Episode 124: Dan arrives late to the studio and our show literally goes down the toilet
Episode 124: Dan arrives late to the studio and our show literally goes down the toilet

Episode 124: Dan arrives late to the studio and our show literally goes down the toilet

-- welcome to digital city or it's tax day let him while this idea. And you know I. And I immunity against -- -- You say there's no audio line on the show I love my headphones you left your headphones in your ears -- somewhere else to switch resolved their -- are really -- the headphones in and I had an app on my way hopefully you guys can hear us happy tax day. We're here we've already file their taxes hopefully. There's still a few hours left now I took him and -- -- why I left it's almost last minute. It was it was I don't know why -- -- -- very stressed about what should be a very simple process the whole thing should be. Made simpler I didn't he has noticed that story that they can you can sign up to get any sort of -- from here. Where your taxes are being sent. There -- is -- to -- -- currently available I don't know it all sounds. I'm I'm sure would want that because currently exists on actual receipt it's certainly an estimated. -- which hasn't seen any more healthful. In the cloud that I currently operating as far as knowing where my taxes -- -- -- the website and the dollar and what the actual -- I wanna know like -- like let's tag that. It's pegged as virtual dollars. And have them have them move around and -- -- you can find out where again. Asia you can -- -- board and board. And make an advantage of Bozeman permanently damage -- is coming back and pop art from -- story -- we'll be talking about a little bit. I'll let you could just came in here is literally handed you continent origin and that's why so -- but there is -- -- in the camera. In karma -- -- ever go see you go oh -- at the close of have been given to you when you initially hack you and issue a -- Now we're -- it and I don't know it was like that when I hear -- on okay. Because he did -- that aggregates and who says -- -- and a leading off just just to chat about obviously people have asked me questions about the the -- story that ran on Thursday about the -- umi toilet and -- in of the weekend. I did sit down and try -- -- a cost a whopping 6400 dollars and is it worth it now I mean it's not worth it for that type of money but it's. It was impressively. Ridiculously. High tech invisible things that go into it except for the fact. Yes it's like Japanese toilets and has -- -- heating and the date functions and work with the remote yes it's got the audio system. Built into it that works with a 3.5 millimeter Jack you -- your iPhone -- it's got a radio built in. But it doesn't doing this futuristic functions like analyze your your bowel movements valuation he often that type of futuristic toilet either -- about anything -- Asia. Yeah. We're 6400 dollars how much is it worth what would you pay for that kind of what would you pay behind the 2000 dollars I 15100 and -- -- for toilets -- have terrible judgment for what toilet you do on building -- -- -- I'd I'd look I pay 15100 dollars okay we -- -- that. You know and I consider that a lot of money but I mean heavier -- have you priced a public toilets no news. Okay that's a good price -- -- just come with the apartment effect but it is impressively. Compact looking which -- -- a lot of Japanese toilets look very were neat and it's full of strange hospital like buttons. I'm almost like those are what sustain like toilets and they don't -- or medical equipment just looked like a nice minimalist. Glowing sort of if -- -- the colors. High -- showcase products but I do I wanna I want the twelve right go to the bathroom and it's like. Take more vitamins. Can -- and -- too much meat. Air Canada actually test your school. Yeah and in those -- just to -- his life advice tumors by the progress to much fighting impulsive Scott McClellan down and smell the roses the list. Relaxed -- your wife Fareed and then they listen nasty -- -- investing in the stock market. Plus its fullest value sticking up about the -- -- Mellencamp -- fit you know we are the article achievement points or no you're not gonna balled up three more rolls of toilet paper and throw in here as you can applaud me. It's been eight hours -- of the last you need to sell -- about -- the -- -- is everything okay. I -- ranked you wanna talk and Iowa a toilet that can simulate a running faucet noise. The true source of the committee hasn't he already is -- -- -- critical activities and green nano or and that's because I have no hardware slowly breaking down to five. The collapsing every week a different camera doesn't work right sooner or soon will just be drawing pictures and simulate legal authority in Indiana and and holding them authority to enact the dream has collapsed toilet for the -- doubt that -- like a thundering like when -- the war room to make you -- not adequate whichever Katrina was a total yeah exactly -- massage function engadget I don't exist. Happened