Tomorrow Daily 050: Intel's high-tech wheelchair, the new Batmobile, and more
Tomorrow Daily 050: Intel's high-tech wheelchair, the new Batmobile, and more

Tomorrow Daily 050: Intel's high-tech wheelchair, the new Batmobile, and more

On today's show a high tech wheelchair that Stephen Hawking approves of. Our thoughts on that brand new Batmobile. It's good. And also a Rube Goldberg esque machine that uses heat and light. That's hot. I mean it's gonna be a fun one. That's hot. Get out. It's Tomorrow Daily [MUSIC] Now you can't tell me to get out at the beginning of every episode. I think that's going to be, that's going to be a running gag now. To tell you to get out. Hey everybody, greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome to tomorrow daily the best tech talk show in the known universe. I'm your host Ashley Esqueda, join me. Once again, Khail Anonymous. Hey, hey, hey, you feelin' a little better today? I feel like I slept. [LAUGH] Which is great. Apple will take that out of anybody, of course. I mean, I just did a lot of traveling and appearances. And, like, media st, it's crazy. Signings? Concerts? Like you performed [UNKNOWN]? Yeah, totally. Dropped my new album. Oh yeah! What's it called? [UNKNOWN] What's your name of your new album? Whatever Sisco's, it's the same. Greatest Hits? Oh, The Return of the Dragon. Yeah, there you go, that's the name of my new album. We better get started. Yeah, we gotta, we gotta jump into some headlines. [MUSIC] So this actually happened on Tuesday but we missed it. A lot of people like to use Apple events as times to drop bad news. Oh, really. Yeah. Like, I have to have cuz, like, I think it was, like, Snapchat and another company kind of dropped some bad news about lawsuit settlements and stuff but this is actually good news and I'm surprised Intel didn't wait. Or reschedule this announcement. But, anyway they announced, Intel announced a connected wheelchair and, and it's been endorsed by none other than the man himself, Mr. Steven Hawking. Oh, yeah, I'll buy anything he endorses. I mean, that's the guy you want to endorse your stuff in Science and Technology. It's is pretty amazing. Well, look what they did with the wheelchair. So the wheelchair is a proof of concept that collects biometric information from the user. So it's a connected wheelchair. So this wheelchair will collect all kinds of biometrics about the person sitting in it. And these are some of the engineers who worked on it. And then on top of that there are parts of the wheelchair that send mechanical information as well. So if there's something wrong with the wheelchair, if there's. Like they have all these different sensors that, there's your like your breathing, they track all this stuff it's crazy, your heart rate and so for anybody who's in a wheelchair that can really use that biometric information or maybe it would alert them to their, to their biometrics changing, they can do that with this wheelchair which is pretty amazing.>> Oh wow!>> Now here's a really cool thing that they also did which I think is a really good idea and I wish this actually kind of was a default You saw the guy using an app. And it's an app that Intel's engineers actually made as a companion for the wheelchair that let's you rate accessibility at different locations. So if like there's not really good wheel Oh! chair ramps. Or if there, you know, if there's like Like Yelp, but for wheel [CROSSTALK] chairs. Yelp, but for people with wheel chairs. It's really cool. And like, I just, I really love this. Like this is awesome, and I, I, I have a, a friend on the Internet who's confined to a wheel chair. She was in an accident, and. Like, this is great! Like, I love seeing stuff like this because anything that you can give somebody who either has had an accident, or is born like that confined to a wheel chair, I mean I say do, do it. [CROSSTALK] But it's really cool! That's incredible! Yeah, that's unbelievable, of course Steven Hawking would, you know, support that! Yeah, so it. Does he use it? Well, I, it's a proof of concept but I'm sure that he would probably get one of the first ones off of any production line when it happens. Yeah, yeah. Very cool. And I'm sure he's ve, maybe he tested it for a while so he co, cuz he approves of it so really, really neat. So high five, Intel. That was, what'd you, high five, you gave a thumbs up. Okay, well, let's high five. All right, high five, Intel. Can we do nerd high five? Okay. Yeah, that's