Ep. 1529: HTC tries to buy some street cred
Ep. 1529: HTC tries to buy some street cred

Ep. 1529: HTC tries to buy some street cred

-- Today is Thursday August 11 2011 my name is -- -- I'm Donald bell. I am Hollywood running -- -- untreated podcast of indeterminate -- Did I live epic night out that -- -- as multi brought in here there are now have brought in that area like are you can. The idea item -- hit the -- -- forests and me and that's. Answer I'm we could redo it if you filling the frog is gonna threaten the quality of the -- now I'm I'm good okay -- I think Andy recovered and it adds a little idea. I drove there I didn't figure out yeah. Welcome Donald bell to the show and special guests -- -- and special guests throw prod our favorite. You'll -- time and and a lot answered during the course the -- Brian Tong and out today that the dentist. Well now -- ever shared and has been -- and this is that the. You're welcome audience them but I know that we're gonna -- -- and mrs. Wallach a front like a processor cores or something. And wisdom. And why I don't know. Not that He needs when -- this -- what -- find notes and cover the real truth this buzz about Brian Tong snow's job has been growing in the tech community -- Rumors are unsubstantiated but did the times reports. I -- India and to do little to automatic foray into -- -- at an area here at the I -- thank god and now our audience knows that we fabricate half of the stories that we talk about an -- Analysts. And of degree. And with that He -- at the little appear -- movie god and to the actual news. Apple has been officially crowned as of close of market yesterday in the world the most valuable company. All. I am happy usually you think the problem -- And and this is based on the value of its stock despite an overall dismal day in the stock exchange. Or -- I like to call it fire sale -- the stocks Norton. Apple ended -- trading with its stock priced at 363. Dollars and 69 cents per share or a total market capitalization of 337. Point two billion dollars. Putting it ahead of the world's previous most valuable company ExxonMobil. -- I spent I spent actually the last two days -- Media -- on what this all mean. -- -- But. I mean I get asked about this is much is like there's like the Apple you know -- love going on I just -- -- Just as that as a culture as like humanity I appreciate that. A company that specializes. -- now. Technology in connecting us in getting people excited about being in the modern world is this a little bit. -- is ahead of a company that means Apple dinosaurs and Bernstein doesn't. -- Hampshire Apple's killing us all. And killing the environment and and a different slower more interesting path but it's not directly is like -- digging up oil -- letting umpire. Thing and then it's lake. The -- yet story for them -- mister Bennett added to let it go to companies to be the most valued company in the world. If anything it's a good news that we as a culture are putting our money into -- -- company. -- tech. In general company like Apple may be even if specifically you might have your points on whether an Apple deserves to be -- number one best of everything. Yet it's a telling point of -- culturally. Maybe maybe that's what it is it otherwise it's sort of otherwise it's sort of hard to figure out right I mean it's it in the who is this eight AF -- prompts press. Rightly I think calls -- culture changing technology. Which I -- it in it is what Apple sells but like relative to market share relative to the overall value of oil in the world like the idea of Apple Stock price -- three and 63 dollars point X-Men earned 69 cent a share is pretty. -- -- It like that seems. Out of whack when they're actual. Presence in the were in terms of numbers of products that people -- undersea. If if we were visited by aliens today. And we could tell them that are our most valuable company. In the world lists with Apple -- something that you know makes technology that connects to solve together instead of that company that. Has you know oil leaks that kill animals and threaded environment potentially. I think that's that's a that's a better story for us to tell that it rates before they -- slips and. Maybe I guess though -- Paired up until they come a bottle -- that at that epic made it peaked here. We're gonna possible -- this is gonna be back to coal belt subtype a peak oil and I like about -- Apple -- because that seems insane but you're right it is less. Although they want to take a 30% cut off of probably the entire world -- They're not you know they're not unable don't give Iran and everything and an evil but less evil -- -- I think they'll take that I would take that. I aspire to be less evil -- ExxonMobil. As that the Barlow be less I can -- are until and the people -- -- the company. That they cannot the world market with -- -- them literal Skelton in -- club for. Yesterday we got all excited. Because HTC put out a -- and they were like we're gonna have a major announcement tomorrow. And then it was like. What is that oh my gosh we're getting into the unit by Nokia or they can -- it could be anything. Turns out it was just about anything. It -- anyway -- announced -- -- with both can today. But then yesterday half an hour after the HTT tweeted about the big announcement -- -- like forty to tweet saying that what they're going to announce. Is that ACC has acquired a 51% stake in doctor days beats electronics companies. Okay. And I differences. -- goes even now I understand the reason there is about the funniest sounds like sonic was on the screen yeah. That's thorough pre show we'd. And this and now they all come back together -- that was on this -- earlier about how I feel like. We -- is is possibly the secret ingredient for why Apple's been successfully designing all these products. They're they're they're secret crew of of of high and stoned you think about -- things -- -- I'm not ever been that the affiliation he's seeing now is caught onto this maybe that's partly why there and making sure that they can they can call up the -- -- -- I don't know and we need to Andy heady moment. That they're tapping into that -- culture that is silicon valley's secret while not -- speakers plus its secrets from it but it's. Silence for those of you who missed an appreciation really carousel -- in the hands. This was definitely when they began furiously -- -- if I tell you be able. To contact I had pretty much any street corner in south -- market. And beyond San Francisco is free durability and I'll -- the industry don't take over Apple pretty simple -- I looked at those most valuable. Or only. Live in high times magazine there liven up to contribute tax revenue into the coffers that people don't wanna -- -- The show is officially up and -- -- anyway. 300 million dollars right was that the the the price they paid 400 million dollars for a 51% stake in -- -- electronics that you for the whole thing. For that 1% say -- did you. I well when -- read -- I was like. One. -- to go what like what happened here yeah now -- so. I don't know how -- that makes Dr. Dre. At the moment has yet to split that with thinking I've been to -- -- Anyway super rich apparently -- the and I guess I really I guess they didn't I am not hit because they do not realize that the beats headphones -- become such a status symbol mean neither of these are brand has it that makes me feel better because -- -- -- -- music business and I would don't think it ever pay. 30600. Dollars repair headphones wells and I think that way I'll take two things one HP licensed the beats technology for -- lines of laptops and for the touchpad like the -- brand is like this audio. Brands separate from the -- -- -- gotten a lot of attention if they're there -- being an American Idol right there is beats all overnight the American Idol branding and I recognize India and Latin and American -- -- I don't want to like him and He actually has some pretty insightful comments on and now the -- the rails again and let out on the but also -- is the whole monster. It right I mean youngster I cables making that line of headphones. Animosity if you don't know this already is is one of those companies that -- the heart. Palm has totally -- -- -- out as evil look like -- consumer time paying way too much money for their cables and headphones and everything else at the margins on anything monster aren't. Saint it's outrageous and -- of the same thing because they're they're putting -- emphasis on they're all about quality writing that I mean. They set them right there how about getting you to pay more for what you will perceive as may be a better quality in metal monster nasty like always the gold in the blood diamond in every test we -- -- -- -- -- now again ten dollars -- -- nine dollars. And then there is they're blades really blows with street -- they are you and this is exactly and but -- I've been said in a statement he'd like for beats by Dr. -- this represents a critical step in our continued mission to clean up the destruction of audio caused by the digital revolution. And re engineer house and has delivered to the consumer feels the music the way that the artist contain. I don't know how. Out of the at this late ninety S and BS -- I will say that that audio quality on cell phones is usually at the last thought Dahlia. And terrible and in this been kind of like it's -- -- for -- content comes from. Covering MP3 players and then MP3 players being folded into Smartphones. Without any of that interest in audio quality following the -- let them. What I don't understand is. What the hell HTC thinks they're gonna do with -- -- that is so much money to spend. On what getting a new brand and better speakers and better audio in your phone when I'm out. Possibly -- you missed that -- Is that is that beats logo on the back of an HTC if -- it that is gonna be wild fire ranked. It's totally this can be so much more speaker and you can keep carrying around your -- branded phone then anything else you Bosnia that the a matter of this HTC -- Nokia whenever. I mean you -- beats on. -- I had I had beats audio on -- -- That -- made with the. Now Armenia now it's one thing like -- the I get it you wanna put like a cool brand and you found his chair around and netbooks the tundra is -- mark on million dollars like there wasn't a better way for them to get a branding agreement if anything I think it's easy just got taken to the cleaners. Like. As just like the people who pay 600 dollars for the headphones nowadays they beats -- ACC has paid 300 million dollars -- of them and I feel like they could have negotiated for a lot less. In Baghdad over the eighty -- actually they're calling -- 300 million dollar case of Apple and. Who notes. Now it -- I. All week long and I'm sure that you have been seeing the same status update. The one about how you can find the phone numbers all your friends and strangers -- just