Ep. 1537: BOL, Quake Out Loud Edition
Ep. 1537: BOL, Quake Out Loud Edition

Ep. 1537: BOL, Quake Out Loud Edition

Today is Tuesday August -- -- third 2011 my name is Steven -- I'm staring back -- and I am Molly would welcome the buzz out loud to that podcast -- -- really -- -- at 1538 gadgets redux. -- -- movement -- and Frontline is still at Disneyland and we're happy that -- Internet and. -- Before those -- having a little view moment accurately TV and music that we're gonna keep that to a maximum during the show -- book. And actually I'm bummed because I wish that we department TV and music and sent instead of like that rehashing more than HP webos -- -- -- tax. And -- Packed up stock however the day three of HP webos fallout continues. Ultimately gets in and style graphic -- -- -- HP webos but all loud sound -- you had been done. Just like that and then -- that thing to land link the -- -- including some improvement. Get on the plan. Urgent but they get in it on tomorrow. The latest though is that HP in an interview Monday told all things. HP is continuing to invest in webos. Even though they aren't stopping making the devices and they're gonna invest in the software. That you'll still see it on PCs and printers print there is the -- -- printer things actually are a lot -- now I feel better now. I mean I really really really excited about the pre three budding -- take printer. They do know one person who would think so excited about the PP three inches -- and like the day before all this news broke down they they they did some press releasing that they're gonna put webos and cars and refrigerators and if that's -- I think so I mean it seems like they're still looking at it as an embedded system obviously and -- way and and something that could still be. Maybe -- -- I mean they do seem to be sort of hinting at that. As far as the pre three growth goes for mainly for Sarah -- members are part producer is like and who loved her palm pixie like -- nothing ever ever seen him and really one of the pre three. Love will. No pre. Launch it sounds like that's gonna be in the UK and only like 75 -- And it's are easily counter right. In the I think that's in the -- -- has already sold out in Germany. Relieved that I'm young is definitely with extreme prejudice that of the pop pickers like. Mowing things down -- you just hate it you hate it is like. It could be just one huge publicity stuff. Our hands once that was -- -- I know -- that I'm not -- Given that given that they're stock was down like 20% yesterday I -- feel like it would be a pretty expensive publicity -- yeah and sister. I -- hopeful -- Obama again now they've got -- -- huge install base I didn't like why it's lay low on the pre three discussion. See how this'll buyers -- now. And then maybe be like me or keep the retreat and in -- and Americans see how it you know I mean you RD album. Right -- they presumably -- -- made them so what they're taking all the Americans are consuming it over to Europe against them. Or they really hadn't they -- -- produced them and actually they did say that they're gonna continue to sell support and update the of the year. How about a little itty -- on behalf. Captains are dialed in favored phone yeah paving -- yet I think I. In that thing is ridiculous. Even -- bodies the teeny tiny and like are you kidding yeah I do it. And -- Agassi could probably buy an unlocked pre three. In Europe if you wanted to go that route and -- although Apple. But -- can even. Touch pad now it's still going like period or -- dollars -- it is adorable. It is also officially. At least right now the best selling piece of electronics. In the United States at least on Amazon. It is the top of the Amazon and best sellers -- electronics list the 32 and the sixteen yeah bursts is that the and the sixteen gig is in a number one position and 32 gig isn't the thing is and although I think it is still it's. People are dying for 99 dollar top. I mean really surprised if a decent it's fine. You -- It's pretty hit beta like a generation behind yeah but pretty good nipping at the opera theater and a really if you -- just any user for the web. And some email and then -- shows pictures and movies but I would honestly. Mean Catholic all my -- -- iPad are you know I mean a lot of people would be perfectly happy. In fact fired up in. -- -- -- -- love it also apparently gotten the same price drop in the UK so if you've been so jealous. -- all of us lucky US customers -- have managed to get their hands on a touch bad. You -- can have your own He didn't -- Then there it. They're still gonna release updates -- -- efforts right yeah yeah for for at least a year hopefully they're gonna have the -- -- that the one year warranty yet. And that many year of support that's not as -- -- tenant and and the knife in him that's not and glacier -- as it -- to Sony passion and not -- -- By gunmen handler for nine and I think I would be menu like