good. All right. But, yeah, I, I just thought it was so cool and I, I saw the video and I was like, God, I wish. Wish they would have announced this on a different day besides the Apple event, because Apple literally sucked the air out of the room in terms of announcements. So but, I am, we are bringing it to your attention, cuz it's really cool. Yeah, put down your iPhones and check this out. So, speaking of cool [CROSSTALK]. Okay, so, everybody's been on the fence about the whole Bat, like, the, against the whole Batman versus Superman hosted by, you know, directed by Zack Snyder. I'm on the [CROSSTALK]. We finally got a look, a bigger look at the batmobile Official. from Batman versus Superman and here it is. Oh, the producer Logan think's he's funny. Hilarious. Nicely done. That is the Joel Schumacher batmobile which is in a word disgusting. Yeah, well let's forget about that one. Let's see the real one. Oh, there it is. So this is the real photo. Basically like earlier. Earlier yesterday there was leaked photos of the batmobile from Batman versus Superman. That's gross stuff. Yeah, little dirt. Looks like a little fanmade thing. But. Yeah praying mantis. Little metal. It looks terrible, I don't like it. Yeah. Whatever. Like a little insect. I'm not that against it, but then Zack Snider went ahead and released This. One, taken by a DSLR. Now, everybody, it seems like everybody's changed their mind about the way they feel about this Batman versus Superman movie, and how Batman's gonna be handled. One thing I wanna point out, look at the front. See that gun? There's machine guns! There's machine guns on there. Now- Doesn't Batman say no to guns? Here we go. You're talking to a nerd here. Enlighten me, here. Basically theory has been that the, this batman is going to be based off dark knight returns. Frank Miller's dark knight returns. Which is, debatably the most, the best graphic novel for batman. And in that one he does have a batmobile of sorts that has a gun on it with rubber bullets. Where he tags these mutants. And he shoots them down. So, if that theory is right, which I believed all along, Dark Knight Returns. Will be this kind of cross over. It's older Batman, yeah. This universe, older Batman, okay, got it. Cuz Batman also fights Superman in that one and were gonna see Batman fight Superman in this one. That's probably what it is. This is gonna be amazing people. You're like the Sherlock. Homes of Batman movies. It's gonna be completely different than Christopher Nolan's, but it's gonna be so good. You hope it's gonna be good. Aquaman's gonna be in it, so, I don't know, I can't put a in on that one. I am weirdly excited about Aquaman. But, Yeah. I really like Jason Mamoa, and I think Aquaman is, like, kinda adorable You, still, it's still not sure. It's not. Aquaman yet,... I know. ...because it could be Doomsday. But listen But my theory is still that is Doomsday. In my heart Jason Momoa is Aquaman. He needs to be Doomsday. I don't know. I can tell you why I think it's so or whatever. No,no, I think it's a really good, that's a good point about the Frank Miller stuff. I, like that's There's a whole bunch of connections and it's all the Frank Miller. Like even his little ears on his bat suit are very Oh, the tiny ears, yeah, yeah. Tiny bat ears. Logan, can you...oh there you go, that's perfect. You got the little bat ears. Wow, there you go, look at that. Adorable. Now I- [INAUDIBLE] worst story ever. I saw the Batmobile and I was a little skeptical, but now these explain that they could be rubber bullets. Now I feel like I'm a little more on board. Yeah, absolutely. [CROSSTALK] It, that, that's all he does. [CROSSTALK] One time he beat the crap out of [UNKNOWN] and beats up Superman. I didn't know that. So now I feel like a little better about that cuz I was, I was like dude, what gun? I mean, come on. Yeah, yeah. There's always a plan. But now I feel better. Yeah. Okay. And then our third story for today, which I really like. I love a Rube Goldberg machine. Who doesn't? Who doesn't? The first one that I ever saw that I loved was the one in Back to the Future, the, the small one that Doc Brown makes to make his breakfast. Oh yeah for Einie, Einstein. Yeah. And probably is the one with like where you crack the eggs in there and the bacon and then it stays. Oh yeah, it's for both of them. Yeah, yeah. It's for him and Einstein. Like I loved that as a kid, and so this made me very happy. This is a Rube Goldberg