Ep 19: Google TV is here, do you need it?
Ep 19: Google TV is here, do you need it?

Ep 19: Google TV is here, do you need it?

Google TV is here injury suit again and all the -- today news you can handle all that more coming up on this week's edition of Andrew and analysts weekly for Thursday October 7 2010. I'm just Mac cast alongside guest host CNN news staff better job lonesome and our producer and you know of courts. Welcome hello hey thanks for virulent and the only person in your end because it runs its -- -- and I know you are. Worked out well it it did. I I'd definitely exactly that -- planning the schedule. So -- should not. He -- -- -- nose on purpose yeah -- it it is. -- well let's get to it and we're gonna talk a lot about -- today today. Not right now. Right now hours talk about Google TV which was also sort of formally officially. He was officially announce a while ago but now we actually have a an announcement of a product the Logitech announced on yesterday -- believe. There are review product. And just remind -- -- in our. You know in person and does home audience -- TV does run Android. Which you are talking about it here. So the Logitech reviews -- basic specs is it's a stand alone box it's meant to be hooked up your HDTV in combination with -- -- A cable box or some kind of DVR. It runs and write to one. He writes he is to 99. That's the beauty is for a box that as -- -- you browse the way been. Yeah yeah I -- that's -- in it -- -- I mean it's. You know I was very skeptical all tea of the iPad when it came out and its price and what it could do for that price. Enemy you know wholesale I was a little bit wrong there and and -- -- -- totally wrong. You know I still think it's too expensive for. What it can do for your average consumer -- and there's certainly like. Our core business users that get a lot out of the iPad. And my -- of course. If lot of lot of Dora the Explorer iPad. The -- But Google TV you get to 99 out of value added that you know -- and you wanna sit there and browse the web on. Your TV. Yeah I don't think the use case there is really there yet at least to be compelling enough I mean for me if I'm gonna spend that time money on set top box that does you know oh he's very few Internet things. They're cheaper options out there and like Thomas comparison -- of Apple -- union of the the broke -- Wrote who box and you have always game systems that do a lot of these things -- mean in just that Xbox-360 -- reveal that. Bring if -- contents streets -- TV and it also plays games. Brecht and need to search the web I have you know content on busy with that. Net I think -- over really missing here and I'm hoping that an -- raid based system like Google TV will really give us you know an app marketplace totally. Apple TV doesn't have that there's definitely is sort of rumors based of people dig into the product from the code there that they're going to have it. -- who has apps but it's not sort of a free open -- market like we see -- -- an Apple. I think enter it could give us that and you know it'll be -- -- to see what happens there -- I think apps are compelling web browsing in general not as compelling. -- -- -- Yeah that's -- I get a kiss is for me if I'm sitting on the -- I need to do something and there have a laptop or like a cellphone and now something like the iPad in very short reach. So I think that the customers they're going for somehow wouldn't wouldn't have any of -- I think that's county. But it seems like the ideas right now and mean it does make sense. Right. We will wait and see I mean are definitely at CNET. Slightly biased in that you know we have a lot of time optimize and some of our sites. Or cool TV and four other set top boxes like that. You know. We just wanna give -- the best experience wherever you wanna him. You know -- as a consumer I have some skepticism. -- -- on here this is the you know which pose like lawsuit watts had engaged yes something like I mean we used to do -- watch every week on this show and -- this time around there last couple weeks it has been who's suing Android now. Well this week -- Microsoft. Some Microsoft says the Motorola there's -- Motorola specifically but it's really aimed at -- right here on the could have picked any Android. Hardware manufacturer. I think -- -- Motorola because there are sort of the leading one. Release one -- two -- three leading so. And HTC a current institute in and that'll. So -- stuff is claiming that they are violated nine patents related -- seeking email. Calendar contact information along with scheduling meetings and -- -- applications about available battery power and signal strength. May seek and to find monetary damages and a permanent injunction -- help Motorola Android -- then they. What they're really seeking here is the death of Mandarin. Would you -- -- -- -- windows on them a fighting chance of -- right exactly yes yes do you think the timing. He knows this is totally coincidental that windows phone seven is coming out next week -- it is conspicuous and analyst event. Now it's instinct so early in the year Apple filed lawsuit against HTC. You know apart mean. Very -- devices but you know. You think there's any collusion here