Car Tech Live 186: Upate your Facebook status while driving
Car Tech Live 186: Upate your Facebook status while driving

Car Tech Live 186: Upate your Facebook status while driving

Auto Tech
-- -- -- it's about six new hybrid. Sony announces more new car stereo. And we take a ride in the new sport and it's. I'm going I am yeah I'm Antuan Goodwin in the studio here in -- hundreds on the -- frankly is on vacation wanna hundred agencies -- Scenes that I think is in Hawaii or something like that doing something very cool. But -- with the car tech live I guess this is -- -- live for Thursday the sixteenth of September 2010. In the news on stars starts FaceBook testing. We tackle about -- a little bit last week I actually I got a demonstration of this they're -- the beta test this on star. As launch seemed to -- a select member of their users and they have six million of them sort of like minded and easy selection of those users. They're starting a beta test of the US FaceBook app war -- started so it's very fascinating what they view is that the user has to you. Blog onto OnStar on on the web add their FaceBook account information username and password. And then once they're in the car they can just push that -- ones are button. Request the virtual advisor which is -- sort of -- voice command Gateway. And then it's -- FaceBook. And this system to start reading through their FaceBook updates it's all audio and it up look at a screen or anything like that. App on at the -- facility they do some text to voice translation. And so it'll read through their update the person than -- Driver can say stop at any time -- and data can actually also update their FaceBook -- -- -- their status. -- -- that tell the system that they want to update. Then what they do is they just speak and record a message and that message gets were posted as an audio files you there FaceBook -- status update. So people and can read it and on -- actually working on doing some actual translations of a -- audio file. And translate that the text and post it which could put some pretty interesting little. You know takes on on -- might buy it that changed the meaning a little bit dependent on how it translates it but -- -- -- some software has gotten pretty good. So this -- and the whole idea sponsors gonna re launching their service they'll be able to you. Do these these more advanced services things that are more 21 century that they've been lacking in this about part of monster's been re launched. -- they also had demos service which is and I don't think this is going -- -- quite yet. But it's that it's had an app for Android phones and what happens is. When you have your Android -- paired in the car and if you -- receive a text message this thing will send your text message to one star. And then the same -- voice recognition software will will translate that and and then read it to you through the car. And you wanna reply you get like four canned messages didn't say yes or no or I'm driving right now don't bug me. The is interesting and of course going through my hated -- -- if in the area appear in the car with somebody and you know you. You get out the carding lake fail we -- -- think I'm gonna go -- and grab something any -- rickets or OnStar button. And a feature that the something awkward. But I'm assuming you're not gonna have to put in a password when she put in your -- stuff on the server. Lastly we do have to go through the yet to -- -- you know. If you get through a couple of ways cross before next yet the update says that little safety built in there and you're not accidentally just. Ran it at I know it'll do it oh yeah monsters your pencil yet and that will be open for anybody in the artists -- -- and -- and stuck there with your FaceBook they. And also say that it interpret those acronyms like LO will laughing out loud. Does anybody ever seen laughing aloud of the mighty things you take methods will just be like in meet you there in a little bit laughing out loud. -- that it is weird and they didn't say whether it'll translate WT either. And I guess they have -- cultivated lift them with acceptable from coming from a corporation. And when we're listing tidbit they mentioned to you is that in Europe L well does not mean laughing out loud like load lots above now. The avenue -- public -- was on was it from the -- but failed pays something and somebody with like. You know my mom does understand -- -- little stand for -- tech Smith insisted. You're grandmother just died LO well. Ultimately I could -- quality but but it in the you know the excellent here he's an over here -- LL like ha yeah but -- changes that considerably if it is a completely different kind take the depending on where you come from -- that. In further FaceBook automotive world news that -- actually -- -- -- FaceBook users. Because they posted a survey on their other US that FaceBook page or Audi US -- a page and then they asked. Users if they wanted the the Audi TT RS which is the extreme. Power -- sports version of the TT. I acute if they wanted that to come -- the US that currently that's only implore others holding in Europe and other places around the world I believe. But not sold in the US and well -- a lot of -- that yeah I want that car. 111500. In a month so they they want that car. You have any of the other thirteen year old at at and if -- FaceBook -- mean. How many of people are actually -- -- I guess they're not gonna bring negative fable 111000 let's -- 111000 cars over but you know you have to wonder. How much like -- and boys and incidentally here. Absolutely. You know I mean you can tell -- just trust but -- -- users. But I do believe they did a survey that was it may be asked things like income level on all -- they might have. Got a little more deeper and of information hoping to actually can -- with with these people actually afford the -- Because yeah I mean sure you know any serving Everest my -- -- automatically double that at at. The TT RS that pretty interesting tire -- they got a new engine for this says it's at five cylinder turbocharged direct injection. Yet. Fast I think it's something like 300 horsepower. It should be really amazing -- four point six seconds is sixty miles per hour not exactly super car performance but but -- The