Tomorrow Daily 088: Ultrafast maglev trains, unlimited 'Interstellar' tickets, and more
Tomorrow Daily 088: Ultrafast maglev trains, unlimited 'Interstellar' tickets, and more

Tomorrow Daily 088: Ultrafast maglev trains, unlimited 'Interstellar' tickets, and more

On today's show, A Japanese maglev train that goes 300 miles per hour starts public testing. AMC and Paramount unveil an unlimited pass for Interstellar, and I've got details on it. Ooh. And an artist creating 3D printed sculptures. So small, you need an electron microscope to see them. Hm. It's so little. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome to tomorrow daily, the best geek talk show in the known universe. I'm your hose Ashley Esqueda. Joining me as always. Hey. Sky puncher Khail Anonymous. Sky puncher. Professional sky puncher. Khail Anonymous. That's what they called me in highs school. I didn't like it. [LAUGH] So let's talk about It's a great name. Yeah we got some really good headlines today you guys so let's, let's get to it. [MUSIC] You know if there was one technology that I would want for this country, it would be Maglev train. Like I love high speed [CROSSTALK] Oh that'd be fun, yeah. I love high speed rails. So this is like very exciting to me. That in Japan, they just started testing this Maglev train that goes 500 kilometers an hour. Oh That's it. Looks awesome. [LAUGH] It does look beautiful. It looks amazing. So here are some of the people who got to ride it first. There were invite only. They don't really look like they care, honestly. [LAUGH] Oh, no, no. Watch, you're gonna see them get very excited. These are very, look at, they're like, whoa. Cuz they're moving now, they're going really, really fast. So these are 100 people, who got to ride this maglev. There it goes, it's going up to, it can get, it can reach speeds of up to 311 miles per hour. Which is pretty. Oh my god look at it go. Freaking fast. All right. Where is it going to? Okay so it is going the, the testing for this maglev is going to run, when it's done it's going to run between Tokyo and Nagoya. There you go, 500, 501 kilometers per hour. Oh wow! It's going 311 miles per hour right there. Which is very, very quick. And obviously, this is a really cool little upgrade for [UNKNOWN] trains. I mean, they already have high speed rail in Japan. Yeah. But this is, like, another even, like, they just keep getting faster and faster. And of course, I always have that fear of, like, what's gonna happen when one [LAUGH] of these trains, like, flies off the magnets and crashes. But I- It's actually safer as far as I am aware. huh. As far as I've read, it's. It's safer than having wheels on rails. Like it, there's more things. Right. That could go wrong mechanically than, as opposed to. Okay. So your fears are ir, irrational the. Not super rational. I mean of course there's always a chance that something will happen but I mean I think that the odds are less. Okay. Than riding in a regular train to be derailed. So this, this, this is a brand new one and it's open to the public now? I don't know that it's open right now. They just started doing their testing, but the testing only lasts for eight days. Oh, yeah. So they're doing eight days of testing, and then it will be open. So it might be open right now or it's going to be open very, very soon. How much does a ticket cost? Oh, that's a really good question [CROSSTALK] Oh, okay. [CROSSTALK] I don't have an answer to cuz we haven't been to Japan. But hey listen. Hey Japan. Hey Japan. Call us. We're totally ready to ride the Maglev. Is Japan's number still the same? I think it is. Okay. We'll. I think it is. We'll give them a little tinkle [CROSSTALK] It's been a while since I've called Japan. Yeah. Alright I think it's the same number Okay, cool, cool I do want to ride that It looks awesome Any of you that are watching that have ridden a Mag Love, I haven't Please tell us your experience Tell us how it feels, does it feel any different than riding a regular I bet it's really smooth because you are on magnets and you're not, you know. Bumping on a railroad Yeah. Which kind of cool. Yeah, there you go. So the problem is like it's very expensive obviously. Right. Compared to traditional trains so I don't know that we'll be seeing these like cropping up all over the world in a couple of years. But I mean over time maybe who knows we'll have, Mag Lev trains will be the new sort of standard. We got hoverboards so why not? Yeah we're gonna get a hoverboard next year so ,. So yeah, it's pretty good. Speaking of unlimited movie passes. Wow! Through AMC. I did just say that, I did just mention unlimited movie passes. All right so there, there's been a recent development in the film, in the theatre industry call moviepass, in which you pay a certain price and you go see a movie as many. Yeah, yeah. All the movies as many times as you want. Well AMC. And Paramount have worked together to focus on one specific movie, and