between. Various non Mandarin manufactures against -- Android. Community. Tarantino patents it's for -- they think cellphone it's just so hard to dig through these is it's it's so incestuous I mean that the patents for one. The one can be -- maybe someone on that team moves onto another company and their name is on that -- and somehow. You know the ownership scalable. Little skewed over the years especially for for mobile stuff -- -- have these people on the mobile in just moving from one to -- the other over the last ten years or so. -- exactly I'm not sure if that's you know in terms of for this lawsuit specifically but I know it's that you know common problem and go back and look at these things it's like you know someone on the company suing was actually part of that patent the -- Group of the patent creators. Rate he had maybe just forgot that the companies that they got the patent under -- -- yeah yeah. Well that's not the only -- we have talked about we've mentioned the Oracle lawsuit against Android. In Google's specifically. This week is that update to that Google's business -- paid know -- wholly wrong here we don't violate any patents so. In the suit just be dropped. I don't it it's kind of weird I mean I'm not a lawyer and obviously I. Don't know anything about this apparently. But isn't the whole point of -- -- determine if they had infringed. Are you just -- that -- this to be dropped because you assert that you have not infringed. Ray Andrea -- the other thing that you know records coming back with them about was saying hey you know he has -- job a lot to. You -- makes Java. We're -- you really wanna do that. Yeah it Saddam. It's an interest in lawsuit say you know -- the sort of way and see what happens. The -- -- claims infringement of seven -- by the hundred OS specifically point to the and rated. Now -- virtual machine and Android SDK. And schools. You know of the quote that came -- this -- is that schools specifically -- as -- Google -- -- or is liable for infringement of any valid or enforceable patents of Oracle. You know and it and they sort of go along too. -- have counterattack or on there -- call you know. -- must be open source and there's a lot of things that you have not made open source that should have been made open source has as part of you know all packed -- -- Fairly well. What does this make you worried over the future like yup I'm -- -- there's anyone to be able to make any thing without. Having everything be completely and utterly license to the point of it being you know like no more innovation is too many -- Yes I mean I'm worried about electro property and all front I think this just represented. In overall problem but you know it is not even just limited to sort of you know phones are -- the super high tech electronics worldly people are battening. The you know not tangent here -- The breast cancer Jean -- right you can't develop a test because someone owns genes in your body. So is it has gotten a little. Having am certainly in my opinion. This is. Just another example there. But. Despite all the lawsuits that is not really -- -- -- market according to a Nielsen report today. Or is very out this week. They're reporting that. -- what is this in the period of January through August. Roughly 13 or 32% of Smartphones purchase. Were powered by Android. In the same period Apple while west and Blackberry -- platform -- hide for about 25 and point 6% respectively. So. Enough to know lawsuits are scaring users away. And nor is sort of fragmentation in the hand remark. It you know -- its. If it's not wholly surprising when you have -- what now like almost eighty different phones that. You know you're gonna create some dominance there -- when you get on every carrier and every hardware manufacturer almost at this point that -- you know Nokia. It is making and Andrea and sent -- you just can't turn a corner of that and we're talking about it and I think that numbers are now released -- I do enjoy that there's less -- now being circulated an iPhone. If you're an iPhone buyer you can't walk -- its -- system or something happens every you know June July you know what you -- Residential rates you know -- -- -- device that -- couple days now. Right yet there is and you know at what point -- think it -- question is there too many devices as it too hard to keep track actually. With. Don't claim these ideas of my own I was -- -- when he listened to our -- can turn on form. Talking about it -- just how. It would present problems for -- because you can really understand what you're supposed to buy -- You know. You can ask question which is the phone for me the 200 which of the eighty Android phones is right for me. It just makes it really hard especially when the phones you know the differentiation is sort of of those teeny little minute feature. In -- one -- over another. Is it it's bizarre and Google's tried -- this with their cellphone database they raised last week. You know I think that makes it easier. To filter but there's no good way to filter between -- choices. -- roughly the same. Mr. What else is new this week so -- this is actually pretty uninteresting. T-Mobile has announced it is the first Android phone with Wi-Fi calling of -- -- It's a great idea it is a on the black -- to have -- had the -- -- I can rename -- technology. That allows Wi-Fi calling. But it's great because I lived in an area where -- T-Mobile services horrible end of it is you know was no big deal. I recently but I -- micro -- specifically for this reason and it drove me nuts that you pay for you know it's either you use. Complain and complain and complain and they give you one for free just and a buying one. And give me you know tremendous reception in my house but I you know -- have Wi-Fi there when owning another signal and -- expensive -- might. 