Car Tech Live 188:  The next Smart car will be a Nissan
Car Tech Live 188: The next Smart car will be a Nissan

Car Tech Live 188: The next Smart car will be a Nissan

Auto Tech
Zone we'll build the next smart car a Mercedes is the latest offer in car I've had. A secret tour of the Tesla factory. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And we'll -- our -- favorite car from the Paris auto show. So a couple of stories this week that -- do live those kind of safety a benchmark. People watch so obsessively first one here is. The United States now has officially new -- safety standards of folks that award those stars. That comes from standard set by the national highway traffic safety administration and now with the new twenty elevenths coming on market they just did the first 34. New model. Crash safety ratings and I'll tell you they've really raise the bar because they felt too many cars -- getting too many stars in the past. You know the auto makers are gonna caught up with the standards that -- gonna raise that bar so here we go the first 34 to come out only to cars. Got five stars overall that's a very small number and it's the new BMW five series between eleven and the latest Hyundai Sonata. The 2011 and -- what they're doing your guys to make this tougher is -- guess they didn't do this before. They now have a -- side pole crash test that that's a tough one actually because they they. Slide the car into a pool and see how far that the body parts intrude towards the passengers yet and this is and not just the thing you hit. It's the parts of the -- to commune after -- talk about 21 millimeters of intrusion -- and intrusion. Yes that that's a tough when actually it's cars were really built to withstand that sort of yes not a direction you think of a car being strong in the long way sideways like that if you receive you know receive cards done that one of those and hit a pole after wiping out it's like who. They always look really bad if lot of energy focused on a pretty small area yet of that -- -- -- It's only either -- spread across the whole front you've got -- -- -- -- 1012 inch -- -- something all the cars energy. Mass times speed is going -- that one place so they're getting serious about that and this is amazing. For the first time court of the -- Detroit Free Press. They are using female Crash Test -- And they didn't have that the in and it. There's women and -- and cars before Nowak her and they're -- -- cards that woman her drive and -- and I couldn't -- the -- thing I ever heard him. Amazing I mean aside from the obvious I'd wonder how a female -- this dummy differs from the mail prayers -- I don't America anatomically -- It but typically they did but that I don't map but there's gotta be some other reason -- -- it -- I get it okay -- I'm not gonna go there. So anyway they've got those to do concrete differences in that and does -- other notes from this apparently. Only. Only one category of cars it's five stars on frontal crashes the ones that most of sorts they go what -- I ran into something of an on or what have you and there are all. Big G and suvs escalate Yukon -- nobody else got five for frontal crash which kind of reinforces that old idea that you know what -- -- -- be safe. I -- galactic. And it's kind of like not great for the marketing of green cars -- lot of folks say no I'm never gonna while little efficient -- I'm afraid if I crash in the something I'm gonna dot. -- -- as as you're more likely to area. Can't -- -- three starts. Let's see which and it's -- gave the Ford Taurus for a good -- -- nuts Malibu for legacy you know put out backed up for so camera kind of fell out of -- competition there that's not gonna make them happy. And they've also been talking about the safety systems too which have been increasing the crash prevention. The blind spot detection and that my departure that -- kind of thing to for the first time -- kind of officially -- artificially urging consumers to consider those technology -- -- the rating them yet. But there at least officially saying yes these are -- good to get if it's if all else is equal. In your next new -- so. -- scores they're not gonna be a window stickers until the 2012 -- civility -- -- 222011. -- children now you're not gonna you're not using the old standards where the stars region again. In the 2012 cars -- on the sticker but now you can see them on line already at safer car dot gov. And -- not going back into these retro they're starting with a new but wouldn't the cards that are revised for 2011 or brand new models for 2011. So you can't Cisco compare apples and oranges it will be a little bit of apples and oranges for awhile. Until they all the new cars have been revised 2011 in the next model year because of a -- didn't change substantially from its 2010 model they don't we test it. It's gotta -- kinda like a revised redesigned version. So it's a little bit of a mix right now but safer car dot gov is the web -- the does have the latest of the new tougher star ratings for crash. We also have the Union of Concerned Scientists are friends that name ever. You can deceive their their furrowed brow and concerned. They have their new list just came out this morning of the -- -- and -- get one of those things that is kind of tech related to people really are into this thing especially these days from this group as well as others but they have ranked by just a -- Honda -- still the green is carmaker with an 86 and lower numbers -- better. This kind of a rank about dirty air fleet is. Well and good it is barely noses and out -- -- is a month -- by 87 on days 87 slows your top three. And need to Volkswagen meets on port you -- go to the bottom it's -- the dirty asleep at a 10313. Easily index thirteen points above average. And Honda is fourteen points now 24 points -- thirteen points -- Fourteen below average mad men while -- at. Why all. Sort of -- using here religious did it in fuel economy are very concerned they're very concerned scientists at the site at the pipes there are tweedy -- with the patches on the elbows and that's -- -- -- yeah it looks like they're just -- It's smog forming. And global warming emissions and yes let's say it's just the missions and not. Manufacturing -- in the -- -- other people talk about yeah well mobile. Had a whole kind of thing yeah well yeah good point yeah that's right this I don't think