Ep. 17: Playing the tech-support blame game
Ep. 17: Playing the tech-support blame game

Ep. 17: Playing the tech-support blame game

The technical support blame game Android operated HP printers and a slew of tablet -- all that more coming up on this -- the week's edition of the -- -- weekly for Thursday. September 23 point -- and Jason -- here as always with just now accounts. One last time for me anyway -- ago. Good feeling a little sad is this your first last -- with the life and yeah actually -- -- my very first last show at -- Man kind of sad to say that -- And today we do welcome via Skype special guest he's senior editor of -- guys dot com and CNET blogger Scott Webster. -- -- Yeah you but thanks for joining us we've read you know covered a lot of stories that you've written for the -- -- oh. The blog and I'm sure that panels -- gets you know cross posted to -- guys dot com. So we're very happy to have you on the show. -- -- -- really answer celebrities in my world little. Will rule that is surreal -- hero do it yeah. It should. Now we just all like handwritten like to talk about and whether we know -- -- not so. There you go -- and so it's dive right in and see whether we know what to say about this one. Oh I think -- know a little something to say how does -- is bringing document. Editing cue Android and iPad I think. I don't know I was panicked a little confused when I read this because I feel like I've always been able to edit docs and Google -- specifically coming hundred. Right away it and it -- -- sag was just looking at it here on. -- -- just earlier today -- Everything looks like it's optimize Florida can get right into whatever it -- I'm working on it doesn't have to do any goofy format in I'm not sure. What it is that they're gonna be bringing in the next couple weeks. Right yeah -- know it's it's in unclear announcement I guess and this is part of another announcement about -- to step verification. For. Mobile devices to sort of against -- getting access to cool docs has another cool services lately more secure as well. I don't you can't get this on iPad. So even though this isn't really please talk -- that they will say that I am excited about and of the feature. Yeah it seemed like immediate seem like more of this was about the iPad is that because tablets really seem like the place that. You know doing things like editing these cloud based docs and spreadsheets and stuff like that I mean using a tablet to do that it's gonna is gonna really make. That type of platform -- on an Android device. It's a smaller can be a little -- the but -- I tell you I've been doing this for months I've been using it in a browser using Google spreadsheets to update links and it's -- it is kind of painful to do it but I. Have been able to do it. Tomatoes be optimists yeah but -- would I would really like to see is sort of the ability to do this offline as well. So that I could -- might have bias where I have -- this or. You know. And just added document and and have it automatically sync up so the ala -- -- yeah. You know what I almost expect at some point and maybe this is part of this whole plan is that there will be a dedicated dock. For Android phones based around Google docs. Editing right now you get like an -- -- dedicated application for Google docs I think there's an app called G docs. That it is an app that pulls up kind of your docs list but then when -- -- -- editing -- opens up a web browser it's kind of a clunky way to bring it. Messaging could do that I think offline. Stuff is kind of part of the html bias back in terms of the involvement databases. There it is replacing or has replaced Google gears which was there often you Iraq estimated is something they will bring to -- on. Phones -- it in the area outside of the desktop solutions that -- One other thing that comes to mind to is. Google Wave you know doing away with that -- -- you know when they made the announcement that. Ultimately they're going to -- exporter takes some of those features and make them available. I'd like to -- some kind of collaboration. Tools that are little bit better so I could do real time collaboration with people within the same document rather than just. Viewing and editing alone -- to see where you are within the spreadsheet -- the same time. Yeah same way you get that on the desktop right now or you can tendency to different colored. You know zones that people -- that is one of things as well actually all about -- -- -- So any DC to animate you -- you don't see that you definitely don't see that specifically so. That's a big difference there. Movie onto some -- Handset hardware news and I -- this one and the shortest lived phone ever happen if this classroom isn't quite possibly so you've you've all heard the -- to planning we've talked about a lot on the show. Well Motorola has its successor the -- to global. Which may not seem like a successor may sound like -- all this is just a global version of the tried to. But it's possible. If this is to be believed that the -- to global war actually replace the jury to see will be able to get the original -- two anymore. And it called its faults the I'm gonna call this kind of feels yes. Not not the other directors world was coming out is that they're gonna kill yeah. Write him I might be something you know -- this boy genius report article that was showing you know while supplies -- it could be something where it's a specific skew you know we don't see the whole spreadsheet could be a specific bundled handset order in a certain size memory cards on -- it's at. Yeah I