by looking in your basement context. Anyway. -- A really be freak out. And every one. Panicked about how you can -- public accountant and edit friends and go click contacts -- people's phone numbers please re post this on your status they say is your friend can remove their numbers. And thus prevent abuse if they do not want them published. Finally though toward the end of yesterday. The tech world public -- -- old this. Well whole almond Apple -- but bad communication as usual but it's like the -- but scandal that wasn't -- that was just there. Crappy communication if you recently into and I did notice this and I didn't like it He recently and saw the -- but mobile app. On to your Smartphone you have the option to sync your phone contacts with FaceBook. For most people the main payoff was that is but that your friends' FaceBook profile then would appear on screen when they called. But what you were also dealing with giving FaceBook access to your phone's contact list. And that's how it -- I mean ostensibly apparently from giving him admit that at. Rhetoric. Surveys but basically has the content of your phone's contact -- now because. You should do -- because you think. -- don't read when you're going through I I don't either you get laid out ultimately walked. There that problem is you the problem is you know I mean it is it was an interesting -- I -- didn't freak out that much because I ignore people calling all the time. And figure like. I don't care yeah I don't care -- it -- I don't care my friends on my numbers they're my friends on FaceBook right now -- ill man. And or you can set your you can restrict use these prime number. When you put your phone number and their you can say no into my -- which I'm pretty sure it actually what I have yet -- -- that I know I did that first. -- -- It's not a big deal. I mean it it is interesting though that the it when something as sensitive as a phone memory gets kind of pushed out -- -- to -- using a different way. -- -- used to -- -- He can cost mysterious I actually in the -- a surprise is that. People still consider their phone number since the message -- I was gonna say I don't do you consider that sentiment reached. Merely -- I don't want them like taking out FaceBook -- -- -- when my phone number my head I mean. I guess I guess I considered sensitive enough that I hide it. It now. And the tyrants and how many hundred -- -- but in how many you actually -- call or want to talk to but like I keep my FaceBook private it to -- It's a few hundred people or whatever but it's not people that I don't know and -- -- honestly. The call me if we don't have a calling it but he's never called me anyway yeah somebody might text ads even if they do and even my best friends attend this -- caught up with I don't says something horrible I mean maybe that's that's why didn't that mammoth it's horrible person. -- -- So fifth at once again -- -- -- blew it right -- they didn't mean. -- -- it they were thinking they were put there were put in a featured New York Times as they were thinking like engineers they're putting up this new feature to enter contact list it helps do you do your contacts between FaceBook. And your phone amend the phone person that -- the picture pops up and -- -- -- meet in whatever. They just didn't I don't think realized that that you organs -- -- new contacts listen to like oh my god there's phone numbers and there. But it is certainly not by any means like your phone number is not visible to the entire world -- -- you in your privacy settings set your own fun and phone number to be invisible it's still invisible. -- give you maybe tell your friends about that but. Cool it. I love how people freak out that someone that the only kind of -- friends with but actually have a FaceBook relationship with. We might know their phone number but like -- of the over arching problem with FaceBook taking everything about two and selling it to the highest -- to advertise -- Totally not quite on the FaceBook on my got -- -- the seven minute you know radar. I'm surprised that that's -- -- every minute I think if anything it's just it's. The measure of maybe the fact people don't realize it's like people do need to start to realize how much information -- but has value capture. You did you clearly are not aware that they have this information if all of a sudden this information becomes more visible and then you panic like how to fifth but to my phone number. -- -- them at some point or they harvested from your phone because you installed it on your phone. -- -- what about the one really bad thing that they -- and all of this is that they now the phone numbers of people who aren't on FaceBook if your if your contacts include via -- -- is by. And that's. Despite that weird that they are going into my phone and getting on my phone numbers my friends and putting it at a do you think that's where they didn't communicate -- -- and that's that's a big problem. Yes but here's the so just -- here's the blanket statement about -- -- wants to know everything about -- Period that's how they make money is but -- know everything about your friends and get them on FaceBook and then learn everything about them because that's how they make their money so if you're playing in Facebook's pond. Just assume. That whatever they're doing is about getting more information and you can decide if you're okay with that. I think the next move for FaceBook should be like low cost