Ep. 1436: Think before you Color!
Ep. 1436: Think before you Color!

Ep. 1436: Think before you Color!

Welcome to buzz out loud today is Tuesday march 20 ninth 2011 my name is Stephen -- I'm Brian's song and I am Molly Wood buzz out -- -- podcast of indeterminate length episode 1436. Where we're certain it's a really -- -- -- the band is back together. Hey. We -- it and we basically doing the posted in a veto because you're like timeout stories and -- similar worries that. And nothing to do -- the show that we wanted to talk about. And it's approximately 10:52 AM you know local time -- when we start and it's relatively supposed to start around 1030 month or accidentally around hopefully. You're -- but we're having that the bond. There the -- back gossip girls will not cut it division. At -- -- the -- -- we have a -- meant the app. Economy you know it's a shuttle it's a show -- It's -- we have. Oh -- Are down there's people -- tonight guys. Shut up hey dad can't spell out and a live the last -- put your 25 minutes of the film are right here in the neighborhood. We're back together on a really good note because Amazon and after all of the rumors the rumors -- just yesterday that they might launch a little crap cloud drive and cloud music player. And then -- -- low -- it is here's a -- own. It's called the Amazon cloud -- now what's very very -- -- about this first of all you can access it through you know with -- Amazon MP3 count. It has starts up with five gigs of storage. -- you can upload songs directly from your hard drive to the service and you can also upload songs purchased from Amazon. To the service it starts with five -- if you do decide to purchase an entire album that. Amount of money you can then go to a twenty gig drive to give you -- sort just by -- and album which is often wild only ten -- -- now you can access this. On -- that not only through web browsers on Mac and PC. A you can -- this Odyssey on the Android platform. -- -- -- You can access -- -- like I tried it out with wireless devices but you can't. I it was unable to play my music through the web interface I'm on my iPad. On my iPhone on so that's and it's not the solely of -- -- -- is everything shows up there were -- you know -- -- people -- -- maybe it's because down -- actually physically blocking it and unfortunately it's only gonna see an Amazon MP3 store app on. The iPhone any time soon -- because of Apple's us or conditions they're not gonna do that. The to get access to the cloud -- on an Android iPhone you can just use the Amazon -- -- the -- applications. Which is really great for those of -- for Android. Yeah I would -- not -- -- currently other is the web interface but like its name them cloud players specifically is only available for Android. It is unclear whether they they say you should be able to use our player web -- maybe there's some and I mathematician. Could actually be partially and who knows. But I -- Tuesday. This I think -- yet it has it right like yes. Amazon did just the ambulances and now Google and Apple in when it comes to listings -- I frankly cannot Rick Kimble EU. To this moment that. -- -- -- -- -- Sat on it. Let it be consumed. -- out I don't know allowed it to disappear when they could have had this feature would that now two years ago may be longer like this is just. This and that's just I think the strongest proof you need Apple does not get the cloud and this. -- ingenious -- and Amazon are yeah I think one of the things that makes it -- and there's a flip side to that's even before we will go to that one of the things that makes this. Even more interesting to me is that. People you know skeleton -- a light -- yesterday and we talk about it. But no one -- saw this coming to Sinatra had leaked out extensively by anyone's really through all of a sudden it dropped. There's very few companies in this -- needs that are able to hold on a secret like this. This hard everyone was talked -- more like Google. And Apple's cloud but they were really everyone -- sure Amazon might be trying to cloud but. Amazon now in two differences has really shown house trying to push innovation the Amazon Android store. Which is killing it with the way that they've set up the models added new features on it and now they're also -- the -- a way out by the way you know like a few days there were gonna drop. A cloud plume here it is yeah I mean it was what like 2425 hours after that the rumor started experiencing. There is an update by the way to techcrunch story about the cloud player not working on IOS apparently the way to get it to work is that you hit option to download the song. And then you can play it through the IOS player. -- -- is built in player but try and relieve the download button. Yet the little download buy and on the in the player in the web browser in their little cloud player on -- We'll have because I press and nothing happened may mean eateries start. Maybe needed her that is maybe need to get an Android of the tablet like wired look at me and they're using to get that remaining in ACP minerals and now an -- no later. -- also related to the whole story about how did Amazon roll this out and how -- it really beat out Apple Google. Now some some people supposedly the labels are seen that it. Because it didn't so there's a quote coming directly from Sony music Sony spokesperson told billboard. That they were disappointed in the locker service that Amazon is proposing because -- using unlicensed Sony music. So this might be an indication we don't know Amazon has not officially replied to that statement say. No everything is under license but if that's the case that might be why they were able to roll it out earlier if Apple and Google we're trying to. Lock down specific agreements now there's other cloud services and exits like. And MP3 spot and he responds yeah I used by MP3 spots and -- was obvious and -- spot an MP3 tunes sorry. And spot an MP3 -- these