200 bucks for exonerated and -- I mean that's flat and and -- campaigning and break but. But it would have been 150 dollars cheaper to just work ever -- correct. And the nice thing is. You know. I don't know if they lock this down I know some people in the past a locked down but what if I do is go overseas than at -- myself -- -- make the call yeah I just goes over that -- I've boom. That is where is wife -- like it's much better it is obvious there's no hardware yeah -- really works on certain -- right. It doesn't it only works on com T-Mobile and currently it only works on two of their phones. Which I think is the T-Mobile my top in the Motorola to five. And I think they're gonna it's gonna be expanding this to. Most if not all of their Android phones. -- -- that is ninth the T-Mobile this is sort of always been a team mobile feature at least here in the US. But there are other options and we'll talk about some of them might Skype later on for making calls. At least internationally if -- just one. Get a call out of wire I was haven't spent a whole lot of money and you know if you get unlimited calling an airline -- it still go against your minutes instead. Com it's a good question they don't mention it here in this article I think the -- T-Mobile. Sort of with a hot spot at home service in the past to think you compare it -- to five bucks and all your calling -- I was free. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So it it you know not great in that you still have to -- those minutes in the term broadband. There they're still. You know connecting your call to the regular telephone number right now like they're totally doing this -- thing where you and Turkey before. That you know and we'll see you we'll -- -- -- pricing goes for this is that this famous is that the standard hot spot at home. This is kind of a bizarre story. Really weird yes so. I don't know if you knew it out there but apparently Acer. Has notebooks the dual boot with windows and Android and what they have now amounts. Is that they're gonna have a notebook that's -- dual boot Windows 7 an Android. I was shocked this story because I thought oh -- the story about a Windows 7 Android dual boot. But then it talks about how there and had 2000 went have -- -- Curtis and why would you want office. One -- Just because you could. Yeah amble I mean it's it's one of these is always attract me about. The kind of -- through computers that have a splash top that's -- -- blanks or something where you just you don't wanna boot up Windows 7. You -- put up Android maybe they're you know in that case the Linux kernel and we just open up Firefox or some and so opened up the browser really quickly check something and enter in the -- off the -- -- that. You want Windows 7 it's you know much faster than. Vista for boot times but. You know still. However just shut down but sleep. As is your sleep your computer -- I lad be inches CNN we're -- you know things like battery usage and and processor cycles you know some thing like entrant would run much leaner than when -- seven print lyrically. It's interesting I mean I guess we could understand almost an -- and only. Laptop and -- and and wouldn't have seven and well and in a confusing being accused you know -- retirement for the shows in a Chrome OS is coming great so why are we getting laptops -- Android. Yet it's it's a weird thing arena I don't know enough about cross to say. What that's gonna do do netbooks obviously -- it really schools plane to netbooks which maybe is gonna be a little too late -- that. According to -- Research guess -- no one's gonna buy netbooks that entered the year the tablet which will -- between eleven. That he had there been any tablet announced Croats. And any minute now well I'm sure there -- -- if you know. We've seen anything people like confusion in their OS and are repairing. Speaking a tablets. Get too little bits here oh well PC the makers this is One Laptop Per Child. You know where they've made his release. Cheap but also durable. Laptops -- developing countries. Has been -- you know. Mildly successful program files -- has had -- -- ups and downs but you know. Is led -- they were content has had -- have great mission anyway. They just received a 506 million dollar grant from hardware maker moral development hundred -- tablet based on. And they're gonna is demo it at CES next year I'm in this the -- sort of big. Point here is that this is intended for the developed world not the developing world. So that. It's pretty exciting -- -- run the first Noel PC in out of like awesome I wanna get one of those. The