Ep. 25: Android fragmentation kills birds
Ep. 25: Android fragmentation kills birds

Ep. 25: Android fragmentation kills birds

Android fragmentation kills birds dual core everywhere and use your phone -- -- times seem all that more coming up on this week's edition of Android tablets weekly for Thursday November 18 to 2010 and just -- house alongside guest host senior editor interment. The low -- is always Benito. The whoo welcome. -- -- -- -- -- Well let's jump right into 3-D. Phones. We talked about -- little -- or last week around. And 3-D phones that were in Japan and these are classes free phones as it would be a little weird who -- them or make phone calling upon my special glasses network. I can imagine doing there. -- now. Against. Sharp has announced that they're going to start selling these phones in the United States China and India some time in 2011. And also those that. Some major. And nominee and Nam co all of which may recognize from my. Original Nintendo days. As -- -- the -- him. And and I guess also this story from and -- in -- says that. One -- her models was -- -- -- 03 SH recently spotted on the FCC. State yes it's not there actually. I have to guess -- -- -- excel. Sometimes catch these things they don't tell -- -- likes easily so lot of its confidential by. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- except the 3-D part yet. Yeah I mean it it will be if you -- the -- is -- -- actually useful. You know probably just during the -- movies that you can actually -- on your phone. They should have they should have a video calling three -- -- That would be -- citizens had to sort of pops out of here have a kind of touch them with plastic these phones do have 3-D cameras. But I don't know if they have three -- Front facing cameras you probably know those tend to be VGA it'd be lower lower resolutions in the main camera. -- That he could hold up to -- -- our -- -- I don't know if you want three calling but. Vehicle and that. But he'll have -- someday -- -- sure they have to be very the have to -- video capture. Yes that they have three cameras on them. Yeah its pretty pretty -- team but the features here holograms and all. But that is not the only new technology are talking about this week we also have. Four G handsets. And four G networks from Verizon. Tags in an interview at the Wall Street Journal this -- Verizon CEO. Said that the first four GLT. Handsets look around February which -- a little earlier than it originally. Anticipated. Verizon's been sort of started promote their fourteen hour now and I guess before the end of the year its gonna be rolled out and about cities and they'll have. What USB devices. -- occurred Motley not a thing yet we're not quite sure exactly what they're to have a place where they are just -- -- -- 38 cities I think -- -- the -- time -- -- -- pretty quickly so -- -- opposed to an announcement soon at first they said that cities were going to be. Mean there's gonna put it in all in a paucity so code cities where that mutually supporting them so they can take advantage of in the games and -- We set an exact but -- that expanded -- system exactly now. What we'll see and when I hope we've gotten here. Yet and it's it should be spears the united slot for cards to start and then moving into next -- The restaurants -- V won the fastest if not the fastest forward fi network. Well yet they say that by. It really depends on how you define it and maintenance and an acute heart of the -- as we expect the after your in the name of the body is that they really rule that the four -- -- that exist right now in WiMax for that matter are not real QWERTY -- and we'll see that by. T-Mobile sir HSP -- class service is actually just as fast as Verizon promises not pastors. Not really it's not four -- definitely -- it. Whose facets that that really remains to be seen her -- a -- -- -- -- -- Yet -- -- -- at the end and they don't matter at all I mean AT&T'S network did it probably is pretty similar team Mobil's that we don't know. You know what eighteenth he in real world and the BM might yet it really matters. How it's how it's paneling for you at that exact time. -- the other extreme part about this announcement is that brands and potential -- -- offer several year data plans not. On May -- -- consumption like we've seen now but also on the axles he'd like you get from your home DSL or cable connection so. You know the supposedly and LT eight network is capable want to twelve megabit. He -- -- like oh I only need the three megabit cousins but it -- -- mountain watch Blu-ray as videos of the problem. So this would be the first time -- to concede. That kind of pricing from -- cellular provider in I've ever seen and I've never really heard this before I never really thought of it actually I think it's a good idea. -- consists of business and you were saying they do this at home some time there. Brennan -- is a lot to get over your yourself connection and if you're really only tech community now. You know and you probably don't wanna pay as same as someone else who he is doing 3-D video conference -- there you know whatever downloading torrents. Over the network. So it'll be -- to see here that the -- rumors that potentially the first phone. Will be the each TC. -- -- Which say yes there. -- catchy name and it's. No matter at all this was