Ep. 7: Sega hacks, Lytro, and Amish sexting
Ep. 7: Sega hacks, Lytro, and Amish sexting

Ep. 7: Sega hacks, Lytro, and Amish sexting

-- when I'm Molly Wood and welcome to the best of DL well our weekly digest of the top tech news. As reported on our buzz out loud podcast. In this week's episode Sega gets hacked which is unacceptable. And tiered data plans had to Verizon. Also kind of unacceptable. A -- -- hackers arrested in the UK we lose our minds over the amazing like her camera and the CEO of that company visit our studio. Plus -- get involved in the piracy fight and we think texting while driving a horse and buggy is not such a good idea. -- back and enjoy the best of buzz out -- Anybody using these -- network was a loser this weekend one point three million users were apparently affected by a huge cyber attack. Someone hacked. -- -- -- These guys say -- that I say Sega. If you -- that like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I right now then what happened. Parent and Google says it's something open and protected them know -- I didn't do anything -- animals that ever. -- program he had a -- -- a -- and an outlet tell this query one point three million user accounts were apparently compromised names birth date email address -- and encrypted passwords of users. -- -- -- That payment data such as credit card numbers with -- Some -- off line -- networks the but what's interesting is apparently. Well that it has not happened yet but -- does -- not having -- totally fine with -- it is totally fine with hacking PBS. And Nintendo open would gladly -- popular -- -- -- -- kickers like few weeks. But they get that off -- you are you crazy -- we would. At stake in are you kidding me and then they offered at the so orbit -- richer in an Arctic right. Audio note and out there like pat Sega contact between it on -- animals -- -- -- would be. We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you we love the Dreamcast the people are going the a. Hey I'm I'm I'm I'm can leave behind. -- I just love of Dreamcast and. Of Sega because it was always underdog and have -- and why they got nine look at. And then. No no not the underdog never have been the other -- and I'll let you. Denies it has always been that I'm the pledging complete company that could make it -- and nothing. I mean. It. I think they're very seriously I don't buy it still as an out of the second or two yeah I was and that magnolia Massachusetts -- -- engineers at the magazine pages stake exactly I don't have a fondness for the and yes do you know who and I like the end they Nintendo is worthy of hacking against say -- this. -- -- though it seems like arbitrary lines are being drawn here. Olympics and I took that seriously and that it would take a look at -- out now cause data's not arbitrary at all it's not it's the I was Dell's involved in that Sega Nintendo war of the late eighties early ninety's I was cells in front -- that war. I've Nassau lot of friends that's a -- home. -- it out so look. They're like casualties yet I think it stated that they announced that -- I'm so you know what I'm so glad -- -- -- can provide an important opposing viewpoint what would otherwise seem -- it totally arbitrary and the center of a bunch of thirteen year old hacker. -- -- you are not -- you know actually this was allied to the idea that -- thirteen via. -- that there eight -- and hello. I'll be at least like their desired it really fair enough yeah. They're gonna have that -- for Sega it is -- cashed -- on May ninth on BO but. You know -- have -- -- have -- -- for -- You know you go back home. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah yeah I think -- an important detail of your clue gathering about it on time with one on here who's next current Mac or who will be spared. Whoever those where that -- it kicked out of hacker -- that they gotta go down. -- -- -- actually for alerting me to that the show started Droid life dot com exclusive they say. That tiered data plans which we've been anticipating -- Verizon any day now. Are arriving July 7. Packages start at thirty dollars which used to be what you would pay for unlimited data. Well now you'll get to it starts. Real. That you. If I mean if I really. Operate eighteen people and you. -- it odd that expansive 550 dollar fifty dollars a month or five -- An eighty dollars a month for ten -- those those -- with tethering -- -- -- -- -- for four gig total that includes tethering. Seventy bucks a month for seven -- and hundred dollars a month -- The -- -- -- computer they can pretty. -- -- Every time every time we asked if you look -- -- -- fifty million emails from people of America via our show alone the huge contributor. Area. Audio only people -- -- live on Wi-Fi and this is part of the reason but yeah I to compared to AT&T tears. 200 -- for fifteen dollars a month a Verizon what -- -- is interesting is that they don't they will. It -- the crappy plan that they're not gonna have a crappy plan which is shockingly the minimum you can pay thirty but the for 25 dollars a month that -- you get two gigs and reported a month if board. No it is trying to bring their base level quality to the consumers -- that kind -- leads the nation of their money. Yet it really. I will wait for a place like well I added that well yeah. Well. -- side. And I. Statements in front of the but. The devices should not affect anyone currently under contract major changes like -- can turn only new customers and partly that's -- renewal. Also different -- from all three G and four G smart. There aren't separate plans depending on the device that you would actually pay more. -- -- Or more for -- that August had to pay an un godly amount no matter what. I'm -- that's right that -- inexpensive. Really insanely expensive