impasse effort discard described is the the Euro trash -- At. It's I mean big that kind of build the level performance you're talking about with the -- that the amount of course power and sophistication about it all wheel drive technology in -- you have. You know a -- that's gone from you know when UTT first came out kind of like bad evil for their part to now it's like world beating performance in a pretty. So by the time they're gonna bring here is only gonna to the -- -- the roadster there is actually -- ERS roadster. And they're only gonna bring a with a six speed manual not the seven speed DSD which they also -- in -- so maybe. Is that they users also can easily see that at that -- You -- on FaceBook and expenses -- using announced are two good guy needs updating if they attempt today that it. -- now electric car news that Tesla is that signed a deal with that Daimler -- -- The supply supply power -- plan electric power train for -- -- The Mercedes-Benz -- class which is a car we don't get over in the US they classes smaller car that they have -- -- in Europe. The smallest cars -- Mercedes-Benz in Europe. And that it's -- -- in the way that. And test the -- about getting this deal because. They talked to a Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-Benz is already been working on an electric car they've actually got an electric smart car Daimler has an electric smart are coming out. Com. But you know there's so they're in talks with Tesla that Mercedes-Benz and want to put up development money up front. So Tesla just they went and hadn't bought an -- class bottom Mercedes-Benz A class in Europe. Took a -- I think they took it out -- often hear in California and I I think they. To their facility and and record that it with a -- with their electric power train. Then showed Daimler what they can do and -- -- great we want a bunch of them. -- initiative or is yes and dad you know given that the electric power train is is that pretty -- -- of -- department is pretty modular. You know power train in the -- obvious they -- -- little bit and quite a bit we can with the car and engineering but in. We had placed funny how you know Tesla has Lotus roots. Because they they get their -- Cox from -- it but it's turning out that there. In a lot of -- becoming the -- of the the the EV market you know -- load of supplies a lot of small technologies and range extender engine -- make all these really cool things and they just apply to other people in addition to making their neat little sports cars. -- kind of you know they've got their deal -- Leo it they're they're you know that the deal -- Daimler now they're. Kind of work now that they may be in one -- looked at as the Lotus of electric cars. Yeah this is this is actually been a business that pencils wanted to get -- you from day one is supplying batteries supplying power trains and -- -- and and they are actually. Getting more successful with -- specially with car companies. Just eagerness to get electric cars on the road you know looking at you know leaves coming out the Chevy -- come out these other car companies and they want to catch up well. By parker from Tesla and boom you got electric car just like that but on my dad about that death the that Tesla that. The Daimler you sell EV is what they're calling it that this car has. About a 124 miles -- range so it's actually significantly less than that put Tesla Roadster. But I'd imagine it's heavier -- to the signal for people is -- to the -- ruled that couple and obviously a little little heavier body then the other one. I mean -- working on a heavier body vehicle also an aircraft have plants -- -- -- -- It'll probably be -- -- Youth -- good practice for them. As far as getting a vehicle on the router that size or add in that week last and then also -- -- to win their actual vehicle comes out they can do it. If and other lake kind of template where you would in music and hit on that a little bit earlier this news about Toyota's electric and -- and very. Yet Toyota just this last -- -- one other executives is out that copying and and if -- -- the cat out of the bag he's not -- somebody and suddenly it was the news that. It is gonna launch six new hybrids by 2012 plus electric vehicle. And that -- and immediately started. You know confirming this news by tweaking it says so that's the -- on the between quit -- or speed they get they've. Mentioned as -- they've got these sixty hybrids coming out plus this electric cars electric -- for which they're gonna show at the Los Angeles auto show. And actually one of the hybrids. That they're gonna bring out we -- You know this is a little bit enabling with the models it's it's gonna be the plug in version of the Prius at the new model we're in the thing yet lose a new hybrid fit and -- and it's just. Include -- others with little it. Yeah well that's that's not like they're there if it literally is Lexus business was actually in the person make in this that are talking about this was. An executive vice president for -- so you probably has -- -- analog from brands. And so could mean Lexus as well which would you. I mean theoretically you could just make a plug in version of all of that the -- now. And that would be your six model right there. And I don't out there including -- CT 200 H which is a new Lexus model coming out pretty thin raid and they're probably I don't know that and how. Right any -- if not out yet -- technically it is news will be here but when he told. Yeah and that this story wasn't really we need a lot of extra data on the story is really just -- that Twitter punch by -- so we you know they're they're using quit Twitter -- disinterested in what they're doin' and it is interest in lord will be instance in this you know this plug in Prius which could compete with -- Yeah I guess -- them sort of -- way. Got to block of news in the after market for a little gadgets and and a little bit of tech going on starting with Sony. As come out with a quartet of -- car stereos and basically this is the replacement for their CDX line of index CD players that it got four models that range from. CDX GT 250 -- -- basic model of an eighty dollar. CD player with an -- and quit all the way up to their top of those TVX GT line was is -- GT 650 UI. And it's gonna