Ep. 1340: It's a meeee, Rafio!
Ep. 1340: It's a meeee, Rafio!

Ep. 1340: It's a meeee, Rafio!

Yeah. This Friday October 20 ninth when he. I'm the -- Gonzales -- -- and I've -- some I'm Molly Wood and welcome to buzz out loud CNET podcast of indeterminate length -- episode thirteen forty the show where we bid farewell. Rich Needham and friendly click and another three days regretting I got into that we are -- -- -- been fun. You don't see you next week mostly we've got him a little popped up behind Kate in Berman so multilaterally one Molly -- Kate and it is no no lie it is also -- -- -- -- okay yeah I see this. The indicate that an infant I can smell it right now. It's colored -- real -- upload -- like Halloween take. That's all it is that -- it is -- -- -- it is no live duplicate it that cake do you have is how the Clinton complicate the. Definitely I'm glad that does what else what I make for the way I have any art art Harris I mean -- I called blog or something like that. Remember we're gonna like stumble and -- our way through -- -- Yes let's do some tech news aimed -- making a gimme gimme a show that -- can. You'll product that's my last one are right and that is -- -- he -- that would include me talking the entire time. That that would that's exactly right yes you can't I burn right -- -- that'll be the -- It okay -- FaceBook has applied or an ad targeting patent it looks like what they want to do is better serve ads toward users who have. Rudely. Not build their profiles Apple of personal -- easily identifiable. We'll add information right what they're going to be doing. Is if your profile is not complete enough for FaceBook to target your ads to you may we'll look at your friends and figure out what your friends like and give you ads based on what your friends like this is otherwise known as. The peer pressure patent that's the way it is absolutely brilliant yeah it's pretty remarkably scary like -- you know. If your -- I I don't know how it will achieve. Some sort of critical mass like -- -- determined that these are the -- that Johnston had used you know fail -- your friends are into Coca-Cola but all right -- memory into the -- -- -- though give you the focal -- and then Coca-Cola will be able to say. And this is where this gets really scary especially in light of the thing about FaceBook outing people who didn't wanna come out of -- -- is. -- cola thank you know what we need new customers. So we want to target people whose friends are our -- -- I mean. -- both fans and who aren't necessarily declared yet so and tell them at their friends are into it. Get them into. Right this is like this is how things is why everybody three does -- You know to -- thing and a. And that's scary thing if history does but it's a whole other thing that's dot -- or whatever -- like the idea is it a minute how that there's the potential for. This in differential targeted advertising to be potentially offensive or like you said outing -- some you know in some other way. Inappropriate which is likely to become concerned -- -- that would never do that -- Cool they. Aren't everything and protect the kindly. Its its it actually you Marion says that -- dot -- got together like Reba and -- Think they'll go yeah I didn't know that yet like I might have held I don't have a right -- It's absolutely brilliant -- it is there's no way it's not gonna get challenged by some. Indignant congressperson analysts though it's a smart they -- it there will be waiting and that the ad may -- an interest remember if more than 20% of that -- connection sentenced by the secondary in parental targeting criteria so basically they will use some sort of critical mass. Algorithm to determine who can't lot of your friends are into this you're probably into the. Will you give them like don't buy HP ads or something like that -- I like the fact that your HB in now -- -- -- -- now I know -- want area and it worked the other direction it's like I'm the reason all -- and take that thing you know its its failure to enact that that yeah it plays well it's a little late for this season but next elections. We don't start liking candidates and stuff yeah -- like blocks of people rolling through FaceBook leave it all those other information. Piece of information that leaked -- collected by the as marketing companies. Political campaigns are using this they're and -- -- -- -- use this to exactly. It will be that means it'll be illegals and. And how creepy is -- -- think though that if you intentionally put a blank profile on faith but because you don't really know what state that I mean. It's sort of like when you think about the way that data permeates. You are not even anonymous if your trying to be relatively anonymous on -- Why did -- so there you are with you blank profile thing like don't you targeted at me because I don't know think about you and if that's like. I'm just gonna go all private investigator on you ask your -- about you and I are all about -- like. And you don't want FaceBook ads don't be a FaceBook site but Schmidt Schmidt -- some pretty -- it's pretty easy you know -- -- street view mood right. You don't want anybody to know what you're doing don't live and -- -- -- We're not doing anything -- if you're not doing anything wrong like living yeah I mean or about yeah. They've they've apparently also -- continuing efforts due to -- or square right the heck out of business yeah testing a new FaceBook deals services. A service that's based on places. Yes although it's it's an unconfirmed report right now and so the idea is that you. That if you run a business. Then when people come into the business and check in on places than you could give. They -- friends if that person's friends a deal if that they get their friends and the common yet think again another peer pressure that you don't need that companies themselves consistently taillight. How many of your friends take in the same place to then get to reward right. Now what targeted group on. Yes yeah exactly -- group on the problem with coupon is that it is kind of as the blanket thing it wants that's installer has been. They are trying to do better targeting of that but this is even tighter. And this could actually I believe be used to FaceBook -- advantage if FaceBook users -- realize what's going on. And they can go to a store and say you know what give us the deal. I will get people check -- you'll like it if you give us 20% off on the service or you know for muffler whatever the heck -- is that allows so this does that but that's a really -- com. A mechanism for. The community powered. Commerce via -- -- change the conversation with. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it's especially smart because it because the critical mass to make it happen more easily than group gotten to those people are either it's definitely instant kind of a double kill it -- It is because the ones down imports -- group I'm Anita tuber like one place and. Now we were just find out aim it at the moment places when it was first least they didn't have -- -- -- to attic team element right game system and this is. Even better than I gaming element this is like a real tactile you know I know the other services have partnered with some of the -- -- some businesses to get some discounts but this. In would encourage you actually I might actually use places of. That's happened yet -- -- -- monopoly with real money out I look like once again as long as you don't care that it Atlantic you out all right is that the via either and your friends to you. If you apply if you don't want people know that you're buying dog collars don't I don't go buy dot -- I'm just they did want to Reno's order was near or just -- you know. Yeah the cool -- Other news this is pretty surprising. Although further proof of kind of the universal truth by what goes up must come down. And Nintendo. Or reported it earnings yesterday and has sunk into the red. For the first half of the fiscal year. Based mainly on. Thinking like disastrously low sales -- The Nintendo DS which is their money maker which is the total money and -- I like the best selling hand held game console for. The past and around forty years but that's the point is that that product does is ancient music not -- have the 3-D S which everybody was really excited about extent that it. Would like announced the -- gonna come out it's gonna miss the holiday -- -- nothing and I think people -- waiting -- that -- that and -- -- -- -- and they also -- they where they had weakening sales of the week. In which is again not the present. And that markets over saturated. Who has -- -- -- doesn't use it almost everybody and who doesn't who wants. Oh we use doesn't already have one I mean -- Yes you're right you're headed -- Saturday and then another really good point. Intrigue and I heard and I say yeah like sugar whiskey and copy kind of rough probably work your way I got the -- -- if you needed -- out loud. Then then it in addition -- kind of showing you know -- gaming and -- world either holding out for the three yes. Or also on just the nature of how the iPhone device is really taken away at some of these mobile gamers the PSVs sales. For their year over year dropped. 50% this early -- number that's not just -- people are bored of the device that is people are going other places it's astonishing where are going nightly they go. Mean I yeah I think it's or I I I need to buy aces really -- -- -- touch. I I thought yeah I think -- iPod Touch and iPhone and possibly even more and cut her attachment and I mean as well discussing -- -- on the -- -- from as a mean they have all the Palestinians but it's you know. Give -- -- a look at that in that -- as well I mean these devices. Are doing more so it's about time the PSP comes out PSP two comes out yeah it needs something in Korea to stop it up like an -- to compete -- From a mobile -- is simply butt mobile phone do -- mean. And it probably is arrows as they probably all they'll be little game beneath me the phone can we just the area. -- had a walkman phone via in the. It didn't look like -- black and hopefully publicly that when it comes up and hopefully it will come out of it through like everybody now needs to it. Counter that double threat that is the iPod Touch and the iPhone and those are on eyed monster gaming video game phones. -- imbalance in in good news though if your beat Mario fan and who isn't classic Mario. On December while you Intel's give -- -- you guys I'm not really mark I mean that I. Played that thing out when I was in public -- drink again yeah I'll ask you the question one more time. -- Mario fan. What is this that the law are you power have you ever been yes I have been but I am not smart ya ya I'm I'm I'm met him in recovery and -- William B of Mario and again. Can you -- -- Mario fan now I to -- -- to Myanmar trials scientists are the guys are both Mario and that's I mean how you know Hillary there even if you don't what. This is why have to let's go back. -- The conflict appear -- and understand electronics -- basement my FaceBook page that's the beauty to blame our other government out here so played Mario snow -- -- anyway if we put on like her Red Hat and overalls on you you would look like real mark. -- -- You should really be nice I should be carollo recognizes only hamper Ellington and you analysts -- healing vigorously you can Iraq -- -- And it anyways what's happening with this -- -- sorry we couldn't do it actually is that Nintendo is bringing classic Mario games -- -- for thirty dollars starting in December 12. Which is actually. A lot -- Thirty bucks Ehrlich and player game -- -- but still classic Mario I have to admit when you play that it does you know it doesn't like. You hear that music again and you think oh my -- and you remember that you know all the little hadn't -- a huge company has that little tricky thing that -- -- known as that the -- -- -- but this -- from -- through the -- -- Japan but not yeah there. -- no so -- they're bundling all the Super -- to make much money as possible that's what like thirty bucks is more than -- -- -- -- typing in after the break. I thought is I thought he -- -- -- the best of regular and it can't get over actually picturing him in the market I'm saying yeah. Yeah. It it is so good in so many Indians and in body is still time for our program can give them make -- -- and a Photoshop yeah. We expect your Photoshop by the end of the snow -- we're gonna take a break while you get work about that and become the -- Surprising news about fire -- and -- live. On -- chat -- speculated that that he would beyond that. Surprisingly -- about buyers keep Mozilla RGB may remember is the Firefox add -- Add on the lets anybody steal your log on and account information if there on the same -- -- you and -- -- yet to hear your ear and unprotected Europe not HD TVS. So -- Mozilla said today that it apparently will not. Pull any kind of a kill switch to disable that out on because they say. It's not an exploit. -- not a problem. Yeah they could but they. How. They by the end of this -- that -- You can use this plug -- and they could but they won't. -- hesitated -- the flaw that I if you it's exploiting is a problem with Wi-Fi has nothing new with. With Firefox Mozilla and it they have killed other add -- -- yet -- like you know this on their -- is a flaw on the land night mode now proposals are not any time which is. I -- get because they're open and they don't want. Censor things like. Other app stores do for example. Yeah so this would be slippery slope of the started in this -- other -- that we on this one is bad because of this reason and that's when it's whatever the kind have to draw the line here but. It's kind of rising land -- yeah its its its may be to be an on the right side of the argument legal line but its. They kind of should don't you think I mean she only exists ordinary nefarious purpose well yes but it was written to by a program or hacker to show. As a demo project to show. And insecure meteor count on on. On Wi-Fi as many projects that are acting -- -- like hey look what I can do you guys should all know about this and then it goes viral effect oh yeah by -- What that but that's the thing is once thick it they're all written to show something but what usually they're not released into the public for everybody to use and usually it's not. As easy as like install pack yeah you know I mean it's it's a pretty dangerous precedent and Hispanic and you know. I know it's it's malware in ethically but we're not gonna get anything back there probably are some interim steps that are some in between step that that Mozilla could take. -- I don't know what though I couldn't get that they gotta do something it gave me about at least for right now they're not going to tell. I think that we could move Boxee from death watch two cat I think a portable -- The latest announcement of the box is now offering HD streaming movies with voodoo button which has been -- with the first streaming service to to do HD streaming and a have a huge black. -- of the large libraries and of the -- we've talked about them previously for how. They first had a box but they can ever change the model -- the cutting deals with television sets in and now putting their -- software package which is really cool. And interface is really clean but now Boxee gets. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That -- and some painkillers and I think we via yeah I think I think has been released from hospital and while -- good job but it's really cute that's killer actually really make seventeen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Model of arts and that's the price is much the broken and still an hour with 997. -- recruitment and -- Owner -- yeah. And and united with about -- if I'm gonna nudged. Are just -- too much in I found this and it's in dimensions greatly offended on Twitter while we're talking here there is now -- -- like a petition. And I petitions dot com to asked Steve Jobs to keep iPad screen not -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Verizon has that will pay 25 million dollars to end an investigation into complaints about its mystery -- -- that it was economic dollar and 99. It people bill -- out and stuff it is. They were unauthorized data via. They it's the largest fine ever levied by the Federal Communications Commission that's it. What if I'm right to drop in the bucket of them seriously it's like I am -- FT CD just of the one really built. I think really -- -- on her twenty million is the largest Pena did. Did Verizon already every on the money to the people who they overcharge for 25 million dollars divided by fifty million people were overcharged is not a big. Fine well that's what -- -- million dollars is a fine they also have to read hey al-Qaeda a minimum of 52 million dollars and replant a picket. So it's gonna it's gonna happen closer than a million dollars which is not -- changed. But and what's -- Verizon. Yeah. Place but -- -- it's I mean I factor Verizon spokesperson and an event like you know kind of an off the record thing and she was just like that. No there was this just to -- -- -- -- -- there was this initiative by the FTC because people are complaining and then brightness and a we made a mistake yeah. -- -- people like we don't know what these yeah these are and they were charged with better business complaints and wire would be charged two dollars you know per bill. For -- that are. At incomprehensible and unexplainable. Most of the credits to people though as you -- call will range from two dollars teeth. It's the typical you know class action refinery you invest like -- thousand dollars -- the stock and you find out that they've been. Evil and you get eight cents back Selena yeah. But Verizon is I have to say this or reading the story and what Verizon's -- are trying to make good the trying to be the good guys here you know they. They screwed up and I don't that if things just couple bad -- that an announcement that the. I don't think I think that -- said that it was inadvertent and we did we accidentally charged customers though adding that may be true I think the worst thing for them way more than the payment is the black. The -- Verizon also. Announced recently new tier data plans which went live. Yesterday. And they include the the most it. Promising one for me is the new fifteen dollars mark yeah plan that includes a 150 -- the data. There's still no universal access plan -- that's never madness that's gone it's gone an -- begging for it but. Again and rapidly and now instead of universal access plan which would be useful there are roughly 14100 different plans for your different right. And there are you know we've -- Smartphone plan that we've -- MiFi. IPad plan we've got a separate MiFi plan of the -- -- plan and USB modem pricing plan. And somebody needs to and is probably working and it's already a chart of what the per gigabyte. Rate and the caps are and each of these plans I don't know there'll closely kind of -- there because there. I mean. I think the white. Phone birth is -- black phone plans that -- different there's a lot of different plants. Yeah it and you'd think that at that point when they start looking at it. It would seem easier for them. Like why wouldn't they just go with the universal -- a heads -- Pyramids in ways that sound with the job through the way through has already does get -- up on screen has. And I could have believe it. Now that's on the. And bit low -- all -- you rigor Mort I. You. -- -- we need to jam and then so that's gonna well that may have been there and Twitter have. Actually yeah yeah. It -- fact toads bouncer and there. Yeah. Parents David and it's -- we will you know that's on in the -- in the show notes -- I -- impair your chambers. Oh thank you thank you ray or are just that and when you want in the derby temple there's like this turtle on the ground I don't -- -- -- -- again you don't -- that it doesn't think -- -- and -- I'm so not used to playing mystery man. Well you know wow in the comedies then oh sorry and the comedy. Yeah I was analysts and analysts think you're gonna -- The tech gadgets he'd like -- -- I didn't the next is to Gizmodo had -- hands on with what they say in the nexus two. Which is made by Samsung. Interestingly and that it that seems like the -- -- in the Nexus One is that now it has a front facing camera that can record. Which to me is like the must have feature for -- you know -- -- for the phone. And also I mean did the Nexus One was all Google this is -- -- -- -- you can probably get you know sensing interface that's -- scan over the Android platform but it's still. A sexy beast is at the house -- -- -- HTC made. Yeah it's interesting that they -- attempts and for the -- of sampling now you know at the galaxy yes -- -- -- -- -- really kind of established themselves as the new -- it's it's pretty interesting now on the hardware or thirty not. And connected to and then yes okay so this is my dad Jamie -- -- this economic. This is my -- -- guys need to check out this video. This it's Halloween we gotta get in the spirit and this young man who put together come this is this is an iPhone costs in the -- like any other iPhone -- him he jail broke. His iPhone so that it can do video out he's wearing a body suit that has -- port 42 inch LCD. I can see exactly what -- photos and put leaders -- they'd plug near a wall. So it -- limits is movement with the ladies and he's exhausted her. Carrying around a 42 Intel's media summit but even like the flash on the back -- -- -- for. Complain wow. And Apple's Turkey and implement them yeah yeah it's I'm positive that's so this is so sick that -- easily happen here baby technology. Check your stock slide Dunlop well that's nice it's a little lower mainland I pay in -- -- to go on how Indian island. Yeah yeah that's right you can -- in this -- that's right. But it yeah it's pretty pretty pretty -- oh wow now then finally. Yet if he manages -- have -- an extension cord long enough you can actually get Wi-Fi on the top of Mount Everest actually not like fighting back. Three G because -- Nepali -- telecoms company has set -- a three G base station at a base camp. Just somewhere in line of -- and transmission distance of the summit of Everest. So next time you're on top of Everest. You can totally chicken imports were you know that -- -- this is either this is one of the -- -- of the apocalypse -- kind it is awesome but so horrible. -- Really now 3-D out of everything next thing you know you're gonna be able to -- hire somebody -- like. Parents you up there you can't climbing -- and get an academic units I'm sure it's up there -- the -- of rates are really -- -- -- -- vacation he's thank you would do that not a hotel the hotel that they're don't have -- -- -- catchy yet I'm waiting until. -- treatment I apologize -- If they get like three G in the Marianne a trend that's it he -- it -- -- to -- people. I know voice -- today let's go onto the emails ban them from Fayetteville right and in those regarding the closing of yesterday's episode and -- -- TV. Something of a monkey -- to throw in Nevada is -- and a serviceman came out to -- an issue the other day I asked about Allah -- one thing he said for example. -- that ESPN with something of a loss leader for them therapies for other shows helped cover the cost to be a candidate to get subscribers in the door and keep them. The second thing -- that Alec part of the -- issue with networks especially because they have their hands and Tellme studio shows and stations. There will be difficult to divide up every -- -- exactly according to any pricing scheme. That's on -- -- -- their books in order or I would argue their fingers out of the pies. -- -- may not be as low level per channel we want well with hundreds of -- in a short term especially. Alec -- would be awesome but -- then yeah. Well per channel but I -- I. Maintained that if you. Paid ala -- The real the honest -- are not some made up crap yeah from a errors and Federer that you would still be paying less for the -- the -- then you were paying for the bucket plans here right now. I think that's editor -- you -- Vacancies in need be more the -- the premise that people don't want to make those choices and they don't like incremental piece that -- -- it might -- -- 190 dollars a month that's like but I have to deal with. If it's fifty dollars month but every time you watch you showed them a dollar -- got a dollar and I'm not watch it. An ambulance that's by and you know anything less money yet exactly only a lot later because people are paying Prius -- separately but let's be honest. That's one of the ones you pay yeah right I'm in a name for -- watching sports and that's totally and that is it just -- -- pretty specious argument and the the -- Side of the cable providers like what they really want is to be able to sell you expensive bundles like yeah right -- It's not only that it and -- hard and to hide -- -- Ian in bundles as well right it doesn't yet. Over the air over the top them and actually treated me yesterday into the because of athlete the movements -- is -- this it's spreading revolution has been the revolution of BM and Apple like that. The revolution you should oh GAO TT revolution we need to -- your name. Anonymous. -- -- -- all over oh it's -- to -- It's got hot. I think that's right -- anonymous email or throughout. If Barnes & Noble opened up -- color for apps. Would Amazon -- -- Kindle app for it and if Amazon created a Kindle app would Barnes & Noble approve the Apple -- Very interesting questions it just so happens. And that the Barnes & Noble Talking Heads were here yesterday with a bunch of new colors which we saw and that's the really nice device and I asked them not having things -- -- -- Amazon creates an app for this because it does run apps will you prove it and -- no. Really can flag it no nude in and you know we will not approve it and you gotta see you -- see it hands on right the end maybe Friday they did you touch you know everything else yet they had three on the table in front of -- that we're just them knowing it we're not letting people were net actually you know -- they they did after right after I gave them the are you freaking kidding me you bring three devices -- -- a bunch of editors at CNET and you won't let that -- device they did let me -- I would of walked out of -- -- yes. But I was thank you -- I you know what I'm actually really cares about is that -- bring their line of term collections although on that corner and then another -- -- Molly's gonna hurt the waiting for Molly to approve them. -- what you -- -- multi charm. Who I -- -- that the Apple. If you don't really like -- at that a under the little entertainer having him Bob is the little cover in there is a nasty threat to domestic -- and -- the profile -- -- can have your your evil idiots PDF textbooks it tonight tonight yeah they're really -- are really really nice and -- -- -- had a really good price it's too bad. And the screen is really good -- reading. It's kind of too that they -- all locked down to B reader yeah because. I can't we committed to operate it we have is -- -- you can -- at that later it looks like the really -- people aren't yet. I think I may even iPad after -- -- I -- you know this might -- matter. But not enough. I'm coming to that the right weight forward to to play with -- for. Yeah actively with the parents and -- could edit the Amazon I mean -- the Barnes & Noble people letter. In a letter type that they will I know they won't let her know -- the magnetic field this is not a Canadian -- did you did you see the pigeon holing up. Oh yeah we I was scan they don't whine learn line laughed again -- 08 Mario would tell her -- -- -- -- -- -- pollutants. Look at that a little bit to have that is like that's actually -- -- -- in humans can accurately no it's not record as much taller than -- Well exactly and again that's amazing and believable we're gonna put -- You owners and -- -- -- it Allen and -- the candidate. And you can find that all our show notes at our blog below that cnet.com you can email us your own -- -- that you want to open -- Do you know you're gonna get -- prints that's a mind video. It's in beta and it's. -- night. Okay also -- while your honor -- beyond that cnet.com on in the comments for today's episode. Leave us your best mixed -- story try to keep the kind of stored as you know in an attempt but putting your best mix -- story because I think because after today's show we're gonna. Come up with the final list for the -- shocked well yes the able to send a song isn't as well rate -- still keeps them in song -- -- the -- of like today mania and the in. And we on Monday they're gonna order the shuffle and we will -- it probably -- and the next week we'll pick a winner. Out of the best mixed -- stories and then you load -- up the buzz out loud make shuffle you well beating me beyond cnet.com. If you want to win the baby make her. Make shuffle and let them plug that cnet.com Morgan with a -- hundred people and think. You think the -- happy Halloween every line. Here's hear it thank yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I love the thing that's been fun thanks man you know everything a C and half -- Yeah so like if I do -- the.

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Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro