Ep. 1449: Where we run for the border
Ep. 1449: Where we run for the border

Ep. 1449: Where we run for the border

-- our -- everybody it is Thursday march 20. 314. -- tune into the 404 show. On cnet.com. My name is Justin -- I'm Bridget Carey memorial -- it lets hope everybody. It's the first states -- you -- tell -- I really braids that I am zero ready for your audio learn. Your electric right now so for people -- listening to the podcast. You are wearing the most electrically charged pink sweater I've never seen -- -- with a bright blue underneath yeah yes we hit ninety to calibrate the cameras to see the mountain -- and you're super bright right now but I love that -- -- -- -- is -- -- in -- list -- -- At at 125047. Eastern -- who would the meaning that it turns spring at this. Thanks ridiculous just a day people take a hike out exactly this minute and it is -- spring thank Matt I think incessantly but they do they figured out yes they -- -- the minute. And it's kind of working right now -- -- -- -- came to work in his beautiful outside time complaining -- -- does not found my ideal temperature just yet -- I still am in my name my old reliable super puffy coat phase yeah playing hard to -- those lazy act -- policy policy is it any coincidence that the weather just got super -- the day that Jeff Bakalar in the community than anything. And decided -- that I don't know analysts say that is very strange -- correlating those too but it is and we coincidence. Just not here obviously thanks -- filling in Bridget but -- Jeff is on his way I think -- on the plane right now. To Las Vegas for bachelor party nice yeah so nothing good comes of that yeah I let it -- yeah and probably not be here report on what went on he comes back. But regardless you'll be here today and hopefully tomorrow. To round out the week shows in the Jeff will be back Monday -- so I appreciate you filling it. You know how much we love you know that -- had no access. This is exciting day at a I don't know what what -- you've been that as seen on in -- -- interwebs today. But that have these checked out your first -- it's kind of like teaching over Twitter -- now. There's a -- to check out your first tweet that -- Twitter made -- page to make it really easy to look up I mean you could always look up your history of tweets. We just currently on the show you know everyone's like like. -- -- at their first tweet -- is hang around and it's it is it's kind of funny going back and now people are favorite team. My first street ever since they shared it mom and am wondering if that lake affects the space time continuum of -- to. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It wasn't my proudest moment everyone on twit -- -- was like. What is Twitter and yeah you -- and -- -- -- -- that he may -- you don't get on it never do you understand Ritter and they join yeah. I've heard this yeah I use docking I had a look -- and I said oh -- would really funny oh god doesn't require action looked up. If you go to discovery dot twitter.com slash first -- tweet you can look yours up -- mind. Oh god this. -- the first thing that I said. I think in I think -- -- something like Yahoo! created the is that finally add becoming a twit you hit it finally coming it's on his or for that -- that the half. So -- there is -- -- you think you thing. Still it and -- Although there is like ever -- -- -- short. Yeah now we actually need things -- broken up into multiple tweets to save our complete dots but before it was so much simpler back then an item is houses just yet quick little phrases it's very funny -- -- mindlessly -- Jeff Bakalar and this. Is it is I'm watching Project Runway because DC as the remote controlled -- you can. Hello to consider -- If you period presentation RC dot CNET. Ballot in a while since it's very very revealing I love that. You wouldn't it. And I I wanted to -- share. So we're making jokes on Twitter about like okay like what it was it mean when favorite your first -- -- -- continue mean we start thinking about that back to the future. And the T Jennifer's and helical your old Twitter can't meet your young Twitter as -- and I find the picture of the two Jennifer's. And I noticeable Jennifer. In the split second that that they do the saint she's -- old she's very Smart watch. The legs -- in this crazy pink -- control buttons Smart lives I'll. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- did you close that on Twitter yet I did it in aggregate item rights Ettercap and that's using. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You know costumes out of actual movie -- outfits all the time but like 300 dollars stealing. Get a special. Little -- made you know -- and so I just went and got fifty steam dressed and it's gonna be interesting animal story about it. Think in the times. Where like people are spending a lot of money recreating all the character I it would it's vote before it does let's back up and explains I have done a mellow hyper about it so yeah let's back up so in the movie back to the future with Michael J. Fox. Then a goatee would dance in the past which is in the fifties because -- they don't dance they don't kiss and don't kiss and -- -- and -- I don't I love that they can't have kids. Exactly so. Didn't visit the stance multiple times and it's where Michael J. Fox plays Johnny be good. And it's all fifties themed and it's called the ten minute -- dance and so is it an anniversary thing is that -- celebrating -- -- there's a company that that recreates movie scenes and this companies it you know what let's students can't manage -- -- dancing and it benefits of Michael. They have also re created. I scenes and from the ninja turtles work where all those on -- -- -- underground exactly the underground skateboarding -- everywhere you went and had to Wear like a red Bandana drag symbolize that they were part of the notice saying cigarettes can walk me so and so everyone who buys a ticket to this test suggests up like you're going to the -- around -- will be people who. Who went a step further and actually have -- outfit of dance and and everyone involved in so that'll be pretty cool right but not everybody can be main character of the by the I'm sure people who who I mean you you pay enough im sure you -- -- bring your 3-D glasses and tried to look as much as you can like character. But -- a feeling that -- -- people you know who who. Take it you know to the perfect -- you know so fifties -- for women I'm thinking Poodle skirts and Britain's -- -- well more like really tight here and hook comes out on the -- is kind of like you know going to the soda shop right they -- year high school prom you know you're not you're gonna you know where anything that just looks nice I mean in. In the movie his his mom had a pink dress that was like heart -- but yet had a hunt for -- an online has a -- here but read it. Yeah hug you and then to extract got to get quake proofing material yeah in the you know we're flats with the socks showing too that's -- very -- once again using it does not -- though it is. That casual yeah LLC -- get a little I -- visible to -- -- Where like something like like a mom baking cookies that you wouldn't Wear that Brian graduate school dance and a high school kid has to be fairly Cheney -- -- you have really given this a lot of thought and that's why I'm very excited I'm very -- I always wanted to host my own -- back to the future party in 2015 when anniversary happens. And so I'm I'm a look to them easily and yet we better have like some kind of doo wop group there is there that calendar as a group that -- says that on you can actually -- modern group that does. Takes on modern songs but an old school style and I donated ten dollars to save the clock tower on top of my -- -- And they don't know what that gives me that -- gives me something so I will let you know what I get perceiving the clock tower. -- he would -- disappear in Africa. Use those -- -- of that happening Saturday and it is it's actually going on Saturday and Sunday in New York City and so I -- other cities into -- inspired do the same thing I think that's fantastic it better and it was nice and easy and it it's -- -- be I don't know I don't think it's adding -- he's embedding -- just recreate in the space to look like -- and we'll -- followed -- on industry Graham that you -- money Adams I -- -- project here I'm -- filter that up yet. Actually it's I mr. Graham -- it happens because Bridget Carey was taken. Who's got you can they go followed Bridget at Bridget Carey on Twitter -- -- have shared on. So for today's show this is what we're going to be talking about got a shorter show for you guys today. Wanna start by talking about -- -- Okay and data mining and reveal with the sub I'm glad I -- -- food Justin demos at all you do and I'm gonna strap you don't want to cater these at since 28 or move back. Thanks to Mecca. -- -- And then we're gonna talk about com -- app that basically lets you avoid people it's an anti social app that. But we'll get to that. And then we'll talk about how to get revenge on someone who doesn't follow through with the Internet sale. When -- eBay or Amazon com and every by some middle -- if someone doesn't follow through on the seller side. You can get revenge and I'll tell you -- And then if we have time we'll have a few -- the stories as well but let's get to the first one of the day -- too hungry cats have you eaten breakfast yet project here. Yeah I had four slices of. Sounds kind of unit packed full -- he'd been. For big business on the right and because it does that raising some girl bread. He noticed cinnamon -- -- girl read the every day this week I I've I've had I've had. -- goes and copy and. I've done -- on Wednesdays and today I just had four slices of bread but I'm I'm a car girl on the carbon sweet breakfast I like my -- breakfast of me savory breakfast. You know people that are listening to this showed -- don't know which should look like probably -- that you were morbidly -- messages based on that descriptions with food that you know everything about this thing like called skinny pattern approve of the term but is -- adding turn about like just people who just -- -- -- really attaches -- -- a heart -- any second -- happened to just not have. A lot of access -- and so really the point I have no muscle mass at all it just ish ish shape belief -- can help. -- -- -- -- -- Sort of getting body count present here you are super skinny and I don't know how you do that because I have is that important open -- -- you and I -- probably getting hang on heartland and but that's fine because we're just look into him blame nature for that. I'm gonna pass out after like -- latest and that I think -- thank you and it's gonna catch up with us hello adult onset diabetes and I -- That's that's gonna happen in the meantime let's just enjoy ourselves so what about breakfast so to speak and it does actually gonna come full circle -- yesterday. Or I think it was two days ago actually we -- talking about Taco Bell because. Ariel actually used to work there -- way back when he was in high school. 1970 let me just talk about it talk about KFC taco hut like taco pizza on those before they did it was just -- well. So. And eyes she said that she was laughing really hard because you said you worked there like -- 1984 -- -- and 95. -- many guides yeah it's it's an out of the years he came to a marriage. Is Tony I have app pages like. I was laughing so hard because of extended using -- -- component that you immigrated to America but you were probably not only is on alert but he's very American -- Yeah it's entirely possible that her family went into your talking you know possibly -- -- -- -- -- your Friday and it is it's the seven labor doesn't defend complicated job though good. Through there is -- -- -- hello Stuart there would I was only there for lying. Six months or something like that can you eat it now. -- half a little yeah so I thought about it obvious and I -- you like ever got. -- did -- security and Arizona I never go around the office like. It hasn't happened in awhile but is is has to be one of those nights -- Al link me to binge drinking or some views only if gray answered yes yeah totally. So you weren't the mid ninety's -- does Taco Bell dog days right generally you'll see on national battle do you hate you. It's of it a valid certificate that's not a good and Q quality but have fast Florida now I haven't Shalala yeah. It was yeah -- -- and I. There is always his name is eaten the that the the mascot have a name I don't know he was just the -- topical that you had I had -- -- version of any squeezing me that you'll get a -- And and this is -- new big. I -- really bad while obviously based on that type of -- no stranger to weird marketing techniques and it's worked for them for the past decade or so. But have you heard about Taco Bell breakfast I've heard this buzzing around it I like some sort of breakfast -- I -- -- -- shaped in a talk so I wanna bring up some photos of the Taco Bell breakfast foods because. They they just unveiled it I think it's today and on -- a week from today at the 27 as one talk about breakfast we'll come nationwide. But. It's truly ridiculous have you seen in the stuff that they're gonna be coming out with the first thing is -- caucus. So this could do is basically to answers I -- Google's answer to -- griddle. And of -- the griddle is basically I'm sorry the -- -- are sausage eggs. Melted cheese in a soft waffled shell out now and then just to give you a little extra disease they put syrup on top. I am not a fan of the sweet and savory combo you keep those things separate. Home I do not need -- on let me -- -- -- I used to and I can't do this -- me like I -- have you tried it. I like me just I need to separated on my -- identity and it -- fair enough we can get the syrup on the side. Today at anything that is -- -- of the whole would know everything. To give you -- sugar high America looked as the next big thing over and contract that's not that crazy but this. Taco Bell has partnered with soon to bond -- you so Burger King. Really listen everywhere is the one -- it'll -- -- you can look this up yet it is the one hand that has more marketing in lake. Site products and any on their pre and never slow various in Ambon frosty new -- -- and on Syria -- abundantly -- -- probably fabric softener smell I don't know a bit like -- candles -- everything and so you see this actually more places and you realize. But I'm not surprised to see their own thing -- that. You always have the little -- -- that -- do you take it had a two branded level now right. This is -- -- of -- bond come out this -- a -- delights which are basically doughnut holes made out of soon to bond but the may inject them with for hot steam you can. And it's insane ends. Really really sweet -- in the parent -- The crunch -- is basically just sausage steak or -- -- And hash brown -- tucked into a folded torture yet seen it it -- -- the sweet idea now. -- -- heavy that's little big. But did -- so in a week to be coming out all these items on -- breakfast menu but to promote those breakfast items they've come out with their latest marketing strategy. And we just found out what that is because yesterday a bunch of people on the Internet started posting photos. Of get this a Taco Bell phone. A select group of individuals I think it was a thousand to be exact. Received this which is a phone -- -- a Samsung. Prepaid phone it old school phone Arnold's like the ligament like -- candy bar. With the buttons yes exactly there's not a Smartphone no touch screen it's one of these prepaid burner phones basically. A thousand people got this phone with instructions saying can never turn off. And the idea is is that they're hoping to turn -- viral which is why they send it out to quote influences on the Internet. They're saying that the phone -- when you keep it on you its prepaid and it's gonna ring at any moment. At any random time they will call you on this phone with a personal mission. Spelling out things you can do online and in persons basically as scavenger hunt to. -- hand. I'm a little hurt that neither you nor I. Based on all of the collective heads up until -- turn around and -- journalists and keep you guys can be yeah can be nothing about this but I'm still a little set. And you know based on these scavenger hunts if you win you'll be awarded prizes and things like that of course they're gonna have to. I think the first mission was deposed and as many social -- as possible because. A lot of people and read it on FaceBook and Twitter. All posted about this. Well. I see -- little flaw on this plan ten folks who like Taco Bell are really go gators and really wanna run around that you know. So I'm not Evers and it's yeah cause you to Don Logan is the easiest mile right there I get an ironic that the park and ride around me. But I hope it works out for them I'll be interested to see yeah -- -- they will do for like a -- -- -- to. And -- yeah yeah yet eagles' food and then move really good idea to talk about. But the live -- I guess that's going to be the next thing. So if you wanna go to Taco Bell you could actually walk not even half a block to get to the nearest one next in this -- -- one with Dunkin' Donuts which I went to this morning actually. It's it's a sad day when I go to for breakfast and lunch because the stent can -- -- -- like yeah that's not a reason and mined my proudest moment Xena. Harm meant I remember so my mom -- -- -- -- mom fashion. She is to have a whole drawer in our house indicates all of this costs dedicated to different sauces and every common and a did you have edges and say how -- It's it's a mom who leg grew up knowing emailing things cost money trying to save money you know and and that that's I ask you never know when you need -- -- You never now. Yeah yeah autos go digging around for -- and there is and we would make -- like to keep -- something that. But I member tenants -- in high school. I opened the box and I open the juror and you could see generations of packets because she had kept them -- for so long like. Designed to say yes there are designed revolutions of the packets like you would see the what all -- -- -- the the bell on it and here's where they introduced because it is some -- if you if there is so many and that it was in just Taco Bell either is collected from like. Don't talk -- was in the Carl's -- of the world as well. But I'm glad to know that my mom wasn't the only one my -- -- are beside us speak his used to be able to buy that at the -- she was a kid yeah -- -- -- and RVs as I please give me is many -- GP it was the girly. And full -- in the drive yeah yeah it's an out I was that we had -- house look at this -- that -- now like I think there's a cause you barbecue sauce on the store. But that's free to sanskrit extra -- -- asked you you you got -- you -- take it when it's free -- it would -- you -- -- You know when they come same thing -- -- as the same thing but with napkins as well. -- do that. -- I guess I guess and when their their receipt -- you know in the napkin holder they they get added to the next you know we don't have the growing really not -- Still moms you always know someone's mom because of how much they -- into their -- because the -- crazy kids you know I never know what's gonna happen it's funny because -- Our argued that IC -- is -- it is distinct -- I just