Ep. 7: Meet the Nook Tablet; Samsung's new laptops; the great video game subtitle debate
Ep. 7: Meet the Nook Tablet; Samsung's new laptops; the great video game subtitle debate

Ep. 7: Meet the Nook Tablet; Samsung's new laptops; the great video game subtitle debate

-- I have a that -- to -- the intro welcome back area on -- Feel a -- of the Julia Scott it's a pleasure palace -- here in the same room it's true of -- -- Until leno's guest is I think we got a bunch of very static stories that taught you about today all harder related does Scott Monty -- -- -- you're talking about actually spent this. Morning at the Barnes & Noble nook event unveiling the -- tablet. And the Nook Color update and the simple touch updates so those -- -- talk about and a bit. -- -- Me on at the start Julian myself we have this little discussion in the lab and Mexican at least though those so -- -- short shorts and a look at -- big and what -- that -- it was the this whether you play with subtitles or an all in video games that's a good debate that's an answer the question that people should. -- fight about more often and actually kinda hot -- -- -- for. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Able. And it actually stuff that the software and this too and without them to understand them very iPad like interface and -- I'll tell -- about. Having very exciting -- -- this -- -- -- watching the show alive and that is seen -- gone and our first ever pop -- store right here in New York City. On that's gonna actually start Wednesday and runs through Sunday and come down the all of us there orders are going to be hanging out we will we will be there live in the last you can come -- some of -- and popularized in Iraq and others idiocy test and Ellison and what can best utilize a gift guide discussions and demos just -- -- -- -- collections and do whatever. But I will talk more about that later but that's actually very interesting and I'm I'm very excited about that. Got what time did you have to get up this morning go to the new content in the -- the Barnes & Noble in union square. It wasn't terrible I got that -- -- and once they -- the thirty -- was fine because it let people into this thing until 930. They were really I got there too early what did you have to wait arm hung around you can -- regards guy. Darren agreed market -- cheese with this or an elephant boy does he knows it or the doors open so once it open at 930 that -- crammed in there we went upstairs. And the event was on the the top floor which you've been to before I actually never been to weirdly union square. Where they have author readings and and all that. It'll pulled a small space not a big space yes it was a and and it it -- -- -- jam packed in the end but. The crowd was -- in I was not utterly -- it is at the space time. Coffee and bagels before and then when -- this thing. So. Yeah I mean now am I was -- like an Apple event -- they print here's the new La -- -- You know it was a lot more buttoned down in some ways and I I feel compared to what I -- I was at the Kindle and unveiling. But the way that I am Jeff -- handles things the way it still has a nice guy as exciting and there's some -- telling nine. You know this was the -- this is not like that although two of Barnes and -- credit. The discussion is almost strangely open and you know an -- people the commentary taking -- -- A during the live blog for saying come on did -- give me shot. But it's true they did discuss -- I was almost like a PC company. To -- speeds and feeds -- telling the tablet based on its kind of innards yes and in a way that's what they have to do because they don't have the cloud services -- Amazon as and this is this device is meant to be kind of a you know it it works with Barnes & Noble bookstore but -- also side load type device meaning. You're meant to connect to -- PC. And load in your music and movies and old school that's what they're selling. And it has sixteen gigs of storage plus the SD card up to 32. Which they're talking as seven times the story. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We'll see that I think this is this is they they need to start. -- I -- discussing people how they can utilize all this this -- this and expenses -- People are always -- you got this cloud services but they don't like they'll make a really clear when and why it's necessary focus -- -- if you hear cloudy and level would ruin he'd. Any internal storage for but then when you're not on the network that's when -- need internal storage. And I don't think they give they do enough good of job and explaining certain scenarios of when you -- possibly. On a long flight on May be journal subway you know different different times were you might want -- Fewer use your media that you may not have access to -- -- I don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You have to log into flexed or create an account right put in blah blah -- a movie