Ep. 1412: Where we game the system
Ep. 1412: Where we game the system

Ep. 1412: Where we game the system

What's going on everyone it's Wednesday January 22. 2014 this is the 404 show I'll get back I'm just new I'm -- on the RLs like in new -- guys gonna do it on Susie in my local government you looked very comical and mopping the idea. Directory is that if you can -- can -- a Canadian from South Park. I -- what's up everybody. Welcome to the show. And it was getting used to introducing the show you away. You almost speak I almost started talking and then music via. Apple and -- -- you were gone not because you were gone but because of the gas that we had when you -- way. I heard it worked out pretty well -- Scott Stein was here and you have gone for a long time that deceit yes and we sort of had to moved on how if you ask. Of we have Scott Stein with the wrap up -- CES that suits your portrait was good because he had big presence there -- And Yang yesterday we had stare at -- to no way I -- -- -- talk about Spike Jones that would be her. Which is good I I haven't seen yet. Com I want to. Do do you wanna see of course mostly. I mean -- being -- which is like degrees films -- made. This one is it written by -- right is written by -- but its -- if I -- -- -- great so I'm gonna see this week for shares of weights are too was here yet you the last time we answer to on the show. This is -- before -- years ago. And news -- news still mean -- Wilson. And she came on appreciate any idea which is getting -- and did you bring this up yesterday when I did after the okay and it was telling him that I enjoyed yes it's still much better. Howard had this come together and how did you in what what I had -- seen her in the whole. That's a screener the -- Canada -- -- over the weekend and it really enjoyed it. -- -- -- mean that it definitely getting saharan JS I came in and those kind of walking around the office is sort of a ghost town because of the snowstorm in a lot of people here. -- -- that -- had themed movie. So high I asked tie it. And I went around asking people wanted to get a female perspective here -- asked Lori Grunin who's ever been on the 404 before right. I figured that be -- nice. Little introduction the chance in look at so I would is there a team who just started recovering from the bronchitis rate. Actually yes she was on them but they don't. Man. That's where congress is to realize that recovery and there. Whose packet into the microphone is if you -- yeah yeah it's not known in some and -- which might that he before the -- gonna hit. So those great Agassi go back to listen to it after you watch the movie because -- about the spoilers okay. Well that's really cool but. Before you watch the movie prepared to be depressed. Because -- really. It's an amazing movie you just from the -- you -- sort of surmised that. It's about a dude -- super lonely will not just that but it's also limited -- real in terms of wired. Dependency techno all right on the Internet -- I'm -- -- to go check it on. Yes so I think that among men and -- So knowing what's going on with your health recently -- -- early before CES. -- you got sick after CES there was this I got Hertz or was it because we talked about how easy it is to get sick during the -- Well I I don't think that help I mean I was sick in San Francisco in the December. And I got back in -- gotten sick. You think he'd gotten sick -- did I sound exactly like him cough and long -- and right so that and then I felt better reports yet I get back and CS and now it's like -- 10203. For two and a half days. I think you can -- Psycho -- and UK -- about eating ethnic thing and army. You would assume that because you're so apparently you would be taking precautions not that it preacher figures -- you know those heard you know. Random meetings through a talk here here's an hour and you wash your hands what I know he washing hands line it was it was really look I don't wanna get too much into it it was I've never been that -- -- -- -- -- at least seven years like it was. It was bad I was I don't remember that -- office. I couldn't get that -- I was so -- in my mind you know what happens when you get the -- all delirious -- coming into the office -- on my Dick like some other people. US to whom and -- it's really really upset at people in the office. When they come in and anything if you cannot be no because even if -- on the tail and of their illness and taking medication and no longer that's -- -- he's still angry at them but not only that you leaving -- -- the -- -- -- to be like. Go home. It's really -- should put them and it's like this person is already not feeling well you to have a -- go up to -- -- you like your growth getaway for me right now. People listening can chime in with -- -- oh my god is it. It is the antithesis of selfishness. Okay I'm saying don't like leave your life. But what I'm sure is she its saying is don't you come in here with your germs -- your coffee or whatever the hell it is. And and get and potentially compromise the health of everyone on the contact -- that -- -- and work in New York. That's all you have to -- You take public transportation to work -- -- -- -- those turnstile -- gone in to those things you breed here in the subway effort is all areas. Sharing six minutes of airspace with someone a stranger is not -- -- working eighty hours next to some. Hero there's no way that we contract -- -- you can assume you technically now while law regardless regardless of what I'm saying and people at home. Tell me it's -- a coworker comes in. And in there sick -- The -- -- do you get yourself Holm get out of the office use selfish son of a bitch right. You don't agree -- I do Mario back me up angry right now I didn't have as an adult time yet so I can't complain. -- -- -- Now that -- -- blame them so I come back from CES I feel I'm fine for the Saturday Sunday I wake up death. For two and a half days. And I'm supposed to go on this Lake Tahoe trip outlast -- -- And Lake Tahoe which include an area I'm pretty