Ep. 51: Why robots shouldn't sing
Ep. 51: Why robots shouldn't sing

Ep. 51: Why robots shouldn't sing

It is Tuesday. July 19 you are experiencing. The theatrical. The unpredictable. Create podcasts and on about America -- -- Clinton and we have tons of theatrics. Planned for you today got a whole sketch. I'll McDonald wrote last night would only as an artist and at that it's going to be pretty awesome. I think it's gonna be great and never -- if we had time to really impressed it's really have time right about. Right and we -- we've got some stories -- it or do we do first of which is the the real turbine. Powered bat mobile. Not like the -- -- -- original bat mobile like a reproduction in disease yet amount like the -- -- -- -- Still looking good is if I escalate to make -- identity ideals all of a buyer to set theatrics it. The arcade we have behind studio today is a pretty great. This is an actual. Like you can tell -- -- with which Mac man. Of the as I know I'm -- month and that -- never mind that the -- -- Tim Burton -- and yet so we've seen plenty of like -- TC mobile -- production team and a company that specializes in doing reproduction of those. This -- actually has the -- turbine engine -- it. Right. And its fleet vehicle -- think you can drive it around how -- that. Not suck like. Toddlers office -- Hurricane -- extra graphics -- or. Mean isn't there it -- aren't -- laws against noise pollution. Yeah I would think that's -- that seem like it that the biggest problem with the senate that would -- doesn't have -- fighter. As well I don't think I think -- showed off definitely interior. This sounds like. A plane -- really. Specialists and some other iPad and I -- quite invasive. Is an aero weighs in your -- equipment riding with that thing out and Batman probably has. An -- Really of the -- that. And yeah yeah -- -- once again and and -- metal routed via exactly. Exactly. This is that Casey putsch I think something which racing and actually engineered his own want. Special. You know version of about -- there I love when you're interest in your hobbies can can take you that for you to make this -- obviously Batman fan. And some level. He's going -- a -- build -- real the building Entergy is actually. Why the engine put it into -- car I have to think he did not build. I would ask the right they I think that the thing about this is that the bat mobiles. With with each movie. Are like these holy Grail cars only meeting you know. Definitely fictional little. It's from the engineered. Cars and so that deal actually out one that works equally as cool and then they've got -- sixties -- -- -- and it's neat that Tumblr. -- someone to build an actual Tumblr. Or the want is that the -- that transforms -- currently seeking and has excellent move -- in recent movies. You know it it rejects the bat pod make a little more cycle which is home yet. Now on the forest that -- Hampshire. You know -- -- Share suspiciously -- canceled. Ram or if anyone actually notices -- show is on then then that -- -- as an idea it will ultimately. We'll probably see that when coming up. Another cool thing that we actually got a chance or one member of art scene and -- -- -- got a chance -- demo. Are these Nero where. Other companies of nowhere with the actual product called they have -- In the -- of the call fuzzy motorized years -- -- fuzzy motorized fears that respond to your brain -- And then he's crazy. Kind of turnaround in detect your mood yeah so when you're really happy that kind of -- and freak out and -- years kind of com they're gonna. Mellow out and and go down how accurate in the -- kind of curious here's the kind of this isn't right -- -- electric. In LA and killing cats -- -- they -- yours but now they responded donuts and when. It's out of -- -- next though the years and -- America. These days that happy and -- now on now -- the I don't on this but I don't believe is that. And don't it would not only -- the -- that upland sugars. And Japan. Now it looks like. Blades and what happened there that I had some kind of guy to begin with the look -- camera on the side. Here are some dog crap and -- parties you weigh in and it -- mortgages -- that they've heard nothing that's question is is in -- dog -- its. It's just gone back home to Craigslist content and connections. Little right now UI. With a rear camera attached if -- is looking at Hopkins who can't. Meet the girl wandering with the thin. Mechanical ears on my and -- you know. That probably not that rare in Japan is -- My by an electronic ears actually respond to your brain made -- rare. Maybe this is the -- -- and this is not that the technology that exact. Legal. Well Google can. Use and -- can use. -- Even don't use the applause and I mean this is in this is not to get to anatomical here but. Guys the entire lives there are fighting parts of their anatomy that respond to -- -- stimulation you know yeah I get my. We have we've gone through our entire puberty trying to calm ourselves now yeah exactly don't need something passion went head to broadcast it to a growth novel right. -- right exactly -- can fit well. There's well. It some things that they now -- but not and clearly that nearly -- Obvious right. That god and the automatically -- -- actually. The weird weight you've got to wear them anyway forces are literally and large if it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Look our response that. You -- to in and access area him. -- But not commercially available. Not al-Qaeda has only three of -- available -- -- -- their network and that there like every comic convention. At the same and that might be -- worldwide. You know what you like that in that -- -- -- -- think -- -- -- out -- -- The heat and free market -- man you'd think so. Look -- that -- fairies it is. This is the tip of the iceberg right