Ep. 1437: They say it's our Birthday!
Ep. 1437: They say it's our Birthday!

Ep. 1437: They say it's our Birthday!

Today is Wednesday march 30 2011 this is but that -- my name is even Beecham I'm rental and I am Molly Wood and welcome to the show every once in a podcast of indeterminate length of episode 1437. And then. I'm not saying that we -- it only came in or anything it turns out their birthday. -- -- -- Yeah today is a thing. You the Wiki. Her. AM this is -- the official anniversary today. And -- in an Hamad -- And no matter how well. Old man oh man oh man now -- announced. Now. Today I think that -- eleven. About. And our payment based and the Eagles today against the listening and fair -- exceeded their bank or anyway yes it is this six. Anniversary. While. Of buzz out -- The legacy. Continues and it drives that home link please stay like that at 1430 that in that that are not in fact numbers that is episode 1437. Here are six years later and there's no -- I don't understand. What happened would have happened to little world what's going on what happened to the world has no known. As a whole new world I like it. I -- allow happy birthday it hasn't that I didn't know -- -- mean taken urban. But now it means you have an -- -- bring banana bread yesterday and did bring banana -- yesterday that kinda like. And -- like outside I didn't notice it had a kind of buttery did you know butter -- -- something. Betterment -- In Japan killed or. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And even make anything that you just love -- if they think. -- wanted to save letter and pants. Innocent uses of the sentence then had a problem like butter and and three the same thing -- -- -- about absolutely nothing. A -- album oriented students -- -- that's. So in -- what's so wrong with that Amazon is based -- little bit of backlash over their music locker service. -- we obviously talked about -- of yesterday and how excited we are. But it you know essentially they really didn't secure the rights -- and based on kind of -- with some music labels from any of the music labels he they've decided to. Go Ford and what is -- about this is you -- the music labels. Essentially kind of complain and -- -- a little -- but they're not actively saying we are going to take Amazon down and there's a few things of why. This is happening essentially you know the kind of breakdown -- all things. And a lot of people think you know version of -- cloud based storage and playback is okay without licenses right under certain circumstances. Net you know under certain circumstances now when you define. The contract like a -- -- -- shooter like Amazon need to find their contract it does say it allows Amazon to deliver buyers. A permanent download. The find is a copy of an MB three to a local storage device -- the question is does that cover a cloud or web at the time of those contracts. They probably weren't really thinking of the cloud back and -- -- -- these licenses earlier and so. Although the music labels say -- we're kind of annoyed they didn't come to us and work with us and they're not saying that we're gonna stop. This -- honestly would you have. It now -- -- let's say your Amazon right and you believe that you're on solid legal footing which and there are -- they're saying like look we are absolutely. In. Perfectly legal territory weeping because we're what we're giving people. Is an option that is the same as if they were to offload their music onto an external drive -- -- thing it's no different. -- offering storage and so if you believed that you were in the legal right. Then in my right there's no way in hell I would go and ask them. The music industry and I think what Amazon is doing -- is they're -- -- like it's better to apologize and ask permission approach which I suspect will prove that proved to be the right -- Yeah it's it's very bullish but at the same time it's -- you know the music labels. Are probably more annoyed because now they're like well if we let Amazon do this which we kind of are going to -- we've kind of lost the chance to. Maybe get a little extra coin from now Google and Apple that will also be pushing -- the -- later. But at the end of the day the only reason why the music industry is feeling this -- is because -- revenues and profits are so much -- -- trying to make money at. At every level -- Kenton so as loosely does find it out we should be able to put -- on any drive whether it's. In the sky absolutely and it on your hard drive that technically we have property of now a certain amount of it vs you know on our hard drive -- -- and cell. This is this is doing this is gonna go on Amazon's favor the way that I feel. It definitely and I like the fact that they just wanna have invented I mean I think that that's good for consumers ultimately because. They -- that there's no question they watched very carefully to see what was going on in the world out there they did their legal -- work. There's a mobile startup called M spot. Which lots and -- then launched into an unlicensed cloud service last year and has not been sued. And titanium -- the same thing MP3 teams in the same thing they've sued over various implementations. Of this kind of delivery but I think Amazon and clearly they knew they weren't in pretty solid territory -- -- -- You know what if you -- wanna have this fight and we're gonna have it in public and empathetic and and I'm sorry that the music industry lost the ability to like extort more money from Apple and Google. Or something that they didn't necessarily legally have the right to do but I think consumers -- -- was a surprise because we did like a price by between -- by an MP3 tunes and we did a -- alike for five months -- and I was surprised at those services actually existed right and could do it because it was so early it was before anyone was really talking about. A cloud -- -- for mainstream brands and that's why we kind of wanted it took isn't most