Ep. 1421: Alien life or comet scum?
Ep. 1421: Alien life or comet scum?

Ep. 1421: Alien life or comet scum?

Today is Monday march 7. -- eleventh and -- -- Gonzales I'm Brian's song on time in here and house. Have my Hollywood -- in a buzz out loud at that of that fourteen -- -- -- the show where we started on time that would. -- -- -- -- -- -- How does it also I love how our definition of on time is Portman at. And 30 AM Pacific -- -- -- if you don't know. When we live seen the show every day you know you can't get to that he did not -- For those few that join us live a lot of you know that we -- -- the show around 10451015. Even though. This is everyone who's gonna be jumping in our -- remember you guys can always log in and this. There's nothing like it when you're with us in house live -- -- there's nothing like you get the pre show downtown arrogantly and sometimes it and music. We say that Siemens. We say that things that we don't and -- show and you'd be I know you're amazed because. It seems like we -- everything. -- actually -- more importantly but -- you know what we what kind of sluggish this morning and then. I was just used when Molly told me this amazing piece of news at our buzz out loud party at south by southwest that is on Sunday. The thirteenth at cedar street we're gonna do a giveaway and it's not -- like a sticker or it's not not there's nothing wrong about that. What are we giving them -- -- We're going to be giving away although you are gonna work or -- a Motorola zoom go home and actual news -- through the lucky winner. Three -- -- it almost certainly he's going to end up the game time and Eric GT immediately AT and game time. So if you've ever -- that Amber's -- GT DT at CES. -- alive in whole or in -- and now the as a very special way of giving away prizes. So you guys gonna -- to -- I'm -- -- work -- that is exciting idea to work for it that way laureates like spam that the your FaceBook friends that you just gonna happen. -- -- and -- will get to actually starting to show but I just before we do that I cannot. Help but think who is gonna have a better party than this year via with the people that are coming the pre talk of the preacher wrote the free giveaways that. The open bar mostly like we are you zero. Writing I'm but I'm -- like I look at although the -- like -- medical whatever you are given away as XUL. -- seeing as you know we'll show you some products on how cable up -- thought -- that would karma comes and bites you in the button will be pouring down rain and police and you'll cancel. Finals ever get cock mind but I'm not being taught him is excited to -- Leo how confident about our party -- -- be ridiculous though if you guys can join us. Pleased and if you can't join us you can join the live streams that will be at cnet.com slash planet in 6:30 PM. Central time at 7:30 eastern port 30% -- Definitely you're gonna -- balancing in it. And actually that's on the shows that we'll probably open stream -- that -- 4 o'clock Pacific and eastern. -- -- And we get the -- -- yes. On a Friday we talked about Google polling. Twenty wine lists apps from the App Store that not App Store -- I don't know me. The Android market -- Android market. Saying that they -- that contains malicious code we had -- speculated that -- then why have they not remote of these apps. And over the weekend Google confirmed that in fact they did -- and it was actually. If the eight malicious apps. Yeah they said -- they were downloaded to approximately 260000. Devices. Only Android phones ever running earlier versions and 2.2 point two were susceptible to the apps. But and also Google on their part -- -- pushing out an Android security update to affect the -- but here's the catch and here's the -- about it. Although they're pushing out the update again we've talked about some issues with this is that the carriers are still the ones that have to open up that floodgate. To allow that update to happen via. And that you know that hopefully. They'll act on it by. I don't know we haven't heard of anything we haven't heard at least wise for that people are receiving this update yet. But it's going to be the carriers are gonna prevent it from you know at least rolling out in a faster in a faster manner. Ray -- the 100 thing though is that -- carrier updates. Prevented more people from being infected. Because -- -- it only affected I ain't. -- -- -- oh no they are if it no you're right with you that it affects version two point UN and lower yeah because it in essence actually if they had rolled out -- -- its first seismic if they had rolled out updates previously. A lot less phones would have been susceptible -- death totally -- and -- all of that he said and with so eloquent and that with the -- them rare multitasking pale. I'm looking at the chatroom and I think I think because you use the word eloquent and me that's probably why you're thrown off. It was though it was hippie. The -- had that malicious apps were downloaded to about 1050000. Devices. And it is it's a pretty big deal -- the epic thing in such a tricky question like I agree with you and I think the carriers. I mean you know we've complained about -- before the fragmentation and hundreds although after -- -- a windows phone seven thing. That didn't help the case you know -- -- I agree I I still think the carriers need to get these these updates out and a -- -- in a timely manner timely manner and this and security may prove in the long run to be the most compelling reason -- not like you let your web version of windows that around an updated or like you should. You know the main reason that you need to update software is because of security so that if anything it's gonna import the carriers. To move faster it's probably that. -- had turned into a pretty big story. But you know they're they're dressed and it's so you know if you guys are actually receiving some military updates just let us know so we know if -- actually Roanoke as you'll find out. Probably before us because they're updating -- many times. Wired you have -- very content to that are inactive that. Is is up there and they get a -- get a well Kindle and an Apple iPod that I had -- like -- or was scheduled to get an ethnic years that mimic that. Also shocking news in the ongoing Sony lawsuit against George -- -- the PlayStation hacker PlayStation 3 hacker. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a federal judge has granted Sony the list -- service. The right to acquire the IP addresses of anybody who has visited George -- as web sites. From January to -- -- 2009. To the president now Sony is doing hot. Or hacking the PS3 -- for essentially jail breaking and which is allowed by the DM CA. And now they're saying that not only are they going to continue with -- lawsuit but -- federal magistrate has said. You can totally find out everybody who visited the site and try to use that to I am. Introduce evidence that a lot of people downloaded jailbreak. I had this is this is and this is reaching a far beyond just George Cox's website. It's also extending to if you casually visit his YouTube site where the video was posted -- the YouTube publication want to deal. Also people losing his Twitter account what they're trying to do. Is that currently George he lives in New Jersey but they're trying to move the case -- -- Cisco's so they are trying to find. And -- Claim that the amount of users -- access or at least look at this information were primarily from northern California right and if that's the case then move -- case over San Cisco. -- -- it basically it is in order to compile evidence for this. Location changed however. In my opinion and also the opinion of the electronic frontier -- foundation that is a massive. Over reach and potential violation of privacy because once Sony. Is in. Possession of the IP addresses of who knows how many people that they can then accuse of downloading -- broken file. You have no idea what they're gonna do with this information that's is up. Unacceptable and I cannot believe the degree to which your IP addresses are no longer considered private information I mean that's it that's it. Unacceptable him so. They're they're -- -- farm -- cannot see how this whole thing shakes out NASA and and this is destroyed I won't go away this is gone on for probably about. I know three or four weeks we heard about it first -- -- that I'll go and get and -- -- its its they have keys Sony is key continue to -- this harder and harder. Yet -- -- is absolutely are dirt path is is has vowed to fight this to the death -- -- he's raised -- he's not gonna as the money online elegant elegant settlement agreement -- hate. -- agreement carry the thing that Sony is restricted in what they can do with that information. By the court order that it is. Not something where if they do get that information they can do whatever they -- nevertheless the FF still technology rights advocates are saying that the subpoenas are too far reaching. And I do think that I'm sorry like. Regardless of whether they can. Use that information the fact is they will now have a database of these IP addresses. And it and it may become part of some sort of public record as a result of them introducing it as evidence and it's. I think that's unacceptable it's. -- we've seen parents are interrupt you we see what they've done with torrents with you know -- with movie speed is how they've. Try to track down every IP address that was associate with either -- -- should -- in -- This is essentially they can use that type of model to go after someone who essentially -- distributed or you know acquired. The -- Via I. -- I am pretty surprised at the -- With which Sony is -- -- especially considering. The MCA exception that allows -- -- now I want your -- exception those on the phones at least they said of the -- -- right they haven't I mean I'm not defending them but at the moment. I don't know if they've officially said it's okay on console into its mobile device goes on mobile devices at the right at the moment that's true although and I think it makes it right right but at the moment loosely or clearly finding only -- specific to mobile devices -- -- time it happened because of the carriers because it was more because of a consumer thing with. The carrier's -- actions from happening so it's like okay -- open -- up that's okay. You can use your phone on any carrier. Now -- to think it -- that I. -- the debate that. They -- expect you if you can rapidly you about it. And also we are already seeing the chilling effect that this what this lawsuit is having -- is that among other things one hacker has. Posted on Twitter that he found a way -- exploits. The latest version the PS3 software. But he -- firmware rather we're gonna get this didn't read -- what can I find this information out it potentially dangerous exploit he says there is the bug that allows. And you do exploit that firmware and the boot loader and three point I think -- and he says though. But I don't intend to ever unveil it. Because why would. You wanna get hunted down I don't they sell. You wanna be GO -- -- think -- yes he said. So we -- his point with the prove that at least the PS -- delete acts. But because he does not want to make this public and now any that it you know I am not ever gonna and I'm gonna tell you Sony Leon's. It is that it's a pretty effective it's it's unfortunate and it's pretty effective strategy that they've had their. I wouldn't take a little break when we come back Libya has apparently learned nothing from -- Microsoft have. Learned that I think should probably go away and the war is brewing. And -- hard. More important than it. It's hard I mean that is more important enough. Welcome back to buzz out loud brands on the announcements -- Hollywood video. I. Hello Monday Monday burn them on -- struggling through -- -- and I hate. -- right onto our next story we talked about we talked about Egypt previously and how they dealt with the Internet and how they shut it down -- it. Libya -- also having their own civil unrest with the government in in fact Libya's government is being very aggressive taking action against citizens. But what's happened here and -- when I say that I'm talking from -- in and a military. Wait I mean they're using my dictionary predator aircraft they're killing using aircraft to bomb okay -- -- -- -- it's horrible but. Also -- doing is they're blocking Internet traffic on its kind of been going on and off. On the and they slowly had returned but a properly around Thursday -- -- -- traffic dropped to essentially. Zero but it's a little different than what is done before on James callies chief technology officer at. Ray ray NASA releases on -- technologies canceled -- He said on basically the way that -- turned off the Internet this time he quoted it's like a post apocalyptic scenario where the roads are there there just isn't any traffic. And essentially from what he describes is on instead of just like shutting on the unit it's as if the throttled the Internet down to zero so if you sent -- -- You know if you ping the servers or whatnot it -- go out and -- -- -- and so it's as if the -- to the -- there but they're completely empty and -- it. It's remarkable and it's