think it's silly to have in case it everywhere in the car dashboard glove comply and a pocket. It's more about the travel needs yeah. We you know you're an adult when you have to when you get rid of those chipotle napkins and things like that just upgrade the cloth napkins -- So if you're not hungry enough that's the taco -- during the day that's the only food stores -- -- can be thankful. Well let's talk about cloak this is the anti social network app that we discussed earlier in the -- Did you have people here live and -- both of you guys does not to name names but he got people in your life that sort of one of lead. Yes yes. And edit all exes the list and I don't know I -- -- now that I think you know it just sounds sometimes Francisco real bad yeah and and and you realized you evolved into a new stage -- your life then and that was good for then that is not good for now -- ID for and did this people. You know I mean there's it keep -- in my phoning case they ever get crazy call me on the won't get surprised by and the phone call. Yeah but mom yeah I deleted -- -- to present don't want to. You know come across an in my feed yeah whatever you know you'll. I only see people -- this happened more in San Francisco because it was obviously a smaller town let out OC people that I kind of knew but not enough to actually have a sustained conversation with. -- events like you -- as a -- is like you'll be walking in the street and you'll see somebody like across the street. But or walking toward you on the same side. And because you don't want to talk to them do you ever crossed the street just to avoid them. Word -- this always happens to me to like I'll be walking. And I'll see someone I know and immediately have their reaction to say hi but that only as they don't see me saw didn't look back -- pretend I didn't see that as you -- by each other. But yeah I I keep my head down at all times and I'm just like don't look at me actually I had -- I had a weird moment in the grocery store where. There was. A a place on Craig's list this lady was renting out her her house yeah wasn't a big fan of of of of her craziness term best I got out in two months but the night. -- she struck. I can come get it up and I was with my guy he's like what what is it bridge. If I eight is no we definitely isn't -- like to tell them look quite get it yeah. You explained let's meet and -- -- yeah yeah. You have to do so I'm Bridget -- So yeah I didn't and so awkward yeah I'm gonna -- right. Now there's actually something you can -- Of did something called cloak which is an app that you can download. And it basically uses public location data that it -- from places like foursquare and -- to -- To basically tell you where your friends are. And it's funny because if there -- really your friends you wouldn't be friends with them on social networks but we all have those people those acquaintances that we don't really wanna talk to so you can actually. This tells you -- tells you where they are at any given moment. And we'll actually send you an alert through the app using the GPS in your phone. To let you know that they're getting near. And that you should maybe choose different -- Well I mean your -- that they have a GPS on an -- they're using some other program granted not all have -- Resident there in there and project has already checked in to foursquare or -- geotag themselves and instant -- photo yet that's the only thing just one time and then you know you contract and using this app news. And that's sad it's kind of sad and got to the point where worst Sharon locations so much meets -- to protect us from all application right. And -- be helpless not go into that store or not go into that restaurant right exactly and. I also feel like the first thing they came to my mind when I read about this was this is a really easy way for you to also stalk people -- regularly use it the other way. I mean you can use the information where they are however you please you know went to avoid them. Or two you look at them -- they don't know -- rent that's super creepy result. Saying is is is -- if you if you really are that scared of people you have other issues we gotta work on you know -- -- -- to talk -- -- after. -- -- -- it's so maybe you're right it's isn't it Stockard tool in the -- biggest better press -- -- -- Right away from people read this record don't realise this I like your point there. I AE. Always get in the situation where -- always have -- -- to make use of the walking around the city right. And it's always really awkward when everybody is in a rush in new York and food and you see somebody and you don't know whether or not. You're just gonna say hi I keep -- or you have to stop and talk there's some people that you just don't know well enough to be like okay. We're definitely gonna stop and -- Dear to me like I don't I don't like I -- I had no friends so I'm regular you don't talk about -- and I know exactly -- can we display all popular actually is you stream behind the subway and it's like okay okay goodbye and then -- key blocking to would have your destination as. So weird but that happened with ties and no date from CNET the other like -- someone canal but I was and Russian and I could tell he was like hey you what are you -- -- -- -- had to keep walking. -- I I I think technology is heard our social skills you're allowed to keep watching and say hey and going somewhere you don't have to be afraid of not having a full conversely is no line up but what if they have this eagerness in their -- in this talk to you probably done. No one wants to talk to anybody. -- -- -- -- -- it's acknowledged. And -- not I think it's great scene yeah not. -- Children and T and never -- so that's cloak if you wanna go and download it you can get it for iOS right now I think it's popular and backed by some venture capitalists may -- it'll come to injured. But only violence for now musings are -- first when their lines via stressed. On our let's talk -- this story and we actually did preview this in the beginning of the show but the sort of -- you'd be okay on. Did you hear on Monday there was an earthquake in Los Angeles yes and and that there are folks I -- human viral at some news. Anchors -- there were reacting to it -- these because they -- live on -- early in the morning. When that when that earthquake hit yes scary on the lights above us -- -- -- connected to imagine any studio -- -- yet though as I keep feeling at the end of the hand up to do the live broadcast in the -- freaking out on the air and -- -- -- to the -- and you could select content out like like like if I was in this situation I would applaud like. I would it act like that I just be -- way I can like they are much more cool about it yet although. I don't know about you guys and Ariel obviously -- you know a lot of friends California to you but. All my friends on social networks like FaceBook and Twitter were freaking out over a four point seven magnitude earthquake I've never experience -- earthquake in my and I really I don't know what that's like I'm a hurricane. Out of -- sand -- then you think and four point seven earthquake magnitude is bad try it. Haven't heard a hurricane -- your city united power for a week that really look -- that's how I was it coming from Florida going to New York when New York had a tropical storm and everyone was like. I don't like a night who -- -- prepared what -- -- to drag it right it say act earthquakes are pretty scary but. I mean I been in a few bad ones and they're not that that -- because that just got lucky -- the Foundation's membership but. There they're not the -- what do you -- very early for you afraid of earthquakes. I was -- 891 I was in the Bay Area for any in 89 -- now is pretty scary but inside that every other one. I got a little scared but nothing crazy yeah and there have like -- farmland and -- known -- the problem is that like. When you grow up in -- World like Florida with with theme parks and then you go to that earthquake the -- and -- so you know it is really for and scary you know but I don't know what it's like for it for the smaller cases that aren't movie scenes Xena took a while. I'll just be certificates unity after the -- -- -- thank. Comes -- after this earthquake hit. The LA times was super quick to report on it actually they were the first outlet to break this news and it was reported three minutes. In the paper after the fact not a super quick and people -- -- -- wondering how they were able to publish this so quickly. And the reason was because they had an intern sitting at a desk blocking everything so quickly it was actually because. Los Angeles Times employees something called ruby it journalists. Had heard about this these are robots that actually print articles based on algorithms. So Los Angeles Times where the first newspapers to actually do this and they've done it for awhile now. Of which sports and us -- articles and financial news but there's sort of started to do with breaking news to. And this is one of the first stories that broke -- from a robot. Kind of interest. It's pulling information baseman -- -- the word earthquake think it it it if it finds that may be that the activity of of the measurements -- of of a -- diagonally. And as well in a work quick must've happened so here -- bump up -- and then like like 23 sentences or if it was. -- -- pretty fully formed article and it draws sources and quote according to this BBC article. From places like the US Geological Survey promising -- through the get the magnitude reading from. And they put that -- -- a pre written template and then basically collect the news around that and build an article that's actually readable to people. And then they publish