people don't even really have much interest in it but the fact is that those services were there. They exist and the fact the reason why and -- tunes is getting sued. It's because they offer another service with in their web sites you essentially. Size of the -- essentially. See we've been is that we -- we read -- we read emails and people telling me that I've been similar -- essentially a lot. -- also I'm going to not say essentially for you guys. If I say it one more time here on that -- -- no no -- I -- -- We're working on this so not a sense we basically. Basically. Much better bet much better than anywhere but on MP3 tunes as web -- you could have access to grab. Files now we're completely legal from other places and then upload them to your sort spot that's why in my -- a -- labels are going after MP3 tunes yeah but it does slightly different -- it's not just. Remember the music they are when -- legal tracks and relays via -- now I think I mean adding nothing is the is crediting him that the music service is probably here to stay in May damage future. Relationships with them one thing that. But -- you know I also wonder Amazon thing like in the -- you have negotiated sell many exclusives with iTunes. Like you've been in bed with Apple all the time and they have and Amazon has unquestionably suffered. From those kind of exclusive sales by the way -- honey I'm still talking you can you knock that off like. I just wanna buyer -- on the -- -- off nineteenth correctly. -- is still out on Amazon's. -- -- Or -- exclusive album isn't and don't like only and I saw her articulate -- Maybe it's maybe and in the last frontier through its -- -- and Verisign but I think Amazon is probably like I'm you know it it's not like you're would not like we're best these anyway. We're just -- -- Thank you Amazon. Of them fired up although happy started to see more people complaining about the -- Like -- on Twitter yesterday said I have 600 gigs of music so for a thousand dollars a year I think I would rather. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Fine you can -- buy a router you know yeah I. I think -- obviously not as and it insistence it doesn't work there but I hit if someone wants. To complain about the -- on the cloud service than defiant I have more music than the clouds are -- service can provide great -- well oh well they have a cloud service either will pay for it or not -- exactly O'Leary equalizer and twenty gigs for most people -- for the price. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet I was at a public. I was looking for an album to buy dislike -- -- -- -- told him -- would do that. Until early they're -- albums I've been wanting to life such as adult album which I would buy in order -- -- people it's Arab chat Italy idol -- is I swear it's there. I'm hit yet but I have taken time out it's out emails and don't backward and -- I'm going to do it right now. Caller ID tech world has been abuzz today and an outlook message you have every right -- it shall for now but for the here. And -- but cabinet apparently Dell and Microsoft have both men poop moving in the iPad a little bit. -- is on record now that's the I -- them. -- are in an interview with CIO Australia Dell's VP of global marketing and that he thinks that the iPad. Basically doesn't have very much of -- of the future in the enterprise market that it will tank in the business world. Until I see a product that has proven itself to get any traction in the business world. And Dell is probably a little mad that it streak hasn't taken off very well. What are they talking about. It's like trash talking when you don't even have a prospecting compete via what's the point. He is on Amazon see I told you and Amazon MP3 and. -- -- and ending an array of them. Those are songs we know that The Backstreet Boys playing games my heart -- dollar 29 announcement I blame you for that. I blame you and assign it a good job -- -- realist Amazon quit playing games my heart. These are about the album I'm gonna -- -- and image when he hits. Anyways I have to admit that I. As a as a frequent business traveler didn't give up on the iPad and has a business to -- again I think. It isn't a very robust I feel lot of people using them at the office but I don't -- is a very robust enterprise and I agree with them. I think I do the same about the tablet as a whole tends to be not a business robust and eyes because when you're working you need a keyboard whether it's an iPad or whatever. A tablet is just not as effective. An eight creation. Tool for business and that threatening Dell's round red Dell -- say if the iPad that is not an enterprise at our business approach to tablets will ultimately -- -- -- ads in and I am like. Now available I don't think tablets are ever gonna -- really. And a very successful enterprise -- better. We'll -- it's all about the apps as usual meanwhile though Microsoft then. According to the Sydney Morning Herald reports that. Microsoft global chief research and strategy officer Craig Monday. Says he doesn't know -- whether tablets like the iPad will even remain with us or not. That he is skeptical. On the entire tablet category and says that things are gonna bumped into each other a little bit and you're gonna start with the basically. And narrowing of the space between mobile. Phone which Smartphone and portable laptop and for tablets. -- not make it's and insisting proposition tablets are still in bonkers but if this is how he feels. He should note that they are planning to release a tablet of their own still in 2012. Maybe just maybe just yet maybe I mean they've been at. It's super interesting right because on the one hand Microsoft has been. All about tablets like fifteen year you know Bill Gates was like a tablet dilemma from way back but -- -- slow and cautious. Getting into the current consumer tablet market people -- that the statements about -- Obviously their reaction blog posted this -- -- dollar