Be a food zombie with the CraveCast crew, it's slimming!, Ep. 5
Be a food zombie with the CraveCast crew, it's slimming!, Ep. 5

Be a food zombie with the CraveCast crew, it's slimming!, Ep. 5

[MUSIC] Welcome to the Gravecast. Everyone I'm Erik Mac in [UNKNOWN] New Mexico, with the crazy hair and I'm joined by Kelsey Adams. Bonnie, [INAUDIBLE], Jeff Sparkman, and Steven Beecham there in the CNet studios in San Fransisco. And also, Marco Franco in Asheville, North Carolina. Representing the entire world east of the Rocky Mountains. [LAUGH] And in today's, including the Czech Republic, in today's Cravecast, we have all got the munchies. Why you ask? Well of course, because it's Oktoberfest season obviously. So in this great season of harvest we're going to try to satiate ourselves by running down some of the weirdest food and drink stories we've been covering lately. We'll be talking about texting tacos, the fictional party town that beer built, and then just throw a dampener on the smorgasboard,. We'll look at what wh we'll look at what we eat could actually turn us into zombies. But first let's get started. Well first let's say hello to everyone. How is everyone doing? Good. Hungry. Yeah I'm starving. Starving. Hungry. I could eat a I could eat a pixellated pizza right now. [LAUGH]. And one, one note, Oktoberfest is in September. Oh fun. Yeah. Why is that? Because German's are strange. Because you need all, you need all of October to get over the hangover. Oh. Yeah. See there you go. Yeah. So speaking of hangovers, I had a pretty interesting weekend that certainly involved that. I, I went up to whatever USA. Which was this really bizarre, huge promotion that Bud Light did, where they actually rented a town in Colorado. You can see some of the b-roll there, this is- - they rented the town of Crested View, Colorado- - it was quite controversial there- - for half a million dollars, and they built this little. Vanity party town. And then they flew in a thousand contest winners and some media folks like me, and they basically had a weekend-long, kinda music festival, and festival of millennial weirdness. You can see a guy riding a, on a bicycle in a banana suit down the, the road there. And I was there to, to check out. Some of the interesting things they were doing with drones there. They had beer delivery drones back in the house, and they were also doing some really, really interesting stuff with, with social media. but, so that, that's where I was over the weekend and I see Kelsey says, it reminds me of The Prisoner.>> I wanna [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] Wh, what? The beer drone? [LAUGH] Yeah, I know. No, no, the town that's for a single purpose, and then you go there and you can't get out. I mean, maybe you can. It's like, it's like- Oh, yeah, that is The Prisoner. It's like beer, Burning Beer. Burning Beer Man. [UNKNOWN] the beginning, dude. I'd like to see if we have time partway through the middle. This is all the stuff with him quitting the job and everything. This is not relevant. Oh, [UNKNOWN]. It's an awesome show, but it's an awesome show it's not [UNKNOWN]. Wait did we just change topics, cause I. Yeah, we changed topics. I liked the part later in the video. Later when he was leaving the town. Anyway. Oh, OK. Sorry. If he leaving the town on top of a beer drone. Are we not talking about beer drones anymore? He gets to chased by a robot that looks like a big balloon. Oh. An, anyway, Erick, about that tone, [LAUGH] Suppose that everybody was blonde in that video except for the DJ. Well yeah I hate to break it welcome to Colorado [LAUGH] No, no, no so these people were all flown in and it was [LAUGH] it was kinda interesting so, the, the idea was to get as much millennial promotional content a, as possible and so what they did over the course over the last couple of months you had to shoot like a ten to fifteen second YouTube video to quote audition. And yes the people whose auditions were accepted out of about a quarter million were about a thousand pretty attractive 21 to 27 year olds. I was on the bus, and I'm, I'm 35, and I felt ancient on this bus. It was crazy. [LAUGH] But the and I will say, so they had beer drones there, which is one of the main reasons I was there. Oh, yeah. And so this beer drone, this is pretty amazing. This is a completely remote controlled drone. It's like a drone for dummies. The designer, this plane's gonna fly a beer over to him. He's holding a remote and it has four buttons on it, so it's a simple push button remote. Press one button, drone brings beer. Press, press another, drone goes away. And then there's one to make it land. And there's also one to make it follow you. [CROSSTALK] I think they all kind of want our social lives to be a little more like yeah. [LAUGH] I don't know that [CROSSTALK] but I, I was kinda hoping that lightning would strike it, because those clouds don't look drone friendly, but. Does it make that much noise in real life? Do drones