about five minutes later exactly as an added benefit -- -- don't have -- go to the crap for a living. Are -- gonna write down the toilet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A little thing going on its New Zealand without really that's all I was governor that's a all the time they'd have to keep pushing me back and human cancel my -- -- so it is absolutely you know excellent episode -- agency yeah here's a big this is actually good about his last week started representative so close approved and represented and judge Jesse Jackson junior. Floor of the House of Representatives and decried Apple's iPad saying it was a job killer. Not a job creator for -- two reasons one. It's manufactured in China that there -- a lot of Chinese jobs being created. Along with -- your iPhone and everything else and two. He says what's the point is going to bordered TV mission if you -- or Barnes & Noble. To buy a book when you can just download the are going to lose their jobs as well get a few other examples and I suppose there is a point to be made there. I was I -- the counterpoint that. If you're gonna complain that your tablet was made in China. -- you could say the same thing about your TV -- your video game console are most likely your laptop or desktop or anything else. At least unlike Sony and Nintendo and Samsung these -- that -- an American company. As are the entrepreneurial companies that have sprung up around it to sort of service it. Like up -- cabin seeing gun flip board and the cancer cases and stuff so this is an entrepreneurial activity happening around them that was -- boy died then as. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's a lot easier to get your book's neat normal pre highlighted from used copy of pages ripped out you know today Jesse Jackson junior says what about the poor -- -- work in the college bookstores yet and the company is that then made a ton of now I have not had the iconic tech looking like seventeen years -- -- -- -- And -- ticket -- that -- and I remember selling an active. Backpack like the event. Games so backlit so you still buy the games like games that you get five bucks towards the same concept and then they -- -- -- the full prize for anything that helps students get this textbooks cheaper I'm all for not damaged -- any other -- and easier downloads of the iPad that if you don't have outdated the right exactly some people are set for that reason for like students saying that. The few students here from. That they wouldn't want -- any book on their iPad because they couldn't sell -- back. But then the prices and then hopefully you buy cheaper and and you haven't you can reference -- later life and everything except your iPad obviously iPad with the e-book -- -- that's -- you really. This surface and they're not. With the even the guy who hello there Jonathan to CDU's. Writer blogger and and -- up here and there. With making the -- of -- -- mediated filling jobs and he made a good point that we have to figure out a new way to handle sort of digital property rights -- that you can -- things were passed them on to people. Which we cannot currently do with downloadable content for the most part and even having that video games now because after -- by via the online -- which is. A way to work around the -- game thing if you wanted to wages were up communion raises warlike but CD's I mean -- -- -- -- -- 1800 back then go and it should be in going to Tower Records and -- -- -- HIV that is and isn't. -- -- -- -- -- It's a good glad my god Antonio whatever penalties that are pleased that got killed once -- started downloading music I have to admit -- I appreciated music a lot more. When I had to walk to the store and by the CD out. -- out of the Booth soliciting a robot that I've been testing that's already has done yet but I have a single it out like five versions of the song and only one version I'd like would -- like the radio edit but I still get an idea would again was there for discovery does right now I have just untreated mice seem weird tastes and I don't explorer. Because that I -- -- -- as being intimate things is because you download the sound actually was -- contract remixes you David exactly it's my religion to get a chance in the other possible tragedy Monica -- -- got multiple tracks interview what the job to listen possible but it's. Tulsa discover new music in an MP3 format are an enthusiast content form because you know everything right and the front page is always the new popular contemporary stuff. And so it -- as opposed to when you went to physical store and you've got to go to all these different you know where they had genres. I'm upon genres upon -- it's -- you would go to the international action -- new -- section and you would like you know it just. Test this out let me see them and listen to this CD to the holiday I. Have a proposal now Apple or. Amazon rhapsody anybody -- that you just need to hit the streets and set up a tab on your site for mix tapes or underground. That would be great and Adobe's licensing problem that