dude if you're paying fifty about the month or five gigs of data and then on top of that pain for -- Okay and that plan is mandatory there is no longer the satellite -- there that you do -- minutes -- for voice mean. What do we say -- -- much repaid from boys like what are the plans reports that I've created a minimum silently in -- community. You can't have -- team which we think could be. Is the -- you're talking that should be paying like Apple -- Paying now -- -- he's that they won't let you have a minimum number of Asia are forced to buys them like forty of Cuba. And then at least at Verizon you have to have a thirty dollars -- anything you don't like. It to the Wii too. I think that they are lowering the amount of bandwidth available and raising the cost of man with -- exactly the time when the demand for bandwidth is exploding and you could argue that -- supply and demand now and it is. But considering that they've locked people into two year contract now the thing that it crosses over into doubt -- -- -- like. That equivalent of like the lifeline phone system. You know for a landline phones for like mobile phones I feel like. -- we should admit to ourselves now that a mobile phone with the data you know it connected to the Internet is just a part of being human being now leasing you know and America and can. And that they there it is it's -- all the options there'd be available to you our dislike the most kind of gouging and might exploit of -- you know Virgin Mobile like -- -- boost mobile those little. Things that aren't like the worst services at least from what I've found -- so I think you don't really have an option -- you're gonna get screwed both ways. Some people like things. To say that that. You guys haven't heard. For the lulls the team alleged member of the little sense it's little -- hackers group. Was arrested in the UK is a British teenager suspected of being a major player for the now notorious group you know some of their tax. -- on sites like Sony and Sega. And the CIA now and the CA 9 and I am playing -- game whenever they powered again -- you were fine I'm I'm. Set out but the arrest of nineteen year old man just days after the group claimed that you know it took down the CIA's website. And they announced this this is what's 3000 yesterday and not much you talked about it but the back a little second anonymous. Of appear to align with each other now. -- when we talked about the philosophies were so different before. Read anywhere they seems to be at one point going to a little bit of a civil war at least over Twitter and now with Canada thank them they are about -- -- and apocalypse for sure -- But now they've yet they joined forces yesterday issued this manifesto. Calling for -- nonstop assault basically on governments banks and other fat cats. But then. A day later this arrested -- nineteen year old man comes and that the authorities are claiming that he was the mastermind. Of -- snack -- Skeptical they got him. According to announce yet according to them right I'm certain that whoever they got you know there's a lot of people behind -- that -- -- this could actually set off more. You know more attacks because of a button for at least for now Cinderella turn into a pumpkin you know. I don't think that -- think glow -- actually it looked like immediately treated. And fed seems the glorious leader of -- -- got arrested it's all over now wait were all still here which poor bastard the big -- -- Is what they treated anonymous -- meanwhile yeah exactly according to anonymous -- official Twitter. They reported. The good news everybody Ryan and the guy who was arrested has little to do with lol -- besides running higher -- that. -- online all -- and members of lol thank our fine and. Hey look at that makes complete sense just leave the moderator of your higher sea tiger out to dry we would never leave genie out to dry. I've never no way such -- -- absolutely not why we're different from these trees -- -- decent. It's like -- genius has nothing to do it. -- addresses. This does take care that I guess actually if he is the guy who runs there's been any kind is the -- amenable like it genie is now. And I'm apparel home can you anyway -- look like I'll log in anonymous they've all claim that they are headless beast that there is no way and and can ever really make events. Totally decentralized. And you know I mean who knows if it's true whether this person is -- mean look these guys aren't necessarily known for their you know for being on the up -- up so that they could have made that up just as easily as anything not -- -- I'm not taking any shot that also anchored in the body care. What's right right but but but no I think its also awesome that anonymous has an official Twitter account in that against -- National and wealth like that -- exactly how do where who have there and in math and yet -- now. I mean phone hotline that this is updated yet there's the and then and a wealth of Alabama upon Holland and call in to pick the next target. Well and the last time there was an arrest remember in Spain they arrested the three -- that that they were members of anonymous than the next thing happened is anonymous tech and the Spanish police website so yes. You know we can we'll do it happened about Scotland Yard in the FBI website in the next couple -- -- use your power for good. One thing though we do know that it does confirm our belief that these are sixteen to nineteen year old kids. Actually no we decided yesterday that they're not well actually -- good point this guy -- -- -- -- -- -- -- yesterday it totally confused that's because of their -- for Dreamcast with it which would suggest that they're closer to the mid -- It's actually not only using a lot of these especially alas times