you or any gas fumes and dust it's crap and attitude -- public as of yesterday it has started -- -- -- All of apartment and it and it like it can't connect to any accounts and it's having trouble staying online and then it's -- along to. -- -- I know I do I need to head of by the -- -- for them an island of lost that it. I I eat my house. Gathering those here's an impediment that cornerback there -- wounds land from museums during -- -- in here. I like bananas I totally want one of I would not yet announced when the -- Through -- oh yeah sure right now I thought it was preset. With the right so now everybody is wondering what they're going to do with their touch -- particularly if support for webos does start -- yes the answer appears to be. -- -- little -- on it naturally isn't. But the -- story projects. -- the chemical group of hackers and developers at the web -- web forum -- Wiki. Have launched a project aimed at finding a way to get Android onto the XP touch -- and calling it attach rate. I plan. I was trying to -- -- And if I had obtained an island and turn that undergone. How hard -- it some it may be harder than via anticipated considering that they now have their -- FaceBook page and -- a group dedicated to it via. -- I think I figured -- yeah they say the reason obviously is that there aren't a lot of apps out there for touchpad and in the webos app catalog and there are not a lot of great. Native options for it and if they can -- Android on it and it's decent hardware. For -- a month it is like epidemic that yesterday actually is that it was going to be like net 2.0. That the touchpad hurry -- -- become nine point -- and it would get those -- 2.0 and get this kind of like. Cult status for -- and especially people can put Android on it and if they can keep it updated and now existing. HP and He blew it. But. I -- second -- like operatives. -- via. I'm sure that there are people live in a -- -- have second thoughts and or blinding white hot rage about. Canada I don't they I -- one of those people is not captain extreme prejudice Leo puppet her however. Because he'd like what did you say enterprise. Enterprise. And Mary -- be about. Enjoy. And so yesterday we talked about how the HP touch -- fire -- was likely to have potentially dislike. Blown up tablet pricing. Yeah and changed it for good and nobody was gonna be able to even think about. Coming to market with a new tablet that -- mean I think even the 399 price point may be dead you know yeah. Stuff tends Lenovo didn't get the memo -- -- the long awaited. Lenovo ThinkPad tablet. Has made its way to market. -- honeycomb based it is now up for pre order on the company's product names. These sixteen gig Wi-Fi only model is -- -- and that should we start placing bets on when they're gonna do the hundred. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah and I have a hundred dollars now maybe. It has some phenomenal enterprise caliber features. Of some sort. -- It I mean -- there definitely aiming -- more companies than consumers they've they have certainly. They've made that clear. -- there's some there's like a thinkpad tablet with that ships with a full US a full size USB port. And then there's an optional. Folio slash case that gets little keyboard so it's much more enterprise the that's the services to replace a laptop it's -- -- -- -- that might get some traction with the keyboard I mean that's and the key thing He should just. And -- that in a pilot -- and I was. Enterprise you know like a diamond giant companies -- going to -- anymore than consumers -- and if I were -- -- -- would be like well why wouldn't just buy some cheap Governors -- up. Yeah yeah and again and -- -- -- yoga and kinda heartbreaking to know that they did they like somebody was just not -- the Twitter and excellence and -- hundred dollars -- mark my words by the end of this holiday season. No tablet that is not the iPad will be priced at more than a dozen other laptop that's himself for 500 dollars and comes with a free Xbox right what is -- -- Dallas and then. Who is that the laptop the -- organic -- that had -- it back to school union. So I think I think -- any computer offers 700 dollars and and -- Yeah I mean this is a pattern -- -- I am I'm waiting for the real actual supported not telling under 99 dollars -- it's gonna happen. And here the real support in 99 dollar significantly. -- -- I'm excited about -- -- does not going under. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Everything is getting cheaper and well and actually when we come back we're gonna talk about a surprising thing that may be getting cheaper or at least -- cheaper version may be coming out. Also you win an important cloud music battle and the lights or at least the Internet. Background in Tripoli gang welcome back Libya. Skillet heat because of it so Francisco. -- -- -- -- -- -- Those -- are good parents and expression. Yeah I dozens -- guys know that. It's evolved boom. Also we seriously. Hope that the apocalypse is not happening because our chat room -- they -- treated is reporting. What appears to be a rolling earthquake Netflix started in New York. With it happening DC the -- being evacuated and then but this is what's so crazy is that our tyrant like oh yeah I just felt in Detroit -- -- Cleveland Ohio. Billy felt it lake. Was going on and Clinton's -- -- I'm thinking. In northern New Jersey something can really -- got an -- judging from how fast the tease me moving from New York to Detroit for example in twenty minutes we may have one here sells. I love you mind the -- and you're on the I didn't -- -- and I'm really glad I got to learn that before it's what it does the -- We hope you guys are all okay. Kentucky flash -- such is -- in Kentucky says just now six minutes ago five point oh or five point eight magnitude and Virginia. While -- announcing on the -- answering them as -- believable they're saying that basked in the terrorism tall bedrock -- so the shape will move further. -- is going to mention the -- at least LA at least not at -- Cisco. Who's at the what Mickey and at a marine DC -- again or Ken -- Okay and -- it. Lets trance and there until ethnic alternates here. -- -- -- -- -- be pretty easy via. -- -- -- -- -- -- Amazon financially distracted -- A federal court found this is a great. Victory and -- that hopefully will be -- for Amazon for drop box for Google and for us. A federal court found that the MP3 tunes cloud music service. Does not violate copyright write laws by storing a single copy of an MP3 on its servers to -- As a stream to its users instead of storing fifty copies for fifty users. Create that's right. It's if that that is. Huge. Because it means. Net like these companies they can license the right to stream the music but they only have to own one copy of the -- -- -- and tons of space and hard drives in and makes it really a lot faster for everybody to it also means that. Users won't have to upload it. -- -- -- They they will eventually yeah -- it couldn't it's more it allows for the locker thing. You have to have a copy of it and it -- that just looks at that copy and it doesn't actually upload your stuff so it takes -- lot faster -- It's huge because that means you don't necessarily have to like bus through your they're saying -- -- to -- through your ISP you have yet you don't have to use so much disk space. Tell its story you know you don't upload all of your music to the cloud like you do now with Amazon -- -- I did I was Google music and it took me like several days to my entire collection and -- -- -- basically like. It's and allowed to version of the IT and stamina to mean it is the old -- -- model that total locker model where can check your library. For previously uploaded tons of a match exists -- -- will be added to the locker without requiring an upload the matter how many customers upload quarter but the song. MP3 -- only keeps a single copy. And the ruling found yes. Why didn't think -- did Apple have any issues that this. While Apple made a deal with their label. And they can and they are only -- -- their only scanning and matching step it up from it right there. Yeah so. As. Huge news. Great news. Mainly it's great news for these businesses -- continue to move forward it's also just really nice convenience thing for yeah giving -- -- -- like every time you switched -- news service. Give us the thing right when you and it's like. At which is you passionately -- -- transfer all of my music and you know or are mean if you only do subscription it's not a big deal but if you're anything like Amazon or Google. Or transfer music to a -- Andy -- -- cloud thing yeah you have to upload it again and if you have. If you have some kind of a bandwidth limit problem yeah uploading your whole collection over and over even wants. Also more quakes in Colorado now relying yeah I -- register reported in the chat -- It's moving its moon -- Seriously -- ever heard of such a thing no. Homes are now available nine mentoring -- Ortiz and now. -- earthquake safety think well I know I'm making it allowed me that I got there I could get a minor burn. However he's I'm I'm I'm I'm ready to go in that area again -- an iPad and Colorado they -- while Roberts of the site may not be updated about other people say that Colorado with lots. Hard to say which if it just happened -- if -- that the site has not -- our rights moving online. Because. Moving on Miramax. Has jumped on the FaceBook -- and right and they are now offering movie rentals in exchange or if the credit. It's unknown if you could just use money. It's seriously I hate -- a credit counseling and money. I'm not paying what is at three dollars movie. For -- Those movies on my Netflix streaming idea they are fiction and and what else. It is from that Miramax library -- -- build Good Will Hunting no country for old Chicago and -- and those -- Netflix streaming. And at some cross checking. -- Seems pretty -- isn't the rules are you have 48 hours to watch it once you launch the movie. Or thirty days keeping library. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah if they if they start to get on live than aren't available on Netflix and do you mean -- people -- India. -- -- -- kind of like an Amazon video on demand not gonna -- like I'm definitely willing to Paper newer release movies and enough I'd necessarily wanna watch them. And my computer. -- -- I don't think people does it -- -- my dedicated dedicated platforms that is that this for social networking. And Netflix is for watching movies. At the two together bother -- and I don't -- -- -- -- to implement airline does not -- Again and that's why haven't -- reader and I wouldn't use an iPad as your reader and my. Everything else and some. No I think there's some people that live in -- costly use search use everything yes I mean that's believe this is geared towards but I agree I -- watch via FaceBook seems weird so that's a three person that's kind of a damning 3% from the Internet and and aren't here in the hospital. And air bag -- -- let's divide in other news the earthquake has been upgraded Hughes six point oh in Virginia apparently was centered in Virginia. Felt as far away as New York City and attorney and -- and make -- port and barely standing at either -- -- Of the okay current it let me out for respective site railroad is listening to this like two days later whatever yet. -- hinted at a -- when we -- is alive and Canon. -- -- Reuters is reporting exclusively that Asian suppliers have -- have begun manufacturing a lower priced version of the iPhone four. With a smaller eight gigabyte. -- Which is is pretty awesome trying to -- yeah -- actually think that's that's an interesting iPhone rumor. Mainly because. That would be a good idea yes in the iPhone four has killer cameras that's too bad it's eight gigabytes will hold the I think video have the you'll have -- whatever. Yeah I need cloudy below that's right little -- the -- -- who. I think I'm gonna I -- -- photos stream of that you all the words -- -- William -- about media. There's people like. IPhone for four for its video quality via -- that your yes I mean. I think probably those people would just. Pay more for them -- certainly gave distilled Dahlia. It they're saying that that would help the -- get better penetration in emerging markets. That they customers there would maybe you want to switch to load commitments Smartphones from those high end feature phones. And that it can be a similar price. All -- mean the trial -- and gas was the 49 dollar deal from AT&T for the iPhone 3GS. I did pretty well I could see how late. -- levels tech friendly -- -- moms -- government effort. The only concern is whether they were if they change the features and the specifications a lot -- I don't. I mean the only thing the thing that. That's the one thing that does not ring true to me about this -- -- is like it makes sense for Apple to do a cheaper phone. But so far what they've done is continue to sell the three G gets a lot cheaper -- and to me that. Model makes more sense because Apple doesn't want to risk fragmenting the iPhone market rain again they create I don't think they would change its axle line. But they would have to to get a phone and a few hundred bucks to get it to 150 dollars click it and I think. The spectrum would have to be different -- -- the camera wouldn't be as good and I mean. I know that they believe there's a huge opportunity in this emerging markets and there is. But I would be really I guess I just would be really surprised -- all the sudden they were like two to three different kinds of items you know. Does not Apple's big advantage or amber is the lack of fragmentation. Bigger reason why I stick with Apple personally -- buy it. Robert Robert -- -- -- who is our our Apple insider says that software moving forward needs the iPhone four platform. But I -- but I would counter the reverend that they can do a moved iPhone five and keeps telling me up on board cheaper you know continue to model that Canadian patent holder when available via -- could be the next -- -- -- I'm. Cell phone service -- down and DC area. Experiments in Albany new. -- -- -- Where a full service these -- yeah -- -- Asserted also say according to techcrunch that the upcoming iPhone -- almost certainly be a single phone that supports multiple networks namely CAD TDMA and -- Narrow about what makes sense and -- -- Pissed -- on Verizon customers who literally just buy -- Fuller and yes the Newton. Tired of improvements -- that's how they were all nothing new there either of them aren't let's move on to the quick kicks -- -- Then it fixes yeah. Aggregate -- ever -- Clinton and you -- -- -- -- In the and quick hits. Click here is the quick kicks into. Okay. Room. Internet connectivity was restored in Tripoli late Sunday local