have. -- AUSB port on the front for connecting -- I've -- your -- phone year Sony Walkman if anybody actually has those are any other do you SP device we use a USB keys and whatnot. And then also -- -- of search technologies that been quick browser engine remote for navigating quickly through your large. Music libraries has nearly dealing with that at -- the two line display here so you're not gonna be scrolling. Through a lot of long list of music these technologies of you get to your music quickly. And then a couple of advanced sound engine in digital. Signal processing technology they're gonna make the music sounded the big story here is that for 160 bucks he can get a pretty full featured. I applied. I guess integrated. -- unit. As preachy and out of immigrant what the price has been consistently. Dropping year by year -- -- any of these have a Bluetooth. No no they have a completely different line. In the XP -- -- the -- there than any X line that -- focused on Bluetooth. And put a bigger emphasis on hands free calling in audio streaming they haven't updated that yet for twenty -- and these have these -- CD players than others idea of necklace get Norton CD player yet affiliate with CDX in their line of CD players I mean of course if you get an -- -- the GT 250 that -- you got and the CD player and aim at Emory and but it. You're not talking about new technology here but if every port eighty bucks -- mean you really just wanted to you know swap out the car stereo and your 1980 come that are there and you must spend a lot of money. The go quick detachable. -- -- players chicken. You know -- once when he for a week. And a lot of people ask us about how to get their iPod hooked up on the car. Or you know whatever and a device they have been and so this. You know it's probably you know it as -- as -- -- yet well I mean you can view -- FM transmitter that you know I mean not much more money bird -- one of these and. Right and then you also get the idea upgrade camps and in the ability to you know and civil prison would not because of the pre amp output that are as a it's kind of an investment -- -- small investment but if you're you know you wanna build a system that that really way to kind of geek in I get in the -- -- -- -- -- that almost two outstanding almost any money. Now you use that they're gonna search technology they have on the -- for. For getting -- your iPod library is that always tough on a small display how well does that work with that these devices eleven spoiled by voice -- I'm gonna say that it's still kind of sub optimal lit. You know it. It's it's it works I mean you know they have their quick browser and there's -- technology we use basically gonna jump. Percentage -- through. Are you musical library -- that that it'll actually start playing like the first couple seconds of songs. I'm on playlist so you can Unita to really look at -- it'll just start and phoned -- -- what you wanna hear you can tap a button and -- pick the -- in the inning. It's. Kind of their interest in wave if it I'm glad to see -- Sony is still kind of trying to figure out new ways the -- this technology. Easy to use but I mean it's not really groundbreaking. That mean that the big story here that she. You can't really go wrong with that. I guess another new thing in away from car -- and into and GPS news TomTom -- a -- the GPS software. On there their newest like excel and X six cell models and it. It's kinda cool it download the update and they've got a bunch of like new features small features that Caroline really make system easier to use things like. Speed sensitive volume -- I've never seen that on aftermarket GPS device so you start driving factor in the GPS device. -- that that that's happening it'll actually increase its volume a little bit to compensate for road noise and they've got some really cool -- frightening view. Kind of preview so when you pick your destination you can actually kind of fit there on the device and step by step -- which -- gonna do where you on the road for people like me who -- you know nitpick. The route. If they're really cool feature there we've got full slide show of all of the the -- the features that are in this on the car tech blogger put the link in the show notes. And will offer have a lift of the units that are affected you have one of these units -- and download that updated free. And pretty often is it mainly an interface that -- -- yet look the -- mostly. Mostly I mean new update mean that actual interface doesn't change very much -- things in the menus get shifted around you get a couple of new option. That. You know I think should have always been there -- for example TomTom cannot hide their volume control. Underneath an invisible button on the -- on on the map screen and there's no way to adjust the volume from anywhere else in the put a volume button in the -- -- I guess enough people wrote in effect how to -- you turn the volume down or up on the thing -- -- ago I guess maybe we need a button that. It's small -- but small tweaks that go along way particularly when pretty much any GPS device what keeps you from when -- to point B in the experiences. Really what's -- you're looking for differentiator models. How is he would would have hoped that they would have put a head external dial like on the case -- and as far more expensive to do it that way as an an insignia extra -- it seems like. There -- most of the units -- getting rid of physical button you get of power button on pretty much anything. Used the if you card slot on all of them for a they've been now that you download all your people lot of -- partners. Drop those off as well on the units -- just especially. Toward the entry level others getting simpler and simpler. And if it -- you can do it with. An on screen button it when when -- -- -- to worry about -- as he got something else -- and GPS for cameras yet so the contour. On the east EB holder they're kind -- now. -- they've announced their. Upgrade their newest model in their their comments were HD line of cameras. The -- -- jeeps yes and it's basically the helmet cam. A you can get -- suction cup -- for your car we use one pretty much every week to help recorder heartache -- to collide when we do on the road segment. But this model is basically