Ep. 704: Where having kids only makes you hotter
Ep. 704: Where having kids only makes you hotter

Ep. 704: Where having kids only makes you hotter

And you. And it's and then with the it's what -- -- Monday November. -- listened to -- and -- feel sorry pummeled. Yes -- he would look I think you pilots into the four and I'm Natali del Conte and I'm Justin yu and this is the show where having kids only makes you want. That is about me because of having of -- and I yeah yeah yeah well and -- -- junior movement. -- had you know he's not gonna be governor anymore -- a couple months that's right yeah. -- -- review and finally here and that now we can have and now we still can't have -- governor in California pregnant. Unfortunately payment and ethnic as -- you get pregnant maintenance and maybe a little bit after the and I can -- an seven out. Another thing I'm setting MS gets out that we golf like that. I've been having kids that makes you hotter we were discussing this in the pre show because then someone sent me them. Comic dot com something about my husbands and how -- some heart heartthrob that box and I'll read up in the years joking about how. In every time he -- a picture of him in my son on FaceBook then there like fifty ladies to the ring and then like. Yeah. If you know -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And I an irresistible. Definitely different a whole the whole puppy thing. I've seen it work so many times yeah -- idea naive sheep guys just walking in you know. The hard reflect a little Yorkshire or something like that -- what can not you know -- in and women just so themselves. Yeah like we love it. Justin I have no experience of that -- are actually my desire to demagogue and had taken for a walk every once a month or whatever happened to me -- -- at because they don't think you'd you should check how. Nor can I think my I I don't care if it -- I work for women that women carrying around a baby no against eight while I guess depends on how old the BB is I think I think it is the -- woman to be. -- you know. I'm open to that and seeing the -- yeah it is definitely a -- this is getting out I may be edited. This is very dove again I think John showed that -- that right in American I think so you have -- -- movement. I think sell or the guy at the eyebrows and we'll have to say that word -- we just can't spell it out. Yeah but I think it's another and I to have fun yeah. My email password edit that out right up until ideally we had a pretty good weekend relatively celebrated a birthday -- six years old congratulations again. Well thank you very much have very much appreciate that had a lot of people come out we just had drinks and top -- in my mind just you know. Distance -- a fashionably late as usual I. About 1 o'clock which is not really like New York -- eight and. They have the I don't and it's like you -- floor after. Yeah a lot of really have a lot to do at home screen what do you make you couldn't get there until 1 AME waste his cat food is very difficult having -- -- ten. Task it's hard to pops it took me awhile to get out of the house but -- we really don't -- dry until one and arrive until -- -- -- -- just hang out at a friend's house and it's hard to get the whole group to go somewhere institute meanwhile the -- a -- and I finally got there -- Wilson was already in need greeted by the time I got -- -- how it should be -- Yeah I mean like that's the things like people come up to -- and their like you know let you know I can get out of this one yeah be hammered later tonight -- I I was -- take videos is seeking you know couple glasses Siberia which is that too strong anger but then by the middle and they keep which is -- -- I don't know. I thank I don't know and then and then this is 34 hours yeah gone out of my. For people -- party with both and the great thing about him when he gets drugs that he doesn't get angry is -- different -- It's very happy and thankful that -- there which is perfect you know seven. By the time they in the night and that he was probably thinking yeah every ten minutes for coming it's days sweet -- -- -- YouTube and that we -- gonna talk about. There's only -- -- -- speaks for itself I think anything like it so much my hip and now I'm gonna let me anything did not actually Nikki look. We should come -- you could -- my. I might have been a -- to feed him in the -- -- I am cut yeah I would have. And and I that's in fact I remember talking and -- I was like hey you know like. There's FaceBook invites tonight's is should I bother even sending this. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Obviously now I didn't yet but I you know that they can't I can't -- -- -- -- that I've never been good at nighttime -- always been among peers yes they're in your point I did a terrible young person. I couldn't I couldn't answer I. Begun on an 11 o'clock at my mom yeah let you know you get your -- -- -- -- -- the next day you know feel like crap -- don't -- who aren't. I mean that that that's the difference I mean -- both -- look like we're 45 men who -- twenty you know even winter daylight savings time. I. Lens pushing my style and someone said oh yeah and that -- hot for a mom and -- that can interrupt the firm. I do you think it it's that it adds years to your life and -- not actually been. Yeah and intervals and middle of the night that I guess that ingesting. You know you do look good for 48 so. Yeah. It's in this the baby that I have I thought I thought I appreciate it. Oh every were speaking a little bit earlier about FaceBook and I admit I think people been talking about this for a long time. But I'm glad that like a you know talk show comedian some with a lot of sort of mass. Media appeal. Jimmy Kimmel announced I think was it last week or last Friday forget -- -- -- -- -- show -- -- -- Yeah we're having so much -- appeal we don't know initiative. Almost on the floor before it got. I -- -- let Jimmy Kimmel says November's seventeen. Is gonna be national unfriendly yet on FaceBook. Which is actually pretty good idea -- and movement yet you can just get rid of people -- you don't want to you be your friend anymore I can think of hundred. Particularly the lens you're commenting on my dad and -- -- -- the -- -- -- your cousin and yeah. The people in this group right now there's a list I'm gonna go down all of kids you have all the comments on its photo of me like you're out and you're out in your. It's just as secretly imagine you'd like getting on planes computer -- slate. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- When it actually -- like all -- a lot Khaleda wanna mayor you'd yes they have not so you -- -- -- out. I think it's funny I just like to -- it for kicks yeah -- put through something like eating my morning coffee in the Munich. I would have cost you between them right I'm virtually nothing happened you -- not look goes both ways too because that senior FaceBook page and people yeah I didn't really Palin. You know I'm sure we looked up that Harry Potter picture at Omaha. I. Yeah November 17 is national on friend -- this is funny he was -- -- five years ago when -- is on FaceBook and he didn't know what the guy you took high school biology with with eating for lunch yes let's go back to that let. Yeah. We talked about how he's like the really -- friends yeah your friends are people -- you'd say I'm moving this Saturday can you help. Those people would actually help you people and FaceBook are not going to do anything about your move -- -- you know it really changes this and it. This notion of friendship. Then and it it's a little different for this is say people like us in the media might not like eight. I actually spend quite a bit of time trying to manage who belongs in what little ass and stuff like that -- Extra couple hundred my time I mean yes and -- -- -- Gateway. Well that's not really the purpose of this that's not for people who have friends that they don't know. It's -- the you know if you're not in the media then you still get friends request from a friend of your mother and non -- that -- you know friend of your cousin and media sites and then they annoy you all the time by telling you that they like -- It's offensive though if somebody on follows or -- friends you -- follows you on Twitter and you find out about -- present. But that -- we teach you feel comfortable -- I -- people all the time. And I mean that I think and normal non media person might get their feelings her say -- And it's funny because it has -- as sweet it is Natalie seems to be apparently you get like burned on Twitter and FaceBook the other day. Time us bloggers diapers what's the dean on I don't know -- hear that story I am the most controversial mommy blogger ever. I think it's matter of picking up a whole community of people he's cloth diapers focus and out a -- get a T straight I didn't I xenon from my producer under the bus but he doesn't have for a fourth like if I can just. Oh that's I decided I wanna do a segment on CBS I am parent -- on cloth diapers versus traditional -- -- traditional rather disposable diapers because -- -- train as something that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Thank brain Mary -- insists you know the props that they used ready sort of old school pins and they don't even use this anymore now they use like. Velcro snaps threat and it is actually very high tech is the way that you can decent so anyway. We easy props and I didn't know that he hadn't votes you know a more modern expert about -- green in this woman only spoke about it on them medical perspective not. The -- bring community every one you love cloth diapers -- You know email CBS and for how can you do here's stupid you don't it was just every -- -- off. So I decided that I am gonna try it for thirty days in order to sort of it's my magical button -- you know like. Olive branch to this community because I do you think. It's better for your kid BK is. Disposable diapers -- I made a the last synthetic material that's not good. For your bottom while and I had no idea there yes you factions of people that we're 4 o'clock I realize -- journal hornet's nest and then I had literally there were like 400 comments on their lady hacking is that use cloth diapers being sent to the opposite would you recommend you know just -- -- the clock thing. Yeah I think -- -- with the paper underwear yeah. She's getting rid of seven. I mean yeah. Pop up a way to get