Ep. 18: Attack of the clones
Ep. 18: Attack of the clones

Ep. 18: Attack of the clones

Tuesday September. When he first record yes it is -- -- -- listening -- that frame. Flat -- -- like -- a -- I'm Donald -- America for. Little lately and a question and we're here makes. -- -- But mean US and we had some problems I don't camera since this is going to be a different different amnesia you know because I always letters right. And I have to go get my -- freezing in here. I came in without it and with the whiny baby left to cost it is -- to use weapons and some. But oh number -- -- it. TPC. And you say that PG film TV -- -- -- can can I noticed and everything throughout the I said. Doubtless. Let's just get right into of people not the banter. Of the colorful banter BV those pocket aren't they able BB turntable now. This is something. -- very near here in my heart this is a this is a remake of it products from the early 1980s -- the sound burger. I like that name. Now the can be cross Lee which if you've probably heard prod the they've -- -- the company it still makes like. All turn tables like -- All radios that look like the in built out of the 1920s. Cherish or they're actually have additional violence CD player in them and their part of the whole. Across -- -- a -- -- -- part of that that and to him there they've. Mean. They they kind of be done that sound -- -- I've ninth 1984 but I can't -- that though. In fact you know there's nothing on the -- all references the fact that this is a direct kind of which is -- off of the somber -- Here it is the point being that. Some burgers. Divisions are detecting this hamburgers are really hard to find it on -- As a collector's item like 400 dollars from that -- the crazy predict this for this little portable turntable. Cause these in this kind of all plastic little cheaper version of it out for a 149 dollars. There's like some more colorful versions that are heading out to Urban Outfitters and doing your quotes. It's an Israeli urban activists and hips head I don't update it but added I got -- I mean I still wore some store. You you get like hipster colorful additions -- and -- but I'm here. But systems Cisco is pretty though I am Hampshire probably doesn't have the sound quality that the original audio technical version how would people -- people loved and kind of teeth after. But this one does have a USB output and also has oddly enough has -- FM -- Okay so if you like weird and you're returning record table make you turntable sound into your stereo you can broadcast it over medium that's really really are and -- -- a -- -- -- -- in your car that records -- the cars. Yet. The other thing about this that. Is -- needs. Is the fact that it's got -- -- -- PM. And you can eat you pre order right now so there's this -- black and mutant versions of this and that is like others and others. Don't like me. -- in honor of the story. I wore. Might sound burger. Teachers yeah yeah you did it thank -- out. That's right no one in Seattle and -- if I did in that's a dedicated it sounder. Also -- things amber yeah. But that the cool thing about -- summer they originally signed that it actually came out at a time in the walkman came a lot of companies were competing to trying to come up with other ways to get portable audio out that'd be popular. -- -- Okay. People and people wanna cut up to elect -- technology -- people want and there's little that this last little. Burst of like. Portable turntable design happen in the eighties portable meaning you can go to your friend's house and play now in the meanwhile announced -- now if he's gotten it cards. I can't this weird but that -- came out with one of the same time actually played is that the Linear. It's public when your turned it was my actually -- your records. Like vertically you put him in the little sound burglary -- -- and it -- latest. It populate it -- skip a lot PayPal and I'm so excited for 150 conflict about -- the kind of achieve -- turntable but. I want -- brightest by the cheap ones predicting it. I want -- other things I want this -- but Donald. Like intro with all the things that -- who really -- -- time is like we're in Donald hell yeah. Million. And I can actually -- it's this. -- Triple that her record triple -- records Jack -- And white stripes in a dish bag in the video not only is kind of been with the -- -- -- -- -- you like them -- here. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The -- records say they've come out with different colors this one's called the triple Decker record or triple Decker LP is a 45. That is -- It's sealed inside of the twelve inch LC right and that's not all he gets to it might. He actually have to crack it open right in order to get to the release that prevent -- at. But then you can't really put -- -- Well what he was thinking. He can play it -- them up later in the video so that people would know what songs are about whether this some special on unreleased single -- playing mind -- he's playing mind that the -- hear she's gonna crack -- -- with a knife. And a week. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now you can I think the other one is probably ethical one sided. -- he kept it together and the bottom is just like flat piece of plastic. Could be either way either way it's a pretty cool -- collectors item yet and there it that way. You. And it as small. Town. Is doing okay and do you mean who's gonna do these days that -- there. The capital's -- Eric's the way of life yeah. -- They Orleans. That Cuba occupied area next few minutes yeah I -- you wanna introduce its next -- -- -- -- Which -- that's enough -- Allude look the little -- well -- look see -- -- Canada. Oh look the look. Apple of the for those -- free to blink okay again it is doing this and -- -- there Aerosmith so. Where Apple T Moore and that's what this idea that -- -- talk if you don't agree -- -- -- Tuesday the seventy have a level if the if -- looks. I don't know you know this is reminds me of the little the little constant and flare from you know look look it's a board war. It in the the possible -- are well that's exactly what it is that's an that's the sub title adds to I mean having fun getting to you get any better bit if they're any better TVs in the best of both worlds apart one. I -- seriously as like the best cliff -- ever. Right now who -- yeah cricket. I'm glad I finally issued -- honored to engine. And essentially -- that is. Exploding -- right Octavia that he might even the though Diallo on the -- yeah. The last thing that we oh in the -- is coming I should you should actually hopefully that's -- -- -- I'm gonna do our own crickets keep it you -- -- is that you introduce a I look at that I had enough backwards head. -- video and you know Michael -- -- -- only assure your good easy to limit the cricket he now it would there'd be a lot of cricket. -- meeting I don't know whether I look at. The Pao crickets live crickets will be brought to a stand -- -- city yes if right -- is -- -- -- those actually will be -- wish somebody. In the camera saying it. Video it is a controlled via 399. Dollar video camera and Bluetooth. Your like your phone your -- That can shoot when it's like the -- -- Laying by -- -- -- -- your -- camera thing you know pounds and -- so that is some geeky stuff but I like -- the -- and -- You control over Android -- worst nightmare would -- it -- yet actually you have -- your worst -- plug your iPod -- with another the little the little band that we did a few weeks ago with no arms and legs and around other TV Casper area -- beaches here on how to -- But with this and they look okay it's gonna click on laser -- -- is an eagle is a completely made my worst nightmare. -- ahead let's. -- wrapping up on -- he but it critical 199 bucks we've got this -- in the senior CNET news New York offices and you'll be testing it. But down yeah they showed like you know. Action sports. Yeah kind of stuff you put this for making a point of view camera stuff when you're jumping off -- Cliff yeah I hear them and Alec okay helmet can be better at a consultancy not well liked. Secure you're in luck because and tech stories about this outbreak but the can. I think I -- to group things together automatically. I this was a little more expensive this is -- the -- 299 dollar. Camera kind of the same -- you mount this on home at the home media -- at -- I -- I think in there is some land. And if you already in 1940 eyes hosts. -- -- -- -- got a GPS you can recording 1080. GPS data. Together with your video and he can actually see it together. And here's this guy is gonna goad -- and I'm out on his bicycle. Little bicycle. Is little high school. And I really like that they did GPS Holland -- -- -- because a lot of people that are using this for dream super -- and if ray. And that way you can locate this week in law -- that -- him that he's gonna that I would I would guys seriously -- thank you the original right Allen theme on my illness -- -- I made that is how you plan so over on the right of the video you conceived when I -- based my new -- America's and then you know looking a little when you did. That that -- posted it last week yeah crazy this kind of weird though it looks a little bit like the kitten. Phone. Central. Scenes the design goes through chemical -- and commences. I'm getting more outdoors he'd be yeah so this is this is gonna you'll -- and it's easy into the read writing. Hello my what what's cool this is an. And -- I think LBS. Location based services are creepy the eight I want people knowing where and and this week with something like this definitely makes sense I mean you can record like your. May not know we can fine you just so they could -- Dockery but. I like -- again like the idea that if you get lost or hurt or something yeah eleventh could find you based on having this GPS you're left telling location right. Where -- -- in the blackness. Alright so pretty -- -- those -- too perfect cameras that are pretty interesting I'm like an ally in the whole dramatic -- were going about doing alright with these days and so lucky for you one last camera -- -- -- -- we've been talking there's been talk of the -- -- some new equipment on the flip -- each year came out or -- are coming out yes and that we're announced this week. One thing that out lots in the mix a little bit was the fact that the new flip support -- -- with specific accessory ports. And want to be -- digital flips. Outlets like mine that I got last year may have that port temperature. I read just enough to deal eats it somewhat competent and -- -- this is I think that were alive and I got here a speaker ram yeah I haven't got -- -- -- I know just enough. The I sell what are we got we've got being Mikey the blue microphones Mikey after which is as a very reviewed the one that it's available for the iPod iPhone it's actually a really nice microphone accessory. -- they've gotten coming up for the flip now this is going to be this is for me today I use of the flip. Is then when my biggest kind of things -- are out the recording music. Thank you can quickly -- a microphone or the -- -- -- built in microphone -- just compress it all the talents so it -- sound pretty nasty. But with the Mikey and I know this from using it you have little adjustable settings for how loud environment. And -- -- -- Roll back. Like the -- -- to get a pretty clean. Balance recording and stereo recording it is that because -- -- -- though. That in our it is the area it's it's horrible. So critics. It's a great seventy bouts. Early -- Mikey this is gonna be a pretty killer combo especially for musicians like recording -- there's that that shows that that means. And uses that's what we're seeing -- go to see like some energy into in the I've got like a YouTube video the sound is. Yeah world -- fuels whereas when he goes if you're really into him though guitars. And it's. As it was -- that that's what they did -- if he recovers its. It's been excellent yeah I wish and if -- -- And I think that's -- -- And my helmet but not Ericsson panel and that's -- Aaron a -- -- things and what finance. With. The robot no. It's not it's better seven what the robot -- should be -- should be carrying these they're very very phallic backpack and -- But the -- question about it outpaced its robot ballot that answer and we'll let -- robot for which. I think that's just -- and I mean I think -- Andy's saying it looks more like -- Thing that he robot can you please. I'm showing the photo rocket man. That's an adult man. That's actually that looks like me out like night time I think I'm not I don't know my -- and air empire strikes back -- my whole thing about delightful -- kids that lets you want your kid to get his ass kicked every day. You're not gonna buy this -- comprise. You gotta have that you a college or is a -- -- college -- ironic kind of thing I'm pro line you know it's like I'm home I'm reluctant to -- it. Got a -- -- oh -- you can speak impact here you're soda and your picture books in yeah Amanda Amara a beer at that's. Soda and that's the thing into backpack that to -- to 49 dollars on your little game and go to school looking like he's got a rocket -- enemy. -- that I -- it -- it's time to lodge. Hey guys today is is -- -- horns more alert. His life to lodge guys -- the time. Then -- -- is as it don't make me. -- -- -- -- Now my I did look at this and people I should buy them from making it ignited guys know what it's a giant robot on the top and it's. To do that to them I love him too much let him where. This thing you have a general rule out -- -- -- had. -- -- -- Speaking of robots. Hr. Most most most robots are pretty much can dolls. And that's when not being an exception. This is the closest this is like born out of original design from -- region -- -- -- And then. Now developed and being shown off. This is the HR. He. For robot and it's kind the most C three PO wish. Robot around and if you just now it is about he'd tracking tracking head towards and his videos -- and -- party tracking is. Is eight -- ball around the room with and earlier Mac he's tracking is. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Scarier he is wrong I would want him tracking me in the middle -- yeah -- he he is he's in the middle earth. Exactly. Dishonesty in Eaton county here's on this year's is -- when he found -- around. But he's actually pretty quiet as far as terminator -- indeed. It. And and a -- -- in this is you huge slap -- -- pain on this guy need gutsy the -- Maybe something. Eight and here's here's the clincher for -- -- -- glad nearly a permit and -- and -- scroll up and show you the cool thing about this robot and the -- and Russia -- -- when you know what I'm talking about here but those who used he can pour liquids in two glasses yes this is a nearby. This is the beer by this is the eighth this is a real live your body that's zero I think -- only cost you around 300000. Dollars. Sources but down that's. Gaffe -- that's working at -- -- -- I'm sure will build they get that this you know all those kickbacks -- give unbiased reviews right. Right Microsoft and Apple pain constantly and -- I mean absolutely that's that's the total. Yeah. -- like in blue and grave ride. Oh. Of what else we have like action at. Is and -- tree and then them some listener feedback