Tune up your old PC
Tune up your old PC

Tune up your old PC

[ Music ] ^M00:00:06 >>Alright guys its Editor's Office Hours. I'm back from my slumber. I was not feeling so hot for a little while. >>I'm sorry man to hear that. >>[Laughter] Ok thanks. That sounded real sensitive. >>Somehow we wear the same color. >>I know. >>What's up with that, look? >>We've got Dong in the house. >>It's all by accident, ok. Make it look like my mini me right here. >>Ok [Laughter] >>So anyway, I'm sorry that you were sick so I will try to sit down like this. >>I'm better now. >>You feel better. So we're kind of even. >>Ok guys we're gonna actually get on topic which normally I'm not that good at doing. We're here to talk about how to tune up your PC. Some things, some tips, the best ways to go about doing that. We also are open and fair game to take any questions you guys want. >>Any questions at all. >>Any question that's right. >>Ask me how cute I think Mr. Tong is. >>What? >>I think you're pretty cute. If I were a girl I would definitely take you as my younger brother. [ Laughter ] >>Alright, I'm dying. It's good to be back man. Do you feel uncomfortable now that I did that? >>No that was good. >>Ok, cool. Alright let's get talkin about some real stuff. We can bounce around on the silly stuff too. First up we're to talk about tuning up your PC. Now there are some fundamental things that people can do to help optimize their PC's performance and experience. This applies to both Mac and PC so I just wanna get that out of the way. What are some of those things? >>Well, one of the thing is that the first thing is that you do not want to install too many things. The less you install the better so don't have too many software. Matter of fact if you buy a new computer from any vendors they tend to come with ton of loaded trash. I call it trash. Those thing are not cool and they're not free. Don't be too excited about free stuff. So remove stuff that is not necessary and when you install software like, you know, the IM like they always come, even sometimes, you know, you start browsing. They come with stuff that you don't know. So when you install stuff make sure you know what you are installing. >>So do you recommend actually to optimize your experience for people that are comfortable with it, which is not a big deal, to actually if you get your computer loaded with something do a clean install and install your own applications. >>If you can, if you can I think it's better to, you know, yes to do a clean install of computer. But sometimes it's hard for people. >>Yea, not everyone is gonna do that. >>Go in there, first go in there and try to remove all what you don't use. >>Now is this just for you applications in general or just those applications that run in the background? You're saying overall >>Overall, the less the better, the less the better. So you don't wanna have two, you know, separate players for like DVD player for example, just one is enough. You don't wanna have two office suite, one is enough. You don't have 2 programs that burn DVD, 1 is enough. So especially not 2, you know, anti-virus programs, those heavy things. >>An anti-virus program is kind of a pain in the butt though obviously you do need it but, oh you have to adjust your mike? Ok, alright so you mentioned minimizing at least software that you don't need. What's another thing you suggest people really do right out of the gates. How about defragging hard drives people talk about that a lot? >>Defragging honestly doesn't help much. >>Really? >>I mean it does help, you know. It doesn't do anything that is not helpful but it doesn't really help as much as people expect it to help and it take a long time too. But if you have a huge hard drive I recommend doing it overnight when you're not looking at it. It can always stop at any time but don't expect it to help tremendously. >>Is it almost like more psychological than it is >>Exactly, yes. >>Because I remember back in the day when I had like my Windows machine in college, I would defrag like once every like two weeks. And I'd be like oh, it works so much better this way. >>You probably defrag way more than you clean your rooms, for sure I know it. I think you should do the other one more. [ Laughter ] >>Dude, I almost choked on my drink, man. >>Sorry man. >>The truth hurts. >>Ok, what other things you suggest people do? >>Also don't pour water on your keyboard. >>Ok >>I have friends, so we play games some time and one time he said my computer stop working and I came over and I open the computer and inside there's liquid. He basically pour, you know, beer into the computer, accidentally of course but he think its fine and he keep playing and it stop working. >>That's a good way, I mean, I don't know if that's actually tuning up your PC but just don't put beer in it. >>That's tuning down basically and don't use the CD Rom as the cup holder. That's an old joke. People do that. >>That's so funny you say that because in my college days some girl had her CD Rom drive out. >>You had some girl in your college days? >>In my dorms and we're like why do you have your CD drive out? She's like what's a CD drive? I use that as a coffee mug holder and we're like what? >>It seems unbelievable but it's true. People do that, you know. >>Ok so I really hope the people that are watching this at home none of them have used but if they have, you know what? Now you know, now you know what to do. Ok but what are some other things, like are there any software utilities that you recommend that help optimize your PC? >>Normally I use the software, I use, you know, for the anti-virus I use the AVG3, you ok man? >>I'm good, I'm good >>I use the AVG3 and then I use, actually I use Microsoft Window defender and that program has some very cool feature that is software, something software discover something, in that part if you click on that you can disable or remove the stuff that you're gonna run with the computer. So that is a very useful. >>What's it called again? >>Window defender. >>Window defender. >>Windows defender and then it's free. >>That kind of makes me sad that someone has to make a software product to defend against the computer that you have, you know. It's like, I don't know. Geez. Sorry you guys have to listen to that at home. Now, we talked about some things that clearly are a little more specific to Windows PC. I obviously was a Windows user before. Owning a Mac one thing that people sometimes forget is if you're using that time machine feature in Mac OS10 it can be a pain in the butt when it starts running the background and actually slowly down your machine because it's doing a backup. >>It's not really time machine, ok. >>Ok, they call it time machine. >>I know, I know. >>It's the backup process built into Mac. >>I know. >>But if you don't, you know, if you don't want it to slow down your machine, maybe you're working on a project in Photoshop or even just doing simple things like emailing and surfing the web. Turn it off and set it to turn on at a specific time not in the middle of the day or constantly updating because it's a pain in the butt so I would recommend, at least for Mac users, to disable Time Machine from automatically just going off whenever. >>I think we have to start asking questions. A ton of questions coming in. >>Ok, let's start at the very beginning because you were talking so much about beer in a computer. Ok, let's start at the beginning. This question is from Amonte Leoni? [Assumed spelling] Did I say that right? >>Sounds hot. >>Oh my gosh. >>Probably the girl from your college town. >>Ok [Laughter] thank you. Oh man I hope you guys are still watching this. Ok, I can't get certain things to show up on both IE and Firefox like MLB, Major League Baseball.com headlines. Why is that? >>Well it depends on what certain things are really but I don't know exactly what those things are so it's hard to answer specifically but you know some website they optimize for different browser so some of them optimize for Firefox some optimize for IE and if I choose I would choose Firefox. So it depend on what it is so and I don't know what. >>It could just be a basic plug in. Like if you don't -- there were certain times where people that were using a flash 9 it added an issue in Firefox. >>And also if you use the flash you cannot use the flash when Firefox running. You have to dial the instrument, turn off Firefox completely and install it. >>So a lot of these things are even updating your plug ins that are compatible with stuff that appears on the website. So you guys need to do that. Try that first then get back to us and like he said, some websites are just optimized for your internet explorer, some are just optimized for Firefox. It's really the web designer's job to make it as compatible as possible. >>And make sure that certain things are the good things, ok? Very important. >>Yes, yes. Ok next question cause Dong takes anything. Hey Dong I was wondering how I can make my computer -- this is from Matt Burley 1993, what's up Matt? Hey Dong I was wondering how I can make my computer boot up faster. I have done MS config on my machine and have disabled unneeded services so what else can I do or what else might he do? Thanks Dong. >>Well there's a lot -- you probably need a faster computer [Laughter] >>Go buy a new computer. [ Laughter ] >>No, the MS config is very limited too