Ep. 97: NFL FanVision hits the field and hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy Tab
Ep. 97: NFL FanVision hits the field and hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Ep. 97: NFL FanVision hits the field and hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Let's just as I can I can barely see you -- -- towering iMac. Yes what hello there found. Brady I forgot his glasses at home today they have to bring in the biggest monitor you could find several and that the big guy and doesn't just get a Mac mini but look up to 42 inch flat screen and put in for -- -- -- much -- can believe it or not. This keyboard fits in my -- Right but the iMac itself does not -- ago. This -- the galaxy tamp down. -- it. That's gonna like that it ties with the Google in C a vote who -- thinks it's ridiculous that -- we drank an iMac in here to work of often during the -- -- your hand if you think it's ridiculous all right three everything get your hands not ridiculous raise your hand. Okay if there aren't Sharon pure through -- -- what I've read our under open. With the -- so top secret you may not even wanna hear about and I've got that I at the top figured out -- euphoria snapped this weekend surreptitiously. We'd like to see them I know you're and I know you're dying to find out. You know -- really. You're ready puffy Apple photos look at possibly oh my god I -- Apple -- this weekend that's right I was trying to play halo reach but instead I ended up upstate new York and and at an Apple farm. Take an Apple. -- -- I thought -- how to do it. Yeah I'm -- again. Where there's no there aren't we hit -- -- there we go we're lost in the Apple orchards. Can't find your way though there we -- I I I figured this is -- is -- going to like give me any instructions. Think of like a bunch apples and that's. Free I had -- -- over the whole foods that just got Apple's right they're gonna have to go here and get them. I'm just on an out there and annoying when we do this I don't know why I did. It's fun for kids but they go I I -- you -- -- -- Apple pictures and with pictures of me picking apples upstate with. From friends and the go high. You gotta make that your I apologize because I of the entire that's your profile -- the Apple -- the Apple my mouth as the Apple agreement with a slightly pink with an Apple enough and you're familiar Photoshop that okay. -- it's another strap around. I've for the black -- objects myself. I access those -- really -- Actual real Apple news that Steve Jobs got an email fight with. Some isn't college student or maybe not doing as a college student what is going on here I thought this -- -- like the most important -- technology is time to trade. Emails back and forth of like a 22 year old 22 -- hurled a hundred what is what university student is -- 142 you should you should say -- -- -- your universal secure plant that. 137 -- -- richest man in the world is arguing over how much money he he lost arguing with there. They're right you're not I'm just timer yet in Armenia how many -- -- -- actually -- your time blizzard just have been and I think that's okay -- as a genuine more than. -- university which is not follow a beautiful area around. And -- -- like the guy from. -- the guy with the Galileo is wrong book with with a instructor at like Bergen county economic malaise -- -- -- -- you and have a good. He's the funny thing is that she's she wants a quote from Apple. And she doesn't get through the care reform should -- six voice messages which is pretty -- listen to tell you we don't get through -- the Apple PR department I now and we're kind of really -- when it. And of the -- if you didn't have a very lengthy email I humbly ask. If Hillary can go back efforts -- -- -- -- -- I think if the -- in the first -- right. What's the -- efforts female in the voice of this journalism student well there's only one woman in the room that's right. Yeah. And -- -- that you're improbably dudes that's -- -- -- It mr. jobs humbly ask where Apple -- so wonderfully attentive to the needs of students whether it be with the latest greatest invention. Or the company's helpful customer service line and yet. Ironically. The media relations department fails to answer any of my questions which are as I have repeatedly told them. Essential to my academic performance. But again they don't get back to. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Help me get a gig. I got that I -- Then finally I'd rather actually asked why immediately if it means is now on him which consequently -- my chances of an entry. But forget about my individual situation and what about from the -- If you get a message from a client -- as an employee is in Asia to return. That's -- analysts but again that's not one and here. There way to second the media relation acting that -- knocking back towards not decrease your chance of doing a great. Journalism involves if you -- to be a journalist you have to go to various sources. Be diligent and include your secondary sources and a deeper story that people will sometimes -- you would not -- -- -- answer it's you that in guitarist servers on the scandal and get in the bag -- on my on -- and a great story well. I can't even go on -- and easy. Else other then it goes back and forth a few times and it -- with Steve Jobs saying please leave us alone. Which may not be the most the most politically correct response but I -- -- -- I'm lecture I field a lot of questions room the press so -- -- some time sometimes different students working on papers right. They're usually not as. Poorly written as. As the distance from is that -- -- not the -- Steve Jobs who's gonna bitch in his response do but I think in this case everyone comes off the loser. -- you did she improves things is that the more persistent U wire. If you keep persisting people there's gonna tell -- finds that the problem is -- -- -- an ordinary bad response. Yeah be careful don't -- -- -- ensure easy. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IP is -- -- -- my papers you'll have a record tonight and yes I mean do that the whole Steve Jobs email Italy's and then Leo. He response to people -- -- about -- to web sites people often post the routing information for the email just to prove it but if it's something if not real they usually cannot say. That was him one out of the signal I mean I mean that's I think it's a fake I'm -- so it at Apple may have received email -- -- under his name okay but people generally he generally is known for. Responding to his -- emails they're like in his voice if from his pre you know I mean they're the -- -- their short somebody whose job it is to respond would have been nice. Somebody if it's just him -- it like what that they Mark Zuckerberg had somebody whose job but what's replied using allies here I mean that was you know. There was actual job title think it was you guys -- see the movie when it's in the movie. Social networks. Yeah. I had found another sort of a movie don't if you haven't seen I'll wait for instance there's got some pretty good it's got some -- found so far but I can't conceive machete I didn't see the expendable. You're putting the social network on it together with the -- I just say is there's a lot of movies that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- there's a bunch of people. On the way down blown things building movie I've seen recently is that -- there applying those that it now. The stimulus to be written and it -- -- so I'm. I would definitely got Justin Timberlake -- yeah yeah. I'm not movie folks use now mind I'll -- -- like movies that are well written and those are few department. Well there was a piece and either Vanity Fair or the Atlantic I forget which one about how. It's not that. Movies are so -- worth the used to be if that TV it's gotten so much better -- -- for movies seem worth now because if that's great. You don't all the HBO -- the AMC's stuff. It's such high quality our -- movies are actually second -- what what's better stuff than the movie theatres right now or like mad men -- -- -- -- -- the Atlantic TV show. All the different programs. -- -- -- I -- what -- you like that unions it you know cable but that's how bored -- just a legitimate does that topic to bring you know -- -- -- -- a lot of movies straight at her and not an IMAP mail and rebuild man but there's -- -- -- we talk about -- -- we talk about boardwalk empire. Probably I think we talked about it I only -- about it yet. The premiered last night the any guys see that animate HBO -- -- -- Martin's course easy produce. Mafia shows he has -- the very beginning of prohibition in 1920. And Atlantic City was Steve Buscemi as the county treasurer of the defective -- of Atlantic City. It's exactly what I thought it was in that it was over -- over budgeted -- be. -- -- -- actually directed this this inaugural episode. -- of Atlantic City -- yet it's exactly what you think it's gonna be it is not a single surprise in the entire being they clearly have too much money. You need to produce these things a little more guerrilla style for them to feel honest this just feels. It's like created by guy he's he wanted to have writers on -- programs. You know so that's a big hit show. The kind of for the next thing you get whatever you want nobody will say no idea to get a bunch of people when their releases -- to as a well done -- very high quality but. It's just. It's just over it's just over indulgent everything everything is written now that one of the former writers sopranos and feel like it's it's like with -- -- -- -- -- -- yes as a writer spinning up and -- shows on television. And and he doesn't know -- -- that no interest in boardwalk empire right. -- -- how to dial up about the cancel -- -- you know -- authorizes done well -- idea. How you know it's coming back NH via box office the greatest and -- I hate over the top. Absurd -- -- of this however there's one example I love but there's -- -- -- get eastbound and down. He's -- and now he's back down -- solo on a yes yes I am. I I have to admit being -- Kenny past I was thinking of us get rid of HBO and is my monthly. Yeah of course that's a good option. I just got the pleasure Leo finds a way to catch up to this decade -- -- -- then what thing is Britain's -- want to Allah -- HBO episodes -- -- like I think -- -- -- -- -- accident ever -- America Canada -- I don't own them I just went around -- I actually don't wanna download it. Maybe they'll have those on the new Apple -- And could be maybe -- have them on the Samsung galaxy -- media plus whatever it's called what that -- public at. The Samsung galaxy tab gonna that the media service of the -- -- media media. We're -- generically for at a boring name is the of these is -- sparkling in the galaxy -- and then media media hub. -- would be very thick with a -- from the device. Well they wanted to make it cross platform to get it on your PC to -- they can farming at and I wanted such as Samsung branded. And and this is episode if I devices unified -- I didn't didn't you see one recently we did accept -- that's an ability to -- and we did we went down to a campuses. A lesson in how not to run a precedent first ball well all it that the Time Warner Center -- You know building and stuff. He gets there and they have a Samsung like like -- store they are almost like you know at the Time Warner it's upstairs -- -- -- yeah you know a bit the Sony style stores so that like that. Little darker okay. So we get there immoral -- in line outside don't don't they become prevent a certain kind of make you wait outside for fifteen minutes for it to believe that -- him off with like twice because Dick -- way we really don't anyway we went on a line and then we don't -- that's right and that was you know -- on the fur flies right now we're back in line. We think nearly one line was on the left side of the door the -- on the bright side of the doing it to go -- once the other that's fine. None of feeding that's okay too they got to talk about the tablet and stuff but here's the thing. There was no actual news about this. Freaking tablet there but what carriers it was gonna be on but we are really kinda knew that. But no price no availability date in it is that -- for twenty minutes while some PR guy comes up and talk about how great the newly revamped Samsung website is going to be. I want to strangle myself with the chair Abyssinian. They also discussed price. -- -- just that. Right well. -- -- as they get it right and Ryan as well -- up and coming up photos of the event if you want to yes -- got a component particulate to pick it. God knows anything more practical. They showed how can fit inside -- -- jeans pocket. The -- -- -- sensible it's -- sport jacket I wouldn't suggest putting in your parties you sit down your amendment that's right does that mean and you never I'll put it in my pants oversized. Jeans pocket. You know you talk about the details it feels about the same size and weight as a Kindle -- Nokia definitely seems like it's competing with that. By and sure enough flash video on it some types of flash team -- having an extra that I flash video that where he said Dan. They should -- flash games that work but they were hard like concrete stuff I got on a demo unit later loaded up FaceBook apparently -- -- did not work. What thing is that I was of telescope elaborately it's not it's it's it's it's seven inches and -- more mainly because Android hasn't been optimize for tablets are exactly that's right you see like the you know -- the Dell streak -- five inches is a little bigger than the Tivo. And you see that it's seven -- so I mean what's actually fully optimize it and we'll see some really ambitious you know devices come back -- -- need a whole new version -- that operate -- thing with -- Apple have to be -- forward as -- just like -- -- -- -- that's -- concern for the -- for the iPad. As well as what. There's other things which is meant as a mobile phone device the OS we'll have to get some -- as well. I'm concerned because -- a lot of people talked about how Google is not really. And supporting Android for tablets of payment due and they don't even say -- right so but but -- say kind of because -- tablets are still coming out -- and Google. Is not really stopping them. But the question is -- support in fact when they were asked that question Samsung and his. From that how to -- it's -- couple of specific apps that are optimize use that they used the number does it around dozens there's a dozens and dozens and that wasn't that they feel they. He if you're gonna if you're gonna use that level of numbers against the app store don't. Mentioned and they have their own I mean -- -- -- to get on the Android market out there you it's still got a result tablets can sure but but I cannot deny them and even rather not even exposure to -- the running in the middle screen. Was can use that. I've I think -- expander and I Canada they don't have I -- right I don't check in the lab opened -- that. I guess I vehicle that's the Kindle app that does that mean it should use entire the younger you order they even have the built in when -- -- look nice if it definitely is -- -- -- -- -- But -- but if you're buying books you basically just wanna buy from Amazon and use them -- all -- different devices. Well that's again and I'll take a quick survey about every magnify him under public Android owners survey that you to do. On on how you think. Android the phone version blows up to seven or nine inches -- think that's a good experience where they need to remake it from scratch. Well when you have an Android phone -- -- you can you see that where they're working on evidence being exactly like that I love. Not Canada if you wanna do more then just when you can leak into -- all of which is a lot or any for an -- on. Yeah I think you would leakage and it. When you turn your phone when I turn the tablet. It did the you know oppositional rotating it to but it just it but it didn't like -- is gonna -- -- back in that have a phone works to -- -- does -- -- -- eight okay that the was not a smooth rotation on the -- The kind of went to Baghdad. This isn't an incredible. And there were four buttons on it. I consider that the home button. I'm given to run your phones guys as or or for those towards universal yes a lot like -- -- back -- -- look -- -- out CF yeah yeah that's all okay and then menu. I mean it seems fine that we just to look like I couldn't played the flash games I wanted to play on it be that they claimed it was by asking you compliance -- I don't think that's full support for right it's like mobile flash and then we tried these Scott tried the the video. Chat with the front facing cameras -- that we used. Okay as quickly and you yeah and also support -- is a ticket for the conferring with and it worked but it was really -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- My concern -- is that I think the you know and away the -- -- -- that you know the iPhone so small they're point five inches when you go to nine point seven today believe. You're going from what four point. Five inches to a seven inch device it's not that they believe effectively. If it doesn't really feel like that much of -- new device it feels like a lesson in you device even and the people criticize. -- I think in Europe -- they're giving it -- letting it make calls are keeping the beat telephone circuitry in it right here in the US we've taken that out because it could technically. Actually make calls because you're gonna have had a plan from your from your cell service provider anyway. And they're not gonna have the Wi-Fi version right what you gonna have to get at lunch one of the three G versions and -- all three G. You'll -- one of three G versions. So you can't just get it and not pay a monthly data plans. Well the thing is that's that's that's fine if the data plan is really expensive but it's not can be seen as they -- faster and you can't if you don't have to -- Contract. I hate that people like the -- the Wi-Fi at that that's fine for most people people don't need the monthly charge attached to of these when he uses you know -- five. If I get I can assure you this whether they -- -- they announce or not if there is Wi-Fi capability in that device but it's just disabled. They will -- that sucker. And it and and I mean you know that ahead as well all you said that I NASA the issue right you're gonna have it when there's just like there's you have to pay on the iPad -- -- -- thirty bucks just for the three G into. -- how much cheaper could the galaxy tab would be. If it was just a Wi-Fi version so that's the question how the -- a price -- it's gotta be competitive developments down. My guess is it will be competitive but that will take into account the 200 dollar contract. This -- we care. When you're having a press conference together yeah I yet you -- all these details you give the price I mean. I don't understand these should and that who wants to know how much is that the thing -- William and a competitive and as far as -- in as far as the media doubled the cost of teenagers and even his head -- and -- we went to the demo unit and the prices -- -- the -- the -- the -- -- yes I mean you -- talk about that. It's it's it's not a big mysteries ours what those possibly and it's just as planned to talk about -- -- for them to have three press conferences about it is that it just wanna know what's coming to have won a couple weeks ago in Germany they have one here right and have another one. Right at the launch with the pricing of. Nomination there's just having one there's a lot of pressure -- there's a lot of pressure to keep people's attention looking for these other tablets because. The -- is -- -- star and and that's the thing with Apple and when you know with the on the iPod we know that was like it's Sony dropped the ball. Sony was the Sony Walkman when -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The other side and it was only afford. To get the walker and stuff would help get -- or backpack manager of them just as Sony and -- -- -- Sony Sony had the chokehold on it. And they dropped the -- Apple took it and now people realize with -- you know with you know that I wasn't true Apple Tablet -- I was -- into the eye of -- so. Everybody if the current keep that vision -- is -- of the tablet coming out to be cheaper. And nobody's guys I don't really what I -- largely you don't cheaper -- -- that's what you're -- I don't hire I ever not I'm not merely talking about the Samsung. A I don't know if -- the rewards of tab -- -- -- like 119 out of court and up and and -- will they be any good will they be any good UG tablet is actually that was you know we we needed we need to get our hands and it actually. There's -- actually got a hands on with here in the opposite about it we can happen to us obviously goes to the -- -- -- is actually talk about that is an Android 2.2 tablet. And is selling currently on Amazon for think 349 so. It's called competitive and honestly not to mention from the galaxy tab in terms of feel but wasn't any good. It's about as good but the problem is application support it's not clear who's designing these apps at least -- is designing their own custom maps and they're gonna have the media. Others that you sort of almost lost an island with these I feel like -- available said -- almost put out there and said. It'll do what it does and it's got -- the name of the apps for market by. It's it's a bit -- Well that that that's one of the reasons why you know it's gotta be -- low price point. Mean it's gotta -- a low price -- because you can't really promise anything right now. I think only after the adoption takes a -- people actually start efforts -- these devices. Or we find people gearing making apps for -- on question time now I've an iPad got an -- Really got organ the second generation and a pants and I got have a comes out -- say it's roughly it's 500 -- the left in the interest Billy. Now none at all doesn't -- now and what it. And things now. But you. We what you're already covered on that in this forms -- its concerns that we probably -- the iPad -- as we get the best able and I can only leave and within ritualistic and I will mention just very briefly I'd. Have -- my phone isn't tablet Dell streak easily -- what that's right that's it yeah. All -- a tablet. And here. Sliding scale one of my big complaints about the iPad is that Google docs which is a lot now you can view Google docs and but you can't edit that you can't you can't type. On the iPad and put in Google docs Google has said that's actually coming out with in the next few weeks both do the iPad. And to Android I am extremely excited about this. Because I have moved most of my writing to Google -- -- the most which blacked out the stuff that just let me get my work anywhere and I can start to review on one machine. Vision on another eccentric sector. Skillet to -- for me that's an eleven I think that really might make the iPad or any tablet a much more usable. Netbook or even laptop replacement to -- They're now saying that iPad sales are not only cannibalizing regular laptop sales now this trying to cannibalize. Low end. Mac. Computers that. -- that that -- could -- that. Instead of getting like the 999 -- -- or Mac meteor something people are getting iPad now not by a large margin but there's apparently some. According to if he's -- -- -- analysts what he noted is also a lot of shuttle and a lot of people I know if you don't have. Desktops and laptops so people have like full blown -- desktop replacement laptops and even netbooks. So I mean it gets kind of repetitive the -- you know you -- tribal how many laptops do you really need. If you have like -- a Mac Pro and home by colleges take my my iPad on the go. I could do my my hello work -- don't see you you're more likely to -- for example when I said I'll probably what the iPad and have my injured when you just want you just -- everything. Why not have everything. I think this Steve Jobs comment that he made it all things digital that computers are like trucks is going to resonate for awhile I think there was actually an -- description because. You don't need so many of those have electors. We talk about -- over its. Please frankly I love these heavy -- that's right here and -- they got some evil contracts and it was green algae because it doesn't mean that. Is I mean they're dinosaurs some people of trucks and trucks -- -- use in the world. My wife wants an iPad because -- overlap topic issue fines if you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- time. Moving is gonna be a full version of Google lacks the more suspicious of the turnaround mobile editing we don't want -- the I could type in it I'm happy -- -- do I wanna open a Google got cited in the words sound document and type and that's where I wanna hear full Google are I want when nothing and else right now what we do to help. Is how great and or crappy the NFL -- -- boxes and got Apple iPod like them speaking of things yes Alexandria where I I -- -- -- this further either isn't -- transition. About things he won an iPad yeah writing what about a keyboard god -- I talked about the idea of potentially keyboard being he's being -- -- -- -- different iPad. Here comes the Kensington Bluetooth keep working yet that arrived in the office. Now it makes the iPad look very like a netbook a very netbook yeah -- that he. -- that a lot of thickness to the side apparently is gonna sell for 99 bucks. It's cool that it's contain it's a very soft keyboard. During the laboratory -- -- one rubber sheet kind of yeah Harvey does is seasonally known keyboard it works Canada has a separate charger three USB in the side and Bluetooth -- -- it connects. -- -- -- -- And it could be a little their elevated it works by. I'm not true experience is it's definitely not as good as a regular keyboard the question is over time will