will allow you to record 1980 Ph.D. video or 720. In a very small -- -- hand held unit used only about this big. And but that it right there it -- in the -- -- your hand but this wasn't even new model and GPS tracking so basically what it will allow you to do. Is as you're recording your video it'll it once a second. Records your altitude speed and latitude and longitude and you play the video back on supported player. It'll actually show -- live map. Next to what's going online and in the video showing you gonna show -- where -- are the spirit wouldn't -- and you're on the track. You can actually see like a little outline of the track you can also see you'll elevation change -- Go down the corkscrew. It is actually really cool technology there. And I was just click and we today use it -- are. On the road. Podcasts that coming you know and in the future and people can see the route we're taking -- -- -- -- yeah of course will be the same route every week pretty. -- he. Or somethin' like that. But we really like these cameras and the mean and the GPS functionality is is really cool. -- that we use these every week. And I actually kind of when we first got the nano and not -- for not being relegated they go pro -- to go pro as. You know there their plastic shell and so if you drop the camera you press -- you'll press camera. But Wayne actually throughout this island off of the few -- of your -- and he kept up a couple weeks ago and we get the W Eric review we've been using it like three weeks. Mean and -- of the Philippine defeated and it. Yeah some speed closer as mutants the diameter of yeah I mean and that's all we have the couple scratches like a of the corner here but I mean prima unit -- -- -- A little bit of green in there somewhere -- -- mean and -- for weeks yet operational this -- -- -- scratches around the -- -- aluminum. -- on the case but -- about it. Yeah they're they're rough and tumble kind of thing they're designed to fall off I mean did they get have you. All and all the promo video of -- so people jumping out of airplanes to be strapped -- their -- so I guess that there's some meant to survive but in August you don't. It around that hard and eventually when but I mean you know if you're going snowboarding and something Eric you art you know going to attract with them sort of a thirteen -- honor them like that in the you can be preacher that the camera the violence most of which you can throw at it. When I was disappointed by -- we didn't actually get the footage of the thing tumbling. Off the top of the -- that would've been cool apparently -- stated that cuts out if it senses that it's come loose. I don't know how that -- that there's no excel around -- in this model. -- it may have been an odd coincidence there. The jacket and you idiot he -- shook -- in that side that's probably did in. Yes that we get actually at but it did it comin' up the car. Well to tries more experiment and that kind of thing -- than happy to through this went off the -- and get a new and but then in. Other GPS news garment. Dave actually in now the you know they've had about two or three Smartphone newbie phones are Garmin phone now and this week we get news from -- -- Over on the -- -- -- and on dial on their -- in blog that Garmin -- considering getting out of the Smartphone business. -- you were never actually in the Smartphone and if you release. Two maybe three units one of weights with a complete flop. The other when was too little too late. Let's move on from that. Income generated governments of more than consider this that's that's done you and except that is except what's happened what was interesting is they have to do something to survive because it it seems like every time -- -- GPS buried there for comments ago people still buy these things and a must Smartphone or an -- our audience is really tech savvy so easy you would expect that. But they have to do something but there's more and more phones are coming with -- navigation software -- navigation software. Tom -- trying to get around this bag and now by it actually supporting the phones and -- in trying to in hand with applications and hardware Garmin. Try to go around the phones -- it with a if you can't beat them join them kind of -- and distancing be working out -- There's another market that we've been seeing Garmin and TomTom get into which is supplying software and hardware for a lot of the aftermarket car stereo manufactures. So we saw a couple Sony units come out at the in an issue in Europe last week. The head TomTom indebted in -- we've seen Garmin doing dated. Sort of things in these kind of doubled in car stereos and maybe there's a market for them there well with the install that I mean. The portable handheld market -- and -- everybody's grandparents -- to the point where they can't drive anymore I mean I don't really know they're gonna do. And commentary notebook you're gonna notice for that TV industry that's the Canada actually has done a very interesting way of trying to make drivers slow down. On their roads that are testing out this thing is it's a paint -- of a child. On the roadway. And it's it's his technique got comp blow a problem at an instrument of its term -- the Friendster opinions and it -- all the very realistic. And that as you drive closer to this meaning of this child. In the -- it tech it is it can have long gates and looks like she's standing up sort of that -- it's them. -- and it's a very interesting way not doing speed bumps I guess that the yet and we've got a video of it running right here so this is the. About -- there looks like a kid and I like oh lately it's not a -- then when you run over her inspectors out yet they get the idea that if you're paying attention. You'll know that something's not right but the prospective and and you know you'll be able to maintain your speed but it or if you're not paying attention or you're speeding through. Then you know you'll glanced up and Edith -- -- -- it'll start -- enough to slow now as -- theory and -- the person and you write to you. Yeah I think that's -- I think the site is completely wrongheaded it is I don't know I -- a little child on the road I'm gonna slam on the breaks. You know especially if you know she's probably picking up abolish its