name. That's just it was so much easier to put this in the code and download right to my demoted after it's not that -- there is specific to my device that's not seeking to somewhere else and watch him to be on your own machines you know it that's cool but I just. I don't know why I like storage I -- I literally have twenty gigabytes of -- apps. Don't apparatus or on my on my eyes and my iPad and that would fill any sixteen gig iPad right there and these IB twelve -- -- -- -- period to get. Remember -- -- or even Scott how how much internal -- there in the Kindle fire. Six -- tell -- its eight gigabytes. Of which six is usable -- and they made a big deal out of this at the event that's where they got their seven extra mile from other C -- lynch Barnes & Noble is saying. That you know if you -- in the 32 gig SD card. Plus a sixteen exits 48 gigabytes of storage can now yeah here's the thing they did dance around the idea what -- is that storage for and -- in a funny place because they -- they discussed side loading. -- the discussion Q and after as they were saying that the site loading. Plus. The Netflix and Hulu plus great a great overall experience they're -- they're gambling the right now. For most people cloud video means Netflix and Hulu. And that or at least -- Netflix and anything that we can mean Hulu -- Hulu plus can mean it means to a means that Netflix and the fact is baked into the interface that you can actually is kind of nice in fact. I don't like like I see that in the future for tablets and generals in your favorite apps and making them more to the interface you can pull up. Your on your favorites and in your watch list. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In the MacBook Pro the thirteen inch MacBook Air I'm sorry MacBook Air has an SD card slot. You think oh it's only got like a 64 cable and 128 gig SSD I can just get an SD card and stick in in the slot the slot on the MacBook Air is designed. Peculiar menace to its sticks out halfway it only -- -- a little bit. -- you can't really leave it in the or forget it. As he can't like W Stewart's -- by getting another 128 F fifty carding a MacBook air and I'm sure in the know it's more out how to limit in the -- all the way and but that time beastie to around them into its on the corner on the net tablet they pulled it out shows you it's a -- -- -- -- plan. I and I didn't stick and SD card in fact every managing of it but I am sure you know I think it's going to work. And non intrusive way because I think that in this instance. They're not interest in selling you up on the storage see Apple with the with the MacBook Air. They have an interest in selling on up to the 256 gigabyte here Barnes & Noble only has sixteen gig model so. They were really bullish on using the ST card I feel like they were using that as a sales which I think they're doing this because that it must spend more for flash storage here. And so is there way to bring him back around and I guess that's -- idea. Here's a question do you feel. Based on talking to them in being there and even you guys I just -- this that this morning they were pitching this -- Tablet as one and alternate -- Kindle fire to an alternative to the iPad or three like a cheap computer substitute. What's the main thrust a -- -- I'll tell you being there I am I think that. They were definitely talking -- alternative to Kindle fire. In fact they -- this is was kind of interest and is almost like a behind the scenes meeting is supposed to press conference. They openly took the Kindle -- to task yet they said. For being a reference design. Almost identical to the Blackberry Playbook they said that in the press conference which is a very almost inside -- Europe. Discussion for a for a big event like this. And they went -- to -- -- construction of the IPS display they said the difference is the use of LG IPS display. That has films a discussion of the retina display when they talked about. Had to it was laminated to -- on you know extra partisan reduced glare. And they talked about how the Kindle fire uses a more off the market one that's not gonna have the same viewing angles it's so -- is very detailed. It's pretty -- But says yeah. -- was there its own fuel because then it becomes like information over low for the pre villages -- -- -- books on. I think the screen looks -- I think -- great marketing thing with analog devices arms is allowed people like to play words with friends and scrabble. And stuff like that is. If you had gained share. Like on anyone's on a network that has specific game they can actually just share with their friend temporarily for a short period of time may be introduced into that game and play it. I think things like that would be really great introducing people -- new apps and and getting in getting -- more more more acclimated with device that I didn't. When you hear of a new device coming -- every year. And they venue awful everything