time obviously like -- there continue to unfold but that that Libya has been. Most of Libya has been -- of the Internet for all intents amber -- for like a month or more yeah so it is amazing news that that. That those connections have been restored that they're working on -- they said the rebels set up a new mobile network. And there I'm hoping to have more of those networks. Spreading -- throughout the country and they'll soon be linked to the Libya -- -- mobile phone network internally and then. That's so cool is -- Internet is like a symbol of freedom for them and like having Akamai and -- symbol of freedom like taking place it's actually me. Yeah it exactly it started -- like it's a symbol click the lights are back on you know -- no limit. Let's see what else is gone on to -- thing and -- the Libyan square the name of the Libyan square has apparently been changed already on Google Maps. Green square is now called martyrs square on the online map for Tripoli reflecting with the rebels are now calling it. Which then that's a propaganda like name. Do -- -- Google Maps right on top of it those and quick kicks. Hits and my. Microsoft has released the final near final test build of remaining OS DK today so they have like open the floodgates. Forming a developers so -- it's a start and I can imagine -- -- and more apps. On time and find their way onto that platform which would also suggest that mania was coming very soon. Yang you don't want that stuff. And then finally and -- fired up about this Twitter. Has a new photo sharing. Feature. It now aggregates this is awesome all the photos you have shared across image -- so if -- used in sir Graham twit pic black frog tweeters on service. All of them will still show up in a single gallery. On your profile page. It does so that's really exciting and I read -- examining what it's to -- but -- It's all stuff does -- for practice improvement. If He could have been. Twitter definitely doesn't wanna be more like FaceBook and they don't want those 750 million users how -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm taking -- great news but I think. It's time to view move on Salinas have the thing. I went to voice -- today first. Our first caller things were probably read about. About Lenovo making a terrible decision in with the thinkpad. In regards. Yesterday that -- -- once it's or. Arctic clearly. -- He has not set the bar for the right -- its outlook and I hope they don't want -- attention. But again what experts are. A -- It is right and Amazon has the ecosystem to back it up. Whatever -- whatever Amazon and that's their tablet press that's it that's the new price for anything that's -- Apple you know it'd apparently that your reader then -- rain. But -- -- I suspect Barry LC. And then our next time this may be this is big news it was a switcher who's thinking about switching back. Eighth district court in Columbus and -- -- the cord. The cable -- a long time ago and -- we where I'm going pack with the new fox. I do what they're doing. Now I feel like an epic trek actor which it company that. Let -- show. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over the meant to be gallon yeah and the personally -- heard that and going back to cable I know all -- that neither man. Says it cannot -- -- -- There I think there are other ways to potentially get -- meaning -- -- like -- -- He can sign up for Hulu plus and then you'll still get them. Have within the regular or you can wait for the -- and but am -- hasn't that would be an interesting response to be like. -- -- -- The difference really is like you could pay ten dollars a month there may be twenty or thirty in aggregate with like Netflix and Hulu plus it does anything about an hour ago. It adds up it's kind of annoying to have to manage like seven different services like -- well. I -- wanna keep my satellite radio but I think -- Pay for her spot -- premium and then about Netflix mean you've -- not and then ultimately I think it. This too much yes and a lot of that is available. Somehow -- -- TV yet. Mean anything to Palin when -- -- there's nothing like sitting back on your couch and looking at if you really do like the internal and in. -- it out that was interesting it seems to you so you just made some cable executive Steve -- keeping up. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The guys over at -- I was watching digital city and -- are talking about how -- -- giant. BitTorrent sites are going crazy right now because this latest news so and so there is true of yeah I mean that's everything I'd like all day there's there that you alternatives really like him. Paved area if things or you can pay for their cable or anything a pirate music we have -- recommend them when -- are right on your emails. Steve writes and says. So apparently it missed the whole HP touch pad fire sale this -- I'm currently not in the market for a tablet but an opportunity like this doesn't come out and now there are few news reports response to tweet saying more of the fire sales on the horizon. As -- -- think that buying the touchpad and 99 dollars is worth it. Or should I wait for more sales from different companies this holiday season thanks love the show don't wait for more -- -- -- at it and learn it yeah it's worth it. The -- that's is that no brainer to no matter what the sales -- imminent and and I do not know anything about. Yeah it becomes back. -- -- -- And especially analysis and put Android on them yeah -- who'd like it Sharon Idaho got about that I can't. That's not gonna enterprise Java vastly. I'm trying to get our -- -- to. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So this one comes from -- -- I think in order here this one comes from -- G -- your role in in the Netherlands. As an HP partner we got this notification the mail turns out that we shouldn't believe the rumors it's. It's just all. Okay so this is a letter from HP that current email that He got from HP -- confusion you may be hearing from our competition at 42 billion dollars -- growing. It is the largest PC business in the world with number one market share profit profitability worldwide. Are not taking her foot off the pedal now and will continue to drive leading him in leading innovation across -- PC portfolio. Now and in the future. Also concerning webos -- state that. As you also heard. We've made the tough necessary. Tough but necessary decision to discontinue the device -- operations of webos business group. -- team created a well respected software platform and HPCs long term promise and value. From you. For you. From web the webos operating system in the ecosystem around it when a vote this is -- -- like lawyer speaks Arctic. Webos devices -- not gain market traction as we had hoped the significant burned to HP's business. To invest for scale in this business underscored the depths of the challenges for oil webos. We will wind down the webos device operations during Q4 of 2011. Anyway thought she might find this -- -- of the show regards. So -- a letter from HP that was sent to him and he's. -- HP partner and interesting I think it's fascinating mainly that their -- that they're saying we're still in the PC -- business. -- actually announced a new PT today. So soon and they probably -- the pipeline but. Bartlett's team Mike obsolete make. I bring about the in about the often -- that is webos apartment and -- -- it's not because of 99 dollars and not because the webos. The general population is not like us they don't understand the distinction among operating systems they -- the coolness or contagion contagion or buzz if you -- brands. Every time an Android tablets priced under -- and you'll slightly boot. -- but the everyday citizen didn't jump on them but touchpad. With different. Ordinary citizens didn't even notice it's -- -- but this is the tablet most like the Jesus tablet that has been priced importantly. This hurt all the active players including Apple and Samsung because buyers including those considering iPad will think twice before plunking down 500 dollars. In an everyday citizen about a touchpad and their friends will think it's an iPad out they're not app buyers or mini or not they won't know the difference but now webos has that elusive user base. And maybe Amazon will jump on this enormous opportunity. I love the show and hope webos rises like. -- -- -- Sweet sweet love for the with for the touch -- It's true it is the one that's -- like that used have a -- -- -- -- honestly. Those sites around -- where nerds go and they knew that -- Android tablets were crap. Does look like. And 99 dollar or real tablet at best buy Q what they intimate one fine technically that hundred dollar -- I was nine enough to hit it really left. They show that I do you want this went from -- and share detect and. You -- Google -- This is from Kent the developer from -- Davis love the -- you guys -- the primary issue with Germany and FaceBook like button. The light and is embedded in the viewed page -- served from FaceBook. What this means is out upon visiting the page a web request is made to Facebook's servers that includes ID be assigned to the site you are on. There requesting page URL or IP address as part of -- -- fatter and Facebook's cookies including your login token assuming you have. Remembered mean checked. So they know where you are roughly by I. What you are looking at and who you -- just by visiting the page no clicking and and required went -- -- -- who I didn't. I know that that's -- -- -- wasn't even the German officials take on He was saying that to be quick edits and personal information. -- is saying if your -- didn't. And -- you have the remember me -- -- which everyone does. That just loading the page I mean -- -- that is actually. That makes some sense I really thought about -- -- adds do you like when it Racine and -- grabs your IP address and cookie