so you cannot disable without managed services. There's also services that you can disable when you go to control panel, add restricted tools and go to services there. But the problem is you have to make sure you know what you can disable and what you cannot disable. And another thing to make it boot faster is make sure the computer does not have the map no boot drive. Because if you have a map no boot drive and you can boot up and there's no connection it will keep looking for it before it boots up. So there's a lot of reason, you know that -- there's a lot of things that, you know, that can make the computer boot slowly so the other thing I cannot think of right now but I have to real look at to know what can be done. But MS config is not exactly a good tool for that. I would recommend using Window Defender, like I said before, try that and that might actually help you better to see what exactly running or what exactly is gonna start up with the computer. Try that and good luck, Mat >>Excellent. Ok, this question is from China Panda, Chi China Panda. Is there such thing as an on China Panda? >>China Panda, what? >>Here it is I'll read it for you. Ok, out of drive space. Registry mechanics subscription is up for renewal. Running defrag all the time. Help. So basically it sounds like this person might be looking for drive space. Are there tips that you can give someone, whether they have it or not, what's? Other than buying a new hard drive or computer. [Laughter] >>Seriously no matter how big the hard drive is it will run out of space, ok? So if you really run out of space I think you should just get a -- and they're cheap now too. Get an extra hard drive and move stuff over or get a new hard drive and replace existing one with the new one. And you can use [Inaudible] Image, I mentioned last time I was here and that's very easy to for you to swap the hard drive out. So it's very hard to save the space. I mean, you can always try turn off the system restore. That thing use a lot of space too and you know empty the cash of IE etc. etc. But in the end though, I think the ultimate way is get a bigger hard drive. >>You know a lot of times people, if you want more space there's so much crud on your hard drive that you really just don't need. >>Remove software you need. >>Yea, we're so used to like keeping all our files but I've just learned like I'm not gonna use that file, I'm just gonna get rid of it. So, ok cool. >>So delete those. Never look at pictures and movies, whatever, and then go buy a new hard drive. >>Ok [Laughter] guys here's the theme of today. Go buy a new freakin computer. Geez. Thanks Dong for that. Alright we're done. Ok, no we're not. Alright this question is from TM13 is it necessary to always download the updates? Is it true they slow down the computer? >>The problem is you cannot avoid that, unfortunately. Microsoft kinda pounds that on you >>Even Apple does, you know, it automatically pops up >>So it's not so, I think, you know, if Micro Solution is necessary for you I think you should, if you can just turn it off. There's some option in the control panel to turn it off. But generally if there's an update yes you should, you know, do that. But I would recommend that with reservation because sometime the update actually screw up the computer. So, it's hard to say yes or no here. But watch out really. And some of them make the computer faster, some of them make it slower. It's not always bad but it's not exactly always good either. >>Ok, excellent, this next question -- we got tons of questions from you guys so this is great. This next question is from, of my noi? Is that right? Of my oni, of my oni. It's Arianta Sarijoni [Assumed spelling] I'm sorry if I butchered your name. >>What's the question? >>The question is [Laughter] can you talk about removing programs from the start up? >>Ok, we just talk about that. Ok, you need to download Windows Defender, ok [Laughter] I would say if you use Firefox you need to use IE to download it because it easier to download that program with IE. Download it, install it and then you click on tunes and there's a place called software import export or something, go in there you list the software that has start up with your computer, you can choose to disable those or remove those. So if you're absolutely sure that a bad thing you can remove it, remove them, or if you say I'm not so sure then just try disabling them. >>Also on the Mac side you can, in your system preferences if you go into users you can actually set which programs start up with your computer but also you do have the ability to turn off programs that start up when you log in so that is also a way to help, you know, get your computer running faster. Not loading all this stuff in the very beginning. >>Or you can go ahead and shoot the PC. [ Laughter ] >>What? That made no sense. You can go straight to Mac and you don't have to use Windows Defender. I use both so >>It's the machine. Go back to a time where you >>Ok [Laughter] We have a lot of questions here. [ Laughter ] >>Alright >>Ok, alright this is actually kind of a similar question but we're gonna get as much of them out for you guys. This question is from Molli or Mali 007 Aroson [Assumed spelling] my Windows media center edition is slow to reboot. What is going on? >>Say again, please. >>Here we go. It says, my windows media center edition is slow to reboot. What is going on? >>Well, I don't know what is going on really. There is so many things that could be going on there. You know, there's so many reasons why, you know, it could move slowly. There could be something wrong with the hard drive, something wrong with ram hardware wise or I can say again maybe you have some network dry map things or maybe some service is not, you know, installed properly. It is really hard question to answer. It's so vague. >>Maybe if you have anything more >>So try this. Try to remove, try to disable the start up programs, try clean off, you know the hard drive and removing the stuff you don't need, uninstall the software you don't need and try disable or disconnect the network drive. Try that. >>Well, the good thing is you didn't say buy a new computer. >>Or buy a new computer. [ Laughter ] >>Or buy a computer with Windows to start up. >Man, I don't know if I'm giddy today but you're killing me today. Ok, here we go. How nice Nicotina [Assumed spelling] asks Brian are you feeling better? The answer is yes. >>Of course he's sitting next to me. >>Especially next to big red over here, big red machine. >>How can he not be feeling? Exactly. >>I'm doing good. Ok, question from Tiem, I don't know if this is a silly question or not, Tiem underscore 13, do you tune up any other stuff apart from PC? [Laughter] >>Let me check? I see everything looking fine so I don't need tune up at all. [Laughter] >>Oh my gosh [Laughter] Ok, thanks guys. >>Do you need a tune up or not, Brian Tong? >>I'm ready to roll baby. Ok, I'm just not looking at you right now. We have a lot of questions so I'm just going to keep on going through till we have no more. We normally have a video but are you comfortable pressing through? >>I'm fine. >>Ok, this question is from DMac, it's at the top so whatever, you can just look at the top, ok, I've got an XP machine from 2002. I've updated the ram to 1 gig but it's still extremely slow. Is it worth trying to fix [Laughter] or update this old of a machine or should I invest in a new one? What's the processor? That might help us to but >>Ok, seriously >>Its from 2002 >>Exactly, it's too old, man. It's just not, you know, I mean, you've got to have a very slow hard drive. Ok, you have a slow ram at a slow speed so of course it's gonna be slow. So go ahead buy a new computer and I think you can start buying some Dell. You know the cheap Dell is around $530. >>Too bad Dells not a sponsor of this segment. I'm just playing. >>I'm just giving advice. Seriously I think they are. The reason I say the Inspiron 530 because they are the one you can actually remove the Vista and install Window XP easily. So get that one. And they're cheap. They probably can be bought for $400, $500 dollars maybe even cheaper. And they have [Inaudible] hardware and they're very easily upgraded to. If you want to put in new real time stuff, it's good. >>Yea, without a doubt, I mean, I could tell you having a machine that's from 2002 you can't really hang with what's going on. Its 2008 now so 6 years of computer time is a lot of time. >>Actually it would cost more to have it recycled properly than how much it is worth. >>Ok, so DMac we're not hatin on your computer >>Don't use a name with the Mac in there and use a PC. It's kind of ironic, ok? >>[Laughter] Ok, I'm tryin. Ok, what do you think of CC cleaner? This is from recipe bottle. >>I've never heard of CC cleaner so I don't think about it. But I would say if I had heard of it maybe you shouldn't try it. >>Ok >>The thing with stuff it can have a cool name but doesn't necessarily do cool things, you know. It could be a good thing. I have to say that I've never heard of it or used it. >>Ok, alright, let's go to [Singing] oh, this is great because we're just going in order. This question is Vicero [Assumed spelling] the Great. Hey Dong, you sexy guy. >>Oh my god. >>Silence. What do you guys think about NOD32 anti-virus? I haven't used this so this is your territory. >>Well Vicero the Great I hope you have a sister. I think it's pretty good too. I think it's, you know, it's not bad but I would recommend using ABG because it's very light. It doesn't use your system especially a lot but I think the NOD32 is [Inaudible] >>So, yea, it's very just slim so it doesn't affect your system much. >>See the thing is though don't rely on anti-virus program 100 percent. You have to make sure that you use computer properly too. >>Ok, excellent. Is there a way to uninstall Windows messenger? >>Yes, of course you can do. If you're talking about Window XP you actually can go into add/remove programs and go into >>The control panels >>Yes, control panel and then to go add/remove Window component and you can actually remove IM, the Window messenger and also remove auto express and remove MSN browser. >>So go to your start, control panel, add/remove panels >>And click on the button that say add/remove Window components. >>See I know that stuff. Thanks for comin out. We don't need you anymore. No, just kidding. I need you, I need you. Well, you know, as a friend. Ok, this question. Actually I kinda like this question. GPU, sorry this is from Joe, I can't even read this, am I blind. Joey Joe? Ok, Joey Joe. GPU versus CPU can a better GPU make up for a poor CPU. I cannot replace my CPU but I can go out and buy a new graphics card. >>I can say it depend on how bad you talking about. If you playing games and a GPU, that could really help but if the CPU is so bad >>Like a machine from like 2002 >>Then no. So it depends, you know, if your CPU is like 2 gig or maybe 1 gigahertz then yes, it can help. The problem is that if old CPU will not support the motherboard but support good GPU so they go to together. I mean a good CPU will go with a motherboard to support this express GPU. So the answer is yes as far as can work together. >>Now with some of these questions you guys are submitting to us about computers and requirements changing ram or processors, at least give us a few bullet points on what you have that might help us give you a better answer because we really don't know anything other than ok I wanna change out my graphics card well help us a little so we can help you. >>Or IGP >>Here we go, can you, here's a question from, oh ok another question from Joey Joe, can you use a video card to run some of the workload? >>Yes, I forgot the name of it but you know there is a software developed by N VIDIA that actually make the GPU work really, really well in dealing with certain tasks, not everything but certain tasks. It actually does a lot better than the CPU and I think it costs like you know something like Photoshop or something like that. >>Gaming >>Not gaming. Gaming is different because it's just regular task >>You can actually, on the PC side there's a utility that allows you >>I forgot the name of that, we talk about that on podcast at one point but I totally forgot the name. But yes, they can do that, certain kind would work, yes. >>And then on the Mac side you do have the ability, at least on the new MacBook's, I don't know if there's a utility for, you know, previous generations but you have the ability on the new MacBooks to switch over new MacBook pros, excuse me, to switch over to use the video card to take more of the workload off. To kinda of talk specifically in gaming it does drain more of the battery juice but then when you wanna use the integrated graphics card chip on the board it uses less battery power. It kind of helps extend the life of your laptop for that initial, you know, initial what? Not cycle, well I guess cycle, yea, your initial charter cycle. So you do have the ability to switch that back and forth on the new MacBook pros. The thing is that you have to log out of your system and log back in for those changes to take affect so it's not like a simple show the new preferences. Press a button and it happens but you can do that so that's an example. >>Or you can shoot your pc. [ Laughter ] >>Or you could buy a new computer. >There's a question for Brian, I'll read it for you. >>No, oh god. >>The question from XDC65 Hey Brian Tong, you sexy dude. What should I do with my old PC from 7 years ago? Let me answer it. Send it over here to Brian Tong and he will sub it out with his MacBook for you, ok. [ Laughter ] >>I hope there's girls that are writing those comments. I'm flattered either way. >>I'm pretty sure they are guys. >>I'm flattered either way but are these are friends or no? >>Are you a sexy dude? >>I don't know, who cares? I would first recommend though if you're going to >>Recycle it first >>Yea, recycle it first. That's the huge thing >>Recycle properly >>A lot of people don't realize how simple it is to recycle. There's a lot of services where you can just drop it off for free and it's OK, use your gas money. You're doing something nice for the planet. So, go recycle your computers. >>Properly. It's worth it. Don't throw it in the trash or put it on the sidewalk. >>[Laughter] Ok, here we go. This question is from Jimonz [Assumed spelling] Is there a utility that will allow you to monitor processes during start up to notate CPU usage and whatnot alerting you if one of the processes is dragging out the boot process? >>I think there is some utility, you know, that allows you to sort of kind of not monitor but kind of display what process is being load. >>This is during start up >>During start up? I forgot the name though, that's the thing, I forgot something to do. I think you go Google. Start a process marker and then you find that to but yes, to like that you can kind of figure out what you should do or what you need to remove to make the start up process faster. >>I mean, obviously there's a lot of utilities out that show the status of, you know, what's using what CPUs or what's taking up your CPU power while the computer's running but you need to actually show it during start up. >>It's not gonna show up. It's gonna give you the log of what happened in that time. >>Oh, just a log of what happened so at least you know and then you can make the changes accordingly. >>Yea >>Ok, very cool. See I'm glad you help clear that up for me. I'm sure you cleared that up for everyone else. Actually they're probably all starving so that's ok. Alright next question, this question is from [Inaudible] ok, whatever. >>I have to say, guys, make a name easy to say, ok? >>Oh, I bet you this is, you know what? This is probably, if I'm right, John Nunley who wrote to Craig and did this awesome drawing of me and Bonnie. I'm just guessing. If I'm right, oh, John if it's you. What's up? Ok, how often, we talked about this a little earlier but we'll do it again, how often should you defrag your PC or should I just buy a new computer. [ Laughter ] >>Well, seriously you don't need to defrag your PC that often but do whatever you feel like. It doesn't hurt to do it. Apart from using the power and make the hard drive go around too much it doesn't hurt at all and sure go buy a new PC if you want to, why not? >>Ok, excellent >>It's good for the economy [ Laughter ] >>Ok, this is a question, XP or Vista? >>XP, thank you a very easy question. >>Yea and unfortunately Microsoft wouldn't want to hear that but yea. And they did announce some of the new features of or showcasing Vista 7 or you know, PC >>Not Vista 7, Windows 7 >>Windows 7. They're keeping it simple. A lot of people are complaining, well it's just like a little upgrade. They should have done this before. >>It's gonna be nice. Hopefully it will be nice. Honestly to me I think Vista is like Windows ME. If you guys remember Windows ME, if you don't I know why. >>It's kind of like in the middle. >>Yea, it's like some kind of dumb, ok. Sorry. [ Laughter ] >>I like your honest about it. But XP, yea, I would, I have my work laptop that I work with is Vista but yea, XP all the way. My VMware has XP on it so there you go. That's a personal opinion, right. Ok, this is a nice comment. We're just gonna post it because people are nice. TM13 says thank you Brian Tong and Dong Ngo for a very informative and entertaining session. You two look great together. >>Wow, oh my god. >>Especially in red. Let go of my hand like that. [Laughter] Ok there we go. >>Oh cute. >>You're gross. Guys, this is from Bory Boriqua [Assumed spelling] I just love reading these names. They never make it easy for us. Guys, does Windows Vista have a partitioning tool? My computer came with Drive C and D and I have access to both. >>Yes, actually it's very powerful tool, much more powerful than the one found in Window XP. You can actually do a lot more with it. Just right click on my computer and choose manage and then click on I think drive and you'll see it. You can right click on that and figure out. It's very powerful. A lot more powerful than that in Windows XP, yes. >>Ok, here's a question. I'll let you answer it first. Why doesn't, this is from NJillian [Assumed spelling] Why doesn't a Mac have a two mouse button? I just wanna hear your advice. Get a PC? >>Well, I guess because I think because Steve Job doesn't want to change his attire. >>Ok, anyways >>That's my guess, ok. It could be different reason but I think maybe because Steve Job just love jeans and t-shirt. >>So it's true by default out of the box they don't come with two button mouse but it supports, geez almost every USB two button mouse under the sun. >>That's is why it's so annoying. >>Wait, wait. You didn't let me finish. You can also jump into your system preferences and allow your track pad by touching it with two fingers to serve as the secondary mouse click. You can also just hold the control button >>Exactly >>You can do different things that give you that, and it's not even that difficult. >>You can hold the button with your finger and hold another button with your toes and then use the other hand on the button. This is your right, click with your eyeball ok? Basically you have to use all the limbs and toes. [ Laughter ] >>Ok, most people use third party mice and plug it in. It will work, it will work. I have a Microsoft mouse with my Mac and it works. [Laughter] Oh, my gosh, I knew you would go off on that. Ok, let's take two more questions. You guys have been loading us with tons of questions. I love it. Today has been a great day and no, I'm not drunk. I'm just laughing nonstop. I'm not on medication either. >>Very quickly, the question from Borquer [Assumed spelling] again. He cannot get his mind off the positioning tool. Yes, we know HP also have a tool like that but it's a much more less powerful than Windows Vista and it can only use the two partition. That is not the drive that you want OSR so D drive or E drive or whatever. But not the one that you run the OSR. >>Ok cover this little, I can't even talk. This is from PAC >>I think I'm bad for you too seriously. Don't touch me >>Ok, I won't. I have a Windows XP machine that was purchased in 2003. It has an 80 gig hard drive, a Pentium IV and 5 full megs of ram, would it be cheaper [Laughter] to buy a whole new PC or upgrade it? >>The cheapest for you, seriously, is that you invest in 1.5 megabyte ram more. So you have 2 gig of ram. They would make it a lot quicker and faster and if you want you can, 80 gig is OK, it's not too bad. So, yes, for you I think I would definitely buy at least 5 or 12 megabyte more of ram or if you can go ahead and get 2 gig a ram. That make the machine significantly faster. >>It all comes down to when people are asking about if I should upgrade or not it really comes down to [Laughter] as time goes on and you wanna do different things or more advanced things and also software gets more advanced it just really comes down to what you wanna do. If you're really just an email browser, geez you could use a computer from like 7 or 8 year ago. You would be fine. >>I think this is very much like a car. If you have like 10 year car if you have to change the engine it cost you $4,000 but then the car cost probably $4100 dollar so it's really hard, if you want to use the machine for a year or more to then you should spend maybe $100 buck for the ram and that will last you for two years more. If you want something else to watch Brian Tong in HD for example [Laughter] you probably need a new machine. >>I like how you incorporate the plugs and unfortunately Editor's Office Hours doesn't have HD because they don't want a show Dong in HD but on all of our other segments >>Because you would be bedazzled >>But on our other segments at CNET TV if your computer can handle it you click on the HD button and you'll be able to see us in HD glory. It's actually pretty sexy but it's kind of scary. >>I think you need that. You need Super HD >>Alright guys. Don't touch me. Ok alright guys thanks so much for coming out to Editor's Office Hours today. I had a great time. >>Thanks guys. I had great fun. And check out my podcast at insidecnetlab@CNET.com if you want to have some more laugh. >>More laughs, more fun, more education and entertainment >>And less Brian Tong >>That's true. There's a lot of me on CNET right now. It's too much. Ok, you know what to do next time. Come out here 11:30 am West Coast time, 2:30 pm East Coast time. We won't be here tomorrow that's Thursday when we kind of take a breather but we still have ask the Editor's live through chat but on Friday we'll be coming out from New York, I believe. Margaret Reardon will be here and she'll be talking about 4G and the Broadband revolution. Oh what. >>Price fight ultra >>Price fight ultra, that's what they want. You know what we do with the price fight how we sign off right? >>Ok, like what? >>Do you know? >>No, I don't. >>You know the [Singing] Ok so I'm gonna say thanks for watching and we'll catch you guys next time on another Editor's Office Hours. Ok ready. Alright guys, [Laughter] thanks so much for watching Editor's Office Hours and we'll catch you guys next time on another edition of Editor's Office Hours. Signing off. [Loud yell] ^M00:34:47 [ Music ]

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Microsoft Introduces Surface Studio 2 Plus

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