Ep. 45: Eau De Nerd
Ep. 45: Eau De Nerd

Ep. 45: Eau De Nerd

It Tuesday June 7 and you are experiencing. -- crave podcast. I'm Donald bell I'm Eric Franklin part of the second half of that experience asset -- that you are experiencing right. We need to get like it's television channels go into the unit in with a lick a frontier is gonna be broken at some point -- there's still trying to break that anonymity that a little smell box that's connected to that it'll -- coming your computer that's on its way. I don't know what application are park has would have for that. Thank you might smell like what we we'd had that we got to step up the content and something that smells and unique for every show. With its small -- -- -- you know both -- There are smells I think Justin Bieber has its own fragrance now yeah I mean why not why not yet why not why not the crave. -- decree -- -- and tired of you tell -- -- -- their right now to show how well ED analyst at man has got to be some geeks think up and the fear right now they're a in the years I've done which I'm gonna like ten years back in the day nights ago -- -- ninety's. -- -- -- -- -- The -- WDC yesterday. You think I think be Apple the Apple Steve OT crowd yeah. Just it's very very concerned about them but you think so what's on either of those higher. Higher quality. They're actually able more than likely is the fact that I don't have anything smelling the ongoing cold and -- still -- And -- a pretty good now -- just. Does not include some iTunes and while that's that's working out freeze on you pretty bad habit ET can overcome even if those -- people who just. -- -- The -- gamers and and and hard core you have Lan party -- all -- yes. These new ones. In India like your own go to adult diaper selection you -- The site and giving here that if there is no that is. There -- one and you do and I do. Undo and out of state thousand Segway has about that we already we've already wasted -- notice it's it's that we're gonna talk a little bit about gamers stuff. One particular gamer thing announcement from. And leave the rest. For a Bakalar and his crew dash a -- -- to -- regional light touch on that territories because there's RD grade. CNET podcast sure I don't that's that podcasts currently is airing today so. We'll battle not doing it for us to go for an hour and a half their hectic and -- -- on games and fill it. The -- you -- you -- you and and OK eight SA. New version of the Wii with a tablet like gain control. South -- -- it's weird it's a six point two inch. Well the screen that has it has a six foot two inch screen on it. It's a giant controller in it's -- well maybe look at smaller than iPad from the looks of it can't really tell -- com. That's kind of crazy. Big to -- the complete opposite direction anyway with the Wii. Which was like this really minimalist. This -- TV remote then we'd like to with three buttons on. This -- has like all the buttons you'd expect from a like a PlayStation or an Xbox system. In shoulder buttons and two analogue -- -- has a camera on a front facing camera and children have all that motion controls all of motion sensors inside it out well. Well it has -- -- com has -- orbiter. Has -- as it is it's a sport. A home in works with all the we peripherals so it'll work which we will -- is one clip -- this girl playing golf. Where she's playing you can see that the field of regular golf game field on screen and TV. She puts a little controller on the on the floor if she could see the -- -- -- uses her Wii mote. To actually as as the -- as a golf club and he swings Elaine and the Wii but with the ball on the floor. -- -- -- -- -- -- So the that the screen acts can actively an extra little window kind into the gain market unique -- -- just for your own kind of view of names if your dynamic of first person -- sentiment that he could -- your own view of that. That that your opponent couldn't see. The gap maybe or you could have like I thought like a version for like Zelda we've got -- -- inventory inventory of rag content spells or whatever venture execute on -- yeah exactly -- having -- there's. They don't even know what they're good thing what do -- think this is an even around for like another year -- I -- every year it's not until late twenties public of them got the coolest thing that they show is the first thing they show. Was you know some -- plane his -- you at home new year 2012 -- -- far distant future -- and television exactly it was stated feature that. I also explained the TV. His roommate or whoever comes -- It kicks off -- -- book or watch sports it's you know the game at this -- stuff out here he Eagles are reading this and it speaks and Israel that smells right noted that there. Yeah and and broken promises. Com. And like heat so he takes the Wheatley takes a little weak U remotes or controller is up -- the -- and what you would obviously -- Super Mario Brothers it switches to. His controllers so it actually streams to his control. There's no actual GPU on the on the controller there's. But it will home except the signal from Europe we use system so you can you don't even need TV or deplete -- thing you can just how do -- you hooked up. And have all that the image is streamed right -- -- you can play. You know your wife wants to watch -- -- Latin American teenager and you TV you -- -- you can do that honey. But I'm gonna be here ignoring you in the corner. Playing my -- you -- you. -- Wow. That's all that -- that. Philly that cut they'll -- at least in that it goes a little bit against the original B right has been very active share my only son. The face of it acutely you'd be infinite ram and -- -- yeah right we controllers anyway your spouse in the phase and actually breaking into our bases and in my bag and -- -- seems a little bit more. Inwardly -- staring at another screen what I think they're trying to kind of bridge that gap between the casual and hardcore completely lost a lot of hardcore players when they -- with the week. With all this you know. What -- stand up and play video games I wanna sit down and and gain weight on my couch is well I do and partners in I want lots of buttons -- now I want to be an analyst at. So they -- lot of guys doing that but what they're doing it -- -- -- bridge that gap because. They have the controller which have -- As always by the screen but they also have backwards compatibility with all the Wii games from -- four and all the controllers and stuff so you'll still. The -- know depending on developer they'll still be. Making you know maybe east of physical games games require physical interactions while news well I mean that's. That's my speculation. I feel like they probably will be but nothing that might lot of developers are getting to work on the -- you. Are like mainstream. Third party developers doing -- mentioning Oracle -- core. Game. Right now what about the opportunities for creeping this year because an artisan there's the camera that's on -- video there was a little part of the demo there would have with a video conferencing from a week to week. Are already on its -- on needs conferencing now -- warns us to let an effort. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I did Apple pay -- Wii's I'm gonna -- that the technical. Was we how do you need me meant. I. Big Apple insisted that businesses that I think for kids is there while there might be some potential for ourselves and use -- to. Jeremy. It's. Who knows how how do you say that that love story of like how did you mean -- we met each other on the week in the room where being -- any -- and we fell in love yes and that -- -- again meant you were born one day you'll Wii's and once done. And he'll -- -- it. A sweetie you know you in this new way committee jokes to be -- -- we answer -- -- but. -- we've got another year to prepare ourselves on this and yes you got lots of -- -- all right exactly yeah -- We get the regular and that. Yeah I personally. I didn't -- anything that's really exciting and like parts capabilities graphical capabilities. I don't see anything goes beyond PS3 or Xbox. From what they showed -- change and what did they ever release any kind of specs and going to put the system. I AM I'm more of our core gamer. And these you know. -- because you can do that. That novelty of being able to play your game from well need to TV is kind of cool but what -- -- -- -- that it solves. -- -- -- -- -- -- This year with that. There is like this 3-D technology for gamers -- overly you can do and I'm doing to their match. Each -- -- he had different. Version of -- of this -- -- this kind of saw that same problem. For that for that to their game where each player can have their own little separate screen and then there's that the united display on on television Ralph. Or maybe you can even alternate like look on this round on the take the controller and play this and you completed screen connection. Sometimes I can see some really interesting and again hardcore gaming capabilities yeah for two player game that. -- -- -- -- Person to do that but. I defeat a potential there and when I'm playing it again if it and I want to be excited about -- If it just like it it is totally moves you through different yeah because of its can pretty much Estonian and then -- disputes waving my arms flailing and you like a minute and then they can advantage of the nickname like okay in this guide to being really at this point I'm not sure people are expected are expected to have to run. To place is -- I just feel more like nuance. Like battle stuff which may be like the PlayStation move controllers are lucky -- -- needs to act now in Norton really get. Really get again and that's -- games that come with like a light -- Built. You know as -- you can late you can just -- something. -- But I by acting. To my point just being that eventually that that kind of you know. Motion control stuff that completely inundated with I'm beginning does have a ball -- -- -- limit yeah where it's like. I can't just -- my hands around. Over and over -- for an hour eventually I need something else he engaged here and I think that if convenience -- Yeah yeah exactly and -- of the countries that happen. Exciting things that come hopefully next year we use. -- university. And use via. -- and VT. All right let's take a quick commercial break we'll -- -- something you can get right now is the key ports slide. And cnet's own into one Goodwin gave it eight had run this week ended the first look video for -- It is a system for organizing all of your keys into one -- like solid aluminum block. And actually it's not inexpensive it can get to spend around six. And -- parts and then you have to get each key individual the cut. For that easily available slots that are yet updated to the side deal and any camera also have I think it has room for -- -- The rent. Key elements and then there's what you can also get like USB sticks -- mica flash later of the little accessories into it. But. If you really like. -- -- -- paranoid like I made about getting larger keys together greatly one very tight little solution yes no no rattling -- replace. It looks cool but the amount of effort involved to get all of your keys cut for the -- And money out front -- yet. But they'll end result is you know rattling around we want them street in a sneak up on. Agreed to sneak up on if you yet -- it probably looks a little weird but when it's. You -- in your car's ignition key that big block kind right now yeah. Yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The was gonna affect you know weird looking in Newton live if I think about this is like. Google Eldon near field communications staff is trying to solve like the -- little -- our wallet in our pocket and got everything Vodafone yet. But like it's still nothing that's going to -- keyless entry possible or make people comfortable with the idea of Q the entry from their phones now anytime soon of the keys are like added dilemma that you'll have to solve for. In some way. If you might have like a modern key solution. But I like Google's the have a modern most modern key yes way to manage making it possible yes we can rebuild the mine and the key solution so -- there that down until people get really comfortable with. Phone wireless and key -- -- think that feature is the keyboard slide yes Donald predicts. -- slides going to go. Number one. And -- any alternative key management solution if you heard it here first. Thank you Larry King via. Now I just thinking to myself out there that commercial -- of -- Ford Focus commercial or something -- it's like callers wiped out her open the car doors on her phone. And -- image and do that should begin -- in the end -- That's of the button on -- phone card locks on the maybe they're actually will be -- opening. Your car with your phone thing yet. You see that it has -- impoundment your car can detect picture. Aries your in the car with your phone and that would flight -- push buttons are on the card in its name. Either you or someone -- your phone yeah. Exactly. It's it's. Way too convenient if someone who -- you and if you follow I think we're I think we're thinking only -- is really. We meet him group that -- those scary yeah what -- -- still a phone. And I feel like younger people are probably more. And -- now I feel like. The more things get woven into your phone's full that he will open I guess you could for the -- it you can leave it expects -- Esther. The more valuable that thing becomes as like source for that's a good way to harvest. You know New Zealand -- guys like twenty bucks I can I get everything -- -- on him and find out every person is related to him in right. Blackmail them and have all the near field communication credit card -- -- into the phone shopping spree at night at Macy's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And other old man. Challenged. Solving the root -- -- as quickly as -- done yet. That's actually if someone -- -- -- -- -- people have a whole other key element in our -- -- but robot kind is still really. Really hard at work to solve the problem as quickly as possible and there's now a -- -- solving robot vacuum get the cube solved in ten seconds. -- and that robot apparently. Has enough. Self awareness but he wants to claim the crown of fastest route -- solving. Entity. Yet. Now I don't think they people who make the robot one program but it's pretty cool to watch it happen if you get the media gone does that beat the human record of solving. Excuse I don't know the -- it is but does that leave it -- Now actually says the current human world record for solving the -- is by. Felix and them Dade board there and and six point 24 seconds now. -- now that what it does nothing from that does not include inspection time of the Q. That he starting from like any given. -- mixing yeah so how do you I wonder what the base level of mixed up. Q. Past where where where is that based level will help mix up the Q is before someone can say. While I think -- consultants -- -- -- -- or homeless that once again just like a couple of turns this guy ahead of putting -- -- robot it is kind of randomly and mixed it up and then has relied have to kind of and evaluate. The arrangement. And -- all -- and that'll pretty amazing. When it actually conceived with -- and knows what to do he acts -- -- often necessarily crave this robot has. Solving an excuse our -- -- excuse isn't the issue might come up against Getty Lee chair every so often. You may find -- randomly looks cute yeah in -- -- house. Illegally entered. And you don't but actually if I say this cube shaped routes keeps solving robot looks pretty cool it looks very cool I would like to have the summit gas. And does not tell people -- it is. You know -- -- -- -- Cubans are gorgeous you -- -- and just kind of make people think it something very dirty or weird you know close the and a you don't want to know what to suspect that there. Was only make them more and don't know or don't even go to that don't do it -- I don't want to call your wife and kids. Can get -- -- -- It. Another way to risk your life is he. Single person rocket and affordable single person rocket finally that -- been launched. Thanks to Copenhagen -- or portals okay. The test version of this rocket was launched. With a minimum. Of problems. Pay one of the problems was that the the parachute didn't quite open its. But there is no reason being missed. -- Animals so -- price for a rocket flight now a suborbital rocket flight. 69000 dollars. Yeah when you -- affordable you weren't using. The compared to the alternatives. You know you don't -- the break a million. Again launch. Based word on that show them the trustees because they say it's a little bit of a shaky flight and actually get dislodged it cannons roar and now isn't -- -- catch on this one. You don't fit down when you get launched. -- and lets you like you send -- you're standing up you like you're watching had burst. -- like that old you do in the elevator -- guy. There -- that show with gold -- in -- with a rocket people over the that it was like the -- demand type show you don't regret this happened just -- addict he. Young people. To -- you could. -- -- -- Critical though I mean if it may be it's gonna become like Kindle affordable -- -- have like -- portable orbital flight. With special offers. That'll correct bring the price down exactly yet -- adequately look like -- -- minutes of advertising before snapping here. South into the rocket yeah being launched -- death yes. On the -- -- I'm I'm excited that people are -- towards this single person. Many flight towards space. Using yet is what you just wanna see you know whatever disaster awaits this you'll see that caption. That's me that's where -- think. I'm gonna be the first guy but a little upset -- bet -- it's. And you know. -- -- -- now I think that. -- -- Now and I don't I'm not giving an idea I'm not gonna take it security baggage they there is a mile high you know money can be captured with again that are personal level of -- yes you can actually start making some money -- That is only room for one person's. And -- standing out. An announced limited potential use them and think about it -- would now become what it means there's there's still some -- -- -- worked out -- that. I aimed at spaceflight. The idea. Somewhat affordable consumers spaceflight. Is is can someone. -- -- -- -- I have -- the -- I don't think we address this week will be back next week with more -- -- -- hopefully won't be overshadowed by just tons and easy to read Apple news. -- -- you miss assortment of thomas' robots to Star Wars and -- and it. It.

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