now -- in a settlement. While that's -- -- -- up a it. I could go for -- now -- we need line and we're not gonna get to our dramatic reenactment of Allard and not limit -- Now okay now I think we have time for now. Android Android -- out of this. Borne. And born in -- as a modified trash can now this I think it is meant to be -- pro Android. -- Irish blacks but AOA. If -- -- trash -- and artists as something pretty bad about it and and the to. Three CC. -- the not to spoil the video for you but he -- he hasn't missed that when that happens and it seems. -- -- -- that. It's pretty normally the actual technology here is -- pretty awesome. And that the guys come a long way after -- readout on the minimum. Power switch isn't like that parts of the power regulating our area like. -- I'd move and it's moving rain that I think little bluntly it's going over is gonna come back to its -- want to give them a hug of. Old. And everything -- -- -- -- that exponent. -- -- data is ever wanted to know what the insanity Android robot looks like it. It's it's not very. -- like outtakes and Star Wars. But I will say this though he only spent about 40000. Some odd dollars to put this whole thing Vietnamese were asked about it that's great. He gets points for just. You know -- on the cheap like that you break it -- more points to be actually had this is like moonstruck. And doesn't seem like that's the case it down. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- more Android powered goodness here there is a kick -- fun going up for an Android powered or injury controlled. RC car. That looks like an. IPod line posted that -- it's -- -- -- the final product. -- With the critical and have a demo video of it to -- beam like those. -- did the united they have those drones can be -- The same concept -- you pair it with the that pollution. I've never heard of that that this is a new world to me. And -- statistical soundtrack -- and other people. Care. So you can you control this with any Android. Device that's that's the idea of somebody coming -- Iraq America that's Celeron or control and also did you add ons mean this is also -- And it's mostly music that's -- -- -- but I love that like the thirty foot range is like. It's like a -- -- -- running. Right here is a thirty foot tree species. That that all these. I -- but. Though I -- like this idea that damn. And that he now I think equally got you know those little tiny on the micro machining type -- that they have a -- but feel better. Regardless total -- haven't written -- we've -- wink wink and gesture. At the via version of something smaller it you know take a while -- -- the -- Right yeah yeah that makes more sense I. Fees and and -- -- actually -- com in the package with your Smartphone gets Android phone and then you just get the little tiny remote controlled -- and with it. Now you're marketing geniuses and I -- don't -- satellite. -- get -- app icon there and feel to them that appeal to -- -- Wayne make car files. Audio that appeals to any link you motto and models the mail and grade in the easiest outdated -- -- smart -- -- Apple would never do it they wouldn't do -- now what would Apple have instead. Like what what we put that magical paper clip in that you know you can use the pop artists in card. This is a sticker so it's it's a remote to a paper clip -- It could help we can also. You know that because of -- is like -- -- paper clip around industry people I'll remind me. -- -- -- -- -- -- we're going into the cauldron of Molson together via. Tests within the last week's -- -- which with episode fifty acting by the way it was -- view. So until 51 right now it's happening right now -- one's a new era it is it is we should actually start again from one should be right. Season two app -- line right crave -- episode zero. It's a certain. It's -- it's a spare parts. Back to robots yes -- and -- portion. In return to robots boat like proper role it's not just robotic ears yet it is -- little -- to knock -- -- fall over and head pops right. Now this is this is some serious. Here's hardware here and Stanford University. There the graduate program has now trained there. Giant robot arm to fight at their one time -- but are there one and -- million dollars. Robot arm. -- -- -- -- -- Also uses a Kinect sensor to detect the colors of the swords of these guys out a little you know phone back -- -- so that the robot. Not only can tell when it's been bad -- -- little while Matt is being extra -- but can also anticipate. Where the opponent's sword is going to be yeah yeah Sagan. But is going so lets you try them. -- -- defenses but actually there's actually a cool application for this in like a martial arts training share -- start somewhere you can't just turn on the ten. And you know I expect to learn something that way are you gonna interconnect turn around and yes his -- economic real you know martial arts master and like brightness and not the -- -- her graduate yeah in the -- this did in Mario he's he is probably his dream to be killed -- Like the professor of graduate program in robotics yeah you would hope they would be your greatest hope I'd share just what you aspire. Responsible for the robot that transcendence. Become self aware and become self aware and realizes what you've done to make it to bring it to be you've been reading stories about this for ever -- -- is a lovely place. Media prices get that level that you my robots will be the ones -- turn on me right -- renders. Exactly yeah but power I can -- record power. And detailed view comes in a sale these little cool soliloquy memorable line yeah -- like. Roses. Is so memorable if you have permits to be seen -- -- -- -- closing all of our service so much you'll never see. That things. He's Iran is easy hole which -- then that's it I'm all right so now from the