it's taken that into into account its CO2 and greenhouse. Go global warming it's three big takeaways they said here's first what does matter how green your cars -- we don't so many. This is a measure of green cars times number of units -- -- -- that's what impacts. The global environment if -- Tesla that's great happy for yet you're making no difference right now. In the pollution of the world did you sell many cars like an old my hands right now that same as Lamborghini and remember -- commuted dirty just super car out there. They should even care you know to -- -- have all kinds of taxes and penalty. The other -- take away they have here is that. Carmakers who are clean of all their cars are clean they're not trying to balance like a lot of the American makers is -- restore -- -- dirty. High profit suvs are relatively dirty and never gonna balance it with Ford focuses in -- -- The really green guys Honda and Toyota are pretty green all the way up and down the -- And that's because of -- standard as station which is also I mean that's efficiency right there is you know pondered uses the same maybe three engines across their line you know they don't even have a -- And you know even their ridgeline their pickup truck is is six on there. Unit walked away from the -- because it thought it was gonna screw up their ballots on emissions and fuel economy amber lovely couple about a couple years ago on the economy didn't exactly. So anyway that's where you're -- -- green is cars are Honda Toyota if you wanna look green you're gonna -- a hybrid. Notice that Honda has had no success -- I -- maker but there's still the -- car company Toyota of course number two. -- do very well but the -- Hyundai and that have a hybrid out just yet either. Other Lexmark are -- its mark. That's speaking of -- are selling well. This is been a pretty -- -- -- in the US market at least does really well in Europe. But now we understand that Penske Roger Penske who has the franchise for smart in the US has -- to deal with Nissan. To develop and create the next smart car with a picture in here it's a rendering sketch and -- -- Probably a good thing. Looks like a little -- Little avail cool looking little patched that is how -- that yeah hot little hat's gonna squatting in wide big wheels and big -- fenders and looked nothing like that we get to the market for gets smart Nissan did just refused to tell them here's Nissan division exactly what you have -- -- that like that -- a cool meets -- -- A hot -- Versa the only thing that's gonna make it is odd white plastic. Write us at a summit is that America that we -- we we we carried it over mostly intact but now how can they sell it as a smart and I don't get it's smart smart as smart as the Daimler company and they -- smart cards in Europe and a few here that one made Nissan and I don't have kind of a fraud right yes -- -- has recently got an agreement to sell a car made by any sombre that -- a smart. In United States district US in his blog over to Europe so if you're one of our European listeners going elements mark our beloved Mori got it this -- -- -- -- there. It just hasn't worked in the US they're trying something else. This new car be made by -- so they don't know which plant yet which could tell us some clues as to what it's related to. They tend to build cars on one line that are related underneath the guts -- -- gas engine nothing fancy. And be sold -- all of -- whopping seventy retail stores across the country. Bigger than the current four to no kidding look like if it's gonna be based on -- -- yesterday oh is that okay. That should be interest because that's an interest -- little -- -- Very tiny little car. Sold mostly in August it Japan and and I guess Europe as well yes. Micro we have picture that here it's this little -- a little happy face that's -- -- happy face and cars. Sounds big on the look at him happy that -- this. You kidding. That's a happy little car on the my maker I'm here to get you somewhere attic look. At you like to go my -- I -- got to -- -- frowning -- some beer. Would have to fret any card that would to a frantic who have an angry face. -- is gonna -- only accurate. Accurate -- just got that it even need the -- of geek. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Aren't there it -- an -- marker it's gonna from Nissan so you estimate for the smart experienced since it sounds like yes -- work in the US interest something else that's capable -- help us out. I don't know if we chemists did this is part of our parents coverage or not but its its outlook and photo. We -- look at it again this is the Audi. Convertible retractable cut off top -- -- you call that. And with this Paris -- he was I thought actually a crescent that out -- the brutality the exhibit area was constantly crowded. That lot of cool things off and lump on was. But also this. Differs from the previous. EV the one that you've seen -- the red one you've seen and all the press photos intellectual can operate. But we'll talk about these is using to each crime -- -- to designate dvds yes and does and it can seem like it -- of computing at you it's okay and there Levy's threat I think that probably you you know when -- truly from Germany -- to say to transit to do that designate are electrified vehicles you know. And I could be yet because is that this does strictly use a diesel engine. As he range extender I believe so it is an -- drive car. By an evil. That's a cool it's a pair of 88 horsepower electric motors on the front axle which can drive the car for 31 miles up to 37 miles per hour and then when depleted. You can either plug in or -- -- range extender GDR so it's not really -- not a plug in hybrid it's been it's been reported that it's not it's a great extent. And again topless. What's good get a little better company's front and yes it is true electric to the wheels at all times -- divisions group program that. And -- just talking before the show here saudis. Chairman of the board who's not a guy -- all that well known in common parlance you know he's not like. A lot of the auto industry chiefs you know -- or Asia market Sony aura. Or Mulally over forty I'd never heard of him before but he's the chairman of -- he'll be doing a keynote at the Consumer Electronics Show which of course -- -- all over. In -- restarting on the sixth. So it looks like forward is taking a break from two years and Alan Mulally key noting there at CES the with some pretty good stuff to announce and -- Audi steps it. So they have something -- it. He's gonna be 11 AM on Thursday morning and -- will that we be there to see what he has to say okay hopefully get some preview information because you know it'll -- Audi does a lot of pretty good electronics and cars and they did have a presence last year it's -- yet showing up there. 