originally rumored to be in May be still will be the incredible -- the now America -- That you know I don't think honestly know until. We know. Potentially Etsy has a Verizon -- Press event that it -- -- on Thursday at CES. So -- Sure. -- well they -- an and then you know -- -- the CEOs speaking at the keynote to. At -- yes so -- I don't know if that's what you're talking about. That you don't have a president -- speaking at the keynote so what exactly what's been announced could be up to anything now. Ray yet and I think he happens. I think there's a bunch of -- -- opinions when so it it'll be interest in what they announced eventually tablets and -- -- and actually gets Mecca kind of works if it's a Droid. -- its echo lake you know -- so. -- -- -- Yet as long as people -- correctly yeah -- like me who -- that the. In what is our continue mean. Statement here who's suing -- this week. The VS. Problem that -- -- -- we need to music that next week and it costs them. The avenue north to gavel and can. So this week it is vertical computer systems catchy -- there. And they are -- in so that suing Google directly very few of these lawsuits are are. Four against school directly this -- is against Samsung and LG. And they claim that they infringe on two patents that describe the system for generating applications. A little -- they're not exactly what that means very. And specifically the you know they mean certain phones -- -- allies. Samsung galaxy models as was these -- and galaxy tablet. And services you know. The lawsuit in itself maybe is not -- -- team. But what is -- -- is -- just another lawsuit on top so. To recap Apple has sued each in each TC over you know and parade -- Microsoft's new Motorola. Small those sued Google directly Motorola. As -- Motorola -- TC and Samsung. Oracle is suing Google over Android and you know Java run time you know so already suing some -- exact -- -- we -- music and I think some point to be awesome on the blog to have the little diagram of the but afloat charters that pursuing new -- as well -- Yet there's a solitary the whole talk these -- always to Google right -- roads -- exactly. Via -- it down it was a way to accomplish -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Let's see what else is going on. There is that a lot of sort of back and forth over its story. -- interview that was Steve Wozniak Apple co-founder gave in the best paper. Deet Helen -- Reportedly originally watts had said that -- agreed phones have more features and just generally -- -- said he thought they were greeted they would win. -- -- out. That none of that was it wasn't really true I don't say number that was true there's some some truth to that. Engadget had a follow up call with him. To sort of clarify that because I guess he commented on the game gadget post about how it actually do yeah same technique that's when -- -- So -- column. And -- around. You know I guess he gave a demo of of Android voice commands vs IOS was commands -- Said that Andrew it was kind of had there but he thought that. -- -- -- -- -- -- He never said that -- -- is better than -- OS. He said in fact almost every app I have is better on the iPhone. Though he did say that he thinks that. You know entry could potentially -- win but outsell in long term. Pilots and you you know says it's it's similar to windows. Comment doesn't honestly mean it's better it -- you know. Would still be crappy and have great market here I'm in that's not you know the sonic some strange concept -- distancing himself more hundred pounds or carriers you're gonna wind up with. But wind up with it -- -- -- Apple -- it's a great comparison windows versus -- Amazon exactly what has happened in. You know Apple has had plenty of chances to change this strategy strength in marketshare. And they did for a brief period. They just -- controls more important. And when I mean day mean wonders. So laws is clear there is still an Apple -- -- -- apparently he uses in. I wasn't quite -- dvd yet he still owns a lot of Apple Stock in the you know though he never seems to get Apple products early. He's always or maybe just likes to wait in line I don't know. Yeah what do you give something away one timer he showed it -- some -- on the -- and don't trust him yeah I guess there. You're not permitted to do that sorry community just likes to talk. Com so. In the opening there we -- -- You know Andrew killing birds and this is about -- birds everybody's favorite game on all platforms. You know -- fragmentation has been a big issue that we've been talking about and that everyone and industry's been talking about and that Steve Jobs -- -- -- days they're isolated from because you know they can fully consistent when there's not many phones and you know only one. Version of VoS. And so the developers of Angry Birds. Rovio mobile. Announced that they're actually -- a create a second version. There. Android. And favorite software for lower powered devices because they're lower end devices. There are finding that people were experiencing severe performance issues with it in the one that they have now on -- device. Which is you know. This is something we've talked about the last couple weeks about how cool doesn't -- nearly. They have minimum requirements for hardware value from the start they've been really really low. Yeah compared to windows