these guys -- as -- as it is an absolutely CDs at the -- their car it would be great. Go to Amazon and disable the latest mix -- we've -- be -- more excitement people do that I don't there -- to talk about feeling ridiculous it is illegal anyway but that which you don't wanna go to web sites and possibly put your credit card information of some unfamiliar site like -- you some even trust some iTunes as a sort of with the celebrity playlist and the album and other companies -- you got these guys have -- actually -- actually -- excellent around. All do indie albums -- -- themselves and essays fans and their -- illegal samples on an unlicensed. Yet that's what his sudden I'm I think that would be great but they've invested so much in in kind of suggestion engines and discovery stuff it's surprising that it doesn't work very well I mean look how much Netflix is -- -- trying to suggest movies -- you. And that's still basically only says -- like this will be able this actor was and another company to -- video like that. I mean I got into orbit at an external sound like -- put try to take this job and shove it argues they are -- our -- -- -- -- eat the ease not a great rapper but. He became so popular -- YouTube video that the remixes rapid actually -- pretty good to be. There was that -- That came out fifty Tyson. All day every via the viral thing that it was horrible but some important people -- hard to it she didn't -- -- -- no okay I'm not -- -- that is not the dead injured and aided and abetted her radio between you and the network. Doesn't but that -- I don't spend the time I know valuable data the other guy who actually did sign up as -- another. Producers were it was a movie that can musical and it actually go -- or digital city where -- -- all day every day. Are that I had actually access and his team signed -- all day everyday digital city pending approval as an active yet if licensing rights WW seventy picture -- -- -- -- -- -- Dancing and I acrylic and the challenges that like with TV you know unique content you gotta make you wish to -- -- can't do vaudeville. I'm on television you can't do the old self -- -- -- -- new products or with publishing Edwards dumping you know these. Did you take the challenge to think of making new interest -- interactive books illustrations. -- any records used for these tablet devices. And don't just give us the cheap stuff and and charge fifteen dollars -- Put some effort -- I mean evidence that -- that he like recurrent or -- -- -- -- even if you do have a -- scripted you can self publishing -- somebody to be -- that something like that. On the news again but do you don't coaching is so easy oven is safe house Democrats have a song how do I get like here I dare I set an example. Aren't you and I -- -- -- mankind is little sign of how does what relentless softball now. -- -- -- I used by Amazon music store and I got the higher -- up my records including most recently -- know that nice little US I usually doesn't ask you how did you get your -- month. And iTunes I was really easy you can actually just goes straight through iTunes or through the Amazon MP3 store. I just a good differently through an established distributor who will take cure your product and put it in their catalog which then gets distribute to all these other places. And obviously just like with -- -- -- -- the money with them so I go through the orchard which is a pretty well known real record distributor. I just from a digital stuff. And that's how it gets picked up to any new music stores just on there automatically because they'll pick up the -- -- -- or direct through iTunes which like people do or I. I I bought a friend of -- record threw -- a cycle band camp this morning. That's a site where people can upload their -- music and sell it in whatever format they want for however much they want if you're a director for two bucks -- -- you know argued that basically taking donations alma. Whose signatures on the -- has its outage herbs that you've made a total of a dollar 83 from I believe. That may not be that far from the truth although I have. It doesn't in the last few months actually received a royalty -- which is more than most people music and she can say I've actually gotten checks from records. And there's not that many artist presented by two -- -- that they ultra small. -- flawed and really that this identity -- Sandra -- back in a contest for I noticed on the site that. Cross -- but they're looking for garage band tracks from people -- Who which makes me -- who's next on -- Anyone else who isn't looking for these promoting those who look -- contents is there I had no idea -- -- claim it exposes its. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I vehemently to run style music -- -- which will hold Johnny runs on meeting our garage band that for the iPad that is later. Like a little Steven kind of -- sixty's are fraught kind of thing. Now and -- -- just -- -- do -- and I've tasted bad for the name garage band come from for the app from the -- John rip music at alt rock band music. People and now -- -- out and value of -- you know you're is that. That's -- -- -- -- in the club this. All these crazy John is jungle is being it to expand on them and and -- that are you all can't live without one with house and house music house -- gonna bounce -- over but absent too broad term had to break it down it's like you know I DN in the annals of the crazy stuff. -- -- is typical of electro eighty's flashback stuff -- and good time but. Better -- as an enemy it's I think you all bugs that have actually originally you know whether the iPad. Kills jobs the are people who sort of every time something new comes along who want to preserve every job in amber almost like in Jurassic Park so that it. Never changes and you can do that somebody to tell me a great story about how. In the northeast especially these be huge industry in life beast and make the -- -- it was cold. Put it on boats and ship it literally around the world and -- -- a thousand people were in the ice industry. And once refrigeration came along got -- -- -- to go to and it was listed they do up in New England maple. Farming and and cap and milk and -- operable whenever they patriots paraphernalia that. But you have to do that just like -- that TV is gonna kill movies and radio was gonna -- live music and it actually did happen to -- degree. But you gotta change with the times he got it would just evolved most evil if you out -- -- other industries exactly other industry is the concern carving an interest in -- and but yeah I mean it's it's the industrial revolution all over again you have. New opportunities. I mean and bookstores are dying record -- he's -- that's actually true. They gotta come up would do it but that's because the music companies and the -- -- companies and the book publishing companies. We're the only people who did not see the digital distribution wave coming a mile away everyone else thought. They also at their heads in the -- opinion and -- we're gonna raise plastic CD a box prices to 18989. Everyone's just gonna pay it. -- -- -- -- There it is nineteen dollar mall CDs. Amber you don't ever -- in 1999 and all the rights that it's illustration ridiculous and I'm not buying -- -- -- -- soundtrack today that we've got these are ten bucks on on iTunes that's where should be there and it found a natural price for itself that people were willing to pay. But even that's creeping up -- -- of the dollar -- it and everybody else could just find assume that just by visiting those. Like arcade games recorder for like twenty years can't make money keep the parts of a quarter twenty years later in a statement it I mean this for the card that's not. They go and all its parlance that's -- yeah Carter Metallica scholar at the site. Like the same -- with dvds but the one thing to say -- welcomed dvds or blu -- -- they give -- -- only thing they give you so much with the Blu-ray. Then have to normally sell -- I got like four dollars more or for copies of the movie as delegates digital copy they have yet to get a 380 copy you'll get what they are headed our higher end of that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- bag -- -- -- Resolutely the president really is like a download code and for the do they do sometimes. In -- threatening -- that -- is a consistent thing that has the gigabyte models that -- us now is the one used -- -- any particular put on year pilot device or whatever yeah that's actually pretty cool but they have to get that stuff to make it. Less inconvenient -- just download -- plug because of a Google online and African download like any dvd in the orbit the -- -- -- what I instead I I just got a movie of the week and I'm sorry that I does endorse the product my bet you do. And you can now I'm gonna tell you something -- did I wanted to I wanna watch a movie and you know Netflix to rent new movies in March that -- that with navigate in a month to month. I'm weaning period the gonna feel like -- lines aren't fine by try to get it on cable. Cable on demand and it was so slow and jittery because the cable service -- -- -- this with a high definition streams district breaking up of the through this. I -- to voodoo which I have on the PlayStation 3 and also in my TV. And network right. As the same price -- this is it's the same kind of the -- 24 our view window they've really should give -- two or three days but it's true when you're really at the stream quality -- good although they do charge an extra buck for 1080 over seven point which is ridiculously. Obvious cause -- -- but they have. Have don't have that size and extra credit for trying out the service and events that is of this and they have. Blu-ray -- -- you can stream Blu-ray high enough to ramp our 3-D. With that works with -- three TV which -- -- -- has right now and be done Sony I'm excited to add a demo like a two minute demo. So you can actually put -- a three classes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But I don't -- -- treaty but I -- the voodoo experience was pretty good overall. And that's thinkable across