importantly it's what you did. You -- to -- And you thought it. Com do all that all bloggers talk like that I tend to feel that that's the voice that I. Your blog heavy -- -- commercial where they make an of the guy who blinked at tech blogger -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I have to today. I don't think that Microsoft has totally random. I do think that tablets right now. Are not are weird middle ground are hot they're hot trend but -- -- -- a slightly -- or -- like packet that still is what. Less than 3% of the US market or something. -- own tablet and people can't although they're buying them. You know the mainstream has not been able to come up with -- reason why they need them but they want them sure they want them but I think you know I I suspect I am not the only one. Who will end up. In this situation and I've found myself in which is like I had a tablet and a laptop and the Smartphone. And pretty -- the tablet started saying it now. Yeah I just appended the I think the most compelling reason -- a -- -- -- -- is that it's foreign. Answer it's that it's fun now at the end of the -- I'm all I'm -- curious to see if the tab will actually have a longer life. In the netbook because the netbook thing -- -- is over it's you know Leo I mean it's still hasn't it's still there were still -- to name but that. Trend lasted like -- least from a standpoint of being profitable and being consumed in large numbers it would lasted about a year -- -- -- tops. It's yeah don't make it didn't make sense for many -- and they were two under powered and now that components are cheap enough that you can get attendance. Laptop that is a similar size but enough power to do what you need -- 4500 are a thousand depending on whether its MacBook air and in I think. That the the laptop market is still very strong and and those devices are getting much more palatable and small and portable in a way that doesn't make you have to make those huge power sacrifices like an -- the -- Now I mean I think we're gonna feel like laptops continue to get smaller and more affordable and more powerful and phones continue to get bigger. And more powerful and actually do I do think that the idea of that weird the tenants totally entertaining tablet. If it's such a luxury device I that I -- -- for the mainstream that that I actually think and they know it's controversial that money maybe your. In the long term world. That's an interesting take on continuing and we'll speak I'm I'm sure you guys have -- and I wanna know what you think -- -- Yeah I definitely feel that. Tablet is just not going away anytime soon and there's a lot of growth left where is and I'm not saying Sharon -- netbook is dead the growth for netbook is dead. The growth for it is dead -- anything but the tablet still has a long ways to go. And in my. Humble and. And now now we'll see what -- I think when in and it's excellent fixed CME TT at his victory -- are a number buzz at cnet.com. In our email address tell us what you think about whether you think you know is Microsoft smoking crack. What would mean -- -- it is or is it tablets -- of so this -- -- of I don't think. It'll. And no -- it's really believable duped again it'll actually via the its labs who you -- is -- and apparently also working on a version of windows phone software that will allow for mobile payments with NFC. Yeah other -- plan in the new version of its operating system. You recently at a time cut copy and paste. -- it came -- that you might now. They did it at Yahoo! is I was gonna say you might have been our -- about the Mac is no I don't know you know every possible. Yeah they did -- that's right it was them. They'd they did an update now so that's coming and they're gonna be part of this -- -- the thing about this is we talked about Google's offering for essentially free. You know if they incorporated the system's -- Microsoft typically likes to be in the licensing game I wonder how they're gonna play that because nothing beats free via. Nothing beats -- Interesting galaxy and mean and are now some people are apparently still bullish on them and by up to windows phone. It's -- it and now what's really notable because that this is almost everybody jumping in the NFC bandwagon except for Apple it's pretty firmly said. We're not doing it. Libsyn lashed the rumors that they've actually -- there said the out we're not doing it except that we have NFC chips in our models that are coming out in the fall. Than ever -- until they say they're doing it right exactly how we know how -- -- -- they're not doing it until the David and no one wants a netbook. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The eleven inch size I think it's in the size that I know it's in this it's not the price and actually of newsletters and in some video editing on it. -- -- -- I know I know it's not -- -- -- it's not. -- -- remotely call earlier I can him -- him. Also -- music and a that I hate and more than anything I've moto RIC. Okay hold up hold up. We've had so many conversations I remember when Molly outright said. This movie I needed I -- multi it's actually really easy to use its -- you should give it a try I had tried it. I I am disciplined. You know -- I am volatile ice. For the time that I've been here on the show. I feel like every -- -- your new York and I'm glad you're opening your -- appeal it's good to get perspective on everything. But. I'm I'm amazed there are things that have happened in the past excellent that I never would -- Artsy MacBook Air purchase iPad purchase it's said that things on iPhoto now imovie what is happen. -- -- -- Well -- I think good things that iPhoto you said -- a -- I remember you mentioned you're kind of plane with a little I only -- you can upload directly to FaceBook which I don't -- -- an unusual feature in software I still -- iPhoto otherwise. Totally freaking money it's -- find. And Alec -- steal the permissions from my photos