let's get back to this at FaceBook story if you wanna find out who has on -- viewer and friend -- you on FaceBook. You can actually download a Firefox extension and even -- existed. But months that in -- apparently care it's called on friend finder. This is why -- -- online and I don't. You wanna ask for pop -- classy yeah now read and friend finder lets you install this Firefox browser that shows you exactly who's. On friend did you and when on FaceBook and so you can kind of. I don't use just let him go yeah you're not gonna get him back yeah someone as a friend and -- -- I don't know if there's one thing more pathetic and I'm on friend at that it's contacting somebody out yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I un -- people on Twitter and then they roomy and said oh I'm sorry by offending you that's too bad -- -- don't have to refile U. You got me -- -- -- let's not do this are now do you get your notices -- about people and -- on Twitter know literally. I don't get a notice for four -- framework -- for people -- and friend you on twit army and I mean I get I get notices when people -- mentioned nerve to make that but is that a feature on Twitter and I turned it off okay yen that's a -- yeah sentient actually oh he has to say why would that I feel like that. You know the whole and -- thing. It's gonna be the worst feeling in the world yeah that it really it unless unless you instigated something we'll care I didn't nobody -- but getting email notifications every morning with the people that have on followed -- that sounds depressing right. And like the people here vastly Elijah and comment program like how much -- state which is a blatant lack. Yeah. It's -- I don't care -- -- is I don't wanna see -- or -- -- me because -- -- too many treats about Jesus or something like that like you can't. Ever say their real reason why you -- that someone can you all of big proponent of just. Hiding them on my FaceBook walls you know you have -- -- friend and you can just -- less severe -- not see their face but maybe you can't had someone on Twitter can't feel blind follow which I think. Might be in nice features that people think that you're following them the -- can't see them right I would love that. You know what I think the thing that -- -- the most. Like by far is people inviting -- to games on my wall like on -- Yeah actually -- that then Ganz staff I spends so much time just. Deleting those -- tagged in graphics that have like happy faces and yeah. He's according -- and then I read. I guess he needs new FaceBook. Friendship pages and have yeah you all the history that you have with any one of your individual frenzy local of the specific page. As shows every wall post every photo that has both you tagged in it yeah everything's free and -- I can also see what you Owen Wilson yeah. Yeah -- -- -- -- is like why many might sing opera star it's creepy yeah it's okay and like I I think it's okay to have recognized -- page were. I see everything that -- Justin's done -- like and I would go to their behavior CFM. -- -- All that the president's holding hands exactly -- a -- -- very. And even though it's -- it's basically like -- jealous ex boyfriend page or April for alright yeah imagine showing seeing that with you know all of your -- that's creepy. -- -- Or are just seen how many you know times this particular woman -- pressed him I have been. Yeah well I. I don't really develop -- -- on FOX & Friends watch yeah iChat some wanting him yeah. -- little -- -- aren't just for Clayton and -- and it a lot of like local news reporters I can't existing whatever I'm like how loads your way out of any those women you have to worry about them ray yeah and CFP or customize the Internet with totally agree. Yeah great definitely thread and this is Africa. And while that lets change gears really quick and you wanna take a break first -- -- but very little hypothermia -- we know that you need. -- We will get to I guess the medical term for blue balls after the patient and that's hypothermia I don't read further. Well we gotta take a little bit right now. Gotta pay the bills -- we will. See or hear -- -- figured it's. This is that. Floor -- floor. And we're Panthers the show where we all -- Things. It's not just -- But luckily it and you listen to the -- -- Sort and teacher -- and you'd think and -- spit -- version out or beta build it with other look you're data. You retain land. I -- -- it I love. -- rules everything around me. Actually choose -- how often -- like the perfect part like. The first -- heard of it what it seemed to. Yeah of the process the total there so we're using problems -- a little -- well I -- her I don't hype hurt their -- hypothermia. Ballots both are bad when you're talking about Apple's. That's Dorado do we have any voicemails -- because we have one video was now -- cool yeah look so don't do that anyway actually edit kind of was smells but we also have a bunch of interest in stores let's get to -- couple was knows right now hopefully that'll blow -- -- years. -- -- CNET boy -- boy. -- -- Oh yeah and you -- sense to really moved to room for that sorry about that guy is. What -- That's let's get to our first video. Video -- -- watch -- Wilson squared -- struggle to press the -- is so funny because. We're not doing anything over you I know where literally we saw he's talking I eat dead that is his friend -- -- is. -- and -- its head and we're not we're not to -- reading aiding the minute but in in this 37000. Switches and -- the yeah. I know we're gonna want to voicemail right now yeah it will send scratch me. -- -- Hello. -- you know PM let's latest video voice offers while you're loading up the audio what about that Wilson I this is from our buddy. Someone don't wanna -- Tamara now Internet zero -- Well my -- you -- this is like having your underpants on the outside your hand. The year ago. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I work with every day. And value. Broke back -- Single ladies -- And. He's standing in front of fans you -- -- -- automation does. The machine and -- right it could kill him so I -- within the theory we're saving his life itself to get almost did one time when -- saving easily and I think -- almost killed them that well I thought yeah that's or maybe you should -- the fourth or an upgraded I don't see -- I don't know what that -- -- but be careful with that and thank you from the congratulations you know along those same -- yes -- and a couple of voicemails one actually of now -- Not listen to the show and a certain time the day. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- What you should not do. Is listen to the -- for an hour or so before you go to bit. I -- that and in that happened is very we -- We will ingested. Or playing good captain that -- Sort of like cold seventies so it comes dust in -- if -- -- You guys kept going in between good -- back -- The name of the show. Us register it wherever it -- -- will -- just. So for your listeners to know I -- nightmare -- can't do not. This into the -- for. Strangely homoerotic changeable -- -- -- -- dreaming about Tunisian man. Yeah leather -- now I'm running around -- wild west like a good cop bad cop movie probably not a good thing. Now what -- same thing. -- and a minute let that had that same jury value before -- well and now we're gonna talk about all the -- took a turn for the -- Well speaking of release strange -- slash names -- everything we had Steve Guttenberg on last week's show. -- last Friday show and he. We actually have a caller calling in about his new Twitter handle which he announced in the show consulates he was gonna say. -- -- Milwaukee from mica and just then you're not an audio -- -- An audio file are you feeling -- beat somebody that like at to have sex with audio. Or feel it. He keeps saying an audio file collect our lead to toward the right thing that you just don't care. And actually at the calling it a little show -- Actually he is the audience. I'm not -- you're correct he's -- but his blog on CNET is called the audio Feely act in addition to his Twitter handle is audio -- -- man. So that's a -- -- named himself that -- you know repeating them right did not need a that he wanted to. These doesn't really accurate did not necessarily. Zack ten no sex not at all your mind out of the -- -- -- -- according to the medical dictionary. The root of the few react means -- person who -- a thing until audio few react referring to Steve to someone who just loves you may be -- -- and you are you love we don't mean Luton -- -- and yes. We mean by Elaine hello -- -- and brotherly love. Well right yeah. Yeah. And then we tell that greater gonna talk semantic about -- hole -- professional writers -- it -- in front of us who don't wanna mess and I'm. I'm we communicate. Blurry -- -- me have -- cool. I'm Amy G -- that it's. -- Well Natalie carriers around the pocket the -- that's right it's. It's Elliott isn't talking if -- -- I thought I learned -- encyclopedia grant review. I won't do it anymore voice I -- -- Abbas fiscal hypothermia. Oh I do wanna get to one last one over here this finding is of little strange we mentioned that the whole idea about. You know people tracking you and give you discounts and -- and whatnot and apparently gap did this last Friday. I was and where. Hey -- gore is from. -- I'm just why not come -- -- -- and well did you go to get your EP. -- -- On Friday oh what you do oh FaceBook places. I'll -- Al mired on Friday. Or thirty. I had the capital -- -- Matt -- don't love like you want. -- yeah I got my G -- three. -- a little bit embarrassing that never oops narrow -- electric cool plug -- but yeah. I got my preteen then hey man -- a -- home but you gotta get yours. Although I. Okay so it doesn't wear pants I do homework and you can't have that I don't ever -- -- -- the time but apparently on November 5 gap do you weigh a thousand genes. If you're one of the first five people to check in. In the store using foursquare and apparently -- caller was one of the guys who well yeah I think it might repair genes and even know about that now. That's -- cool thing because. Because I'm not -- gap. So anyway moving on here let's talk about this really great -- and I know that you have a laptop -- have a laptop and fortunately Natalie the story. Might not be relevant to you. But -- I have a little boy yeah a little words and somebody -- them. She's okay you guys I know. But