that is Interstellar. Now, what I'm saying here is that you pay one price, and you can see Interstellar in theater as much as you want. But I think it's not in IMAX. It's just regular 2D. It's not, why would you wanna, oh wait, you would wanna see. You would wanna see. Anyway. I ju, I saw it in IMAX. Yeah. Yeah, which is the way you're supposed to see it apparently. Guys, see it in Imax. If you haven't seen Interstellar in Imax, it's amazing. But if you haven't seen it apparently it's worth multiple views. Yeah. You know, as with most Chris, Christopher Nolan's films. Yeah, you always wanna go back and see it. It's a, it's a big movie with some really big ideas in it. And a lot of people, even when I left the theater, I, there was some people behind us who were like, I need, I feel like I need to go watch that again. Like, I need a. I go, watch it again, and think about it, and then come back- Don't listen to other people's conversations. Well, they were just really excited- So here's the details to how this is gonna run. By the way, I love the B-roll for this. [LAUGH] Yeah, old-timey movies- Old-timey theaters. No, it's I, listen I have looked. [LAUGH] This is what, this is what I looked up. I looked up people watching movies and this was what I came up with. So, there you go. It's a fantastic B-roll, I'm sorry if you're listening, you're missing some great P, B-rolls- It's some great old-timey cinema footage- So, so it's, it's gonna be available in 330 AMC theaters, so not all of them->> Okay- And the prices are gonna vary from. $20 to $35. So move to a place where there are, are not very many theatres. Almost, almost no people. [LAUGH] Yeah. You also have to be an AMC's stub member, so add the cost of $12 onto that. $12, okay, great. And then if you've already seen it, and you're a stubs member. You only have to pay $15.99 to upgrade. But you get to see it as many times as you want. Not in Imax. That. And also it comes with a commemorative pass. That gives me an idea for a hashtags of the day. I think it's going to be a really good one. You didn't think about that before the show, did you? No. Okay. I just thought it up right now. I magically came up with this hash tag TD movie life. And we want to know what movie would you buy a lifetime pass to see over and over again in theaters meaning that if you had, if you went to a theater they would have to load it up no matter when. You say listen I want to watch this movie and they would have to put it, they would have to load it up in the projector regardless of whether it was playing or not in theaters at the time. OK, right. They'd have to load it up for you. All right, you go first this time. I feel like the movie that I would watch over and over and over again oh, there's so many, so many that I'd watch over and over again but I feel like I would watch oh my God I have like a little handful of movies that I would watch over and over again. I'll let you pick two. You'll let me pick two. I'll let you pick two, but you have to come quick, because people are sitting here listening and watching. People are sitting here being bored. Yes. okay, I'm being really, I'm being extremely fast with this. I would watch Die Hard. Over and over again. Okay, good choice. I'd watch Die Hard over and over again, because it's a good action movie, and then I would watch, what's another, what's another great film, I'd watch Memento over and over and over again. Oh man, yeah, that's pretty good. Love that movie. You could get them a play it in reverse too. Yeah. Maybe, I dunno, yeah. That would be my second film, just played backwards. Mine would be Jurassic Park. Of course. Yeah, that'd be great. And just a movie of pizza over and over. [LAUGH] Coming out of the oven. And I wanna say, and this is gonna, this is gonna sound weird, but The Room. That's a good- Tommy Wiseau's The Room. That's a great camp, that's a, that's a cult following film. Because that one I feel like I could take other people to go and see it in theaters. Yeah And I don't have to wait. Cuz they have midnight screenings. And they're gonna be like, what is this? If you haven't seen The Room. And you enjoy- [INAUDIBLE] the room. Bad movies, if you understand that sort of logic. It's a terrible movie. You should, you should watch that one, if you haven't already seen it. But it's amazing. But, yeah, that'd be cool to be able to just go into the theater. Yeah. And just see the room any time. [LAUGH] I like it. I probably wouldn't, but it'd be nice to have that option. Nice, so you'd probably be like. Put in the room. And they're like oh on. Jurassic park. All right, so tell us which movie, movie or two movies. Yeah. I'm gonna break the rules. One or two, one or two. Which sometimes is hard. Which one or two movies you would, you would pay to go see. Lifetime pass. Oh my god, that'd be amazing. So there you go, Interstellar. I think i'd push out Diehard for The Avengers. [INAUDIBLE] It's a really good action movie