be easy any better than typing on the iPad itself. Now does -- -- as yet that's pretty easy it doesn't shut off automatically. The -- if you forget the -- I don't know I just use it for a little bit but it's got you know pretty easy to use -- button right there. Almost half of -- -- -- the way the iPad closes down on just thinking that if you know if it doesn't set off over how automatically. Com you've probably be hitting keys and figured -- and it's an open up through. That's true love to see that -- feeling it'll probably -- -- active for a certain period. Cool idea and I was excited about this by instant -- -- It's street area and really it's that is it yeah point as anyway. Got I think that you're obviously I didn't think it was back at that the key with the keys we're gonna -- that you really -- feel uncooked but now -- it's very -- that with a really good keyboard I can see being pretty -- -- yeah. I quickly got -- three minutes on the phantom. Thirty minutes. 127 well the -- -- some clearance to the full report there this is and vision which it talked about the actual device. These are available until then Apple's stadiums to be able to stream -- -- content when your at the gain on silence of the -- It's twelve teams. It's while it's -- -- your organs. Designs don't have it that that delivers it in a company that's right now that's that's twelve stadiums limited -- -- -- evidence Tuesday to that they -- that hello -- too lofty levels -- five. No it's actually twelve games and twelve in fact they're what -- your right hand negative airport -- and I'm gonna point executives have split -- state and they don't use it. What what I'm saying so it's not available that day. Right but that's -- stadiums. I appreciate your show but it's twelve stadiums and twelve teams which is the do the math and -- good throw Abdel Iowa are good so here's our guys I -- -- -- it's got three minutes. And you put your video I think you could tell a joke it's gotta make sense so play the video lawyer target date. So yes so anyway the Apple envision is -- service that is launching now in twelve different stadiums with twelve NFL teams. And you can stream it it's actually UHF broadcasting device. That -- -- brain activity and -- you're gonna watch some video Scott using it while he's describing it yeah. Injuries here works I'm sitting the touch -- club seats at the stadium. And area there's the device. Now it brings up the UHF broadcasts. Of the actual NFL game you're watching plus -- brings up stats of tree top performers around the -- It'll actually give you two or three other games as well there's a broadcast Booth. That streams the UH -- broadcast and they have ten different cameras. At the meadowlands that they use for the actual -- -- for the NFL games. They hand picked for each play what the replays are -- -- -- industry what the best -- when you press that video button on the top. You could bring up various -- streams or hop right to the replay after reach after each -- is done now when we were -- tailgating at the stadium. We herbal followed of the games and it was great it was like having a little TV with you -- watch and vision I'm sorry. And -- -- red zone which you can get on an Apple networker also get on your Verizon phone. And when you're at the game you really just gonna check the -- -- not gonna watch the actual game itself because you're gonna be watching the game there. That worked. Very fast because there -- no broadband -- you're not dealing with three G. You're not doing with Wi-Fi Dziena -- broadcast right there in the yeah right the stadium which also makes the device useless outside the stadium right it does it works in the parking lot to its credit which is great because if you're there before and after you that's kind of a little bit of a bonus. But then it's dead in the device. Cost 199 which gives you a year of service for this year in the stadium -- clock is ticking because for the -- that's only six more home games. The price per game for the device may not make much sense. Next year it's gonna cost you more money to activate and that could be -- of a bit of a deep with people but it's pretty durable -- to Lacey one is a smart -- like. I never had my Smartphone work and Steve and admittedly it's an iPhone and eighteen -- security hamstrung there it and I -- New Jersey in the mills in New Jersey. But and they're gonna have a Wi-Fi network launched at the meadowlands the giants and jets are -- use. With a dedicated agnostic Wi-Fi. We have that's of those the national marrow -- know exactly how this device works doable in a brief description just as it isn't exactly a device works is when you turn it on it gets a lot when you're at the stadium -- it takes a few minutes to -- -- And then boom. It's getting content when you press the the video button here. It'll show you three or four games that what's cool is that your team will actually work with rendition and pick those games you get divisional games. If if the giants had -- for instance you'd be able to see the other like the cowboys Redskins games Eagle Games but not just we see on TV. So it's not not stuck with -- -- interest in and and if there's a playoff race -- promise that'll show you other wild card games that are of interest to you. -- -- really cool. It it's a fun device -- -- -- people who -- communal fairness who said they tried -- at the stadium and headphones broker they couldn't get to channel the load. I don't know the the Varity of that one of our three units at a bit of an audio Jack problem but -- vision problems making me actually and now this this is made by the companies envision. And it the original company was with kangaroo TV. It was purchased by dolphins co owner so that's is making. Thank you Rosenthal dolphins -- -- -- menagerie so this thing this thing was actually used it better and a couple years ago who. You use and now if you buy this and -- green do you buy it. The -- bucks you get the first users included the next year you just have to buy this that this service the access right how much is that gonna cost. That is unclear at this left concerned about that would help less -- Georgia box they have said they've they've they've said about five to ten dollars per game. Now game and a lot -- that's cheaper than what this is if you -- how many unhappy home game this season. There -- home games played that's easy bucks. And you're already -- to order for the unit at -- time -- -- -- like outlook and all that and vision is a lot of money it's lot of money they would in a world of nine dollar Beers. The question is. I guess is that reasonable by if -- a bunch of people with seats and your phone isn't working -- your diehard fan I'm not saying it's and I'm not saying it's a a must have but it's difficult choice that it worked reliably in the first -- Was pretty good and congratulations. That's winning this weekend yesterday they dolls and you can be rich is boys -- its email for last week. A little bit. Coming up a lot from there you go. I have quick three quick things -- wanted and we got time we gotta get Marion and scan millions of -- football. It is gonna hit my about. That you take him I feel really. Here's here's some potentially bad news for fans of downloadable games God's good old games dot com or call the god that real -- political and what's going on M. You're gonna -- got it. They took their site down apparently they'll be some new news this week but if -- like downloading free adherence pregame isn't crazy -- and there I would -- tune in died Wednesday -- the C with the latest statement is on and on -- -- get your games back as anything and -- trying to get a start on that he bought it -- -- click the page you're gonna get aggregates page -- That's good if -- then secondly we thought -- you know -- in the this morning. Well you know we all whipped out our bones do -- it and take photos I mean when you have that that's video only that isn't it not me -- -- we looked out the window and we saw a guy across the street. Climb out on the ledge and start -- the window. -- Yeah let's play that. No safety harness not then the guys to the walking out there wants in the wind -- only -- man. That is crazy. What is he -- why we we could -- want to know more than if you -- of the. No it goes well utterly -- oh -- I don't know what. Doing out there better not happen -- -- -- care what you just I got have you I think it is time for Jerry to go out there to -- windows you can leaned around to -- the windows c'mon -- biggest exam only you want to get -- that didn't really yeah. And it avoided the -- that was staying there with them was even looking music looking the other way fitness phone whatever they do one thing. Is that insane not -- man. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Guys don't lie about it Barack if you're sitting down and light panel had a rock shooter and the rock accidentally flew out new realism that the -- -- Muslim and they manslaughter roughly the AR -- over the hello. That's techno -- that's high tech murder arson murder are preparing. I just wanna mention that this is episode what 97. We -- -- away from the big 100. Episode celebrations. We have a lot of fun stuff planned I'm gonna give -- some teachers. We're gonna give away a huge video -- T shirt collection. I got a whole boatload of -- codes for and memo that's coming up and other stuff that won't keep listening. Keep it from the FaceBook fan page digital city podcast on FaceBook you can connect Twitter account at digital city CNET. That's on Twitter eccentric veterans can tell you find out more about all the crazy stuff. And don't forget our corporate podcasters quite effectively putting the ligaments arrow next to us that they've -- found -- way to look at video. Beyond not there yet but we're lower than and I well an -- -- everything -- -- -- it took every going to be a whole story of the whole story we actually have more we have we shot some stuff in studio so much for that very soon if -- really get your FaceBook -- -- Got stranded deep -- in page. I think. I tell you things but if I I had -- -- -- I was listening. Amen people get excited feeling you -- is -- -- you pick a topic you go far right. Fifty gathered W -- -- mom and overall what I'm guessing you're gonna protect you don't have a volatile and nobody's. --

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