3-D maps which they've got through -- partnership with Nvidia. That's right and as -- response but Nvidia graphics chips in their navigation systems. So it'll be it shouldn't see what you know they can take things a step further reduce them and tell automatics connected car kind of thing but it's connected it to their supposed to be announcing Google Maps in that 88 fairly soon maybe this when the amounts that that could be because the yet Google Maps -- the aid are actually already in Europe. And there's -- to come to the US said muted -- next year they have to get everything working. For the -- the US market so. I bet that'll hopefully -- department to be very cool decision like we say -- he's always done some really you know generally always it's really good stuff they tend never really good handle on the tech. Let's take a look at the latest in the race to but I passing cars last show we told you about BMW that show. It's Mercedes this was also at the Paris auto show and these are pretty -- devices and these are docs that let you connect the device and -- connector right. Stick it into a clip. Tilt it horizontal or vertical landscape or portrait. And -- can tie into a hot spot in the car which is another Mercedes option but you know what couldn't tie into a hot spot but as Wi-Fi. So these are these just a relatively simple docs right gonna do anything clever -- electronic connections. They're just holding it. Limited rights. I saw the BMW ones at the Paris show we look good now they'll rip a C italics -- I was surprised. All they were reduced clamps that hooked onto the the polls holding up the headrest how ace hardware and if you put them on means you can put at risk all the way down. We know which is really surprising for BMW because this is the company and -- usually. Does stuff like that yeah they usually engineer things to the nth degree candidates -- -- from the ground up and now I just threw some clamps on the back point. Point -- had -- dealer installed option. But you've ever installed optional you're describing exactly ticket will include an out of the two Chrome poles and you're not sticker iPad in there with but even if Mercedes in is that they -- can tell you how long it takes to install one half hours but he -- -- prepping didn't. They've demo the hell out of it the factory but they don't know when they're -- at the injection molding machine up and running to do it. So anyway and this continues to big question will the next iPad is -- off topic for cardinal next iPad have. Some better mounting interface on the back because there is no elegant clip for this thing yet like the -- amounts on the backs of televisions. This is not that it's a smooth shell. And any clip -- in car on wall that you find from different companies is just this in the coming -- -- -- the edges with big clunky. Gripping fingers are groups and they just don't look that -- I can tell you right now that there won't be a little special clip on the back in the next generation iPad because this is Apple's. They don't do stuff like that -- -- -- them. Would be in -- Mr. Beck is I think a wall mount an iPad or -- Carmen and iPad at Israel's that's the case of has some great legs do it but then we'll elect a stop sign cameras. You know -- red light camera you know about speeding cameras we want countered post some of us more directly than others. Or in this -- -- more directly than most I think -- But I have never seen a stop sign camera before anyone know about -- New thing I guess -- is using them is a while the company red -- does a lot of -- -- stop sign or stoplight cameras. -- -- -- -- They're they're deployed -- in Southern California in some parks. Area -- apparently just one major park in the LA area rent which you know California and it you know where the ruling stopped -- for me an event that that's what's called the California rolling stop net and so this is. You know gonna put a real crimp our style yeah -- make a lot of money for the parts department something like that uncool as depiction of mean it's a big old boxes how they -- this again read -- the company -- -- the only makes the makes the only one of these stop sign cameras. And it's communicated read I imagine there have to do that so it's not quite so easy to spot. But it can detect based on motion detection and of course -- camera extra license plate if you came to a full stopper out which -- a little different logic. Then assessing your speed or if you were moving at all when he light was -- hundred different algorithms those as yet another way to look to look at them on a moving body on a piece of road to decide that he stop or not. And what's it in a straight through was a deterrent -- and a right turn permitted after stop. All that sort of thing -- stop and go on red light. So there's not really any way they can't catch it these days of the camera or stop there a rabbit shoots across the intersection. They snap your picture. -- And the rabbit he he just takes off -- I can pay a fine for now he's not gonna do the right thing I know rabbits there -- little -- that. So others the start responding to be -- -- in this week saying yes this park in the Santa Monica Mountains are a series of small parks there. Are where these are apparently the first use. And an eighteen month period of these resulted in 35000. Citation that's a lot even per day. And two million dollars in revenue -- that parks district so but they're not going away. Just a hunch. What's -- for the if you are one of our listeners in our viewers in the Santa Monica areas that Monica mountains area. Let us know if you run -- of one of these or if you wanna scan and send us your ticket you've got reportedly. We look to see that -- Oh it's that we can with a funeral -- now it's the end of flo TV it -- and never really got anywhere but now it's not going to get anywhere. -- TV was one of the two portable TV technologies that was get going to be in cars. Available in car just barely