united by T remember you to buy one for you and then the kid would get one exactly. It's not do that she pages -- and it ended up getting that on the line. There was -- to crank was it. No marriage you get one. -- going to matter and he did because it looked really cool and it you know -- I'm -- and I'm sort of forgot about it. Was deployed pre netbook you know there was if you want it like a little computer that small. There weren't many options specially for their it was a hundred bucks or something he had. I think the goal was a hundred that is not being 200 meant he had spent 400 -- as you're about to imminently and -- -- them. The 99 dollars. But advertised -- anyway so this is tablet for the developed world which is -- it'd be kind of their first foray into tablets and will hopefully get them. Set to develop their talent for the developing world. So -- of this will probably be at a higher price point. You know they certainly are gonna wanna. Test -- -- developed world and get to the point where they can really make it cheap durable tablet -- the developed world so I won't be. Interest to see what happens here terrible tablet do -- not sound like two words together you know well -- with the screen -- me at a you think this tablets going to be green. Yes who maybe to back will be and it of corn costs them I wouldn't mind -- the -- with crank. -- -- -- -- -- Well and in Kenya the holder talent like -- that down -- to become a weird. Maybe they can make a solar panel on the front shall guard the screen and take a chart so you can read by the -- -- that the off. And other tablet news. LG has said that they are her the scrap their plans for -- Android. 2.2 based tablet for this -- later this year. Its next quarter. -- Hail the official said quote we plan to inch -- -- tablet that runs the most reliable and red version. -- talks with Google to decide to most suitable version for a tablet and that is not for you. I'm so we talk about this before you know -- has really come out and says that Mario is non topless -- That gingerbread you know and -- Renault is gonna have a lot more tablet features or at least it heavily into that that. They're not you know super supportive. Manufacturers who were released in -- based on entry to -- though. You know people clearly are that he -- you know the -- I'm so I think this is not really of a shock and property you know is the right move for algae. They really wanna make the tablet that. Have. Has the best possible chance of succeeding again. IPad and other. Justices been scrapped the -- two tickets a B or campers and the next one again I'm sure there I'm sure they're just. Schools. Said Hayes you release this with 22 of them were not as where there were actually used marketplace -- report that. So it just -- -- gingerbread. I think that you know there's some prison here of Google on that there behind. A lot Thomas in the title world you know I've -- -- have had a huge. In -- jumpstart on them by the times that ginger bread rolls around and restart -- harbor based on the and I'm sure that -- manufactures. Really frustrated. Yeah you know the playbook might be out by the time they released in your -- And who knows what the success of that will be if the playbook and expiration yeah Woolsey. That's for an anonymous accounts or when it's coming though we don't. Estimates back into. QHD camera one. -- -- -- -- -- -- Well as we mentioned before CT I -- it was this week and down after a break here we're gonna dive into everything that was announced pounds of phones and some other exciting stuff as well as the app of the week coming up so. We'll be right back. Welcome back. So her first story -- -- seats today here -- is from a press conference from sprint yesterday. They announce something -- a lot of the stuff but that think the biggest thing get it buzzes. Spring I. On there Andrew Card phones -- this is its interest team it's based initiative. Can invest -- slash. -- pack that would come out from different grams. So you would yet he you could run sort of multiple. Com and what they're calling these. -- packages. From different providers. So you might get a -- -- -- work Santana homes that it's had different sets of apps -- -- announcement of a one from ES PM that you would run at home that -- -- -- ports customized and one at work. That maybe your company has -- -- through that came from some other provider. The the packs that are sort of they've announced are coming from Amazon. -- -- Comcast does mean he electronic -- eBay -- in home shopping network. And TV Notre Dame -- so Oprah Winfrey network RadioShack. Just it was -- -- The weather channel where and Yahoo!. So when you remedies it changes. Things like. Shortcuts that on the screen background. -- -- elegant coming I percent of by the severely grade in almost like the sound profiles like a ringtone -- your earlier work for it but instead it just kind of sounds like another. Place to sell space on the phone. Yeah I don't -- -- that. And I've never used those profiles but they seemed like a good idea to me at but it never seen them work quite right it is always took a lot of work switch them. -- the only profiles they really kind of used -- maybe. -- ones