of the I don't -- -- and I -- I only count organized but does in this ridiculous. An obscure folder structure with numbers and letters that makes you -- the -- up. Now -- -- of pain in the -- do not like it. But I'm kind of pain mean. An opinion that. -- -- and it looked much like Google has reached an agreement with the STE a settlement over accumulated so I thought -- movie now. I don't imovie forgot it accurately they started -- -- like the Kindle with -- me like. -- African music to have to get that stupid project and the unit drag and drop of transitions and the -- music -- I'm not saying -- be there are definitely president and -- why can't you just have a time line like that it. Okay -- speaking of deception. I've if you do you all they're all these people though we're still mad about about yesterday -- time I've been people out and then dislike. I cannot establish -- show a year ago because you hate Apple nonstop. It turns analog chain -- not -- her. Yeah yeah. But it a -- seen -- -- beset isn't it better that -- -- change their mind if a new information -- -- -- no matter what. So Europe -- every once. -- -- You know I'm -- in -- really. Really get into the Android operating system you -- the you will someday I think it's great I've never said it's -- you like the evo -- Thank -- and -- maybe can help but -- the -- story -- okay. Google -- on Google's recent agreement on the FTC's accusations. Of deceptive privacy practices in the buzz -- there at Google Buzz. And of it was their next evolution of their social networking type thing which linked all of your accounts -- to. Base and not FaceBook what other -- social services and applicant Hewlett. With all it was essentially like another social graph that there are pushing out right so what that committee and irrelevant to your email -- and so what was one of the issues -- that once you join the service. Is that it made your friends. Now are also part of it that information public and available to other people -- sell. That's a big no no I made it public by default. And -- I mean. It was your most private -- -- like you can't publicize the people that people email when and now let's just it was just appalling it was totally heavy handed. And then on top of that they say the deceptive practice is part. Was that when it launched Gmail users got this method about the -- service them in two options. Check out -- And Mac notably in bucks because Google -- -- it a little sometimes. But the FTC complaint alleged that from Gmail users who clicked on -- were suddenly were other nonetheless enrolled in certain features -- but. Yeah they also offered. A turn off buzz feature that did not remove people from the social network either. -- -- Don't know a single person that used buzz so it probably didn't really hurts -- and ultimately. After the whole -- thing -- anyway it -- have they say it is a tough settlement at the little unclear what then. Terms actually our politics. That Google has to obtain users' content for sharing their information with third parties -- you day. They will also they are barred from -- privacy misrepresentations are required to implement a comprehensive privacy program. And they have to have regular independent privacy audits by independent 33 parties for the next twenty years. Exactly that and so now they they have to just keep themselves in -- it's actually kind of a good thing yet but they got -- this significant thing. And hopefully and hopefully I'll just I mean that doesn't those don't sound particularly stringent other than the third party primes the exams for twenty years which -- -- hardcore. But a suspect it has made Google a lot more aware. And -- -- behavior. Let's take a quick break when we come back and other Google related announcements. The triple X domain -- And AT&T is just not ready -- Welcome back to buzz allowed -- all of you that is -- the founding of the -- on your mouth of what you just heard -- clean your ears. Molly like -- I like and I just that I'm using it. I thought you said you where you lives and thank -- was kind of it's gonna do. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's doing better than Mac. It sounded a lot as sound a lot nicer looking for senate that's all I'm saying if we rewind attracted sounded like -- -- -- isn't working -- Also in -- stories. The winner of Google's ultra high speed Internet its official. Can you guess the city it is. Kansas City, Kansas they will be the first to receive Google's experimental. High speed network. It was that yearlong contest. Now is this. All these people let mayors were doing crazy things they've been pulled up an article about to -- tried to renamed their city who will open today in order to get you secure that. The mayor of Duluth Minnesota jumped into 835 degree Fahrenheit Lake Superior talent to make it pays for a city not major shrinkage but didn't work out for him. And then army also says that a Florida put out their own video cities are talking smack about other cities that they deserve it. Sony tried to build they've built something that can be seen from space -- got to those people in -- -- -- I love Google and meeting from so are you serious happening -- and ridiculous not so anyways their intent to build experimental fiber network with speeds of 100 times faster than the typical US Internet connection. One Gigabit per gigabyte per second album and that's ridiculous. You can definitely see why people don't -- -- it. -- But they ended up as -- -- not choosing not think big colon Kansas and Missouri which is what everybody assumed the Kansas City, Kansas -- -- I'm nothing if not cool. It's perfectly -- -- a -- Kansas right -- -- been acting like fifteen corrections from people be like -- it's not Kansas City, Missouri -- that the big city and -- you know that the when you -- but now it's got its population -- 45000. -- -- -- -- -- -- just happens I'm from the -- you anything you obtained. You cannot -- put away