esque machine, but instead of using kinetic energy they actually used light. And light, unfortunately even as cool as it looks, you have to actually generate heat from that light. To be able to make anything happen on a machine like this. And, so, that's exactly what they did. They, they used, sort of mechanisms that required, or I guess, focal points on mechanisms that could generate heat that would help this Rube Goldberg Machine happen. And so, this video is called The Power of Optics, and it's actually an ad in Japan. For an Internet service provider. Oh, this is a commercial. This is a commercial. Why don't we get cool [UNKNOWN] commercials like this? So, this is this is a huge Rube Goldberg Machine. And, they again, chose mechanisms that required heat and then made focal points to generate that heat. And, make all these things happen. So, you see, in this video, the light will burn a string, pop a balloon, melt ice. It does a bunch of different things. I do get worried about like, heat lights coming of the disco ball. Yeah. That like, seems terrifying, but- There's people screaming in pain. But I, I really think that's neat. And it's man I thought it was, it, it makes a prism at the end. That's the whole point of it. Yeah. It felt, Like a Pink Floyd album. How can you [INAUDIBLE] shows the, that's the, company logo right there. I want to see them do one with water, now. Let's just, just, just try everything It's all water? earth, fire, wind, water, hard go planet. Well, there. I was, I was thinking, how come you didn't mention the PeeWee's Big Adventure Rube Goldberg machine? Okay, I love. [MUSIC] That one. I love everything about PeeWee's Big Adventure. I'm gonna keep going. Where's my beg. That's fine. Till we get sued. Also, just so you guys know. If you want to see how they did it, this team that made this [Inaudible] actually released a behind the scenes. Oh, whoa! Video on how they built it and filmed it, because filming, obviously filming light is pretty hard. So they showed all of this cool like behind the scenes footage on how they put all this together which is pretty amazing. And man, I just. I just think that's really cool. I mean it's a really. Fun like way to sort of you know, obviously promote your product. But on top of that, like, you know, how cool is that? That is pretty great. It's so neat, like I just love it. I love it. But yeah, that's that's our, that's our news for today. Let's go, okay, we're gonna take a quick break and we're gonna go build a Rube Goldberg machine. Yeah. In the control room. I've got some stuff right here. And we'll be, we'll be right back in 30 seconds. And we have an into it. Your use feedback and our phone [INAUDIBLE] for the day. Don't go away. [INAUDIBLE] Wait Hale. It's like a, it's like a chicken over here. [MUSIC] Welcome back. You get up a lot. Yeah. There's a lot of, there's a lot of room back here. There's so much happening. [CROSSTALK] Look, look how, look how far that goes back there. Don't touch the studio, don't touch the set. Did you just build this? It's, it's in here. Yeah, the Rube Goldberg machine. Oh, it's inside this box. [CROSSTALK] Look, what do you think? Oh, wow, that is amazing. It's really intricate. It's a, it's like a nano Rube Goldberg machine. That's pretty cool. That's incredible. But you know. I'm sorry we'll have to figure out how to show that to you guys. That's too small to put on camera. Someday. So instead of that we're gonna have to tell you what we're into. This is Into It. You mentioned what you were into this week and it made me laugh because I've heard of it but maybe some other people have not. Okay so this week I don't know if you know this the [UNKNOWN] just happened. I did. Well one of, one of the people who was on the [UNKNOWN] was Flula. I love Flula. I've actually worked with Flula in the past. He is a musician slash comedian. Think of Borat slash What's the other guy's name? The other character that Sash brings- Pauly D? No, the other one. He plays a lot of characters- No, the one he's like that gay character, but he did, [INAUDIBLE] he's not gay. Bruno. Bruno. That's it. Yeah, so- Thank you producer Logan. He, he's kind of like Bruno where he doesn't understand, like, he doesn't understand things, but he's musician and it's, he's incredible. Just go watch a Flula video you'll, you'll enjoy it>> You'll get it?