Ep. 1278: Pad, mouse, or nubbin?
Ep. 1278: Pad, mouse, or nubbin?

Ep. 1278: Pad, mouse, or nubbin?

This is -- July 27. Washington -- Jason -- I'm your kitchen I'm -- live on the buzz out loud. Cnet's podcast of Internet -- episode 1278. Daryn thanks for joining us Molly is out that's built. When we get -- I think we'll come upon enactment. I think he's in launched its its one to moved come on yeah I think that you and other valuables. Oh my roster to the comic but I -- my sleeves -- up maybe now right I'm ready. -- and news today that -- Now okay big news today Apple has launched. -- -- -- I almost have forgotten that Apple was actually a computer company -- -- small division of it. Often have side garage now but they have finally been let out of the dark and they're launching new computers which we'll get to in -- minute but the biggest and of all the upgrade to basically an upgraded Mac Pros and I'm acts and monitors but the biggest news. Is the what the called the magic track -- I detect. I had been hearing about yeah unlike rumor land for the past I don't know a year at least it's basically edit it I enormous -- Desktop track -- like you get on your MacBook pros. That little bigger and you can put on your desk. And if you're -- would lead -- multi touch track pad -- and this is the first time I've seen a track pad where desktop from a major computer manufacturer. So is that -- insurance know your red desktop. This therapy a weird keyboard that had -- that's embedded but never standalone track -- this is of very odd things. For me to think about but then again when you when you. Realize that a lot of people their first computer now with a laptop and I just used to that trying to you know they never had to deal with little knob and thing -- the -- scrolling ball thing. You know that the track had it how you move your mouse and it's just really weird to see this come to desktop I'm trying to have an open mind honestly when you good Apple dot com -- magic track pad and you see this thing that looks exactly like. One of those. Apple keyboards except it doesn't have any buttons you just have a feeling like no he did it he finally he became -- with the keyboard the button -- keyboard. Do we do know you actually -- jobs does want to -- -- but -- he is on a campaign and a crusade or Jihad. To. Kill all buttons and this is this is the way to this is the beginning of that not just kill -- the kill anything that doesn't. Things that move things that are clunky interest slaps aluminum that basically they're selling -- what 89 -- it's an 89 dollars level of. But on your desktop -- -- -- just very. I don't know they could do that honestly I actually like I really don't really are you are -- attract and this is how he uses for I think this is totally. -- room divider. Yeah really I'm I'm I'm actually go back and forth so I got. You know -- -- and the group. The MacBook with the track pad and there are times when you want to track pad their -- in north -- you wanna attract. Yeah there actually are while -- mostly I like that -- the Thinkpads with a little eleven. I like that yes very much well I mean we ought to twit you'd go number no no we would not know how I would now it's good old school would I would maybe you would -- your cool. But a lot people like track pad their way to go it'll play it. Anyway and I am sure you'll get -- plethora of email letting you get you guys know with the preferences. The overwhelming majority. In him nothing at mountain Lebanon in question every -- and now in order can you can you imagine gaming on this you're not gonna play -- and hopeless now it. So now and people are asking can use this on I know on windows PC because believing that some people want distract petty thing on the windows BC. And the answer according to Apple we're hearing right now is. Yes if you're running windows under boot camp or a VM like VMware or parallels than it then it will work and other and that it's not supported Apple windows device. It is Bluetooth so if there's not already driver it's just a matter of somebody -- -- -- I'm -- it's something like a standard head. Human interface device -- it shows up so. I can't imagine that you know -- and PC guy and you really needed this he you couldn't get it you know as far as the operating system supporting the multi touch gestures that's another. -- completely fine. Now let me tell you how my day started the for that I I open up my. -- my email with stuff in the morning to see what was happening for the show today. And the first of the new product there's several new products and Apple announced today the first the new product for file with their battery charger the US be now you if these are there. Basically double -- battery charger by two batteries -- it charges and what the -- Apple's launch the battery charger but now we know why because we've got a wireless keyboard. The mop the mouse the magic -- -- it's called and now this -- that got all these