in story was posted at best buy like right about now and stick walk on the folks behind it which is a big cellular company -- just gonna pull the plug on. They're gonna keep a little bit afloat TV running because a lot of you have Smartphones that have flo TV usually branded Verizon TV or eighteen TTV. But it's often power by -- you'll -- it's got about fifteen to twenty cable like channels if that's your array that's probably flo TV. It looks great on devices but they just didn't see the market coming together. -- TV in the cards in general has not come together never. Yeah I didn't happen when it was deal rabbit ears. Except on you know certain very cool -- rights if they they have them in Europe and they do have done it tuners union the European cars. You see that more commonly I don't know how often they're actually used to there. That in the US you know we just don't. We just doesn't care -- Yeah the kids are in the backseat -- dvd they got to dvd but it a lot of parents must think that -- the dvds in there and kill me now. That kids can watch a dvd like a million a time it yeah I see it being -- -- Thursday. Now that -- -- don't -- -- canceled out what's the same movie twice in around. Mechanical there independence cannot watch the same EV DO -- -- -- do you deal -- -- your little guy's gotta be good where. You keep me entertained in the car I've I've played tricks amendment. I will let him watch the pictures but I will not via audio on and then the other music a good sanity and sanity maintenance there and it lead them years classes -- which you're hearing which is the he is gonna be that they're gonna be an artist or he's gonna have mental issues one of the two you're building that him -- this I have decided to -- that out there. Open for artists that dark side of the moon and them was at Basra it doesn't match up and -- sponge Bob -- I do wanna see that it's -- -- does good the Android car -- interface and critics Android emptor let the from now on your name is Andrew Goodman do people call me. Explain this now this is on Android phones we have before and after here in this sort of screen of what they did and what they now do. Right so essentially. Starting -- very version 2.0 like the period they have these -- -- -- kind of custom interfaces Ehrlich junior after day after when you're in your car. Streamlined interfaces with bigger buttons that are easier to hit. On and what Google's actually done now is they've started breaking out pieces of the injury -- and separate apps. So the car whole Lulu which used to just be a part of the injury though -- there's now a separate app that can get update. On its own and -- an -- update more quickly than the at the core OS can look at -- what they're doing now is. The new version that just came out this week. Has the ability to cut you can customize you can move the large buttons around for navigation or initiate phone caller needs he -- that you can move them around. Okay Justin there's video again I mention this is the interface on our video show you can see on the left is other -- used to be 66 buttons and it was part of Leo and they're actually -- From the name of development are okay so these -- you can change brought about the left is all you could ever happened in the past with 66 buttons right when -- the exact -- now as you see on the right you can customize. And you're saying this is a separate app as opposed to waiting for the next OS update right. And with really interesting about this -- small tidbit that kind of comes and later in the story where there's been mentioned that. Their breaking -- within the application store with an injury market. Car after the category that's cool so and at the post a car at -- ending up under productivity -- -- -- there's something -- at flight. Ways that you like -- for an alternative. Traffic application. Which fall under card application and you'd be able to add shortcuts to those. From within the car home so if you didn't want six big button and it sees Kenya you can add it to one of your -- -- shortcut. Knew that it. That's good to Zander answers but the car yeah that's nice okay so if you are an Android phone. It's available as a separate -- now work yet -- -- available now okay I'm gonna look for I still have -- -- in -- in my phone when you go look for this as a standalone start seeing how that works Apple needs to catch up this kind of stuff that -- behind the you didn't have a car -- do that they don't -- -- -- that -- -- -- section on their -- -- The owns -- app store. They do you have that -- Al. I'm yet to leave mirrors -- I was doing -- yet on and that he does it they're gonna do it going to. Knew it we haven't seen it yet on the we've seen their and I yeah I don't think it's actually in a car on the showroom yet it's just about. Along those lines of we got -- that Delphi is about to produce a system and in car system. Again they sold auto makers that will be or do even more than Ford's sync. They are let's see first of all Delphi here has a radio ahead unit production. That doesn't have its its Mac listeners CD new dvd and -- that everything is online or from the Smartphone it says. And you can also echo what's on your Smartphone screen to that middle screen kind of a crummy resolution photo we've got here but if you're watching a video version UC. What cook books like the sun screen the size of a candle but it's color. And it's man in the middle of the -- -- the big piece of real estate and you can echo what's on your Smartphone interface right on to it and that's something that is like we're talking with iPod out. Or also Wii is of them coming -- apps. But this is looking even richer than either of those. That's a big deal they're also getting involved in the area of putting the the Wi-Fi hot spot in which is almost becoming routine now. Towards getting -- -- of with the current -- And then the other question is I don't know here are they going to give us a direct -- Internet wireless signal or is it gonna still be parasitic off the Smartphone. And and we know that here. In the state that but it wouldn't say that -- -- and the thing that they fill all the carriers -- gonna have to start. According it. And right now injury doesn't have any way to end a video feed of anything that -- -- Out of the on the list you have a specific unit has -- -- denial but something which is everywhere when -- -- I think Blackberry has something in place it is I think. The -- working with them. Yes there's there's of the mainland controlled there during Paris the upgrade to connect the drive has some kind of additional interface -- -- in the middle of Bluetooth doesn't move video. Mean well but it does have a a theory there is the old ability -- -- indeed it does Ross serial data. So you can I don't have to see in the picture you -- and information -- -- in Cambodia picture exactly and authority loaded in the -- somewhere yet. So the dots are getting connected -- -- is getting in the pool they're they're a big big vendor with the former Delco division of GM so yet you know they're huge and of course they sell a lot to GM still. Now when you went down Tesla yesterday on a skunk works -- -- And as we didn't even know what you're doing that that was harassing one point he's -- -- I think. Yes he tell you what it -- now to tell you know. And they let me in they let a few journalists and actually misses a rare opportunity because that's who's been very secretive about. Their manufacturing in because they're secret sauce switches and -- Silicon Valley term for our a lot of startup companies use that. That terminology but to -- The gaming into her. And got to look around that their battery manufacturing. As this that the new meat plants. Now this is actually did their deer creek facility which is fairly new. But then that is and that's what part oil for folks want from viruses where in San Jose and Palo Alto and Palo -- look at the data used to the down near San Carlos. Being spread around much of offices this is -- is the typical start -- behavior they were just. In what our profits is whatever we used to having whatever offices of some other failed company just abandoned and is now available free or cheap rent and -- -- recently -- -- the deer creek facility which is actually formerly an HP facility. And at the Pacific got a lot of they've got production in their facility as well as their offices and here's one of the battery packs you saw this big black slab -- this is the I -- this is the battery pack for the a model that's a -- financial -- before now. And this is gonna be big slab that sits in the base of the car. -- keep in the weight low I kind of eyeball that look like it's about seven feet long by about port he'd been a big thing and he's I assume on the corners here these cutouts for the wheel wells yes. Those of those in the front section it's gonna stick actually -- -- steering help support the steering assembly most of those big box on the end as the front yeah. Com and dad and in the back kind of ends just before the -- rear wheels -- rear wheel assembly has the motor of electric motor integrated with the current data fascinating thing about the the Tesla facility is that. He looked more to me like a battery -- research and testing facility van me in a vehicle manufacturing. Missile facility. Here they actually build the motors they build the battery packs. All the things -- going to the current roadster. And they're also doing a lot of research into user you know upcoming -- systems for -- -- model laughs yeah and they also are building systems for the for Daimler for the that's right the smart yeah that's right they're doing their partnership and that director at smart electric -- -- you a class based -- cell car that -- Mercedes-Benz showed -- the parish. And their partner with Toyota and they're starting to build components for Toyota because -- -- offer an electric car next year. I have to wonder. I'm not predicting but I have to wonder if they don't have some very high level meetings -- -- what -- their border occasionally saying plan B. If the car business turns out to be just too nasty. We have a great business as a battery in motor come so many -- so many carmakers want to sell electric cars and way -- -- so as CNET Mercedes-Benz is here Daimler CNET. They can just go to test and get a power train now and it's and test was pretty good at putting -- is that -- Indy cars they showed us there. There -- there area where they worked on -- gonna sentiment to lifts them all Latin they can you know do lot of fine tuning on the the cars in and make them look good to you. That's a prototype at some point -- -- -- this was my company I'm thinking you know what I wanna be in the car business just long enough to build up all the cred I mean it's -- everybody wants my power train. And then I'm out again I'm to a batteries and motors after a supplier and lot of car companies want to have their. Their power train that -- the you know -- that you know with -- new electric -- stuff -- different world yeah they're not that concerned about doing an in house and what's interesting about this is if this was to take off this idea of Tesla batteries and motors powering lots of other cars would be for the first time. In the auto business like an Intel inside program. Where you might buy -- number of different manufacturers like you -- gallery to pay but it's like Tesla inside -- showed -- some of the battery packs -- have on display there where the and for the Daimler cars they actually have the Tesla. Brand on the the battery pack cover -- -- -- -- interest in you gotta your Mercedes that -- that you sell. You open up the back government will tell -- Tesla -- -- -- it's -- -- like seeing Microsoft single afford that was gonna do now we might see test the branding you are seeing apparently on this tour of all on -- a class and this might be a big trend of the -- were lots of this sort of you know sourcing is being made public because the brain and the you're sourcing from is so good to help sell cars and honestly -- our business is tough. This one it's gotta be a great second. Channel for them on -- it might -- there yet -- to be their -- -- into I don't like those I don't know just keep in mind they didn't point out that their battery packs have the highest energy density of any automotive application. So far and significantly higher like 20% higher if they've worked really hard on this stuff and and they do a lot of testing -- people of like criticized -- a widely used a bunch of laptop batteries essentially. And it's -- as well that the larger form factor batteries that like -- sun's going towards yeah and these other companies and that's and put it works. Now they've they've got high energy density and better range and -- -- -- and -- basically is lots of planet if it if it's still the case lots of double -- lithium ion cells athletic elements 16850s. But that's another thing that's the as the replacement part number. The technical -- themselves and they they yet test those cells they showed -- volatile as they test them they do temperature testing and I did the machines have to you to test that the full battery packs they've got -- set like a giant subwoofer -- -- migration. And they can block car component of -- on that must have put that in his car are yet as this is a massive -- in and it'll stay the hell out. I don't wanna do you read driving down playing your music almost on the doors flaw. It's like. Yeah -- But check it out there check it out of an assembly line going on you for their battery packs and for the motors and they called -- -- semi automatic and manual. Assembly lines but the guys running around with libsyn and things like -- Moving parts around and putting components in it's still fairly hand. -- operations yeah right what they moved to new meetings and they're gonna get automatic yeah systems I was gonna be scale testing very interest. So -- is beautiful posting that we -- to the pictures of the of the plant there all the details on what he saw down there -- planted very few people to saint. So if you're intrigued by this as as lot of us are that's over cars dot speaking of batteries -- quite as interesting maybe it is volvos talking about doing. A battery. Integration. Into body panels so we just saw how test those making a slab for the -- -- those saying how about if we make everybody -- do something more than just hold its shape. And we can build in. Battery technology very thin nano materials using carbon fiber from the structure and then in their -- watching. The battery need stuff whether it's with the in my -- reform and other using and -- the entire body big battery had not seen that before. British Open and on the roof which I think is a bad idea whose batteries in the way something perfect ten minutes not a good -- gravity -- net but all around the doors and -- -- -- -- her performance -- -- would become a -- all the way. All around we're gonna begin to a fender Bender admitting you sort out your batteries in the parliament -- -- -- That's all fun I don't you know those those Swedes are trying to you were to their super sober safety image trying to make things little more risky. This cure apparently is -- whole bunch of cars coming soon -- -- how much is this is real or not we have about post this week that. This -- ramping up production of the karma we know that coming up for -- all. And it's gonna be at 88000 dollar price tag so that'd be able to maintain that good looking car. But they also have filed some paper works part of this is because there we -- and I PR considering an IPO. About having as many as six other cars including a wagon version of the karma. Like it. But I would you want -- earth and three versions of the project Mena. That was that was when they've announced for awhile they announced that one of those and that's not happen mostly in and you animated they're tiger rebels and that -- Delaware -- -- announcements yet. -- -- Maybe that's why it's a grain -- -- we've never seen this project Nina prototype development but they did have the at the production factory production version of the the scare at the -- in the -- -- this one right here we get a shot of liquor on the video version looks kinda like a -- a -- grand -- mode it is wearing a corset. It's even more squeezed in its middle profile more of a Coke bottle -- viewed from almost any angle from top down or from side it has an extremely narrow waist. And more pre -- front and rear fenders and waistline and that sort of thing assume Corvette in that little that just thinking that on the front fenders right yet so. And then and then doubled but -- for in the rear end -- -- comes from BMW. So law lot of excuse a good looking car and again under under a 100000 dollars not cheap car but for a lot of folks that's like -- -- technology performance and looks might -- -- of bad value. And our last story in the news block today if it's pretty damn funny actually. -- tell the story of the Obama administration. Well here's what happened. So a couple of months ago when General Motors -- announcing their plans to once the production should be bull then the -- -- about the elderly. Barack -- -- -- the -- the year we're gonna purchased the first 100 plug in electric vehicle several middle American -- -- the current thinking about. I need on bull floor mind and -- -- as evil through and he's on leave -- -- well there's a small company called we go and Atlanta. They make the full. City car. Kind of smart -- two sided. Mark ultimately he'll whip life little peeling yeah -- -- the card. And the like does that it doesn't really feel like a golf cart but it does mean it -- -- -- doesn't get over forty miles an hour they're supposed to have how week. Speed version coming out at some time next year. When they are actually going to be. The first American palladium electric vehicles -- rule of them was. So. If you're planning on holding Barack Obama that was a word a little White House has got about a hundred of these of -- wanna hold their word right so they call the White House it -- for -- Is -- golfer he's back later this -- but -- -- -- golf carts Clinton. Of the U the political all the -- health and if they. Yes Obama plans to complete that order for a hundred we do with -- -- And the ladies and -- -- either the first we have new new York new they are. Bailey gets into the definition of what a car is well that's that's an early call of garments -- go to -- right well as a -- -- that we met in real car slam down goes the phone. The he had asked the on this one your -- button and so are -- we go let us know that -- -- -- -- listening from that we -- company keep us. In the middle that want a gigabyte after a short break -- -- gonna dive into a we've got an email about thundering subs and -- -- still drooling over that one that. The -- -- -- test batteries coming apart and that we're gonna take you for not one not two but three little mini OTR segments. This week as the -- -- -- podcast continues. Okay. Okay back in the car tech live from Brian -- Wayne Cunningham and -- -- wondering embroidered -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- -- at the control this is the October 7 edition if you were with a -- over -- on the demand a thank you for being here with us. Policy we have all -- -- -- Hillary to this week ago we get a bunch in the back while we'll get to those Mexicans to get our bearings. Subs and the boxes they go -- so this is from Turkey -- Yes master. 2006 GMC Sierra regular cap. I'm limited on space so which is better to get to. -- inch 500 watts on each sub is that right -- or 110 inch with a thousand watt -- What. Don't know which -- -- of our box I should -- -- -- your podcast. I can't hear people -- -- we do with him. Well. If you're short on faith. And you he fears that a small truck and but it is the regular -- the you know have a trial but the thin. -- there's really no need to do it to says -- -- in any area that cores and you can really just go with the one image -- subs are stereo. Yeah I mean they're they're omnidirectional. -- that -- that. But I think also maybe you may actually just be satisfied with a 500 -- get I think. -- -- You're all white card that -- together -- 500 watts exactly. In a truck you're basically gonna be putting the let's. And underneath your seat or behind your seat -- BC -- exit nine and anyway so yeah that you don't need a huge amount of power to build it -- If you want more power and you just want you'd have to seek the feeling that -- -- -- -- more power doesn't necessarily mean. -- -- In the sub certainly. The high frequency stuff tends to require a lot of energy rate but when you've got something here him that he doesn't know why. Even with -- you can. You move -- yet because they've got the capacity you wanna keep charged that now what's this thing you've got here come from JL audio that might work on his truck and that's the easy way out. And it's called stealth bucks. And it's basically if you if here Sierra has the bucket seats with a center console. You can pick up the thing called still -- it combines the speaker bucks. And it's warfare it fell into one package you have to do with supply and nice five -- -- him to go with that this'll actually install. Inside of the -- console hidden away from sites. -- -- a lot of airspace in the center console extra just a peak in the Everett area underneath this thing goes in their -- -- if you're not watching a video versions it's gonna be molded home of -- thing that you group -- you can pull -- the council put the opinions group backed down. And then you got a couple speaker terminals there you -- from day acute and amp. 500 light that it should probably aim for like the -- -- and yet and because it hit in the way in your center console that's gonna be. Let's of the a target for these. Oh good point it doesn't say I've got a fancy system comes to -- It's off a little bit expensive when you talk about if you. You can build -- -- of their system with -- -- -- -- In the outsourcing -- -- you now heard by now. This is clean and very clean and and so and -- -- if you put a thousand watt subwoofer and your truck. What's the what's the recommended -- clear interest by -- how low -- doesn't -- that to an -- -- which is up program for I think it's an explicit on the it'd actually be dragging. -- we can all feel it thank you -- -- degrades. A -- to those emails coming folks car tech at -- three -- car -- at CNET. Dot com. We are going to give back to our law cars next -- and a bunch him from the would where would we will we were all the road we're gonna put those altogether and get caught up on those next week if you wanna get through three picks. -- from the Paris auto show that just wrapped up from -- -- each let you know about a favorite organs start off with info on what's car. -- you dig the models I grabbed the jaguar C 875. Because as concept cars total -- this is the most conceptual thing I've ever seen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Looks like new Jake you've ever seen I mean they're couple of you know -- -- -- -- go back to the old jaguar active. From -- in the Dave but. What's really interesting about this -- is where the power comes from and how -- -- the we will the electric vehicle with electric motors. -- and east corner. Basically. About 780 horsepower total. 1111178. Foot pounds of torque. A that sword in a small -- to -- on under the glass rear engine cover area are. The motors right. -- -- -- -- -- united uses these two gas turbine. Lately jet engines basically yeah there's been an 8000 rpm and maybe -- Turning generate idea a really good motorcycle -- -- -- -- really good idea of an F one car a little higher than that but not myself and our opinion. That's agenda so that's two jet engines but they don't blow the -- anywhere anywhere they just turn generated invigorated generators and wow. Marina range Extenders any minute -- and instant of them answered stringent standards and it does that -- -- -- -- it and it generates with electricity when those -- meaningful till you actually don't. It can drive the card directly from the generators to the motors which no other electric car can do -- generally go through the battery. The buffer because there's not enough power coming off the generator to really do that this -- and track mode. Go straight from generator to -- artillery -- electricity complete your health and just go off right. So that's actually -- green message to survivalist message I bought this ought to be off the grid is everything that often linked to engine electric callers super cars. If I mean it seems like a five year old thirteen year old -- -- the and -- brought back at it. Yeah and the terrible thing about -- it's a beautiful cards have fantastic power train great specs. And it'll polling numbers are delighted -- no thinking about it oh in the river than the unit and is it do that jaguar and maybe they're just saying that the scenery but of the -- but there. The of the -- -- in an object or turn figure there's them there but -- -- and make it the dual chip. -- hybrid range extender adding pressure of sort of has lot of concepts we see that I -- -- nice that they made it this is one where a whole got I want than a minute talk at the first dual chip -- currently -- wings on it. -- all right so let's see -- was into the forward to focus ST. You met quite a performance match for the -- that way why yet Sony five but they Fort -- that's key is real you it's coming that's right. Ford is