you wanna do want it and you know some apps into the demo with the ads which actually do -- because in the ads pop up here and here. You're -- -- cellular data connection you're paying for those ads come up I think they need to do more to entice people -- When you buy at every year you get to share and something that in experience with a group of people either normally or any other device have been a more of a camaraderie device -- be. And as -- thing I like how they knocked Amazon -- the ants on the Kindle. The special offers and I've decided that the new feature I've decided that that from now on buying papers show when I DVR -- I'm -- fast forward past the special offers an accident these commercials are ads. A let me just -- a quick question going around. Julie RU one in the market for a color e-book reader and -- though. What seems like a better deal leave the Kindle fire or the -- tablet. Or one of like the violence. Just keep them. And -- never be -- adjustable and it's and -- bank. Yet -- I am not in the market -- E-book reader -- any nine. Don't Paper -- -- your traditional book reader still on Yang and traditional. Magazines in a traditional format that. Dan -- them into -- -- has. Nothing to advance. After the it and it's and dislikes it in the corner will allow Maine you know 40% of -- -- children's toys. Is it down and and everything es and now. F 40% but avoid a whole floor. On this Barnes & Noble and a lot of it is increasingly becoming. Educational toys and gifts and then they talked about the fact that the nook retail space is gonna expand. So it's gonna -- calls -- -- even more like an Apple Store type environment. You pry into your -- I don't know that little bit cozy little -- oft delayed in the act and the Barnes and -- You know -- sofas -- -- -- complacent phase is out there and tablet a stack obligated and does not the most fun anymore yes font ID C 880 -- have -- -- for books into the -- you know periods in Munich which should by the -- gonna read this that that would actually sent -- that would -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sort of rant in the making with all this as -- -- doubtful account hear about it and I know there's a lot of reasons why won't happen and it's very difficult to make happen by. I think a lot of people share this feeling I still feel frustrated. But there's a disconnect between physical books and ebooks and that if general library physical books what do you do with them or you know -- I go to Barnes & Noble. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And all. I'm one that I like and I'll purchase it right Kindle right there in the store my phone that's that's probably the next poll you know referred e-book or physical book why they don't include like ultraviolet light -- -- included code in the book code -- like that. I think it's a need to do it jumps -- -- they won't do it or whatever. But they do with magazines they do with newspapers now they do with. With Blu-ray I dislike I would buy physical book -- knew ahead of the digital but. Choosing between the two men and I'm gonna choose digital because I don't want extra clutter it is -- that are probably never get around looking -- -- in my -- and where you are you could just. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's good it doesn't get -- haven't had a previous you know a full more than 42 preview on either and actually have a full preview it in the star and then -- I'm a bit like this is -- -- results of the music studio did he did. There's a bookstore here in New York fear that that name has been deleted by me. How weird if they catch you it's an independent books if they catch is like taking photos of books -- writing down the names of votes. Concede they know you're gonna use that combines a hands on the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and basically telling me they're overpriced. There I'm just saying their brand objectives of traditional art okay enough about the not to have. I don't do that and we at least excellence -- if you order a note that make your -- Ha ha ha -- price and excellent move -- to hopefully we'll get into a tablet in your soon to be able to break it down and check it out and tested in staff in the meantime. I do want to look -- an actual hardware. And that's what you hasn't forever right now what's the first when he got. Madness is. When it before and yes I have established in the stamps. -- Got it about money in had a -- lighted for now and then there's immigrant and over closing yeah you have an eyepiece but I'm yes it's the the windows -- -- you get to windows and that and the performance and the and the specs really -- we are seeing in a lot of ultra books of terms like cracked by -- processor. It's an oppressive and flash storage -- department you can actually it. Interface the finger at BetaNews we -- this. Article we are calling it one yet and so on none -- this yeah there's