it's kind of interesting technically speaking in Egypt apparently the government had to simply told ISPs to -- their servers down so was not very sophisticated hand because then you -- -- glitch page flip the switch and you would -- no one would answer. But in this case when your times and the data packet that just doesn't like it. It kind of get and then it goes -- -- -- the sender like you may never even realizing you are actually trying to communicate with Libyans are -- it never even know. That it didn't get through. But it often just means. -- nothing's happening. In there and it hit funny to watch that lake guide he does go every time that someone typed -- tug on the Internet. They any other time I think that someone have the latest and and the Internet they come up with the new way. That -- is a new version of. Of shutting down but it's. It seems to be the thing to do when you're attempting to maintain your out of -- regime although an active. I mean it is handling it far beyond just -- keep horrible because it isn't -- the earth moving like air carrier's aircraft carriers and then. Region and its. Pretty -- ugly of their we don't know on -- at least if they have flipped the switch back on -- off our it stayed off at the time of this recording so calm but. Based on how things are plain out there I would assume probably not at the moment and it'll be put -- -- switched back on and -- -- and -- -- and they have done it. There they've cut off a little bit of access -- and then come back online and now it seems like -- I suspected it off for the duration at this point you know. OK moving on and is Microsoft's. Just out right thing into the world. And and sewer needs to die in needs to go to gal in fact they've issued basically like a death watch for a hint that there you know they obviously have in this. Campaign if you guys wanna take of the actual site it's. Www. IE six countdown dot com. And so they're basically trying to convince people to no longer use I. The browser has evolved to adapt to new web technologies the latest version of -- and -- help protect -- from new attacks and threats. Here's a breakdown of who's used -- I. 9% Canada's at 3.3 percent but it holds each large portion of the market in much of Asia China. 34 point 5% South Korea at 44 point 8% in Japan ten point 3%. How China still doing a nice I don't know all South Korea is still doing and I think it's not there area and other thing -- -- like top five frequently broadband speeds it started seeing. I'm actually surprised considering how many people email us and elephant like their company is Phil and I -- that windows 95 -- like got to the -- The -- blowing at two point 9%. Good job good job -- had -- -- it is. It's very notable that Microsoft in the pointedly there haven't shopper might migration workshop the other thing like what we don't wanna have to YouTube but -- and -- -- because they're saying look we don't wanna keep. Supporting this thing and we don't and we're committed to because honestly what happens is. China becomes a huge factor or potential turned north and I'm thinking about the entire world Minnesota South Korea and other things like yes we get -- browsers -- -- year. We have got to get the world -- I think. -- via the web sites is amazing that it looks like it's almost the social -- -- on the bottom it's one of -- is like. Join the cause and displayed a countdown banner to the Internet Explorer six users that. Educate others friends don't let friends use -- at exporters and Larry -- -- And I think and neither should acquainted with. Tell your friends. Let others know what you're doing that you're doing your part to get Internet Explorer six to one dollar and where isn't such in the says it gets better -- -- IE fix countdown. And though it is really dramatic. -- -- -- call to action -- Microsoft -- to act. Western Digital this is pretty amazing basically -- merger of two gigantic. Hard drive makers -- and it'll drop or point three. Billion dollars. To -- Hitachi GST global storage technologies. And now -- for -- months. Western Digital. Burst of seagate in a battle for your data storage -- in a battle for commodity -- hard drives which are dropping in price by dissect it yet. Am kind of that is happening in there to like it needs some hard court competition Hartnett is because I have found that. Every laptop that I know are much different the present the -- the -- the hard drive is the weak link. Like at the quality has been dropping significantly I'm excited to hear that there might be some maybe -- -- -- Better quality hard drive but also -- -- it drives are picking up and you these guys sneak. Thought -- drive and everybody using. I have. Flailing right now through -- and handled nine ethernet yeah -- But it still I wondered. But they can't really solid state state drives I'm not feasible for enterprise I wonder if they also are making the big -- is -- that Drobo and -- like that anyway. If it still enough that one of the company's worth four point three billion dollars pretty big -- Also omelet this acquired by and for beauty dot com blackberries 2000 -- software roadmap. Has been revealed. So essentially you we know about a lot of like some of blackberries devices there's been leaks all over the place for. Phones like -- -- to -- the Monaco but here on this little chart shows off the potential. OS seven which can be the next generation to operate system sometime around -- -- late October to early November. Now there is no indication whether this is a completely revamped OS or just a subtle upgrade. It if I am rim. They better have a completely revamped the lesson you know just to compete with what's out there right now now but on this is that this is a -- You know one of those inside her idol yet liver got this chart was clearly knows from someone's PowerPoint. Not -- thing they turn everything that is. Although it comes interestingly at a time when. Rim just lost its marketing chief. Who was only there -- sixteen months he was he with. Recruited CMO -- party but recruited -- really helped bring life black back into the Blackberry brand. In -- black -- bring life that I mean they're new slogan. Bring -- black -- Like there could be the problem. Party will reportedly leave for personal reasons which I -- means they can't him because fewer than doing what they hoped -- -- you. And it is unknown where he will -- which I think indicate that they can't they wouldn't and -- I think another thing as if he was your chief marketing officer one -- one of their products that they're pushing artists which is their playbook. Doesn't really have an