a cliche but. No not thinking. More accurately describe how well Apple products are. -- -- And for the most part I'm gonna say you're right of eminent for the most part that's what they've promised -- for the most part people thought that are easily tread jailbreak it -- And you've got a problem that's alright thanks a lot for your call -- we're gonna keep on eating our phones. -- -- -- -- that we do we have actually Bridget Carey standing by at the Apple Store we it's awesome footage of that earlier in that crowd is continues to grow. So we're gonna talk to -- -- -- can see what's happening there. We're here in San Francisco. Apple Store. Where people now have -- Levy. Hours. Noon on the -- now. Let me thank you cards to Steve. People have not had posted -- -- other people's racial messages on. And we all kinds of messages. Making them thinking steep earned his contributions. Think uses different languages. People are really touched. -- all sorts of flowers but I have heroes in particular the -- Apple's. This. -- Intel. Got them really have touched it. It's pretty much -- growing as time goes by people have been stained suit. -- really. Show their respect and the crowd is so massive. -- people are learning that -- high. What is happy and honesty and document it's statements and taking photos. And you're just hanging around and -- -- impacting people. -- hockey star and not everyone. And their reaction faces as they learn not -- a lot about its business around me is they just bought a new products meant to me. -- -- -- -- People aren't distracting at -- medicine and stuff. We're trying to comment you're just right into -- It's easy again. -- you know you wanna write. Yes I do. And there were down. Thank you hear the news. Like Michael Jackson. Someone. Messes me and and I had a message to -- people everybody agreed. -- within minutes. People like this -- right around. Give people and got candles. To music and -- -- -- Sound. And she's right to do you need to respect a guy who had given so much like in terms of technology and they're reaching any company. Faster so. Hopefully remember that and then continue that. Nevada look -- card. You -- words in describing. Stephen's -- inside. Just reasonable would you name. -- -- Did you hear the news. Actually -- -- -- from. My brother. I'd be up about it -- came down. It is -- facts. And genius award comes around once. -- -- -- -- people are coming out. Where they heard the news traveling to the store. Can you read this -- today. They are. Here and on Twitter here you news groups want the high. So. It's definitely -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And just kind of in shock. Anywhere and -- did you hear about. I just -- from. -- -- -- I think. What we've been hearing here -- actually Apple's. -- -- -- Are things Bridget from that that's the apps are cease all the post it notes in the cards is just the spontaneous reaction -- people. -- of the stores. Really Tenet is becoming these points so just paying their respects and -- down also displayed watching the chatter and here everyone is talking about their first Apple product I brought us a -- a few -- the iPods in that are in my collection unilateral talking about -- -- They got the -- stick man on the first iPod products or -- Now my first yet but many. With the color on the gotten all colorful without a lot of -- while those the mini -- I did have the original OG iPod because -- such a Mac freak back in the days -- -- the OGO achieve ideology I think it's a death sentence -- video. The firewire input. At some classic retro stuff out there that have. A disconnection was might be the first mate we want the dock connection on the bottom -- -- you think about this and I I think about this is a music fan com. 400 dollars. Ten gigs. And -- Being so envious of everyone who had one like early on my pals like a thing to -- anyone who had an iPod behind man. You're living in the future -- can't wait -- the mile my CD player like my CD while Mike CD manner something's been. Can't weakling at one of those things. I remember when I got the first iPod all my friends like what what is that. This is when Apple first released in everyone's like what is an iPod. I'm just like I'm just gonna buy it and see what happens to -- and it was only Mac compatible. And then once -- starting isn't like this thing is amazing then -- it took about you know a year and a half to two. For people -- really start saying okay I do want an iPod it didn't take off right away -- was way ahead of its time self belt it immediately -- -- cashing all you have. Things and everyone -- you like use that scroll wheel you know how many how many devices actually had a scroll wheel interface seniors like. Which items clicking right through my music and before you even had iTunes He know he'd spend an afternoon sort of ripping CDs can speed through computers to get that the music on your iPod. Our rights -- go to calls and we're gonna talk to some EU plenty of you have still been. -- in the waiting patiently forests are gonna start off with Sean Sean is in Madison Ohio an if you guys can remember to turn down a computer speaker Sean how you doing to yours okay. -- think you so much for -- first stain on the line with us. On Sean -- tell us where your from and just how you're feeling about this -- -- dramatic and their higher up near Lake Erie. I would. Honestly. Shocking -- shouting and it's hard to -- about how Andy. Company new -- on a lot obstruction influential. Hurts and it. -- think about all I mean. -- -- Emotional well being candidate if that's won't be -- And then. -- -- go ahead. -- -- not just once -- it can ask you. How did you what was kind of one of those first prize and it was like to talk about what was a product that really drew you winner drew guys who got a dozen plants -- -- inducted into into the Apple world will what was that for you. Well I had been in order to start paying nearly -- -- -- One -- the straight out or literally crushing or urged. Apple Computer added. In educational platform. And that got -- early harp on their products -- then. I never really older Mac until -- -- here. -- track and hand me down -- it Bentley it. IMac and power Mac G three. Eating -- at each product. Young age yet it's been in -- studying every aspect of and -- should -- -- school. Now I think the school connection thing to for me that really resonates to -- talking earlier and I know that there is there's a lot of companies that weren't. Apple that we are pushing their computers and two. Public schools but. Both Emmy is key was kind of ingenious way to get kids hooked early on in the product but also means it there until there is a lot -- -- -- that too. Especially in this -- Internet. -- pre Internet age where -- people knew they need to have personal computers they knew they -- the future but the beyond orange show that -- exactly she -- here give me with them. And then the Internet came along and all -- made sense in hindsight but down. That that that was a big part of my own legacy -- -- -- connection with Apple early on is just think this is the computer didn't feel intimidating. To get involved with as a kid down. I have to confess here and now that I never played or internal. A parent barely even noticed but I think with a number of countries as yet the warnings to do that -- that the numbers it's okay you don't want dysentery and you can get that from -- -- but I did have I don't think. You have neither -- I am not alone aren't they thank goodness. Maybe it's a sadistic at a local account on his goals that have all -- that people really like -- the motions of getting dysentery and didn't type. Who can now know we had I had the flying -- testers and and and that was my first computer when I went to school exit the power -- 145 B and and now are able Sean thank you so much for calling in and appreciate taking the time mistaken on the line we're gonna keep on going -- more calls here right now. We're gonna go to Mike Mike is in Columbia Maryland might stain on the line patiently with the scan your subject. Excellent Mike up to tell us about how your fill in in just ten of how you got. Hooked into some of the Apple products -- the world as Steve Jobs created. Well I like it revealed that with little shocked to hear correctly the pew charitable going up then I was looking like oh well it. Immediately but what -- don't want the Apple homepage saw their tribute look -- well. -- independent developer a couple of obstacles for the store and like it's amazing because you like it around the -- -- the visionary. He's the one that's. About the vision long ago -- will map the route map in the pipeline for two triggered summit road. And from a developer's standpoint we all hope that you know the companies could continue exactly -- always been making great products. Giving us what we need not what people -- -- we think we want. Because -- -- debt uncanny ability to look into the future if you whatever one is going to need before being to be needed it. And of course after the big you know the -- -- be like oh yeah of course is that white picket and he's pretty much the only but person. Recently an industry that can do that on a consistent basis and for that continue. We hope that Apple got -- in -- keeping Green in the company as we all hope they do. And it's as well for -- Yet Mike what was what was -- in your mind. One of Steve's legacies. Predicting its greatest like it is going to be that design matters. Because when the original Apple two came out everyone had you know this. Little -- all basically the same there was a style that was there anything and then next Steven -- brought in this. Device that actually looked like it was. Designed to be -- -- matter to people. And Steve brought that to the masses that you know it it's not just something -- functional that works and has looked at all it does it. And that's something that other companies are still trying to figure out and other companies are copying to figure out but I mean that He started that. Long ago it just carried through public group from now. -- -- might think you so much for calling in and thanks for your time in you guys -- memory can keep on on a sits a 190888. CNET. See any T that's 26 create the numbers down there it's hard and -- there -- -- rows of now I haven't yet. I think Iran has a funny thing it's 1800 but it's -- 1888. 