in -- Jessica over -- comparison of of Android. Requirements vs windows requirement. You know and the windows one -- like a one gigahertz processor. You know it's you know not many Android phones even have now. At least that are out there. I was lost interest in going is that the processors missed is that they required that -- one gigahertz -- anything. -- which makes sense -- because that. Kind of reflects badly on the whole Android experience -- -- if -- get someone who -- -- all -- phones -- the low -- -- -- -- -- -- Oh I just spotted too slow CPU they think -- -- it sucks -- release. That's I think where it you know we stand -- in past weeks have been accepted a great job -- -- -- some really high end specs that is gonna make the whole windows experience -- really committed. That you know again this is. They say this is problem fragmentation and he -- even statement point seven its articles that. It's not necessarily true that I OS -- -- are isolated from this you know there is a bunch of iphones out there now from. And the original iPhone two to three G enthusiasts and even -- you know three G and three yes have problems that the latest Iowa asked if some software that doesn't work -- amendment. Mr. and features that don't work. Exactly and -- between iPad and iPhone you know we already see two different versions allows operatives like each Steve versions of a certain software in the non HD versions. So certainly it's it's more prevalent problem on Android but you know -- gonna start to affect OS more and more and certainly doesn't affect windows yet but there's you know whatever and people have those announcements them. Will we'll see how that fragmentation. But this is not the only -- -- Fragmentation that news out this week Netflix. One of the Netflix product developers posted this week that. You know they do like net. Andrea -- -- -- -- come out on Android phones. But these have fragmentation and non uniform support. Video DRM technology. Is causing them to. Be a little slower in this area. And potentially. Release their first version. Only -- certain devices. -- So would be. Certain I -- a certain. As analysts aren't sharing Android OS version that they were co owner ray one minute think that -- you know Samsung has sort of there -- video specifics of power area and time. You know HTC potentially as other stuff and I think overall the video support Mandarin is pretty weak at this when compared to violence -- I would say I mean and -- With some exceptions the media players or homeless one thing -- can really improve on -- and gain. And you can you know and there's no real video I think this is changing of course by. Getting video on the phone and -- and -- the video store. Is coming in and still could be addressed it. -- is certainly get music on it and Amazon and a lot of sources. Begin video is a big issue from front to back them and I know we just released CNET TV -- tone and were not released for Android and you know I OS platform lets you do adaptive bit -- streaming and DR. Spam protection -- -- built in two you know all versions of -- did that do that. He -- You know Blackberry style streaming. And so it's. You know that flexes his right have to say here and it be great and maybe you'll even see this in an upcoming. Release the next few weeks they are so far in this instance. Right actually videos from it. So coming up after the break we rule kind of get -- to what's gonna be in the next version of entrant. And and have video. As well as a bunch of tablet news so. Stay tuned we'll be right back. -- -- actually inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls -- we feel your emails in fact. When he sent us an email right now holiday help desk at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right -- Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Welcome back -- -- so earlier this week Eric Schmidt. Was talking at the web 2.0 summit. Here insert Cisco. Hand you know he outlined some. Some little features there are gonna be in gingerbread. Come he said it's gonna be out the next couple weeks I think some of these features he outlined some -- -- -- -- collected from. -- statements and rumors that people said. Series has become our next couple weeks it's gonna support. Near field communications. And it's -- -- due to topple -- about that. I'm sure that's enough to technology that you might have heard we've seen it into the places where. You can check in and make payments by tapping your on the location are also. You can use. Where you have the little squares -- probably -- -- on a lot of places like a bar code sort of and you can -- camera take a picture in ambulances. Either. Get information about that thing -- deduct from an account so it's quite common and other places and do it wireless industry is tried to make this work a few times I hear in the United States by. Hasn't quite gotten the carrier and manufacturer support and probably means that many people -- to -- used to -- -- well but you have something. Entries really -- Norton saying you know we'll do this and we're gonna put him on the -- and -- my dividend we commit to them and actually. Read -- mean certainly he says. Some -- thinks it could rival you know credit card payments. In a different enough to probably get whatever Visa Mastercard on board that -- -- have owned that space