history excellence in in the bottom and it brings widgets and Leo likes that. Looks very -- very. The Apple he. And -- -- pretty responsive and they developers themselves this is not when disease or anything they're version of it a little plug and there actually moving on to other machines as well. -- the of these -- -- very -- And using it at him and it. Got from -- with -- you know peripherals like keyboards. But -- I thought it was gonna have to need in the beginning I am at east. And criticizes what. Inspires me it is it being able to navigate -- As a policy analysts in the past that windows -- was -- retail for. Now it just derive that I. And organize it to find out but -- -- gotta be close -- 2000 votes than -- and not like most of the -- it in an -- has acquired -- I'm most curious about the battery life on -- and that's -- that's the part that -- yet -- battery -- means you know. -- -- -- and -- Microsoft's. -- benchmark everything out of the analyst -- implant and the guy came it came around and it's hard and it -- but it is a full OS people keep it -- -- sales as the swipe keyboard. In says that writing standards like this again. -- instead of using the standard and in windows keyboard -- app are quality and can now make very serious and -- price we will have a that we won't -- -- and the HP actually in the HP's slate teal also as a swipe keyboard that's like that. The next generation of windows at a hazardous don't try to -- as windows tablets were somehow somewhere they keep trying new things that's part of the series -- remember. We saw the series nine back in January mimics that -- uses of the MacBook -- that went very expensive from Samsung. And at the series three that was cheaper but there are okay they went back -- -- too expensive that the theory seven files in the middle. And I like what Simpson does a lot of time I think -- do a lot of good stuff. Yes I have a Felix -- QX series last year -- -- thought they've been doing some great stuff and the series seven. I -- -- might actually you're right after the nine was too expensive in the three was too -- yeah and you you wrote about an August there were quick thing just you know guided into taking a look at it because it it hit me instantly. As more impressive than I expected not having seen it before and it it actually looks a lot like -- a type of a windows -- MacBook Pro and the specs. Really match what you see on a MacBook Pro Quad Core I seven processor. It's got -- MD graphics in their despite the size. It's got on I unite generous ram and and hard drive space and I think that's 1299. Month that price and I was 1299. And that's. That's why -- dollars less than the equivalent MacBook Pro. -- and I was -- I love you guys don't like but I love the computer -- -- -- where they number pad I love and about 1011 number I think you're gonna talk about the matte screen nothing as well -- again. Yet has been refined let me open it up. That was just like they believe this is looking -- that the diagnosis equipment is matte screen and usually you only have that the long. By again going to it makes him. And volume of the black keys of the white sides -- lights up on the side of the keys in the -- learned through these really eaten while the idea is very steady as very steady as Seattle suing -- -- a -- at -- Huge tract pad which is -- about the size of Apple products and has the two finger -- there was it would without a net unnecessary -- -- -- on their physical and use real Wednesday. And a lot better feeling than for -- comparative reviews -- just reviewed. He Samsung QX 411 which is a budget 649 laptop so which -- -- look that different from this. But the track pad is different track pad on the other wind you can feel the difference is sold much more budget feeling. This one felt a lot slicker a lot easier to control much more. In that MacBook -- zone and a slot drive for those -- So we're gonna have reviewed the Sacramento -- slot. And could. Be you know Blu-ray on this one. It. -- -- lots of I have been. Agree that says the family there's a dog Nikki and being a slot while those of the words of the day that's very exciting. In remarks that and that -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm more excited about how you and Julie almost gonna fistfights are. I've got -- or not you should have the stuff. On video -- -- Listeners up guys in a Julie take that a stretcher average Joseph would tell me how the discussion started album. I don't know. Separate agreements like normal. Like lab Saturn. We started talking about -- oh yeah you play with subtitles on are often needed to be honest of you Julie. Gave more more idea obviously above the city of all of -- jumping ahead in the story here. -- that basically a currency humanist -- you're talking about Batman. And then. It was only until it was something about having the subtitles and. And and then I just chime and and and said you know I -- only to outline because continuing from the game. And then from backing -- -- brilliant idea and he's. -- We -- -- -- perfect dog was treated and Fahrenheit and ailments but currently I am -- I spent more the subtitles -- enough -- as though I hear it and it into populated area -- an idea put it on -- -- in the living as we announced today. We collaborated on the the pros -- -- of the movie Julie Julie actually offered war. More more more raw and frozen conflict with that I was writing trying it was it was -- -- is a thing. Development reasons why it played great at that aren't but then end up thing you know I understand why people without mine in and -- -- -- longer list for that. -- starts. Exactly about it by -- That those living in the eyes and an -- -- AKA flavor Ackerman was on -- the -- -- -- -- -- though apparently became the fifth -- that's the right area veterans at a but -- but they're ready to rumble. So -- -- gotta tell this story. Will have around and I'd so it's only you guys ended up agreeing where the disagree. But there are still people who like the subtitles off -- a subtitles on guy. Because it's likely -- miss anything that sometimes -- like go talk to Bob at the market and they miss them -- -- -- the delegates on my list of things to do -- If I read it I'll I'll remember sort of -- -- -- Yeah I agree for two reasons Alex -- titles on because occasionally -- games are full of strange -- -- lingo so they say like. Go to turn on the flex some margin a robot and you're like who was that -- human machine is but at least we see a written out you know they're talking about some of -- like. -- a senior -- I don't know -- and a fantasy. -- stuff you know. Can you can have like -- or I'm not comic book literate so I mean I know you're referring to an embassy -- -- okay but second as the -- that. On the quote the quote Julie she's playing an active adventure games you do busy killing -- Because it isn't action adventure game bumbling and accident brain and I'm I'm basically primarily of the M primary stop -- -- yeah I'm just I'm just focusing on have to. Speaking county asked the simple as that distant gunfire I can. I have done. This -- and I look at the bottom screen for. Readings that I can -- it and I just hate being. My second thing is is a sad story of that for at least in my life -- got a really nice media room and I don't think he suffers that's quite the same way but. Where we're pretty cramped apartment -- a -- in the living room. And that goes back -- -- I am an -- system's impressive analyst -- and headphones so I'm missing out on San anyhow so. Way I an apathetic world. Got my 32 inch screen. With no I was you know great -- as delays but -- subtitles on but the effect is a -- -- -- members -- like dams are removed. That sometimes just -- least make it playable. But if you haven't they to a to have its corneas -- -- -- really Alcan has so -- mine yet so that of the fashion I mean this a -- titles -- mania as it is. And then I don't Wear my glasses on -- and but in them you know from our side so it's like -- news items I am -- so I is so. I don't meet the -- is because he's not that far away from me but then -- subtitles from a comic squinting and only has recognized as a. I'm actually I'm actually curious about one thing on some -- -- -- Hank would you actually play with the titles on or off. If you select all is only because -- -- -- because I am currently being that I have defeated overheat and are you can always -- looking at -- looking at the whole right now on CNET and didn't go vote right now the current. Ending a high of 75%. Pro subtitled 25%. -- which it is -- pretty good split. Now eyes that there are a lot of people don't and he -- that was like ten votes and they -- I didn't know that it completely and hard yet not even -- -- -- fifty minutes -- this is pretty pissed because this stuff you'd like to vote on that you can actually go to. Cnet.com slash labs cast and I believe you'll see the post right there that's -- -- the chance that. Or go to our FaceBook page link is there as well and has excellent then there are did you get into my -- CNET -- descended to the city as well as a digital city and the lab -- -- a fan pages -- more followers there's an -- -- is you know the camera's -- -- on the really like it got -- on the base is that faces that I make it that I felt it necessary to benefit event and -- I did he and I am getting them ready and I and I regularly for them rated as I've had accidentally created yeah. -- -- -- I do wanna tell you guys that this week is is very important in the in the in the CNET family because it is our very first. Retail pop -- store it's happening right here in New York -- it is called CNET Gotham and it starts Wednesday November ninth and runs through. Sunday November 13 and it's not a -- you go and buy stuff what do visits it'd be kind of store -- -- -- gonna have. All the big holiday gadget to laptops TV is that phones tablets whatever on display for you to come and see and touch and play with. -- and then we also get. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That having a baby doesn't think your material and millions of eyes -- -- glazed over the stupid. And it didn't -- my -- It'll play through the start that aggregates them about touching and playing all the -- -- playing movies supervised by a crack security team I'm -- -- -- law. And the odds are -- -- -- over Julie about the comes out of -- -- -- but maybe you know when it sort of on the job on -- says -- under an hour you're more likely -- during the week of high -- Wednesday the idea that if you don't you're gonna signatures. -- via a sword the other everything we're doing -- haven't -- states that currently you have the -- -- where you'll be able to -- areas. Ones of us I do little lectures and classes and demo sessions about. What laptop to buy one of the hot tablets how to protect yourself on FaceBook had to take a good digital photo. Us all come to classes there's a whole schedule up at Gotham dot cnet.com. And one idea that I have they're actually doing whichever one is mad at me for but I think it's a great idea -- We do reverend peanuts Lucy van -- had a little psychiatrist -- it's that the doctor is in the wouldn't chatting and Charley -- -- sit there and talk to her -- well. I said we should -- -- and make that where you have different CNET editor every hour sitting in this Booth. And you can just go up. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I got -- your house and hook up your TV. And -- eligible country house in a couple of years of these -- we -- -- -- that. It's down on spring street and -- I believe it's -- -- one mulberry street between spring and can -- you're familiar with downtown New York -- -- kind of so though. No -- area and I hope to see everybody who's in New York there. God in -- Katzmaier Falcone and everybody else does going to be on the air at different times during the week if you drop by you never know who you gonna say. And they go that's my blood that the plug and I do have wondered should I am waiting -- that they were ignorant are big thing and we -- coming out mandates that at least I have a -- -- -- excuse me while with this. Net. Blazing -- Styron is coming out very soon -- -- chapter 51 of the most eagerly anticipated games of the last several years -- -- either Friday or next Tuesday sometime very soon. I have got a cool and and and I I've been playing it for the list that does it review by privately if that last week -- -- and -- too much. But it's gotten -- and I'm just one of the street also district of them fight them and it's awesome and day here's Richard in the mail I was out last week and is not a giveaway guys and sorry then maybe someday ill or anything of that data is the collector's edition. Dragon sculpture and do little free sixty freely from to a first -- -- -- and actor may elect to show when I hear I hear anything thank you very much. And -- Rebecca -- -- go to bed to read I got -- I got nothing seeking accurate -- -- I got a clinic operating this year and give away and I have a new idea for a show up for game -- we can do that we're gonna -- start next week I feel so inclined if you Google are good at that we have to agree. If we all feel inclined at an agreed idea. We're gonna give it understands isn't that isn't that -- yourself would -- Digital's the leadership. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Actually play off our -- lives. Aka. The hunt the most dangerous type that -- if you had estimated that. Alright alright ladies and gentlemen this is funny to -- -- get. It's all here in the room at the same time. I'm sure Joseph if he could catch his breath after -- -- would tell you to go to FaceBook dot com slash CNET labs cast for all the catch up and to -- to add. At CNET labs cast on Twitter and of course on CNET -- -- cnet.com slash Lance cast. And threw out those three things you can get all the heat lamps cast info that you want. Anything to add to that. This cuts to American jets cut out right to when you're coming gonna do it aren't -- let's -- -- and it. That's right and then if enough at the Atlanta as you -- vote -- in Ireland Mondays in the podcast. Sorry about that and they'll -- this movie -- feel that if I had -- -- Karen Ackerman would stalk me that much more. I just -- tweets every game then you are right. At the time I've enjoyed it a feelings. It's obvious that stick up CNET got -- -- -- isn't an obvious they're a little -- and finally made of gonna we gonna take Jordan's biggest and autographs. Nobody wants my autograph but big -- could definitely -- -- pose for photos ability give my two cents. The Polaroid camera and photo at a Fuller richer site with an Acura to be -- five -- -- photograph of him right back. Good for you. The -- of -- this. Time. -- --

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