identity of who it's really for him you know the the article talked about we've seen -- we were talking about its seven inch tablet that. They say it's for corporate and enterprise. But it's still kind of it's consumer it's not it was never they never be tracking. But the device in the features they were showing off did it. You know did it come together through that story was -- this is definitely an all enterprise -- let's show off quake on it. Well move -- enterprise is gonna be playing -- We'll let the problem is leading up with cool pavement is actually I mean it's always nice and only time we had contemplated right but then the problem is that you marketed it in such -- -- and positioned it -- your thinking to yourself when you're at the -- -- like -- -- -- Think of the playbook when I'm talking about the tablet market -- Based and that and that kind of competitive landscape of ethical questions for Blackberry people. And it's unclear whether it is originally -- you'll get a lot more benefit out of -- -- -- have a Blackberry but does that mean you have to have a Blackberry -- I don't think so. I mean but -- they have totally failed to differentiate it -- Blackberry yet you know and let's let's also talk about the fact that there -- rumblings of rumors were -- to confirm or not that they were going to. Develop an emulator to allow Android applications on it -- -- that doesn't. And that's big news -- But it doesn't but it's against -- -- and its its its its all mixed right. So get it that that is and that's somebody in -- terms it's put it perfectly and it's amazing how -- the gamer. It's amazing how bad marketing can killer products hourly but I think it's absolutely true in this case and then. You do have to wonder what other executives up at -- are going to be departing because the company now has really. It's like they sat there kind of Nokia style and that poll we -- to marketshare every company uses less than they're never gonna stop in -- public. Related they're gonna -- No nobody is invincible. And nobody is nobody is. No old buddies. Have. Where I am really tired and I am convinced that it is actually a direct result of this next story because -- Not a bad -- -- -- -- -- the low it can't load -- everything. I've got -- like. This could actually be an amazing story that I'm listening to you very carefully or very sad story. While Molly turns red it is very certain buzz out loud never. It doesn't -- you have no idea. She EA and doesn't stop it hasn't yet been -- Anyway. There are more and more stories coming out if they would patent argument with department now the National Sleep Foundation -- -- that. Well if your tired you need to unplug need to get the technology out of the bedroom. Look at the good times -- -- -- not gonna happen planet could enjoy it. Okay again they did -- study and they've got a nearly 95% of people questioned said they use some type of electronic -- in the hour before going to bed. And two thirds admitted that they don't get athlete during the -- -- they're saying that. The because you meet maybe you're getting alerts in the middle of the night if you put your -- and you're getting text messages that wake you up. And then also they say it literally just -- -- the artificial light coming up on the computer screen. -- -- -- your brain and and can prevent there or at least suppress the release of melatonin which would help you fall asleep though like you think you've seen all -- It's like light therapy -- So here -- some -- -- on the survey baby boomers or people aged 46 -- 64 but the biggest offenders watching television every night for going to sleep with more than a third of thirteen eighteen year old and when he percent of young adults playing video games before that time element that can be. Now Janet generations -- as -- ages thirteen eighteen year old with a most sleep deprived group with 22% described missiles -- sleepy. Compared only 9% they had projected that basically kids are getting an hour to an -- and a half or two hours or less sleep per night which if you added up to losing about fifty hours the per month compared to let you know was on the past and I can. Definitely test I how many times you anyone on the field you have your sleeping you're Italian your slug in slowing down around 1130. You -- open the laptop and also and you're like awake for another hour and a. Did you get sucked into the -- hell -- and -- -- nearly analyst -- and on the opening treatment of the room. And then there's there's the amazing -- nurture shock. That talk all about the -- -- -- market that's really isn't what they talked about though is how that sleep deprivation in kid. Correlates directly to lowered IQ. Drilling that it with kids particularly that's when they learn like -- when in information is impressive when you honestly have -- long term memory when you sleep. And so they think that -- -- some of that behavior that we normally talk and -- teenager stuff could actually be lack of sleep. And that in fact if kids have long term -- -- deprivation that they can drop. In IQ testing by like twenty points or more a very very significant amount you know there's a solution to that that we've seen five -- energy drink. There you go or local -- Nokia had hoped they artistry is -- I honestly that industry. Has seen a boom over the past slipped to three years and a and that is why -- correlated I totally saw a kid like blocking tegra school again at school and I waited -- -- laughing at his vehicle. And I like it locked in with a backpack -- -- fourteen minute and a -- human. A really well you are backed up like you know one of those like a -- myelin around him oh my god please -- -- -- not nice I -- -- mixing by -- our energy drink with the school in upper and you know is like four years old. It's crazy if an ethanol are about to -- just makes them -- a. Now. That turn into a Starbucks thing because every are -- now -- -- Entire bottle -- and -- Video online no isn't as big as an entire bottle of wine is more copy and there that the -- stomach can hold. Any privately fourteen year -- buying it. While the we -- technology to -- the sleep problem it's called turn it off. You can't even when you turn on -- not gonna happen you know when you have your desktop on -- -- lean -- you hear that and I. And it keeps me up I what they should balance the -- that are their bitter bunch of different cities throughout the various -- -- the blue lights and electronic government obviously been in when you're sleeping like you can prevent you from going -- and -- -- and now we're all gonna need like a little like a panic room in