and it's nothing like Russia -- Eastern Europe and a lot of times there you know unemployed like really talented student in computer -- folks in and you know that economic environment has made it such that you know they've got nothing to do -- -- -- -- the skills and nothing to do with. And a half and interestingly that the merger. Of -- second anonymous does seem to end their sort of new manifesto seems to suggest kind of a new direction for -- effect because. Anonymous has always portrayed themselves as. The Civil Disobedience. Yes Civil Disobedience. Agents. And that they -- about drawing attention to corruption and leaking information that was valuable and that was you know being hidden. And will not public harm yet now that they've sort of join forces to lie and then low -- but like. -- and -- With Latino PBS intend I mean I know they went after -- has in the Frontline -- that was critical WikiLeaks but they have been a little more out of control and now they seem to be an adjoining -- and things like. Now our shared mission is this kind of anti corruption which is not -- -- -- This -- story something that we are genuinely excited about and we're actually locking down an interview. With one of the creators of part of this new venture but this is we're gonna introduce to you today a light -- And kids if you haven't heard of this you need you need to pay attention because like shows this new technology. That is pretty much gonna revelation revolutionize photography how HD changed the game for TV so what they're doing here. Is this technology where they're using a sensor now we we have a typical like image sensor on a digital camera right now. But what they're using is a new -- called a light field sensor. Now what this does is to capture the color intensity in the vector direction of you know each way that the light hits an object in -- picture now typically this information. Is lost in a traditional image censor because. Think of it -- just flattens it out. -- it all up and presents us one image and it's up for us to you know focus on -- the file on the front or the person about what this new light field sensor does is it retains all of that information in a single shot. And allows you. Two through software. And through what they've built in the in the files click on the specific parts of the picture that are blurred out whether it's the foreground. The background even multiple levels but the final image. To -- manipulated and you can choose the focal point even shot these pictures you know in 3-D because of the way that it sees it. -- potentially could latency switch back and forth between TD and 3-D but mr. -- because awesome every piece of the image is captured with this light field it's defined as a beam of light in every direction at every point in space -- and they've been doing this research -- -- field capture in light field tech in general. For years but. -- more picture -- this is Rickey while talking yet but he's gonna -- the inventor a young entrepreneur named -- being. Has figured out how to fit it into your pocket. And turn it into a camera that that captures when it captures an image is likely that captures the entire -- fields of image is like infinitely manipulate -- -- By the end user. And the file. Contains all of this information it could fundamentally it to -- this is like. As much a game changer as the -- reality digital photography yes this will could fundamentally change everything about the -- lenses are designed everything about the camera sensors are designed. I don't know how big these files are going to be like -- times -- -- but it. It is mind blowing. -- a look at this we you know we -- just like a glass pane -- how we typically shot things through glass. And maybe the pattern on the glass is focused but you can click on the background of the street. Like go to light show dot com right now whoever's -- and -- tiara dot com have a picture gallery complain of the stuff. It blows my and we we have -- -- I've never seen anything like this -- despite this is the next thing. It really is less brand sensitive to scare early close to the blade runner -- about capturing image information that -- -- immediately visible and that's exactly enemy married there. Phenomenal. Ramifications cared to do what you know whatever you captures dot. Limo so many layers as as many layers as you can actually discern and maybe more because -- can bring these parts of a photo into focus that you never would have looked up apart and just to be clear investors are fired -- -- they've already raised fifteen million dollars for a pre launch round because they haven't even -- -- Camera that we have no idea what the cost is going to be but Ben Horowitz -- -- from Horowitz and recent huge VC firm in Silicon Valley. Wrote blog post about how it's just a magic camera and when I mean I think we're all having the same response -- is like it's rare. That some new technology comes along and literally blows our -- like this is a canal literally. But this is just unlike anything yet seen -- -- is the total game changer -- -- just. Finally we we had talked -- we've been begging on the show. In -- -- the digital camera. We promise. And we delivered. A very special guests. -- -- until a new light shows founder and CEO -- Ing in the house press three and asking questions we're gonna have you guys. Asked them all the questions that you want as well. We've seen and talked about on this exciting launch and announcement. Like has been everywhere rate Twitter -- her life been like the past you know say forty dollars that resolved thanks a lot for having me on that the last 48 hours has been. Absolutely terrific. -- the response having of the world has this been. Outrageously. Positive just a huge amount of traffic