Really? The Avengers? Yeah I don't know I, it's, it would, if I wanted a good action movie. That may change alright I know it might change okay so, I would like nano-art. I was like looking at like these crazy sort of nano sculpture type things that people scientists come up with. There's a sculptor out there that caught my eye. His name is. Oh, oh. Jonty Hurwitz. Jonty. Jonty hm. He created a series of sculptures that can only be seen with an electron microscope.And there are some really insane images. Whoa. So here's, here's one of them. So that's it, look you see his arrow. It's inside of the needle? On the head of, yeah, it's on the eye of a needle. So tiny. These sculptures could fit on the forehead of an ant. [LAUGH] That's how small they are. Holy crap. That's how small they are. The detail is so impressive because they've been created from 3D scans of people and statues so there's a, one of, that's a person that was scanned. And then the other one with two people is actually a sc, a sculpture in real life, a very large life-size sculpture that was scanned. And they range in size. From less than half the width of a human hair, to about the width of a human hair. That's, that's their-, yes this is very unsafe for work. Well no, it's safe for work, they blurred it out. It's artistic, it's for the arts. The female body. The female form. Yeah everybody's got one. But it's real amazing, it's printed with photosensitive material they take all these images and there are so many cameras that they're able to capture. Really detailed images of these people. Like they blurred his face out. [LAUGH] Well maybe he didn't want to be on camera. OK, sorry. Ok so then, and then what they do is they use this technique called multi-photon lithography and that creates fine details in the sculpture so and then they make them and they're itty bitty tiny And you said 3D printed. Well they, so they print, yeah they 3D printed out on this photosensitive material like it's 3D printed on this material and then they use that technique. See this is a little sculpture so they are able to do that and like get all these crazy details. Very, very small obviously, I mean it's so, so tiny. And then they go and they like. Put it on a hair so that you have. Yeah. Okay. So where are they now? Well, so this guy is, he's got a whole series of these, you can go over to his website and you can check them out. He like takes pictures of them, I, I would imagine they're probably pretty easy to lose. Cause, you know, I lose my car keys, and they're way bigger than half the width of a human hair. Right and you could sneeze and then they'd be gone. So he's probably, yeah, I was gonna say like a little, gust of wind. Like, if a guy farts, like there just, it's over. Yeah. Like there just, whoop, they're gone. Sorry. Sorry everybody, you're gonna have to look for them. It's like Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Like, look inside your Cheerios. [CROSSTALK] Even then, that'd be huge compared to these like, sculptured. That's, that's pretty cool. Yeah. So you said, you like, you like NanoArt you have, is there a lot more of that kind of thing? Well, there's a lot of stuff like this where you see people who will like carve the tip of a pencil- Yeah. Into something, or you'll see->> Right. Like I really like yeah, yeah, like I really like this sort of idea. That people are working in, like it's so detailed. And it's so sk-, there's so much skill that would go into this. And obviously so much education. Yeah. And, and learning. Like, I just really like that concept. Yeah. That's totally cool. I'd love to see it. Yeah. But I can. But you can't. Not with your own eyes. We'll have to buy an electron microscope. Can we tax write that off? Well let's, hey Japan call us. Let's take a break and find out if we can write off an electron microscope, let's take 30 seconds. We'll be right back. We have some awesome for you in new releases, it's Tuesday. It's such a good Tuesday. Oh my God, it's one of the best Tuesdays of the year and we have your user feedback and of course our phonetographer of the day so don't click away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] We're back hello you look shocked Cuz of the Pikachus Oh the Pikachus were so cute that's the Pikachu Parade we should go to the Pikachu Parade someday in our Pikachu in our Pikachu kigurumis That would [CROSSTALK] that's an adult man's dream come true right there so Pretty sure it is Very excited about that I think that is on everybody's bucket list, it's Tuesday you know what that means. I have no idea. New releases. [MUSIC] We might have to actually call this one as the best Tuesday of the year. [MUSIC] Do you feel like it's like one of the strongest Tuesday's of the year? I mean last Tuesday we had a lot of good stuff. We had War Lords, Dranor, we had, we, there's just so many games coming out this month, [INAUDIBLE] [CROSSTALK] Yeah no this is, this is this is probably one of the best. Yeah okay so let's talk about everything that's coming out. We picked five things, that's how many things are coming out, it's crazy. It's, it's, it's all media, all media has something really cool coming out. It's crazy, it is crazy. So so should we, is this, in order to best to last, or just like here we go. No let's just do it. Alright here we go. First up Super Smash Brothers for Wii U. Super Smash Brothers, oh that's [INAUDIBLE] We're entering the ring. Yeah, that's awesome. Available Friday. Oh my God. Super exciting Finally, some, some worthy Wii U content. Hey, hey. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Mario Kart, Mario Kart. Sorry, Mario Kart. But, so good and I hope that a lot of people pick this up. Like apparently the preorders are just insane for this. Obviously, people are very excited. This is gonna, this is gonna close off a lot people's lives for a, for a little while. For a while. And a lot people who have played it on the, on the DS are already raving about it. some of these levels are crazy. Like they have, and also they have this box set that comes with a Gamecubesque controller for the Wii. Oh. Which is really nice. And also it's not on this list but also the Amiibos come out. Amiibos! I get my Samus Amiibo on Friday. On Friday, yeah I get my Link one on Friday. I'm very excited. So those come out and those are We'll bring them in, we'll put them right here. Yeah, those you can use with. The with. The NFC inside the gamepad, you can just scan, which is awesome. Do we feel like sinking deeper in the Nintendo hole? Amebos. okay. Grand theft auto five re-release. Never gonna do it. Oh, yeah re-release for the Xbox one and PS4. Yup, the PS4 is, they're both getting this re-release, it looks amazing. They made a trailer showing off the differences between the two and really I mean the texture work is just. Unbelievable, it's so good. I know producer Logan will be spending most of his waking life playing this game when he is- Mm-hm, mm-hm. When he is not either here, or at school. Yeah. But yeah- Don't forget the outside world. Pretty great. But yeah, it looks, it looks fantastic. Now we just wait for the PC release. Very, very true. And then of course, Dragon Age: Inquisition. Yes. Which is getting amazing reviews. Yes. I, I've been hearing nothing but great things. I can't wait. I, I wasn't a fan of the second one. But you played the first one. I did, and I loved it. Origins was fantastic. Second one, they kinda phoned in it a little bit. But I'm hearing this one, they. Totally not the case. This is a really expansive, beautiful game. Lots of options, lots of great stories, lots of great everything. So, that's what I've heard. I can't, I can't speak from first person experience, but that's what I'm been hearing. I'm very curious to see how many people cuz there's a lot of games out right now. So how do you choose? So yeah, I'm a little worried about Dragon Age. I don't know. When do you play it? How do you choose? I don't know. The Halo [CROSSTALK] You tell us. I know, Halo came out last week. So and then in theaters if you're looking for a little respite from your gaming, if you want to get outside and then go back inside you want to go see Hunger Games On Friday. Mockingjay part 1 on Friday. That's coming out. You've got Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah J-Law. Super, super hero Jennifer Lawrence, you have Juliane Moore, you've got, Chris Hennsworth's little brother, Liam, you've got Thor's little brother in this movie. So honestly part one- Peeta [CROSSTALK] Yeah, I don't like that. Peeta literally gets a paper cut and bleeds to death in every single like I feel like literally he's always getting hurt. Like it's really depressing. There's a lot of little girls that are watching the show that are crying- They're upset with me. Team Gail. If that's yeah. Team Gail. And then also lastly, and my, and maybe my favorite, Goat Simulator is getting an MMO expansion. Woo. **** Super Smash Brothers. Forget it. Go play Goat Simulator. Yeah, Goat Simulator. Check, you guys have to see this video. It is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen I think. yeah. Coffee Stain Studios announced I believe earlier this week or late last week that they were adding a module to their Goat Simulator game. Which was fun enough. But now they're, they're making it an MMO. And there are different classes, including so there's like warrior, mage, like things like that. And also microwave is a class. Microwave class. You can literally be a pair of legs under a microwave. That, that is, that is a thing that you can be in ghost simulator MMO. That thing, and, and this is a patch that's not even really like, you don't have to pay extra, right? No it's just, you can patch it up. Patch it up. This thing's only like 8 bucks or something right? Yeah, go get it. If you have Steam. It's like $13. I don't know. It's really cheap. Go buy it. Yeah. Check it out. It, it's