matching up there their focus development do making the spoke at the world car basically so the car they've been selling in Europe we're gonna get that out here. Which they've never done before -- was keep the hot rods in Europe right and the but also just the regular -- is version two we're gonna get that then that right -- version as well. And we've been crying for good for performance our for a long time. Finally this actually this is this is the focus that's -- is the one it's been developed in the -- European -- European performance division. Which has been cool things like a focus RS which you wall which is really hot yeah on the top of the stack and when we can't get in here in the US are lot of other countries around the world actually and its European. But possessed he -- -- cool looking car you -- performance -- on it it's it's sort of your classic. -- modern power train for a high hatchback to two liter direct injection he can abused you know Turbo charged kind of thing. So it should get should have a lot of fun performance and also. You know we've experienced Ford's European handling the fiesta which is pretty good for small talk a little base via via you know get nice little that's responsiveness to this during the so -- car should should do that and war. Two liter four little tiny motor 250 horsepower toward 66 foot pounds of torque of six speed manual only. Yet that's gonna be fun. The most important if you're watching a video version you -- into the little rove gauges on the -- center of the -- actually do some real nice performance -- and -- -- seats. -- -- -- Should be insurance can't -- it can fall behind them the standard focus -- a little bit yet by the name the next smaller your merit but -- -- -- see it or if you're right -- we found a brownie face. -- -- -- Eagle now they old man look and -- are my -- is going back -- the direction of Antuan toward yeah. You alone that Lamborghini -- still element -- which I guess means sixth element. In Italian now I'm normally in the opposite of the super -- -- error of imported Blase about these damn things they're just so irrelevant to me but. This car is carbon fiber in and out and it's not just -- for decoration the public. The underpinnings are all formed carbon fiber and the body is carbon fiber and they save so much weight off the car by doing that. That they ended up making all their performance gains there and it's an indication -- bringing he says we're gonna go we're gonna be going toward our super cars that are far. Will later in the necessarily being far more powerful -- numbers on this one. Is -- they got that card on the point 200 pounds which I think is from the mistaken. Lighter than -- generation my opinion. Bowel injury in the month -- didn't -- like about that image of a thousand pounds optimism is based on the guy are actually -- the thousand -- that's right off the -- -- Arnaud had the same -- the 570 horsepower V ten but the power weight ratios three point eight pounds per horsepower. Compare that to the Cadillac CTS we just -- which was no slouch wasn't even -- even it was in the -- good adequate low performing car which is like. Eighteen pounds per horsepower. So it's an enormous difference in terms of power and weight reduction is what it's all about that he -- anything on the motor whatsoever. And the carbon fiber. Was developed with Callaway and you might think okay Callaway Reeves Callaway of the -- Corvette they know Callaway Golf clubs. Apparently they have some techniques for molding that. And pressing laminated carbon fiber that was what they needed for this car. So it's a golf club time and they made it look as evil has puzzled look as ever it's probably the most stunning looking live regaining some steamers McIntosh. You buy tickets -- -- that and there's the -- and greedy get lighter but not powerful. And -- it does it matter. -- -- -- -- It's backwards. As happens in in France this is just the way it goes lettuce got. More powerful accidentally there there'd been -- -- -- evidently more power more weight more -- -- is more of -- everything. And he you have liberty the code to tell ala. And for access to slick yeah just leave the engine -- -- Yeah pal was -- to -- super Carson -- -- it hasn't -- image and like in the green strategy that exactly that's exactly what I'm thinking it's a great green strategies that means we can replace our video at one -- corporate. We have the right message to the public we -- to greener scenic Tesco. -- -- -- -- He's the radio archive -- that you drill bits are snapping. Off -- folks a single looks gone in the scenic heartsick garage or right now we have the Cadillac CT yes. The 2011 that's the -- -- -- America is well for that matter of almost the world's flat its roof line that's a real fast back. And -- in the video up on that tomorrow on the eighth. The review is up now cars dot in the garage we just finished driving the Buick regal. -- that CLX trim levels and that's a real well that's where you -- if they re bad but of the -- works. Opel insignia. So it's a very different cars if that we think -- Buick yes. We'll have that review shortly and in coming in the garage we just got two new -- the Lexus LS 460. And we picked up -- -- we'll spectacle it's black right black is she will look at that. Comfortable there were just -- a -- -- how -- we are initially liking the Mercedes-Benz 550 can't relate that -- -- into we have some good initial impressions on that's a couple nice cars have just come in. They're both have pretty good -- cabin tech. So we have to get stories coming up -- that's all coming up on CNET -- -- and of course -- reviews always -- cars dot That's the show this week who crawl back to it again next week on Thursday at 12 noon Pacific in the meantime you -- to find the show it's car tech. Dot for all the show notes and previous shows in a court to sign up. To get the podcast email us that it's -- -- at CNET -- I'll get back into the emails deeply next week. Voice -- 866401. CNET 866401. 2638 -- the -- reaches on the voicemail and overall on Twitter everybody's on Twitter -- got a big. I'm Brian Cooley BR ANC EO LEY -- is -- C underscore asked half. And what is it doing NT GO of soon to be renamed Android boy. And Mitchell is -- -- Mitchell the Gartner while you. -- -- that's so easy MIT CH EL LC -- seriously but.

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