>>He's very creative like, it's not just a guy blogging it's like he creates these, he does like creative musical things where he;ll go to Junkit and get like Will Farrell to sing part of a song and it's crazy. He's super creative, the funniest, nicest guy I've ever met and every single time his name comes up I just spend like all day watching>>You have to watch>>. So check out Flula, I love Flula, heart Flula. So for me, I found out this week, courtesy of one Kid Anonymous that Waze made an update to their software this week, allowing you to let the national treasure of America, Terry Crews, as you can see who I love dearly. He can now navigate for you in ways. So Terry Crew's voice is now part of the options in your navigation. This is a weird commercial. And I so badly wanted to pull this up like. Here. But I left my phone inside the control room, so I'm not going to pull it up. Yeah. [COUGH] But it's the best thing ever. And I love how he says, you know how it gives alerts when like the. Ahead he goes, police! [LAUGH] He just screams it? Like, half a mile. Wouldn't you like, crash? Like it's amazing. All right, it's like turn left. Yep. Like he just yells at you, it's like the greatest thing ever. It's, it's, they have a lot of other settings. They have like Elvis, they have boy bands. Yeah, yeah. But honestly Terry Crews. Screaming at you. [CROSSTALK] In a half a mile turn right. You take left. it's the best, it is literally the best. It is so much fun. And I've been using it all week. And it just cracks me up every single time. And I'm just like, I love you Terry Crews. Who would you like to hear as a voice on [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] would give you the wrong directions. No, but I, I get that. No, she would be, she'd be like, you have to turn right, when you have to turn left. Yeah, of course, well,she'd make you turn right, only it was a one-way street, so that would be testing. Oh, kill you. It would be testing. Oh, testing, all right. All in the name of testing, of course. Right. But no, I would love the voice of Gladoff. That's, that is the, the. It's kind of perfect. That's the gold standard. If I could make that my [INAUDIBLE] voice, oh. I'm in. I pay. [CROSSTALK] You know, it seems to me [INAUDIBLE] would be pretty good. That would be pretty amazing. I would pay, here's the thing. I wish that companies would realize, I would pay for that content. Yeah. I paid $50. What? To download a voice pack like of Anthony Daniels and C3PO. As like Siri. $50? But think of it this way. It's a one-time fee, and no matter when you upgrade your Android phone, it's part of your. So like whenever you use it on any phone, in an ecosystem, it would be that. How about just like $1.00? I, stop de-evaluating the market. I'm saying I would pay up to that amount of money. So you'd pay if it, nevermind. For a Glada voicepack to be Siri, which is a lot of voice work, number one, think about that. Think about how much voice work goes into something like a Siri, a Cortana. Google Now. Like, think about how much voice work goes into that stuff. Mm 'kay. It's a lot. Even Terry Crews, doesn't give you street names. Because that's a lot of recording. You need street names? Maybe. Like, but the, but the, what's I'm saying is, is it's a lot of voiceover work. For, for anybody. So, for these people. So, you want somebody to sit there, and read out all of those? Possible thing. Well, you would have to. That's what I'm saying. It would be expensive to buy, but I would totally pay. Okay. I would, but here's the thing. I pay, I pay what, $150 a year for like Dropbox. So, for me, it's like that I would pay, you know, between, I'd pay between $20 and $50 depending on the [INAUDIBLE] Depending on the voice. If it was like, if it was a lesser, I would pay less. But that's my, that's what I think. I couldn't see paying more than five dollars. I think, what about 15? Permanent unlock on any Android device you upgraded to. For C3PO, licensed from Lucas, licensed from Disney now, not even Lucas Films, [CROSSTALK] but license of Disney, Mm-hm. And you're making Anthony Daniels do all that work. Nope. No? There's going to be billion other people there. Fifteen dollars. You pay sixty dollars for Destiny for one video game that will last you how many hours? For as long as I can play it for. But you won't pay fifteen dollars as long as you can have. You can literally have until the end of time Anthony Daniels in your phone. A C-3PO. I got another, I got this other girl's voice. I don't really I am so ashamed to know you. I can't listen to this