Ep. 111: CES preview, and surviving NYC's snowmageddon 2010
Ep. 111: CES preview, and surviving NYC's snowmageddon 2010

Ep. 111: CES preview, and surviving NYC's snowmageddon 2010

I got -- a picture that amazing. -- all right. Another Monday another set of technical hurdles to overcome that because we are very technical people we can handle everything which you want in here. And everything was discs don't called off -- didn't nobody gets in here over the over the holiday break the reactive one -- -- had to turn on everything in this room. And then to. Forgot the password for the machine in front of me that actually controls all the video recording and streaming and death. It that it took up into the -- define the post it note on the side of the cabinet over here that and the password is known for turns up -- machines are known as of the apparatus we're here which makes no sense though why have a password if you leave the password written on -- -- -- Nixon machine the password is -- it if it's sort of like at the airport it's it's the illusion of security. When they went to go through the the naked scan. Or or get the porno -- -- -- and I actually I actually sent out a Twitter. Its whole message at the airport. On Christmas Eve saying hey what should I choose. If I have to go through a security line at Newark but it turns out that I didn't have to do either they had the but it call -- -- back scatter radiation machines turned off. You know what it's all about why don't they you just integrate the metal detector have to do them either an international -- or -- either one of -- back to the password thing again -- catfish don't use our security guys even get the room. I suppose so but -- -- -- in every Tuesday. That's right he's it is proper vertical also Patrick -- any -- machine aren't let me. Quickly mention that there were a lot of big things going on at the consumer electronics show with this week and that you'll -- a lot of live reporting from that. We just dug ourselves out of snowed again 2010. Which was a big deal for a lot of people and then we'll talk about alternative Christmas tech goodies and that maybe hasn't -- The new year everyone having a happy new -- -- and you -- -- and I -- the side. I missed it animist England's mini version of Symbian -- what I asked you I said over Adobe didn't heavier where public. Economic I just on CNN people were like camp out in tents in the parking -- they would -- let him in the terminal Heathrow that and I asked if he were to god and time. I immediate right at the deadline when -- for reopened again. So that's little but I point -- -- did not guided earnings -- So well until eventually you guys -- here for your for your first no issue. -- 2010. Q what was it like for you guys they -- it it was it was crazy. What was really messed up about it at last the duration of our time off which -- that I -- -- -- -- -- -- anything. Com you can sled it was a hill within the thing is that you -- enjoy the snow on the in New York City -- that today it comes down. You can't give it two days is that it's brown yellow black means you gotta let us know winter today -- call -- smart -- you -- you gotta get it. When at its worst material -- -- It is. Nasty -- -- now did you did you attempt to use any mass transit during the let's say 48 to 72 hours of media. -- after the camp when he and snowfall -- actually act against the -- what happened. So. -- -- on one. -- -- -- Everywhere except for the part where it's at Boston street from between stations so I literally had to climb a mountain notes notes again over actually took a picture -- -- -- on an amber Mac went in with me. But. -- it was just it was it was just a mountain of the -- now. Dynamic betting I have to make you know this is now in Italy to use just about process -- ignited a station that actually going to -- So on yet that's. And then and then of course garbage pick up. Wasn't -- and around so the it -- make mounds of snow mixed in with garbage bags and then waiting. Outside the building to be picked up and out is an M cleaning my apartment -- that garbage that's the nano was just like amendment exports them into the economic envelope a -- Beatles us now outages are -- -- -- -- -- warm yet it is yet. That's when -- it any images of nasty snow reports for kids in at film assembled a thrillers that inside and we do things and of anybody else -- -- -- -- we would go out to the sort of one of the school's right near that he was at PS 178. With builds would have almost on a hill if you will -- that. That's the grant -- dirty incline it's like the teacher's parking lot. And we were just getting the -- image and -- -- just get debt cardboard boxes and slid down. Slid down that little that little Indian hill is and that was already have my general time. Nine dollars and like nostalgic charming -- their -- data that is an old school big plastic garbage -- I I would -- that he is cardboard and this is on -- any place and caught city in the -- And but somebody will actually have this is for appropriate time -- circular. Like things that look almost like Captain -- shield upside down a popular and some of -- were planned six and -- so eventually somebody would have one of those and we. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now the one that Andy Easley on -- and slide. To enroll up acts that's dells they go -- -- by August idiocy areas that can flag. -- -- -- an asset and a garbage can lay yeah. One via plastered again. Through their garbage can't withdraw their either only the plastic milk -- and those torn paper and yet -- that's -- this they'll -- does it differ forts that that's the fourth -- definitely and there's that if we're you know a -- people to use those for records stored they have -- And real worlds greatest vinyl but getting the real like you don't bury one's but if they like IKEA like you urban operative ones. Who wanted to like you know penalty if caught with this you're an -- now. But we don't go down and steal them in the morning after the milk truck dropped -- -- milk at -- -- takes you back remembered that the digital city run out. However it is -- this this is subway attack it's when -- -- -- -- these gloves call for easy free and it's saying. -- only hello I'm in the -- -- backhand return turn parlors and easy free keys you bring those back the local authorities have decided -- -- -- seen as somewhere. In the last couple of years it might have been at. -- the -- provided in an Urban Outfitters -- -- and I I feel like somebody did bring us back briefly. Those local I have fun -- those that's a memory now and that. Accident that I guess that's. I guess that's the snow for area you know -- -- -- don't -- Dan Marino doing isotoner gloves commercialism and ethically and we went -- you can kill the isotoner market. Who accidentally and it anyway so -- had -- him. And in. England and never has snow acknowledged this and and so we spent days at the -- English countryside -- -- and southwest England. And snow in the in the roads were so icy. I and and no and comes in plaza and in fact they don't even have the resources. Because you never -- -- And so a lot of the rose just kind of stayed that way. And some of them -- get trapped if you're Cardin have not snow tires a retired U enabled it to right after -- so we went to the neighbors who run farm. Comment at a council -- -- -- -- and -- sunsets at 5 o'clock there. There's no there are no lights it was just pure pitch dark. We went down there are it's an integrated. To really trapped in this little corner of the site -- ravine of the -- a -- In perfect darkness. The IA operative -- -- is now. You believe that -- because that's the sort of like a scifi channel movies out there there were no lights period and there are hedges the roads are actually collaborates because. There -- -- these hedges and in England -- is not my not so you -- in -- garden it's a solid mass of dirt in education it's like -- stone -- It's been built over hundreds of years and -- endings and is being used and so if your legal right to side of the road like the death star trench and so if if another car comes by and you happen to run into the hedge your -- not gonna do. -- -- driving along this like narrow corridor. As it gets dark it's it's total. Arm -- I feel like they always you're gonna while I have not I feel like they always have noting and that's that we see on the annual Doctor Who Christmas special. I gave him because that Caroline was just done with with with webcam -- we want that are residents become like Christmas Carol Dumbledore and Harry Potter movies. -- -- -- -- -- -- Who learns the true meaning of -- based Christmas because they were on another planet against an -- and it's pretty easy I'll touch nearly every you know what I -- everything went -- governing when watching after -- -- sounds and Enron putting. And that's the sound fire in the new concern curl up in and were who -- -- -- not the best episode of everything of the little tease. Federal and it should -- now expects Christmas specials -- Now I've got to say I was disappointed but for the -- -- -- -- Anyway speaking of speaking of holiday traditions I'm sure they'll a cool stuff for Christmas Chanukah has to respond to whatever it is -- celebrate. I would like to know what cool tech gadgets you received in your stocking. -- -- -- -- I thought yeah let's let's go down and give it -- as an advocate Julie what did you get any reply well arcade or can't even. It's tacky thing that actually out ways. This -- column com. The Hercules MP3 DGE. Two which is a midi controller. Moves so -- so I was seeing if I can -- actually got to play with it yesterday for the first time since -- got it and yes I was attempting my first match up -- and at hook up your PC -- looks at if -- and it's 12 wheels -- -- a message -- -- -- that also com. The lives on action and -- and so yes it's got the task at the development base. And it doesn't have a built in sound cards sound card sound. That's part so. Patents and he was before and made my laptop so that -- can use it causes which I'm on nineteen. I'm by -- -- -- is really all. And yet -- -- about upgrading it -- like the bad -- and the customs and assist various ethnic aluminum and add. Done eating things and you know in the past but has always been with either turntable -- With -- he -- yes so so this month kind of different causes actually. It's multitasking between the computer and then using the midi controllers it's like -- to put the Lincoln's Argo and from the the you have to -- Okay so now disease its own software or can you all season with like the you can be the idea into and there's something -- you can use it with other software -- -- Primarily uses a light version on and then a -- -- is like an intentional. And 200 bucks or so. And it's a merger PGA pro -- but they do have the light version that comes with it and but you can music tractor feed -- some of the stuff -- stuff and stuff like -- -- -- -- Those are only work -- -- let you know making and -- and programs and so. -- -- -- -- -- -- Couple years ago I tested -- eighty per day arbor software. In from Toronto called scratch which were to vinyl disc you put on your turntable but they were W vinyl discs that actually -- -- -- your laptop and controlled you're gonna. And it is -- -- MP3 collection who was then that it's got a staff that's. That was an invite. The -- invited -- front panel for our final CST Scott Ellison invite you put your phone and by Britain could expect them. You know I did that because the iphone's alarm I don't know -- early. Off the rocker and and -- hasn't working knowledge is that all the time to it and so act and we actually almost missed -- -- my flight line England. And and we Canon does have problems I sent a repeat and ticking off hybrid because it was -- And Africa no problem but if it -- any high tech deputies via I -- more high tech purchases and receive an idea. Yes I want them getting -- -- wanna get into -- of the Nook Color LC she loves it -- access and now it that you're getting the Kindle. I saw the look I told you -- -- I guess I'll have -- and nuts rich without it or not that I -- ideal because it seems like every gift that I got for both her and Jordan. -- -- -- -- You know like the TV obviously you guys think they care about on. The -- the children's books unique color pages. And even of the feature where it'll read the book to use even if she doesn't wanna read it and not school she could put it in front of him in a reader in arena it's and is basically a seven inch Android tablet it is really it is recognized that -- and I was like -- like 250 bucks a lot cheaper than a that that I -- What what's the Samsung galaxy to galaxy but it's really very similar and there's already people hacking -- -- -- do more. Android -- the unit Abbott asked us I was I was in I was actually surprised that didn't belong like a walk there and -- -- at and Barnes and nobles like. Do you have the three G version in the column in the game -- like no. -- -- -- -- -- -- The Wi-Fi. -- just grab albums and over and there it looked and felt really -- -- if you're not getting a Kindle and iPad that have come with a way to go and and Carnoy corridor -- -- here like there executive editor he gave it he gave thumbs up as well. And that's -- school are identical she's already read a book and a half for -- -- increases your downing hundreds of books. Asked got any good for you tech clients -- I really didn't mean I got Hellenic Kindle and I don't get many gifts this year I got cash. There really cold hard cash. And I just asked my name in laws for a totally -- guess for some shirts that you may see me wearing. -- yes that's is that while church and my brother was there an assurance -- from a action Marks & Spencer is my British like. We'll -- -- affordable clothing looks enemy and then. My brother along gotten it and he's really into Penn State's ten. Prospect. I'm not -- -- depends but I appreciate these and attends an action like crack depends so have a good one is handy to have criticized. I don't write that much but maybe it's an inspiration to -- for signing the tech giant bill's -- take off and -- take a Moleskine notebook. Let's get a funky pac man Moleskine notebook Don Nelson thought in our pocket -- as a candidate in notebook and a ten. Sort of a retro about you -- -- -- -- well I gave few things got a few things. I got these sure 315 earbuds it was mailed shorted out. Under if you really get their little political lobby get a -- but once you get the hang of -- they they don't pretty easy and I always been a fan of pure -- I -- I've tried to me -- kind. -- -- -- -- -- And then have decided to retire every laptop bag that I carry around because the -- -- -- this. Really -- Jack's speed leather bag that's laptop size and and -- next on it love it within a nice leather. At the school strap that's kind of at an angle so that she stays on so you you may never see me with a traditional laptop bag again now that I have this. -- size is the the way those straps are attached or no hinges it has -- meaning the government -- the -- as it does matter -- that's -- -- have imagined that matches the UC six and if death from pop that ran this thing -- This thing -- derived its it. He -- the end of last year and -- only -- of its yes. We're gonna take along with us and and given a test drive but it's gets really sleek Mac matte finish it feels good it's it's really nice is crazy almost like leathery texture to. I -- and inside incredibly thin. As well as a core I five you'll be processor four cell battery. By you know what. The official -- pretty -- it looks like the official laptop of the NBA. Path not look at some lines for about a possible really nice to holders agree example like what when it is to get out and just you feel -- -- -- it in -- congratulations you have that's a good feel it is something you definitely have to -- again field and yet you can appreciate it just from looking young azureus now. And laughing and that is that -- spike says it feels good dot -- -- in the hand. Exactly and that's all that's all the laptop. And -- I have two other could -- things to show you from from the hop from holiday timing of this really cool new cash in the book publisher. The ability -- put it this thing history of DC comics -- and see if I can get to the and -- have a solid state hard drive. No this this one this one has they have already and I don't really -- reach when he Antarctic these guys -- I know that would let me though that I -- access through -- gate area -- -- a look at that as instant. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The it was -- -- -- podium we could select -- like a book of spells absolutely I have one more this giant. This is -- actually after the wife because she's a big Star Wars -- And and and you're not gonna believe what -- you got around soldier -- I've got her current storm troopers in star you've heard about these I don't know if you've never known anyone who's actually -- funny ready. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- One Tulsa iPad Tapia slice open that's right it is I got the account -- got an -- does little on the inside -- -- on his bat on the outside of and it guys seem to be still think geek. Licensed Star Wars -- on sleeping bag that there you go how big is it. Like -- -- either that's me holding it up over my head -- preventing. It's it's a sleeping bag and it -- has like a pillow at the dump it and on the other side it's got an arm and a -- And they go bundles appraisal is is like a little like -- -- -- There's some cool. Ten scorned by minorities by agreed with -- -- concerns by continue to have and yeah. -- got Aviv lawyer who. Who is this mystery -- -- -- -- Creek if a company called -- that they'll have to collect tacky gifts and stuff and they they Photoshop that together and like up. April fools' prank with a year ago. And everyone loved it so much they somehow managed to get the Lucas to agree to license it and they actually started making comments on men and I don't -- -- if well one but that now -- have fun little novelty gift for it. The clinics have a go camping you can use numbers referenced by. That's right you can use you for roughly fifty times are likely to leave the job do you for a government CES this week ago what's exciting what -- expect to see what's got your fancy and even. -- -- to see that new Motorola tablet coming out of honeycomb. Emergencies to see that I'm interested about the need to launch an attack on his cabinet -- it's a Beverly interest -- in the the sandy bridge products that are going to be coming out new Intel processor. -- -- -- -- -- I have really no system. Of -- if I can't talk about a couple things and have an -- they know they are really impressive I have three. In the eighth meeting via India systems in the lab really impressive and note that Intel announced all the same secret stuff early on Saturday to -- process yes -- -- but I got so. In terms of having the test this stuff yet really. I I yet again -- I'm come on come on vibe in it but we dissident white box laptop to see -- that that's of the that's only sort of it's. -- done that's productivity it is okay. It's -- -- later weakened faster path and we -- -- I don't laugh if you if you get market -- -- aren't expects gravy for its -- and oh ho -- hopefully lead of the battery really benefit. -- that these things. It might be showing that the Internet and the -- Will be a lot of tablets but you know a lot of them are also meet two products on an attorney break out and have a product shall see I think what I mean I know we'll see a lot of interesting prototypes or not yet shipping things that are sort of tablet laptop hybrids in that they run. Nvidia's tegra CPU platform. With Android. And have either detachable keyboards but asleep at the -- where that puts into it. Or slide out keyboard and it -- stuff like that that kind of make him like half laptop half tablet. That's my -- And -- is -- -- -- thing for me about the CES going into it it's are like anything that's an extension of both sell last year beginning with U one hybrid. You know -- -- -- IdeaPad that concept. You know than a year and now in -- has really hasn't been much on the market a little things like the duo from Dell. And -- city and I think initially movement are the eleven point six inch laptops. The larger sizes -- seem to be getting faster better incrementally -- 116 seems like it could may be emerge. As a new netbook the idea that may be. Netbooks and ultra portables will just be getting. A little faster and better for reasonable lot of money but giving it -- -- gets closer to an eleven inch MacBook Air but not thousand dollars right like much much closer to a netbook price may be -- 450 I mean that's. That seems cool and that's really native that is the MacBook Air. Well maybe not the politically better than netbooks. And I feel like now with tablets being getting. More exposure in the iPad lot of people love it and people are getting in -- tablets. The appeal the netbook is is kind disappearing you know I feel like you'd rather especially to get a little more. That price point and -- portability -- -- have a question for you guys the guys that column Verizon may drop the iPhone Ballmer. Can that be something Steve Jobs not at CE would be well basically it's saying to me like who would -- be announced by an -- out of my idea would be announced by and when -- you think they'll possibly be announced. Apple -- never gets announced genuine advantage so I never heard someone class that -- -- technical and commercial the president -- you're gonna -- -- and -- we've -- -- I heard this thing -- not confirm this but that somebody catch for rise in registering the iPhone on Verizon dot com URL recently. Now -- I thought I saw that in like a news story this morning or last night it could be wrong about that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Man