high tea of the -- -- bots. To the previous lows in the immediate pretty nasty here this is -- -- -- and lower dollar related to the eye for pop hit it but wow invented -- robot talk about. Yeah two week -- it is is eighty. What is actually of our return happening of the robot now this is now and I'll be singing robot now is a mouth okay make no mistake her alarm -- And that anything that the -- -- the BB home neat now is made better singing robot Malcolm. The one we -- it felt like it because it may get a little better and it's a little better. Well excellent has a piece of paper between a coal it uses these little. -- actuators underneath it used to adjust. The the -- cavity of the road. There was an excellent time to -- -- -- time. Here existing Wi -- -- around August that it. Call role and that the microphone isn't just there to record eight. For posterity the microphone is actually used as the feedback loop so -- -- held is doing a good job making the note that -- -- me. And you're good to be when it you know that I'm familiar you're. Yuri you know -- little rubber mounds hat weather is doing a good job -- whatever it's doing right now in -- and that's that's -- that that kind of feedback. In doesn't have to wait for your approval. I know immediately right out that's gonna create caveat it's eaten at just some things that maybe. -- What country. But I don't understand though is elected two years that if they can to make this thing how they haven't given it a proper head they put this -- Like. Triangular. Lump of -- is -- looks like a Lego like a local bread or cellist and cornbread are so compelling -- coming up at -- that that math. Over its mouth is there -- approximate. Like the sound absorption. Looking -- gas here but like you could. They make. Like mannequin heads you can. Right it's something that not verify the world -- -- -- note I think that's the original and they only had like three or four little. Bing that would -- This blood evidence but it's not I think he it's been overdone right of -- that this is deafening right. And that humans. Masterfully overdone some there was some I was like the -- Nine of those who lives of the some lips right it's what they aspire to those women really want is to go right out. The ambulance. If that it makes his podcast could try to buy two versions of these big. -- -- -- -- -- Your version. Mac. And yet discovered. As well I mean I am in the program lines and via live aboard -- -- Little -- fifty yeah process it'll it'll come stock with late eighties movie references totally. Ninety's whoever is allowed it'll totally remember the line from later on yeah well -- lots of little -- -- -- -- -- and exactly six. I'm before and the show -- -- -- that would be a proper place to really just shut it down we actually have an email. From John in -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This is John saying I know you guys are swamped with emails. The action on -- -- of -- could be the case that are emails and -- getting to us right so I figured out -- that have Eric Franklin C this. I think he receipts and this T you're tried to. ID guys reviewed a USB drive Ellis likable reminding me more of the Da Vinci code got a link here to. -- dot org which -- cells. Replica of the Da Vinci code like likable -- X okay I think its Alex USB -- that this is its existent replica of the movie -- But it works okay. He also thinks we -- I'll cements. I'm glad that somebody out there aren't trying to that -- at I'll I'll let my kid now affecting. -- of his doctors. Have written it can be losing -- so -- muscle without awesome if I didn't. That's what let's go to hell yes based elemental won't be fired yes. And he says that what he's creating. Do things he's creating skating a decent and affordable Windows Home Server 2011 box apparently it's hard to come by now -- HP has bowed out of the game and he wants Samsung to make a standalone smart hub device. Now -- have that's that's smart hub technology built into Hilton's that's them. Sure I'd I don't know that's gonna leave you -- me. Well -- -- -- that cool because I haven't used it before my TV is old enough that I don't have -- government TV but. I know they're they're putting their is a big push from Samsung habit -- all the devices now. I don't know -- cooled it. You'd want a stand alone he was apparently what he wants when I'm not arguing that -- its adhesion each registered he has his right to create. As I -- anyone who is -- who want to email us. -- there their cravings. -- along enslavement the technological. Yet. The show -- One thing he does not create as the Blackberry cyclone just like the Blackberry. Like but -- Enough they've announced that proper there's just the rumor that he had set top box device -- Us and let -- hope -- stream content. I don't blame for. But he wants us to take it easy while he into it and -- high speed -- and the -- greatly him I will not -- I don't know -- that to -- But damn it you would like to get all of -- you can email us at will. Because some got to -- who crave at cnet.com. Which is actually the blogs podcasts property now -- -- that we're not shipping get to that is -- dash podcast. At CNET who set that -- and Japanese. You it is in army Donald bells and if you really should. You -- you know the Twitter. The act on them to -- on the sweater on the need -- the need -- on the Twitter an ideal peel. You can email me and -- a -- number -- dot Franklin assumed that you should do that acts in yeah you should do that. He had he does that leaders in I was at the new emails every day picnic episode. -- and if you want your gonna talk my next week you can check out our crave blog crave at cnet.com until next week. We'll see you again. Speaking out drove up until next week we'll see you.

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