wireless devices basically all these devices which are. Basically eight inches from your computer and our wireless I don't know -- -- Apple's like okay people are going to be going to double -- like crazy so Apple has finally launched their own. Double -- battery charger very exciting news. But they say of course. That their batteries are better and better so I longer it lasts longer looking horsemen their Apple matters when wouldn't fifth after that and probably 25 dollar. Mean good on them for doing a rechargeable thing in any kind of -- -- you know because Apple and was when they get this are going to obviously get the Apple batteries anyway and that's good as -- rechargeable we don't need landfills or no -- you know. We really wouldn't need rechargeable batteries if we actually took these devices which like -- that are six inches from your computer and actually put -- K problem. -- just -- -- and I -- actually I changed my tune completely honest I'm totally -- it turns -- Windows 7 does have multi -- supports you know this if you get this monument it. Go ahead and game to your heart's content enjoy your Bluetooth lag and your touch -- and I'll be there with a wired mouse and flak cannon. Let's go and look out. So anyway the other Apple news we've been talking about we've got new Mac Pros there's a go to the core Mac Pro and thank -- tech. That's a twelve court did -- -- -- Mac Pro that comes out in August that'll be starting at forty billion dollars starting at five grand basically for twelve core -- Don't run out and that's gonna be -- yeah you gotta right now it's if we if we could get one of those we could put our the podcasts that -- -- and -- yeah. We got a twelve core computer here I wouldn't need any way anyone else I would need you guys to show I'll run by the computers it's. Thought we would all sound like this. So we've got the -- new Mac -- finally because Apple has been kind of you know not. Updating that you don't need a well -- didn't need to run out and get one right now because iPhoto is gonna scroll like butter with that you couple this with the little scroll thing and you got it -- -- you expect this thing -- it'll be twelve -- computer of course and you know who's gonna need this is that the people they use apps that actually take advantage of the multi threaded -- multi core yet. Video and audio to get exactly yeah and. A thin -- Apple's -- Illinois and professional -- might conspiracy theory about IO that's replacing OS-X does not extend the Mac books I -- to to Mac -- The will be new IMAX coming out they're basically there's the 21 and half inch and 27 -- they get upgrades including a I believe SSDs is the factories and kind of cool. But you can afford it and a new 27 inch cinema display. Apple is -- for awhile is that trying to 124 inch cinema display. And only four and -- thirty. Thirties and ninth yet but man -- like three grand never do you know earn them anyway good. Wells and now with got -- reasonably sized 27 is I think is about the right size for big desktop monitor yeah I get that at 320 -- death and accumulated. -- three you're like Al Gore group calling -- Digital kitty and put -- she's got 330s on her desk. That is the Al Gore -- -- you remember that picture from time with. We he's on the border out oh yeah yes and they had -- gets -- special -- to come out to like figure -- how to hook up an additional one because the graphics cards in the right yeah very -- very little link farm on the ceiling yes so when you have a 100000330s. Are they all sideways or at least that. Although there -- -- on my side. That's really -- your entire upper television yes. You hook it up with multiple computers -- -- -- you move your keyboard mouse -- one screen to another you -- like windows machine to Mac to to a -- -- to box from boon to box and he got it. -- of all worlds. Anyway so finally just to wrap -- put a button on this one Apple's finally updating their computers. Finally that I BA -- are right and another thing that Apple's updating is their. They're policy on jail breaking your iPhone member we talked yesterday that the library of the -- -- The Library of Congress. It already -- MCA exemptions allowing us to jailbreak our iphones -- any any device. To get exactly the verbiage but it -- yeah interesting and it's actually allowing you say -- agreed to modify the operating system runs applications go for right but. Apple is saying sure the law says you could do that but our warranty does not and that's a different kind of contract that says if you jailbreak your phone it will void your warranty. Just to be clear. So. I don't know if it'll be interesting -- ceiling stand. If the ruling eventually is extended if the jealousy people say well you know you may say that Apple but actually you cannot -- him. You think they'll do that. -- I wanna see this get challenged because it's really just a matter of like if if you really have an issue with your right and it's -- the