to do that. Yeah go ahead and visit them see video here to select computer nobody ever says that -- -- -- I -- I just censored opening -- that'll and -- second. -- just when you -- different results. That's when you go to different sorts that's true although I've never found anything you've -- that it -- at a relatively different results. What you have to look around setbacks there it is good if -- it -- pursuing or different or in terms of my Macs are different troubleshooting problems in Kenya and that's enter data and elected to troubleshoot a problem getting the results you want to reach right. But you are looking forward voice and Google Voice that was -- first return may -- -- different search engine and music. And in his two hours of stories about rising grabbing -- -- -- they. Boom -- on them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But how happy I like it but -- -- 100 abdomen and since I guess it's our viewers and listeners are doing such a fantastic I say if they really excited and perhaps it is time to reward them. And -- buying. Go or who would like to roof let's let's let's take a look at the sweat box of stuff that came in -- we -- for the holidays and then we'll pick a few items that -- give away. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Every last active with the sky and Atlanta had the same I hope that's how they got that as a coolant does -- -- author and and has made by -- -- this is a million pac man that's T -- Size large -- giving it away and it's a pretty awesome I like your attitude -- -- -- Let it -- -- of innovative that'll take you so yes this is on its gonna be in a medium that's why then I'll call you and I'll ask for back if it doesn't say you previously visited and the bad guys and regular. -- but I guess this is pretty awesome guy recommended and some when the game and -- And you have the you know our disposal on FaceBook official podcast -- -- to -- flags about the -- -- chat -- that -- -- -- -- And just say hey I want this -- commenting acronym have a couple things throughout the -- -- all right. If you stand against that -- Who does an old -- a classic ninety's like -- -- Splatterhouse think he's going lot of fun. The new version just came out I'll be honest it's not fantastic. But -- -- them these are some cool goodies. This one I'm gonna keep it that. Yeah and that's daddy. What are keeping an eye at the bottom line but but they sense that -- the little brother -- anyway. I had the option payment now these are actually Splatterhouse branded ultimately make them yourself speakers we get that. What the floppy and I'll bet they believe that -- got it pulled them all back up. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You can get those are -- giving away an iPad. I document conferencing as an iPad and that -- I'm just telling you I was present there if I got excited I think he's keeping he's -- and then. I definitely of -- from dead rising to these Bobble head hands if they don't some sort of antenna Bobble bugs. Little figures again they are basically you're along with those -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Both Scott and let them dead rising Bobble head if you got your way out there you Leo -- the laptops guy -- And then at the three things when -- around us. I think these are -- Campbell's saying we should we allow government human to another Bobble -- -- and you hear us. And what does lot of rules associate giving away anything worth one couple -- so you -- broken one. Knock knock -- At this don't act like an -- remains on the. And I say quickly quickly -- -- time the meeting to get to you do we are gonna mention that I got this weird thing in the morning it was called a handle lists. Here's the UV cardboard box it came wrapped around it's -- weird rubber strap to your iPad or tablet. And his wrapper around like this I'm not really injuries -- designated as revenge for your hand under bright and he can grab it like this. Where it's like -- -- the -- and -- you can either hand under it makes me nervous last -- -- and a -- he got the tablet should -- this morning I threw up high. IPad to see what it looked like we just -- it like actually in the face -- your -- can hold shields. Seem to that's -- similarly if you get a little. I can't picture of Captain America humor and oh my goodness I anyway I'm gonna put this box of stuff down now and moment you've been on it. -- can back it like minus let's go and giving it away guys is usable on them out there. -- -- now -- gentlemen we we have to go per pack for our flights to video link for the at its fifth. -- -- -- -- -- -- There you know the drill -- or FaceBook. And page on. Cedar City what podcast on FaceBook the sentinel search into the you'll find it will be out there in Vegas and we're gonna happen in Vegas -- in Friday in big it's gonna be doing a live -- -- from the CNET stands for begin to get falcon to cool. Laptops and prototypes to show off all at the end that stage again you can be watching go live coverage from Seattle all week long I assume that that live dot cnet.com. -- this is a dedicated C yesterday as it doesn't CES that CNET down I'm like yeah I've given offer updates thanks for. Watching listening and with the -- we showed today so hopefully we will have some decent number I. Have to -- adolescent and appreciate us for being on the spaceflight got a series about it you believe -- -- --

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