will say. Looking at the pictures. Like the look of the spin right's electric -- does -- to global it's a white it's a white -- so it's a little bit different. Hey what do you know -- -- -- -- Q how does the white version. Before and I believe before -- -- had a satellite record at the just thing. It -- -- -- -- yeah yeah I now that's gonna -- there that's gonna keep me from my appliance like that. Not to mention I probably don't need a global phone to be honest about world traveler. -- -- it's a phone that's true it enables so much and then exactly like -- -- can afford to 5000. Take it could hurt its -- so powerful. Let them all has gone on in the Georgia world however the jury it acts. Had on an island yeah remember that one rumored iPod phone from two months -- I think that's that's that's that's. Still get tweet from the correct. That's right after a threat has -- in upgraded to Korea. You can upgrade if it hasn't already it looks like there's support page upon Verizon now IE Cuba and if there if it has been -- -- -- Great from that'll solve all our problems Mandarin is safe again now -- -- until the next why yes. But what happens. If you upgrade you're right very mean and then you -- -- agreement on. What do you do -- It really is at least at least on that you know on if you have I don't know an iPhone you've got your on AT&T C got. Two different points to contact their right you've got -- New -- service provider AT&T or you've got hardware manufacturer if you think it's a technical issue with the hardware Apple. -- how does that work in the world of Android when you've got so many different people putting their hands in the pot. -- from what we're talking about here is that column from our own Kent German who you may remember from the episodes as last week. Let's have a publicist he. Covers the accountability problem with amber at where there's -- the carrier in the others who goal and then there's the manufacturer. So what we found here is that -- known -- point fingers at each other in as the users have left them cold trying to figure out why -- teacher email -- There will whatever the problem is. No if you can't make phone calls made it up to more obvious one where you call here and they can help you but if it's -- -- -- -- software based. Thing. It is known really wants to help you in Google. Ever since they launched this -- especially with Nexus One. Has really phone down on providing support beer. You know at the same time I don't know that other carriers as I threw out all. Sort of other OS manufacturers do. Provide support for the most most of the time and what other phone or via your life where you call -- intact and Aaron mr. -- I wonder if this is something that's magnified because of the -- of Android that people you know. The adoption of Smartphones in general it just continues to grow so. I'm trying to think back to my days using Windows Mobile devices. In -- HTC there Samsung and I'm trying to think. You know what -- I do find -- an issue. In -- -- you know but not everybody wants to get on a former even knows how to him. My aunt gets -- cell -- she's not gonna know what to do you should not gonna Google. Result she just wants to call somebody and yell Adams. Yeah and that kind of plays into you kind of a common. Comic complain I think -- Android as a platform so far which is that. The big geeks that the techies. The people that are really interested in getting you know. Getting behind the OS in the technology and really figuring things out. Not to mention a lot of these phones don't seem to come with manuals these days you have left to figure out -- -- on -- -- and those are the people that are going to be able to be crafty enough and you know no kind of where to -- like forums -- do the right schools -- -- an answer from other users but. I mean if you really want this to be to catch on her mom and pop and -- -- there -- a whole lot of low cost Android phones coming out now so their goal is to get this and as many hands as possible and that's really -- limited and this is gonna become an even bigger issue. I mean I will say from my own experience. When I've had problems -- tone. I go into the resident's story. -- -- -- -- -- Kids because they can't deny -- -- there program right proto. And yeah I was gonna let it if baton iPhone I would be cat you'd have to make an appointment to go to the genius. -- -- last week to. Yet. -- I don't know that that's actually there now totaling you know just to each state and talk bad -- team thing to. Be aware. When your conventional to buy and -- who. The world and sewing machines and recommends steps better it. Is don't just stay on your little -- out for the -- -- it don't. Which counts now grueling oh well after Google. Doesn't exist yet -- we -- this is a great couple weeks ago and embryo. There's an AOL engine recipe. Books took a look -- but -- Moving onto non cookbook related stories tablets specifically. Candidate tablet rumors this week -- -- you know they're just happened to be more tablet rumors and news that there and I molecular yet. And I've had killer that killer well -- You know actually if I was to really think about this and think who could do this right who could really give the -- -- around for its money. If you look at can handsets is VC is. Killing -- as far as the enhancing quality is concerned for Android phones so I could see them doing really well and Android tablet it's true. And wouldn't what are they gonna do. Well let me see here it looks like -- times. Is reporting. From their sources that Taiwanese hardware manufacturer I love this name every time it comes across take a Toronto. Technology. Started taking orders from HDC for and Android based tablet first quarter of 111 is when that's due. Supposedly it's got this -- eat your article you're actually doing a -- down the rumored specs for a. Yes it. It's integrity dual core processors -- -- this it's gonna be screaming at least in theory 32 gigabyte. Memory card two gigs of internal memory of course here. Support for Wi-Fi GPS Bluetooth and on the gonna as -- three G. You know maybe forgy dependent on -- goes for. And then you know a resolution of 1280 by seven -- which is. A little bit better than 1024 by 600 -- -- with the Samsung. Galaxy tab. And tonight's. And looks like it's well uniting under your rumored traces. Mariana -- -- -- scary. 789. Dollars 75 cents US. -- -- And this is this is kind of won't do what the sticky part is here is that iPad is everywhere and everybody knows about it's the tablet that's on the forefront of people's minds and everybody's kind of looking for someone challenges. And I had no doubt that these are -- manufactures -- gonna come -- with some pretty -- -- The problem lies in the price it always seems to kind of come background at this price well to -- -- narrative. Is it I mean if it comes with three G-8 that I have that is set 32 gigs and has three G is seven -- -- Yeah so it's not call. Whole. Lotta different there -- has -- three G built in your right if doesn't have three G is they equivalent adds 599. It is also potentially would have a larger screen and they. And know if he and write so inherently just be better. Just if -- a couple of cameras on it too and yeah obviously -- -- -- camera but then by the time this gets around you know she wanted to next year. I'm sure Apple's gonna have some kind -- announcement by then. Archos has a whole lineup of tablets and media players coming out it's gonna be a crowded market before we -- -- -- absolutely. I hope they get to these companies -- -- get into a price war with each other -- Right and also as we mentioned this is dual core yet at all though no one ever claims that it slow is is singles -- And I think this is from our. Brief research that sort of first. Dual core tablet from a major major manufacturer channels. Anyway it should be exciting. So -- wait and see the data is not all in the towel world this week. No we you know Dell they brought us the there are roll with the streak. If you remember that we have -- on the show way back win and they were showing off the prototype of a seven inch tablet PC running on Android. And Oracle open world. And so you know the streak is a five instances seven inch there really isn't a whole lot more. News there's no real specifics about hardware in this article but can't wait to see people holiness says it -- happened that there -- to make phone calls. Yeah you guys had just loaf. Please elaborate at that point like -- it's like gone back in time to when cellphones without like Gordon gecko Wall Street yeah exactly as you know. -- that. Some. But wait there's more via the -- and you're there's always more of that race there it is this one is. Brom was supposed bizarre tablet news. -- you -- Packard. Announced -- -- web OS right. No not level us so we do you do it right you'd have thought it was level this is a they acquired -- no Windows 7 no it's -- drive. Immigrant and would you -- they announce a tablet or they announced a printer that hasn't tablet attached to it. Also they announce -- tablet that today has a printer that says. At half past. If this is a strong one and exactly what it's kind of -- the pricing is pretty amazing and I guess I mean. This story from. It's -- only a -- did. Sort of says that it this -- only about a hundred bucks more than your average multi function printer so -- that map your opinion about a hundred bucks for -- and write to one tablet. Who was the size of dense it's not super huge but it resembles it's 3.4. Five inch touch screen. Albums over time now. The -- -- yeah I mean so. There's a seven inch removable it's belay. Gonna confuse it. Anyway so. This doesn't have theatre market -- on there but it does have a variety of apps including a bunch from Yahoo! who is. -- part of this announcement you can browse webpages. And it's really kind of hard to figure out what the tying. Here is that you can. Atlantic university can print anything you can see on the device but you manage your printer from there you view -- low lying. -- yeah I have to imagine you gotta have your printer management here like. I I will admit when I first started hearing about integrating Android OS and predators autonomous -- -- that the more it. The more I think about it more actually don't think it's that bad an idea at any time. You can improve do you lie on a printer which -- in my opinion are so incredibly painful to use for a number of reasons that -- have. A Brazilian buttons on the panel one button does -- you know one separate things -- always hunting for the one item that you need to do with that particular moment. -- -- have -- screen that's really small -- resolution and this -- -- enables you to you. More easily build in something that's even more flexible including apps that are very printer specific -- a printer function specific. On a display that's very easy to see in easy to interact -- I think it's a good idea. -- -- -- I have to agree I think that for the price. There's no carrier there's no contract to worry about in I think you're -- it's a techie people that will -- it is just so that they can -- to staying in -- some. Custom roms