it in right before getting vetted by an actual person wow so. My question to you he's our our jobs at stake based on this new book this new form broke the -- There'll always be a need for. Sensor deeper thought and analysis live unfortunately we are we are very on we have a big attention -- right we want quick hit headlines -- like sometimes you click on the headline before we share it yet. A lot of largest reading that the summary in the headline picture and sharing on it so than ever for thirteen in six months -- they found that so. So I think we're just -- It -- -- keep going keep going you know -- askance at and that's how we offer first effort silly news lake that your you know like people -- he -- -- die right -- communities and the Olympics -- -- a of a totally fake -- I am so so we are we are too fast pace and on one hand. It's good to. That a robot can just kind of seat quickly -- and short. I don't think I ever replace -- investigative report mean in her problem is that you know we're in each and now where. You had to make money fast as ever let's competing to be the first story out -- -- -- and that'll get more clicks and the one who takes five hours to really deeply report it. Right so. A lot of news outlets would rather almost have both worlds like. Let me get it out quick and then maybe tomorrow I'll do the more in depth. Look at that -- it gives you a sense of the bigger picture living have to get -- quake to be able to compete with everyone you get the most. Eyeballs to get the most ad clicks so I'm sure that you'll see more people as this experiment continues and see how Smart it really -- list. More people also probably try experimenting with -- to see if you know -- -- on the -- you have someone on the breaking news -- -- robot just give quick alerts right on text messages headlines. So yes that is a little interesting -- concerning yet but that's why I guess is journalists we have to really kind of like. You know. Taking deeper you know make it make it more worthwhile for you to click on our stories record -- podcast about it let me know robots can never please podcast. Robots are and a bands have you heard of this like. All robot -- -- -- video of it -- -- yeah I don't luckily I think -- -- time before they have witty banter and go back and thought okay. It hasn't for anybody -- specials the -- any believe this that Novell. And you have to rely on it and you gotta get them and any believe this -- -- breakfast as an art than to collect manage and act as. Therapy. And there does not -- -- And you're gonna have a robot commentators asinine comment -- you never be put on the road but couldn't get the ultimate robot flame wars and it didn't. I can't wait. All I really -- it's funny that you bring that up because people are totally addicted to breaking news. But they're not addicted to the details of the news you -- into a conversation with somebody and like did you hear about that earthquake in LA. I had no other details about like you can't have a conversation because that's the extent of their knowledge -- extend it knowledge is the image that came with -- guy's face the rest. It and edit that I that I -- edit activities -- out. That maybe it was pretty funny thing is that I don't I I enjoyed it a big fan of funny faces being that I have. I mean and and I both definitely. -- I -- of the day before we can't we cut it. Let's talk about the -- cleanliness of the subways. Okay well this right now what is the most disgusting thing that you -- -- do on the so. CD. I was a look at -- and I may be asking. But I -- I. No I haven't seen anything. -- -- Luckily when I just seen. You know isn't there. If you ever visit near we have an engineer folks here's -- little advice dean going some way and very exciting has its hands. -- -- -- And -- -- it so crowded -- T yeah. -- -- -- right so there is the reason. He does subway is empty again if it's usually hit you with the smell and it probably has many acting in a -- read it so say yeah I I would say I would say bodily fluids are -- -- the worst thing on the subway yes and you gotta wonder how well they really clean and afterwards and that bit. Because folks the next day I mean they clean it but -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I play game of but don't. You don't touch yeah I'm getting better at my surfing skills -- I have fallen on some people with mr. -- on -- -- not touching the -- to yes on the geek or on with winter -- Put a glove on just attach the pull down and like that all our or I -- that the lean. -- the door -- or if if I must for balance reasons is to -- -- -- because it's very crowded -- someone. I -- the pond. Comrades he -- so that so this this part that's just my eyes accidentally. In not just palm. Also open elevators -- with knuckles yes -- -- elevator buttons that my knuckles like people that only -- one finger