home security cameras that they can harvest in about everything that's going on around her home. And how that product. Can't -- with the Wii to sell to advertisers. Like he's moving around his social I think he's considering buying a new TV to stay out how to get -- some -- Just -- says the problem is that they're getting your for their pre your personal information or -- It just -- the problem -- they're getting my personal information from other people so like if they if one of your friends does that thinking thing. Then they get your information but the thing is. If your phone numbers on FaceBook that so that no one can see it than knowing can still -- -- even if they get that number. Then no one can see that makes sense that you can change that setting you can change that setting and -- but you can make it like normalcy map and here. But we do probably need to propagate misinformation about how FaceBook wants all your information they're gonna do wherever it takes to get no question you know -- Pretty easily Google can show people where you live by -- -- -- I'm sorry yeah. -- not less evil Google is no less stable and no less scary because at least FaceBook. Is like that their whole freaking deal right. Like my spies in the hacker community that tell me that you know the whole thing about Google -- was actually slipping out that unique mobile addresses. Of specific devices it's because they had a plan to start targeting ads. To specific devices in specific locations. Like people. At least basement like -- We like to make everything public can get a calendar information in all your friends information and that's organ make money but can we really -- you can. The picture and that goes like sculpting around -- knowing exactly where you are reading your -- Not less -- I love that anonymous like until -- but only. People that I think at birth but. Google -- like this CIA like better than that she. Scary scary scary Google there's -- net. -- -- the points -- out I think we've -- Google -- animals that -- Iowa where it'd take a quick break like bull. When we come back shooting the messenger where the messenger is the Internet. Not one line is about to get a lot more useful and electric cars are about to get their own -- them drive around power source. But -- about that -- and I'm Molly Wood here with Donald bell and He beat him run -- -- -- -- -- -- And the frog. Of knowledge in thing to think that. And it that there for the show -- at that. They can be they're gonna be like the slowest drinking game ever ever attempts -- -- Straight with them if they are heading into super responsible. For -- -- -- -- I like pac titan. Did you -- -- -- Simpson's episode where it like a big meteor strike. -- they find out that a meteor is going to strike Springfield that causes panic in the town and memory freaks out and burn things and whatever and then they're like. We make sure that this never happens again yeah. Aren't they observatory. That is basically what appears to be happening right now in the UK the British prime minister David Cameron in a statement to the house of commons earlier today. Made reference to the possibility. That they should just may be turned off social networks. In London in the riot. Content. -- -- the right way to go about it is I mean obviously the people are it's just it's a feedback loop of of people's enthusiasm into. Totally take down everything around them -- up -- Or are gonna rain may -- -- get angry is certain -- -- -- -- that He if they're newly acquired FaceBook phone contact listed actually call people. Well art and -- its lead -- dig down and messages this by the way of the same British prime minister -- would like on vacation when -- -- started and didn't come back until like three days later relate. If -- -- -- act that this and it. Yeah we just said I can when you have like an angry disenfranchised. Group of young people who are pictured evil -- -- -- best intentions art and their technologically savvy and stuff. I think that. Definitely taking -- the Internet. Shutting down the tools of communication will probably call them right down you should also ground and get -- the China. This is also. I can't I don't -- and like are you Egypt Libya Syria in this. Is this or rebuilding your having conversation in what is ostensibly a democracy -- apparently some reference London magazine 161000 -- David Cameron said quote. The free flow of information can be used for good but it can also be used for -- And for us this is very L. Brief stop -- all the nice idea right. And tilt and hurts us in which case -- it down you know what else those social network threes or organizing -- cleanup efforts that like. The counter riot of people with brooms we were like we're gonna take back our city in cleanup. Where we're at the -- David Cameron's the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these web sites and services. When we know they're plotting violent disorder in criminality. Good idea. I bet that won't make anybody more angry. The kill switch -- and to bring out the fire hoses and does hurt people. And that's where in the past just for media you prime minister Cameron don't forget -- -- Are you insane have you lost your mind immediately go in front of some sort of TV set with a camera that has broadcast to everyone and -- -- now. This is still functioning democracy and -- internal Internet. Are functioning monarchy with some vague sentence but some -- here. Anyway it's