900. CNET T six create a community -- going to your calls we were gonna get through this -- this. Don't get the number write it in and out of knowledge -- our letter and number eight a we're gonna go to GO GO and Hollywood Florida GO thanks for joining us today just tell us how you feel and in. Some of some of your thoughts about what's going on today. Yet hello. While -- has and -- and mainly and I want to express my complete respect. Steve Jobs and is -- acknowledges his family friends and all the Apple -- And being an Android -- it's. Really sure how many years and I've been secretly -- Apple and. -- I don't know how you call -- Owner. I spell -- at and I own an iPhone three G on the side. It's because I love the technology in app. And -- Being an -- and now I know one they eventually. Have an iPhone as well art on that one expects it to -- what are correct contract is up. And you know -- -- -- that respected man that cool that I fuel. Essentially. Brought the future. Much -- and -- com or. We're device is like. -- and yet at all. It even computers. I'm sitting in front of an iMac right well -- two months ago I eat eat eat. And enjoy it now. Hitting it in different cnet's additional no wires no Matt. Is it right it has helped make possible by some grade components meeting -- Steve Jobs. Yeah thank you GS so much where we're gonna keep the calls -- on it absolutely a -- stand. I understand what it's like is sometimes feel like it's -- against the time -- -- around you. Is there with their phones as -- worked and -- If you are ever gonna go over to -- in San Jose California Ben I -- -- night. It then you're gonna have to do it turned down the -- -- your speakers I'm sorry but at. Just for the time being per call lead to so they can hear us -- the time at the same time event -- years now. All right excellent Ben from San Jose California event -- -- -- and in just gonna let us know what you're thinking and are now. Right now and I'm pretty mind -- and speechless I mean. I'm with queued up and -- -- tech writer and reviewer and I knew this was bound to happen but. It's sort of those things on an actually happens I feel like it blocked the -- that -- -- for nine years. And it's it's quite surprising because they think that it Felix. Such a big deal in my life span and just looking at how many of my friends in class. Content posting -- about this type date. And it's just very very surprising that it's such big deal and even I got to a point where it's crashed what it. Google in fact we were noticing earlier in -- documents and close -- the Google that come on their homepage has a tribute. On the bottom -- it seems to be testimony that -- even if you aren't thinking about technology. That this is -- big guy was a big deal via. Man now I think that's safe to say I've just making -- -- a -- lot of calls we've gotten about. The importance of apps today to and I think -- credit a lot of that. To what Steve Jobs Steve Jobs era. And even thinking about how initially is something like the iPhone didn't have app development for it and then. -- date change gears and then it became. An entire industry and -- people are making their livelihood off of developing apps and that's something that you couldn't of said you know five years of them. Are able then think you so much for call us they keep on getting the phone lines we're gonna have to white lights on a solely from Canada -- -- years okay. Aren't you here you just aren't. Alright thanks for calling and things are -- on -- line. -- how are you feeling tonight with the with all the news they've heard about Steve Jobs is that. And the -- and -- probably -- the outlet Apple wouldn't be here without him. But Egypt that -- wasn't able to writers of although. Advancements -- technology. And all of the products that have been it is origins -- so many other creators and and developers out there. From Android products to windows products through all all the technology. That I can do what I got some inspiration -- aren't made by Apple. -- what was that can of the product for you the -- stuck out the most that they got you hooked. But Apple's. -- -- own my my first. Well what if they ever put that into journalist and an MP3 player well -- themselves stuck on all -- first they you know to particular idea and within two days -- -- announcing the iPod Touch iPod what it might have. Before that -- I had. Entitled I had backs. IPad a MacBook old and tablets -- a couple of versions. In a laptop and best -- from Apple. Right now I have. True iPod touches -- July aged dogs of all one but it's still have sentimental reasons I guess my -- -- Mac mini. -- that I use every gay yeah in -- what I do mean. You know it as part of our -- And added I see that -- that you work for podcasting company and network right. Actually I own my own company -- actually do well -- -- and it with a small company but it. If it -- -- product. But that and that seems to be -- -- notable thing that that these were products that really opened up industries via podcasting as -- -- and price point to. And -- -- isn't uncommon you know. Without the boat and the creation in integration. Pocket or into iTunes. Would we even have those. You know what the object change what level it and now you know what companies like CNET voters. And podcasts. You don't get under that rubble that you get out and meet mr. the only. I mean you can say that about just that the arts desktop publishing on a Mac the video editing I mean those were the -- was the platform where a lot of those. Took off because of just the easy use and also discount on the reliability of the system as -- -- -- -- -- for call us and -- reclined in. Bird -- now we're taking a look more at the Apple Store -- and LC candles that are on the ground. You can also see the number. Of post its and cards. The crowd is there's a lot deeper every one is really gather around -- Yeah I mean it's it's changed so dramatically since the first time that we started looking at these images outside the Apple Store when. When -- it's sort of felt like people were trickling in. A little like refugees people or walking by may be wondering what was going on now I mean it has turned into of a full on vigil. We're seeing flowers were seeing. What almost looks like an art installation lights candles and it's really. There posted feeding kind of see there all over -- the glass walled and the people there are putting up notes -- I can only imagine what it's like in Cupertino what it's like. Elsewhere so -- these -- did -- live pictures from our. CNET team here. -- the idea they're at it seems hushed. And I have I got very different atmosphere than than -- Only in union street is seems funny and it may be in bad -- admit this but. -- sell off -- like I've referred to Apple stores -- like the church of Apple you know I mean there there was something where even before this people would come to Apple stores. Maybe not even to buy a new computer new iPod but just as an experience ago. Kind of live inside that Apple. You know that feeling that Apple way of doing things it'd be a part of that even if they'd walked away with nothing. These you know Apple -- are these kind of shrines. Mina outside -- this context to Apple's Steve Jobs vision and makes sense that these would be the first place is -- coming go to pay some respect. Well and C enthusiasts area I sat just thank you so many and -- in thinking a girl I've done thank you for all you've done and thank you Steve. I heart Apple. -- home I -- it entirely yes life actually lived. Palm reality distortion field insanely great it just works love you Steve like it and that that's a great wondering if there. -- as remarkable. -- in -- posted. -- people have. At a -- at least passing them around and left them there again and Nokia and leave them on the floor it we mentioned earlier in our broadcast -- that these are really all expected -- thank you for changing the world. That that these stories become really tourist. Attractions -- -- I know they're from the Netherlands He gave us the cloud of computing. You creating an algae haven have been for millions on earth -- creative g.s continue inhabited now. Yeah -- -- when you talk about Blakey said the church of Apple or -- -- to Steve. I mean. Long before -- when I would go to different cities I would seek out just -- even though you knew it looked exactly the same -- then you would still going on an Apple Store just to be like. I went to the Apple Store and -- -- I went to the one in Texas I went to the one in Arizona. Just cuts now because they were beautiful stores. And if you're a fan of just. The Apple experience you you you suck them out also feared tech minded even at tech minded teenager there are kind of place to be around to people and and the -- and they -- allies be in a small town to strip mall or something like ideally dynamic going -- the Apple -- free Internet. Face both. The not long after -- I was in Japan in 2005 which I think is now on after they started opening every toasters -- and they had just -- the -- store. And I -- and it was just like that -- it was like I'm in Japan I'm going Foley -- against begins again doesn't exist I figure the sales likely winner on -- does Begin the search and He was all I think you know longtime Kansas -- -- -- the story a bunch of times but to me that was like the epitome. Of the Steve Jobs ethos that store that elevated to the -- -- area and lower again. An elevator has elements. Yeah the idea it just stops at every floor and you just go with -- my manager with my manager from my former Apple -- He ended up becoming the manager. At that store and I just asked them and I had visited him and when I was there are -- This is unlike any store I've ever seen in the first thing He said and you know Steve probably felt the same way as. Come -- check out the elevator hack -- and because you walk in and it takes the floor but it had that. That cool who makes an