that are actually have to change myself. You know running under this couple -- that changed apps really change things so that the car road -- the dock mode refuses. You know. Carrying it around mode -- -- -- works for Europe that do any input or does now close look how right now which is pretty cool that'll ship settings. But again you don't have to do anything I think if her requires users changed and the switch to different brands I don't know -- -- maybe this -- -- -- with the kids. But kids don't wanna -- that screen. Maybe they want MTV one I don't know. It -- but it's weird me I don't totally get it messages being cemented -- appears in the year and -- heard it here first. But if you do wanna check it out it's available on LG -- asked the Sony Sanyo zero on the Samsung transform. All phones and we'll talk about and second. And it's used by new found to not attractive rate and I'm gonna guess it's possible vacated sprint could roll out -- existing phones that are knows anything about that. Com but they do intend to spread to all -- its Smartphones. And even hundred tablet. Federal it all means that all new we're just all in general. I guess in order to roll it out to all existing ones that actually have to update their -- -- -- -- Also it's ETA a whole lot of phones so one for each hour each day we. There and -- far as there is 12100 -- on six different carrier. So. Let's run through them. So eighteen T at three new phones all from Motorola. The Motorola Bravo. The flip side and flip -- to demand for -- actually. And yet they there's tons of a poems that began their and I McLaughlin right now. -- -- none of the -- any problems they're all entry to mid level phones. The problem is that three point seven inch display and it's huge. If it's not implement 120 an imbalance. Yeah it's -- he -- evidence today you know they're all running 102 point one. You know I think the processors are fairly slow -- most of them by today's standards. So -- -- going to. But it just of entry level 100 phones it's two billion -- in the door cheaper rate he had no I think that's good I think in of the cheapest one is the flip out. Which has a two point eight inches -- display instead of with that mean and and and it it is it's -- So says we are south gonna talk about them very much -- a show that has released there -- Samsung galaxy acts variant -- -- -- camps and showcase that has pretty much the same spec says the rest of the -- yes. Models you know gigahertz CPU foreign super and led display apartment with camera in -- -- -- one. Weird. Bring your phone running -- -- teach you. The thing around call her and must figure -- -- is running to -- one minute and -- -- you know. They have their own skin like a million people only have -- -- -- opinion almost all -- ones and close to you. But artists the galaxy gas -- I don't know. It it is frustrating and whenever you load of phone released couple weeks ago with amber -- six 200. Again next via. Sprint has also announced three new devices. The Samsung transform. The seniors you know and a lot LG optimistic -- Com. Here these are again loads as of mid level phones. There are a couple notes about these LG optimists -- Kind of a traditional looking device has a 3.2 inch display hundred to two. That it only cost 4999. So that is -- pretty good. Pretty good deal com. You know the -- LG optimist T was also released which is payments -- same phone but for T-Mobile. It only has a 600 megahertz processor. Which you know as a user of the Android which is about that -- also has way too slow print right now. So what Austria fears -- talked about you Mobil's -- optimist he US cellular as there are version of Samsung galaxy S which is the Samsung -- more audience. Which will launch on October 27 for under nine -- -- dollars. -- Verizon. You could against this also has released three new phones. There are there are devices are -- Motorola there at the Motorola -- pro. Moline Motorola. Defying him the -- -- Citrus. To to these phones are actually pretty interest in me. The citrus is sort of -- the first injury green phones. It's -- to. And abused eco friendly phone that's made out of 25% post consumer plastic. And -- PVC and the apps are free. And it's gonna touchpad on the back. It has touchpad on the back in touch pad on back to allow the can -- buttons. -- you don't use them. Pretty interest -- And this is also a 102 point one. And not -- hundred -- And there's only has -- -- Rev zero which doesn't sound good. But I'm not up not if you tell the tell you why that is a good bet the Colby. Seems disappointed in that. -- has a three -- against QVGA display. There megapixel camera GPS Wi-Fi Bluetooth while all -- a problem. -- seem more about that phone. And all these funds actually go to these heat CIA analogue. Which is. Think cnet.com slash UTI and and then we've talked about these. -- There's aren't the Motorola rose from the other and on the mentioned. This this kind of sort of I would say. He direct attack -- -- rim and the Blackberry. It's really meant to be a business phone. It has a three point -- each PGA display has that QWERTY keyboard that sort of looks exactly like the black -- keyboard right. Hand. It has a duo -- it the dual