always sound like a mosquito swarm? [NOISE] Yeah. Oh, okay. [LAUGH] I don't, I don't know enough about drone sounds, so I don't know if they all sound like giant mosquitos, but that was horrifying. [LAUGH] Imagine that hung over I hear God. I hear I hear yeah, [INAUDIBLE]. I love the idea of the drum. Has [INAUDIBLE] done anything about the [INAUDIBLE] drum yet? [INAUDIBLE]. That writes itself, whoever, whoever That should be a beer hat drum Yeah whoever's watching us [INAUDIBLE]. From the Simpsons. That I want residuals. I think that would be a great episode of the Death Drone attacking. I think it should go rogue and attack Springfield. That writes itself. Speaking of the dangers of drones, Eric you have concerns about what drones would mean for all of us. And beverages specifically. Get shaken up. [LAUGH] I, so my main. [LAUGH] Yeah, I wrote a piece for, I wrote a piece for Crave. [LAUGH] my, my main eight concerns about the advent of deliveries by drones from Amazon, Google. Just, just the main eight. Yeah, just the main eight ones. But most importantly. The important one I find is that this is terrible for the future of frozen beverages. Particularly, slurppies and ices and all those things you get at Walgreen or 7 eleven those are the first retail stores that drones are going to put out of business. I mean if you can just have a drone fly you whatever you need at midnight instead of running down to 7 eleven to get it. We'll then where are we going to get Slurpees? So my primary concern with drones [s>>[laugh]. Will be, will the Slurpee makers unionize to prevent this from happening? Hm Cause I don't see a future for frozen beverages. A drone can't carry that to you. I think it could. I think a drone could have like maybe some sort of compartment added on to it that keeps drinks frozen. I think we're probably not that far away from technology to keep things hot or cold. If we're gonna start having food delivery drones. I'm more scared about carbonated beverages when you get them. [LAUGH] Oh, yeah. After the drone has been up and down and over the Rockies, what does that mean? Like, that's gonna be the biggest explosion. That's a Myth Busters episode. Yeah, did you have beer spraying you guys all over the place with this? Yeah. Did you notice? Did you know there was Coors Light, that was, like, now on it? There was, there, there was, if you look carefully at some of the those party scenes in, in the video that Steven was running there, yeah, it looks like a great party but look closely and there's definitely some jerks in the middle of the crowd just spraying beer everywhere. Yeah. And, yeah, it was a little, it was a little more gross than, than they make it out to be. Yeah. And a dead giraffe, it looks like. [MUSIC] Oh. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] That's another story. [CROSSTALK] So there's one other important story, very important critical story that came out of that weekend, which is a huge controversy on social media. Depending on your perspective, involving Vanilla Ice, cause Vanilla Ice, honestly, gave one of the best performances of the weekend. He rode into this fake town, down the fake main street in a Vanilla Ice cream truck, handing out vanilla ice cream to people, which was just one of the greatest moments of my life. [LAUGH] I think that's amazing. But. But the design of the [CROSSTALK] that they use. I don't know. He doesn't look as clean cut as his cartoon icon. He's actually in good shape, I mean, I would not. That's not what she meant, dude. You really shouldn't serve ice cream in a tank top. Tank tops and ice cream don't mix. Unless they're. He's from Florida. Unless you're eating it. No. Oh, that's very 1950s. The controversy, the controversy that Steven was showing, is that, so the exact same design, like down to the spawns of the vanilla ice cream truck, also appears in a 2010 Flickr post. And so the designer of the original vanilla ice cream truck is a little bit upset. And is asking Bud Light for compensation, and, the last I've heard is they're looking into it. But you can see, right there, the comparison. I mean, down to the font, they, seem to have taken the design for the vanilla ice cream truck, made it real, thrown the real vanilla ice into it, and not compensated that original designer. Wait a minute- - we are not lawyers. We know nothing about this. Yeah. I don't know. Just read about it online. I think with the internet nothing is original ever again. If you put your art on flickr deviant prepare to have it ripped off by any number of stores or marketing campaign. That's true, I don't know if it was creative commons or not. It probably wasn't but I, I, I mean I hate to be skeptical about this stuff but artist should know that if you put something online someone is going to steal it. So unless you have a lawyer in your back pocket, or you know how to trademark your work. Just be prepared to have that happen. Sorry. Killjoy! Debbie Downer! Buzz kill! [LAUGH] Okay, let's