now back. Certainly interest in and has had big and other countries. Some other instinct features that you know I hadn't seen before that he says. He says or other rumors -- -- me. Com. Is reporting. That it's gonna have more powerful -- motion processing. Senses. -- -- features that the Wii controller have. Announced -- really making use of all these events Celeron matter. Gyroscope. And so authors emotions not just took -- -- over in the chain unit Vista. With a display changes orientation and in regret turning the phone and swivel net interim answer to things. -- would be pretty -- steam so this just occurs to me what if you could. Pair your phone with your Google TV and that would just be here we that they deem they're -- for -- -- -- phone and who TV and then maybe -- -- TV tuner and unit prices and so -- you know. So that component so you heard it here first ever heard the -- -- -- a call from Google and is expected to escalate. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- patent that Google and if you try to -- let I will jump on needs to Mandarin bandwagon. Sunday near field communication -- -- -- And then. On the Android market front. -- market is -- -- be close this friend for six hours for developers should still be able to download apps but if you're developer you'll be able to submit apps they guessed. And they're gonna have some pretty cool and long overdue features hire ray as graphics support. The ability to. Is -- it increased the number screen shots. Says in the future to eight currently. Limited to two that's actually that's a really good idea woodland welcome it's when I'm looking at apps and one see more disparate that the opening -- is again. Exactly in minutes and I think I found a computer server that Apple app story -- like five -- that that we gives you a better idea of what the -- is about. Com and also the ability to link to a -- video. I'm sort of just showing off what's in Europe -- City -- been seen in action that's that's definitely cool and helpful feature and you get a dedicated change log it's well. Yet Leo -- I think that's great because it would help updates and bug fixes and right and you see updates all the time and use my work why doing in this what is in the area it was announced. You don't get that you see you get the update you -- you. He accepted and see it and standard warnings about its gonna replace it and it allows acts of these features but then I look at that app -- application at the time it had no idea of what's different. Yet know exactly you know sometimes I've seen people even changed the description of their app to try and put the the update. Log in there but it's not a very elegant solution. So this is nice to see and I think there's a lot of other stuff and look see in the market. Including Michael web based interface for it. To that is kind of annoying when you want sent links around. That you can't these you know they have a very basic web based interface frequencies and of the top products. That's about it. So do that Google. So. Tablets. And -- two processors. Says there's been a lot of talk about. In a dual core processor -- and when -- -- as it offers dual core phones and tablets and injury in media is reporting that. You know first of all like we said earlier -- -- -- three should be available next. A few weeks. But also that honeycomb -- 103 point oh could go out as early as February. And -- him you know that one will be really the one targeted at tablets. And interest -- -- that a lot. Com. -- senior that Google has -- made some kind of dealer agreement with the Nvidia. To make tegra two and they -- the lead platform for tablets it's not clear exactly what that means I don't know that that's exclusive that maybe that there really encouraging all their partners slate Asus Acer Toshiba the royalty dispute centric. To use to take your two processor. Now or -- -- maybe that is they're coming out with the new minimum specs that some of you know specified that processors into the Menem that you need. -- -- enemy is expecting that these tablets will be announced that she CES in early January. So they're big tablet so -- -- innocence and now I definitely had tickets can be exciting. Especially for tablets and and do -- phones and a lot of Android news sites. Back -- I you know if this -- they said that the past three the past two years about he has a lot of -- about it and writer -- we had it a little bit with the nexus -- -- But I think it's here we actually will get a lot more -- -- than in years past them. I agree. The big question my mind is Apple gonna stages simultaneous event to take away from that as they have -- -- yes. That is not -- that is not a particularly -- theory. If you -- at Mac -- do the same day birthday yet. I'm well MacWorld is the -- -- are participating in MacWorld anymore. Mac and MacWorld is now temporary. Ready for mobile congress which -- be taken entry so that's changed a little bit but you know than last year Apple started with the -- events. Which was right after CS remember it. They can hold at the same time. -- -- -- but they -- where they definitely have in the past they rely on announcement -- named yes they did. Agreement to -- -- -- -- that -- exactly San Francisco at a Las Vegas so for -- they -- Apple please don't do that. You know -- Donald take to break that -- as