conversation. Wait, the 50 dollars things just doesn't compute. Like, we're in the digital age. Video games I'll pay a premium, listen I'll pay a premium price for a premium voice. I won't even pay that much for a movie. Like You do pay that much for a movie. You have a girlfriend. You take her to a movie, it's 50 bucks. She doesn't like popcorn? She doesn't like popcorn. She doesn't like the movies. You pay $50 just for a box of popcorn. She doesn't like pepperoni. She doesn't like peanut butter and chocolate. Like she's weird, so I don't know why we're getting into that. She doesn't want to pay $50 for C3PO. I think just right now she probably just broke up with you. You're just saying all these awful things. After all that stuff. I should be the one doing that. But she's really great so I don't. Exactly. She is a really nice [CROSSTALK] That is, that is what, hey listen. This is like a blog now. Now we're blogging. Okay we're going to stop that. [LAUGH] We're going to stop that. But seriously Terry Crews [UNKNOWN] is amazing. Go download it, it's the best thing ever. We have to get any user feedback. So let's hear from you. I love how animated you are. He gets, he goes nuts after we cut away to the graphic and you never get to see the craziness that happens. Yeah, I just like build it up. It does. It [CROSSTALK] Okay, so what do we got today? Yesterday we asked you to tweet at us with the hashtag TD Canvz. Mm-hm. And tell us how, what you would throw in there. And some good answers, some really good answers. Richard Cash writes us and says hashtag TD Canvz. Finally Grumpy cat means a gift all over my place and sends me no. You look just like grumpy cat. [LAUGH] I feel like your mouth doesn't downturn far enough. I'm gonna, nope. And then we got one from See, I knew somebody was gonna pick memes by the way. Oh of course, that's what I'm gonna Good on you. Good on you. be using mine for. I did put my money where my mouth was by the way and I backed it yesterday so that money is coming out of my bank account. Lindemen wrote. And said #tdcanviz I want the Gallifrey falls no more image from day of the doctor. #whovian. Best wishes from Denmark. So we have a Dr. Who What the hell is that. Okay let me translate for you. Okay. I know this is not your area of expertise. It's my one blind spot. Whovians are Dr. Who fans of course. Okay I know that. And Day of the Doctor was the 50th anniversary episode where they had all the. Doctors that it kind of been, like, recently? They had David Tennant, Matt Smith, John Hurt play another version. I'm trying not to spoil it, but there was a painting, that was like a living portrait, and they were sort of, his race is from Gallifrey. So the Time Lords are from Gallifrey. And time lords can make these paintings that are sort of, living. And so here is the, here is the image. Oh, you have it! But I think it's from the show. Like, they show you the thing. You can go all into it and like, see all the different, this is like a living, moment in time. You can capture, one. Moment in time inside a portrait. Whoa! it's like cool. But I love that idea and that's really neat. I would love to have that portrait like on the wall and it looks like as you're moving or like it can move around the image How crazy. Yeah. Super good idea. You thought way too far into this whole like animated picture. But then I love it. In a good way. Yeah, best possible way. So that was really good. Your hashtag of the day today of course. Your hashtag of the day today of course, is #TDBATMOBILE. We want to know what you think. Tell us what you think of the batmobile. Yup. Also, would you add anything to it? Would you subtract anything from it? Would you be like, oh, I don't know about those wheels. Maybe I'd go with some 22s. The image has, like, blinkers on it. Da, ca, can we, can we, can you pull the image up. It's got, like, blinkers. Listen, Batman has. On the, on the two front areas. He's a safe driver. See that, see there in the, see that in the, the left corner? That's not a flashlight, that's a blinker. Yeah. Right corner. He's get, you listen, Batman has to change lanes, too. And he wants to be safe. [INAUDIBLE] Turn left. [LAUGH] And then, and then he also paid $50 for his. GPS>> Listen you, I will pay a premium price for such things, Gladus>>Most people don't have that much disposable income>>I would>>to just throw it around on GPS accounts>>The phrase sh, no, not GPS, I would pay for on like Siri to have it as