LED flash of the five megapixel camera Wi-Fi GPS. And a bunch of business features. -- the most notably is the ability to room both on CD remained GSM works and it predicts that about that yet I mean you go anywhere now. More than world it is it's more egotism needs more yeah and good -- student with it and then DSM -- In the moon and the space shuttle I you know -- never been there. But I that they deal or is it will look and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- an -- Global. Phone. -- one gigahertz processor hundred to two. And it can be turned into mobile -- -- -- or a slight additional New Hampshire. Com but you know if you are that Blackberry user who has been little hesitant. You should definitely tech is that and I think. Probably a lot of corporate I T departments will look into this because it has you know but some sort of remote -- at the features that. Those are the main content. -- One other phone that I want to mention that didn't it was announced that didn't really have a carrier announces the Motorola spice. Which. Via has -- answers says they believe news headed for Brazil. Has a QWERTY slider. Keyboard anecdotes -- the -- he. And so that's about it for this he today phone wrapped up so lot of stuff -- a lot of exciting. Things that -- there would say nothing. Unexpected. I walk the show floor yesterday actually am there's nothing very instinct and I spent most immaculate plan with Samsung galaxy have. Com which you know nice. It's paper screens not big enough -- -- -- bigger gap at the bat pad. It's too heavy but the screen sizes is really perfect for most of -- and applications I think in -- in the have resisted narrow. It's not not big enough to really make the case for. Being better than my phone. And render it to an even though or some -- that amusement and a -- similar but the Dell streak the other though street. That's the Leo. -- tablets hasn't talked about need to step up their game and screens that yes it's the act -- that. -- probably just all waiting for gingerbread. I'm so last week on this show or two weeks ago I think we talked about this app called custom car home. Which Jason and I really were into because we were very frustrated we both. A card docs and are frustrated with not being able to customize those paradox. Com. -- just having very limited features. It's a custom Chrome solve that for -- and then boom this week room. Who comes out with an update to there. Non custom car home. So jobs did a little read up on -- and it is our app of the week. It is and so this is this the exact same thing basically becomes the fall on any injury to a device is -- the home. Car apps so if you plug in -- or. Android phone into a specified cart dot you know it automatically launch this car home app first -- -- do it. And what this is is is basically next version of that. And instead of just getting an update through the system Google has brought it out into its own application. And in fact it takes over that that -- an application but the nice thing now is if they updated. You're -- -- system update to get new features. So couple of things that this spring that the old version doesn't. As you can actually change what is on each of these pages. So when injury 201 came out her I believe it's who's actually -- -- -- and -- they had it all these you know blank spaces the next few pages. -- like what is this for right. Right and with a Z version you can just add shortcuts so what every once so it's it's almost the same sort of short cuts this in the you have on the home screen. So if you wanna move something you just can't hold it there and and move your finger over. And you can add things like you know -- girlfriend called home. You know interactions to work -- to somewhere else. But you can also dual as -- -- -- things that changed background. You can change the color scheme you can automatically have it. Pair of with the idea of Bluetooth -- or turn the Bluetooth off when you launched the app great all the things you couldn't do before when you had the the home application. That's is very exciting and I think the Bluetooth features are pretty exciting mean and thing that I really like is just. A Mike are the two things they do of my phone or listen to podcast or pandora. Hands. Navigate and it was so hard before. Because you've got to -- go to your real -- -- and in -- what the purpose of having the custom. Our screen in the first place that you have to get out of there to actually do anything worthwhile. Yeah and I mean even if you do go to home screen you get like quick access to an app everything it sideways if you're on landscape mode. It doesn't -- yet I mean -- -- -- -- useless yeah exactly and frustrate and not kind of do you wanna do when you're going sixty miles an hour raid. No and I think the next thing I'd really like to see from this is. You know sort of which -- -- features like we saw in the start talking yeah where you can just groups say hey Google. -- and navigate to -- -- which you keep minority. Saying navigate sounds -- you can't wake it up and actually touch it -- touch unit you wanna deal with talked to likes Star Trek exactly. So Google. This is what I want you integrate it with the start talking. Voice recognition it and it will be the perfect -- That at this very cool and it doesn't work in the car and if you try the at the start talking -- -- it does a pretty good job of filtering in -- I -- I have tried it I've had. Really good luck with that that had some issues. Where it says like hate it got a hot can't contact server couple time yeah. When -- did it. So other apps. That we want to mention this week. Will just jump around here a little bit of the lingo actually was released and this is very -- -- -- -- car. Start talking app that lets you you know -- and here. Your text messages read to you without sort of any -- of the -- necessary. This is -- it's almost identical at least in in featureless teens to the start talking now the one caveat is this is only available. At least through the in the year. On sprint. So let -- don't have sprint got to look at -- out there talking because it you know we haven't done it the apprised -- in between these two but they're -- it's -- You will definitely work for you. -- Also came out so they're finally yet there was Skype. Mobile that was out before but it was -- they're worthless -- yet. So now Skype came out then you can make calls. If you're using Wi-Fi. Over we'll get to be having out there -- second. Com you can I am. You hand. -- -- do most things he could do with Skype in the desktop version they can make video calls yet. That'll be pretty excited when you can make it -- calls it between a couple of or Android phones -- front fees and terms weren't really make laws. Com. So lot of people were disappointed that you could not make calls over three G. Bucked that you worry. -- some you know. Some accomplished hackers out there have. You know hacked their version of Skype that removes the three G block. Hand. In the show notes we'll have a link to. Where you can download that it's you know right not to the marketplace through some third party is so. You know don't blame us that break your -- -- capture. Credit herder calls her mother -- the inflation is quite simple yet hasn't done it now but radiance is he took on your SD card and run -- rate. Now heart you just have no idea what's actually in there if that's your -- I -- You -- not that the marketplace has such a good track record at that either but it's -- but think about -- you get. -- -- -- -- Is pretty pretty awesome I really hope try it and I'll let you know how works try to wanna test -- that doesn't actually reminded animate the president. Com so check -- -- finally. Here's -- dominant carrier had worked off the transformers app that was previously released prior west is now running Android. That's great -- yeah its. You know based on the 1980s cartoon you know like nothing's changed as you can get pretty much you can at this turn based strategy game. And I guessed that it has to have all your favorite characters include an optimist prime -- looked bumblebee make it from star screen. And I guess and loosely follows animated -- And -- like it though he didn't know he said seventeen levels of fairly repetitive team play. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well. That the bomber it's but it -- streets -- if you like Pretoria. You probably like this and this is the old school transformers the Megan Fox transformers. -- is -- Megan Fox RPG if there was -- would. -- There -- -- -- whole lot better and yeah. Wolf for -- is that printer it's been out for iPhone. For a -- and you'll be happy to know that they decided not to president -- box that only a dollar and 99 you know this is an app I love but I never use it. It's like when -- needed. When doing -- how many calories -- is compared to an -- and you know. Which is the kind of competition -- -- -- either one alone you can find out just with Google but the comparison you need wolf -- Well it is a fun app that is that it's certainly not worth 4999. To most people know I'm glad they dropped the -- down to dollars and I -- -- users have long been -- to use the mobile urged them from alpha. The mobile web browser via the fact that the night at the special keyboards. Yes movie. Now and and. And does what it is pretty steady to meet talkie which is sort of -- media server. That I used in the past on different devices -- on my home. Has released or is released in his friend in -- version called monkey mobile. I guess -- few. Basically lets you access. -- any media. Playback devices such as the -- those Logitech squeeze box and Xbox -- sixty except threat. Access media on your phone. And lets you control the playback of. Via of this act. Have you used. Indeed twenty before you know I have -- and banana and -- share guy and okay and using usually deals -- -- correct Susie is actually stream the content over hazard just it's via a remote control I think it actually will ladies stream content that's on your phone if I read this. Correctly the -- So walking. Mobile. I love these apps. Mean it's not then there's nothing cooler than controlling stuff via phone exactly -- have cool names to it to couple good names in here -- from alpha. Lingo -- Make neutron we just -- -- content from a real world the real word of neat that it. The -- yet. All right. So we got some email -- -- -- -- at