through website. We had a great launch party on Wednesday to we had down. Sector silly like character either on the ground when you thought about that installation -- -- it was it was amazing what a I think get a chance see how release you know big or small cameras -- is the technology here's the light show. Is -- a lot of people are asking -- is this going to be a consumer point and shoot camera or more -- DS LR gambling what is what is the you know. I guess the optics -- the technology what it what form factor you guys looking up yet to launch -- -- -- Not elect fields are applicable to anything with a lens in front of a -- the technology is fundamental in that way and applies to all your camera optical systems. What we're really interest it to do. Is to take this technology out of the lab. Where used to -- -- are really about vary and research oriented large. Large computational. Systems. And bring it to the masses. There are gonna do that half measurement data come out with something that you know it's -- for industrial settings or something that is priced out of the consumer market this is gonna be. Consumer form factor consumer price point for everybody. -- still on what price when are you looking to target and and it's going to be -- competitively priced this -- That -- buzzard. -- priced right. Thank you this you notice that it is looking at right now you -- they gave him later for drive though -- -- that's all I ask you another question completely related so. Ultimately are you guys looking to launch this by the end of the year or in 2011 or -- 2012 is gonna be in 2002000. And let you know. We would definitely -- -- questions but we wanted to get questions that. -- audiences as written asking of you still in one if you are a couple of them ruling by the one that I keep saying the move stated that how to file size or who captured in the format compared with something like to eat it raw -- -- and -- -- -- -- I sodomy and -- file -- the going to be comparable to their regular picture files on. And it really comes onto compression level so it -- -- -- slightly larger depending on where we end up but it's not going to be like -- order of magnitude larger than a picture it was they believe their own kind of file write it it in -- really has to be because this information -- collecting is is not a photograph and set it collects all this extra information. And now that said once you have a light fuel engine that's our software -- form the pictures from that light fuel. Well after that -- could save as JPEG ship it out of of course used interactive capability right. So what we want to make sure is that you know people don't just has this powerful technology under the hood for the photographer and then you should not -- and a nice -- there are even now. When you violate your camera it's something that you completely takes an exciting content with and that is why we have launched the company with these living pictures and our website. That is what people are gonna -- to share with their friends and family. So for someone let's say let's say my mom who in the future -- -- -- camera. Will she will -- need to use some sort of light -- software on her own computer initially to interact with photos yeah initially. And it's you know and that's from what's gonna happen and -- which she shares with view or with that anyone else in the world on the don't need to -- -- -- -- -- -- appreciate -- -- -- So Loma you know that we didn't see too many. I guess. Action shots like -- -- a runner -- thrown down a slam dunk like will be able to handle that okay we're definitely. And I think are some and the -- this I think a picture of a lot of pictures are still coming through going up to the -- of working with I think that's one of a chain link fence with a as some volleyball players in the background I think. You know this volatile place about the -- but also their defense in action shots out there and adds to poll and in fact that's one of the one -- -- -- -- there's a baby shop on there. And this this is a friend of Ericsson had not yet it it there's eighty key. It's like happy -- -- in the world and a lot of pictures and maybe I. And the amazing thing but this issue which you might not be able to Tel -- look closely it's -- on a swing at the park. And I don't know you guys have ever tried to take a picture of a baby -- -- as the Nazis on -- And it's a great -- because they look at -- -- -- love being on the swing you know. But it's with a conventional camera and mean in that you have to focus -- UG commission members at that half press writes in unit that that's that's a really simple thing where. Complications. Just threatened action to it just means lots of people taking the wrong time they don't know we need to do that it's like spokes -- point. Yet half precedent -- focuses somewhere and get to wait for the -- to try to go through that point. It's basically impossible and it shot you just click it in the as you can focus after the fact in any -- you can make it it's perfectly well. Now we're gonna wrap things up it's -- -- -- final question. Obviously the chemistry is growing in exploding but it's really competitive rates so for you what you think -- some of the challenges that you see that you guys can happen dress out of the gates you know. To get people to really -- understand like -- but. Jump on board with it. The additional it. You know I think that what the companies to do is to keep our just a product design philosophy of our Silicon Valley. You know really intact as -- -- Ford. Because when you look analog cameras on the market today I think a lot of them are are still polishing technology for technology's it's sort of like you know this CPUs back. -- -- market you know back in the -- it was just -- megahertz