talk about tacos. Texting tacos. [LAUGH] Okay, so there's an app that just came out. [LAUGH] I don't know why I'm so excited about this. It's not even- - Because it's texting tacos! It's not even a real- - Why aren't you excited? It's not even a real picture of a taco, it's, it's to basically fill- - Those are rare. If fills the emojic, it fills that emoji void. Because there's no Mexican food in the food emojis that we have been given. Boo. And so, because of that someone was like, well I'm gonna make an app. So they made an iPhone and an And, Android app. There's a Android app out now. Oh my [INAUDIBLE]. The same taco, 4 different kinds of tacos, there's a breakfast taco, a seafood taco which is just a fish with eyeballs and everything stuck in it. [LAUGHING] Did I say breakfast, so breakfast taco, original taco, fish taco and a mystery taco which I really hope. Is not dirty. So I'm just going to put that out there, I don't know what the mystery taco is. Maybe it's a taco rabbits in it or cute kittens, I don't know. Or giraffes. Giraffes. Giraffes. From that party. Coors, giraffes, I don't know. But I love this idea, and if you read the reviews on the iPhones I'm sorry, on the iTunes and I included it in my article, the pro review in the. Very bitter Con review. You know, clearly someones angry that the taco doesn't look like a real taco. It was pixellated. And that, it's just something you text. And another person wrote, I've been waiting my whole life for this app. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Which is, kinda sweet. Finally, yeah. Like finally [INAUDIBLE]. Kinda sweet. Our long, national nightmare is over. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] I'm a, I'm a big. A fan of reading sarcastic and funny reviews on Amazon, so I'm glad that there are people doing that on iTunes as well. So I'm very excited for this. I'm a little disappointed that CNET Espanol did not cover this. Oh no. [CROSSTALK] But, I them a tweet- [CROSSTALK] And everything in Spanish. I used. My high school Spanish to try to woo them into doing this article as well. But I But they love you. I remember when they met you. I know, it's cuz of the Star Wars stuff I write. Oh. I do a lot of that. Anyway. Oh yeah, Vanessa's big into Star Wars stuff [INAUDIBLE] They do a lot of that. Oh yeah Vanessa's big into Star Wars we always hear her screaming about it. I know, it's so good. So anyway, I'm happy to bring the taco tweets to masses. And I don't, I didn't put this in our discussion before but, there was a journalist from the Atlantic that did a. Emoji, food emoji diet for a week. And all she did was eat everything that's available in food emoji cons. So all those icons. And the thing was she had to eat everything that was available in food. She cant, you can't. But she couldn't make like pig equal bacon. Right. So you can't use the animal emojis, but she. And you can't use like the skull. [LAUGH] No. No Indiana Jones dinner. Okay. But she could use all the food and all the beverages, and she did that. And she realized it's kind of anti-Atkins. There are meat. Items. What is this right here? What is that one? I think that's rice ball. [CROSSTALK] Is that a sushi kind of thing? Rice ball. Yeah, that's a [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. The thing at the bottom is seaweed, too, right? [CROSSTALK] Yeah, there's a lot of sushi in there. [CROSSTALK] I like the orange, though, wait. Maybe I'm totally wrong. No, no, no. You're right. It's rice ball. there's, you know. [CROSSTALK] This one, right? Well, this one, this is rice, obviously. Well, there's a bowl of rice. There's ramen. There's spaghetti. I mean, it's weird because there's italian food, and there's you know, a lot of Japanese food, obviously. Included in there. But not a lot of American food, I mean, there's the hamburger and fries and there's pizza, but there's no mexican food, there's no hotdogs, there's popcorn. No tacos? No tacos. And so. There should be a cheeseburger. Oh there's a cheeseburger. There's a burger. There's doughnuts. Anyway, she does this diet, and she waited at the very end to do all the, she did a southern food. Dinner with her friends and ate birthday cake at the end cause of course there's birthday cake food emoji. And she did not gain a lot, she didn't gain a bunch of weight. She did miss certain things like garlic and spinach. Like things that are not included. I think salads are not included soups are There's no kale all emoji? How can that be? [LAUGH] There's no kale. I know for all you kale addicts there's no kale. There's eggplant I mean come on. They're stuff. I don't know. This is the day by day thing. This is the day by day, she took pictures of what she ate. Doesn't that look like an emoji right there. Sorry, sorry. I know a lot of, well I don't know. From New York so they eat better. I don't know, I think you could do this in San Francisco. I think if you're stuck in the middle of Wyoming you might have some problems but