hardware thing right and -- -- low -- jailbreak your iPhone and added some really cool app right well. Okay. Imploded in here magic Tivo device flash it back fix my hardware and give it back to me -- it jailbreak it again which I'm -- -- Right I would look to see that go to go. I don't know if this goes to court or whatever I'd love to see this -- adulthood -- he goes to the court of geniuses. And I don't know -- that's -- -- form twelve that's in. Cool alright we got that right yes we -- we'll be right back after this work hours once. And the -- -- canyon partner. -- -- can Twitter is proceeding in its ongoing campaign to put its API its developers out of business. According imaginable there. Testing a new thing where there will be running in line photos and videos. -- remember Twitter said we have this great API do -- every one and you get things like -- Lee. Twit pick. -- for. All sorts of really interest -- cool services and then Twitter comes along and do things like -- maximize for the kill the search business. They talk about launching their own Earl shortened her and now. URL short sorry. And now there are thinking about running inline photos and videos just -- to go you what a great idea is to do business on top of Twitter via. Well this is their model I think there are hey were you don't bare bones. Secondary PI is you build it and then when -- -- -- films like or or at least in the he would like you said. In the decades to -- you combine well that's cool -- honorable thing to get it but this is definitely going to put her to your wife -- and you put it to the world that kind of you know they can exist because there's a little bit of advertising on -- sites. When they become in mind there's no reason to click through -- -- all the thumbnails or whatever -- as it is a thumbnail and well pretty small if you really wanna see -- AG will sync -- quickly as -- well they they currently already do this on either official iPhone and Android -- when they bought. Exactly there you -- -- the same thing with the meeting their young on the application front as well. So I I really do one of the things that I really like about Twitter is all the add on services you know the tweet -- -- make all those great products built on top of it. And I really want to see them keep going on. There's so many cool products out there on -- -- Twitter and it's still Twitter has to keep innovating right and an adding onto their service. That's on -- and -- also by the way just philosophically Twitter is about short messages and and they're gonna be running videos in line. Yet if it's just I was merely text America it's the -- -- return and that that's good stuff but. -- I think it's an interesting model but they've chosen to adopted is the old -- and you build for us. Content. So it's a racist so you build something cool atop a Twitter and then if you are the -- that they like and they buy you out and everybody else -- Yeah. Things that also are getting better mobile Google is updating maps for Android now as -- -- knows I'm you know not an Android user but this actually looks pretty cool there there. It's called places right. And it's getting Yelp like so Android phones with maps are getting -- like. With this new thing we're basically you called places and it'll tell you what's nearby is exactly what Yelp. Does. Yeah and having schools had the places -- for awhile now they've just kind of it seems like -- a little bit more tinkering with it to make it very useful and even more integrated Google Maps application which. Like you've pointed out of -- maps is just getting updated left right center if -- it is latest at and raise good all -- -- continuing to you know develop our -- and then. I love that we get up it's all of the time to make it better and better and better this current iteration four point four of Google Maps it just comes in places. So they finally switched places about as well as Google Maps of the great thing. About Yelp of course and you know find stuff nearby is the social aspect and Yelp is an extremely popular service. How is places as far as -- -- honesty restaurants or bars nearby in terms of the social recommendation. Right well they. Its its Google so what they do is they scraped from you know services like Yelp when Columbia public yes so you get kind of a broad picture I don't think you get the same kind of community who that you do when it comes to -- in fact this isn't going to get me. That's whips from using the Yelp now being you know -- just a new resident of the Bay Area. Yelp has been. Might my dream come true -- -- aware that in get around. So. -- I'm gonna play with this but honestly. It's all about being able to you know see -- there's comments does reviews submit your own reviews -- -- and stuff and while rules taking that approach of oh hey we're just going to gather. By a machine what machine thinks is the best of all of these different places it can really only give you the