on commissioner player -- -- that they candidate. It it's. If you look at -- -- -- assurances. You know as good as anything else they're putting out and that price -- Yeah and we got we got after -- bit of critter industry's old bone here is. They just didn't -- training stuff for the lot of satellite come -- we need -- innovation here I think this really just makes the the entire. -- of printing. Experience possibly a little bit. -- -- Liberties here. It's a way to make it printers are relevant to me you know yeah this world yeah absolutely -- you -- want stuff. Sure to look stuff here corporate we can either way the notebook weighs. Here and when it's doing nothing may be shows you the weather and then suddenly your printers useful in another way recognize. Next will be released in printers with charities you could produce a -- -- to get it fixed -- president doesn't exist yet. And then finally we have the wealth supposedly. -- Andy in Ireland -- Samsung and general manager. Leaked information about 810 inch galaxy tab. And promised it for 2011. But then I don't understand what happened here in house suddenly the connection has been removed. Between the guy and the ten inch tablet by. The implication is still -- -- it's not totally clear he now yet what happened here and how many geniuses were involved. In a backpack. Yeah I mean I believe the rumors that they've come out tenants tablet for her tablet I think Soviet. A good move I think the seven -- one in my opinion was little too small and certainly too pricey. Based on the -- and -- Rumors you've -- There. Yeah I wonder. I wish it would cut the article before it was updated and something -- -- -- to see what was removed or changed it. I don't think it's a stretch to think -- Samsung has. You know possibly 57910. You know like Archos is doing -- rumored to be doing just -- -- of tablets Tennessee different needs but there. It's just. I don't know it. I would like to see them put stuff out but at some these prices haven't seen online account scare mean and then in our first think -- are gonna say is well. Doesn't Apple have one that's bigger than this cheaper than innocent. -- and more you have more apps then that's -- -- share button. Absolutely always -- background of that. In last yeah you're gonna I was crazy just take it away just The Wall Street Journal has sort of put together a variety of different -- -- on you know what cell phone users are who there. And this isn't your normal it is late you know how old they -- that we do have some of that. -- some crazy stuff so. Let's start out with the you know basic demographic. Integrated. Users are typically younger -- has proportion of eighteen to 24 rule users create who have Nielsen's survey. By the way of Blackberry -- Blackberry users are the -- These. No comment there. Let's see what else it's. It is probably one of the greatest parts is that. So iPhone users prefer -- -- After users -- for pork -- look I think you know network so the -- -- -- -- so it's either one or the other in the case of this study -- the Edison has come from data from coupons dot com -- -- and -- -- -- you know whenever. There's some other -- step in here about. You know purchase of baby products so injury. -- T loses. IPhone users. Were 42 times more likely -- -- indirect users to -- be. Okay so I think we're in the -- or communities and yet you know you know one thing I know about all Android users is that were were all bird lovers. -- to add here if I know anything about iPhone owners it's -- there really into the whole fish for pets thing. That really understood that because I love birds. And and -- yeah it -- it and you know also it's worth noting that apparently -- users are constantly in pain. It has -- -- I leave the exact media group. These we can't stand the news media on users just. You know their whole life there so people -- got used to. Is dealing with that I don't know what's so -- on -- Idea. They get need to go to FaceBook and changed my profile can there's a lot of things I didn't realize about myself today. I didn't know that I like -- but I like chicken -- I guess I don't. They're wrong did you realize also -- -- less educated than iPhone users. Oh this study went better. Here we can they're very they're much younger as well outside guy exhibit you know its use it there unless they're all -- -- all hundred users were Doogie -- is they wouldn't have master's and doctoral degrees it is my -- -- -- -- needs to -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You're too smart for the study that studies is not smart enough for them in this study does -- yeah. All yeah snap to the awesome our rights -- really smack down. The limit. Yes next week will be -- -- ribs to orient studios. All right so. It's out of the week time are you guys ready for this excited about Islam -- do you think you're ready for this. -- an excellent. -- of the week this week is called custom car home now. I have adroit and one of my favorite uses for the Android absolute favorite is the navigation have a little hard -- -- in my car. And you put the phone and it automatically launches the idea the stock car happen you can navigate. We'll custom car home allows you to replace the you can set up a number of your own short cuts which is something that the people that should let you do but it doesn't. So you can create all of these shortcuts it's got three different screens one in the center. One one on each side and then you can -- to do a number of things you can program -- so that when included in the dock. It disables Wi-Fi in enables