on the pulled. -- them so do you tell his super German voted because it is like. This -- -- of the opinion that if magic finger that they have I think it's true you should not touch anything it's so grows to see people like. In their ears -- scratch and inside of their ears or picking their nose and an -- just -- -- Well that's where you can always hope that too so I always carry like antibacterial right when I'm done -- because I know that I'm some comment touch something and people are I love. Which happened to me today that that. On -- -- for that there are titan you know like like that's that's the worst forget the polls you can help the -- -- can't help the people who copping you based. -- passion about this thing. -- I would like to see a study done. On what's dirty -- a subway -- or a -- pool. What has more bacteria so what you really do this study because I am actually I -- -- idea sort of in the middle science I'm gonna say trip -- -- death because it is a controlled set of people. Who don't come to work properly when their liking a -- flu isn't -- and use at least since the strippers actually temples before they get on them we have heard. On the so there's actually a good solution and am really really hoping that we'll get brought to you New York subway stations because this could really he revolutionized -- hygiene. So up a team of Chinese design is and this is reported on the discovery site. A team of Chinese designers they came up with a way to clean. The grips that you hole in the subway by itself the system is called site clean and now you -- -- -- right here. It's basically a handle for public transportation vehicles with a that's a subway or bus as it -- he got automatically disinfect themselves -- to what we're looking at here. Is basically a small rectangular box that hangs down from the pull that you normally crap right. And the box extends down from Apple -- -- strap pains down from inside that box. But when you grabbed to strap it actually. Cleans itself by rotating inside the box that contains a sponge and a bunch of disinfecting agents to the. That's so having so so you basically you aren't touching -- least piece of fabric because it's been -- and buy a anti bacterial revolution right. So every time pulls out and rotates and then each person gets a freshly cleaned -- mean. We think and I mean it looks like it doesn't mean after awhile -- -- of the effectiveness after a long time yet. I'm a bigger fan of lake just having it simply -- and -- for one around and like pound equipment like some sort of you know late Bentley -- -- -- -- like I think you'd be -- something and then it all clear and they go back and you rivals has got so wide of a bad idea -- that's east in my community and they go into the decontamination. Units nickel. When I -- that that and I in my case. I think we should have people who come -- and -- just given a wiped -- I helps the world -- -- -- this may or may not come and I'm sure it'll be really I appreciate there their enthusiasm for salt lean RRR. Giant problems of the world yeah. We'll all I know a lot of people in the subway on this sort of link arms with the pole the little kids are there -- armed. You do it and you can take a poll. A standing topple its -- people there yet there's clearly enough you know see dean and you know typical I think it's crowded. And -- literate yet these are New York problems for sure yet but. Regardless that's -- we had to deal with live in this beautiful city. Right to use -- at the -- -- Amy are able to leave it -- -- we have come to the end of the show project. It's been half an. All of that's gonna do it for us the number that you should be calling. Is -- -- six or -- CNET because unfortunately we still haven't found a way to play audio on the air but we will figure that out in the meantime. What we can do is I -- send a message an aisle seat in a police chief you have in case I you right I like that and and I'll do my my my my best yeah it to to saving your voice like that that podcast Peter began to send us an email the address is. The 404 at cnet.com Bridget will read it in the voice that she thinks he wrote it -- or you can tweet us. You can also -- us on FaceBook now we used to have a FaceBook group and then a separate FaceBook fan page so if you apart of the fan page shutting that down. I'm going join the FaceBook group -- a comment there. You can maybe have Richard read that for you it's good -- You can also contact us on -- at the sub read it is the 404 dot -- -- dot com. Lot of ways to communicate with us. Would that tomorrow for another episode things for tuning in I'm Justin -- I'm Bridget Carey -- -- and that's the for a for its high tech it's low brow. Thanks -- listening.

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The 404 Show: This is the end

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