elevator with no buttons -- Just to only men and -- buttons and -- night I have a intensity of -- thousand you know how Syrian sentiment and so on and on top of the -- you know it was as the business offices there but it's it's an amazing building it really isn't as -- -- There Merkel and -- I was there. We have a few more quotes coming in from people Steve Ballmer says I want to express my deepest condolences of the passing of Steve Jobs when of the founders of our industry. And a true visionary. My heart goes out to his family every -- and Apple and everyone -- been touched by his work. And then let's see. We have -- there are some amazing -- actually coming in -- from people who follow us a lot of them are saying thanks for being on that's good to be with friends. A sad day have been expecting this news for awhile but now that it's here -- believe it one of the sweetest ones I've seen actually. And I will tear up now but -- to George Jorge Lopez says. I'm so happy to see that Steve Jobs is no longer in pain when He was my hero but I hated to see him suffering He did so much. Which -- the very light at the very humane thing to express and then and we appreciate that because this is also a person who was really sick for a long time. Yeah panel member thinking that two seeing him come back when He had to come back. Show when He I would get a product launch for the iPad. And He -- -- -- to recover from surgery. -- frail but He was. After the whole presentation was -- -- news is kind meeting greeting with a lot of the press lot of this friends over there in the event He seemed so happy and and so. Just. Appreciative. To have a little -- on this planet. You know and there was part -- -- I think even in you know up until today that Todd -- Steve Jobs had to be the -- of -- could get another chance another -- to live a little bit longer. But damn it's it is sad to see it so final now -- I don't guys really go to. Continue to hit the phones in -- did you get your thoughts of everything that's happening we have a long time listener and friend wrote test Teresa she's -- and from Irvine three -- Harris. We seriously yet He has -- -- music is. I don't wanna -- wanna turn -- -- speakers and hides it only when you're talking to Anderson you're listening to see if we're -- tube and a let's -- planners there and -- space. Excellence resurgence -- is accurate test in his room test it on any I have to say quickly it's so. Nice for us to be here with with the -- Stanley the most -- and the. You guys you know there's no where we'd rather be -- site. I've seen a lot of the -- appreciation for your putting this (%expletive) together because. I think one thing that Steve Jobs helped to create. What is this -- opportunity for people to share an experience like this. Through social media and all in real time and a way that actually weaken. We captured later by -- logger or whatever and when we have a little more perspective so. Thank you thank Stephen and I it is great to -- -- like I'd keep in its. No -- -- we know your teacher and Apple had a lot of impact and education did. Did you see that first -- error -- -- -- that experience and in seen Apple products did you did you get it interactive demo where they use at your school quite often. I'm absolutely. And I I actually had -- -- pro -- a lot oil and the first. -- that I practiced. Well -- When one at this summer hires it -- their own little Macintosh in out of -- ruling out it's really cool. It was like -- Extra set it somewhere around there and that. -- we love series. Okay and will three say if you can call us back we will we'll we'll get you will get you on the line so where's gonna. We're gonna move onto our next caller this this caller is ready in Reggie calls in from Florida are Reggie how you doing today. Whoa aren't. All -- -- -- actually. And it -- chalker before our arms to hear a lot. -- Apple are actually we need to come up programmer ever prepare mart were not welcome. A well hold it -- -- how did you hear the news. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To be that there are not result has been no -- in China Reggie will is one of the product say kind of impact did you the most stone Apple products. I would honestly say. That's. -- -- MacBook. It would do it -- my first computer added. It's actually started it all for me aware look like or kind of self help me out -- I -- -- be part of the ecosystem and Comair ended up getting. A lot of other products like I and I our arms -- -- and -- And I -- it. And it's let me becoming an Apple Apple. -- -- And is there anything that. You know off the top your -- the thing that you'll remember about Steve the most and Apple the company. How are under -- -- While every one out trying to get our -- -- plain old or on. This time -- everyone's been -- for. You got how many years. Arms each arms -- are -- the next -- making a real guitar but I waited for an ever seen on -- and not. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Alright well thank you so much for calling and thank you are initiator -- -- I and think are gonna -- to a video next it sounds like. Is that. Entered video it's -- one of that I know the guys have seen quotes from all over it was a it was an amazing. Speeds that's that Steve Jobs gave. So much more poignant now obviously even at the time it brought tears to your eyes definitely gave -- is ready. -- we do you really wanna say there's it was one of the most sort of amazing really personal expressions. That I think a lot of people have seen him -- and here's Steve Jobs addressing Stanford graduate. -- by Stanford University please visit us at Stanford dot edu. I'm off. Honored to be with you today -- commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told. I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I've ever gotten through college graduation. Today I wanna tell you three stories from my life that set no big deal. Just three stories. The first story. Is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months but then stayed around as a drop in for another eighteen months or so before I really quit. So -- -- drop out. It started before I was born. My biological mother was -- young unwed graduate student and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his -- Except that when I popped out they decided the last minute that they really want a girl. So my parents who were on a waiting list got a call in the middle of the night asking. We got an unexpected baby boy do you want. They said of course. My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college. In the my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would go to college. This was the start. In my life. And seventeen years later by -- go to college. But -- -- shows -- college that was almost as expensive at Stanford. And all of my working class parents savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months I couldn't see the value -- I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all the money my parents say their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out okay. It was pretty scary at the time but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out. I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me and Begin dropping in on the ones that look far more interest. It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room so I slept on the floor -- friends' rooms. -- returned Coke bottles for the five cent deposits -- buy food with. And I would walk the seven miles across town every Sunday night. To get one good meal a week at the Hari Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity -- -- -- -- turned out to be priceless later on let me give you one example. Reed college at that time offered perhaps the -- Murphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus. Every poster every label on every -- was beautifully hand telegraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes. I decided -- technically pretty class learn how to do this. I learned about Serafin sensor type faces. About burying the amount of space between different letter combinations. About what makes great topography great. It was beautiful historical. Artistically -- in a way that science can't capture. And I found it fascinating. None of this had even hope of any practical application in my life. -- ten years later when we were designing the first Macintosh computer it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac it was the first computer with beautiful topography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college the Mac would have never had multiple -- faces are proportionally spaced fonts. And since windows just copied the Mac it's likely that no personal computer that happens. If I had never dropped out. I would've never dropped in on that calligraphy class and personal computers might not have the wonderful tight pocket. Of course it was impossible to connect the -- looking forward when I was in college but it was very very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you'll have to trust that the dots will somehow connecting your future. You have to trust and something. Your gut destiny life karma whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road. We'll give you the confidence to follow your heart. Even when it leads you off the well worn path and now we'll make all the difference. My second story. Is about love and loss. I was lucky I found what I love to do early in life was and I started Apple in my parents' garage when I was twenty. We worked hard and in ten years actually grown from just the two of us -- a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. We just released their finest creation the Macintosh a year earlier and I just turned thirty. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company He started. Well. As Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me. And for the first year or so things went well but -- revisions of the future began diverged and eventually we had a falling out. When we did our board of directors sided with him and so -- thirty I was out and very publicly outs. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone and it was devastating. I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt I'd let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down that I dropped the baton as was being passed me. I met with David Packard and -- noise. And try to apologize for spring up so badly. I was a very public failure and I even thought about running away from the valley but something slowly began to dawn on me. I still loved what I did. The turn of events that Apple has not changed -- one bit. I've been rejected but I was still -- And so I decided to start over. I didn't see it again but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could ever happen. The heavy ness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again less sure about everything. Free media into one of the most creative periods in my life. During the next five years they started -- company -- next another company name Pixar and -- -- and an amazing woman who become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world's first computer animated feature film Toy Story. And is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events. Apple bought next and I returned to Apple and the technology we developed at next is at the heart of Apple's current Renaissance. And marine and I have a wonderful family. I'm pretty sure none of this would happen if I hadn't been fired from Apple it was awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient needed it. Some time life sometimes life's gonna hit you in the head with a -- Don't lose. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love and that this is true for work as it is for your lover's. Your work is gonna fill -- large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet keep looking and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart you'll know when you find it. And like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on so keep looking. Don't settle. My third story. Is about -- When I was seventeen I read a quote that went something like. If you live each day as if it was your last someday you'll most certainly be right. It made an impression on me. And since then for the past 33 years I've looked in the mirror every morning and ask myself. If today were the last -- of my life -- I wanna do what I am at altitude today. And whenever the answer is been know for too many days in a row I know I need to change them. Remembering that all be dead sin is the most important to -- -- ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything. All external expectations. -- pride all fear of embarrassment -- failure these things just fall away in the face of death. Leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you're going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. -- -- naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a -- at 7:30 in the morning and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly type of cancer that is incurable and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order which is doctors code for prepare to die. It means to try and tell your kids everything. He thought he'd have the next ten years to tell in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that will be as easy as possible for your -- It means to say your goodbyes. I -- look at diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy. Where they -- -- -- slow down my throat through my stomach into my intestines. Put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was dated but my wife who was there told me that when they -- the cells under a microscope the doctor started crying. Because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer it is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and thankfully I'm fine -- This was the closest -- and -- facing death. I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual -- No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't wanna die get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's likes change agent it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you. But some -- not too long from now you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic but it's quite true. Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions -- out your own inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. When I was young. There was an amazing publication. Called the Whole Earth Catalog. Which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart -- not far from here in Menlo Park and He brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late sixties before personal computers and desktop publishing so it was all made with typewriters scissors and Polaroid Cameras. It was sort of like Google and paperback form 35 years before Google came along. It was idealistic. Overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of the Whole Earth Catalog. And then when it run its course they put out a final which. It was the mid 1970s. And I was you -- age. On the back cover up their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road. The kind you might find yourself hitch hiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath -- where the words stay hungry stay foolish. It was their farewell message as they signed off stay hungry. State foolish. And I've always wished that for myself. And now as you graduate to Begin -- -- I wish that for you. Stay hungry stay foolish. Thank you all very much. -- Back every once you are ongoing special coverage we are remembering Steve Jobs here at CNET with the buzz out -- team with their various CNET editors -- joined now by Jason Parker senior associate editor at CNET and and it's really like. Which it we just. Everybody's dropping by to chat room and the live stream and see attitude to kind of tell stories about Apple and Steve Jobs and how are you -- tech editors especially our lives were touched by. -- -- -- -- -- -- I just wanna -- experts -- little story about when iPhone first launched in 2007. During the -- -- is sit around outer sediment desk because that it newsletter that I had that had to go out and I want to get the latest Apple news and newsletter on Tuesday when. Usually the big launches after. And I remember sitting there and we know we go to the Steve note rumors although it you know magic. And all the excitement leading up to the big announcement and that He says. You know we're gonna have we have a phone report you Apple's going to do the -- -- -- and calls -- the iPhone. And I just aren't sitting there and I'm staring -- my computer -- it felt like alone kind of like -- titles on an island -- and my headphones on watching the keynote. And I just thought they did it again they did it. Like that came out something that is gonna change everything. And I just thought it was really amazing. I -- I remember that that day you know it we. Those Steve Jobs keynotes are always such an event rate -- rock the tech world there's so many rumors leading up to it one of the big -- one of the big rumors and and topics of discussion before iPhone was. Are they gonna call -- iPhone. Fitted right here because Cisco owned the trademark and remember on that term iPhone and there is so much that was phenomenal about that announcements. How much that -- earth shattering and then it was such and such a classically Steve Jobs moment to say. And were calling its iPhone. And really liked you better believe work on an iPhone. And will have enough money to you know send a little your way Cisco's -- that we can keep that name death pretty much like glory about it we'll take care of it iPad I think it was either Toshiba. One of those companies that -- the iPad name. Before the iPad was you know accepted as the name that Apple ran with them Steve Jobs honesty Dublin. And in some ways you know it's not the band -- that everything perfectly like we were talking about. But that iPhone vision and you know that that He had that in mind all along anyway He was not gonna hear anything different. Via it was that force of will really. You know I think -- a lot of people don't know this because I have such a reputation as a little bit of them. Apple hater hater. -- have. But my first job in technology was with Mac magazine I was an editor at. Because there was a reporter before that -- and strain of journalists Associated Press to my first time in technology -- that Mac home journal magazine okay near -- that don't have a right there at third and market. Above what eventually became an AT&T store that sold iphones at a bushel and it also -- and -- -- reviewed at the very first. IMac DV. I remember those they were it was the graphite as the ground by looking one data -- -- him with a firewire -- -- -- iMac and then they came out and me. With firewire for the percent. And yet now and the tavern is planning at the -- the unit almost every product in the thing but I remember -- Mary well remember my very first MacWorld keynote and sitting there and sort of feeling this weird. Tingle feeling a flush creep over me feeling like well I can't stop being excited about this -- -- Those were experiences that when you -- in the room even looking on the outside. Remember when nice -- worth the Apple retail stores and they used put the keynotes on the big screens and some of the limited stores. Customers would come -- we'd have around 5200 people. At nine or 10 in the morning come to the store before -- -- just to watch it and even when -- externally outside of that bubble. You were still -- -- and people clap in the it shop -- how many times you have people -- in a retail store. Like spontaneously it doesn't happen that often and so -- you definitely have that excitement was always an air whenever He -- this. -- As it was a it was -- an amazing thing to see I remember feeling like something I shouldn't be this excited -- journalists and looked. And -- always hear that you know how that the reactions from the artist's work our audience -- like over exaggerated and you know that you know people would you -- kind of make fun of you know here we are in the church of Steve Steve note you know people just wildly clapping. Who were really really excited about the stuff they're coming out with. It was always