Ep. 1568: That's just the Google Maps guy, ignore him
Ep. 1568: That's just the Google Maps guy, ignore him

Ep. 1568: That's just the Google Maps guy, ignore him

Today is Thursday December 1 2011 my name -- Steven -- of -- Donald -- Eric Franklin here. And I am Hollywood -- -- -- buzz out loud at cnet's podcast of indeterminate length weekly episode 615168. Brian Tong is on the beach and -- -- Which which once again. We're finally. Yeah. A second that analyzes this this latest with six last six months or some. At least for now at least and it is noise constantly now -- commutes anyway. I I turned pink and -- and then purple -- allies not the place for me honor the. Well Brian -- we'll take your carefully traffic and. I'm pretty excited because I have it that like the -- guys. Yes yeah Jim went inside a girl's bedroom crave them and talk to back into an at least have a current. -- But I'm glad you're here because I know you guys are gonna land a lot of Cogent analysis and deep insights -- carrier right -- heard our podcast say yeah political analysis -- usually think of us again. I view. I ID. I invited them here because nobody can break down the carrier accused Kerry liked me -- -- -- Double bullet judge you're going the other direction and I am and then you the last without playing blues. But we'll let you will let you do this when this kind of -- -- Soccer ball okay so we're starting -- the show is something to be mad about we actually talked about it last week -- the -- the carrier IQ the growing. Scandal that is carrier IQ. As a security research discovered. That this software which is commercially available software it is -- provides talent metrics. And the company says you know it's just -- in what it it's a diagnostic tool share one security researcher -- an increasing number of now security researchers say. That in fact what it really is as a rootkit. And it's software that is monitoring it. All of your keystrokes and your Smart -- everything that you -- in reading your SMS logging the personal data that you transmit. All with an app that you cannot remove. Or a factor change in any -- that it's embedded in its system bios of -- of all of you must be recorded and. We don't know exactly if the carries are actually monitoring it does improve that -- so we don't know is. That we did the security -- and it put up video of -- the software. Recording all of these movements so at first they allege they said it's there it acts like every kid in that it has read access to the -- can do whatever it wants. The carriers have not really responded sprint denied that the software was even on the phone. The -- -- and -- humanity know what's going on their phones and Asian you know you have to buy it from the company it's not like it like sneaked on there that's not how. Well so. This. So the security reason to put a video which is on there of all of -- information that it's collecting sprint is now I think all of the carriers announced that -- looking -- on their but it's just on -- for analytic and it's not. We don't know what data they're collecting. We don't know what they're doing with it. Verizon did a few months ago come out and say hey we're gonna start collecting all this super specific data about you and. Her hair and. So. Luckily our show and others amplify added -- more like. God. But it seems like maybe -- indicators are doing and not. Unclear -- it is actually I don't understand how you get -- -- Well. After all of the year we've had with all the losses that have gone down and all the trouble that people like Apple and Google have gotten into. Privacy concerns and -- the mobile devices to track where you are peek into your neighborhood and -- your street location off like. How does that Knutson of the red five -- -- -- not. Do something like this or at least quietly uninstall it you know if you know if they've gone for -- -- caught onto it why -- they. That what do they mean welcoming to implement temple had yet again though I've yet to come borrow mine yeah. How easy would be for an engineer one of these companies who say well no they didn't ask for this them put it in this is CP gets through and if they did do that Howell. If you don't know to look for that. How would you find it as you know how which are testing department find that they don't know to look for that they can't account for every possible scenario. That a user in my own. -- -- -- have you know using the phone so when you're testing. You can kind of determine okay these are the possible -- these -- -- -- -- you can't account for every scenario so the heart to test for every. Seeing that could possibly happen file so I don't know how how easy it would be. Try and let the company think there's -- and road engineer at every carrier. Although Verizon has come out by the way and said that they do not -- -- -- And at that they they are the one carrier was specifically said that offers no -- it's always hidden in this statement is that the use something -- far more malicious and terrified I'd -- -- actually very good at -- they are using some software like that they they at least at least where the carrier that -- it. Internet -- we're gonna collect -- -- -- and transmitted to third parties. Opt out if you. -- -- -- that -- aimed -- spying on you to think we don't employ the specific method of spying and also also lets them what's the ultimate goal of spying for the cure has been a spy on their users. They can read your text messages how entertaining is that it's not that simple is obviously a look at the regular -- last Mac now. At night and read in people's -- I mean in theory they use this stuff like that -- addicts part of it is to be able to say. Where you have good service and where you don't you know for it so for example they might want to see that a text got through at this area at this time. Or did not get through so they can use it to test their signal strength in various areas data. Speeds in other areas they can you know and -- and also the location tracking information is something that a lot of times on -- requests there and so there are. Semi legitimate reasons that they want to tell -- information certainly the diagnostic information they do want to be able to test signal strength and greatest areas to -- got through here and there AT&T. Absolutely right they -- teacher it's just that this software appears to have the capability to do a lot more. And so that is a little. That is unnerving the latest update seemed to be. That the Google nexus Android -- the original Xoom tablet they don't have the software Verizon says it does not. Nokia says none of its devices have ever used carrier -- is Nokia was one of the earliest found actually to be. Sort of targeted in pinpointed as using it so -- seems to be a little back and forth. Rim says it's not installed on Blackberry phones -- the security researcher meanwhile sort of thing. Is -- and then today there appeared to be signs. That it may actually be. Also and I -- it -- So man and management hello whenever these stories come up -- I have to imagine some scenario in my life where I am suddenly like on the run from the law. And I don't want. You know in the US so called colony on hand over information that -- to the -- -- to track me down. Yeah I get really -- -- and you're looking at making -- by telephone calls from around like that pay phones at gas stations. Even watch it was breaking I know I get a whole breaking Matt's and I really hope that's why don't like this because it it totally interferes with my breaking bad yeah he's an animal like your whole math. Business and Entrust important again. It is it is enough of a scandal that threatened to catch the -- of various official senator Al Franken. Has asked carrier IQ exactly to clarify exactly what its software can -- -- Andy wants to know what data is recorded on devices when data is sent. Whether it's sent to carrier IQ or that carriers themselves or maybe -- you know how long it's stored once it's received and then there's law professor of former Justice Department prosecutor and law professor at the University of Colorado law school who told Forbes. That if indeed it is doing all the things -- alleged to do -- that would be basically a massive violation of federal wiretapping law. Oh -- was -- I -- just gonna keep growing. Yeah -- the delegate carrier IQ must have put forth a business plan. That is basically in direct violation of the CC wiretapping. That's -- business model or doing that providing that service that you know. There are response by the -- carrier when -- when Trevor -- the guy who adds that security researcher who came forward with some of -- when he published his research last week. Carrier IQ I made a legal claim against him. And tried -- what do they do they. Sent -- a cease and desist demanding that he remove his article replace it with a company written retraction and an apology. Declare that the -- not a rootkit and distribute the statement in a press release them EFF. Came to Travers aim and carrier Q apologized and other owning a -- a yeah so -- -- just keep your eye on this one because I think it's -- be. It's going to be ongoing and it's one of the few things that -- -- -- be kinda happy that I -- rent and they didn't click the little buried secret super secret -- downlink. Who do I need to do a stylish -- -- that link beforehand. You have to look for that link -- we published a story when they started when Verizon announced very very quietly that they -- gonna start announcing its and -- collecting health information and we publicized opt open. Good for -- here on our show. We've got -- had opted you're into collecting information but if you want to. Patent in. -- Catholic Church growth of only -- like that the the woman from police academy is there. I'm running the right of way -- opt out ma. -- X snow wrestler Jared that I want to opt in like attention. That there. The prevalence of watching any -- and paying. You know what I'm doing it on a day and other mobile phone news this is pretty citing the Federal Communications Commission. Earlier late last week -- -- came out of initially against AT&T T-Mobile merger. And they may briefly issued this like a 109. Paid -- 150 paid staff report. Where they they had done they had essentially gone -- research all of AT&T'S claims about the merger like the ones where AT&T said it will create. Millions of jobs and save a lot of money and save the economy also and nine there will not be any -- in our prices will get cheaper. And -- that's never happened in the history of business ever when there's a merger without an amazing night. -- FCC when and -- like the current -- actual benefits monopoly can offer hope it turns out -- There there were like eighteen -- Just. Appears to have made that up like that day at the statements were can internally conflicting and they didn't have any proof that -- you know and they now. That indeed it would be an unprecedented concentration of our and that it would lead to massively write all the jobs -- -- the people who are paid to scrub the T-Mobile logo off the back of the phone -- the minute news editor on the back up. All these tenants -- carrier you're -- get it. Yeah now the best of them -- -- that AT and FCC there was some confusion because over the Thanksgiving holiday there was all of this. I was getting on the streets like to outfit and it's not gonna go through the FCC doesn't have the power of. Officially killed the merger so what they did as they recommended that it -- -- reviewed judicial review and then but -- came -- pretty threatening its main. Put out this report that they are attracted their apartment AT&T was like really did really -- -- put -- their report. But that's not know they -- mad about. AT&T withdrew its application. To acquire T-Mobile from the FTC the FCC -- engines reworked backed right lady. Make some changes to maybe make it a little more palatable. There still is the Justice Department review and then potentially -- that it whenever the FCC decides next time around. Maybe another judicial review but it doesn't at this point it -- -- packet for AT&T because. In order to you make it palatable. It felt like one of the things that they're looking into you is it's is did mast divestiture like selling off. Tons and tons and tons of their own spectrum and assets. To make themselves seem small enough that it wouldn't be that out of a monopoly if -- But that all these analysts -- like. No one has the money you know behind all that spectrum like there is not -- -- you're still huge that there is no regional carrier like Verizon couldn't -- spectrum because they would. Be a monopoly. There's no regional carrier like MetroPCS is a -- as the money. To acquire that much. That many assets. This is not -- not gonna happen. -- back from a landline. Also -- There are related for awhile I really did think that is what happened -- I I thought you know what when white men in suits Tellme something's gonna happen usually believe -- yeah I think Norton I've been. Ambition to do that those absolutely -- usually get what they want. Exactly as I honestly why I feel like they probably having -- life you know power -- surprisingly believable yeah yeah chair. -- -- -- surprise that it is sometimes the people. People get their way yeah. Wasn't the other part of this two that they set aside four billion dollars because they've made that bet with an app that not bad but promised to. Polish Telecom which I called -- Telecom famously about the low holes are not good I had no idea how to pronounce the -- -- it -- and I'm going to yet. Seven and now they're that keeping the prior to pay Big Three billion dollars that they'd say that they would promise them if the merger fell through. The advocates of the money aside -- that's not looking good and now. And they actually did that when they withdrew the application they've been warned their shareholders that name were likely to have to take this 34 million -- -- him. Wolves plus they're trying to as -- -- what's on the -- -- the trying to cut the company in Catholic and ability. -- -- -- And. A swat away the of that insanity out there and then the report the report has been although -- to the -- and it and it has a pretty good. Summary. Although I think that this summary is best summed up by the FCC's name AT&T'S attempts to just about a merger may if they might work on these -- you are only. What your best of the line. And patiently. It's pretty good I'll do this you think they get higher better adrenaline that. -- You don't skimp on that thing I think a quick break when we come back is it horrible hour for Yahoo! it does here he hate women meant. And. -- -- it -- into it returns from its. Dominance. Come off. You don't bust up lot of us either -- of SuSE who -- The app doesn't -- -- -- about -- hunger and resolutely mile. Welcome back every -- to buzz out loud Donald bell Eric Franklin -- beat him in the house. And surrounded by -- like I know and later. Better method know where he's probably roughly a billion here and that's every time only minister -- afraid to publicly Gaza Strip club them a letter. With the holiday you know that you got yeah brilliant in idea. More about this July questions -- -- it. I yesterday there was some breaking news that could affect the future -- Yahoo!. LEO Alibaba. And Softbank -- are apparently in advanced talks with Blackstone Group and putting together a consortium -- like me. The sound so evil consumption -- say -- Australian or British accent can solution. I think about it. -- adamantly. And they may make a bid for Yahoo!. All of Yahoo! potentially there was earlier report there were earlier reports that that that silver lake and group -- -- consumption. -- -- relate would make a bid for a minority stake announcement like this group is sort of may be getting in -- -- of -- All of it and that idea. The silver lake minority -- was apparently pretty low they were they were talking about. Sixteen dollar purchased Eckstein sixty per share. Which Yahoo! -- that was not enough. I want Yahoo! to find -- whom I feel like they've been tossed around so much who was who was gonna -- them to use it was that Microsoft and Hasbro owns them. You know 101000 through two. At this point. Means I guess. Anyone want them it's good for them and just -- -- my Flickr photos or six -- -- now you have. -- -- I really care about yeah not it's just in big question and -- silver lake. Is apparently a pretty mercenary type of group when they come in it -- -- -- to like flip. Board dismantlement is kind of a bloodbath and even their minority stake might be sort of a foot indoor and that being purchased outright buyout -- But actually be better because that is the Chinese search and media company and it is and has a similar business -- -- CBS bought CNET like. Least they want content you know there are about a might want Yahoo! for what Yahoo! does add some other group might. -- -- So who's gonna -- my -- election. The Chinese or American mercenaries rather than a company called -- -- the bomber but we know must be taken seriously. This is -- Cool and it anyway we'll see if you know -- been on the block officially and unofficially Purcell on the -- that -- -- now that. Some friends of -- some hope via. -- need to. Another scandal brewing this week whether. Siri Apple's voice assistant. Is deliberately obfuscating information about abortion and or reproductive health and -- network. You know it is gaining -- -- and then attempt at a I was greeted with the -- for the show. There were a bunch of reports of people were reporting anecdotally and sort of testing and re testing and retesting. -- in various parts of the country if he asks theory. That was -- -- for abortion information you'll get a variety of answers none of them accurate. In DC. If you ask for where to find an abortion -- you'll get an answer that that instead of directing you know like Planned Parenthood and then it will direct you to two pro life. Organizations. And then in New York it will say I can't find any. You know there there even though -- there hands now and then and what I've found even more disturbing and that is that it would there were reports that that she would. It isn't it that is not personally -- man I'm not going to like that makes people like it more than they need to. But the worst thing is that that people would ask for for example. How to find information about emergency contraception the morning after pill and that they were getting -- response that said and I'm sorry I can't find any abortion clinics -- about -- Pool. Which is. Bad since the gun that is of now that also though did so then there are couple there were like all these great articles in response rate -- storied dot com get a list of the ten things that Syria will help you find. There aren't abortions for example Viagra went there and our service it is and where to buy marijuana. And then of course -- hilarious Easter egg about -- to dump money. Again you are a year and a roomful of man years are not can be as sympathetic relate well yep you mean -- people hello Leo these are -- that people actually do an escort Salinas I'm British and at some point you've probably -- after just. And a dummy dummy -- you know this well this is messed that I'll not -- not take -- of an opposing -- this not being messed up. Well -- any at least she's been subtle about it it you know. They leave since being -- about you know its answers so you -- for morning after -- is not like. Now Sony doesn't have been just really death camps or human which -- or anything like that he does not like being. Released marquee about it it's just like it's -- No let it isn't it and it isn't connected it is a search utility right it should -- AI did not evils occurs during what information let us also -- Apple's have a personality now what Apple has instead. Is that it's a glitch. That it was just part of working out kind of beta bugs that sometimes you notice -- can't necessarily find everything. When you need it and that they are working on the ACLU among others have specifically asked Apple to fix the glitch. Apples and our customers want to -- -- find out all types of information and while -- can find a -- it doesn't always find what you want these are not intentional omissions meant to offend anyone. It simply means that as we bring -- from beta to a final product we find places where we can do better and we will in the coming weeks. Being in have you had any personal experience with them this this. We tests and earlier let's do it again. -- -- -- -- you -- but I will say that my personal opinion on whether tablets or not. Is -- -- this it is definitely -- and are like. We've done several different sort of various tests and other controversial I mean you can it'll tell you where you can score some -- Literally if you say like work and it's williams' course and output of the hundreds of -- ten -- into it if they're available Italy mutually Merrill -- marijuana. Clinics that will lead you to escort services like we said and in their you know a number of sort of Contra like -- controversial work in a shooting -- Italy due to gunshot. It's and we know that Apple at the history of censorship they -- do right so if you can't. I mean eventually -- BC Apple does. And not wind to get in trouble you know like how can we make this a that we don't get sued by middle American Idol ever or whoever it is now because we've random given perfect instructions their teenage -- -- -- to a genome. Get an abortion and then we get I can see that lawsuit. Like immediately -- out whether there in the right or wrong way I could I can see them line to have you know. But some -- -- -- will -- insulin sue Apple because someone found you dressed as a place on the Internet using a tool that I -- -- part of this is that just the Internet. I feel like how if if Syria is really just I can understand that there may be glitches -- be bugs that would -- it to crash or be -- not work or whatever. But it this is -- -- is an easy Internet search them. Right here and if it can't conducted that I just think like I don't know I find that very sketchy and -- just don't. I don't like it like I just I think that that is anytime you're using a Gateway like that that's not just the web. You it sure you have the potential for problems and conspiracies are hurt. Censorship is hard -- into its just announced disappointing I. Sounds -- -- expected we're out of them. Now let let's test and see it and see what it says if we ask we had some funny reload that currently I'm not sure that this news. We will test and am -- -- bitterly at what it did you think you can hold -- the costs. Where can I find the morning after pill. It can't. -- You heard it doesn't -- -- -- I need the morning after pill. I make it hard to -- and I love my -- as she looks down -- I'm glad earlier show earlier it said is that so -- have. I don't get it -- like okay yeah. Let's let's add more formal language. Afterward I need emergency contraception. -- Receive the Jersey rooms and asking about an abortion where to find an abortion although tubes loaded even I guess at some point in the story but I'm calling your -- -- -- And plan paired up -- specifics -- you know fine. Where can I get an abortion. Clinics. While she heard of yeah Japanese NASA and what seems to say most likely so -- if I go to safari and -- Google Planned Parenthood and. Well actually let's Google abortion clinics because it like maybe it's the language -- It criticized you know Francisco yeah senses as templates that -- have the subsequent. -- -- you places. This elegant sitting. Pretty conservative. District. -- current location or name 00 my gosh could. -- have to allow fifty million you know you got to take into account then I get first resort unplanned pregnancies senator women's options entertainers medical group there's like seminary of them. When I winning Google for abortion clinic. So then let's see what it's -- if it'll. Find Planned Parenthood. -- -- -- You had to be real specific he added the little you know two of them -- very closely yet. Anyway if -- there's -- so it's basically like. It shows that there's a difference may be may be assuming assuming a lack of nefarious. Motives there's a difference between theory and a search engine here -- so if you're expecting Siri to be a simple search. Apparently there may be cases where whether it's functioning properly or not. It does not. Work that way and that is not as helpful as I would want to media and for the low judgment and her that Andrea might be good platform for you if you're someone who routinely -- looking to find morning after yeah. Exactly or accurate information like taking politics out of it Writely lets developers think and I don't want the -- affiliate were only doing that this is only a political conspiracy -- or an agenda thing. It it's not a search engine. And this may show that in some cases you can't trust him for accurate information about any topic right whether that topic -- controversial or not there. And that -- I think is not necessarily how -- has been portrayed. And silent you know I would want for it to be. A more useful tool overall -- Us as it's obviously that is completely relies on a mission that makes me feel totally Wear and even save a word -- I -- know -- -- but I don't think it's like I think that there is a way to have a conversation isn't about. Abortion clinics that is about like how where is where the -- get this information. Well that what is the queries and what is the filter. And how does that work because I just wanted to work like Google -- you know. -- -- -- It's I I'm kind of interested just to see that people are -- -- in skimpy -- on the other -- -- it doesn't feel like. Now many people have been really except for the initial month of jokes and and higher going to be -- -- their -- -- I don't know how useful it is in general and realize this is is this program it's not your friend not to best friend and it's not going to -- to have -- -- -- is not is not -- highness -- -- -- In them it -- get some distant -- We've had a couple of ways and at night now I mean it's not it's not that videos not the -- -- Apple put out with the with the guy running them leverage or wherever -- leverage. You know it's not exactly. When I saw a video was pretty -- Then record now. Yeah unless they're serious false advertising tumors yeah seeing -- Announced and also -- -- speech to -- isn't good enough to be. You can't rely on -- 100% whether it's kind of algorithmic -- -- accurate or not via. Yeah -- -- -- like the Google search on the Canada has voice search no big deal between handling -- everything I need -- and don't want to be -- we'll be able. FaceBook was a little medieval and asked if he came along and -- him on the hand from left to money and they settled a major. Privacy complaint with the FTC the biggest change coming out of it at. Is that now when ever -- but -- -- change to the site that override your existing privacy. Settings they have take you have to opt in. Nice -- and that's great what -- you know what that's great and -- But. They can introduce a new feature with new privacy settings. That though it might mean up to every -- and -- on -- -- -- and then that's having. So they rolled out places again. For example select remember -- places they they rolled it out an ad that -- deep well that he would like everybody can see where you are. I don't like that they -- totally do that -- was good for you. But they will there is some possibility that they'll be incentive not to do that because -- the next twenty years they have to go through an annual privacy audit. To ensure compliance with these new kind of privacy rules and play I think they're changing their privacy role. At FaceBook like they're splitting their that are having linked to people in charge of privacy FaceBook agreement when -- -- are we really think it -- and that's below that probably. Know them. I have to say I -- to give action out how to lose -- at all things. A retrospective. They are. Those areas and -- goes all the way back to 2006. When they first started pissing people off you know. -- -- played out into that they can put about three apology saying. We're gonna make some changes to -- news feed -- -- Nine might not -- them read about it a -- like him and then nobody liked him obviously in every freaked out and many was his and his response was calm down screen. We hear you. ID guys are driving me crazy and see who's really kind of thing and many of like okay we really messed with when release. Odds on began he criticizes the same thing which is we -- a lot of expect mistakes. We we went -- so then. They know we're not changing anything really meant is that there was 12010. That when they made the big privacy setting overall balance well and remember that -- -- Everett. When it set of all of your bio information to be public to everybody later you can control that before and then they made it publicly recognized -- -- that -- and -- always. Sometimes we move too fast. It's -- independent Internet you weren't quite ready for it -- mean we were right obviously to do this by you guys just are a little bit down but you'll catch up I don't worry. About twenty years you may be -- -- not getting the vision of the future that FaceBook has for you but. Don't come around I'm sorry you -- that has a wonderful plan for electric. I'm sure they get onboard. And -- -- skip on down to our version our new version of the quick hits which is also this week. To hear -- except loading up on -- yeah. Okay what you're out like a good way to -- to go up from -- -- -- -- -- Internet music recorder saying consortium please there's just so that we can have them permanently. IV. And iPhone four apparently at a regional -- in Australia like. Started to glow red to have any -- dense smoke it was the headline every -- is like -- -- -- yeah. I just love exactly how I happen Christmas in America not respond to -- an asthma are. Doing that happened there -- investigate he. Investigating. Google's now mapping the -- worst -- which I think is so off some like it here in a big. Yeah well -- -- JK good luck. Kathy Jacobs tells me not only the right with my carrier I cube you know the kind -- everywhere you go -- and then Google matching with their maps of every indoor location speak publicly publicly be in there -- that limit at around Segway is an airport -- and miles of our business wanting to -- -- -- -- government. You know I'm some slippers in hiding in this airport bathroom right here at least that would take a left. And then two radars will highlight it has become vacant they're gonna do it themselves on the wheel scooters cannot and they're not using Google -- -- -- What I believe that a little right -- doesn't really doing stuff they driver -- -- your house yeah -- Maybe you'll see like -- little Google -- with a -- -- instead of -- On that diet that we're really funny spoof video and somebody significantly now that uses means Google Maps and I feel like walking around to -- -- -- and office. There are that -- in the house that Google Maps that yeah. Making a blueprint the houses data victory when you might have put the the amiga for CES we can find all the cool -- dude yeah there is a -- could map and in Florida. Also Verizon bios is now bringing 26 live channels to Xbox-360 and -- Nelson on peer to be bringing Verizon -- markets. But if your -- than 97 people unfriendly doesn't get it will seriously I like I feel like I just have all the beach and stuff that they're able let me oh we're -- past whatever it -- Yeah. -- have a three stage for like. Three years too late it's been been around for a -- to have an expanded ethanol. I -- I feel your pain but these 36 channels. Are excited about this of these channels. Find metadata in major sports gambling has yet to chip in a lifetime -- -- it. It's part of. Microsoft pushed him to do a lot more IP TV is like the Xbox is a huge platform for delivering streaming media an in depth and Omnia -- doubling down on -- -- made -- deals with content. -- Comcast and Verizon obviously -- and they're gonna bring more and more -- -- good. Hulu continues they are not Hulu but I Netflix continues to suck on the on the Xbox and I want more of media coming -- -- and I don't know if you're gonna say and I agree with you about the season's play them through TV. I think about there isn't that it's not that it's not doing wrong. I'm still addicted to it de -- balloting was still there if you don't have any other option it's still. -- Let's let's let's keep Earle Indiana quick time to. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You that I I can I have that if these transformers prime now not only is. Efficient -- -- prime in the house. When is that you -- Does it do -- the first on tablet with a Quad Core processing he sees in the immediate -- flip to read -- now -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well it is in the keyboard attachment right now you can take that out by unlocking that. And I it's actually the the new thinnest tablet ever thinner than both the iPad two in the Samsung Galaxy Tab template ones. Pilot -- that would still -- it's a look slightly heavier though. Com. It has its first tablet to actually implement CPU throttling would seek and have -- CPU running at full maximum speed or you can follow it to save on power which is a nice little cool -- That Quad -- -- and no one really notices this but. When you go to. May -- -- -- it's a lot smoother than on other Android tablets and the cameras so -- situation on the camera is an eight megapixel -- camera on. As a com article a 2.4 F -- aperture so it brings a lot of light. I kept in a lot of detail. Home as a front facing camera team effort presumably to make it if it's gonna require a court thing is then that -- -- out easily -- -- as a -- of the games -- If -- -- -- you can if you edit this of the completes lingers like that this humid -- then the eastern time for the now come on that's it look here's -- and I -- reason at any enemy and I got completely bored with Angry Birds did -- like nine minutes to launch every time and a -- -- -- Eight with for many years and nine minutes. Went back in the back you go to -- Slots I took a right and the other way the other. And invisibly singer blades later fling your -- so just a -- -- of -- that that good graphical capabilities of the Quad Core processors. Not saying that it's at a haven't seen this -- and an iPad solution I don't know what -- like an iPad -- Yuba. In press start Pakistan. But here it looks pretty damn impressive. Is -- -- -- ridiculous to me that games running on a tablet now look. You know comparable to stuff you might see in the console and that looks. -- -- raising expecting great. So that so this is the I mean this is why -- was fascinating because it is kind of like that. I thought the 500 dollar tablet is dead right in the wake of Kindle fire and well at all elements -- might -- that. It appears and it's like -- this -- for -- -- they also say that it's gonna get updated to ice cream sandwich yeah I -- with -- sometime hopefully and that. It goes in -- mooted in the in the last transfer and it's really is it that doc is 150 bucks and it tested this thing has. Up to 64 gigs of internal 32 mode as authorities to and a 64 gig and is expendable. Which is remarked -- micro exactly I -- my gonna see there's a there's a full SD card on the on the keyboard dock yeah yeah and USB. Pennsylvania full according -- keyboard USB and a full size SD card and then you basically -- Blake. Four -- 650. Down a MacBook Air yeah pretty much and now is -- -- -- -- that -- well. The keyboard the keyboards a little weird -- -- tip. It is a little okay so you have got to point out our candidates had a top heavy task of you have a keyboard in your lap or an edge of of the desk like the opposite way let's get a flip over backwards and ponds but -- Because it because all the ways and attempt to kids. And antelope that was so top heavy heads yes the tests are primed the kids. Of tablets that out now. -- out December 12. Our -- -- of December 19 in a brick and mortar. Nevada says it starts at porn -- -- nine for the 32 -- yes and then on the laptop dock and -- or -- yet. Okay it's pretty -- that's good gadget news I think that's rare to get him an exciting new get you to keep that -- -- -- effect. Stay away. And at least give it far deterioration of parents and Lindsay segment oh boy I am. -- -- -- into it I'm not into. Here. That's not -- Let me get this ready here and changes are not familiar this segment doesn't know what are we got 37 tech stories that haven't technical areas. Really quickly from. Even get asked this or enter it or not enter and we just have to say it and move -- -- okay well -- welcomes your news segment about that we run down the most recent and interesting product releases and -- -- quickly whether or not we are simply get to it or not into it. Let's get started at number one. Mr. Graham and social prince studios -- irresistible deliver your retro instrument of photos to a physical copy of it is against photos are you guys into Molly woods and I'm so into it means you. And Eric Franklin -- and into this whole retro Renaissance. And Donald bell and not go into it I'm into it just got -- Amsterdam an island and I just don't look so cute everybody looks good in Polaroid gap -- -- okay. Spotify is adding a good -- by adding music apps to their platform including last FM and Mick Jagger pigs Molly Wood and I'm not answer it really Apple's -- Eric Franklin that is because I hate that to make Jagger sound Donald bell -- Imagine -- I'm not into it I don't I don't -- with the the answer. There has been recent rumors that iPad three will have three G next year -- -- not answer. It -- -- -- but I personally don't all right Eric Franklin. Note that until that. Donald bell and -- it is this true yeah did you bring it on I'm surprised I emergency warning through I'm into it to you but ultimately turn it off. Okay next march South Korean prisons will be outfitted with robotic prison guards which will be on the lookout for dangerous behavior among the inmates Molly Wood -- you -- favorite. -- in -- cards I am quarterly interests. Eric clearly not for optimal not not sadistic godaddy -- -- these gas. That's the headline says -- Franklin all these are about salutes and cute so not -- Donald -- I'm into it I don't see how they're not can be used for breakout attempt to correct answer is -- -- it but I'm I'm with -- to do not look scary enough the need to be a lot more -- and -- take our jobs. Error message -- -- -- -- over five. The company called my robot nation has officially launched offering customers the ability to build your own custom robot army but to be printed in three plastic and -- your house -- -- I would I not be ended Eric Franklin and analysts but. -- of its multi Donald bell not and to introduce Molly do you assess -- -- -- make hundred of its. -- -- Toyota and Yamaha and Toyota and Yamaha are unveiling a connected electronic try to. And conditionally into it but only for the Japanese market. Okay perfect for Japan RA mirror -- that in Japan mom I'm not into the unification oyster -- we'll call it something else the unification of of things. So not into -- Donald bell I don't think I can write that as a man. Other criteria and bike and electronic certificate for your bike cannot read it -- I'm not into it them gonna Hackett drive me up for bridge. Through better than -- -- -- out okay and despite seriously come -- iPhone -- -- you into it. I'm not exist as overblown. Eric Franklin -- is slowly kill lots of people and Donald bell that's horrible he said that well that's fine I'm gonna be into it -- I think it's an interesting new feature that Apple -- please out of I'm not a threat I'm getting sick in my iPhone I don't know what am I go to Android -- -- Elegance and -- All right that was that. Today. -- the best dancers ever on cluttering everything overblown -- car. It's like the self destruct feature originally wanted to say that happens and it goes up to check -- that it -- -- and it's now of their move into fascinated you know. I am not instead people done is solve sojo XP was just crazy and -- that it is hoped to be fun. And it lets you get -- -- out if it is. -- And that the voicemail all we have this is pretty awesome actually we on the public appoint. Counterpoint happening live in the voicemail -- of your very eyes and starting. With a guy -- just feel a little bit over it. -- Molly buying and even the Robin futures below the show two things real quick. One. Into it not into it what it. Calling all -- Feature on the show who had been thinking. I'll just like everyone I want to use equipment and music. A musician -- cell. But interest -- -- the patent decade or so what the time Leo Portland -- player the iPod. Created an old -- -- advance. -- streaming services like. Pandora laugh at them Spotify agencies like -- and tech podcast. Go to our web site to put every day either. -- Al -- New Zealand's you know -- It is a -- way back to the Rio MP3 player. Long. Timeline you look at -- now. And down and -- it it's. Music is pretty important -- -- -- my micro imagine like opinion especially someone you covers music. But there's way too much. To me options -- so many options but we're spending way too much time trying to figure out. The the most convenient waived for people to get a hold of music. A little while -- love music even when it was really hard to get you wanna suck before -- you know that's the whole point. I did have that moment though when. It's like in the exact same week I was stranded try out. Turntable FM and Spotify -- in -- -- sciences like. Hey I picked up and actually I am a little tired of all the different ways that there are for beacons of mainly because digital media is so hard to man its. So now I've got like. Now I have the I understand that they're trying to move me into streaming in lockers and that's great but -- -- have all these collections and all these different devices and then. Different playlist on Spotify and then -- thing happening over here and it just. Think -- so much brainpower is being used on this -- -- could be trying to figure out a way to like. Popularly Mars and a distinct as. Why are we using so many geniuses on the go like cure cancer by you know and -- -- and -- adults -- Internet too but I really wanna get -- -- That team captain assigned some of down some -- -- down though since I just wanna -- them. On the other hand it over it no -- Hot on the other hand hello rob rob -- no. -- music shouldn't worry they may -- that it would be aware of. About -- -- and calling on an outage can comment on the -- Google music. Launched. On separate out one entry prank hurt our free private. You know but actually it's not it's not in -- complex music -- music. -- does allow you to play strong one country. It won't like it wasn't marked what could be one entire tree place. -- -- -- -- -- And adding that he can no. -- retirements of them rob -- it was now how can. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- way are you Robert with the by the being I think. It's important music I onto the emails. That truth men did -- truth MB. The -- -- you download a that -- and -- and other personal patent. That license plate game show up and running it was a of the game shows him that they aren't I think men and there is ridiculous shortlist -- at that on the hot channel. That means there is the -- and you incidents but there's somebody in my neighborhood during her drive and and a little Mercedes. Attitude or Mercedes that that. Less than -- doctor but. So he's writing I often wondered if that's how I can tell us or our plastic surgeon -- -- -- -- either way of the flagrantly now that. An Anglican evil villain like a really bad evil villain. I don't actually but I'll get on and ready taking night and personal fitness do we have batted down before you did -- You -- 900. Factor evil villain he. You do many media I didn't you can do you live digital short -- -- character. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Says that like to have -- liquor of the -- company derided -- credit -- along and the Blackberry Playbook sixteen -- was on sale. 499 dollars and ninety and that's one of the best deals of the -- and I got line. And I love it -- went into the store to buy Kindle fire for my wife and couldn't believe the price point on the playbook spending -- the only thing. 200 dollars or a better than average -- -- tablet can't really go wrong I was lucky to get one of the last two. -- to get the last -- all the sixteen gig and 32 bit premature almost -- -- and the cat behind the counter -- about a hundred plus Kindle fire is sitting on the ground. And one employee at the -- even have the nerve to tell me apparently about the fire and a quote it's like an iPad only smaller high. Now here to see that I'm not sure the sale numbers orbit the -- didn't seem -- -- this past week and. Well. The fires since I assume that most of the sales -- gonna come online and that pending from the morning America popular model says -- -- come direct from Amazon. I will -- I think a 109 million dollars is an awesome price of the playbook and really -- -- you crying at the last two like in the world because apparently after that. In investment into canceling some online order that I don't think the perfect customer for the playbook is the same -- customer. For that Kindle fire. -- -- -- -- there's a lot of complexity in the playbook I think is. Is you know for the for the fire and need their it to their benefit they -- the complexity that is what makes me. But -- -- the playbook has like mad -- Processing speed it's it's fast it has an incredible looking screen -- and screamed yeah under the hood it's actually pretty different hardware yes and yes. Just -- rights and from Elgin Illinois and says it may have the AT&T T-Mobile merger doesn't go through four billion dollar and one hacked governor early termination -- Take that AT&T. These have to be now and that face happy. That pays for that pay the fired plants as well as is that they. And non. Here. -- -- Again yeah if we can termination in and out of enemy. Years. Got predictor than bootleg lets regular shopping on Black Friday and it went through books -- the name and a really good children's -- Called goodnight iPad I get this Android. The page and I thought it was a really great story as I was reading and I thought would need this the most Molly Wood has most of the -- in the book Annie and unlike the iPad so be better for her. It's a great but that reminds us that we should turn -- our gadget once in awhile. I need visibility that Amazon -- on sale right now which is the part where I went way to the female -- and -- a my night that plague it and all -- -- in the film rights -- well apparently ignited turn off my gadgets that go outside. That is not her real name the little room is stocked with gadgets is like an iPod being done in iPad on the mantle god is my house -- -- Then there's -- maybe I got a -- book entrant. And the exact idea. RA. And nah. I think that's our show -- and that seems to me that yes maybe -- them at any rate it. Break we're gonna and -- that that is that -- a real bike and am. And that it's -- -- and -- -- one in the stocking. The zero thank you guys are joining us thanks for having me what are what are you working on -- liked him. Move -- I expect that the -- -- -- from her -- we have some performance issues with that so. The review has been delayed sorry about that and but it will be up by -- again I Samsung galaxy player for ring galaxy player five reviews up. Final tomorrow I actually I am looking forward to reading as a reason curious about that started that like. Bigger iPod Touch competitor -- -- the five inch screen things for and -- it and ship and pretty curious about that -- good things going on here at the CNET and we will be back next week. With. Another buzz out loud and do you feel like it's been a month -- site as real quick I wanna pimp crave yeah days. 11 AM. It's very hot stones Tina and -- talk about hot guys in hot girls yet content guys and girls you know hot -- Yet -- out Tuesday's accident that we'll see you guys next week but of course tune in tomorrow for levels seen last month. I -- bad --

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