information and news. I it makes -- that is pretty evil yeah the sun says that is known. Does not at that with. -- I probably heard already nervous agreed to put it yeah but did so and and but that's a different bit. So the Germans are saying -- click it this is like download -- like entrapment I guess that's true we Canada -- -- -- and thinking that we talked about what the like button that now. This -- is following you literally all over the web because if -- like game. Protected if you do. FaceBook. Is -- creepy sounds creepy yearly -- -- and -- that make. -- -- -- -- In relation. It doesn't even abuse may have a bad it's not even if you if you don't have to be. Nice but -- quietly draining my bank account including -- is like more like a con man. You know -- like. Being an early silicon handling everything I know and love listing and begun but He was not -- It. Trust me pretty -- nice that's how you get him. I didn't make it right then and that they desperately need yesterday isn't that we read the story about aliens telling us and it got me thinking. People always think aliens are going to find the more advanced than us and exterminate us -- for the scenario seen in movies for years but. Has anyone ever thought of the realistic possibility that. We might be the ones to discovered them and may -- their technology will be lesser or equal to ours. I mean yes I realize is unlikely right now other current technology but. What about and say 300 to 500 years just look at how our technology has changed in that amount of time in the past is -- really that hard to believe. That it could change that much in the future just on a much larger scale. For all we know there's a civilization out there right now much like -- shaking in their -- over the possibility of the and over the possibility that extraterrestrials -- -- in this case are coming to get them. It is my theory but pending in patent lawsuits were probably let never let that technology of meaning it's will be here -- -- -- in the other aliens who are more advanced in here and decide they don't wanna be -- Process improvement. About it to -- today that. I've always thought that we are the aliens which are we certainly could be like if we get. If we get there fast enough and we definitely are -- and also they of those millions price should be taken in their bit to look beyond earth like we are not that -- We would be coming or is it gonna blowing things up where. -- -- -- I like to imagine that we've been in Canada we think we've been it's basically like the -- nine you know if it's 300 -- -- the assumption that. If it is basically whoever finds. Anybody burst is logically the one with the more advanced technology aliens get here before we get off this rock that means that more advanced technology -- -- -- because they were able to you know. They were able to get here in the first place yes please -- so act now they -- their planet for some reason in world. And they would enslave us you know so it's a race for the race change. Remember. The thought. Oh my god -- scared -- earthquake and it. Well anyway apocalypse. -- Maybe each speaking to -- 2012 isn't I'm coming and coming -- -- -- forget about it. You could have given them. Cash out. A pop -- -- everything that's kind of alien amen yeah they probably and a OK let's who attend the show it's. It's all downhill from here. It everywhere and we're gonna keep up other -- -- -- -- California. You can hit the all the links to the stories that we talked about today read the amounts for yourselves if you want to read out -- to -- you -- below that cnet.com. -- up. 1806 -- 66 create and send us your feedback via email. Advise that CNET dot how we miss -- video like math and them some beauty -- -- please keep them coming we tomorrow on the show we'll. Donald bell and is pretty exciting we have Perry grip on -- -- if you have not heard of him -- that name doesn't sound familiar. Let me caveat. In the -- hamster and piano and the baby monkeys on -- there's -- new baby monkey iPhone app any coming on the show and talk about it room. And I'm fired and he's not gonna be at Skype he's gonna have a little furry creature on -- athletes of him and adorable and -- to be wondering creature He has that is -- -- avatar with a -- I hope that the name -- -- and undertake the I -- -- -- --

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Apple May Give FineWoven Accessories One More Season

Apple May Give FineWoven Accessories One More Season

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US vs. TikTok: What Happens Next

Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

What to Expect at Apple's May 7 iPad Event

What to Expect at Apple's May 7 iPad Event

Did a Week With the Apple Watch Make Me Use My iPhone Less?

Did a Week With the Apple Watch Make Me Use My iPhone Less?

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

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