evident -- January February there. He has overrule congress Mac world. You've exhausted just talking about it -- wouldn't add dual core processors are not just gonna be in. Tablets that. We -- hearing -- now the first dual core phones from LG -- star. You know much about this one. I say yes this is going to be should have the first entry -- feature Nvidia's tegra two chipset. Looks like an online features eight megapixel -- Second front facing camera four inch display and -- gingerbread. Is significant for a couple reasons one is that LG's. And this change to -- assessment is TM. What's coming to media to skew to -- sellers version. I'm that is algae is really hasn't been made in Smartphones in other states and so entrant is really provided them with an opportunity. To do that meet and greet our houses -- -- -- with. But -- -- the envy series that sort of high end texting media -- owned by. -- making the jump to Smartphone. Not so much -- moss throughout so that's changed so that's been changing so. It would be great to -- from -- and we could see it in early 2011 and and it's a Webster for Internet lesson when Antonio avenue house -- CES is -- around the corner. You know being hitched is -- it happens here at -- -- is I think he also make an it standpoint there about how Mandarin is such an enabler for. You know -- -- sort of smaller phone manufacturers. To really release says. -- -- best phone you know we're seeing people like sharp who is certainly not known for their. They're Smartphones they were the ones who are gonna released B 3-D based phone. -- -- because they really had to make. I mean you really had to jump on and say okay well. For what went our way OS -- any use and hundreds of people just -- -- -- -- -- -- Paso will you know again stay tuned its ES we'll have sort of nonstop coverage there. So. Can't wait to see what happens nonstop non stop siesta at cnet.com. But also it is officially. Available. On November 21 from AT&T but the pricing came out -- AT&T is selling it for 649. Which if you're keeping track -- Fifty dollars more then sprint T-Mobile and Verizon. Which is you know little weird right -- They are really doesn't. Mean it's not for anything he can and others. Well you can't get it you know -- give parents at the Samsung media hub. That is true but I don't want to systems. Well if they want you to view them so why are they doing this. You know there's sounds Donald speculates here that the you know paid. AT&T what are they sell what -- other tablet they sell little one called the iPad analysts. That is -- that maybe they're doing pretty -- -- -- that the one undercut those cells. Com and that it I wonder. Believed in he actually sell any of these because what you know when you consider. It's fifty dollars more. AT&T is not really known for their data network. Were -- -- -- very very well known for the data -- just not the right way deaths. So what it what's going for AT&T -- you'd wanna buy and Samsung have there. The -- just -- -- but if you know you know since the amount -- one. Aren't -- -- the news this week. The research firm IMS research. Has released court saying that they believe by the year 2015. That injury tablets will have for 28 point 4%. The tablet market. This you know when he. Point 4% is it a reasonable. Amount reconsider the iPad whatever -- gonna do with the playbook. Potentially -- OS based tablet. However it. You know 2015 seems like. A long. Time to sort of reached that -- here. And I mean you know so much can change -- right and there also is so there's another related record the story from I supplies -- that next year. 57 point three million tablets will be shipped -- and 43 point seven million of those are going to be iPad release prized benefit tenants. Really. -- because. Even after all that dual take grew news we just talked about. I'm Dan yeah I do adding it just. It it -- one reason is -- to compare is because you can buy the iPad. Right now outside of carriers the end of the way apparently versions there's gonna be people and an amount you know how many people do -- chose that option but. That does provide a carrier last version of -- so. If -- -- it has an interest -- have an option as well. If you've got in government to agree to due to resonance but whoever it is then that might change -- but I am not quite surprised that -- -- Apple that have the jump and they. Just have -- had people getting on it and people switching an -- now. And you can only do you see that tablets have come out and -- meet tight carriers will be be sold directly. You know from manufactures are -- -- a retailer like best buy or target or Costco. That -- economy pretty big difference and of how quickly adopt. There are created option -- -- Past so you know place your bets and we'll have seen are incidents that status should be a predictive market for. -- -- -- Com. Eric in apps this week we don't have a whole lot to report here but Google sky map. Which I'm a big fan. If you don't know what this is -- -- Four and rent from -- directly that you can. Hold up to disguise to sort of identify stars -- planets and it uses your you know with solar commoner in your. Compass in the gyroscope. I imagine -- it's very it's pretty cool. The -- yet it's awesome and it it definitely used it when I hit. But a few reasons to supply your phone. In on the middle