this is a serious thing it's called scroll hype -- -- -- different -- hypothermia but this is caused by -- -- laptop use. On your actual lap. And apparently some university they're not saying which conducted a study where they took twenty men and actually recorded the temperature -- of both of there testicles. In three different positions with a laptop -- bought their legs with their -- squeeze together. With their legs spread apart a lot and then with their legs spread apart in the middle of that. And according to this. Us -- temperature increase in all three cases and so the conclusion is that. When your legs are close together in all three. An outreach and until there is this it's -- you're screwed either way yeah and yes so apparently -- -- you shouldn't even be using your laptop on your lap. Or risk. Scroll hyper to army which can lead to decreased sperm count later on in which means you I'm gonna have -- exactly which may be -- in my case which means you actually will get less hot yeah. -- being too -- in a certain area right makes you less hot leader -- exactly in my be high tech darling that's. If your balls are warm blooded and I mean you're not cut -- candidate meg. If you use your lap W before have you noticed here -- -- up uncomfortable. I I've I've noticed my -- heating up yeah you know and that's the thing I I don't like using. Might you know my laptop on my Latin -- just not comfortable -- A pillow on tiny bits now I'm close to year -- -- all your boy is. Then you know how do you get your hands on the keyboard that's true too. -- we should come up with some special pants are like some underwear that's like. He proof for something like that of equal to protect her art -- -- -- yeah I mean yeah it's it's it's for me I had to say that's the. Idiot and an awesome hands dot com. Getting it failed. You said testicles seriously on this show I think -- -- -- an -- that -- and company. The screen and and theory and hollow laureate of the composer. If they. Could you you load up a thousand -- -- had not come in in the meantime. I gotta say I probably. Don't need my low -- can. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So can you describe this for our audio listeners. Other -- come says David -- well up in a banana panicked yeah. Have been at hand nobody is like a weird met a picture where the zooming in on his banana hammock. With a picture of the banana applauding his job it's infinite thank you I mean we weren't even gonna cover that story -- I failure might as well I actually had a legitimate count of -- right. And I was gonna say it was like I find myself not using my laptop at home network you know because generally you would only use your. The laptop and sitting on the couch -- when that I don't do that anymore because I just use my iPhone. Which makes me wonder what I'm gonna get like. Something else like cancer from all the radiation -- pulling my iPhone for -- -- day. Well if you go to cnet.com and search for cnet's radiation chart you'll know which Smartphones are the highest defenders and emitting radiation say -- that I've sons are not in the top. Five even -- -- -- -- offending radiation emitting cellphones so. And check your found there into -- what was the first one that. -- UH I believe they -- all Smartphones I believe they -- keep the Blackberry and Nat check and they'll land and the -- -- defending country are obviously none Smartphones like a raise or something in mind okay fair enough fully I mean like that's that's my biggest where I feel like my hands gonna fall off right after. -- you know 3040 years of using the Smartphone you know constantly. The penalties is commute is very incredulous look I am okay every I -- and I think I will simply find them. I'm not Italian media that I thought this piece by Becky -- this weekend where she did -- and -- app that uses the phone's back camera. And so it puts it it puts the camera on the screen. So the. You have the chat window on half the screen with a keyboard and then you also have a camera shot on the front ranks they can see where you're walking right that's -- definitely want to -- a single relative plenty of -- -- that there. Oh yeah and I I'm always surprised how I haven't died yet again because. -- is -- I want I walked away. Have no idea how -- -- places yes I really don't. I have no idea how we transition from -- hypothermia to -- -- -- And I and now we're back on -- defense theory you can see how that battle the access I'm so glad you listen -- afforded it I love this show it's it's a random amount of information -- But in such a good way it's such an affiliate site you wanna send us say we didn't learn you something yeah. Yeah. If you want to send us grammar corrections in other jazz you know us the full -- at cnet.com or you can call 2186644. CNET bits to 68. -- Twitter at the full format city -- it's just means that now is through this and. You're Natalie don't confuse it Nilly make it change a Twitter name nurtured -- probably will yeah okay we'll update updated with that. 88. Ever want to have a great week I'm Wilson tang and Natali del Conte and I'm Justin -- so -- four. I'm looking -- gives you just look at --

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