the technology that -- in and we go -- currently. Novel and wasn't Phillips that he'd like that bio light of the hope that that blue light that would gradually -- to get brighter too weak -- up naturally via. Yeah not natural it's over now we're done. Respected author and I'm exhausted and -- -- -- from an event let's swap -- wake of the quake hit all right. Alright Apple shipped the one million MacBook Air units in Q4 this is you know and our analysts predicting -- but it would it it. So it would then make it one of the strongest Mac launches in history obesity should one point one -- units for the first three months. -- it but I'm just waiting for the next and just as I'm in the Miller I want the new processors in the MacBook accurate and on radio -- They analyst. Ming chi Kuo says that the air. Machines are now selling at a one to two ratio to the MacBook Pro laptop perfectly. When I mean -- sign up as many or towards the mini. Well that's true it would be it's it's half as many of you can put that shows me know that the dollar does not really good yeah yeah it is -- -- -- be like. Mind boggle actually just recommended them and that they not get the MacBook -- that they. Would be perfectly fine -- apparently using -- and MacBook Pro because they you know only -- in a new and involvement with I think a lot of people who would otherwise get the pro. -- the MacBook it's kind of uglier and. Under powered volume and entry level Mac and I want -- like that yeah it's like getting that narrowed the total pressure -- -- say absolutely yes. Another layer between. There. -- -- did announce that they are going to grandfather in the unlimited iPad data plan on an iPad two. Though if you did sign up early and an unlimited plan if -- -- gonna get it with the new iPad though while so that's one feature that we actually wanted that came on the iPad actually -- Including those cameras that are awesome. -- right word press -- though. Do we could go on forever how. Let's let's just wait -- comes out we can just destroy the crap out of it okay I mean let's just say this I mean my camera actually my -- Disney camera has -- higher megapixels but. Then that I had to camera he didn't know that was the one thing in their house that in -- being like the afterthought just throwing at least a three megapixel. At least -- -- -- -- -- -- Time -- get your Apple -- didn't. -- so baffled. At least a cable yes the facetime video thing you get it but just make it just give me some still action on the it's a little while don't make me say oh actually you want better stills. Wait for iPad three. We -- not that are again not that anyone can use it for -- the -- just use a basic component that's in every phone monopoly that's all that's not going angry about it planned obsolescence that is infuriating now can we said we were -- its. It's we can help -- where press is back up after attacks originating in China. On that essentially -- founder -- -- told techcrunch that they were obviously you were pressed powers -- how what percentage of blogs worldwide a lot it's quite. It's quite a lot of majority yeah a lot but essentially there is a DD OS attack originating. From China now is likely politically motivated he said it might have been linked to a targeted Chinese language site operating on word press. Which appear to be blocked on Chinese search engine Baidu but they did not want to identify the -- -- -- -- -- -- Now we got -- -- in this story about we -- -- to worry about. The Internet spirit -- on to and my. -- hackable now with a grid of and I am category right technology. The -- camera on my pads less than a megapixel you know I'm going neon apps. I'm going beyond its ongoing into the bubble give me MP blasts it's not hard -- for me you know you'll sleep better they will think -- -- -- -- -- united -- I Adobe in this -- Matt. Adobe has released AM publishing tools specifically for creating interactive publications on tablets. As -- nice is awesome not dumb right there at the enterprise edition. Of its digital publishing suite there have -- we'll keep Adobe more -- in the into new could be you know what this is yet it's page maker for tablet. Lady who did not everybody in the world the first computer program I ever used and I think with Adobe pixel -- -- of the paid well for print. Totally and like here they -- still there is an article do -- and the newsletter. Your Christmas newsletter. C'mon though this is cartel and you're gonna have like they're gonna have a more interactivity so that they didn't -- this -- this is okay if you think this is guys they're making fun of the one thing okay -- -- -- wherever you are in your computing is here is why has Adobe -- why is this only now like I think I am now. Now Napster and they definitely -- of other than they were in Canada you'd -- Apple don't really happening yeah they did have -- have this. Porter -- after -- remote for time being where people are making flash based tablet magazines and then you -- -- them through a converter from Adobe but Apple blocked that. At that time. Really and then Adobe had to find a work around this is probably one of those solutions now Apple has allowed. The ability to use AM what are you know to port. From flash into it they now allow that because they decided to use less in the rules but this is basically probably the answer because of that. Does violence decide how awesome -- iPad -- Adobe. I don't often did did they they got a -- and I haven't had a big huge by the iPad would be like the best because I didn't -- a funny thing. About his right I mean they're completely different business units but Adobe thrives on the Mac platform -- it's -- you know. The iPhone they have -- -- with flash with the Mino with Steve though carrier like oh it's about time they release like a tablet publishing application written but I mean and and and it's from the -- -- there's other companies that are basically doing at lake voters Adobe Photoshop -- -- -- -- the iPad already because it though he's not via. -- -- -- And have the basic letters numbers and Pratt and hundreds and -- Catholic. They could be they could -- that -- more but good for them. Particulate and -- meant partnering with other tablets and in -- a bunch of titles are already using Adobe technology National Geographic vogue and vogue. Consumer reports Marines magazine my favorite backpack -- The New Yorker -- trends fell eight Adobe as usual being right there with the -- for the publishing industry like they -- have now I mean obviously all those people have been using Adobe products the whole time after Adobe's the -- one of them are probably