the wilderness the and pulls up to the sky as an -- -- new features. This week I guess it's based threat to day I think. That lets you choose a specific point in time and see what the sky looked like then they wouldn't go back in. In time and pick an example here you go back to -- twenty ninth 1919 and explore the solar eclipse. That -- Albert Einstein proved his theory of relativity. Say that the patent house of a list of popular dates -- In a drop down with an application -- sensitive. Go back to when. July 20 1969 when Neil Armstrong that put on the moon and. Now -- always -- that actually suit what what the -- looked like the most people in the US at that time -- -- -- -- -- with homeowner. Partial -- -- that's -- -- and think about yet there's a lot of cool stuff they have been here. And I guess -- -- letting go back to 19100 or forward to the year 21 and that he can even go into the future. And -- when the -- can explode. They don't actually have led them. -- get an email to enter -- Dallas at cnet.com. From ray says. Hammond newcomer to your podcast and love it. You're definitely the Bluetooth guys tell me of that question finally about to -- my toes into the Smartphone market. -- haven't had to get an Android instead of I found the problem -- he's -- is that. The handrail has been available on so many hardware manufactures -- kind of double edged sword use of a lot of choice but it. The problem is that gives lot of choice. -- So that's a -- assess exactly. Who can you help me. You give me what are the top five picks for Android phones. He says the damaged it in the whole package speed performance over current -- As wasn't -- and practicality of hardware design. And it's. You're lucky because we actually have a list. That says maintained by -- Kent -- of the best Android phone. Yes with the with the assistance of Bonnie -- so if you go to cellphones dot cnet.com -- -- but the cement them but if you -- S cellphones and you'll see best standard sounds as though we have we actually use this -- -- -- -- -- -- some people really that. To go there we update this every week and that's. That and considering the rate of -- -- -- -- we need to do regret it but which right now we have HTC evo four G for sprint. We -- epic forgy. We had and we try to mix it up -- carrier a little -- just to get to run a choice we have that Motorola Droid. After Verizon T-Mobile my touch a belligerent acts as -- -- migratory Dextre. The T-Mobile my touch four G and -- Samsung has -- which is the new phone for you. So we changed all the time and but these are these are what summer top site picks right now. So keep that in mind but the -- to my new phone via an incredible has fallen off the list -- well we know -- I mean incredible came out. 1889 months ago and has served so it's that's kind of a lifetime -- -- cell -- but yet still it's still very -- device only -- well -- responded. Tivo is essentially the Incredibles. Bigger brother with -- forgy and a front -- camera yes but sprint damage so I had imagined ray is gonna be like -- that's -- but what is the best and which ones today debt. Which is always the question -- -- rate them. Usually answers while what do you want. This -- seems to wanna call. Hmmm. I have -- used all his phones they use a lot. My personal. -- if you're not you don't require keyboard would definitely be of that. The evo four G they really like the HTC's -- interface and this when -- four G in front facing camera. You know and it has that in the screen is a really nice big side. And it's -- -- to think about. I mean a carriers is humming with a decision a week but we can't really make a lot of ways because it's gonna depend on what carrier really works in your area -- what's -- -- be that's -- your commute your workplace you're home and then what's gonna be best for. And what's really gonna invest that the price point teaching -- so you do need to think about that -- presents the evo four G I wouldn't recommend that as. You have been. A small town are rural area it's not gonna be getting fourteen for a long time because even a payment -- For some communicating and -- you're gonna be buying this -- that sort of is built around four G service generally get so. The carrier decision is something that also -- be taken very seriously yet. For sure Yemen that you know that's great found that you know I live kind of -- hilly area of -- -- and sprint. Does not work -- all there. At least last minute sprint phone which is why it's what's the resident. And that's why got the incredible. But anyway there you go will put that in the show notes so check it out it's a great list and I have pointed. Thousands of people there aren't thousands well thousands -- now the food as medicine does not -- -- -- no actually -- that's probably good ones. So that does it for us this week if you have any amount could send us email at -- an analyst at cnet.com. Follows on Twitter -- -- Alice. You can watch our live show every week. Thursday at 2 PM Pacific cnet.com slash who lives where the blog where you will see the shows wells also agreed handwritten news cnet.com -- Android atlas. Next week is Thanksgiving so no show next week but will be back the following -- with -- injuries. News and reviews for you. Possible thanks for joining can thank you --

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