chosen there I mean. -- -- little kids gonna do they could run in your direction they can run they're completely unpredictable creatures they exactly so it's you know people are gonna be slam on the breaks they're gonna be squirming. Yeah it's gonna be golf putting -- -- of -- -- -- until the next plane and runs into a car that's coming in and Ericsson and it. I can see -- trying to do here -- it. The fifth it's scary and you really don't wanna scare the crap out of people other driving and there's. I mean estimates this to mean vehicle to pretty much a weapon and -- you don't sneak up on somebody with a loaded gun at them like that are you get shot and I. Then -- -- one of the people responsible for the -- common and in the news story about it it's the he. Says that -- any kind of assumes that you know once you'll you'll slow down want to see your in the road. And then you'll like to a reasonable speed. You know assuming you like ten miles per hour there's you know you -- in the road if you don't come to complete stop. And then you went you know notice that she's now I'm not like just a -- -- and -- move on. And some people on the comments -- actually went out here that twenty used to. You know driving over it was little kid in the road you'll be like just to get -- drive over -- Whenever yeah it's -- -- be -- real key it and you're just gonna be like oh look that meaning. Yeah as at this this idea I think and -- if they get need to work. Is the very least. I -- one point where they painting -- speed bumps on to the road. To get over Blake having to actually put a speed bump on the road and have wearing -- people vehicle there were painting. Fake ones that kind of had lake -- -- sort of a three dimensional. Look today and so that you would slow down but then you wouldn't actually have to -- thing. There there was a road to nowhere near where I grew up where a lot of people there lot of accidents on popular gravity past did twisty road that sort of thing. And that's what they did was they put up in Christine speed limit scientists in like nineteen miles per hour on a curve so the idea was. You'd be like in nineteen -- instead of you know -- the normal -- miles per hour you'd be like okay I'll go through forty. I think W nineteen it is going lightning you do 3850. If you can gave -- like you know double that number that quickly your head and it figures are doing the math -- -- I think most people like. Download -- -- really get a map in you'll be like okay. I can't double nineteen. -- quickly. Aggregate and it didn't need to be something that I mean some of ways for people on and a speed -- the work either in the nineteen people. Purposely he'd have to jump but he. Particularly in areas were being elected -- -- popular. Yes. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- on -- two miles an hour it is. The people drive in them like afraid it's gonna hurt their our favorite bands are the ones at the lifted truck -- and parking lot is just decide I'm just an exit here and straddled the Internet. And it that it that it you're gonna have a trick that date vehemently you think ground right. -- on the -- emails and would leave voice -- but. Don't know and everybody smiles this week -- you can leave them I you can call us up asked questions comments that at 1866. 401. CNET. That's -- 1866 or 01263. It -- -- -- comment. We -- have a couple of emails here you also email us that car tech at Opera email is from Tony. -- he was curious if we're planning on reviewing the 2011 CT SV sedan Cadillac. -- as it doesn't do me any good reviews about our yet. And as as the advertising is when others better than the BM WM five and Mercedes-Benz that AMG 63. That is that is -- for review and well. Tony that we actually have reviewed the 2009 version of that car. And it it's they haven't done a lot of changes to the card in it between now and then I believe they may be added Bluetooth immediate. Some minor electronics tweaks but if it's not substantially different -- -- -- yet 2009 model. It is a very impressive -- and I gotta say driving this car I was blown away. I've told a bigger than the Mercedes-Benz C 63 -- India -- little more comparable to the 63 AMG. And both of those cars have about. Similar similarly sized engines. Commit to the M five I think you have BMW has their own sort of style -- -- -- in the -- really just unique gambling deal. And the yet -- -- doesn't quite. Did and that mean they don't duplicate that deal with it I think is good they should have their own handling peel. But for a big gap fast American car the big engine. -- ET SB handles really well they've got this magnetic right suspension that keeps it that keeps it stable and keeps all of you who. Wheels getting ripped. So good impressive -- when we have a -- in -- went yes yes and grab that. Yeah I gotta spend little time on the real. -- I agree pretty much everything you say and it's pretty much like. Buying afford or -- and I mean maybe yes no not Philip -- out of respect them but any affiliate of the much more practical vehicle. You can actually you know -- people and it. And then scare the crap out of them instead of just having one person accuracy and crap -- -- -- it really good car out of the of the Ricard mention. Yet again the -- -- -- three because the odd ball. But that's the one -- actually that I like the best nutria. At the bottom little card -- -- signing engine. Just really twits in prison and handles the turns very well. Battle little smaller of them deceit yes please that you wanted something where it can have -- more elbow room you know American. Go America at -- another question from Matt and the from Wisconsin -- says he drives a Pontiac G six with just over 30000 miles on it. He got it used with 181000 miles last summer and the dealer recommended a -- scheduled me and maintenance when he got near 30000. My question is what does and what does that mean it's -- and is it worth it just. Or just -- -- -- the dealer to make some extra money. He says he's really good it you've -- is. Will -- during his regular oil changes. And the this is scheduled maintenance the 30000 scheduled maintenance -- that -- fifty dollars. I've pointed out you Andy -- That got 30000 miles -- maintenance the best there the most useful thing about it if you're already doing your regular oil changes and all that is the inspection where they look at the the boots in the breaks and everything else picture yeah everything's in good shape which. It's a BL I don't Wisconsin you'll get yours you're harsh winters that -- might take a -- A slated inspection and it is pretty important. But you don't really need to get it on your dealer and you. Lot of independent McKenna and duties and inspection and actually triple -- does inspections to that are pretty comprehensive. 