like my Siri>> Oh! No, still [CROSSTALK]. Ten dollars maybe. I'd still say 15 bucks. No. Like I would pay between 20 and 50 dollars depending on the voice. Anyway. Katey batmobile and of course it is time to get into our phonetographer of the day. mmm Get in it. So, not to bring the room down. But today is 9/11. And a lot of people have been reflecting things. And I saw this picture in our email box, and thought this was a really appropriate image for today. So Wayne B, sent us this picture, and he says. This was taken with my LG G3 in New York City. And so he's got a really lovely picture of the skyline. I don't know where he is. It looks like somewhere where there's construction happening? But it's obviously across from, Manhattan proper. but, really nice picture. Beautiful skies. I thought it was really nice, on the, but like, I thought it would be a very nice tribute today. Very nice choice. I thought so. I just, I like, I didn't want you know, I didn't want to get too mushy about it because I'm sure all of you have your own personal thoughts and we don't want to force ours on you. But, so yeah, I thought it was a really nice picture, so, Wayne B, good job. And that G3 takes really nice photos. Yeah, it does. that's was, that was, can we see it again. Can we say it one more time? Yeah. Yeah. And, that's like with the, that's the camera that has laser focus. Have you seen this? No. The focus is really fast on this camera. The shutter speed is crazy good. Oh, wow. So, that's, I would assume that is one of the contributing factors how nice that picture is. But, Wayne B, very nice picture. Very, very good. And, thank for sending it. We appreciate it. If you would like to submit your phonetography to be considered for the show you can email us, TOMORROW@CNET. COM. You can also email us your tweet, if you hate Twitter. Can also email us your hashtag of the day. Just use the hashtag as the subject line and we'll read it. And then also you can find us all over social media. We're Tomorrow Daily on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram. If you wanna catch us on Google Plus or Tomorrow Daily TV, Khail, where in the world It's like you can read my mind. See that? Really good. It's pretty good, I think. You OK. I, paid 20 Are you gonna be that I paid $50 for that lower third. That's right, you did. Khail, you know why? Because you're a discerning consumer and you're willing to pay money for good things. For good things. Yeah. I would never pay $50 for Guys. Pay for stuff. It's important. I know that the app ecosystem makes it really easy to expect things for cheap or free, but people work really hard on that stuff. Yeah, you're right. Making your money. And giving George Lucas [INAUDIBLE] more money and. Totally the way to go. Listen you, you're paying Andy Danos to read that type of stuff. I know that Lucas gets a cut of it, but at the end of the day, like you still love Star Wars right? Yeah. So, people still have to work hard. It's not just George Lucas recording at the studio. George Lucas is probably drinking a Mai Tai Bora Bora right now. He doesn't care. And then he's probably naming a star wars character Mitai and another one Bora Bora. That's very true, that is very true. So listen, like I said, this is my mini rant for the day. Pay for content because people work really hard to make it especially indy developers, I'm happy to give them my money, like Monument Valley is a beautiful game. You know, TellTale Games, these are really great companies making really great stuff. You're absolutely right. Don't be afraid to pay for that stuff you guys. Because it's really important that we support those people. Support indies. You're not wrong. I know. I know, I'm just saying. I just didn't see the reason to give Star Wars any more money. I have 15 lightsabers in my closet. Listen you, you're the one who brought up C-3PO. I brought up Gladdaugh. Okay, fine. Fair enough. You're welcome. That's it for the show today everybody, now that I've bested Kale mentally. I will be back on Monday with Rich Demuro. We're gonna do physically, next. You're fired. You're fired, Gill. We're gonna, we're gonna do physically, to end the show, and then, We're gonna, we're gonna end the show. All right. That's it for tomorrow, Gilley. Be good humans, and I will see you on Monday. I'm gonna win Jeez, you're ungodly strong. [MUSIC]

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Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro