Ep. 1415: Where we watch you while you sleep
Ep. 1415: Where we watch you while you sleep

Ep. 1415: Where we watch you while you sleep

-Hello, friends. It's Tuesday, January 28th, 2014. This is the 404 Show. Welcome. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -I'm Ariel Nuñez. -What's up everyone? Welcome to the show on this fine Tuesday morning here in New York City. -Uh-hmm. -There's some fun stuff happening today we're excited about. How's everyone doing fine? -Sweet. -Are you guys fine and dandy? -Yeah, I'm doing okay. -Yeah? -Little worried about our guy Ariel over there. -Well, Ariel is back. He seems to be in better health. -I'm good. I'm good. Something going around though. -Dude, is it me or it's just been the worst season of winter in terms of like debilitating sickness that you ever experienced in your life? -Yeah. -It's been pretty bad. That sounds like hyperbole but I think it's the worst winter-- -It's not. -I've experienced in New York. I've been living here six years. -I mean, that's significant. Six years is a long time. I've been here my whole life for the most part. -Yeah. -And I just can't remember being sick so often and just everyone I know is sick. -Uh-hmm. -Like you're the only one-- -No, [unk] is about to say. Don't mention that. -Well look dude, look-- -How dare you? -you can't-- first, come on. Don't be the guy who's like, you said something so I'm gonna get sick now, of course not. -It's gonna happen. -But you know what? There's a light at the end of your tunnel. The spring is only two months away. -I get sick, allergy is a changing season, which is yeah, you're right. It's allergy season which I get. -You know I-- -But that's controllable. -I will take every allergy in the world before I have to go through that freaking flu again. Man that kicked up-- pissed out of me. -Did you guys take the flu shot that was available? -No I didn't. I've never taken a flu shot but 2014 like later this year. -Yeah. -I think it's gonna be my first flu shot guys. -I don't know though, because a lot of people that got the flu shot then got the flu. -Where did you get this from? -From-- -You work for the CDC? -No. From Ty's mouth himself. I just had a talk with him in the hallway. -What the hell does he knows? -And he's like, "Oh, I got the flu shot. I shouldn't have done that because then I got the flu." -Oh, I'm sorry. -Now, I'm hearing from you that you didn't get it and you got the flu. -Look-- -It looks like it's a placebo. -we love Ty to death, do we not see the freaking for-- you know, foremost, you know, affecionado when it comes to health. -Not the surgeon general. -He's not the surgeon general. We're not gonna bore you people with our tales and woes of sickness. Ariel's back. He seems healthy for the most part. Stay over there and don't breathe in our direction. -Don't worry. I have an invisible bubble here. I guess I'm protected. -We'll just figure a word for it. -Yeah, don't worry. -Okay. Bunch of things I wanna talk about. Pebble Steel, the review is out today. We'll mention that in a minute. First things first, iPads. What do you think? Check out a new iPad. -So you have the iPad 3? -I have the iPad 3. It was the first retina display iPad. It's sucks. It's slow. It's stupid. -Yeah. -It's like way too heavy. It's-- what is it? Ten pounds? It feels like it. -Oh, yeah. -It's old-- -It's not that old. -It's like 2011. -Yeah, 2 years. -It this 2012? -It's 2012, I think. -Wow, that's super duper-- -It only seems old because on the iPad 4 came out immediately afterward. -Right, which was like the biggest kick in the crotch to every Apple-- -So that's why the iPad 3 is not that good. Didn't seem like a-- -The iPad-- -but it's fine. -it's-- no. -I know people that still use the original iPad and their phone. -Those minus will be homeless people. Look, no that was tasteless-- but look, you just looking at me like, you're like dig yourself out of this one Bakalar. Listen, it's all in just, the iPad 3 that I have, it was cool up until I updated it to iOS7, which we all know is an evil ploy for people to be forced into upgrading their hardware because they're deliberately designed to slow down the previous. -Yeah. -Right? We're all agreeing on that, right? -Uh-hmm. -Like that's what they do, right? -Yet you still update it. -I updated it because I thought, you know, I wanted to be able to like tilt. I wanna be able to tilt the screen and see icons move few millimeters left and right. -Right. -That's why I did it. -You gotta buy a new iPad if you wanna tilt it. -Right? iPad Air is so light. -You really drinking that cool-aid aren't you? -And people think I'm an Apple hater. Well look, so here's a deal. So I was thinking, you know, I don't have any money. It's a good time to buy an iPad. So what do you think? Should I do it? We started talking about this before the show but you stopped me. -Yeah. -So why did you stop me? -Sorry, I didn't mean to shut you up like that. -No, it's okay. -But, well-- okay, so over the holiday. My mom gave me a nice little Christmas present. It's an envelope with a gift certificate inside. -To where? -The Apple Store. -Okay. -And it was-- -Why you-- like, are you like me when you like, you think gift certificates are absurd? -What, like free things like gifts themselves? -No, no, no. This is like why you don't give me money. -No. I'm not an ungrateful little bastard. -No, what I'm just saying like, if anything it's easier to give money than a gift certificate. -Okay, but regardless, I appreciated the thoughts of my mom. -Sure, of course. So I am. I'm not taking that away from me. -I think what my mom wanted to do is buy me an iPad but she knows that since I work in technology, I'm really picky about which model that I wanted. -Sure. -'Cause she don't wanna make the wrong purchase. -Of course. -So that's why she got me the gift certificate, which I appreciate. But then I was like. I don't know if I even need an iPad. Does anyone need an iPad if you already have a giant phone that's almost the same size and then a laptop that can do a lot more? It's sort of the same argument that I have against the Pebble Smartwatch. -I understand. -You already have two other things that can do the same exact thing. -Right. -But better in some ways. -Okay. -Why have an iPad? -People clearly need iPads. -Do they? -Even if you can't narrow it down to any specific reason, they need that. Well, at least, they think they need them because in Q4, they sold more than they ever had in one quarter, ever, ever. -Right. -Right? -That proves people want iPads. -Right. -And that they use them and that there's something going on where people see them and they go, "Wow, I use it. I really want it." -Uh-hmm. -For me, it's-- there's something amazing about just having it as a comic book reader and it's as simple as that. But it's like the perfect form factor for that. -Uh-hmm. -It's the only real reading I do on it. I also really like magazines on my iPad. -Uh-hmm. -I think that changed everything for me like, I would get wired subscriptions every year and maybe read a 20th of what wired put out. -Uh-hmm. -But now that it's on my iPad and it's just-- I turn on my iPad and it's there and like things are animated and it's like a new sort of experience, freaking love it. -Okay. -So yeah-- -But those have those comic books slowed down after updating to the new iOS? -Well, they can't really like slow down. -Yeah. So then why do you need a new iPad? -Well, so here's a deal. So Stacie is absolutely in love with the iPad like she will not put it down. And me personally like when I'm on the couch, I'm a laptop guy. -Uh-huh. -I kinda just enjoy having it to the side. -Uh-hmm. -I just, you know, for me it's like-- you know, she's always using it. You know, there's times when I'm like, "Hey, can I get that?" and she's like, "No, you're an idiot." So, I maybe want my own tablet now. -Uh-hmm. -Is that weird? It's that too much to ask Ariel? -No. I think that works. -You think that's reasonable? -Yeah, yeah. I have one for sale if you wanna buy mine. I never used mine but my mine is like, but mine is a 3. -Do you have iPad Air? So I would just be buying the exact same what Stacie have? -Yeah, exactly. -Dude, we have a 64 gig one too, and that's way too much space, you don't need that. -Yeah. -You know like, I've been traveling a lot for work. I've been-- I don't know, I've traveled like 10 times in less six months and it's nice to like load up a movie on your iPad. -Yeah, that is cool. It's very easy and light. -It's-- yeah. -I guess I'm just, I don't mean to sound like a hater or anything-- -But-- oh, I'm sorry. -I'm not hating on anybody that owns an iPad. -Can we not just finish talking about qualifiers? -I'm saying-- -I don't wanna sound like a hater but-- -No. I'm not saying there's no buts, I'm only saying that this is just my opinion. That's why I haven't personally bought an iPad yet. I'm not cheating on anybody else that wants to buy an iPad. -I feel to poop. -I think for myself, I'm just a downloader. Is that like an old mentality now to like want to download mp3s that you read? I guess I read a lot of like mp3 blogs and things like that or like to just be able to have that immediately available in my hard drive. -I don't understand where that comes into play. You are a downloader, so what is that mean? -Yeah, I like to download things and you can't do that at all on an iPad. -Not really. -You have to transfer it. -Okay. -I don't like transferring 'cause then you have to hook it up to your computer anyway. -Yeah, that kinda sucks. -And I already do that with my iPhone. It just feels so redundant to me. -All right. So fine, that's a good point that leads-- -Let me borrow your iPad and let me take it for a test drive. -You have to rip that out of Stacie's hands. -Yeah? -Because she is-- -What is she doing on the iPad? -She's like a real estate junkie-- -Uh-hmm. -so she is always looking at real estate. -Yeah. -Like prices of houses and stuff and she's just, you know, she's shopping and doing whatever the hell she does on it and she like, she just don't wanna let it go. -Yeah. -That's fine, I get it. It's just her laptop. She doesn't use a laptop really. -Right. -She's only really using iPad. So that leads me a new conversation about looking at the Kindle, the HDX, the Fire HDX, which is considerably cheaper. -How much is that? -I think it's 379 and iPad is 500 bucks a start. What's that? What do you whistle on at? -That's just a lot of money. -It's a lot of money. -Yeah. You can get the-- what about getting the iPad 3 but for yourself. -I had-- -You don't wanna do that again? -no, absolutely not. -But you have to upgrade. -Well, I have to upgrade even if I get the 4. -And the $500 iPad Air is only for the 16-gig model, right? -Right. So I would get at least the 32. Now here's the deal. I was looking on Amazon the other day. -Uh-huh. -You can-- so it should be 600 bucks, right? You can get one for like 540 new on an Amazon market place seller. So-- -That's like sealed in the box. -that's what they say like-- hopefully not to have the strong rating and their significant provisions in place to protect the buyer in that circumstance. -What about the iPad Mini, is that an option? -No. That's for crazy people. I don't fly like that. -I actually like the Mini. -Yeah. -I think I wanna buy a Mini. -You guys just finished talking around. He never uses his iPad. But if it were like 3 inches smaller, I think-- -I mean the thing is like it sounds weird to say but I think the iPad. It's kinda like just that size that-- I mean, I don't wanna bring it around. -Sure. -You know, if it's a little smaller, I'll throw it in my bag. -Right. -You know, I don't know. -I hear you when I thought about doing that myself. I was like, all right. Well I can't read comics on a smaller screen because of how perfect that screen is-- the regular size is. -Yeah. -But dude, I've used the Mini with the Retina. -That's cool. -It's freaking tight man. -I guess it just depends on what you're doing with it. -Absolutely. -Like I don't really read too much online. -Right. So what would you use it for? -The only time I really use my iPad is like have a little beat-making software and like when I wanna-- like do a little DJ set or something like that. -Sure. -I have traktor loaded up. So I like the form factor like a really small form factor. -Right. -Easy like, you know. -Right. No, it's nice. Man, a lot of things to consider. Let us know what you think. E-mail us to 404@cnet.com. You know, the Kindle is a cooler package itself man. It really is. -Yeah. -You do everything-- -And it would read comic books the way I do now. It's just, you know, I don't know, I don't know what's really holding me back. I think it's the app store and how it's just not as robust. -Uh-hmm. -But that's probably the only thing really hold me back, you know. And like every now and then there is a game I wanna play. Have you heard of like, The Room. I wonder if they're available. I think they're available on Kindles too. But like every now and then you get a game where it's like only on iOS and you're super bummed out about it. -Yeah. -You should check to see if the office has a Kindle. That's the beauty of working here is that we have a lab with every technology ever made. -Oh, my God, you're right. There's probably like a million iPad Airs in the lab. I'm just gonna take one. -Yeah. -There you go. -I won't tell anyone. -I'll wash my hands to that tragedy. All right, let's switch gear real quick. I wanna talk not long about the Pebble Steel. You're right Justin. We do talk about it a lot. Review came out this morning, Scott Stein, our buddy reviewed it. He gave it a 7.9 out of 10, that translate 3.5 stars on our five-star scale. He says, Pebble Steel is a great looking wrist watch with top-end construction, a growing list of apps can be swapped on and off of the watch via an easy-to-use iPhone or Android control. And at long last there is an app store. Here's the bad. It cost a hundred dollars more than the original Pebble despite offering the same hardware. It's not any different. -Uh-hmm. -And-- I noticed it only holds eight apps at a time and that includes faces. -I don't know that either. -So that's kinda lame. There's no microphone. There's no speaker. It's not touch screen. There's no color. The fitness apps are not offering the same kind of experience as a stand-alone app. But it's a fashion little watch there and it might be the first sort of mainstream, you know, business casual watch you can get away with wearing. -Right. -My big hang-up, yeah, it's too much money. -So you could buy a Kindle Fire for that money. -250 is a lot. Now look, people spend thousands of dollars on watches, I get it. But this is not a Rolex, you know. It's a smartwatch that has a decent amount of functionality. But man, I wish they were able to just-- maybe just keep it at 200. -Uh-hmm. -But unfortunately, you're gonna have to pay 250 for this thing. And I think they're starting to ship now. -Yeah. So, I think it really just, like for smartwatches it sort of hard to give a rating to one in particular. -I think so, yeah. -Especially because people use them for so many different things that's really dependent on, you know, same thing as what we just talked about with the tablets. -Right. It is a sleek looking watch though. -Yeah. If you're a sports person, you're not gonna be looking at the Pebble Steel to go along with your run. -Right. -You go bike ride. -Right, right. -Then you're gonna look at the Fitbit or you're gonna look at the Fuelband. -Right. -I think the Pebble is for someone who is just really into tech accessories. Don't you think? It's for the customer that sort of wants to be on like a show-off device. -I agree. I thought maybe for the first version. This next one, this one looks like irregular watch man. It's got a steel band like that. -Uh-hmm. -I think that's a huge, huge element to this equation. It's-- and that's the thing like it's not overly complex. -It just looks like it would suck so hard to have to navigate yourself on-- look, take a look at this screen shot. This is what we're looking out here. -Yeah, yeah. -Look at how tiny that map is. Can you even read? I mean like, you know. -He's-- no, that's not. -This photo is probably taken from what, like a foot away from-- -Right. -Scott's wrist. And look how small that icon is. -I don't-- -And you only get five streets by like four streets. That's hard to read. -I don't-- I think. What app is that? -It doesn't matter. There's a bigger better version of it in your pocket. -I understand. Like I wouldn't-- -I don't get it. -I wouldn't use it for-- -It really something crazy [unk] here. -I wouldn't use it for that. That's ridiculous. -It looks horrible. -But you know what I would use it for maybe? -What? -The ESPN app and just like scroll through scores. -Through scores, yeah, where you can only need to read like a name of a team and a number. -Yeah, exactly. -But for like, who wants to read a Yelp review on this thing? -I wouldn't use it for Yelp-- I wouldn't use it. -Look how terrible these Yelp reviews like you can't read the details on it. -I know. They are struggling to fit in as much information. -Three, three restaurants and their scores. -Yeah, dude. I mean like, you said like you're [unk] of the choir, yeah, it's silly. I don't need to do that but I'm gonna do it for the sports score. -Yeah. -And again, my big thing with this watch is that I can get freaking notifications when someone is calling me and for me that is good enough. -Yeah. -And that's it. And 250 for that? Yeah, it's a little steep but it's a sleek-looking watch. I still like the idea of changing their faces even if in my opinion, and if you've made a watch face, I'm sorry if this offends you. But I just don't think any of them really look that great. -Yeah. -I think they're all kind of ugly. It's like, you can't-- like these programmers. They can't have their cake and eat it too. It's like, you're super talented in programming a watch face but man, you make an ugly watch face. -Well it's not because the designers of the watch faces are untalented. -No. -It's because the platform that they have is basically programming for a palm pilot. -I think you could still do a really nice stuff if-- -But it's in grayscale. It's not even in color. How was anything not in color these days? Name one other thing that we use that's not in color. -If this thing was in color-- -Even answering machines are in color now. -If this thing was in color, the battery would less 45 minutes. -Then we shouldn't have it until we improve the battery life for it to do color. -No. Now you're just being addictive I think. -It just doesn't-- I still don't get like, seriously, answer that question. Name one other piece of technology that we accept to use in-- -Kindles. -black and white. -Yeah, Kindles, because it does one thing. -Right. What the-- how is that-- -Calculators do one thing. -How is that-- wait, time out. -But why would you want something that can do a million things-- -Oh, that's a stupid-- that's a stupid-- -but in black and white when you have something in your pocket that do so much more beautifully and you've paid so much money for. -You didn't back up your point there. -Yeah, I think that makes perfect sense. -A Kindle-- that's a silly point. Kindle does more than one thing. It could be a dictionary. You can play games on a Kindle. -Okay. But you're still doing all in black-- -The same, the same extra-curricular that are silly to a Pebble. -That's like saying using a graphics calculator is cool 'cause it can do one thing but you can also play games on it. -Who the hell is silly uses a graphic calculator? -No one is actually using that Kindle to play games especially when they have an iPhone in their pocket that probably plays much more beautiful games. -I see it happen. I see it on the beach. I see it on the beach. -It just doesn't make sense to me. -I know. Anyway, I bought you a Pebble. -Thank you, thank you. -All right. We will move on. -This is why I don't like talking about smartwatch 'cause I get so stressed out over it. -I know. -It's just-- -Like if the tables were turned, you'd be like, relaxed Jeff. -Yeah, you should, please. -But I'm not telling you that 'cause I like when you get heated up, you know. -Doesn't happen very often. -You get that vein in the forehead that I really like. All right, let's move on and put this ugliness behind us. What else do we have going on today? -Okay, let's get it a little more light-hearted here. I wanna talk about trend that sort of getting popular in South Korea. And we sort of seen stuff like this before but it's the next evolution of voyeurism online. So you remember like Cam Girls in the 90's, right? -Yeah. -Like they would put themselves on camera for viewers to watch them performing sex act. -Sure. -Well, this is something that sort of new. There's this trend of gastronomic voyeurism. -So watching people eat? -Watching people eat. And it's happening in South Korea, which also happens to have the fastest internet in the country. -In the world, you mean. -I'm sorry, in the world, yeah. But there's a profile of this on MSN and there's one woman, and here she is, who's the most popular broadcaster in the country. She basically just cooks a lot of food for herself and sets up a webcam and eats in front of other people for them to subscribe and watch her eat. And while she's doing this, people can send her things called balloons, that's what you see the number growing here is the balloons she's been sent. But those virtual balloons actually translate into cash. So she doesn't have to do-- this is completely non-sexual. -Yeah. -She's just eating. And people can chat with her and sort of ask her how the food tastes and her preparation and all that kind of stuff. But it's all based around food. -Hey, man. As long as you're into it and no one's getting hurt, go for it. -It doesn't hurt that she's clearly attractive as well. -Yeah, I mean-- -I don't know if someone who wants to watch someone like you or me eating like an Arby's sandwich. -Perhaps, perhaps. I've been known to be a very attractive eater. -Yeah? -Yeah, oh yeah. I get crowds whenever I dine in public. -I've seen you eat before. I wouldn't stop you. -What I'm, you know, I think with this just-- I don't know. I feel like a few weeks ago maybe during like my flue hallucinations. -Uh-hmm. -I had like a vision of the future where like all we do is just watch through other people's eyes. -Right. -Right? So like, instead of like flipping the channels, you just flip through people. Because essentially, all this is, is like play- shifting yourself. -Oh, 100 percent. -You just want to live vicariously through other things. -It's like adaptation. -Right. It's essentially like we're evolving into world of people who like wanna live outside their own body. -Right, right. -And that's what everything is. And I really think like that's why reality TV is such a popular sort of thing. Well, if you take that to a radical, you know, proportion-- -For sure. -I believe that we will one day have lie POV channels where you are literally just watching the daily life of somebody else. -Uh-hmm. -That you either find more interesting. -Uh-hmm. -Or you find lives a life that you yourself culturally and personally could never experience. -Right. It's the same thing as Google Street View maps, you know. You can go and visit places that you'd probably never be able to go to. Like if I wanted to check out-- -And it's basic form. -what booty looks like for. -Yeah. -I can do that. I remember when I first move to New York, I was really missing San Francisco in the Bay Area. And so I kinda fell down this YouTube Rabbit Hole of watching GoPro shot videos that people have mounted on to their motorcycle helmets. -Right. -Of them driving up and down the coast like around down to one, the one for, right, you know, around like Half Moon Bay. Ariel, you know what I'm talking about? -Uh-hmm. Yeah, exactly yes. -Beautiful. You can see the coast and everything like that and then it's like a high-speed shot. It's basically just to tour of California that you're watching. -Sure. -And I watched a bunch of those and it caught me kinda made me feel nostalgic for the city. But it made me feel that I was there too. -Which leads me to ask the question, is this sad or not? -Well, yes. I think it's sad. It was not sad for me to do that-- well, I hope that. -I don't think it's sad. Like I-- -It was like a temporary sadness. -I went through a big face of those, what the hell is it called? I forget the acronym they use but it's like, when they mount the GoPros on the remote control planes-- -Yeah, yeah. That's cool. -And they drive them through like Shanghai and like all these really elaborate, you know-- -Right. -fantastic metropolitan cities. -Yeah. -Like that's stuffs amazing. I think I'm in it more for the aesthetic of like the fisheye with the huge sprawling metropolis. -Yeah. -But still, like I appreciate that. -I think it's not sad when you're doing it because you're curious about what other places look like and you can't afford a plane ticket. -But it's sad if you're doing it and you live there. -I think it is sad and, you know, parts of the video like this where they interview a woman that's watching the woman eat in a cyber café and she sort of talks about how she's single and she lives by herself and she gets lonely when she eats and so she likes to watch this woman eat and they basically dine together virtually. Even though this, the woman on the webcam show can't see her audience. It sort of makes them feel like they're in the same room just sort of combat loneliness and that is very sad. -Yeah. Look, I believe that the second we invented the telephone, we put all this in motion. -Yeah. -Right? Like I don't believe in like destiny or fate or anything like that. But the blocks were put into place to allow for this like evolution. -Yeah, yeah. -And the second we like start to talking to each other not face to face-- -Uh-hmm. -Like you're-- this is just the way we're going and love it or hate it, like you can't stand in the way that-- and, you know, it all kinda leads back to the conversation we had about her. It's just like, it's-- this is the freaking brave new digital world that we're in. -Uh-hmm. -Love it or leave it, it's still happening. -When the telephone first came out, people had to be a lot more description in their narrations of what are you doing. -Right. -It was just like-- -Wasn't just like I'm chilling out. -Yeah. They had to be like, we'll have like all this dishes in front of me and I'm like cooking right now. -Right. -This woman would have to be a lot vocabulary would have had to increase. -Way more extensive. -A lot more, yeah. Well, that's tough. I mean like, you know, I think a lot of people that watch people like this eat on camera are also dieting and that's also very sad to me because they probably really hungry. -Right. -And they wanna eat but they can't until they like to watch other skinnier women just gorged themselves. -Right. It's like, "Oh, man. How can I get home? I can't wait to watch a video of this guy's smoking a cigarette." -Yeah. -It's gonna feel so good. -Yeah. -I can't wait. -That's nasty. Also listening to people eat because you know, when you eat in front of the camera, the microphone picks up the sound and that's disgusting. -Yeah, eating is gross. -I don't wanna hear that amplified. -Like I said, I don't necessarily understand it but I'm not surprise about it. -I know a lot of people will get that ASMR thing, the audio sensory meridian response-- -Yeah. -from the sound of some people chewing or crackling bags of food and things like that. -Sure. -Sort of like how people get relaxed when they watch Bob Ross' painting videos. -Right, right, right. -Feel like maybe that's also sort of playing into this here. -Built into that. -What would you like to watch other people doing on film? -I mean besides acting? -Yeah. -Like I don't get the video games stuff we've talked about that. -Like live casting in terms of live-casting. Is there anything you wanna see someone like washing the dishes or-- -I wanna see people doing like really interesting jobs like I wanna see someone working on a skyscraper just to see that. -Oh, yeah. They have loads of video. You've seen those YouTube videos. -Absolutely. -Where someone mounts a video camera on their head and they climbed, you know, 500 stories. -For sure. Like I wanna see someone working on like a mountain, like a ski resort and like repairing a ski lift. -Yeah. -I wanna see people in really crazy situations. -Yeah. -Sitting down in an Arby's having a sandwich? Not so crazy. -What if they mount cameras onto the helmets of Olympic athletes like the Jamaican Bobsledders. -They're not into that. It's like a-- you're compromising aerodynamics. -Oh, because then people can use that and-- -And it makes you heavier like, dude, 1,000 of a second count. You're not trying to weigh yourself down a little bit. -Wind resistance by GoPro. -And that, you know, that's 1,000 of a second perhaps. -I'd like to see that. I mean, if we can put a tiny camera into that helmet of say a football players or something. -Well, they do. They used to do stuff like that and they do-- but they do it like the all-star game, where like it doesn't matter. Yeah, I've seen, it was like a referee who had it on the whole time and just to have like his perspective in the way, I mean obviously, I appreciate it more than like someone who doesn't like hockey but-- -Right. -it's just amazing just seeing like the crap that they deal with and like what player say back to them. -Right. -If they got treated like garbage. -Yeah. -Like some of the-- what some of these players say to them. -Oh, the trash talks. -Yeah. But it's also cool to see like their reasoning and like how, like I didn't realize like they're very much like they help you out. That'll be like juniors pucks on your skate, pucks on your skate. -What? -Yeah. -That's not-- is that a little bit of-- -I think it's a safety thing because like if you're, you know, you want to play to keep moving, you know. -Uh-hmm. -So I think little things like that don't really change the outcome. -Okay. -So that's that, POV voyeurism-- -Creepy. -not going anyway. -Yeah, yeah. -Like I'm telling you dude, it's gonna-- if you think it's creepy now, wait a decade. -Yeah. When people won't even know they're being filmed. That's the creepier stuff. -Well, I don't know about that. -I think-- -I don't know about that. -But for every bit of creative video like what you just described there's also so many people that just filmed their commutes on their way to work. -Well, it's interesting-- -A lot of really boring stuff. But you would think people wouldn't be interested in it? -Right. But they wanna watch it. -But they are, yeah. -Listen to this. Remember my whole story about the path train with the creep? -Yeah, right. Yeah. -So, obviously, Super Bowl is in-- -New Jersey. -New Jersey this year. It's where-- it's where, it's at MetLife Stadium with the Giants and Jets play. And the path train is like a big artery for Super Bowl, especially for people who are staying in New York. So on-- so now, every day on the train, there are-- there's increase security. -Right. -And there's like people wearing Super Bowl jackets and there's like new signage on every train and everything that says like, no cellphones-- no cellphone video or photos. -What? -And it says, if you're listening to music, use earbuds, use earphones. -Is that just out of common courtesy for everybody else? -I think it's just like a pop-up sort of thing for the Super Bowl like, I mean, Super Bowl is a pretty high security-ish like-- -Oh, yeah. -I saw on the news this morning that the city installed 200 video cameras just around the city. -Yeah. -Randomly in random places and it didn't tell me where. But, you know, just to make sure that people weren't doing the wrong kind of thing. -Listen to this man, people in Hoboken, so both teams are staying in Jersey City, which is the town right next door to me. People in Hoboken are renting their places out. -Oh, that's smart. -So for people incoming. -Yeah. On the [unk] or something. -I heard like giving it like 1,000 bucks a day. -Yeah, wow. -Should I do that? -You can do that. Give me 200 bucks and then spend a night at my spot if you want. I mean, I'm assuming that you needed to be vacant. You don't wanna just be giving up like a couch for $1000. -No. I gotta pull out, you know. -Okay. Maybe $500. -I would never do that. Never in a million years, where there's be like, "Sure random sports fan. Come on over in Casa del Bakalar." -Oh, man. We've talked about way too many stories of weird massage, events happening in your apartment while you're gone. -I've been on the internet. I don't trust people. -Yeah, I hope you indeed not to be trusted. -All right, let's finish things up. -All right. Well, this is actually a pretty good transition. There's a visual artist that I'm really excited about 'cause he has this project that I'm a big fan of. His name is Jeffrey Thomas. And his project sort of involved showing how popular films and TV shows depict technology and specifically user interfaces. -They're ripping off your site. -Yeah, I mean, I do have that site. The site is accessmaincomputerfile.com for people that wanna go and check it out. It's basically the screenshots of computers in film. -Right. -But this one is a little bit more specific. This visual artist name Jeffrey Thomas, he was one day just binged-- -Thompson. -I'm sorry, Thompson. Yeah. He was just binged watching Law and Order episodes at home on NetFlix. -Okay. -Of which there are a lot-- there are plenty of them. -Poor guy. Is-- are you a Law and Order guy? -Oh, I love Law and Order. -Yeah, I never-- I don't think if I ever seen a full episode all the way through. -Are you serious? What about you Ariel? -I do not watch Law and Order but my wife does. -Oh, wow. I'm a really big fan of Law and Order and all of its permutations. But specifically-- -There's like 90 spin offs right? -Yeah, there's a lot. -Well, Meloni was in it, right? -Yeah. He was in SVU. -I love Chris Meloni. -He was great. -Yeah. -That's why some of the older episodes are better than the new ones 'cause he's not on it anymore. -Right. -But anyway, this guy Jeffrey Thompson was watching-- binge watching episodes and he started noticing that over the course of its 20 years span. He started noticing that technology played a bigger and bigger role. And so he sort of wanted to sit down and see how the entire series, sort of played out over the years. But he didn't wanna do that on his own time. -Okay. -So he ended up getting a grant from a technology nonprofit called Rhizome. -Okay. -That basically paid him some lump sum of money to sit down and watch all 456 episodes and take over 11,000 screen shots for his blog. -Wow. -And through these screen shots, he's been noticing trends and specifically in technology. So this is really cool. The patterns he knows was that in earlier seasons, computers obviously played a much smaller role in the 90's for example. -Right. -And then you could see the first evolution of the IBM Desktop that then kinda converted into the laptops. -Right. -And then now, all the stories are about cellphones, social media, the internet, etc. -Well, it's just like open-- yeah, it totally makes sense. -Yeah. Can I show you my favorite? It's not on his website but this has been always my favorite screen shot to show from Law and Order. -Abs-- I would love to see it. -Check this out. Tech base-- boom! About 10 gigs worth of women's butts-- Chris Meloni-- this is-- for no reason other than this should you be watching Law and Order. -Meloni is amazing. -So this is the episode where it's some-- they find some creep and then they discover his cache at home. His hard drive contained 10 gigs of women's butts. And there's also another screen shot of ice cube-- -Yeah. -I'm sorry iced tea. -Okay. -Just showing a bunch of different screen shots of women's butts. It's amazing. -It's interesting that you went that direction. -Not the first one. I didn't take the screen shot. -No, no. -This is somebody else. -This is the internet's fault for sure. -So anyways, he also noticed patterns not only in the visual space but also text base as well. -Okay. -And so using all those 11,000 screen shots. He's compiled every fake URL that existed on Law and Order. -I feel-- so, are they like really URLs or they just-- -Well, they're technically real URLs because NBC owns the rights to own them. -Right. -Which is why they are allowed to be displayed. -So when you go there, what happens? -It's like an NBC splash picture. -Right. -But some of the URLs are of websites that are, you know, that are owned by these criminals in the episodes. -Right. -So you'll get things like upyourbutt.net. You'll get things like bootyboys.bz. -Nice. -I like deathjunkie.com. -Deathjunkie? -Scumwatch.com. -You know what's funny? You know like in movies, historically it's always been like 555, you know, whatever. -Yeah. -'Cause that would be like the dummy phone, you know. But we don't have that with internet. -Right. -There's no like dummy web protocol, where there's like, they would always be like, "Oh, you just dialed-- like what's your number? 555 or like KL5 or something like that where you"-- 555 is just-- -It's not a number. -They've been like, "hey, we're just gonna leave this off for all entertainment purposes and other stuff like that." -Right. -We don't have that on the internet. -Yeah, 'cause that can actually buy URL-- -Right. I guess you could be like w. and just kinda words just wouldn't work. -Right. -But we don't have that equivalent in the internet speak. -Yeah, that's true. -That's funny. -So if you wanna check this out, I'm actually gonna go to this on February 1st. This guy Jeffrey Thompson is gonna give a lecture at the Museum of Moving Image, which is up in Astoria, Queens. -Okay. -Where he's gonna show all of the collective images. -All 11,000 of them. -All of them. It's gonna be a really long presentation. -It's gonna be a 17-hour presentation. -So I'm not gonna be here that week. If you go to computers on lawandorder.tumbler.com, there's only a very small handful of these screen shots. -Right. -You know, he literally collected every single scene with the computer. So here's one of like a tiny little desktop in the background. -Sure, sure. -I mean, we think it's plugged in. -Is he a video artist or is he just like insanely obsessive-compulsive? -This is like the definition of over thinking it. -Yeah, for sure man. -But there are also gonna be a talk at February 1st exhibition from-- -Is Meloni gonna be there? -Meloni is not gonna be there. I wish he was. -I would go if Meloni is there. -Showing 10 gigs of women's butts, I wish. -Yeah, hell yeah. -The actual graphics designer who worked on the URL pages, the fake URL pages-- -Okay, that's cool. -for the Law and Order episodes you see here. -You gotta in touch with him. -Yeah. He's gonna be giving a talk there, which I will definitely be at. -All right. Well, if you wanna-- -So you should go and check it out. -And if you wanna meet up with Justin, now you know where he's gonna be. -Yeah. -From the very first. -Oh, shit. -That's it for us guys. 866-404-CNET. I don't like keep telling you the phone number. We don't really get any of these yet. But it's happening, right? We're doing this soon, we promise. E-mail us, that's the best way to talk to the show right now the404@cnet.com. Check out our Instagram, our Reddit, our Twitter page for all the good stuff. We've got great guests coming up very soon. -Yeah. -Can we start teasing that? -Yeah, we got a really cool one coming up on Friday. We got DJ Q-Bert coming in to the studio. -Oh, yeah. -He's gonna be-- we're gonna be interviewing him, we being me and Ariel, which is something that's completely different. I don't think Ariel has ever been like a main host on the 404 before. -On the new set. -On the new set. -Yeah. -So I'm really excited about that, right? -Yeah, I gotta get a haircut or something. -Yeah. -Gonna shave this face. -Just do something. -So he'll be here and he's gonna be promoting a new album. -Uh-hmm. -And he's also gonna be doing a performance in the studio. -We're actually gonna do it together. He's gonna scratch and I'm gonna beat box. -You're gonna be moving the mixer. Oh, okay. -Nice. -No one knows that I'm a professional beat box boy. How moonlight is that? -I thought you're a lyricist? What happened to-- -Oh, "Terror-byte." -MC "Terror-byte". -Yeah, well, you know. I wear many hats man. I wear many masks. -We'll see how that stacks up to Q-Bert's coast. I think he would back you up pretty well. -He's probably gonna destroy me. Anyway, that's it. So we're looking forward to that on Friday. -Yeah. -So stay tune for that much more coming down the road for 404 stuff. That will do it for us today. Until tomorrow. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -I'm Ariel Nuñez. -This is been The 404 Show, high tech, low brow. Have a fantastic Tuesday. We'll see you tomorrow.

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