350 box saying could probably get -- done cheaper somewhere. Yeah I think that the key factor here is when he -- you've -- -- keeping current on changes. Does that mean you're doing -- does that mean you're taken -- years local like you know -- -- -- -- -- because that's gonna be all the different if you're underneath the car in you know once a month. Couple weeks. You're gonna start seeing things are probably check in the break anyway you probably check in your fluids and -- you know you're you're TV like boots and all those things. Already. So then meeting if network the money but if you're just taking it to a place until and then pay any new rules change they may not be checked in the things that -- -- really pain in the defense. Although one thing with the -- if you -- -- Oil change back and -- -- they usually do look at the fluids Syria and they look at other ways -- in its money out of the. Evidently they're gonna inspector. That's and and you know -- they let all the boots and in -- and stuff like that there's blip in bird -- you know hey we can refill your -- -- also mean it really do that for free. But you know -- probably check your fluids and stuff but I mean yeah they won't give you that comprehensive. Okay every you know -- Ukrainian check out -- and we get an email coming in from my innate and which is -- candidate and that he was talking about the renewed the review of via a Garmin -- 379 DT. That we put up last week that was our editor's choice winner for -- the best you get -- might be tested in a while. And he was talking about how he likes. That the unit has terrain mapping. That -- -- -- basically 3-D terrain mapping of the ground when you -- now far enough. Anything that is cool what is not releasing new. -- actually been supplying avionics technician. Such as our -- -- here with. The G1 thousand suite of treaty to terrain mapping called SBT years and that synthetic vision penalties and four. -- -- that aircraft. You know pilot then that people who work in avionics need the terrain mapping so they'll rend their plane into. Kind of -- mountain but he's wondering. You know why would you need that thing and car. And basically thing that show and when -- and yet I mean. We -- know that the three and having that new because I think Audi does that BMW to -- A lot of -- three auto manufacturers are starting to move toward. That extra Kenny G -- terrain mapping in 3-D building data thing. And yeah we're just -- merely to about you know the death -- on the the pimples why in the 3-D terrain mapping for bird. Avionics. Yeah they've got avionics they've authored an article I mean you know and then there's also -- hand held devices are you know -- and stuff like that they've -- -- -- -- revenue street but so what would you need to from a car. I don't know but tell me looking for good driving route. It is interesting I've driven a lot of that saudis in the BMWs and they have the terrain mapping and it is. It is doubly cool to be able to see the road ahead -- the okay and others not only -- legacy like and I've got a hairpin turn coming out but I can see it goes into a canyon something like that yet unity and see that's right up here it goes up something severe. As opposed to opportunity maps where you know are seen as just everything looks flat -- and -- here. On way into the mountains or appeared just you know don't -- plane. And then also garment with a lot of kind of focus on their -- -- technology which is gonna help you find the most fuel efficient route to we're going now beyond just seen. They did that with the GPS devices being aware of pills. And you know wind you rude and things like that it can probably take that information into account. When it's trying to get you from point a to point B in eighth more fuel efficient -- you know this way because it's just been -- and climbing hills. The -- go this way and you -- either something that's happening in the back in there we'll look -- -- the we can find out what -- actually doing with that data but I'd just make in the -- -- -- Critical as always cool cars. And it's not a new segment anymore we've been doing -- a little while. We've been getting it's steamy emails and that's new cars coming in. And let's pull up the latest. Will -- here -- union. -- Our first though all car. -- sent in man. By Eric Eric. -- It's kind of a mashup between a motorcycle -- -- aero yet honey it -- the the American and meetings in. You have they've been using the fear of engine though the Indians right there behind the passengers see what happens is the driver sits in the middle. Have straddling the fuel tank. Like you would on motorcycle. -- to passengers sit. Just behind -- -- -- pelican McLaren F one look at -- and not nearly as cool that how many engines actually behind them is he was you know you have today I guess I'll with the kind of mean when people do this with a VW bug. Go to the back half of VW bug in the right -- motorcycling and eclectic -- out of it. But it is often -- -- the Canada on the steering -- to varied by -- sponsor and primary portal. With. Minutes and actually get from the command from -- W via the -- Camaro. I'm gonna go out of a living thing and it actually doesn't look half bad compared to move to -- that come through global art gallery. But considering the Camaro -- on very well I'm sure you can see. Similar things -- across the country and that's probably of these states is not it at. And then moving on from that we have -- -- orange thing. Leo my favorite car in the world that I am -- who and what happened of that don't know that death rates on Lego or in rhythms. With -- with Chrome lived and it's raised up like a monster truck and and nobody in a tally in that it doesn't have a truck wheels either yet. That is