my picture up an -- and I am I will not run over your dog in the road in element. Else -- you talk. About this popular sort of saw the words. I do is alright but -- And I -- -- about it. In selecting a city is that Google our goal is to -- -- similar to build efficiently. Make an impact on the community and developer relationship that local government and community organizations we have found this. In Kansas City. Kansas Friday and also tended to be kansas' mayor put out a video. Where presumably -- that he's like really exciting and the -- about a -- twenty minutes on them in much. Also on in other cool news I guess -- Burley gaming people that are wondering when Nintendo might be doing the next console I think predicted that it they would announces the next week yet. Yeah that was one of my anecdote -- -- who know announcer Thomas who knows that it's gonna happen but when Reggie FISA name. Was talking to -- -- -- Monad has told the thing about his name and has lasted for her I think that's right it is right it isn't the answer is this David inside storage but it is that we debated about his name forever it is not proper frontier and I'm that much of the tool and I was -- I actually am in real and that. Mike Molly -- -- which you know it's build and we went back in -- elegant and anyways I'm acting so math her idea FISA may talked to CNN and he said. We've not publicly said what the next thing press will be in the home cubs mesa based on what we've learned on 3-D likely -- won't be it satellite that. We've learned on freedom that is interesting that made me wonder if what they found out is that at the expense of the house and they don't want an accident and -- -- -- yet. Also from a developer standpoint it's currently the Nintendo platform is really. There at the graphics -- as -- is I think you just -- People seen -- the and into the three guesses via an a lot of people have said that they don't really need that 3-D graphics. And they've been getting sick over time and it's a graphical -- but they don't really care even on a handheld via and it takes a lot of investment for Nintendo at Nintendo's. I wouldn't say although there -- where the most innovative media companies hands down they don't do it -- added expense like. Stereos topic 3-D we need the biggest the bad as the best graphics regular developers -- are multi you know. Spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars -- games for us when -- doing just fine with dismal. Absolutely and they've done to find the -- even though we is not even really an HD -- you know I mean that they met through that there innovation doesn't have always have to be about. The super future -- technology and if anything I think it's very wise of them to look around and say look 3-D at the fat. You know it's kind of a gimmick and consumers are not embracing it in serious number so why should we. That's like. -- -- -- -- -- -- India has officially announced that it will seek to block the xxx suffix that top level domain. That would be dot XXX and they say that in fact if it is approved. They will in fact block the entire domain -- because against the IT act and Indian laws. That is exactly what people have been concerned about with the passage of the xxx domain because the the porn industry. Specifically deported him but will actually and the -- -- she doesn't want to happen yes because they don't want the entire domains be blocked in all their content blocked. But. Other. Concerns. Are that. Governments would then specifically place information that is not pornographic in nature. Behind xxx domains like forced -- and force information about reproductive rights or abortion. Or birth control right behind -- xxx domain so that it is unavailable -- -- could become a very easy tool for global. Censorship -- it's essentially allocate certain types of topics of information on to -- -- right. Even if it's just I mean and you know and honestly that includes -- Writely gives just a widespread censorship tool and -- India had to come out and to say. Where a whole cell block that crap is I would hope. Kind of a big blow. For the effort and I think that I think that xxx domain definitely has the potential do more harm than good. Because people need to sometimes learn about sex and sometimes governments don't want them to and then we can Alter collective and. And it. An anti Mac -- in particular I'm not as I know you I'm saying you know I think only speaks for a lot of women out there. And also about anyone. And also a disclaimer -- porn may not be the way to actually learn as well. Daniel and there's but not from -- that's right not that we've seen and you know they'll learn from port -- -- and -- -- X. Top just communicate just communicate alright -- we're gonna go to the local -- Twice Molly has been broken twice. Three times -- -- Weiss -- we're gonna tell the next story -- this is -- Sony is ad supported movie service they're bringing it to their Sony TVs. And roku set top boxes. Now what's cool about this is again they're going to be pumping -- a lot of content a lot of Sony movies if you are familiar. They also own and work together with their own me movie studios. So they're able to kind of treat this integration where they can throw their productions onto devices the thing that's kind of discouraging is that -- -- initially. Most of the service will be available on TVs that are Sony TVs than Sony Blu-ray players and I believe -- skim through the Presley said it did mention that the Sony PS3 would also have access the crackle service but this is ad supported so. They said it would bring up something like every ten minutes or so it's -- -- -- a lot. Animal Planet and add I don't have to be a banner or who would stop -- but that's a little too much and if you ask me occur -- -- Luntz will be promptly 200 films available for viewing at any given time. They'll rotate about when he new titles per month. And also again everybody's favorite stream