using -- -- Although I got here is that I don't have been activated and when and -- it Mac home journal magazine we've put it together with -- -- a report and a red Apple or at their. All right also army in more quick hits HP is -- the touch -- on Amazon but not for pre Earth Day and not attach a date to it or price but if you're curious. And you want us because we wanna see it. In person. HP touch pad and I am gonna -- -- to be notified. They don't want this is the one felony in my hand I don't weather was absolutely absolutely I know I've I've. How we need to do so we've said cyclical here -- -- Apple -- it's -- Becoming a -- to drinking game like every time -- -- HP tablet and legal equivalents during drink itself Iowa planet to be notified. Okay we have a quite often little collection of signs that breathing was his students a free -- core -- -- oh look out. We'll and you and I will say right off the bat controversial support from -- NASA scientists. Suggests that strange -- -- in fact what can only be described as. Alien fossil homo have been detected on user Lily alien on battery meter -- While so on this -- This is a tiny fossilized bacteria found -- three meteorites. They on the -- this that he maintains the microscopic life forms are not. Native to other non native. -- -- or alien. The study was published online late Friday in the journal of cosmology is considered so controversial. That it was accompanied by a statement from the journal editor if seeking other scientific comment and that comment -- to be published starting today -- -- we're gonna happen of the story all week. -- See the scientists after relatives Richard Hoover. That that there is keeping evidence of micro fossils that are similar. To -- -- bacteria which are blue green algae. But not. Quite the same and he said -- had a lot of carbon but almost no nitrogen. And he just says that it does not it seems to indicate he said. It is interesting because indicate that life is not restricted to the planner and which I -- -- At this point yet Stephen Hawking we have many many many you know that every after relatives like in private. Is saying we like that it is a mathematical certainty that link exists somewhere else but it's just so like -- -- to command -- even if it's -- some pond scum like the stuff might be. And it's not at other earthly -- gobbled up that makes -- alien -- alien pod count comets come. Ha -- Comet. That we will definitely I am super insisted that the because the last time. That math. The in -- way to address hailed everyone's -- butchered that it didn't often been. It butcher didn't collapse and though will be watching. And rumors today and rather than the week -- in what I am convinced that -- related story. The crazy super secret experimental. Spacecraft. Which is -- got up on one -- and come back the robotic space plane developed for the airport's. Is -- to launch again on Friday. From Cape Canaveral. And there is even more speculation in question now -- about its secret payload this will -- what makes -- -- -- like all these writers like tell us. Air force what are you doing with the space shuttle. Like we're not going to -- that. The because it's so secretive. Everyone wants I'm like why can't why can't we throw a space shuttle up into the sky and not tell people are doing. -- but what if we're testing like you know. New pool. But until it -- -- it's like -- -- whatever building the arc. Then they bend when it's done tell me and I'll go visited -- -- -- -- their refueling eating you don't wanna know. It is basic human curiosity BIL but it's fun I know it is based -- yes -- we don't have the doughnut -- look like what is also we paid for. -- so we -- we have the right to -- The -- There are realigning Egypt CD data that we need to put there -- -- there are now. Well -- -- who now. Yes the X 37 billion are apparently up there read supplying the -- The end -- -- gonna get us off this rock. Industry analysts theorized that can be precursor to or -- weapon. Capable dropping bombs or disabling foreign satellites other governments around the world are also very curious because they have no idea. What the heck we're -- with that -- -- government thing is really -- the other governments are probably just like -- -- and we we -- -- direction like a what are you guys up to. We right now. You'd shooting down our foreign -- like about them if they it is flat classified mission it's really get everybody it's really -- is also paying anything. Also -- mutton -- there there. Either they're contacting aliens and their building -- if not mr. I like class or -- at the same building the moon and more they're really. News -- today is moon. His eyes. Love it I -- -- about it that -- And in other off the NASA news -- -- -- about this but in Kenya. Apparently the humanoid robot from robot not. What is gonna come out of -- packing crate by the end of march ground crews could start tinkering with the robot not soon after. And then it's on space station by the way and that then they're hoping that pretty soon after you know little the little plane with the -- and -- and they'll be able to start happening due to -- rights -- space station. So the Texas robot also called. Includes computerized torso -- into arms feet with hands by figures it does not have legs at the moment it -- rolls around. Here's a quote from chief of automation. The edge -- is that -- that was that robot would be doing work side by side with astronauts. Yeah I've seen this movie -- called Star Wars. I see how we -- in fact exactly. But the 2.5 million dollar robot not or are too. Could pave the way for humanoid robot to assist spacewalking astronauts. It's like that it's like the kid that wants old lady cross the street had its appearance based and the government is scary robot not I mean Japan has had these things reverend -- you can do I think that there -- to. It technically even though they called RQ it really of the -- rupiah. Yeah I mean yeah it is just the vision of our future upon descent and apparently an increasingly accurate he does -- author Kenneth Shipley kicked chicken and egg question. Make it -- to get treatment and then we built it or did we -- and -- he went to the future and and he repeated. -- -- hardest thing I think it's the latter also there's apparently a story circulating about how this morning the space station astronauts -- leaving on it and coming back and discovery -- Catholic William Shatner link there were reciting the Star Trek. Someone -- in the chatroom earlier on and on Twitter but I think they they were awakened by his voice is -- from star -- can. I've -- might