not Egypt Syria Libya don't act like that are you insane. Also like don't expect for a minute that genome the hackers in the anonymous -- can't just you know turn the switch back on. -- can force you out of it too late seriously it's not just. And I suppose and some way if you got really drastic with -- -- just shut down. That -- infrastructure ranked. But if it's just -- filtering. You know. Filtering out of Facebook's and twitters that's ludicrous and it's also is reversible like it's I'm sure that there's there's onions. Engineering. Folk who can trying to make that be -- done. Night I don't -- of the prime minister saying yes and getting its new MP -- to make it happen is we're necessarily going to be something that's gonna be. So genius that someone else can't undo it. Yet now. Pretty much I think that every anybody will be able to figure and in filtering never works for one thing and just I guess going around watching for people who are saying inflating things on social networks says. Geologist is not that feasible and on top of that we know that a lot of the actual looting himself was being organized over Blackberry messenger and -- I know that there. Can I do think they -- says like a social experiment it would be inks and see what happened. You know if for nothing else to prove to other countries why not to do it. And how even if you did is totally futile that people find a way to organize. Around yeah you know. Sure that -- and try -- I tried it and everything to get you a little double there. A hospital -- backed actual technology Intel's. Has Intel has created the fascinating they're so. Behind this ultra book idea that they've created 300 million dollar ultra book island and to drive continuing growth in the category -- category being. Super thin MacBook Air like laptop with great battery life -- solid state drive and less than two point eight of an inch thick wooden. Your thoughts my -- tablet reviewer. -- -- its -- like this is like the it's like they hand out for companies that don't have the R&D department of Apple the photograph how to make their laptops and of -- It's like they handed out 300 million dollars is a fraction of the army budget Apple has their disposal to make -- is -- Saturday that the MacBook Air -- but I'm glad that they have it. I -- I also think that this is. This is a smart reaction to. The fact that everyone -- all these manufactures jumping on the tablet bandwagon haven't been able to create something meaningful yet. And why -- Just play in their safe zone of making laptops. And use yes some of this fund to really get things you know. Beat Apple to the next -- which is creating ever thinner faster. -- Laptops are better battery -- I don't -- -- they can do it I think that that's probably safer -- for them to meet and figure out that they can -- iPad Apple at this point. Yeah I direction DeVon it seemed like if anything they're looking to the post tablet. Era in Apple's. -- where everybody kind of realizes like. Tablets are neat. And they're useful further their thing now may for a laptop again but I don't want to go about my old Dell clunker -- -- you know something that's super thin and light and gives me the best of what a laptop is but in a form that's. Like a tablet as thin as one -- and has that the battery life of one. But that it's cooler via the aim according to Intel's to make ultimate and the next must have device they're hoping that they can. I mean that the the big barriers seem to be price they're gonna have to find ways to make them to protecting keep the price and to the MacBook Air actually in that category. Is like the budget laptop almost the but I'm the budget hot laptop it's cheaper than the -- series nine which is arguably the only other. Serious entrant into that kind of -- this -- but it's like -- the new netbook you know they have enough power. -- way more than a Nampa and then there they have the maximum battery lives and that's ST I just I think it's -- Actually it's probably a better use that 300 million dollars then beats. And you're HD yeah the -- probably but still it is maybe not enough I think. Go -- Matt Marshall plan as far as R&D budgets. Yeah I'm Nina but it big combined with other like -- three million dollars gonna go -- -- -- anecdotally they're gonna get some money to Samsung -- It'll work -- I don't understand what they are gonna do with its money I think I could apply for a grant. -- if you're -- -- at the Intel wants to be just like not making chips just for Apple. At this point maybe actually let's get some real products out there that has some heat this we can't just be tied to one company it's interesting it's like patronage or something. Will help you find your -- how much -- You've seen the MacBook Air is thin and NAS yet did you material are Indian menu -- at an ally that has done. Materials -- down because it's lake I seen some these super thin. Laptops even the super earth something's a fan -- like the the Galaxy Tab ten point one as an example -- that the -- -- They got the thinness. But the materials are so kind of -- still flexible the plastic that -- kind of you can see dispute that the panel actually -- that. The plastic on the back of the screen sometimes and so I really wished a little bit you like. -- giving out how to match Apple's ability to do that by the custom one unibody design stuff that -- pretty critical. And you -- cheap -- that and to think. We are approaching the thirty year