look at Dimitri earth -- let's go to the -- trees are actually active all over -- -- and I -- active. Needs you can. -- this is the only thing by the way that has that in the last week that I didn't want eats -- everything else on the -- -- real player I would be remote does look -- who. That -- But that I don't know if it's -- Well season we didn't really little did this like tomatoes on jealous because that's less than tomatoes and film on me and the thousands is it's like tell -- having an identity crisis it doesn't know whether it wants to be a salad or army true I I. It needed the greenery you know like make it march -- -- I guess what your Christmas tree you know if you feel that it added to the best you live with -- death yet. Indeed that meet Garland if they blinked on the Dmitry idea a really good at Vista -- -- -- -- we'll only do it with -- -- It's it's better looking -- though tree. Democrats I mean I like. All and I years your your the lettuce and tomato entry like that have I mean about it now okay. And got some we've got some listener feedback here. Is going to watch what and I think that's requirement it ain't been meeting -- -- know why we're fat we know how to get -- or beer or us or cope. You've done all the you know how anatomy jokes for gonna do for the day probably. Or an iPod yeah. There -- my dad ever think I so Rick emailed anything he just. Finished watching -- seventeen. And he can't get over how much. It seems that jasmine hates her own job. Not only wish -- because I hate -- -- not only was -- down on the new nano. But the way she founded she found that she hates going to electronic conferences for jobs I -- really. Has she been cloned an issue has been cloned did you get the bad copy or perhaps -- -- new. He wasn't a commons now and any goes on that he go girl power out why he actually wanted the nano and like why he action -- the old man alone. He actually -- on the nano and that they -- -- -- -- -- I'm Diane Allen and he -- thought I heating get the new nano but got the -- yeah you might offensive that and one of the things he mentioned about the man that would make -- a lot more useful I totally agree with that at least. Because -- where -- -- and house. No -- You mean yeah just be better that way that -- and I agree with that issue tomorrow at that -- it's gonna get to amputees and podcast. She really Apple she -- there it Sony got these seats like in Sayyaf headphone design. That would that would be. Brotherhood and we never know but I like it in my defense I -- this is my chance to be over passionate. About things whether it's in a positive earnings anyway I don't get to do that and reviews that inappropriate reviews site you're on a podcast and and and I'm wondering about that the honey I -- -- and now -- summer. -- -- But even so what you did it does matters -- you -- I that they felt I I felt that way about it too especially last night when a -- the new iPod nano commercial. With -- music. That there is airing on television like nonstop okay so what's what's misleading about -- commercial users and okay here's was misleading and a positive for a second so people can be with -- On this particular thing it's that they're showing it. Being used with out the person who's wearing it. Actually venal look at the controls threaten wreck its position -- you the entire go to that and notice that I don't know how these people how the book by sonic bike. Extra cents to guilt and know to be able to navigate the screen or can't do with this model now exactly so. I've tried them -- -- -- when you're actually using this thing you're cleaning your neck over to see what is going on or just. -- -- Take -- out look at it it's. Also I'm not I'm not -- we -- eighty. Like I I feel like Apple is it's kind of and people. Off light being needlessly -- about and a how easy it is used -- -- was kind of -- to use no extra cheque put it on any kind of that'll go with on this -- attached in -- does -- because they -- a gigabyte is it totally it's. Yeah button it's. It's not somebody Apple doesn't oh it's -- -- prodding and a lot of good things. Those things well this is not it does not make you think is what -- did not with. Like for you the fact the Apple look at it hard to use it -- you and I can you superpowers now -- name as they would leave now it gets -- trouble. How happy with our our it and that's the thing that's impressive -- -- -- -- there's compressed and I wanna take -- that gentlemen yes if you're able to us. Don't think it's on its. He evasive -- the united trade show at cnet.com as you can see I am perfectly capable of taking part of the yes. Ahem Oregon at the time when -- 170 users CNET that -- 638. Yet and if you want Q well that was just that -- -- -- like everything as the laser that I didn't -- those -- transition and and and I and if you speaking you can emailing me about my bad production skills if you want to be the next episode. You wanna see the -- that we're gonna talk about or next week's podcast people go to the crave blog -- CNET. I -- dot CNET dot.

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