bird's eye view. If they do this right if both Google and -- to this right this actually could help both. Companies I mean Google obviously doesn't need much help but this could actually not be a bad thing for -- if it helps people into the -- if it if it links people infield. It does exactly that yeah so it links you right into you know at least -- the menu services that we get the name of one of them and of grub -- and and one the of the ones that actually. Show you the menus assume you know -- on for linking you right into there. So you have an entry device definitely haven't already picked it up update has. Not only did places get awesome but even the new Google Maps does it -- quicker. Yeah and -- actually they improvement navigation to include traffic congestion. Yes so -- -- are -- in Tennessee the Red Line on the street you're about to turn on me like you know and I can do that you know really have to switch between navigate -- and directions notes that to see those red and green lines people. -- it on to things that really actually matter. The X prize -- remember the X -- group the original challenge was to get a -- -- -- to get a craft into. Out of the atmosphere 62 miles -- with. And that concept actually the whole idea of a prized for a technical achievement it has a long history you know -- -- the Atlantic on a challenge. That the latest challenge from the X prize group. Is the oil cleanup challenge which I just think is great finally I mean these these are long term challenges. It's called -- oil cleanup X challenge it it it counts its people to devise the most innovative ways to clean up oil spills. And there are prizes of millions of dollars as incentives. Right then typically they offer awards from the one million dollar levels of focus on technology challenges the breakthroughs. That can happen and one to two years and then the more lucrative X prizes at the ten million dollar level our largest scale competitions and typically lasts three to eight year time frame. Quoting here from CNET article now the interesting thing about these -- is that in most cases the awards. -- million dollars or ten million dollars can. Don't even begin to defray the cost of the development so it's more bragging rights. It even -- it -- -- or is it Israel may wait some amazing bragging rights and you wanna talk about one of them you know at the most successful that comes to mind. For me is virgin galactic -- out of this you know in the Mojave Desert doing -- the initial space -- one flights. We'll virgin galactic bought with cans technology but that -- developed it you know. This will tell you that your time it was only thing that challenge -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a lot of people in this -- -- if you remember armadillo was in this that was. Guys from -- and Paramount the it guys. Amazon has in this -- -- -- is in this there's some cool stuff happening there so I. Go express once -- -- that's great stuff they get around plus. -- -- -- -- Thank video and yes you're welcome. Next time do before the oil spill happens. -- now all if you are using the -- of things that are spelling. Nice to tell -- -- disclosing that there's a security flaw in its iPhone -- Yeah this is not so good apparently the iPhone app four C which -- the -- with your bank account. Can get information where it stores information in a way that it can be accessed. From web -- is that right. From third parties yet and I'm assuming they're talking about other applications. Did a little bit -- research into this into the way that -- don't claim to be a developer but but it did a little bit -- research into the iPhone. Data documents and the Android -- documents and it seems like the way that it's supposed to work. Is that there's for every application created. At least -- enjoyed every application created it's kind of like Linux permissions there's a different username for every application and then. That you get the same kind of sandbox in that you would in a typical Linux system where this file promotions where. Application one can't read data that's stored by application to -- -- sound like good that's again -- mantra right but it sounds like the way that this was created it saved some stuff in a hidden file and there's also ways to save stuff. Being lazy -- -- kind of cheap shortcut way to save it -- -- -- any user way and it looks like it's -- on for -- this and you know issuing like hey you know everybody update. So lazy developers bust that instead of doing things inside the iPhone sandbox -- out of the -- -- -- things and hidden file which other apps or adopt. Device and then recover potentially now. I'll come -- On this is banking guys you have audit system editorial work or are coming up on her that we're going to come up on a reawakening when it comes -- -- phones and just how vulnerable they are because. -- -- it's a computer you know given passcode on your phone. You mean. Mr. Hak5. Darren -- I have this itself I steal your phone I can get basically everything and of your life. It's a well they -- the same thing I do on my laptop with -- my password is the letter. Go ahead and conduit to get past the in -- windows security -- anything that's of actual importance is inside of a TrueCrypt volume with like triple A yes there's a good via its okay yeah but will TrueCrypt for mobile mentally and it is what we and you know what I'm looking for them and -- Andrew with there we have about Internet. React as our phones are the F up her phone has all of -- -- -- You know potentially. Career destroying information. So you know you probably wanna keep tabs on that. Yeah everyone pastor protector phones I think that we remember the banking -- -- remember that and it's it's not to say that an -- is in doing like. When when you get nine tone arm so you need an -- an Android application and says -- -- By getting this application you now. It here to all of these things that can do we can use your phone to make -- -- -- -- can do you know touch you did all this stuff. And just like we saw with a flashlight -- last week that actually is a Wi-Fi tethering app on the inside. There's nothing to say that there's not apps that look like a harmless game of solitaire. But does a lot more especially if you're solitaire says this app has access to everything on the phone -- like oh -- solitaire -- involves them. That's what they call a Trojan. FaceBook has finally gotten the message and is testing testing according to the next web the capability to not just the activate but entirely delete. Your account they say. I am I am this I do not trust -- but I will be honest with you but I I'm glad that they apparently. Our making the change -- testing the change to let you if you really want to. From the -- I guess the problem is you you as a user don't actually know whether it's being grade threat because their terms of service say that once they have out. Right so I mean they tell you they're deleting it do you. What is the difference that -- you're not seeing it on the site anymore which should be the same case that you deactivated your service but it is still exits. I don't know -- -- -- -- would you rate by I don't know if I necessarily trust them because I had gone through great -- to say no this is our data and we are getting rid of. And they have done to repeatedly. Violated users' trust in by -- private things like that so. In the past a user would have to you know deactivate an account and not touch -- working days. Now they're saying they're gonna let you actually delete that stuff and there are tests initially with a small percentage of users. Of course an even smaller percentage -- will actually want to leave there count. But if you do want to you do need the option on -- and that's yes. The Google announced yesterday and we -- people down there that they have a new version of mobile apps called Google apps for government. This is almost a department of what could possibly go wrong -- Well and it's almost I didn't give you that's -- -- and -- -- So in order for. Google to be used inside government agency not just that for government but state local you know. Municipal whatever. -- their hat they have to. Put data in certain ways and make sure that distort like all locally so one of things if -- if you do Google apps for government the data will not be offshore. You'll all be hosted in the US won't be mirrored in two wherever. Yesterday -- story we didn't do about Dubai thing you can't use blackberries have it backwards might violate the law. The UAE said that black -- -- violate the law because the data for the black reservist is hosted outside the country. Does the same kind of thing that Google is doing they'll be more secure updated maybe a little less frequently with with new stuff. And all hosted locally so that data won't spill out in Ohio and elsewhere. And we have finally we've talked about this before but is -- your IQ why wireless power standard and that's time. Here's -- glass like several CS it's it's although wireless powered gizmos and great so you've got your Palm Pre the needs this docking station and you've got your other widget that needs this one basically it's a standard for a productive charging. Which is good so you know -- we get this thing built into mobile devices you go home you drop your. Phone your -- whatever on this little on your stove and it charges I mean on your oh yeah and -- and it's not just a standard as much as it's also a a body that's going to -- -- -- certified logo -- and and actually delivering quite a bit of juice five watts yeah so that's about twice what you find on years to -- smart -- charger. Now this is this is not over the error. -- -- delivery fell like microwave -- right it is inducted of which is you know -- at -- and coupling it's like those. Fancies though cup of by the way I wanna get those are cool -- -- way more energy efficient than gas or electric