I think everything should try it and there's fruits and vegetables I haven't done in months. So maybe I should do it, just so I don't get scurvy. [LAUGH] But I highly recommend it. There were no oranges in there? Yeah, alright, somebody else talk about stories before I just take over. But I heard someone mention skulls. I think that's a segway. Okay, one more. Oh, hey, look at me, segway. Okay, one more skull. So I did a chocolate skull story, I wanted to have this written closer to Halloween but I couldn't resist it because it's on edsie. And you can get four different kinds of chocolate skulls I think. It's milk chocolate. Belgian chocolate. I mean they're all Belgian. But milk chocolate, caramel. Oh I can't remember the other one. Dark chocolate. And something else. [INAUDIBLE] White chocolate? That'd be gross. no. Not white chocolate. Which you'd think they would've done. But it's not really chocolate. [CROSSTALK] Because it's supposed to be a life-size. Yeah these are totally life-size right? It's a life-size. Anatomically correct human skull. They're all slightly different. They're all molded out of a human skull mold, but when you get it there's like certain cracks and it looks like it's just dug up from the earth. Are they called cranelations? [LAUGH] Cranelations? [LAUGH] You can get dark chocolate, milk chocolate, caramel chocolate. Caramel chocolate. That's the other one, yeah. [INAUDIBLE] That guy you quoted from Etsy? It is a beautiful piece and my wife couldn't bring herself to eat it. It's now under a glass stone on the [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah. So you can. [LAUGH] Store this if it's in a cool and dry space under a glass dome. You can do that. You cannot put it in the refrigerator, though. And don't put it in the sun cuz it'll melt. And that'll be even. [UNKNOWN] Creepier. Ew. Unless you just wanna creep yourself out. They're kinda pricy. They're over 100 bucks each. Ouch. You wanna put it in someone's bed as a prank? Like, with the horse head. [LAUGH] No. I don't know. [CROSSTALK] Just wondering. I don't know. What that be considered a great Valentine's. Gift or death threat. Like, I don't know, Okay. you'd have to really know your audience. The person, yeah. I think it'd be great for Halloween. I think it'd be great for Thanksgiving quite honestly. I don't know. That's just me. Or maybe Christmas, put a little Santa has on it. I don't know. I'm kinda surprised they don't have one with nuts in it. I know. They For crazy people. Well, they, they, they, the chocolate was, made near nuts, so there is that joke. Oh, wow. That may contain nuts. And, of course, you made that joke. There, there You went there. There are any number of jokes I could be making, right now, but There's no This is a family show Phrenology. There's no. [INAUDIBLE] Yeah, there's no Cadbury creamy center. There's no brain. Oh, God, that would be so awesome. And, but I'm hoping, that if these skulls do really well, they'll do animal skeletons in chocolate. Mm, yeah. Cuz I think that would be even better. Segway. [INAUDIBLE] Segway. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Ooh. [LAUGH] God, I love this keyboard so much. Is this why a man does not hear, she got, she actually got a hold of the KFC keyboard? And she couldn't make it. [LAUGH] And never not typing again. I love this keyboard so much. Who wants to talk about that. You talk about it. I mean i'll talk about it, i've been talking this whole time. But, look who hasn't talked yet, Jeff! Oh, but I don't type ever, really. You like chicken. Talk about chicken. I'm ju, okay, well, so, no, actually, I thought this was pretty cool. The, the thing that I really liked about it was the matching mouse that goes with it. [LAUGH] Yeah. That is pretty awesome. But, but the [CROSSTALK]. [LAUGH] Oh, oh yeah. That's gross. For the people not looking at the monitor, like I'm doing. Cuz I forgot, you know. It's a KFC fried chicken keyboard. With chicken mouse. With, yeah. Now, now what piece of chicken is that as the mouse? That's what I wanna know. I think it's the drumstick. Looks like a leg. Yeah, yeah that's a drumstick. I mean, we all know that chickens made for fast food aren't normal chickens, so maybe it's some weird. Yeah, I just, the only part of the chicken I know is the nugget, so. I'm sure it's a nugget of something. I'm not sure where that comes from. Yeah. And, and I like how they've spelled out KFC on the keyboard, but then, like, you know. So, this is another Japanese thing from KFC. I love the Japanese KFC stuff. Look how happy the Colonel Sanders is. Well, I'd be happy too with that keyboard. I'd, I'd write memos [CROSSTALK] Is ergonomically correct. [LAUGH] Is is Cordy, it is Cordy. I don't, I don't know, can you, is it. MSG. [LAUGH] You know what would be great is if this keyboard had some kind of grease shield. So you could have Yeah. So you could have greasy hands. But does it come with earrings, it comes with earrings. Yeah. And, speaking of, chicken bone jewelry. A while back we also had a, a piece on, somebody made gold necklaces, by coating bones that they got from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Oh, God. Oh, Gosh. That's Anthony. He's not here either. [CROSSTALK] I just thought I'd mention it. I know Michael's awfully quiet. Come on Michael. Yeah. Yum. [LAUGH] Michael I'm really hoping that you're going to explain your piece about the food zombies. Yeah. Now's a good time. Let's jump into that. Zombies, zombies. Just do it. Sure, well there was a trio of universities that did some research on the the micro biome which is the. Collection of fungus and bacterias that live in our bodies and apparently out numbers our own cells ten to one. So, we got a lot of little bugs in us and apparently the bugs that live in our gut can control what we eat. So, what they figured out is that The bacteria that lives in our gut wants to feed itself. You know, it's sort of like survival of the fittest in many kinds of ecosystems. And it does that by getting us to eat things that are good for it, even if those things aren't good for us. So certain bacteria down there might want us, you know, might crave Kentucky Fried Chicken. And, you know, we might wanna go have an orange, but we're gonna find ourselves at the KFC because of that gut bacteria craving that. The grease and the, frankenchicken, and, a, it does this in 4 ways. It can change our taste receptors in our mouths, so that good food, just doesn't taste good to us. It can send signals up to our brain through the vagus nerve, telling, telling the brain to eat, you know, what the bacteria wants to eat. And it can produce toxins that make us feel bad if we don't eat the food it wants, and it can produce chemical. Rewards that make us feel good if we do eat that food. So in kind of a pretty real way, the bacteria in out gut controls us a bit, like a zombie. You know like kind of a feeding system for it. So it's pretty interesting research. I love that you wrote that story, cause I got to link to it when I wrote about the zombie parody diet video, called rapid weight loss. Which, I really loved that video because. It talked about, it's a parody. And it's, it's sad, because then a lot of people like, contacted me on Twitter, hoping this was a real diet. No. That is was, I don't believe that. No, there was. There was pe-, cuz it looked like an actual infomercial where this woman basically turns into a zombie to lose weight, and she takes a supplement that turns her into a zombie. All the guys are freaked out. Oh my. My god. Has she lost weight? A-huh. And all the women think she looks amazing. [LAUGH] So in every segment, the guys are clearly freaked out by her and all the women are jealous that she has no cellulite whatsoever. I mean, look at her, look at those Obama arms [UNKNOWN] suppressing your appetite so you can lose that excess weight and finally become the best version of you [NOISE] [LAUGH] [LAUGH] See? It can happen! See, I would think running from zombies would give you more exercise Well no, I mean, that, they show her jogging, but she jogs like a zombie which is not graceful. And there are lots of side effects and it's kind of funny because when you watch a lot of those, like those dieting commercials they always list all the side effects It's like half the commercial. And it kind of, a lot of these Do not taunt happy fun ball. She's so happy. So good. I guess this assumes that brains aren't fattening, right? Because, you know, who knew? [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Yeah, well they don't actually have her eating brains. They just have her rejecting all food. Oh. So at the party she kinda nerd rages the table of food And everyone's like. [INAUDIBLE] Look how well she's jogging. Look how great that is. [LAUGH] [LAUGH]. God she has no cellulite. Look at the guy. I love how the guys are like this is not sexy. God I wish I had her arms. Changes in sex drive, gender crisis, unexplained melancholy and a sense of madness. This is how I am at the beach. [LAUGH] I love the little kid's face. That's so great. Yeah, so good. Anyway, so I had, I had to do that story because of, Michael inspired me with the zombie, the zombie guy. The zombie guy theory. I know, it's like- It makes so much sense to me now. Yeah, see? Yeah, it does explain a lot. Yeah, those stories complement each other now, I think. I'm hosting a whole colony of ice cream obsessed [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. Who wants Vanilla Ice? Who suddenly wants vanilla ice cream. That's not what they want there. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] Would this explain then why Michael why I've taken to eat, eating styrofoam and drinking gasoline? I thought it was just changing tastes. [LAUGH] Absolutely. It's a biofuel craving you're having. No that was that new experimental beer that you were given that you didn't know about at that party. So you've got the government-funded [CROSSTALK], that you didn't know- And any sense of The Middleman, here? I am. They're called limearitas. Yeah. Yeah. [CROSSTALK] [UNKNOWN] the energy drink [CROSSTALK]. But what's The Middleman? The Middleman's this great [CROSSTALK] series [CROSSTALK] on A-B-C [CROSSTALK] A-B-C Family. We'll talk to you about it later, so you don't totally make this into an [CROSSTALK]. But there's this one episode where they have this fake drink that it's just called an exclamation mark I think- Yeah. It is the name, so it's just pronounced. Yeah, everyone does jazz hands to talk about it, and it turns everyone into zombies, right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure trout zombies [CROSSTALK] specifically trout zombies, yeah. So anyway. [CROSSTALK] I think trout zombies opened at a concert I went to a couple of years ago. That was Phish, that was Phish. Remember Toad the Wet Sprocket. [CROSSTALK] I've got the shirt on. You can say other, I'm going to keep talking, that's why [CROSSTALK] Oh, Pizza Hut, Pizza Hut cats. Oh, oh, yeah, we can't forget. Okay, Pizza Hut cats. Let's do it. So, Japanese, again, giving us great fast food videos and products. Not just KFC keyboard, but Pizza Hut cats. It's a web series made out of Japan for Pizza Hut Japan of cats who are supposedly running a Pizza Hut. And it is the best web series I've ever seen. It's like 20 seconds of episodes so you. It's not a big commitment. Should we watch the morning meeting? Watch the morning meeting. Cuz this video shows you every morning meeting you've ever been in where you hate your boss. [INAUDIBLE] Look at that. [LAUGH]. Aw. That guy's still waking up. Yeah. But. Look at that. That's every employee that's ever hated their boss, or hated each other in a morning meeting. Every morning meeting. [MUSIC] Yeah, that's it. Okay. [CROSSTALK] I question the realism here. Because [LAUGH] no cat is that quiet in the morning. I don't know. They are pretty my cat's pretty [INAUDIBLE] And I don't know, this is more on, hard for me to believe that a cat would stay on a Roomba or robot vacuum that long, after bumping into tables and things. Is this the actual cat in a shark suit riding a Roomba, is this the famous one, or? No, no, no, this is, I think now that everyone has Roombas. Everyone tries to do this and see if their cat will stay on it. And why not. [CROSSTALK] I don't think a Pizza Hut. I want to know who. Clean. Who got the short straw and had to put the hat on Oliver. I don't know and I'm wondering how does that hat staying on there. Yeah so I'm just, I'm addicted to like the. And they're 20 seconds. We're going to watch all of them. Yeah, this is the one where We're not getting paid for this either. No. This is, this is the janitor cat. Janitor cat. Look at that. Yeah. [LAUGH] And he looks like really distrusting of everybody around him, I love it. Just like real janitors. So, no, I love this series. And it has, you don't ever. This is my favorite one. You don't ever actually seem them making pizza, which is probably a good thing. This is my favorite one right here It's called hey, boy don't. [CROSSTALK] This is how I do my taxes, in case anyone. [LAUGH] Okay, guys my cat was keyboard typing the other day and he actually successfully hit the return key. See. After typing all this gibberish. See. [LAUGH] Really? Yeah, I was talking to Jeff. [CROSSTALK] Yeah, I, I was a witness. Yeah, so anyway I, I read an article about this cuz it's cats and Pizza Hut and it's Japanese, and I had to cuz that's my zombie gut. Reaction. Cause if there's cats and pizza, I'm going to write the article for CNet. but, it's actually really cute and there's a ton of episode. So if you ever want to go through and watch them all, I linked you them and you can subscribe to it on YouTube. But it's really entertaining and quite cute. And. It's horrifying to think of cats actually running a Pizza Hut. I don't they would actually. Oh no, no, no. Maybe the toppings would be more interesting. A lot more anchovies. They are actually running a Pizza Hut. A lot more anchovies, yeah. Let's just say there. They are. Let's just say they are [CROSSTALK] Good point, good point. Yeah, we just saw it. YouTube is real. YouTube's real. [CROSSTALK] I can't imagine them delivering though. Well, they do have an episode of that where one's looking at a map. Oh really? And one's actually looking at a map of where to do deliveries but then chases a Vespa toy around. Fair enough. So. They should deliver on the Roombas. Yeah. On the Roombas. Oh yeah. They really should. So It would just round and round and round It feels like if drones are easy enough for drunks in the desert, or drunks in Colorado to [INAUDIBLE] use, then cats should be able to What about drunk cats? Drunk, I don't think cats get drunk. I don't. Catnip. Cat nip cats, I guess. But anyway, that's- - Especially in Colorado. For any of you watching that have cats in Colorado, and drones, and beer, mix them all together. Don't make the drone deliver cats, but see if you can get the cat to run a drone for, you know, the next maker fair or something. I would be into that. And then send us a video so we can do an exclusive interview. No segue- - They'd only need to press one button on those drones. The ones, the ones that go, why don't you just press the one button, it could be even easier than typing. Easier than opening that cash register. Yeah, cats can, cats can do that. I just don't know if I want cats in charge of drones, it's like Toonces the driving cat from SNL [LAUGH] Wow. Just a bad idea. Hey you know what. Well let's. Chocolate tea pot. I, I looked this up before we do that. Yeah. The makeup of the brain, according to Wikipedia, so it's real. Oh, so it's true. Yeah. 12 percent fat. Wow. So if we're only using ten percent of our brains, So that means we're So half of what I'm using is fat. Something like that, so I've got like a two percent. Brai, no that sounds wrong. No I'm just gonna stop there Well now I'm wondering like, if there's people, that's why zombies love us so much is because their brain's so delicious, they've got fatty brains We got like extra fat like eggnog brains at the holidays I think so, yes. Like Cadbury brains. Hm. We should talk about the chocolate teapot now [laughter]. Yeah, what is this one? Go ahead. There's a video, I think. Is there? Oh yeah, I had it. I had it. Let me look for it again. Yeah. This was another story from Amanda Kooser. Go ahead and talk about it. Yeah, talk about it. [LAUGH] Well, it's a teapot- Well, it's a teapot, made of chocolate. Well, according to this- Okay, next story. I'm just gonna quote, BBC's The One Show challenged Nestle to test the saying that there's nothing more useless than a chocolate teapot, a saying that, I think, we have all heard- Have we? On a daily basis, am I right? Is it a, is it a British thing? [CROSSTALK] Oh. That looks like a really fancy like asian tea pot like they had in Sherlock. Hm. There is actually yeah. [CROSSTALK] They're wondering if it will melt. Right? Let's find out. They pour boiling water into it. That's not Richard Branson is it? What are, what's up with the balloons? No, I think it's a chocolate teapot. [LAUGH] Well, that was to, that was to shape the pot, right? They put a mold, they used it as a mold- Oh, okay. For the pot. To get the right thickness of chocolate. See, the cats weren't wearing hair nets. He's a chocolate scientist, this guy. Yeah, sure he is. [CROSSTALK] Fill that up with chocolate. And there's a lot of science involved in chocolate. That is true. If you do chocolate right. Mm-hm. Yeah. We then fill it with chocolate, so we tip the chocolate into the mold, so it's full. We then shake it to take out any air balls. Then we tip it upside down Edibles? Air balls. Air balls. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] Yeah, some of those Pizza Hut employees had air balls. Yeah, why didn't the cast have hair nets? Now I'm like worried. Yeah. Cuz they would have been full-body hairnets. That's like a violation of. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Okay, let's see. Long time to make the tea pot. Two and a half hours. Two and a half hours. Oh, is that all. All right. That's only as long as it takes me to make dinner. It's sad. This looks like the tea pot from Sherlock where they keep it wet. Again, we're, we're keeping the thick walls. Otherwise, the spout would just melt with it. See what, what we found is that when, when we first started looking at it, is that we'd probably end up with a chocolate tea. [CROSSTALK] The suspense is killing me. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] [LAUGH] I know! [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] It's melting! Then when you pour it. Here we go. Okay, there we go. What happens is, the chocolate on the inside of the shell melts, but doesn't move anywhere. Stays where it is. You've got a very, very small amount of residue [INAUDIBLE]. But what kind of tea do you use? I think any kind of tea. They just say tea. Hm, I don't know [LAUGH]. It probably tastes like chocolate tea. You know a mint tea would probably work nicely with chocolate tea. That's a good idea. They can detect a tiny bit of chocolate. Hm. This is interesting. Okay, well there you go. If there were, if there were a cheap knock off of Richard Branson, it would totally be that guy. [LAUGH] I know. I know. Isn't it, that's the chocolate Branson. Maybe he cloned, maybe he cloned himself and he outsources. I know, never mind. I love that story, but I've never heard that phrase about the teapot, the chocolate teapot before. I'm just saying, that's what it says on the front. If you actually start typing that into Google, it auto-completes. Now, if only someone would make a teapot that looks like a chocolate skull, I would buy that. And it could come out the nose, maybe. I don't know. But [UNKNOWN] until then. Anyways, are we missing any? I feel like there's a. I think we covered everything. Did we cover? Can I plug the Yes. The follow up from our previous show. Give us your favorite new Kickstarter there Kelsey. Well I may have mentioned I really like this game, extrasolar. They finally started their Kickstarter. anyway. So you should totally go to the Kickstarter and pledge it. And, a nice thing about it is that it's to see season two, but if you pledge to it it will upgrade and speed up your roser, rover in season one. I'm not really, I don't really understand Kickstarters, to be honest, but that's a good thing. There's perks! There we go. So, it's been up two days and you can see they're. John Landers Maybe, I don't know. 10 percent on the way to their goal roughly. So that's not enough. [CROSSTALK] They got 28 days left. Yeah they've got time though, they've got time. 28 days later. Ties back in with the [CROSSTALK] Oh. Zombie [CROSSTALK] See it's a sign. [CROSSTALK] [INAUDIBLE] full circle. Yeah. Michael, Eric, you didn't really talk a lot cuz I took over. Sorry. That's all right. It's all good. Is there anything you wanted to add in that were stories that were possibly food or booze related. Or not booze related. I would say go to There's a million, we do a lot of food stories. Amanda does a lot of food stories. We all do. Also search for the food map. Yeah. On CNet, and that's, that's pretty interesting. it's, what is it. Foods that are popular by state. Yeah. Food search terms popular by state. I disagree with the California. I don't think all the state eats their own snot. I don't know that was the number one thing. That's cuz you're in. Booger, booger eating in California? How dare they. That seems, that seems off to me. They also had Sriacha and meat on a stick, so. [LAUGH] See, Sricacha's more. And nom nom. A lot times, people. Now you guys know how the rest of the country views you. Okay. It's not accurate, is it? I feel like sauce, not accurate, nice. I feel like someone from Texas made this. Like some, who has the best food option for their state? What does Texas have on there? Barbecue. [CROSSTALK] Texas clearly made this map. This is totally awesome. Well but did you notice in the Vermont one is says for anyone who questions the validity of this research, explain why the Vermont one is so accurate. Why? What does it say, zombies? kale. [UNKNOWN] kale, yeah. Not maple syrup? [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] So weird, I- Turtle meat? [LAUGH] kale, kale chips, granola. Turtle is illegal. [INAUDIBLE] I don't know. Yeah. I was gonna say, I didn't see it the last time I went grocery shopping. Yeah I don't remember a whole aisle of boogers in Trader Joe's so I don't think that that's. Well, they were discontinued. They had this for a while and then [INAUDIBLE] Well, there was a person in that aisle so you couldn't go down it. Well, they are sustainable. So the guy insists you put the mask together there. Renewable resources. I mean it's from nose to plate. So it's not even. The carbon footprint's pretty small. The guy who put them out there said there are thousand of California Instagram accounts featuring pictures of boogers accompanied with the description that includes the term. Nom nom, you people are monsters. Oh my god. That's gross. Eww. See? We always knew it. And people always wonder about us, but that's. Oh, and there is another story on CNET as well about the science of making beer. Oh. So, for, for those beer crafters out there. Where? Where? I don't know, I didn't write it. I just watched it. [INAUDIBLE] story I think. I watched it and I sent it to Wil Wheaton, cuz that's the only beer crafter guy I know online. It's not here. This is from September 30th. Is this it? It might be. It's, it's all good. [CROSSTALK] Brew your own beer No, no, not on it. It's a, it's a, I think it's a Discovery Networks or a PBS show, one of those, about how the science of beer. It's actually pretty informative. If you're into the science of type things and it's somewhere on our channel. [CROSSTALK] Did you guys see the ice cream that changes colors as you lick it? I like that one. [LAUGH] I think the novelty of that one is lost on me though. [CROSSTALK] Yeah, hyper colored shirts were the worst cuz it only showed where you sweat. [CROSSTALK] Like your sweat turned neon. That was the worst idea. Such a design flaw. But I think the ice cream. That mood ice cream, such a great idea. It just seems like it might be full of chemicals. Well now that we've had our desert, now that we've had our desert we should probably say good bye. We're over time. Thank you everyone for. Stay with us an we'll have another Crave cast for you next month. As always go to CNet dot com slash crave, tweet us at Crave. Let us know what you'd like to see more of, what you'd like to see less of and of course that will be an empty request. But for everyone else Michael Franco, Bonnie Burton, Kelsey Adams. Steven Beecham and Jeff Sparkling, I'm Aaron McIntyre of New Mexico, we'll see ya next time [MUSIC]

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