cnet.com. This one comes from and this is actually your email as well those are two for the week. From Jason in Cleveland Ohio says hey analyst group. Have a direct and headed to read it to -- -- for awhile now and I love it getting used to Android after being a Blackberry user -- last couple years. And what he's looking for is a way to export that's the masses. Here is -- mass threads just grow really really long -- Tom you want to have -- the matter pronounced company want to also archive them. Com and the -- this is actually sort of an inch team. Puzzle to solve. You know because I sort of ran the same thing I really am a guy who likes archive everything right. And every email I've sent in 1998. This is that's -- get in trouble by the way. Well luckily -- -- -- gradient all. But so don't go -- -- phone has. -- have your entire life. So there's -- -- there's a couple apps that will accomplish this but there's one that's pretty easy and it's free and it's called has amassed -- text. This lets you basically export Oliver yes messages or even sort of only exports certain ones only -- that do some basic filtering. You can export them to a file either has a comma separated -- just a text file. It -- -- here -- current and then you can hook it up your computer copy it off for what I did is I just email myself the file. And then you gotta stop what it doesn't view it sort of only is grabbing text here's have you have a bunch of MMS is. It's not gonna get photos. But there's a lot of good ways to get photos off anyway. This is sort of free UN -- couple paid apps that detect as well but this worked very well for me and you know does a pretty good -- are. There's also SMS back -- plus which is quite popular. And -- has planned support for MMS. So they say they're going to -- it. -- support a plan planet earth -- dual one day be able to slip in those pictures nice it is that a free app European bill also free -- in. Now a link here in the -- cool. We will have enrichment. So we've talked to. A bit today about start talking and who else -- well last week we got an email from mule in the -- Seattle. -- he says hand me really new because they fuel you missed a couple great teams. That you could've used to. For start talking so when you when you actually when he used they're talking have to say operator. Bob Bob Bob Bob but I think you're cuter and you can change the name right yeah I'm pretty soon -- -- anything you want right so he suggested some names. That you may wanna use for this. His -- kit as and I -- You could also -- meant Kirk to the bridge Mr. Spock. Engineering report. All from star -- Jarvis from Iron Man or -- -- you know you know what. So thanks her right men and use those suggestions -- It. I do you know that some of these won't work for instance when had a meeting with these guys they said when you actually have to create -- these words necessary over the -- consonant. Which is why computer or operator which is actually -- but. Operator it's like it it -- that it's out of everything else that's going on -- via multiple words -- problem and then you need one word. So. Leo well amusing nonetheless -- -- would work well that would Jarvis. Cool we'll put though will create a list. Options for you that'll be good blog post all. -- -- -- -- -- From Boston wrote in amendments and -- got done listening to episode eighteen read discuss upcoming Verizon phones that -- -- being search but default. -- expressed concern for Google's revenue stream and support for customer choice if you missed the big story. You to search deal between Verizon -- -- customers are worried that they will not be able to use schools hurts if they choose -- fascinate. Which is Verizon galaxies Verizon's galaxy S -- with being as the default search service -- consumers are not able to replace it with cool. Despite the great hardware coming out for Verizon and -- -- likely not -- upgrading. My Android one until there's an -- handset allows me to use Google -- at the search he. Thanks Jake from Boston that is in knowing it is and so I sort of clarify -- hands still use Google. It has a web browser you can go to ghoul in search. As president know they're not blocked in that. But it just the default search key will be tied to being you can change you can't change it in this -- router owners opinion of the picketers Richard. Yet it's crazy that it's kind of crazy mean that they would do this and the spirit to a Google operating system. Actually what that is don't by the phone via free market. Though it hasn't -- -- gotten into trouble with this before yes so those people -- -- Are it will that is it for today. If you ninety amongst the email address again -- -- an analyst at cnet.com army can follow us on Twitter. At candor and analysts. The -- shows every week at theaters on Thursday 2 PM Pacific. At cnet.com slash -- lives left and right analyst and a blog -- where you will find this podcast as well as. All sorts of exciting stuff by -- that has job at cnet.com slash and right out this. And that is about it thanks for joining us think about it you -- plug in these things now just you can see it's possible. -- -- -- -- --

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