anniversary of the IBM PC coming up tomorrow August -- And on the eve of that anniversary one of the IBM engineers who designed the first IBM PC says that the PC era. On this topic and what is in its twilight. That the post PC let it just as we predict -- Newton. These CNET next big thing segment of that are super session at CES this year that the post PC era is upon us. The desktop easy thing is. Pre budget that alone I love distinctions with. -- of the I think it's a woman and now I love it the IBM XT PT NASA washed jeans -- the -- want them now. -- Anyway the -- of it according to. All. -- need big name. Or mark dean marketing currently the chief technology officer for IBM Middle East and Africa says I personally have moved beyond the PC my primary computer. Is now a tablet. Angles using Smartphones -- to the elegance -- as -- -- I don't know how many women and -- in tablets that -- some outages at this point that you think that Smartphones -- definitely. Change how. We've we've in Iraq -- the actual personal computers now are pocket computer I think -- answer yeah. And I think but I think it's for me it's a combination of -- Smartphone and probably honestly and ultra mega I think that that idea of I think a laptop still public. I mean I still need to get them more than the at a tablet is redundant my Smartphone I think the explaining had to do my assign as many goes into them like that the grudge and sees that power computers that they still have on yourself Mike why AD you need what does this to go there there how -- you take fists. Which placed via any ice is mentioning but that's of the link through an -- -- senate that'll protect -- -- And then my dear lord let's just call these all cricket and move on and where am I am a mom put all these these are all -- -- -- out house hunting and content. My comment Cablevision have agreed to drop their six week old lawsuit aimed at -- -- -- dropping its lawsuit. Which was aimed at stopping Cablevision from beaming. It's Viacom owned cable channels. On -- the iPad basically like letting you stream TV on your iPad via Cablevision subscription service even if you already paid for your cable subscription yet. In fact since you'd like Cablevision was like purity paid for Cablevision and we're gonna let you now watch some of these channels on your iPad and then of course -- -- Viacom which really. -- -- is made a great name for itself as the glacial boulder in the way of the river of progress. Immediately was like watched. -- no. And and they decided to take their boulder yeah well and I like the nightly fee for the glacial -- of -- of the -- the melting -- -- -- personal -- amount will be said. Could this means -- a camera that -- FCC chairman Julius genachowski announce a five step plan on Wednesday. To update -- 911 emergency response system -- isn't gonna get potentially. The ability to accept incoming text messages -- it's called obviously videos and photos. As well automatic location information. Now. They hope that the plan will give emergency responders and the ability to respond -- And -- also give people more options for contacting them and Knapp called in in put on hold. Man as me some scary. Photos yet texted to Taiwan on -- can imagine in the present the other end of that. -- -- Mean how -- earliest -- one calls you know they're gonna be releasing those photos. On them and have these settings. Sank while not awful and a side of that okay next up -- -- that at at at at. Not -- and -- Florida sun power to Silicon -- is like a solar manufacturer have announced a partnership that's -- first auto and solar industries. If you buy a Ford Focus electric. Coming later of the California market this year you'll get a huge discount on a rooftop solar system from and power and I thought that it was. Earlier right -- that they were gonna get their power source but not solar panels on top of the car it's like. You'll get a big discount on putting out there like they arrived but a month opera house and is try to talk them into opening and out of the car group who are good at -- -- also -- were on the -- Every few sat in late in your community activists and that new car maybe He could convince them -- that this is my home. Please. Go and anyway they're they're hoping that it's just a way a good way to sort of like fuel -- you know like. Use clean energy -- in electricity that Olson and fuels your car they say it's a great opportunity to -- solar mainstream. A win win for the electric grid I think it also makes sense and that's the customer who wants both a clean power car and clean power power -- now. And outsmart it like a bundle. Clever -- better than -- the coal bundle. I think it's out of practical things that can. -- -- -- are expected next week. The -- let's He would be buyers are expected offer up their initial -- by the end of next week. The first step of the sales process that began in late June who will be home who would -- the Hulu. They're expecting -- of at least one point five billion dollars for the site and its licenses helps if it's probably gonna be like Comcast and they're gonna shut down. -- at the meant that a patent. It and I hate to be the bearer of bad news -- It happened and now it's fun. HP and permanently. Permanently cut that snap. Cut the price -- -- touchpad the low end touch pad to 399. Dollars. After like flirting with it for a weekend after. There's not answering it. Knows all then but now after -- -- on -- one that should be crafted public is as -- I'm just saying He had I had to be all like Agile development. Day one. Then the real question is whether it's -- it's a price war. Palace press warned -- and I think definitely like even a lot of the the money on -- aviator -- -- is there in the this year that we're -- 499 have gone down to 399 and under so. Certainly and I think everyone's probably trembling right now and figure out what -- gonna come out with because they know whatever it is it's gonna be unbelievably. Affordable. It probably will be -- that so subsidized by the content as -- -- a model rental model be like Android tablet. With special offers that's great. I like it I'm happy to -- you know the press were entitlement because -- anything it's gonna create let's be honest -- tablet market that isn't just the iPad market. It's gonna be lower price options. Good job HP doing well played and I and -- now let's move directly on to -- Possibly craziest science news in a while. So I -- -- on -- as cancer has been cured. OK but it turns out. It's pretty much. At least in three leukemia patients doctors have managed to. Cure cancer make leukemia the most common type of leukemia and -- not like a weird rare kind. Completely disappear into patients reduce -- by 70% in the third. By injecting them with the very -- Of HIV. A modified harmless version of the virus because -- Which they inserted it they inserted a series of genes into the white blood cells designed to make the -- target and kill the cancer cells. After they grew a large batch of the genetically engineered white blood cells they injected them back into the patient's. Gonna kill -- -- Awesome. Yes. So with that lets -- but with that feeling is that there's -- but -- Only that this is how. I Am Legend we started. The epic epic epic epic today the exact beginning member exactly and -- of I Am Legend you're right. -- Yes this is really as much as is science news this is also liked though. What could possibly go wrong news. Robinson -- zombies have. You -- got good news imagine these folks can in the united we cure cancer bad news and I it's gonna be the onset of the zombie apocalypse. It's estimated that can be made -- wait and a second generation of this here. It's basically the start of every single -- -- of -- time although what is -- nominal. Is that. Getting back to the real part of it. What's phenomenal is that it is apparently been extremely. Difficult. To. Get -- this research through and -- end and treat more than three patients and two of whom have been cured. The researchers managed after like tons and tons and tons of attempts to get funding. They managed to get a grant from the alliance for cancer gene therapy because that's what -- ultimately it's gene therapy it's not like you know. It's not creating a new virus that kills cancer ala I Am Legend and no you're not candidates chat room for -- -- like harmless. Version. Hub. Pluto but you will see -- there be a zombie though they may be is not happy -- -- -- it needs -- -- -- -- -- But -- do that but just -- analysts said in the chat -- I feel like they should be. Wave bigger news -- and totally shocked that I saw this like. In the middle of -- Slashdot. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I say here's are my mind -- -- now goes on that until it is this as it has let gene therapy isn't some sneaking kind of turn into purple Pelham likes all the people. Is -- -- have more of a prolonged procedure. Then link. Until He can some people that they medical community -- -- arsenal community isn't jumping on this in trying to sell well it's gonna be a treatment. But in any having an ongoing all right is better -- can come up with the cure for cancer guestimate of gazillion dollars. Yeah I mean they did they publish the I -- all the results. For the patients Wednesday yesterday in the new new England journal of medicine and science translational medicine. So they're there so it MSNBC at least -- speculating that money should now probably pour in from the government and drug companies. But it's amazing that it took them that long to get it off the ground and partly and -- because gene therapy in general is still pretty experimental. And -- they -- May be skeptical and -- and there's just not much money around I love it from the drug companies there's boatloads of money but maybe there aren't enough patents associated with. And that was the frog in my face going in their -- -- gonna say it probably was hard to get those three people on the the tests. Mine say we are gonna injected with a modified version of eight He He He He didn't delve -- Kenya. Again this is exciting yeah anyway it yes it really it its its news from the like technology. It's news from the -- believe in technology and -- -- we do because technology is -- -- -- January. I mean granite -- an -- -- -- robot the robot -- catalyst. Technologies can. I going to be okay now and -- and Garrett it's your turn to talk. In today's. No voice -- -- that -- emailed us that buzz at cnet.com and said. You talked about episode 1527 Samsung's Galaxy Tab being banned in Europe sales of the Europe -- of the Galaxy Tab because of the Apple lost it. We don't -- -- iPad -- crushing since they wanna -- Apple bring this much time and money into making sure that no one else even ten compete in the tablet market is a little puppy kicker. As Apple that insecure that they need to make sure no one else can even play in a sandbox this feels desperate to. Well and -- all that's a -- beginning. And I can actually look that up on YouTube refused to PayPal now now. Horrible. And I wasn't kicking me okay you will be -- Let's actually -- being -- And I think it -- that accurately. Could. Every bit as good example of the biggest company in the whole world how -- they have been -- -- -- -- -- their wildly kicking -- because they're the biggest company in the whole world not because. Care well there -- insecure manner let's let's let's put this in the context that it needs to be in languages that Apple has used its gigantic. Gigantic collection of patents and intellectual property to. Mount a systemic attack on Android. And -- them that tablet makers that their study math and webos even though that the touchpad looks exactly like an iPad two just you know. Or an iPad one and iPad also. The zoom in fact looks significantly less like an iPad I would say that the XP touchpad. But there it is their design patents that they're using -- in Europe to try to get them. The sales -- there as well. -- -- -- going after Android devices I think Apple is is very nervous about a hundred there's no question. If you put Android on your tablet you can tell your tablet cheaper and you may eventually start to. Like Macon and -- iPad sales are far in a way bigger than any other tablet but compared to sales of devices worldwide. Not many people are buying iPad. Just that tablet market takes off and in my drummer cheap Android tablets. And it's so my have a chance just as we've seen it like the -- Iowa man in just a year. And it conduct and that. A look in Netanya on the project area behave as traditional fight is not going to solve our problems. -- -- -- -- It was -- -- issue a final can read and it's confusing and I actually first I'm say the problem they steam up by the -- -- the -- Protection of intellectual property and lack of standards and dealing with rich media. Oh I forgot is also slow in most browsers you think about as a -- spines spends countless hours and resources to perfect and each team a five app. -- -- -- -- And everyone loves it evil developers save that code and then they what they -- the code locally in -- -- evil version these -- about. And that competes with the perfect nation -- -- that. I know this happens anyways if you -- find -- easy for anyone to be the evil developer. -- -- -- All okay yeah but you can you still own the intellectual property for the app He developed. Yup that sums and make on the money off of it is because they do copy and paste. And are now. It's silent lengthen the public to hear more about that -- yes spent -- -- -- but thank you for the I didn't really didn't know that hadn't. I don't think -- -- of the problem and adds its -- -- You're gonna develop apps -- -- outfit like Chrome apps not running east Yuma fine and a you can't eat you can't trade mark your. You can still protector intellectual property that's like copyright laws exist for better -- Elton. I don't think that at your expense or volunteer at the end of an amicable episodes behind it after hearing earmark about wanting -- PO -- offered as a streaming only option. I'm all for its. But they are rather I think it's a brilliant idea in the future content delivery however this would undoubtedly cause -- conflict of interest with Comcast the highest peak. HBO go traffic in order to push people toward Comcast the cable TV provider subscription and on. My parents currently subscribe -- HBO and of course me being a -- college in a completely -- that via the HBO go app on my phone. But should ever be cut off I would look at eight HBO go streaming only plan as a serious entertainment option. All the more reason it's totally true and Walt ala cart and bundling its primary -- Sadly. And then. Now finally yes. I was looking for a name. I'm a longtime listener from Dayton Ohio really -- the show -- my job requires travel time and extreme -- on the way home sometimes the construction and traffic can really be a pain. Listening to the show really help relieve my stressful commute. During Wednesday's podcast fifteenth when He talked about a Star Trek resort being built in Jordan and I have to agree and -- That -- well. With Donald should be there to cover the historic event we definitely need to send Mollie -- to boldly go where no man. It. In -- you're listening to audio only. There's a better job but it has -- idea. At just need to be audience of the more recent out of the and all my Photoshop involved -- lady Erica and I don't think you don't like and it's like. I don't like ammonia and at the and they -- out well that they get Photoshop and yet He won the regular rate and it's great is also -- if He does. I had a leg in depth expression to Edward via -- You guys that animals -- -- that resort. For it yeah I also added some -- be -- -- -- about it. But that. Does -- O'Donnell -- yeah. I doubt I'll be optimistic that aren't as -- one time. This it's it's. I get get feedback coming -- that cnet.com is our email -- you can email -- Photoshop all the live Monday. When and -- -- 6060 of their founder Ricky called common. -- mobile planet is shorter and below that cnet.com is the place where you can find the latest episode to get iTunes in -- market. And all the Linksys -- -- -- SRI. As -- tomorrow computer love. And it's here relationship question. -- -- -- -- actually sending it -- But that's. I can't see it.

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