have been up Priceline and that he has going on right now. That's what it could have been could be they'd be would be watching some food from Spain but exactly Hulu. So you know we know we gloat we know all the -- behind Apple's announcements will. -- and I think Saddam last week was that -- be a day or so after the announcement if -- candidate there are little mock video of -- No Apple's announcement. I don't know if it's loading on your computer yet but at. We want you guys to watch this or at least listen to it. Is done in the Apple style with the white background you have obligatory guy with the accent is this particular area there there's been a group that does this. On YouTube already but this is just. So much better it is really pathetic well that. And website and that apparently I saw the video. I personally think that the people at Apple mr. to get a little bit cocky. If you think a little -- the school. IPad -- is the culmination of -- literally in two to three minutes it's. Truly incredible how little they knew that if we change the color. Put pictures of water droplets on the desktop. It is a little faster and have it added two holes with cheap cameras. It up and just kind of flattened and it. People would just go nuts and I recommend not guy who owns is that I get to see this -- one. Pops up against what. Is iPad -- incredible and yes. Are you believing what I'm saying partially because I have -- non specific. Let's just say what about me I just bought the old iPods. And -- -- saying. -- -- -- -- -- all of that doubt and we know and I feel like what a privately weekly I don't care that's no money. Are you don't allied forces for their owners and the tagline for those that he -- listening in now watching the tag line is that. I've had -- you'll buy it no matter what we thing. This. Is true and if you stop the original video that they showed -- that has been running on Apple website it's not the. I mean they -- that -- field to itself contract it's always it's -- important speed of self importance. Wow and his team did things right it really funny and fun to have easily Internet things but the problem is the Charlie Sheen gets on Twitter needs a million dollars there whenever you like hot damn people love me until payment they don't know that we're not exactly laughing with him yet. -- then he. Decided that he was it'll until -- new -- show. -- corner Friday I think he just -- corner. And it just wow. -- at one point the -- the followers wherever about a 1101000. And it went on though for an hour. Heat heat that winning nearly until roughly 101433. Times now and then he read a poem. From his book called the big white phone -- -- have the means that phone -- he doesn't. And it was it was just you know it the best thing I thought about it that was all over Twitter -- -- -- The best -- us on Twitter was the britney's and that it was a cultural low not seen since the Libre on james' decision. But I can't remember who said that bow wow. I didn't see it live by Stan I just once the link to just see what it was about this. You know you get the point where we've heard enough from -- -- okay. He's crazy now it's just not funny anymore -- and saw I'm you know as of today I'm one following -- -- their idea I I was gonna fall and just for that does well the thing with -- And I was gonna stop because this lame now and the video it was plain is like there's a reason why your celebrity sometimes we just don't wanna note to -- some it's just not. It's not funny this has in mind that these really and then Saturday live data digital and they said -- like five times and it was like -- -- -- -- like. Alito was the main thing is we don't -- due to Jimmy Fallon once I -- He looks just like how he did he did he albums just like him. And did we did Apple -- Apple lowered and -- happy ending because. It blew my mind how good Jimmy Fallon is that it has seen yet knows -- The -- out what might be it from my big beautiful warlock brain your other machines corner with its role. Only you can what you wanna -- them -- show. Outlets on -- -- so you're okay here we go our final happy ending this is. This is why we love the buzz now honey if so much on my gosh -- -- this is amazing so David -- our friend of viewer or listener from Alberta Canada. We would during the iPad -- announcement we were just kind of going back before the white men solicited like case or that holds the iPad -- -- -- like guitar. Well you know let. David heard my cries and answered. This is his iPad guitar from mega blocks and this is versions do okay guys wore an -- around here. Look at this thing. David. A meeting like -- did you strum the guitar. And if you guys -- -- the link if you haven't in the chat room. On the -- he has his original iPad -- are made with the Omega blocks its of the very top of this blog post but. And he did rev one of them did and then we did -- two. It's I don't know I just gotta say it also if the boss I'm learning how to drive -- -- -- wooden version may be forthcoming iPhone and Ralph on hold off. This came from. I can't ever what's at what we're talking about that sparked is that it was very it was during the heat during the keynote during a virtual instrument the virtual instruments and you're saying how long -- that the partly. This -- off them dated. Giving -- room and there's -- Think that red one was built my kids. -- -- -- There is amazing. Love it. Download low bit ridiculous thing viral. Thank you so much that that is ridiculous thank you and I and that's via an outline that video I of Navarre home. Awesome wow nice work -- excellent -- -- you guys. -- and -- -- and -- the any key to sixtieth or phone number our first caller there are only caller today what asks daddy eternal question. -- -- Apple think of next. Austria Arnett about now Microsoft time warrants for their tablet computer and actually start -- -- -- because you can predict. When Microsoft releases their answer to whatever Apple you know Apple about their next generation. Partly so far Microsoft's try to catch up with other -- you know it. As I am Apple out yeah are all well and Microsoft answered -- -- Apple came out -- at. Oh yeah it might opt out you act now well you'd come -- but that in of these. Our public city show documentary. So now that they're -- the tablet. Apple's next thing will be my next prediction. The actual Apple TV TV high. Animated TV it's got a celebrity flanks what that would give it like at almost. Demands a huge crazy. -- left turn from employer community not want to see that because that's the next consumer marketing militant. And I -- -- my prediction