suddenly -- sent -- little side note the kitchen side note there wouldn't know anything about those. This is interest thing it. In -- spotted this little device at Kmart. Yeah mark the all -- Android tablets -- 150 dollars seven inch -- tablet running Android two point one. Apparently Kmart is giving arrangements now will be calling customers when this arrives later this week. -- 150 bucks for an Android tablet that makes me wanna get it. Just in Wi-Fi. Two gigs of storage 256 megs of ram. That is the experimental. -- device that I want. Everything a ton of these on you -- -- -- -- search for a patent. You find plenty of these little injury devices most of them running one point six questionable whether or not -- have the marketplace awesome to know that. This device actually does support the marketplace you know at a store -- She can actually get them some more apps on there and -- apparently one yet it's worth two point one they say yeah. I know no clue on the speed here and I'm just gonna guess considering the prices is only gonna be a 500 megahertz processors today and expect. -- -- -- cities that -- -- megahertz. It's gonna hurt that have a 500 or your -- picture. I am not sure that these devices actually do well for Android. No it doesn't think it kind of dilute the brand because if this is your first experience with entering like I've been here to the Android thing it particular keep device and it's gonna be plasticky -- -- -- -- yes. You can run the collapse but you know. -- and -- -- resisted touch screen pocket oh we know -- yeah it is a deal breaker. And if I got chill B it's like it's a cool device that I was at the touch screen that there's -- the low cost -- -- iPad knock -- but you -- Austin. When you have an open source OS you really this is what happens. I -- and that's good that could steal it potentially dilute the brand keeping that this could be like a long term problem that they they won't be able to solve. Yes because I mean you'll remember all the -- -- Windows Mobile phones and. Most of the current windows machines we have right now -- -- -- -- low -- machines do not do well for the windows brand and anyway so but cool I mean makes you wanna get with the actor play -- yet yeah I -- was picked up and a pad but now when -- -- the Kmart and they area that exists. This is an interest in a funny story. -- Yahoo!. Yahoo! Japan. Is no longer going to be using Yahoo!'s search the going to be using -- Google search Yahoo! using Google search as that weird. It's backwards -- data off the funny thing about this though according to -- town. Kara -- story. Is that Yahoo! Japan is not actually owned by Yahoo! was one of those weird deals from the last bubble it's on by Softbank. Yahoo! Japan is is the brand might be controlled by -- -- put the product itself. Is part of a different deal so they can do whatever they want including using Yahoo! Microsoft doesn't like that too much with -- who might appeal so that -- -- -- but just. I find that's the -- Okay now remember the other day we talked about robots who -- flipping phones around and acting so fast and dribbling things faster than me I could could could. The track what are they good for. What -- is a robot the can't make breakfast mister robot that make breakfast robot to flip pancakes. And so we are now pancakes apparently they'll harder than it looks the for the -- it -- alcohol or robot you get the new version -- -- Oh it's -- it took awhile. I saw. The other thing a pancake is not an easy thing to do it requires a lot of -- -- to shake I mean in fact this is why can't -- walk is released for. Looking the opinion perish don't JPEG -- carpet -- and -- you get a -- that the size of the would have the flat bottom. Can. You know with the with the cute and look at these studies kind of get an edge of the unit yeah it's good stuff apparently the -- looking a pancake requires both a very. Firm. Robust mostly at the beginning and then a very compliant soft commotion at the end with the kind of two ends of the scale how -- -- you got your show -- -- robots and here's toppled -- about this and this has to -- -- this might be the robot that bridges the gap between last week's DMZ robot that shoots you yes and the robot that teaches the children to play yes -- -- that missing link robots again and and if you're gonna have a robot pal in Islam and make you breakfast -- now a -- -- been done. I gotta follow up on the and Britney asked about the encryption -- I doubt that that. Built into the APIs there's a whole bunch of encryption options on developer Android dot com as well as -- and one application. That claims to do file encryption but no word it's called my -- and there's no word on what kind of encryption uses whether it's actually using like. Industry standard a yes or. Blowfish or stuff like that war. If it's just but any little friction -- -- -- who actually just choosing four digit codes so you know if you find if you know a little one hit me up I would love to hear that. -- I'm I'm I'm I'm not sure we should do. We do it. Well you in -- -- Are right so off wired is reporting that iPad there's a survey done by a consumer research for -- might -- Who was looking at the and -- -- Dynamic the cycle graphics of iPad users they did a survey of about 20000 people and it turned out that basically iPad owners -- what they call selfish. But critics are independent geeks. And if the whole thing it's -- that is basically the whole study that basically -- it accidentally that go to the quote from the study says at as a mainstream closed platform device whose major claim to fame is ease of use and sex appeal. The iPad is everything that they the buyers are not which is like -- burn. He I have an iPad myself this week I guess so well it says basically that we're not out that iPad owners are not altruistic in by any stretch that are you right. That sweeping or you wealthy sophisticated -- educated in disproportionately interested in business and finance because that's what the study found I think -- maybe get half. One of those out of nine so what I wonder what that says that -- -- users who were or whatever this Kmart who have. I think yeah. -- again if you wanna be studios are hackers got hackers exactly anyway so if you have an iPad. Don't read that study acute -- at the mouth. Well there's your flame me for -- today so let's get into some more that's an excellent emails here you -- off. I will starts off with and from him discuss that's just -- comment on statement last week about about -- convoluted process to receive your free I've. IPhone four bumper. I -- seems like -- the -- But -- has been -- my experience with Apple has been they've exceeded my expectations I purchased the -- few days after -- -- -- iPhone. I've been meaning to go and acquire about -- at thirty dollars back. The last -- -- got an email things they noticed that -- the bumper and I will be refined it when I looked at my bank account the money have been returned so nice job Apple for the experience. Sometimes I think about it and get annoyed about being forced to buy a bumper -- have an iPod Touch. -- could sometimes make calls. But I realized I bought one anyway he say pretty -- now it's been though overall but a great experience. In the Apple did the right thing -- -- -- you Apple. Every day -- another email in here from Adam from nova Centerville Virginia he says I'm sure you've come across is already. But the last report -- on yesterday's show about 20% of Android users wanting another Android device has been corrected state that 20% of all Smartphone owners want an Android phone. This is a bit more consistent with the Nielsen report earlier this year that should that 70% of enjoyed owners would buy another Android device. Of the show -- we gotta lot of email are several emails on that thank you all for the correction on and that -- does make a big difference and instead of saying that. And -- are 20% satisfied would do it again it says that basically Android is heading towards 20% market share which is. Huge that's killer this is that this is really interest -- battle zone. Our rights are what else we got -- And I decided to go to this question of the day it will do will make today's -- a -- than anything yet Blackberry the Blackberry messenger send us a message. And tell us. Track pad mouse or not -- and you know we're not yeah. Exactly from earlier our pin number is 24523. C 65 and send -- your vote and read it on Friday show. There thanks covenant. Thank you -- to be here -- RH a K the number five dot org stay tuned a lot of Defcon stuff and I'm oh you're down oh yeah I'll be over in Las Vegas this week in tech and -- believe it -- listen if you're in Las Vegas. A kernel your -- avoid parent Paramount Q why is dangerous -- -- And what -- Robert. I don't forget I think all right thank zero and below that cnet.com from the show notes on this show -- -- or other -- at CNET dot com's email 806162638. Us all. -- -- -- -- -- -- A battery -- Yelling yeah oh I do hmm. Today's -- is brought to you by our good friends that -- -- dots. That's its name so now he's he's a private Japanese sponsored scissors. -- do -- -- -- -- -- -- but now it's sponsored by Doug Bogart's today. He submitted a minimalist. Version oh yeah hey I love -- -- -- quite a while -- I'm all ears hear all hero. Yeah yeah. Then I was no I'm Tim -- no logic nailed it timber and yet this well there were a couple of good roses car commercial. A diet and commercial -- panacea in. I thought I can't really go for more minimalism that was -- when taken middle again I like -- imperial more Philip --

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Meta Expands Its Mixed Reality Beyond the Quest Headsets Explainer
Meta Quest 2

Meta Expands Its Mixed Reality Beyond the Quest Headsets Explainer

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

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