are cloud based services that you can access right now. And that I use and the interface is very summary -- upload music that you own and you complaint to the cloud the big deal about this is obviously this is Amazon's brand -- be. And it yeah I mean definitely the biggest question about this is what kind of licensing agreement they reached if any if any did and are they going to be sued into a smoking crater which seems really likely to get -- -- -- these. Labels have not and that might actually because the big questions you would like how -- Amazon beat. Google and Apple to the -- and it's possible that they did it by. Just -- -- pushing a trip Amazon's director of music Craig -- told the New York Times we don't need a license to store music. The functionality is the same as an external hard drive. Which may be the case but locker services have tried to argue that before MP3 dot com tried to argue that before and and as we know. Was effectively sued out of existence. And what and they are not proposing simply storing music -- -- proposing storing and streaming music which is exactly the thing that's kept spotted by from getting -- -- time. Yet done that of course industry and label executives or -- -- -- commented. -- -- -- in their two cents about what they felt about the Amazon store. And they said on its very -- compelling from a consumer standpoint whatever you know if they want its offer a third rate service we would have done so already. Can -- break so you know they're there here's the magical if you want to do anything feature rich you have to have licenses. Well. -- I don't honestly though like. -- They up labels I mean the fact is all I wanna do is upload -- music back and -- able to re download it when I need it. Like I want it stored in the cloud as a backup service that I can play it anywhere and that's all that we care about -- consumers care about and and what you guys want us to do is by the music home. By the music network by the -- and you know what that's not gonna happen so get off of that particular sick because. It's not gonna happen and all it's gonna cause people to do is say. With with what they feel is justified outrage every inbox -- already -- the -- but I can't read download is bull hockey so you know what. I'm just gonna get it from BitTorrent to have a work. Popularity -- -- I actually think these labels are completely right about having a -- trick experienced because with licensed music on iTunes I can get -- is a -- services like a pain. I can also use -- iTunes albums that I look at constantly. Thanks for these licenses. Of genie service that I never use any reason we have -- -- idyllic. I I use I. -- -- -- -- That -- -- I remember Apple does is by getting in the bottom right so -- -- as -- -- -- on my -- you know we just want the basic -- -- the -- up -- let me listen to where everyone is that's all let me -- download it once I've purchased it like it's just it it's such. Anti consumer clap trap for the for the labels to. -- Well -- when are you guys going to learn your lesson you. Already lost what amounts to one -- trillion dollars in digital sales by standing in the way of this juggernaut for ten solid. Years and now you're just gonna continue to encourage piracy buyout by refusing to acknowledge the digital nature of the product and people are buying. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- thirty years though ultimately you know that Amazon branding behind this is what's gonna push the artists and if the labels come after them and -- and shut -- -- -- gonna see how this all plays out but. Kudos to Amazon for pushing this out and getting -- like genuinely Joost about -- a legitimate cloud player app that has amino. Brand recognition -- -- behind it and and when the labels to go after them it will just -- And look at of that yet -- -- that's one thing to block spotted by quietly or block Apple behind closed doors like. I like the fact that Amazon may be -- might actually be part of their strategy to push this bite out in the open and make the labels. -- -- -- Demonstrate. Just how anti consumer they really can. An anti artist you. Don't fully or their -- -- Look -- -- -- fight hot girl fight sprint has officially vowed to light. AT&T is proposed that the proposed AT&T T-Mobile merger to the -- To the death monument -- their senior vice president government affairs for sprint said sprint urges the United States government blocked this anti competitive acquisition. This transaction will harm consumers and harm competition at a time when this country can least afford it. Mobile hall via -- read these things always have to -- a political ordering -- and I almost feel like. That was like the soft quiet voice in the back of an advertisement yes but it can you know it. It does make sense sprint going out you -- -- before obviously they oppose the move but they haven't released. And -- kind of official statement wouldn't you know opposing it and urging the government to do something about it. But now they are going on a media offensive an official media offensive and they are trying to hammer home the point. Specifically. That AT&T would undo. The progress of the past 25 years and create a new AT&T duopoly model duopoly and it's -- -- that they can use that statement because they're really trying to. Say hey look what happened in -- past remember in that. Duopoly you -- a crashed and a 25 years ago your retreating it. Yet -- was a great the economist came out specifically against against Russia and Sweden but no not that articles that isn't there really -- read the economist came out and an up and against the merger and and their first sentence -- like be aware of habitual monopolist bearing gifts. It -- at the if -- hit it once again -- again -- you don't get out all companies did not hand AT&T monopoly and I'm sorry but I maintained bill. -- -- into claims that the wireless market is intensely competitive with fiber more competitors in eighteen of the top twenty markets. There's all those pre -- guys that don't work outside -- states boost mobile. There there -- -- editor it would be because of the technology. Strangle -- alone it's like a -- and anyway so sprint at least. Is on your side and I'm sure they want to benefit from from giving the immediate impression that there on your -- -- admits into the great alternative right now to the looming threat. And then they need -- need to play that card hard. They -- -- and by a large. Intensely opposed to this merger idea. -- -- -- An -- -- Ironkey in its one. -- -- -- come back more depressing news about Canadian -- he is the -- app has been -- in the -- that you always knew it was going to be at the back. And Firefox or -- Welcome back to buzz out loud brands are ever gonna jump back into the stories. On this one come -- -- -- Canada. Rogers. Canadian ISP has admitted to the -- -- World of Warcraft. Gamers. Accidentally. Accidentally so. What essentially happened is we've talked about their recent data caps that are affecting Canadians -- which are pretty can be pretty brutal. What happened here is gamer. And -- is a female gamer -- Murphy was complaining to -- that our game play was suffering and she felt that. It was because they were throttling or something was up the connection. Rogers looked into it and basically based on how Rogers the text. -- To prevent this from happening she wasn't using -- and an -- Dan said okay it's a -- -- their traffic management that detects some World of Warcraft activity as its peer to peer. They have not yet been able to fix that yet. There there was -- because they send an update and then the World of Warcraft updated their game -- than -- needs Rogers tune and update their software that. Fix this issue but at -- ended the day they are they say that we actually -- it. It's basically an object lesson in the fact that deep packet inspection and filters that do not work and the big engines don't work in your inevitably going to get mean. The fact that they're throttling. Like an indication all by itself of piracy and once again -- maintain like. We could solves so many of our -- occurrences if we effectively used this -- efficient delivery technique. For other things but whatever we never will be able to okay. And then on top of that the that caps are so it's like it's a buckshot approach to a scalpel problem you know -- -- always Timothy. Perfectly legal uses it caught -- -- -- That's ridiculous I mean there were Rogers -- -- I know we complain about -- oh my god two gigs of -- geeks how can you do how. How it's shameful that it's bringing the Canadian I've easily criminals -- -- -- talk about contest being -- but men and we get emails and giggling like -- out. A little story about Rogers developed in here and then how about it -- targeted. Shop and mail is silence. Apparently isn't terribly can use the Internet the terrorists win -- -- -- All. Netflix feels your pain though with the it with the newly imposed broadband -- quarter of and they have announced a new set of tools available to Canadian -- -- can help curb the amount of data used. While streaming movies by up to 66% with they say. Minimal impact -- video on basically they're trying to optimize the video streaming and don't go over your Catholic -- in an hour. This is pretty sweet so obviously in the past -- Netflix says using thirty hours of Netflix could consume about seven. Gigabytes. Of data if it was -- only two. I'll give me overturned. I don't understand how they Canadian -- -- obviously still in place right now they you know there's an interview that -- highly unfair but. It's gonna take time like we'll just have to wait for the. Government bureaucratic process to make this right it's pretty you know about a year yeah exactly if ever so thirty hours of video. Nine -- That's seven gigs over your cap your monthly cap I mean thirty hours of video in them a single month is a whole lot but even with -- like improved. Streaming even with -- more efficient streaming. And thematic and -- it really efficient delivery service that it gives you a few bits at a time like. -- -- -- Q -- to -- -- that technology it's pretty unfortunate via. I brought you should just go and outright -- that their Netflix because really it's a consumer service at Apple in Lincoln they're gonna have -- -- desktop. They -- -- -- in Ottawa in the public because you're gonna -- in the costs. They probably they could well world world warcraft are now. They haven't figured out the Netflix -- riot act the day of course Atlantis. Callers. May eighteenth he accidentally turn off my -- own cosmic TiVo's stop working. Because you're format about it haven't -- Netflix I'll never be -- never stop being mad about it because. The reach something happen in every connection process that now cosmic he goes to be unable to connect to the network I don't know why -- -- connect government sprint overdrive. But I can't get any Tivo in the house and I switched Tivo and I called Comcast and I got a new cable card -- -- -- -- it -- -- -- turn -- -- -- spent huge -- this -- -- In the pouring rain with a sick kid trying to get. It meant I didn't even out pretty well. AT&T. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Because I -- his net okay I was just in Vancouver. I was actually I was ever. And I will tell you. That's right I was a regular -- I'll tell you although your experiences might have been different than mine in Vancouver was a lovely place in fact that had a great time it's probably that I stayed up till the year four -- -- but. It was a means. It -- yet again but -- -- I'm I'm super glad you had to agree to -- Days locally on the not so good experiences when he talks about the color app pack are we talked on color. -- we're -- -- could take pictures find out what other people are taking pictures of around you I don't know why -- -- -- -- -- would really wanna use this and people look at everything they do like the strangers complete strangers -- that debate to take it even to the next level of creepy. There is a hack. That was it. America chief technology -- -- Chris. Why so Paul wrote and basically he did this geo location spoofing because what -- as it pulls the pictures that people offer around your area. So it has geo location spoofing -- -- -- spooked his location and other areas. And was able to see complete strangers photo streams. Even though he was nowhere near them yet using -- -- trivial the other thing. They're not dissipating it as an app that said that -- -- strictest phone. Them as the application app meaning that it figured that there would be early adopters like -- -- -- latest apps no hacking involved and you know the best thing to prove his point is he. But -- location I guess near colors headquarters and it was instantly able to get a photo and video stream of colors -- -- -- Like -- the previous point. Color by the way responded to Forbes and respond with their usual line on privacy which is that they've never claimed to offer any inning if you read write. It's like basically like there -- your photos without the additional burden of privacy settings click actually that. That's their whole value predators -- -- their premise yet via reaper that you have to know that before you sign up -- do not sign up for color if you care about your privacy at all I mean that that the basic lesson here if you don't. And you may not. Then go crazy but we do you have a cautionary tale coming in the emails yeah I know I I think of their company slowed there was anything -- -- color me bad. Old wooden I just -- -- -- but not I wanna -- you hunt country bands I am frankly astonished that. Via -- whenever. You color your onerous -- no one should use color code my one of my friends uses -- I will slot them across -- face because people don't think people do not as easy as stupid and anything keeping -- -- of whatever. All the time. And then you're Catholic tradition in and -- Boyer and. And abdomen and clearly that we read that email right now analyst Alina colony we have other stories not -- -- -- keep it connected. -- Burton directed into my wife and I or messing around with a new app -- on -- iPhone tonight here at our house. I took and posted -- -- over that -- adult. Yeah and we discovered the color app has no and you know -- And no way to flag something as an appropriate -- this photo is now forever part of the -- network ether and tied to our house. -- -- in particular they fire -- the color. -- our neighbors see it. Think before you collar. That the universe. In -- Don't use -- -- No one should use it like -- that speculators who was secretly Butte is like did you not read like colored. Use. Clearly and you know it if. He actually deserves a slap in the face that we receive and if it it -- installed on your phone and -- takes another picture -- -- has -- the pictures from -- I mean. The question -- -- what kind of permission to use it does grab any item on your. Well it probably has seen in the app that I would dollar I would be surprised and use no permissions whatsoever because -- color rate answer one night I don't really know how it would happen because according that that's review of color over the circulating around. It's -- forget impossible to use -- earth but it's. Okay yeah I think we're at bigger our position on there -- where -- in -- on this and we are aligned solidarity. Say what you will think I -- tying it Mecca with. Firefox or -- -- -- week. Absolutely like like color. Its browser usage share grew over Q&A half times apparently ineffective and -- -- Atlantic -- -- a whole world is waiting for our platform. I guess who -- And it's Sunday share. Was double that of -- -- the other -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- we have what we talked about the there were six million downloads in the first 24 hours yeah and this is one like Internet Explorer had touted hey we had 2.3 -- million downloads and -- -- like Hulu. -- -- -- A pal now also and other killer fire Fox News Android users will be loving this one spot Mozilla launches Firefox four for the Android platform today. So you guys can go jump on and -- I mean the browser itself uses tabs bookmarks. You have add ons on the debate they mentioned you know what. And easier quicker way for texting and -- I don't know what that would be like minimizes typing. -- -- The I'm gonna get this I want it yet I want to again -- avenue port UI user for work on that I wanna check this out yet sure and now -- that means a better browser. And finally -- -- that we cannot ignore. Jack Dorsey it's gonna that is of that dreamy photo that's -- -- -- put this story and -- that really object or thing. I guess yes that's old man name. Who attacked or sitting. Renaud can dealers anyway Twitter co -- Kinect with. Confirmed to rampant speculation that he is in fact -- at Twitter. As executive chairman and then there have been related emails that suggest that -- Williams in particular. Has played less and less of a role at Twitter for awhile. If you're also wondering -- to RC will not be leading his position at square which as the mobile payment little thing that. Connects the caller so object to see you will be returning to earth. I think advisor I think that they're hoping that at the time when Twitter is experiencing record growth objectives and it can -- academy got a good health and let them come up with a big -- land needs to do so cracked basically they aren't on island time ya tonight -- you have a month. A month so that -- three co founder's right ev Williams Biz Stone and Jack -- -- just like you pay the anecdotal. Let's get to work okay let's make money. You know those promoted tweets whose idea was that I don't know I think -- was -- overseas. Yes our diet and her husband and -- your time -- are you don't battle -- addictive. I -- they were stupid as this you didn't and it doesn't stupid and have him on the -- this isn't gonna park. Windows Lebanon. But they personal would be -- And blows and I'm not saying happy to make our own -- that to -- My goodness knows -- hit me in the face like technically these -- people who. -- -- Saying did you do the hi ya know it was an area map and get tired and tired of -- and -- expanded version a few minutes and I'll have an extended. Mixed with there was. That is very culturally relevant to me. The -- the it is the now okay standing on let's get to the copycats they know we're gonna hear it and yet the playable -- again okay Apple's WG AW DC event. Sells out within hours a proxy under twelve hours you'll -- allow developers were not thought about this but this just shows. I don't -- I wonder how many people are actually developers IBC's you know surge on this now these days. I believe you you have to have a developer's account which is like 99 dollars -- -- to get access to do that and you don't even have to develop if you're on it. -- but the event focusing like we mentioned -- yesterday on IOS and OS-X which -- leading a lot of people believe that the iPhone might be delayed. Earth I've definitely been some angered developers you know talking about that Nintendo 3-D S sales apparently -- that a Nintendo record -- and even though -- were skeptical about the president has snagged the title of Nintendo's best. One day hand held sales but there -- the highest for any Nintendo handheld system. In our history. The number by the way of calls and emails received by our customer support center they say. As well below the rate experienced during past hardware content and there are no widespread use today -- they didn't give a physical number but -- said it's their best number -- sales. The real question now Roberts. In the -- is detect heat island. I'm not an -- I don't know I don't wanna kill those I don't -- I don't think kill yet honestly this is like. I wanna hold on to this reminds me and without doing -- there is also on the if you are still looking for an iPad two. Better it has arrived at 500 radio -- Thursday that has been confirmed. I'm I don't know how -- the lines are but you guys are not alone it's you it's pretty much impossible to still buy an iPad is -- list. In line -- a local store at 7 AM cross your fingers and -- -- got a few but the RadioShack. Probably is already sold out of them by now as well. How -- you come out today. On a totally and hilariously unrelated note in my home state of Montana if you sign up for DISH Network TV at RadioShack he get a for young. Thanks is likely to thank us -- room amenity doesn't mean -- in that area that's really and actually -- -- data video of the Montana state legislator arguing passionately for Durham driving. And I'm making them. -- has apparently dropped by at 13. -- in the wake of Microsoft's. Team up with the authorities to rush the rough stock bot net. Evidently it is in fact working they say it had been responsible for an average of 28 point 5% of global spam. And from all -- in March oh wow and -- right while and then following the -- global spam volumes fell by 13. So enjoy that respite for another two weeks until -- -- -- -- to get up and running. That's impressive within botnets then they -- -- Also Intel refreshing a consumer line of solid state drives. On day debuted a third generation. Other -- he drives going up to as high as 600 gigs for solid state drive. And also lowering the price across the board by as much as 100 dollars -- I mean this is the whole hard drive Moore's law in effect -- cheaper. Better faster. Element awesome amount -- -- -- -- editor dean yeah all the time -- don't necessity a little loop. You wouldn't know me you know -- -- know me. A little loophole for the New York Times subscription pay while if you're not interest in backed. You can apparently get the -- while I mean you can apparently does appear refer you or help or hurt. You can get New York Times dot com accessed for free if you're a Kindle subscriber to the New York Times -- just announced. But basically there -- subsidizing it -- not a New York Times thing but but Amazon may instruct them deal. I guess and says if you subscribe to the Kindle. Version port twenty dollars a month -- -- will not have to pay for any content and accessing your -- isn't that counter intuitive to. All of New York Times as many multiple myriad pay walls seems that's -- you pay. Just goal you don't even have to have a Kindle just subscribed -- the Kindle somewhere and it. You get access to it everywhere you want on your phone on your tablet on your browser. Yeah good point I'm just as they thought about yet read it underneath I would I would almost one if I cared enough to spend that kind of money on a single source of digital news which -- -- -- to -- smoking crack. Act when equipment how easy you can you know you could even put it on your no color maybe actually known. -- the Kindle now but and base that's a horrible transition. As the midst pointy or any carrier go to guts they are right what are you talking about followed the move because you got -- who who is talking interior to act oversee. Estimates point three million next -- sold did -- times known for their. Plentiful iPhone rumors. Say sources are stating that three -- -- have rolled off the assembly night and into stores. That's. The kind of sounds more like a -- number if you ask me yeah but I give in the Nook Color firmly at 50% of the iPad like tablet market and we've been talking about the net from -- -- I'm just gonna you know give deal well props. How we got out with one -- we've been saying that this is a sleeper hit. And was a sleeper hit all -- -- Internet and then they played it perfectly like -- try to crack down. They said. They -- out of them and get the total and -- -- -- what they're having their apps or come out with flash support in an update I think it's not can't it's not out yet right throwing out and pretty soon via any currently on my current and of the month maybe then something like that now. Yes I think. -- -- -- -- The color -- literally get stuff for their -- like it. I those -- quick hits for today. On two -- Pretty hair -- science news. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I mile I had excellent science like a blanket -- -- -- better. That happier -- -- -- put a little pat does that now all right here we go on in sad news that will make us all right here in the US China. Is planned to overtake the US and science in two years this was a study by the Royal Society UK's national science academy. Essentially they said in 1996 version of analysis. US published over 290000. Papers more than ten times a -- and these are documents that are -- -- -- recognize international journals. So then on if you look at this chart that they have projected. The lines. Are like Microsoft's. Mobile phone Sharon Apple's Pittston and acts intersect dean rapidly. 2013. This -- our research output specifically. China has already displaced the UK of the world's second leading producer research and could go on to take over America hasn't -- in orbit in two years' time. Our earlier. That expected this is the conclusion of a major new study by the understandably bitter royal society -- the -- achievement academy but I gotta admit. It doesn't sound that are -- considering that like we're not teaching -- apparently you're in the United States to its mine call for. You know -- sciences and drive technology and innovation and industry. The authors describe the dramatic changes in the global scientific landscape and warned that this has implications for -- nation's competitiveness. Accordingly to report the scientific league tables are not just about trustees. They're barometer of a country's ability to compete on the world stage for example -- -- -- to be the country that wants but the man on the moon. To say and that was science not a science. You know we should totally -- without interference. Science. Of that topic. -- subject. So we continue in other news apparently -- NASA lacks the scientific know how -- just -- NASA has given up though I hope to build a 3-D camera for the next Mars robotic rover rover. They say that time ran out on efforts to develop the system and get it's officially tested. Before the rover is scheduled to launch later this year so there's not gonna be any. Three V or zoom. -- method does that. -- is the they're they're now you know I didn't read this article but. Load when we -- that picture I realize why they're -- this -- James Cameron isn't happy that he wants to make African movie in space in 3-D he's like. Look at his -- How can -- mean like millions and millions more dollars on this stands in through the Korean landed easily knowledge. Yet he said David Cameron apparently was involved in helping to build the new camera which would have had -- zoom and 3-D capabilities. I'm not gonna -- Jamestown was actually very instrumental in setting up the -- a 3-D camera system like it was proprietary and hopefully you did all that to build it and partner with. Panasonic not that I'm pimping them but and -- telling the back down so he was definitely at the forefront of pushing that forward at least from -- -- -- of cinematic scaled. A lot of talent -- -- -- -- -- he pioneered some of the deep dive technology is that led to the Titanic recovery due to the direct your address and end up. In. That for the movie and now he's a he's a science minded guy -- and and has managed to make scientific breakthroughs because I -- he got a good education before we stop teaching science in America. Idea in fact he was so -- He was so involved in science is that when that Leonardo DiCaprio falls off the loading would peace and -- anything it's in the background like you see a mobile come -- of his notes. Like there's one single bubble -- the -- who. And and I I laughed so hard when I -- -- It was this negative replica nodes -- -- -- into I don't know if they could whenever someone singson guys know bubbles come out of their nose and. And if the -- the latter apparently -- when they were shown that and also Leonardo liked. -- some content is still -- And -- like all -- all areas. It's like is this ridiculous. I really missed it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They didn't it is even though the science is not being -- Here in America or respected at all -- well there are at least children out there in the world who are so freaking smart -- they -- able to teach it to themselves. Ladies and gentlemen we have this world has that govern the next Einstein. And he -- twelve. And -- is autistic. And -- the higher IQ than Einstein. He taught himself calculus and algebra geometry and economic tree in a week. Is tutoring fellow college classmates this is amazing and then and this is unbelievable he -- -- written. The theory of relativity he's expanded his own version of Einstein's there relative. Yeah -- would like. Okay but I think it can do better. His -- wasn't sure if he was just talking nonsense or -- the genus and she sent a video of his theory. Today Institute for Advanced Study near Princeton and and that like only option via. It's pretty phenomenal there's how do you do like I hate it boggles my mind how how'd you you know twelve years old -- to be able -- -- -- -- It's incredible. -- -- -- physics professors got -- mean who is himself a world renowned expert. In relativity confirm the authenticity object work if and I am impressed by interest and edit the name companies learned so far. The -- that he's working on involves several of the toughest problems in Astro physics and theoretical physics. Anyone who solves these will be in line for a Nobel Prize. We'd like thirteen or whatever in an avenue about two years old it's just see -- see how he's writing and writing his you know formula on a window. Normally I'm drawing happy faces with my finger. Need to -- says -- over. -- always -- people suspected crack me to -- not calculus people are people arts he is about to become a paid after physics researcher. It's amazing copper on that -- kids -- -- up against China absolutely. Can lead to we replicate him now yeah now that it's pretty -- Anyway that's -- that. You never know what's going out there in the world and actually I'm thinking and if it -- or plain incidentally bracket. He might have been. Only the third that it into have been incorrectly predicted the final four ESPN research which who Twitter account by the way. It's kind of interesting stuff. Two weeded it. This week that out of five point nine million brackets and the SP internment talents only to rule. Predicted this final format at that we have now. I don't I don't I don't even know like I have a friend in my pool and arm. A lady friend and I'm not gonna criticize -- for not knowing anything about college that's -- she knows nothing about college basketball currency is the lead dean. You know they're the people that are like images every upset because I like the -- -- and your like your route via your bracket is so weak sauce and then now it's like. -- guys and everyone that knows or cares about fassel's like screw you. The only reason why you got that is -- you dog. And whenever but you know it's the one make it all the money now so who's black girls have healing about under nine. I had such a damn lazy bracken at I would admit they would like to use this one. That was an airport. And -- -- -- -- -- budget predicts that not only is this Tuesday's three well I like my guy friends that do multiple -- -- different outcomes hoping Michael disguised as a win and I'm gonna have these guys win. And when it all does dies on them they're described -- -- you have no idea I treated it should actually a picture of like it. I thought I was earlier if there's a picture of LA from battle built for metal handles like the smoking ruin an early development bracket which -- But it kinda worth the money for all that action probably come -- over -- -- I was doing so well to yours is amazing. Telling -- -- back with that okay. And so last week I got called out a tiny bit or possibly he may be referring to workers at the Patent and Trademark Office -- harbor statement. And one of them -- -- and that's a cool but end up. If that's I like your show but that's not to know that's not -- at all and I I can bet that an offensive. But he said. That outsourcing basically patent applications and requests after they've already been approved to the tech community coming up -- like prior art from Google in crap is not a good way. -- patents. But we have a caller who suggest that maybe in fact it. Ultra accurate after listening to the patent office I call it -- -- It mentioning -- age should have -- job compared to view. Not to patent and -- then. -- prior art is in town via outsourcing market but depending upon -- -- people aren't prior art. Are all community of people look to other people are. -- -- -- they're all about dot. It. Public but. -- My name -- -- man Sam lake let go. I totally agree why can't we do that pencil areas. That -- in like three words he completely describe what the Internet world is ultimately did he nailed the entire. An entire community of people who love to -- other people around. That's. Only -- and our people. Okay through like they didn't even things that -- -- applicant Esquire. Magazine cover from 1963. Where they had -- and that's our little logo in through -- -- And they were like how could this possibly be prior art for the Google doodle on an -- to Google to get to in 1963 to -- to -- down to -- to the website. Like -- we is that in the weekend are -- although it had zero regardless it's no longer nationally however having issues there -- like we -- that. I think in this case the wisdom of the crowd could potentially help protect innovation. Where appropriate absolutely. Okay we read the first email because we don't have allowed to read the second again. I am Mike writes in and says on Thursday show up -- Apple TV integration plans -- mentioned -- to be the final nail in the coffin for Google TV. I disagree. I think I -- Android apps become available on Google TV this spring we'll see Google TV really take off. Putting a better product in the hands of customers before Apple's -- even see the light of day and the that the big marketing push and release a second -- Google TV devices to coincide with -- launch -- Android apps. Then they could easily overtake Apple in the living in the living room. That I like option Apple simply doesn't provide that Amazon Apple and Google are all working on -- digital -- services and I fully expect Google to light jacket. -- act that Amazon service in addition to their own do you really think Apple's going to allow anything but their own service will now know. My hope it does that Logitech will come out the second -- review with the Blu-ray player built in and that in addition to the video conferencing available for the review would be huge. Of the show -- -- campaign I like his points that would so what was it that. That you need to say the Apple TV would just kill them was it was their specific kind of thing. -- -- show so. I think actually has -- and his that in general or somebody said it was going to be the death of Google TV but it did I mean it but it was like it was simple delivery via. With products that you Marty -- -- That don't cost a -- more money they give us you know I mean and it was Apple taking the the embedded system model like if they get tips. And software built into TV -- and Google still trying to sell 300 dollar group you know Logitech revue. Boxes that barrier to entry is so simple now and then press a button on your phone and Apple that the content agreements and Google -- -- does not mean that's the big thing. The -- -- the wishful thinking like I think it's wishful thinking because I do think that Apple right now has the content agreements that Google doesn't and Google is like at war. With the content creators over the anyway but you know -- It could happen. Right yeah that's not coincidentally. All right this only comes from Robb report called Colorado dear buzz -- my wife and I just past our two year contract date with Verizon for a -- -- phones. She has a pearl flip that is almost useless now -- -- you know you're right and I have a storm. Or preset on the iPhone for next phone will be -- with Verizon. -- to make it until July or so waiting for the iPhone five but Apple news about WW DC has me wondering. Should we wait for the iPhone five to come out just -- the iPhone four. Thanks for all the great -- -- it was that sound. You guys you -- -- eyes have you looked. At Verizon lined study looked at the boat and have been announced the problem. -- -- -- It possible to have sheep like devotion still I think that by its crappy not forgy totally outdated iPhone -- right now I'm greedy that they will be outdated by pollen and iPod -- we don't even know what it can be party to mean probably not let's be honest like you say that by the -- that. Still there. There you don't even though you don't you going to look at the -- can be like. Yeah right now on Verizon are freaking unbelievable -- even if you -- are -- aware of the -- awesome -- of the Motorola. Droid by on it like you're just. The options left in the world -- -- -- -- iphones early. -- don't have the money -- -- that's that's the only thing we're saying we really got you love the iPhone that's fine but c'mon let's let's be a little more you know. In -- ads Verizon. The exterior of the year we call it -- and generates going to be but it is the carrier of the year already I know and if -- art and resident and you're gonna go at present that you have. Got I am begging you to take a look at their lineup of other phones on Verizon does not -- -- thing but really -- It's just to competition thing -- as technology enthusiasts we implore you. We have to do that -- options that you can now there's an app that you absolutely use you cannot get anywhere else then I'd get it. And I know you didn't write that to us here then I get it okay so I at least -- -- you know. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We don't have the iPhone right now but we have the HTC evo I -- there have had is you know those you know those guys they had those people in stuffed animal costumes. -- south by southwest -- and they were giving out stickers. Is the best buy employee got I took a picture on my god I -- -- with them in the my phone crafts remember and that's the picture. Was -- my iPhone what have not yet but I'm -- crashed. -- I don't like it knows my fault but on the what happens when you put on developer of anyway rob if you if you if you and says you can just get them iPhone for now because -- on planet probably not an outwardly anyway is that I'm not worth waiting for but I really wanna encourage them I would argue with little -- I would argue though with the delay. If it does come -- of all. That I might come with it might be -- forgy LT phone into the command on yeah that's why the delay it's part of -- at men because the chips by then. They'll though I definitely think it's -- -- Arm I woods if it's three months out that they're doing it or pushing it back payments out no that's a lot of time to be able to incorporate -- -- In at least from a manufacturing standpoint. Is all about size it's -- -- -- that's why they would it. But it you know they said the size of the chips -- -- would compromise their own mind you know Apple they don't mind a little angels secret -- alignment and community. I know I agree and I've been saying that forever and I'm and I'm in line with exactly same but I think the fact that it's coming out -- -- now. There's a strong strong chance it will have four -- unit. I will say that if it doesn't. They've -- about organic competitive landscape now and a totally -- right a year after that and -- -- -- a foraging bouts of Whaley of the game. -- Amendment and African and varieties the Atlanta incidentally it's if you love the evo -- -- you have to give them mobile and loathing -- -- it. I listen to get to phone answers now. And it -- And non -- -- If -- -- if you are your own family plan. And I hate -- I guess we should probably and today's show can have been going on awhile although it hasn't really -- it has been this filled me too drugs that close any app -- -- and lies wanted to say. Thanks for our guests for being on the subject. Yet -- Definitely an awesome awesome and yes we were you we really appreciate all your great input. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sorry if you would like you make -- -- than palace of this has announced a nearly thinking it probably actually -- -- -- that. -- -- -- I yet to these despite what you don't care Gonzales ending go to other shows and let you know we laugh away more -- beyond their. But if you also wanna know -- talking about that detective -- picture. You can find it in the show notes which is located -- our -- be -- that cnet.com along with all of the other links the story that we talked about today. 1806160. Victory is our phone number and Stephen has it in thankfully cleared -- -- -- Boxee can -- with access. And buzz that cnet.com is our email address followed on Twitter. As if things go around with the podcast posting. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Steven and beat them and put dot com slash dvd beat him you got a whole -- of followers for the wrong reason on the -- right. I am Hollywood and Brian Tong has -- -- tong if you've been looking for him it's just turn him. Greg you tomorrow or both gonna be here -- -- yes through the Flickr get its data Friday that well I. It would be -- my -- yes.

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