PC. Looks so good. But those are your new releases that we were excited about this week. Which means Is that not enough for you? It never is enough. The world is never enough. The world is never enough. But that's it for new releases which means it's time for your user feedback. [MUSIC] Guys, we asked you to use the hashtag TDuberspot to tell us what playlist you'd play and who you would ride with. Right. Musician, and you guys had some good, you guys had some very good suggestions. Tony wrote to us and said, I would have country, I would have a country playlist and I would like to ride with Miranda Lambert. All right, come on, we're not setting people up on dates here Tony. Tony's like, I just wanna meet her. And then Rick says, I need my ride to be thrilling so, Daniel Craig and Skyfall by Adele. And then there would be like a bomb in his car. And they're shooting at you. Yeah.>> You gotta disarm a bomb. This, this I like. He's already, he's playing into a fantasy. It's a whole like alternate real-, ARG. The sad part is you're Daniel Craig's love interest. In this ride, so- Which means. I mean, or for the better. I don't know. You're pretty much a red shirt when you're Daniel Craig's love int, when you're, when you're James Bond's love interest you're a red shirt. That's, that's your job. It's over, it's over. Matt wrote to us and said, Willie Nelson Greatest Hits and wouldn't mind a ride along with George Strait. All right. That's a, that's a country-loving man right there. And then, the last one was, from rawdeadfish on Twitter and he says, I'd hop in an uber towncar with Joey Ramone and crank Beastie Boys. No. Sleep till Brooklyn. [LAUGH] So I should hope that you were going to Brooklyn. Yeah. In the car, which would be even better. It's a long ride, a little expensive. Well here, from here it would be a long ride. But maybe you live in like maybe you live in the boroughs. Maybe you live in Queens. And then it may be not so much of a long ride. Not, not, not so bad. Not so bad. But that is that is what you guys wrote. And that brings us to our very last piece of user feedback, our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] OK. Hi. Wave hi. We're waving hi to Lucas. What's up Lucas? Lucas is from Munich. In Germany, and he sent us this picture. Whoa. It's like the, the picture I got for you Phonetographer segment was taken on a Lumia 1010 and edited on an iPhone 6. I call this one Frozen Love. Aw. It's a rose in a block of ice. Oh, did he do all that? I, I'm not sure. He didn't say. But I think it looks lovely. It does, that looks great, I'm just very, yeah. I like the contrast. That's great. It's really neat, I just, I thought that was really creative, it's a really creative picture. Wait, why does it say Lumia 1020 and /iPhone. So he used the 1020 to take the picture, but then used an iPhone 6 to edit it. So maybe a little cleanup. Little contrast. Very tricky, Lucas. Bump the contrast a little. You're very tricky. Exposure. But very good. Very good. You are now my favorite viewer. Yeah. Cale loves people who are clever. He's like a fox. Great. Okay. I was like, are you going to do something? I was excited. No. And then you stopped and I got sad. No. We gotta try again Lucas. We'll do it next time. That was a, that was amazing. It's a really good picture. And if you want to submit your hash tag of the day, or if you want to send us a story idea you can email us. If you hate email that's okay, cuz we're on social media too. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and TomorrowDaily and of course Tomorrow Daily TV over on Google Plus. And if you want to send us some money on Snapchat, don't do that. Please don't. [LAUGH] That's stupid. We will not be trading money for our news, we won't. But yeah- Unless The Price is Right calls us. Or if you're on YouTube thank you for watching. I'm, I'm hanging out with you guys all the time on the comments. He does. And don't forget to subscribe. You guys knows how it works, and don't forget to like it, I guess. I still don't think that does anything. But yeah, do that and then if you're listening on iTunes, don't forget to you know, subscribe there. Review us. Rate and review. Tell the world how much you enjoy our show. Mm hm See, I think that does something. It does. I still don't know about the- It helps. All right, anyway, so yeah, so subscribe to all the things, subscribe on everything you have in your life And of course you can find us on social media, personally I'm at Ashley [INAUDIBLE] and Kale is at Kale Anonymous I am Suddenly he became so mute and shy [LAUGH]. [CROSSTALK] Telling people where you could find them on the internet. But that is it for the show, you guys. We'll be back tomorrow with a whole new slate of fantastical, weird, science, tech, geek stuff for you to think about. Tell your friends about. But until then, be good humans. We'll see you next time, bye. [MUSIC]

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