of you you know I want -- tong is still live. It parameters that will that will solidify my status Gaza Strip under the hood that that's the only a little irritated give us man mr. Given that directly into the video time diagram -- and -- See his time on India -- -- in the senate the reverend that'll help -- go viral. All right level is doing now we're gonna jump to the emails this one comes from and Joo -- Frontline in the -- hey Brian what's up hey -- branded video just -- -- -- let that everyone's favorite app is making a comeback via Android. Wobble my boobs are now available in the Android market place. -- -- -- -- -- I'm so happy to see Google's dream of a place -- poorly rendered three for justices in wobble freely. It come true -- that's Steve Jobs and another one in the win column for open pound weight -- Wobble wobble. It again or talking about it because that was originally think again at a very flashed the stream guaranteed a lot of they on the net -- -- an anti. That's -- well it might play -- it now all -- know see what I did with the Apple it was available on the iPhone and I put it -- -- Lopes in a picture and then use the -- you you know you don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- For a while arrive -- actually own the wildlife group's domain or something like and -- sites and when he went there have that song as the government at that. -- going model of a decade because he is often that it just expired though most of its open and available to alert the developers actually -- -- It's a source will have a moment of Apple. That. Okay Chris threads in that today that. He's on this criminal law. -- and now we're seeing the more pernicious aspect of Netflix like taking -- dvd queue options -- streaming. I wanna point out that they've actually been very negative since the beginning. Founder Reed Hastings wanted to put blockbuster out of business while I had no local blockbuster I did love access to an endless array of -- and sometimes out of print titles. Whether on dvd your BHF. Now because of Netflix most traditional rental stores are out of business are only alternative is the paltry selection a red box. Video stores were perfect for on a -- movie exploration. And that is how I really discovered my love of plastic cinema I pity this in a file -- tomorrow. Who either have to deal with the draconian DRM an artificial digital scarcity. Or in will be forced in -- piracy to get the titles of the movie studios are foolishly holding onto. -- -- Like -- for -- mermaid movie yeah under the CEO -- not wait. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You know that Little Mermaid movie without mermaid -- little it -- gamble and the Internet and the advertisement -- I can't believe public bus couldn't feed -- Google that speed when we got. Anyway The Little Mermaid is back in the -- Disney vault -- -- the time that my child like I want that made -- magnolia that's opening it again by that Disney creating characters can't. Though for example. Anyway he says. Now the net like the doing these bad things that I was worried about it I'd argue that the -- the -- on that bandwagon and are now complaining but at the same time I feel strangely indicated. All entries in it now I still feel like -- -- -- a lot of obscure stuff I'll never -- on Netflix that's why stop my subscription. -- -- Yes and that is a really good point -- that they are not necessarily mean it actually Netflix library of classic does not too bad and they have a lot of among instant streaming but it's true that the browsing thing is nice and unity. And that with digital files they may create even more of this scarcity and that's. I'm with all these like technological -- you're gonna lose something right digital music we lost the whole like lyrics and the case and the manual that -- -- experience like. -- a video store. You can walk the aisles and -- well there's another -- global movie that I might actually -- -- you by accident like okay let's I mean because John quad band Amazon -- and I liked his other movies. That's only the -- it. I'd like tiger bloodletting that just like Rick as a threat -- at. There we go this one comes from Patrick K guys you last episode -- of fourteenth when he talked about the tablet wars. As a developer I'm -- to develop more for mobile phones and tablets mostly web apps from a developers point of view. I believe that Google has a large part to do with the slow growth and apps for example if I'm -- an -- or mobile friendly site the Iowa simulator for my Mac runs fast and smooth. If I run the latest Android -- -- emulator it is just dog slow and frustrating. This is just one little example but overall Apple makes it easier on the developers I don't even own an iPhone or iPad but I like developing for -- more. It's too bad because I like the ability to create custom apps and just load them on my phone without any restriction. Like you can do on -- -- the great work. Patrick and PS he also proposes. That we start -- new streak of Taco Bell references and on -- cell. The laws are sorry Iran as both of -- resolutely did talk of -- time. Yeah that's true but we got to have -- are worth very every day. We could we can arrange that I can put that inside you and -- of the dinosaurs and might have to -- little -- that Mimi and I get it. Might feel little -- -- -- for example. Imus on his China. Okay. Grilled -- Treo. Then there's you talk about reference and I thought of it in his state of the Bryan street died -- on earth bummer bomber can Noel. There's always covered and other gadgetry that's been alive -- -- -- guy here. And thankfully if -- alive today. -- -- -- -- -- -- the -- dot cnet.com there you can suggest other street that we might have done is now a again to take on 66 created there and amber and by at cnet.com. Is our email address. There will be ominous start warning -- now there -- be no show on Friday because we will be traveling to Austin for the big -- extravaganza so does that mean we should put your computer -- Thursday -- gonna -- last -- think we probably shouldn't we have a much of -- -- emails keep them coming and also I still want your computer -- voice messages we've got one before. What like all levels designated locales definitely and then sending your questions apparently on Phoenix and the -- you -- humans -- have -- -- -- -- And there are going to be answering your Mac and Apple related question -- east probably not you are really super specific IT questions but you know buying advice -- whatever. -- -- -- -- way we got today. -- -- -- -- -- --

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