for megahertz take me more megapixels is not visible to any of -- -- pictures. In our orientation is she really used it this technology we have to make a simpler camera faster more delightful or magical for people. And if we keep that in and product experience. Intact it's eagle Ford which we have -- a totally focused and and committed to I think the company will be really success. It's amazing Alaska -- from the -- -- can you apply these. The light sensor to video as well as that it is -- -- is on this -- yeah so it's a single shot -- time and I exaggerate. And videos it really important thing for. Our delicate telescope I was right Alice yeah I'll give -- that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Back in the research phase single shot of elected camera we we could create a full parallel -- hologram. In -- a full color that you can move around and see things in in full 43 yeah. -- files collected would like the camera provide that that property compatibility with future. Also -- -- thank you so much thanks Bryan yeah thanks so much for coming out on please name on the top of the list through her I signed up two days ago I really appreciated. But factory here that they hit the light like the idea what -- -- -- here's what's on it. I don't think you read for come in a studio and a -- definitely keep our eyes on you guys and we appreciate everything. Great -- -- all over at news.com has an exclusive today about how some of the top ISPs a group of men with providers including AT&T Comcast and Verizon. Are closer than ever to striking a deal with media and entertainment companies that would essentially. Allow them to start implementing graduated response. Procedures. To stop web piracy -- -- graduated response or. Back when we called -- three strike. If that thing where they need is more it is more striking an -- graduated -- maybe -- -- -- yet another could be like as many strikes as the if you know three or stop it. Authority know we mean it isn't that we -- at this time. Before without any due process whatsoever they just -- -- -- Internet although they don't have to dig up the Internet they can just slow down your bandwidth speeds dramatically. I mean on the one hand you could see this -- like and we lose -- weaving the consumer. Well I mean how are they how -- they -- if it is that a torrent based system methods have seen what kind of -- the -- years or the just amount of the mount that you're downloading that's commitment. That's that's the scary thing about right or not legally -- They contracted by the IP addresses connected through the service is using but at the end of the day we don't exactly know -- Why we're getting more and you're saying okay they can start up the ladder or notice -- -- a new another warning down the road and then it's really up to them to choose how they want utilizing. Like you said you know throttled your bandwidth or shut -- your service and they're the ones oversight it's not really you know -- working with -- meet the content creators labels. But the ISP on an -- control lists and. The way it has been proposed before is that the ISPs respond to copyright claims by the content owners so you are accused. Of piracy. That the there are several reasons that critics. A graduate to respond and or three strikes -- oppose them one is that it doesn't necessarily allow for due process. It just lets the copyright it lets basically a private industry accuse you of violating the law and that requires an IP to act on that. But the other reason that people have been concerned about these laws aren't there aren't -- -- -- We are not laws is to be clear the other -- -- our concern about these policies is that it potentially opens the door for ISPs to do packet level inspections on your traffic the traffic as being delivered to your home. Great now all it sounds like it is still based on accusations from content owners. And not necessarily of them monitoring the traffic coming in at your house but it's sort of a slippery. As though it doesn't -- -- to me you know of all the things that have been threatened against a you know pirating our union downloading movies legally allowed however you -- find that. -- -- to oblivion scary yeah you know. Being sued for pirating music. Or or downloading not Hurt Locker -- whatever it is like that scary but. Getting a warning letter from a nice piece of -- Are you gonna are you know although it they say you -- -- you would that would at least eight -- and you think you would still I'm not I'm not the record I'm not doing anything out. -- concludes I didn't hypothetically. Back to your defensive and I didn't even say I see your finger wag on -- I'm your finger wagging. -- -- re -- -- the human -- can do your thing that -- actual -- I've been here we've bigger writing founder and say you're a little. Dull okay. We actually had a voice mail about the next story but apparently. An -- man. Driving a horse and buggy was arrested this week in Indiana for apparently sexting. A -- With this -- -- while driving that the Craigslist. But that -- -- -- -- Line. Even miles or somebody you really should be tech and fired while they're driving it really -- -- stepping up expecting a minor yet made it turns out the outside of the story appears to be. That you can be ommission -- even stating. While you know if somebody really needs to close that worth -- million Drupal. And it into texting while driving after that out there around a nightly of the dashboard things with the excellent at least a horse though might have the -- not the Ronald for -- Maybe. So that's it for the show this week remember to -- us live every weekday at 10:30 AM Pacific time. At cnet.com slash live -- Hollywood is about to -- --

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