don't ever feel that you're Italian -- not an int well. I doubt I had no idea I mean obviously with a lot of these guys we have no idea what the purpose of them is that -- -- -- I think they cicadas plug -- that. The most useless you've raised up a Lamborghini but you still have one I'm bringing you wheels on it. Yeah it's out of that's going evident desire endeavour's speed bumps they're gonna skip ahead to if this kind of brown -- and it's like. Rusty brown van -- all sorts of like cut them sculpture. And like monkey faces. And things on it but that's not the most are interesting thing the most interesting thing of the driver. Instead the Brit pound no design in a monkey puppet and Cameron -- who sympathy into the sky address realm Portland Oregon in using them -- -- to talk to people. Yeah I think -- should be dialogue against. Striving well of the hearings -- meanwhile puppeteer Nina retinal -- is -- bad same with driving while puppeteer and crazy we have let. Interesting nav bar released -- the on this man but neck head and that liquor is looking at you and in Portland organ might probably seen it already or you might take a look for it. And -- some blind by detecting these black all of his windows so that. -- -- us who you got for low -- this week asset I think -- all cars that you see any picture see any interesting -- the road to the pictures send you Arctic at and yet although take the picture known from the inspectors from other blogs are yet it really use the and I didn't guy that -- if we get the smart -- to it's weird looking. Days who he had lake or pictures every week of bone -- -- -- experts. -- -- came -- a lot like that is moving into about it and show us on at the raised up in I'll be something there's actually one -- around San Francisco right now with white wall tires and it actually looks pretty cool I drive and it looked like. -- -- On that can -- -- on on the road dad has this week -- and -- got out -- 2011. Board edged. The sport version. The -- away. In this sport -- to. Pick of the three point seven liter V6. Little more than the -- five in the standard model. Did you three and five horsepower. And not as good fuel economy. And there's -- an all wheel drive system going on here also and it. -- distribute the that's workarounds but it. -- wheel drive about 90% of the time only when you need -- to the freer when your exhilarating pretty hard. You actually get any power going -- -- back. Is actually a pretty cool little just Blake going on here in the instrument cluster. That's gonna be part of it knew my portrait system. And one of the screen you can bring up. The all wheel drive system and actually -- which which into the vehicle the power's coming out. To give you pretty good idea of what it's doing at any given time and then also the other half of that map -- -- system that's gonna be the large touch screen that we have. Right here in -- -- there was a -- -- then. -- got four corners. First corner up here it's gonna be for your telephone options and all your cell phone. -- activity and stuff right there. You both good -- information have which world you're seeing services and I'm assuming you're navigation system will be -- the vehicle where -- -- equipment. Down in the bottom left you've got your audio olive you can activity right now we've got HD radio coming through we've also and I've -- it's an iPhone connected there's iPhone could activities well. But then when you have both of those things working together. The phone -- funny Steve radio station that you like you -- and and tag it and it will actually save that song in a playlist on your on your iPod or iPhone to be purchased at a later date. Finally get your climate controls. Down here on the bottom and you've also got a couple of different ways to organize your information home button here. You -- much there is little information -- kind of once. On that home screen. And one thing cool and it's got the Sony premium audio systems that means -- speakers 390 watts. Good sounding system but that also at the -- things -- -- touch panel. Below the screen and sort of hard buttons they're also capacitance touch buttons you want you like. Turn on base he -- -- touch this button over here and it. It doesn't have that -- mechanical civil haptic feedback and uses such thing. Now there's problems -- this as I've actually brushed against buttons and turned off the climate control and sort of a little too easy to -- those buttons work only -- -- need to -- a little bit. I guess it's easier to clean though I mean there's no -- you can get between their attitudes taken attitudes fresh and get the ground up between the -- disagree with some indexing quite good I guess. There's gotta cool it definitely an interesting look. The 2011. Ford Edge they were out in that that's actually the sport pro models though. That's right -- and 22 inch wheels stock from the back. Front grille. And everything by the vehicle is being but it's a really that -- mean burden dimension that actually. Pretty average size if not -- the service and right. That's your typical crossover by no seating for five cargo area what -- -- come -- -- think that you know that that crossover style is really -- the best. A multi purpose vehicle near you think for families and things like that you can. You can drive to work every day -- you can yell of the kids in and take in the school you can you know it's it's. -- fan of the wagon I can't remember really fed does is replace the way in it is I -- Apple you get the same amount of flexibility. I mean did you in the vehicle getting larger vertically but I really gaining -- vertical space but it's reading the vehicle and -- Stretching it. I think that's replace this TV which replaced the minivan which replaced the wagons and it is stolen well that's coming back -- -- item it is coming back. And I noticed that Justin Timberlake. Mission up on the screen that was -- media center at in the coming colleague is there really had a hand model work in their yeah. Had nothing to do that at at and -- against it and -- at. And nobody did we get interesting that the big story here -- -- -- that they you can we were joking around as in previous on the performance up with the word adequate. But the big feature here is all of that technology