a large number of devices and you know that that's -- weights averaged two and it differently. That's our default and it's also also making is considered dropping the disks from our Netflix queues because what you said and -- use the streaming and that makes the next couple bucks on. Something like -- we -- Under new releases when they come out -- to -- -- -- -- the area finally -- blacks on let's see you know it was the right but -- -- -- maybe you have ABC that. -- one yet you -- W -- -- -- he has good reference but I really found a line and it now is evocative of the beginning of hysteria. And also another -- a film opera which is of course about opera. And he's asked. Yet with the especially isn't yet -- haven't seen blacks and I think he's a site that is not filing because it's. -- live and our thinking it's a pretty running -- yet it's like it was essentially objectionable excellence. For the record anyway his application for the record anyone in general not only is Scott look agreeing to anybody is actually wearing -- So this is really green -- and he's got smacked green -- service mostly marvelous that's a made man. A who's your vote for the Yi so thing within the -- vote on the -- cover gas is up for that Michael thank god I'm gonna. It's definitely not -- -- -- -- -- Michael -- bow -- but the cover which is perfectly -- entirely don't -- -- -- -- -- -- a political game -- -- it is -- hey hey -- is that the society -- doesn't mean -- allow -- already have uncovered guy gonna say -- -- for years -- is the first -- time hadn't covered bananas are a mystery pills and if you -- if if Dan had a little Google thing going on to see that would let him go no it's over you like -- that public face on stuff maybe not. I think it'll be very afraid that it -- easy they've would you play here's a look actually at present is she truly remorseful. And -- he learned his lesson -- he's -- many knock off. UC I don't think he's actually change that the person. That's the difference that's why you don't deserve a -- I just basically being a good football player has to do -- being a good person got. And of the -- -- -- out -- it should have been Aaron -- if you wanna NDP has not been met and covers a good guy at work seems like a good guy and I'd already gotten the covers while also sell ads and -- -- anyone getting -- and needlessly I'm just kidding actually the eyes of accounting and -- and you're not standing up with the might of the apology now on the obviously ridiculous how does say is saying they'll get it if you were to make the -- one thing has nothing to -- I mean if you were to make -- alternated because it public figures it would be all it would all be because of the way he performed last season does nothing to do with. And I mean look at more Albert -- -- to pay for -- he ever held back the very once you know he's he's billboards and it's finally not look at. It looked pretty good job he he got bumped to fox business and like the farm channel and a major opening up an automatic right beaten up to -- -- -- doors to beat another human being but you know anyway and and he -- he was ostracized and he's been in the he was in the music in wilderness for forty years until it. I -- they have Internet Davis and many rap records. Indefinitely credibility here in Canada he -- -- from any. It can't recover vote and that's what happens in the random candidates getting in there. I mean in terms of I think we should all vote -- -- so actually but the rest of his life he's gonna hear what they -- on -- is layers as those kinds of gamers who don't nominate who was gonna be on the cover after the final vote came -- I don't think I don't think anyone I think the nominations were submitted as a penalty -- as -- opened up for nomination demand like Justin -- or is probably. I think -- and I think it managers but it's. That's X one for teens about it now I don't know but it came down to be used to give it to -- that's fine. Because it's. OJ Simpson -- cover of -- and all stars historical -- would you say -- and -- -- gives it all hands. After the show is different but you're not taken a stand on your code is different -- for the last time congress on why OJ is different because -- today is if he's -- -- And he was convicted allegedly convicted former deputy to the murder -- from -- -- -- What you're talking about. It for the murder of his why don't you think -- whether they try to convicted for the murder. (%expletive). Anyway anyone enjoy all the traffic differently got to -- that however he is guilty of holding people at gunpoint -- usually -- -- -- was found that civil liable if -- committed to get that outlet near -- nevertheless. There are many people not been convicted of crimes yet on them. And the other way around if you've ever seen my favorite 1960s TV chip fugitive now that one dvd. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Or -- Jackson. Arnold Jackson addition he had his -- dog Bo Jackson another day he had his monumental job is -- copies man in the south sampling but Jackson are a lot like it would buy because they would. It would relate to that players -- -- -- Jackson in the game just throw him in the game but -- there it's hard to get the licenses though that's the problem is it's hard to get the rights for those other place. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't comment on it let me briefly we've had -- the. -- It's now that. Other briefly say that I saw some today about been out -- the rumors are escalating. At the iPhone five is gonna come out in the fall and be largely the same look and feel just with. A better antenna and updated camera are they gonna move away from from the -- fall. -- -- -- -- -- I think if I was almost -- part of it really is okay because it's less but does seem more likely that they -- the summertime they moved to the fall that's the real question. The -- for new phone. Com. Go -- it if it turns out that it's about -- getting Verizon AT&T on the same page because it wired phone thing. Maybe that's part of it I think at least at the latest by September these rumors that it is some are gonna skip your observed it. The make sense about the design of it because now that they have a new design. -- sticking with their designs for awhile the MacBook pros of other design the same substitute has any. And the iPhone previous to the iPhone four except for that plastic back and at the same address several years. Now I just saw something else another rumor. It's only published like about an hour or so ago saying the iPhone six. May be coming in the first half of 2012. Some Wall Street analysts -- and apparently heard something about that from -- from X from -- manufacturing source. -- Saturday crazy but that would have a whole radical redesign of the of the actual shape. And -- some point -- million iphones excellent we'll be six months after the iPhone five would now be nuts not -- helping them -- I I hope not yet have a very bad I think appreciated this little. The thinking. It's and I had three coming September rumors that it -- that I mean it it would and I think -- -- -- more design change in significant hardware upgrade. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- People -- -- wanna sign up for the two year agreement and have summertime. Four G iPhone come out whatever Slovenia Italy to the fall -- at the time for everybody -- people might -- -- and that's why they want to sign a two year contract. When you come next summertime meager eight months from Gaza is designing your contract for the client without Hussein went down this rumor floating around the iPhone six we all know that's gonna securely and I found seven -- while. And then they'll be around the same I have -- -- generate -- -- actually -- -- iPhone exclusive first look at the iPhone twelve it is constructed of pure font. -- equipment. Iphones I'm the gonna bielsa pressing going on everybody -- -- -- thing like we are -- -- -- -- be back in time should I actually went to the lab and I'd like to. I'm gonna be the old fashioned way people -- the old -- when you go to the digital city podcast FaceBook page -- you and your comment and I don't want to you -- -- away. You want to leading the -- entered for the StarCraft. A move headphones. -- ninth mouse. Well again that's we have an -- questions and keyboard. -- -- -- for the FaceBook page comment that you want it. Randomly pick a name. And we will contact you and if I don't break -- a -- as we look the very nice prize who have donated that excellent excellent. And -- -- and I'm applauding a fact quite. Yet guys with enthusiasm. I think spite ready for the Lincoln town for the national excellence that's accessed -- I'll come up with it is a -- -- questions for next week. I have some fantastic prizes waiting around as well just a few minutes a day trip to -- -- -- bag the F and it's full blown up the -- -- actually wants me go in your office. And video some of the -- that you actually haven't yet sure at some point I'm me sneak -- -- actually may get the video and -- an immediate I mean some proper lighting it is. He has said all of them like quality missing to -- what can look -- it obviously. Good thing missing is like a -- laugh like that canceled my garage there -- dirt -- her. They got a mini bar got my mood lighting I think he's have a lot -- -- my old model that the -- -- general I'm sorry it's not for each piece. It's for the one process -- don't want to write back I'm not gonna read his -- our craft so all they want to start crab bundle that's pretty my idea. As a good set up as -- at PC gamer heaven. So then yes. -- how to how did you shoot government I don't know if you're gonna put on FaceBook page or what what when you're gonna need you to shoot that -- It's not like it's hot out there might be just -- -- talk about don't say is -- gonna put it up for everybody she didn't uniforms aren't. Definitely don't want Twitter know why can't we get -- could do -- -- brandy and and that I get here. -- -- -- -- -- I am sure locals get -- Next we do you really like object -- from.

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