a huge surprise. Once you got inside that reality sourcing field whether it was a real or not something was working yet -- -- was worth and -- we're gonna get to your calls and a minute let's get to a little more reaction from Apple Store. In San Francisco speaking of the church of Apple at this when this is where people are really. Gathering to express their sorrow to express their feelings expressed. Actually what I think is most wonderful is to express their gratitude and so we're going over to Bridget Carey right now in front of the San Francisco Apple's. We're here at San Francisco Apple Store where it's chilly night all throughout the knights development coming -- To pay their respects -- lighting candles leaving flowers. -- -- And some people have left post as markers for other -- surprise to. Quickly writes what's in their cards right now we're having all sorts of languages being -- -- Portuguese. Arabic. Time. Some of the next. Say you are the genius thinks -- steam. Recipes -- -- -- for changing the world. They keep improving our lives. -- by Steve thanks for everything steam. Something. Ice -- getting to the points. Like in different ways. Steve. You're on here and -- plan. It's easy. I saw you really can't hear. What are some New -- healing here. While I was -- -- maps -- living legend He was. Basically created his own. -- -- Deliver. All the technological means that it could ask. He basically created his own job. -- -- in the first down. Over his. -- nesting on the I think that's what happened. Think you. -- -- -- -- -- Excuse me. As you see this -- doing right now and whiteman. Well I mean surface -- from -- -- -- Rhythm of the -- today through all the people who. I've been able to with a computer and -- The news. Weird. I've been reading. It's breaking through third and this movement in this news. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That means you don't. Excuse me -- look. What he's getting right now as you -- -- economists and. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Silicon Valley and -- the world -- this loss. Man. -- -- -- People are coming -- hearing the news just I want you -- seeing the sights and and all that outpouring of condolences. -- I just left flowers right now. Some -- -- they keep improving our lives you -- knock on. Nor ever forgotten. They can be changing the world. Thank you Steve. It's all in -- as they walked -- there to this point it's. In their -- -- crowd gathering. -- -- People just wanna have. -- what's going on this day. From San Francisco Apple starts I've been very good. -- printed and you guys can see that scene continues to get. Larger and larger and more candles more posts and notes and and just just an amazing cent of people paying the response Steve -- You could hear you almost I think you could hear people walking by and finding out the news I mean He -- there was you know there -- this chorus of oh my god in the background and connecting people -- -- in by. And kind of discovering it at that moment. I -- requesting. I think people who even where you know adamantly against Apple now. They're now coming -- and -- like well we understand that this guy really made an impact on the entire industry He -- We're getting there are some samarra sort of Twitter commentary to Twitter reactions coming out -- temperature. Is tweeting we have all served on the wake of Steve Jobs -- -- now we must learn to -- but we will never forget our skipper. And I think and -- that He put up an avatar. In memory of Steve Jobs attempted to -- the medium. But those those obviously those reactions continue -- we'll have more of those in a little bit but we want to continue to get to your calls our phone lines are. Pretty jam to but please try to -- -- we wanna hear from you 1888900. CNET CN ET and feel free to tweet us. -- and hear your thoughts as well we can't get to the buzz. Mailbox right now but if you want to tweet as I am at Molly Wood Brian -- at Bryant underscored Tom. You'll be forced to keep it -- -- month. Alright guys gonna go back to the phones Kyle's been waiting on line patiently Kyle can you hear -- okay. Take Kyle thanks for staying with us in -- -- -- and we just wanted to get your thoughts and high -- -- -- tonight. I'll trade barbs Eddie actually edit. It or -- -- -- -- or else. -- The -- totally different -- of all the products created. In our first product from Apple does lyrics are -- up all. Our first. Generation. -- Are occurring from one what is TC. Issues. -- those different. Com. I also thank our. Passing away. -- the -- with her parents for an. Which was getting a lot. He. Says it was fired she's just. I think a lot of people will be. Yeah but it will cover art or. It's insisting you -- act now because I had a few tweets or someone said now you can call the iPhone four Steve. You know that's. And I mean I can dealer and the iPhone for -- my gosh that's that's pretty crazy so college. In -- -- -- shuffle what are what if you had to say. The legacy or that the thing now you'll remember the most about Steve Jobs. -- -- and already there's one last thing but one small thing. Org port and. And Al yup. Absolutely and -- Aren't. -- it was. It's every time there's a keynote. Everyone will say what's the one last one more thing. So thank you -- for calling in we really appreciate -- -- jump over to Stephen Stephen is in Georgia. Stephen how you doing today. The case even -- -- for second. Our rights and there you go there's a colony and always wanted to hear your thoughts and what you think about what's on your mind right now with the passing of Steve Johnson. Yeah I would say -- extra. What we were like eight -- an extra -- In likes he's he's a designer outlet. Petrie not just itself into dual -- -- -- out each year analysts. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It completely indicated that called for it and realized -- -- eating matter so it's great. -- what is one of the things in your mind that's sticks out the most you first about Steve Jobs. It's got to -- is the proxy and -- and -- my first Apple product let's say. An iPod Arctic -- Blunt personally played video and I literally used it's that it's still -- -- -- In L and the legacy builds up this product that cyclists to look at her amber and. And was the product that really. Captured your imagination -- it -- the whole Apple ecosystem. Should. -- -- -- -- -- About six months ago are particularly remembers -- -- but it's not. Freshen indoor air and watching. It pretty original. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think I will -- -- -- -- and -- -- back on my MacBook but. Awesome. Pretty alright thanks a lot -- for calling. Now I mean we all so a lot of our callers in like talked about moments you know that they remember from like Stephen -- notes and for those you that don't know I did work at Apple retail but I worked at the Palo Alto store which is just a few blocks away from Steve Jobs is residence and they would call it like the Steve's Steve store because He would come in quite often during the weekends and -- You know I got a few moments to not -- -- but a few experiences where there is one time where everyone you know bill when you start working for Apple and earlier -- that daisy He would still. Kind of have the reputation like oh it's Steve Jobs did you hear that story about him an Apple problem -- on UV like. Every one of -- on eggshells when He locked in and so what happened one day is that. He came in with Jon Rubinstein who is the VP of hardware at the time and He came in with three executives from Canon. And they went up to our manager and said we want someone to show Stephen ruby in these guys at demo of the entire -- -- sweet. And how it works and integrates with their cameras and video cameras. And so they came out to -- said you know will -- do it I stood in front of a computer -- you know -- silent jobs merely for over two and a half sharks. Talking nonstop. About the -- -- -- we -- -- -- you know feature by feature she would then -- interjected just kind of talk to the Canon exacts from Japan. And the thing that sit -- the most from that entire experiences yes He was listening and I I was kind of I didn't feel too much pressure because of the time -- like you know what is Steve Jobs like let's just be normal. But at the very -- after two and a half -- He just shook my hand said nice job and then ruby. Was like you did -- create job you know He is like thank you so much we know that that's to the point of -- get the job done. Do what you're supposed to do represent the company. And -- that's what you're supposed to do and I'm sure that kind of attitude that the kind of demeanor. Was carried over to his other employees you know at that that's some of that just get the job done and you we're not gonna. Throw in showered with praise but at it was kind of a fun experience and and one other one other story that's really that's kind of fun to show Tennessee -- was just this. Business guy is you'd come into the store a lot of times with the -- with his birth and socks sandals and shorts and -- -- them with their bikes with their baskets. In -- -- the store and there is always you know just have a good time He was like when He was there are no one talked him because He knew his with the -- and He went to the check -- stand in the very front. And this lady was standing next on and she said. You look relief familiar. Don't I know you from somewhere. And He and He I smiled and Sprint's case and as she and she's like and He said. Yeah the Mac division she's like you worked at Apple that's that's -- do you work at Apple they said. Yes the Mac division. And so com you know He turned around in Canada does little smirk and walked away in the sun is right with desire and the -- and then I said -- lady. You do know who that -- and she's like -- That was Steve Jobs. -- said. Oh my gosh. I've been worth -- Apple HR for five years I just didn't realize it was him in person and we also are lacking but. Does the subtlety of Howell. He responded sir the and then just locked away just doing my thing is it was is awesome it does sound it -- of stuff. Achievements. And familiar you have the lot of funny stories from -- I have on the anniversary of past. Him and calls you know -- -- and I did have one. Well how what does that -- one interaction with -- it made it onto YouTube's at least we can you know. There's video but before we get to that I I have to say that I -- That might might my favorite story about Steve Jobs actually that the moment that made me because it I have been a critic sometimes of the company of the of the dictatorial style you know I mean there was no questioning his will influence every product they made for good or for -- an -- to be -- -- So we just we -- differences personality -- But you know. But I really that there's no way not to respect what He does and what He has done. And then I have this moment somewhat recently at the Apple event where the where Chris. What's the name from Coldplay. Came on at the end they get -- -- -- -- guy called play guy came on at the end of the -- He did -- presentation. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Thank you Chris -- from -- -- came on again obviously the big surprise. At the end of this particular event and He comes out and he's playing and he's got two sons and it's just like this huge deal. -- could mark at the with Steve Jobs first appearance back since -- come back from medical leave so is it sort of a big deal all the way around and I was sitting very close to the front. And who was I could see Steve Jobs. Behind the curtain while Chris Martin was playing his two -- -- acoustic songs I mean we -- I think my tweet at times like holy balls it's a smart man just think it. And -- readers like -- And anybody's kid Apple and there and there -- -- -- aren't so -- was behind the curtain and He had this look of light. Child likely. On his face as Chris Martin plane and He kept and this was the part that was so endearing I fell in love with him. Just a little bit in that moment because it -- like He was peeking out. From behind the curtain Annie was looking at the people the front row the two rows of PR people in the blue shirt and He was like -- -- Brought me back plate heat -- He was you know it is just fresh off of medical leave just you know I mean he's done these Steve -- a million times you know he's had interactions with all of the famous people is in every content ever was right but He was excited -- -- little child. Love being not just the music but loving that the chances or give that to the audience and He just it was so cute like -- just looking out and be like. It's freaking Christian -- -- and loved it I loved it was it was it was a. Beautiful thing to -- it -- so -- to -- it that's -- things that people. You know sometimes forget or don't really talk about is that -- He was Apple CEO but He He was a human -- just like us -- the you know. The same things that we did -- He enjoyed life and there is when He stepped down from Apple and everyone was talking about. -- -- it was the end of Apple you know one of his neighbors wrote this really touching piece about. I was able to see Steve Jobs as a father we happen to become friends and our sons grew up together in school. He smiled and -- just like anyone would when they saw their son graduate from high school -- -- like. The human moments IDC know him writing those -- -- -- Apple -- how to every Sunday. Just a stop by the store observe with the sun like those -- you know so it's really cool when you you just get a Siegel slices of life like this was this more than. The maybe dictatorial -- He might it and hated him. Painted as earlier in his career but He is also in a father and a person did the same things that we -- experience the same things that we did itself. -- M and then that it's pretty well into my second Steve Jobs story which was that I was in a smaller one of those smaller Cupertino event. And I and there was the question and answer period which He rarely did He actually it was somewhat unusual for him to do -- Question and answer period. In those presentations. And so IA. Raise my hand and what compelled me but I was sort of in the middle thinking like -- -- what's your deal I did you know -- -- mean. Like this right -- -- I raise my hand and I said something along the lines of what is your. What is your goal for Apple do you plan to do you know and you wanna overtake the PC -- market share. Is that you don't tell us once and for all. Is that the -- to that we in the market share race and He gave this response is on -- On one more question I wouldn't call it that yes -- It's meant to -- I'm -- A question actually about marketshare which -- what we're getting at. There has been a suggestion that because of pricing and design Apple tends to appeal to kind of a -- early. Rather than that sort of mass customer base and so I guess -- and -- it that your goal to overtake. The PC and market share. -- Our goal is to make the best personal computers in the world and -- products we are proud to sell and would recommend to our family and friends. And we want to do that at the lowest price as we can't but I have to tell you there's some stuff and our industry that we wouldn't be proud to ship. That we wouldn't be proud to recommend -- family and friends. And -- can't do it we just can't ship junk. So there's there's -- there are thresholds that we can't cross cousin who we are -- We want to make the best personal computers in the industry. Slice the industry. That wants that's it. And what you'll find is our products are usually not premium priced. You go you go and price out our competitors' products. And you add features have to add to make them useful. And you'll find in some cases they are more expensive products the differences we don't offer stripped down. Lousy products. Now we just don't offer categories of products like that but if you move those aside. And compare us with our competitors. I think we compare pretty favorably. And lot of people of have been doing that saying that now for the last eighteen months. As questions that sat near right now on ya know I mean actually I am always advisor -- that answer I felt like that was. That was Susie that's right He can He review only cared about every single product that -- -- -- and now -- -- I don't know that was kind of like and I get IIIC we're. And also the question is who'll be that guy that says no this is not good enough exactly like it will be Tim Cook we don't know how He operates behind the scenes like that but there has to be someone there. Because everyone is no matter -- if you're not Steve Jobs you're gonna have their own ideas of what's good enough room and even when you say. -- would this Steve wouldn't like -- your standards are going to be different than the next person no matter what so. -- really going to be the next guy. Is it'll be it will be Johnny as -- -- guy but -- a designed and at a feature guy ranked let me look out for some software -- Salem that that'll be -- to see how that plays out as well -- I'm moving while they find another guy that can come out on stage and have that same giddiness about the products that -- that there. Presenting. -- -- -- That's what Basil was missing in we talked about earlier be for you here and I definitely felt that was missing in this keynote I think that you didn't see anyone say like. You guys. This is the best -- freaking camera in a smart phone right now you know just just go on and on of did that emotional passionate connection and we didn't feel there via -- Let's take a call actually and the sounds like her. Prior calls there are higher. Phone lines are still a little gem Harold salmon pack think you guys thank you for are waiting to music with us for someone let's let's hear what -- -- you -- have to say. I write this call is from Moshe Moshe from the NYC. -- how you doing tonight. Okay. There are -- it. And can you tell us some your thoughts a day of everything you've heard in. To some they -- -- reflections on just what Steve Jobs and Apple how it affected your life. Yeah. -- -- inherent sharing cheer -- the new iPod Smartphones. Are okay yeah I'll. O'clock I took my call and really appreciate it. As far as sound -- -- you guys talk about. I wouldn't you know I want yesterday -- what -- -- You know it's waiting you know -- -- that it got them. And it's important you know it's -- just wasn't there and I wish I wish back -- by the way -- uninstalled -- As far as the army as are a lackluster on condition that they are against the whole crew -- knew or would -- -- -- And they are -- you know -- try it until it and you going to you are much smaller has. To go out and try -- -- you know where -- -- talks -- under such circumstances -- think -- such kind of like. There are situations. -- -- really good point. When word that customers are not -- skeptics Asian network RD Apple -- -- Little while ago and -- Apple bought star -- emerged Ireland that we're talking about. Mac and some of the art car Cronin or the moderator so there is involved in order not to put it -- to -- -- -- -- And because this screen shot and it should look back to the people it according to exceed what -- -- But yummy now we know what has struck without an actually might have been species -- -- don't what was going -- It's just the old the old -- -- of and as just -- -- -- -- -- -- -- as far as the -- The album presentation aspect to integrate into the -- -- it's a step. At a press lavender inspired by the whole you know direction. Presentation -- -- that would let you know -- I'll -- the -- and pick up from the presentation incredible. Thoroughly considered an incredible part -- -- -- future. I think that Scott forestall a software guy He -- will exceed. Could figure out. -- the I'd -- some additional change -- -- it's got younger act. It looks like you're able to pick up -- presentation but -- -- emerald carpet on the -- -- and so and that starts doesn't want upon -- -- thank you know. There really are some great insight -- -- And and people have been wondering about that speculating about whether that was part of that that this seemingly down mood and that would really. Really make a lot of sense. It looks like -- L I get to calls also but it looks like we have video that just came in from our CBS station here in San Francisco. That was shot earlier outside of Steve Jobs is. Home woman Palo Alto a public area -- -- at -- -- -- -- let's let's listen and really no Good Will Hunting to have gathered there. As well. The -- we're not getting any sound at the moments. Okay though we'll come back to us that and that we -- we'll revisit that only -- -- -- -- -- but we definitely have. Much more many more of your calls I know I just doesn't lemon Twitter. Actually -- that have been waiting for forty minutes to think they're gonna do more calls yeah we're still doing that here. Outbound calling -- guys are right we're gonna pick a book called acts but fortunately dropped a little while ago road tests your back and when you dropped off. We -- thank you for coming back -- we had we tall -- Paloma second okay. When we head talk to -- ask you just about Apple's impact as a teacher and an educator and how you saw that in the classroom. Yeah I -- when I'm thinking elementary school had -- well Apple -- and and you know that out and alkaline. Content might lead. -- -- now exceeds. In high school and it's an alt del house except for -- serious. Video here that can photography lab that's -- Apple. And I actually use my iPad and that got. Expected that it goes and uses its. LCD projector all of -- Pretty -- I can get around on any problems. With it that -- -- -- content. -- -- -- -- -- What that wanted to comment on -- it. I think ill in the chat and others commented on how international solid. And it was equivalent. By -- -- And I think. That when we wake up in the morning it probably will be alive international contact Cary. And it's invading enemies that we can share it all in real time cross. Countries. On new. Social media and I got in and cut streaming in the background -- -- -- in meeting me the average. So CNN actually just stopping everything going for alive Steve Jobs -- as well. Ink -- -- Steve Jobs -- -- -- it's -- repeated. -- it's like -- and the better you guys there. That it's live and not panic with -- without a lot of repetition of that great. But -- -- more optimistic. That that. I think Steve Jobs legacy is gonna be what you describe. It that passionate. And something that he's been used in two. On the Apple entity which is that -- quality at protectionist. And I I think it done even if they're probably not in Steve -- our generation and that they'll be able -- here that it's -- deeply rooted. That you know they'll ask themselves -- no what about -- -- -- the and delta air. And at. -- perk up can convert it since you asked that. Let where it I'd count is contracts over another or on Verizon. And Baghdad but they all inverted it regardless of the -- republic and speaking about -- work. Well I'm optimistic ordered the company and I I -- I think the -- gonna go down. I don't think people are gonna be floating on the -- of a little while. And the market. I think there it is affected by emotion. -- it people. All of that but wealthy. They have thanks trees for those -- don't know Terry says grotesque -- Burlington listeners and it. A valued member of the bus and -- you got cut off earlier I'm so glad you're able to get third and. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Jim thank you so much for staying with -- and watch in our coverage and has been a part of everything that's happening just gonna tell us how you're feeling today in just you react since the Steve Jobs a -- in line. -- -- -- -- Hey can you hear what did you hear what I just said a few months ago. Asking. Okay -- -- -- again nine you've been waiting for quite a long time tumors one -- and ask you. Your thoughts and feelings of everything that you've heard in -- today with Steve Jobs passing. Well I don't like the expert at the prefers white kid. -- -- what they're going to college street terrible. I don't know. At the -- -- -- -- it would deter you elect a sort of an in the air. -- In my thirties now in our cities and Apple two from kindergarten. -- all right school. Optional. And so you know it was our first -- -- -- -- like -- Work with the computer. Computing technologies -- -- grew up. -- still -- it that's influenced a career choice. -- -- the sense of wonder becoming our guys. It will order though there were a little simple program logo -- -- draw the screen. -- pretty well and in Argo or go -- college. A lot of the Apple market for a long time. -- it. And a couple years ago my first article on it. For and I wonder -- -- -- is -- first Apple do a little portable devices that access to. It -- thing you know ever posted online by. But. Yeah. I mean this thing you know it -- There's there's it'll copy it ever -- Entire music collection and I could I didn't enjoy -- whatever I want to -- -- -- -- people called -- Gordon. Browse web sites for. Regular role. Internet. It would be public and using that -- -- -- loner but first our secure. -- -- It's something at problems. No thank you -- so much and I think a lot of people can definitely relate to that that wonderment M somewhere along the line whether you loved it or -- it you're like wow. This is just a great piece of techno -- now question. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There are right if they slide acknowledge him happy again. I appreciate it I we do now we have this neighborhood video it's from years Steve Jobs -- house in Palo Alto it's. Are CBS news -- have been interviewing people in the neighborhood to find out what they're thinking we have that again. From my age bracket it was like when John F. Kennedy -- died. And I immediately called my husband who worked at Apple for twelve years. And I yelled up to my kids who are upstairs. And doing their homework and -- -- because. Steve Jobs dying and He was a big part of your life been -- -- In addition to being in this community with his family and and -- -- -- his wife and -- don't think you -- his -- and I'm thinking of this generation. All all -- -- excellence. Was using it -- him on it. Place monument whole foods you know six months ago and within their -- corporate. -- -- -- -- It -- a citizen of this community has stated this world and yet He tickets to a new level. A wonderful new level. And -- And I'm just thinking of his family. In the world right now foods keep -- They have there I mean you can imagine that the response from the neighborhood of course is going to be so intent to me is live in that woodsy neighborhood for years and years and years. And and that's one of the things that we talked about earlier. That sense that it is so much and community not just. Not not just the actual literal community of it but Apple itself -- really created. That it is that Cupertino economy in a lot of -- really contributed -- that. I mean when even talk about -- the Cupertino economy than building their new headquarters -- Steve Jobs went to City Hall to talk to them and propose that I mean that's. Another legacy that the design of Apple's -- -- When you see that they put that same Karen thought into the design of their buildings whether their retail stores or new headquarters that. They do and all of their products and you know that's part of Steve. It sounds like we're gonna be winding down somewhat seen here let's try to get through as many calls as we can all right we're gonna blow to as many as we can -- now Jason. From your calls and Jason. Just based -- -- -- with us and how you feeling tonight. -- would atom bombs and now this. Steve Jobs that -- influence on you know kind of my work in. -- they do and exert pressure on Apple Computer's -- -- at a very young age and probably 67 credit. I got my first Apple two and was introduced to a computer graphics which. O'Neill became -- -- career in grip design and web design you know for myself. Have a little modest -- company. Do out of my house and -- -- -- honest here in myself dual use Macs and -- -- -- -- ipads in. You know you know -- the guy in the office with the nobody you know has the you know the quote from Steve Jobs -- -- about design and now works. -- -- -- -- -- They're gonna are I think he's you know as -- yet UC embraces it thinks that calling Jason really appreciate it makes it we have Henry from west LA. Henry -- and a day. All right Henry and can you tell -- -- your reactions to Steve Jobs passing today. Absolutely. Be job. Is that Shakespeare. Site and you. Another thing that works He was so what -- -- how we use -- inventive and so when nobody else would. And He helped to create. An American product that -- -- -- rare thing in America and He also built -- people -- So -- -- and a lot of ways. The helped to keep. -- -- When you -- what it what's the product that sticks out the most in your mind that you'll remember. -- -- Apple product that was your favorite one. -- sales on. Actually at the local -- -- will be specific -- The ultimate. And production studio -- macro yeah. Visit -- -- and beast that this is a necessity when it comes to music art. Any -- created. Apple. Absolutely -- right -- so much -- -- Henry really appreciate you. -- with us tonight we're gonna jump over to -- -- colonists from Ohio. And -- tell us how you're feeling today. -- -- -- -- Are a great don't know which one and ask you you know you're calling us from Ohio and things are staying sticking with us how are you feeling tonight. For a very very -- all the while the law they are very important person and somebody who. Well revolutionized the personal computer for everybody will revolutionize technology in general. And -- will -- change how we communicate and interact with each other. A global scale. And I can actually make the travel period -- -- -- say that they're really really helped -- -- -- inter history books because -- feel like. Student's future generations. And -- -- in -- -- need cheerio. Learn what -- Steve Jobs didn't like that vintage you are the future about it in the same way they age. Saying that Alitalia is dead because -- changed our world -- is much. No excellent know that's literally -- fine thank you so much for -- -- for that are right our last call for tonight. Guys we're gonna close of the phone lines of this one comes to us this is Tenet. Kenneth how you doing and -- I think you can it just -- your thoughts and feelings about this hearing Steve Jobs passing today. Let actually. Martin Itamar article -- iTunes in -- like you. -- Okay think Kenneth a degree a -- we're gonna put on hold. We'll figure out what's going on later I -- we have one more call and -- a woman called -- finish up with. -- cores -- us how are you doing query. -- thank you -- to just tell us. Your thoughts and -- you're feeling tonight after hearing about Steve Jobs. -- -- -- -- -- Laporte this very. Can be error but. It -- either. According to talk -- -- -- In the end I mean He literally. We hear obsolete and basically people are -- from her for. -- bit so much. And those original. 