box still our favorite -- the roku via will be getting crackles well which -- -- kind of an interesting exception to the whole thing but a good one he also apparently roku. It speaks of the power broker I think that Sony chose to do that and then also speaking to the -- -- it's apparently now offer its mail for sale at best buy. -- -- locked in a store -- gonna make roku. And -- you can imagine like people locking. And the roku is explained to them and then a -- anywhere from sixty to 99 but they have. Okay. It still drives me crazy when someone like who has never used to -- to. Puts it plans an Apple TV and says it's a means. I'm just yet nine out clicked on every year every one you could have so much more love me. I don't know enough doesn't think -- but that crackle acute of that and the you know -- -- -- -- any line -- wait. To deliver crackle -- the net every ten minutes. At that -- terrible dead that's what it says in the story I knew we don't know if that's true but possibly to us we'll see them. Speaking of terrible. People are completing. Infect and through official channels like to the Better Business Bureau saying that AT&T is not in fact. Delivering the four G speeds that they have promised. That they appeared to possibly be capping data connections the companies that now all we haven't capped or upload speeds on things -- -- in my early text. But it turns out that the phones a test EPA capability -- -- -- actually the key features and create increasing upload speeds and matrix including other Smartphones that are already enabled well actually not be. That's not to or not. -- September -- do you may -- maybe getting the fake forgy download speeds which are HSP -- plus on the TV networks that they're actually not like. LTE -- -- past orgy but you're getting three G. Upload speeds because they haven't enabled the forgy upload capability and did they not tell anyone math. That is unbelievable like where they actually just selling. Out on that they an expert it's a four G phone for -- -- note that we haven't put the switch on. It'll let you know and turn it on. That in -- a Gartner research VP Phil Redmond told wired dot com the content of four G is a joke right now. Which I would say is true up saloon is that at the highest level it's supposed to be a technology standard is nothing but marketing now if and when forgy standardized technology than it actually decided on -- released. We've now been inundated with -- jargon for so -- we may not even recognize that. And then AT&T for its part has been -- -- -- -- mostly evasive. As to why it just EPA has been disabled in the matrix and HTT inspire -- -- Smartphones like imagine that they've been and evasive because they don't have to admit. But they're crap -- network and -- haven't set it up yet. It's not set to -- You add insult to injury to Android users expecting four G speeds many IOS counterpart devices using AT&T'S three G network. Are indeed agency PA -- -- -- -- enabled but the flip the switch has been flipped on I think iPhone four actually. As access to the faster -- -- speeds as well but it's not using them yet because they haven't put the switch yet another -- -- -- IPhone is that the I've looked at yet they're ready they're ready -- our network but -- -- being enabled where as the matrix in the inspire or not. Wikipedia has an intern on them in the fall by OK I read -- that this iPhone four was also ready but not in new doubled. I'll read -- -- I'm saying the iPhone four is ready for it as well but it's not enables. Don't think that's the and it. Well I'm just saying there's no sign of those stories saying the IOS counterpart devices using our agency PA enabled but these phones are not it's not turn on -- on. Matrix and -- -- We can read more about that later that -- dot AT&T. -- -- -- I mean I'm -- for buying a future proof on the appointment if you like. Don't art in a hurry to upgrade on -- 600 block them or -- because port is not. And if you are not -- Verizon or sprint and never really deliver Paul -- said -- -- -- -- Well you in the wool or within an hour -- enough and to the other rivals argue that point in our freedom and -- -- Holy cow do we not have that kind time okay Verizon's spring portfolio has leaked speaking of phones I will think you're gonna buy -- -- -- -- I guess -- wanna Verizon can at least at LTE and it is there it is the closest unit to meeting the board to expect although. None of the current four G networks -- to be clear actually accomplish the technical spec. Specification the party. But anyway -- Verizon is going crazy. With -- -- found that under ball as we know launch the nova tell MiFi. Is the new but the new four G -- is coming out a couple of -- the Casio commando. With an Orlando I know very little auto group which usually who that waterproof my phone's are pretty cause you don't drop in water. Finally a -- waterproof phone I and I have been more. And I have called commando as critical as pretty and that's actually. Gonna -- into the -- -- and waterproof can they can go in -- line. -- damp and tired of -- any experience. And the PlayStation phone is coming in April HTT trophy in the UC's incredible too often coming in April than in May in May you're gonna get LG revolution. Motorola Droid bio and manic. The Droid X -- and the Samsung galaxy Q. So if you've been wanting to I wanna build out a road map there is copy it show your friends yes. A -- -- -- -- they allowed to market forgy when it's no Internet they meet the requirements respect interestingly. That's partly because the specs. Were not developed until after -- was being used as a marketing term. And no it's not like they're claiming to meet those specs at all. Because someone has cable on a public man -- -- part in a bunch of different ways and here's the specification. For well actually mean forgy and -- these companies -- period of resentment important agent but there is also a ruling that actually said that as long as the network wasn't increased performance and speed it was okay. To talk about it as forgy. I had that allow the carriers have been moved forward with that and they -- -- and that's an Apple because they were the ones that started using it -- -- generation yet. We really like what they where they were saying it's the next generation them coming in to view it. With the speed. And that's -- making it. Hopefully not for -- Diet through some quick. That is some scenes. That are right iPad two getting -- wireless 1080. Home brew and hack your iPad but this is -- really cool stuff this is. A demo who's -- the gentleman that did this they don't say but essentially it's been posted up. On engadget and -- he does this attachment Rory puts essentially you wireless HDMI. -- you know. Send. Module onto the back to send directly to his TV set it does add to pound. Your iPad as well as I know there are inches. It almost looks like a pillow -- but the image. Is perfectly translate onto the screen. Rotates. Critical via -- pretty impressive. Like you know if you have the -- ability. You know that I really dying. Google may be offering -- super ultra high speed Internet in Kansas City, Kansas but. Verizon plans to upgrade segments of its US Internet background backbone to a hundred Gigabit ethernet by the end of the second quarter. It will happen in -- not here. Three segments -- -- New York Sacramento to Los Angeles and Minneapolis Kansas City and -- Gigabit Internet coming -- you. Nice yesterday we kind of alluded to a story about -- phone market share. And according to a survey and report by IDC the this year they say and federal on the market with 39 point 5% -- -- -- when he point nine. Third is -- at fifteen point seven that we have Blackberry and windows phone seven as they did their projections. They said in a four years' time. They expect to shift to happen where Android -- with 45 point 4% and windows phone seven and Windows Mobile will become the second. Largest on the phone to phone -- manufacture or for phones shipping to customers which when he point nine -- would be fifteen point three. Blackberry would be thirteen point seven and they're saying all those. Numbers are gonna come from Symbian because Nokia's getting rid of Ximian and -- windows phone seven into a really saturated market of people who are Nokia loyalists Hollis. I guess the -- -- just account for Symbian to be. Still they said that they would stop producing -- phones 2012 Apple for years from now let's. When he fifteen theirs is gonna be like point 2% still Kennelly in and around their in the in the netherworld then this -- and pointing at. Probably I couldn't. Innovative and left over from like older smaller carriers that are still selling the phones via other talking about global sales so they're definitely parts of the world where. You know that Nokia's current. Most amazing Smartphone will probably -- -- some music yeah. Pretty interest -- Android in app billing is now out to consumers it is now available it's taken months of waiting. But now this -- Android developers. Offer in app billing which is hopefully going -- -- which Google hopes will jumpstart. Development on that platform announced a big boon and I also hope that'll help to remove some of ads and a lot of -- yet. That's by the biggest thing that will help has cosmetically yeah is that we wanted to see ads pop up here and so I do anything and you'll be able to have big companies like Disney do you know a temperament and -- on pac ten. To -- to have been kept its top you know that's on the active zone in Italy -- It scientists this. -- -- From the department of what could possibly go run the -- -- provider network which -- the Calvert health care provider. Is offering a prize of three million dollars for any developer who can successfully create a breakthrough algorithm -- uses available patient data. -- -- -- Illnesses and hospital -- And -- that snapper -- might possibly mean publisher in the healthcare industry would -- wouldn't wanna get their hands and that juicy little bit of informing and I can't imagine insurance companies. -- would want to get their hands on an algorithm that might be able to protect your predictor potential for illness minority report style. And then use that to charge you absolutely nothing wrong with that does. And it's a three million dollar prizes. Wow well -- and that three million dollar prize tells you exactly. What they plan to -- with Netflix sure it would may be held to keep health care costs down and if this were actually going to be used her like that it invented and you know to help -- helped. Rally government funding for prevention programs or otter know better school lunch is or like. Exercise and senior care facility would be one thing. But I'm pretty sure what they're really gonna -- mr. nanos sell this for ten billion dollars to the health care insurance agent -- industry and and -- -- exactly Gillespie data. -- -- -- -- the thing about this is no matter what they do whether they have an algorithm or not people. People are healthy or unhealthy a lot of the times by choice. Like someone can say allow wanna be healthier I don't wanna be sick as much but they're not gonna change their lifestyle to get better them. So this wouldn't be about saying this would never become -- change your lifestyle things -- always be like you know just charge you more because you because you maintenance. And just to be anybody who developed this don't settle for the three million. -- -- It's a multi billion dollar algorithm right assuming that you plan to contribute to this evil than fifty million -- -- -- Minimum. And. Also -- these NASA has snapped its first ever photo of Mercury. Taken from a spacecraft in orbit. Around them. That is sweet it doesn't look very hospitable. Although it looks completely hospital -- cool little crater that looks -- the title that's cantaloupe volatile and there. But the bottom and -- wanna live there they're trying to figure out -- -- that is the outer core actually molten. Most it and make is that it's teaming with melted rock because it's so hot and underneath there could it -- the -- would Mac -- Not that I wanna know its prequel that acts like a really awesome picture -- of -- of yours. And also. In inner space news. Scientists are evidently teaming up for a journey to the center of -- Yet this is their goal is basically -- -- for you basically to retrieve samples of -- the Earth's mantle a feat which if successful. Would supply -- trove of new information our -- our planet's her origins and history. So they're talking about how there's been advancements. In office you -- offshore drilling scientific ocean drilling. And one of the things that was kind of crazy about this is they said they have the ability in the technology you know hold a ship in place in very deep water and what happens those now they can also reach please these drill bits that keep on going. But typically these drill bits. Only last. Or wear out after fifty hours of use the plan to reach the core of the year this had to take anywhere from eighteen months to two years to reach the mantle to get the -- they want. As a whole lot of drill bits out for real that's a whole lot of drilled. That's again to the moon faster than that -- Relayed to our next moon mission. We just wanna bring back a little bit of -- love exactly. Street isn't happy ending yes let's do it. Apparently or stream is -- timing out for people -- -- our past our normal landing time. I guess that is now happening at a set as Stan the Star Wars Blu-ray release -- date has been set September 16 2011. Giant sharks that and Blu-ray and -- -- your favorite characters. -- -- getting a theme for the princess in love. September in September 16 now you -- Interesting. Thread over -- read it is pointing out apparently how just how fast the Internet is if you work at Google. Dude. -- and -- over the Kansas City, Kansas after hearing about what they've got -- on Google. Download speeds of 523. Megabit per second okay at your house. -- in five if you're on AT&T via hologram but -- its present in public what a lot of people. Upload speeds 147. Megabit per second. When it's faster than 1989 per -- Of the United States and -- -- they were downloading a game apparently -- game pack update. At 38 who megabytes. Per second -- If there's as does within Google. The reason I asked at work just to put that in perspective if you were let's say download -- a Blu-ray movie that was what does it. Four gigs. They said it would be done in -- humans yet. -- it twenty times faster than high speed Internet and we just set up an office at Google's headquarters -- now I just want it I just wanna -- on their public Wi-Fi. -- -- -- When you time how live via our buildings is horrible at the fair thing to you shouldn't even call that CBS interactive. -- mine. Apparently eligible guy I know we got a new president at CBS interactive media and the wealthy gentleman apparently one of the first thing that you -- when he came in -- -- one. And then and that the value relatives where she stinging absolutely we get plugin. And -- That and it defeats the purpose yeah absolutely absolutely. Okay and it finished its -- all overlay -- finally gave their daunting eyes really are you guys an -- I love the Internet because a cobra escaped in the broad view and has been running around loose in the -- the U and then now and because that's the most often are you ever heard it now -- -- Twitter -- -- -- -- -- -- scientists style malls is only now I know that -- is hilarious that that appears to be like. Burrow and -- now working dole are -- serious anyway some of the feminine thing vacancy in the. -- -- everybody went there one. It's that like at The Metropolitan Museum of Art the temple of -- really kick some -- And then it has lol like snake on the town. Yeah I've got -- I think you found it I got here ago. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well as the it was -- would love to order a copy -- -- -- getting my morning coffee at the mud tracked only the top to me until I have my morning coffee seriously don't. And -- and it's. Currently don't seriously -- amendment. Getting and the period Ellis Island let's hope that -- better than that time -- the plane. Found ethnic and fan on top of the Empire State Building and all the people look like little -- down their delicious moments and a bulletin adorable. I let's get out let's get your costs and amount I think we went to the electric call -- the -- team at a downtown mobile yell transiting ultimately came out -- -- -- I. Invalid if this is kind of ironic -- given how many times he tried to get ourselves feed today the whole licensing -- is so confusing. For and whether it's the music industry or the movie industry for us really -- one port collars turned out. And other traditional Internet music -- and I paid I think an -- -- -- told -- election expert but not loud. Not downloaded it's my fault because -- alike covers -- -- -- headphone Jack stream music through actual telephone wires. And especially my car stereos. Or belt covered well -- learned purchase a separate license. -- -- grew up that rate the -- Just like but I -- really -- Iowa college there will put an -- in -- show notes that I have detect -- save some of them for tomorrow but if they were running up against the net the -- rescue because we have leadership does go on and on that and -- who -- -- -- -- like to any minute flame so we gotta. We gotta clear out. Everyone but we will have in email in the senate to be a well that cnet.com. We'll try to read some extras tomorrow if we can get hurt but -- -- -- -- -- started on time. Speaking gulping complained -- -- -- -- -- think when they do think they create and email us your thoughts on what they think Microsoft's looking back at buzz -- -- about. -- -- --

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