all of that to state that it is the dashboard of the future and if -- now. It is an interest in looking thing -- it's really big -- updated report it'll be nice to see that. The report color. Nice looking. -- interface meters dough and other other cars because. Yeah frankly the the -- interfaces. Top corner -- than an -- systems previously it yeah -- works it doesn't look good. Yeah I don't think it looks I mean -- What's going on the instrument -- beautiful I mean really it's responsive finger sliding in like now I mean things look good. Something about the interface on that touch screen it's easy to find everything you need. But it doesn't look good when that does everything this kind of looks like it's grown up on the screen -- mean that it's. It's smart the four corner thing you never really have to know. You -- -- to get what -- you're looking for after learning curve but. I mean we had an issue over trying to figure the HD radio tagging and -- if an entire trip out to where we're going to find the button that with hidden under -- -- menu. And resident -- that that that's true so yeah a little bit of practice on it but you know I like that they at least. You know put some design and -- there's some graphic design and it actually worked on it as opposed. And engineers that just took it and you know an SDK and built that interface with. In existing buttons that were available. It's definitely better than how it looks but I'm thinking like still lake if you put that mix two -- interface to put that next to BMW -- -- it just doesn't look it's finished. And -- the mean if not if not easier to get around in any with a voice command -- -- looking at it anyway. But it look at vanished. And it does use the same. Paradigm as -- using those different colors for the different application areas. I -- for climate and and yellow -- phone Audi uses different colors reach of those areas but they also gonna color code areas. So it is kind of copying them a little bit in that they also need speed up. It is slow yeah. Look there's a like when -- word in knowing it I mean -- flaky tap a corner and it's like half a second for it. Figure out the chief -- the corner and in another second for the screen to change in the mean -- -- behind the wheel and from the very quickly it doesn't really do stuff like. -- -- the comment -- all the touch screen. So you turn on your heated -- there's no way to turn them off without going to the climate screen. And then going to be huge teeth thing and in turning your heated -- -- you can do that is driving it it takes. Apple -- in prairie in literate there. That's going to be a problem I think with the system and they really should've paid a little more attention what BMW went through with Ide drive. The candidate went through those same issues. You know the ten years ago. When their first generation and I've read actually get all the climate and cohorts and in in the screens and nobody wanted to go through ten menus just to you know change the temperature. Obviously there's a little faster Virginian temperature but still I mean maybe you don't get that -- -- -- you get more conventional buttons -- you do you I believe so that that'll probably change it a little bits. One thing I think too is that quadrant idea of having okay you've got your navigation in one corner you -- here you know audio and another corner. And in the other corner. BMW all -- to have that quadrant idea but that -- limits you and you can only have all of four types of functions. Yeah like I mean you're gonna end up in a situation where navigation under information. And it doesn't really make a lot of sense sometimes -- and if you start adding different functions of the car you know at the start adding they spoke what -- act that's all that's always gonna end up under the think apps. And a long list if it looks -- it's already getting there where if if like you go under that -- have. And it's like your apps for -- and it's definitely a lift the fourth being there right now. But one day it's gonna be fifteen. And going to be an issue. -- with this sport version the car came with the three point seven liter engine we mentioned in the the video that there's actually gonna be eight that he could lose stuff for cylinder -- coming out then next year. So it really candidates a question you should you buy now or should you wait till the -- -- comes out and it supports senator has the -- on a power. Probably -- it's gonna get five miles per hour better -- by miles per gallon better fuel economy to. Yet -- play something mean you might wanna. We'll leave you with a sport you're not in which the thing I mean you -- in the video bouncing around the fact puppet there was this. -- it's not vehicle to push the cruiser and the -- but those big wheels on it. It is a Kazaa that's not bad in the corners it -- -- around some later on in and it's okay am -- get a little feet -- rotation a little bit I think that's all wheel drive actually. Many of them like at the bone it -- like oh it happens. To handle will look as if they didn't want you to crash when it knows that apparently to and from poured into it -- and the whole sport idea that aren't. The unit actually sports and in on the transmission all that if -- updated without penalty after it does that house appears right which. Is kind of requisite for any car and it has sport in its name yet again they should stop calling non sports -- -- -- -- -- -- Kind -- pretentious. A little bit. I mean -- data's gonna be Cadillac Escalade sport and not a -- -- -- in well. Men and it at that point which is -- all right well that was are on the road segments. In the CNET garage. Now we have latest actually that Ford -- review is that going up to date video's gonna be a little bit later. In which O'Brien comes back in the to get a record that. In our garage now we have the 2010 Subaru Outback limited. That's point decked out with navigation and -- gardens there -- system. We have the 2010 psi on XD with the TRD package. That that -- makes a very cool. And then Mac coming up by next week if you get the Cadillac CES. 2000 elevenths and yes -- That. If you want to take a look at Arctic we're part tech -- Our email us -- that -- CNET. -- com.

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