800 -- and -- student drops actually did. You don't change the world and you don't put computers in its -- homes. So what it's true you know from -- larger you know mark. -- just the current vehicle computers for children -- hacker that they are old and here's where we're charged. Our technology. All over the world. Literally there's just you know just -- -- In Croatia and sort shaping technology -- how -- -- -- there we are are due to our content. -- will have. And no thank you so much for your calls so we're gonna close of the phone lines thank you everyone for calling no we really appreciate -- sticking with us and just kind of expressing how we feel all together. -- we -- through the Internet. And we know it's late it's laid on the East Coast and you know in people saying was for in the morning where they -- -- with us we really appreciate that now we're gonna go to couple last -- -- -- and we really want into. Get to it that this is is an amazing interview this too great titans and competitors meeting on stage at all things. In conversation a couple those highlights. Before we come back and taken. History books are -- -- thing with the greatest -- -- you in your relationship been about. Each other but would you say would be. -- idea cat fight this idea of what. Which which one of the men. We've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now -- -- Canada that trip to Canada. -- -- -- -- service have anything to complain about. In general. And I know that. The the projects like the Mac project you know it's just an incredible thing a fun thing. Where we were taking a risk. We did look -- lot younger in that video we -- -- twelve and is that if you look at. You know. When bill and I first met each other and work together in the early days. Generally. We were both the youngest guys in the room. Right individually or together I'm about six muscle -- his -- Roughly the same age and now when we're working our respective companies about you but I'm the -- I am innocent time. And that's what -- being here at. Happy to apply happy to -- and you know I think it I think of most things in life is Bob Dylan -- Beatles but -- that that one line in that one Beatles song. You and I have memories longer than the road stretches out ahead and that's that's clearly true here. Well you know what I think we should and it just ended. -- -- -- In swallow you notice I need him most He felt that when He said He -- Sony's when He says that so those straight no question so. That that's pretty much gonna wrap it up -- -- night's live coverage. But we want you guys know that we will be back tomorrow. With more live coverage because obviously you know some of -- -- is making its way. -- -- the world and and we'll be back with more Brian Tong will be here tomorrow morning at 6 AM Pacific time 9 -- Eastern time with Brian Cooley. I will be. Not here not to -- that wind UN that because I'll -- Jones and around I'll be I'll probably be in the building at ninth and standing out beyond CBS early show and your local CBS affiliates. Starting at 2 AM Pacific time so -- here watching the news. You can see that there and then we'll does have. You know basically this is how we do it now we have CNET coverage and CBS -- hand in hand. And a lot of content that we can show off keynote or Amy backed calls or videos and that the Apple stores are still a -- destination location even right now. -- of the the Mecca spots to go to and so this is live. Outside of the cents -- store. There's there's still people -- are in the store. It's 830 to eight typically close at 9 o'clock the virus call -- people are gonna still be stopping by putting down their notes and dropping flowers in just. Remembering Steve Jobs so you can see even in just a little bit on the side that that that stack. For the role of candles -- -- grown immensely and again people walking by don't realize it what just happened and and it kind of comes together they stop and pause. Take a breath and then take a picture and insane again I was there there is there. I'm gonna walk over there after this. We're gonna leave you are in -- ar CNET TV video team and wrangling put together really an amazing and very touching. Obituary for Steve Jobs and we want to leave you with some of that video and we will see you again tomorrow. Thanks for joining us -- room. Somehow connecting your future you have to trust -- something your gut destiny life karma whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road. We'll give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leaves you off the well worn path. A philosophy Steve Jobs alerts to embrace after a life of victories and setbacks and surprising diversions that made him an agent of change in how we communicate better entertained. He is gone but his vision of our digital world very much remains. The story of his life and technology played out in three acts the magnitude of which can only really be seen now. Looking back. Pack one its 1977. Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak introduced the Apple two the first successful personal computer. But 1984 brought a much bigger milestone in the first personal computer that was really personal today. For the first time ever. I'd like to let Macintosh speak for itself. They load by a Macintosh. -- food companies who -- our book that's bad. The graphical interface. Mouse -- -- software and whimsical designs it was a completely different animal from this -- machines coming from Microsoft and Intel. Just as different was the TV commercials that announced the Mac. One they still talk about in the -- business today and which showed that jobs new technologies sells better with a little hike. But none of that would be enough to hold back the juggernaut of Intel and Microsoft. And the difficulties Apple faced in growing the Mac business -- to jobs being shown the door at his own company in 1985. I was basically fired from homes through. That was that the when that happens but may be the best thing that happens. To shortly after jobs ouster founds next different -- -- -- kind of advanced workstation computer that runs on an object oriented software architecture which would become the basis of a dramatically new and better Mac OS years later. Similarly telling was the design of the next machine stylish austere and breaking convention. Sound familiar. In 1986. Jobs also acquired the graphic arts division of -- -- turning it into Pixar. The studio that mainstream animated features. And can boast that its films deliver the highest average gross revenue of any studio in the film industry. But -- classic form -- three was job's biggest He retook the Helm of a nearly bankrupt Apple. And introduced the -- the following year with what was the first of what we now call a -- -- -- homes. From the marriage of the excitement of the Internet. With the simplicity of Macintosh. It was the first personal computer designed around the Internet. What Bill Gates and Microsoft Word of the -- -- jobs was about to become to the Internet and eventually mobile. LYE. Credible stuff. To show you today his presentation skills and events such as MacWorld would become legendary examples of showmanship and star power in industry it's really beautiful. This is what it looks. Detractors would deride jobs -- as a reality distortion field but the iMac at work and Apple began to turn around. But jobs -- single biggest course change for Apple was not a computer but the iPod what is iPod. I had helped -- human partner. There is right there. Introduced in October 2000 the smallest size spacious and capacity. And looked good. But more importantly it diversified Apple away from head on competition with the win Tel computer makers while luring away their customers when iTunes launched windows support in October of 03. On here are reporting today that this is happens. Apple Begin to re write the music business to become a major media player and got its first taste market dominance. But in terms of financial success nothing tops the Apple product that was built on the shoulders of -- Is going to. And reinvent. The phone. -- -- Good jobs and Apple showed an uncanny ability to once again -- the formula right. -- here the originated. And make a piece of advanced technology seems simple and magical and fashionable and with that same DNA the iPad arrived in April 20 -- We'd like to show it to you today for the first time. And we call it. He's had only nibbled at the edges here so it's so much more instant personal laptop. And it's so much more capable. In the Smartphone Apple has had its share of flops but they mostly paled compared to its fixed and -- we're always notes of hubris around the latter -- company seemed most in jobs almost dismissing documented problems with the iPhone four's antenna we think it's affecting a small percentage of users. And we think some of that problem is inherent. In most every Smartphone. But mostly apples since jobs returned has been a culture change -- as much as a technology company. One of the biggest success stories in American businesses and virtually in the visible from the identity of its CEO. And it seems right that the best epitaph for him might be found in the words of an Apple TV commercial that wasn't really selling anything except Apple. And while some may see them. As the crazy. We see it. -- the people who are crazy and to think they can change the world. -- --

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