Bluetooth. It's you know enables speaker phone -- You can decided to do and it's usually don't keep it off keep the screen -- no matter what. On the and it's it's pretty cool on the I think the what my one suggestion and I hope they do this in the future is that it auto enables GPS. Yet the bigger they went but that is this -- there I'm really sad about this one because I was so. Pissed when I first use that are -- because -- just. I didn't even think that it would not be an option -- -- They have empty spaces in the U I felt like lets us all out empty spaces so I click there and hold down and no I was definitely not driving was -- -- -- personal computer and -- nothing happens. It's ridiculous yeah that's weird why would they give you those spaces why you want -- the -- like that is like to wanna put stuff there. You know really -- an -- there's something. Now something anyways I you know I recommend using it to throw stuff like voice dialer that's a really good -- have in your car -- Is an I have that is his voice dialer and then. Call whoever and it'll do it without -- but that'll through. Yeah so pretty cool app check it out and there I should also mention there's a free version and then there's there's -- donate version I think -- -- 99 cents though. You know is the -- neighbors and it's totally worth it. Awesome so there's some other apps -- -- mention and I wanna throw something in here actually along the same ones that we don't happen here. -- is that swift key. -- app that I really liked sort of as a keyboard ever protect predictor. Has come out of beta this week and is now oh the after the Hyatt but -- -- already had it I think there are prince and a limited time upgrade for nine attempts better than. The three -- for and so -- it it is my preferred. Keyboard. I might have to give it another try -- while. -- but that is not all the Gmail -- Which is not a new -- but it has been updated with some pretty cool features the end this is actually this is notable also for the fact that they split the Gmail app. From the alliance -- before you wouldn't get updates for the app you just -- an update to the app when your Alaska rated. Now it's actually updated as an -- isolated so you probably get more updates talent you do on maps all the time. -- that a lot of cool stuff from the update they have -- -- -- Ever present. -- -- let you reply errors star message visited as you scroll down always stays with you a lot of it. Extra reply options. What -- they have they have show quoted text I downloaded -- still got a problem with that. So I can include -- not a commuters he is quoted text but it can't edit. Well I'm not can even copy it. -- -- -- -- Quote a very short. Or you know and -- it is the are you there. And then of course the whole priority inbox. Which was rolled out to the desktop version is added and the app and we -- Scott may just have a -- On this here's -- name that's. Yeah it's a little -- there first I have another complaints. Are now okay if I really like -- priority and -- -- but it does he works differently. Along the phone so. On my desktop I consumers face priority -- -- -- only unread priority items. We're here to show you -- -- pirated items even -- read them which. Can be a little. -- -- -- Since they split it -- now we can get these updates rolled out right away in other listen -- tell -- right now so -- absolutely they get all their good ideas for -- -- open Internet -- Some of the other -- the here we have. Of the book but a Kindle has an update. A friend -- -- -- yeah I love can build the new Kindle features that they have a sap. Yeah actually search the full text of the book by voice or typing. You can look up words and phrases in Wikipedia. You can lock the screen orientation. And you can view. So take guesses a book focused this woman and -- never heard of it -- so you can highlight. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In this press believes there's -- when you know -- you could also do that. Honestly act in most cities are not very excited -- -- locking the screen orientation I think that's a good one. I think the searching by taxes although I've never done -- I can be wanting to do it sure. Looking up words in Wikipedia. And but the words and in the dictionary which they do you have there a lot better Wikipedia. -- whenever. So much. Box dot net. Is also coming to the -- devices allow you to kind of you know store files from your phone on the cloud -- or pull it down to your phone. Lot number of different services and apps that do this now. Box that's been around for long times they finally have an Android -- And then finally the one that we're all gonna rush -- download and use a single day. Probably more than navigation even. In -- -- it -- that measures air pollution. While using -- phone's camera. That's -- pre press agency to take a picture. Like the you know horizon part of the sky. From whatever you wherever you are. And it. Uses. It into the GPS. And then does analysis on the photo and sort of returns -- -- -- I guess about the pollution level on the current day and the location where you are. I mean it's you know at first I wanted to. You know to say -- -- gimmick or something and Biden and the more I read about it I mean. They see lots of big fancy words and you know they make it sound very official -- They have yet fancy words on there -- -- it. This goes for me into the category of amazing just so creative these apps like the wanna talk about a week or two ago that you can take your her read with a camera the phone. And if you're here Hillary fidelity and -- crazy aren't. So just. How did people think of -- you do this and then -- able. Hold off -- the future is here whoa and it is money. Almost as amazing as being able to rate air pollution in the you know -- your phone's camera is -- tip of the week. Almost as mrs. It almost. Yeah basically this comes right out from the you know announcement from this week. I don't know if a lot of -- guys know this listening or watching it. You can create shortcuts on your -- out. Specifically for labels within Gmail so if you're using Gmail. And you label a lot of your emails automatically create filters you can go -- called on shortcut and pull up a -- label. And one of those you can do now is an emphasis in focus and -- but you can select important. So what important to do is it brings -- have priority -- and -- of course you can name it whatever you want. And then one but -- pull up the access to the priority inbox but as pointed out it's everything whether it's read unread. But it's it's still nice to have. You know cut through the chatter and put them -- relevant stuff at the top so we must know it's it's Andy. X yeah absolutely I just did -- that was easy. -- if I use it. You ever notice like he puts -- wondered like ideas. I'll put something new -- my front -- screamed like I had this is totally indicate using -- all the time over Scotty actually see you actually end up using. Greatly East -- exit. Yeah exactly this purpose like a note taking -- -- I'm totally new uses all the time didn't. -- should be an app that tells you how -- Easter apps like. Yeah the Windiz yes yes stopped at the top clean up -- -- -- factors drives are created so I'm sure. Integrated -- -- idea but now you said it someone's hard at work on a desktop cleanup for -- Awesome good tip. And finally to our email -- -- -- at cnet.com. Mike wrote in said. I found this out answering a question over hundred stock exchange Q&A site concerning editing previous entries in the search box. For instance. The Google search widget or searching the app market to save you from re typing everything in. -- -- all the time well I'll do a search on the spell it but I'll go. And I'm like Aaron I don't wanna have to re type the entire searches -- highlight the last one edited and then search again but. It requires -- -- -- and he says simply use the track ball or directional pad to select the entry from the list that you wanna edit. Then you tap the search box about it has -- it's and then and it like normal. Has a little complicated -- actually make sense when you try it the problem I -- -- this is. I mean. Is there any way to do this if you don't have a -- -- -- -- the requires a the track ball -- -- Mikey did with the Nexus One the next one house track ball what you have it pure touch screen phone line against heroes back. These units that the latency and that the show's basic content that's just. And I certainly get -- Canadian artist imagery analysts can stretch her strange -- unison -- -- of -- -- -- the -- tactic in the you know too much about -- dollar product -- -- straight through I admit. So yeah I guess you are in fact -- yeah I guess we could have tried this before it -- -- appeared on. But now now it makes sense that -- it's nice to know that I can do anger over for the -- -- if you're screwed. Right and that is that Scott thank you so much for joining us today is the great. -- nothing to have me on its its lot of fun go ahead and plug away whatever you like the plug. -- let's see here he shouldn't actually loading and podcast on our website as well he can find us. Tonight we're gonna have Kevin party from Lifehacker will be -- I will be talking to him about his complete Android guide and -- also have. A relatively obscure developer -- sandwich and though its socket -- His work in the -- community so team and -- -- you -- finest and favorite guys to come of course but the podcast is. -- talk radio dot com slash -- -- Finest and listen live in this chat rooms -- -- get in there and hang out talk Android. We definitely encourage it. -- -- -- -- Heard of them just little bit. I'm -- can also find -- lot of Scott Webster's stories on the Android outlets blog where you can find this show which is cnet.com slash Android outlets. And you can email us -- -- cnet.com. Find us on Twitter Andrea Dallas and check out the -- show every Thursday to PM Pacific cnet.com slash live flash you -- that Andrew Annapolis. Awesome that's it. That's it for you all lying communities and reveal my code emperor -- seventeen episode of sort of fun doing this show I love I love it and it's actually in doing this show I. Grown even more passion about Android I feel like now there's no way that I could even possibly think about getting on. Possible and stick to my roots well maybe you can view on -- gas absolutely though look at those open your news is that yes it yet so will be here. Excellent -- So I guess you know tryouts next week we'll put Africa -- therapists. Submit your -- your cheer tea here reels to. Enter -- -- at cnet.com. Now play on the show you exactly where. -- well. Yet thanks again thanks for producing today in you know if you do you have any email force -- -- to reenter an analyst at cnet.com post on Twitter at Andrew doubtless did that. UK and he did all that already well I'm gonna do now is now. This is my -- your duties at exactly the cut out the other one it's our. Anyway he pretty much have all the information there cnet.com. Plus and perhaps we'll see you next week Thursday to -- -- -- you guys -- Thank you.

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