sure that while he was starting to feel thing. You also went on a different trip I went to a few weddings known didn't you know. Sworn you were not -- Cambridge sound to I was sick on new year I -- sick I knew I was feeling better by new years -- a -- -- Our it will anyway how is future so the trip was great guests are feeling better -- skiing is a photo of Stacey and me on the top. Of heavenly mountain. That's pretty sick you -- you looked down at Lake Tahoe and if you're seeing it -- the the video here. To the left of me is California to the right of -- Nevada. News and Lake Tahoe sort of like hangs out in like the elbow part -- California like. Goes down to the right and Nevada's likes and nestled in there. That's where Lake -- is that's where -- -- -- coolest thing about -- tower look I'll click off this thing here and you can sort of see like. They give you these passes and this is like the tech angle of -- trip dvds like little cards are eight. And they're called epic -- epic mix. And what they do is they track your progress on the mountain news if you're looking at your screen here you can see like how many BIS and did. So my first day send -- 111700. Feet on through and it has an -- of the little card as an RFID chip in it. So every time you go through -- lift. It's like EZ pass and a -- -- -- -- chances are he's taken this up. -- CS -- for three days not so much on the third because I was rocked by that third. And then you are Michael these badges -- -- like this says which you know which lift -- -- what day. This is -- script I have a dream unlocked. Fifty points for skiing on Martin Luther King Jr. day which is down manager's name. -- yeah so it's a really really cool you get -- like Xbox achievements through. And -- -- Indian and the -- no reprise. You think David do you like raffle ticket yet somehow exchange him for like a plastic parachuting man yes and suddenly and like that but -- -- you you know and then you take photos anywhere in the -- And the guy just like blessed you with like a radar it senses your RFIDs is hey Jeff what's up having a good day I'm like. Yes sir and thank you for asking and all that nonsense it's really cool none of the mountains have been through on the East Coast have sophisticated stuff like this on those pre recorded teachers from the photos and putting it out it was really warm here. The only like about thirty to 45% in the mountains open yet. Are they were having a big -- drought and com it was so warm night got away with wearing a T shirt and jacket out there -- like 4550. Yes that's -- -- an example here. When apathetic when other Californians. His load in mid seventies on Christmas in orange county and California it was 81 degrees. So I mean it's part of it was beautiful too yeah same thing happened when -- out there was it like sixties. The -- there's some. Great it's it's so -- so we're supposed to come back on Tuesday. Obviously a little bit of snow fell in New York received tablets known you for really you're six years and -- and it's underlined in as once it was only. That's what I tell my parents like fifteen of -- it and city -- the I hope -- get pride of -- -- the city. On a confide back on Tuesday. Got -- that cancel had spent hours in Reno Nevada thanks. -- -- -- you've been. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You know Reno -- -- stand with me. Been there -- -- itself and is kind depressing it's it's because it's not Las Vegas. And they got the whole like all the little of the biggest little city in the world this mean. There's not like that casinos and the streets and -- New pleases. And it was truly. A depressing 24 hours except these portable explained was some marathon and not well that's -- -- So it goes Las Vegas. Atlantic City Reno and depressing places to game Reno even deserves to be on that literally you'd put bluntly. Like I don't know why. Like -- is like. Kansas City, Missouri yeah or something where they kind of -- like we're seeing -- they allow gambling on the water and crazy. Very upsetting the city but I -- get to visit a place called men wielding fire. Which is Saddam a really good barbecue place and we also saw. If you've seen -- right yeah we saw the with the bowling Alley was underway the championship at the national bowling alien visitor is in Reno and about it at all. That's the most exciting thing to do you really like. We looked on trip advisor and the national -- museum was like number theory in -- -- the view -- arena. Number one was leave -- number -- yeah it was it was Bob was upsetting photos like a forty dollar hotels -- those -- anyway. That was the storing getting less -- like 11 o'clock from back. I'm so excited. It took forever is like my first in the office in January -- I'm I'm very excited to keep going all on the stuff we've got planned for this year so it's super exciting. And -- -- -- -- -- the -- you guys Obama seriously. It's been a hell of a couple months -- up the whole studio all this crap that we've dealt with. But now where much better place you know I'm very excited fortunes -- -- -- created yet. That's that's that's it I'm back let's rock and roll and skin and the cool. Let's talk about this first story -- I think it's pretty -- -- only have two of them today but this one's gonna take a lot of time. On and we talk about online dating a lot that this is a story about a guy who actually hacked OK cupid to sort of find his true love. I have some thoughts about this but foray into that he when introduces. So this is this is crazy and and I'm surprised it's like the first -- -- actually hearing about someone. Hacking dating website and are you would imagine that like these sites like -- -- -- -- -- dot com. Are constructed to give you the most efficiently. You know prepared list of people that you're compatible right. But what Chris McKinley did. -- of 35 year old Ph.D. student. He actually turn the site in his favor. And did a little hacking and he set up a bunch of -- OK cupid accounts that were coated with a hyphen script python script. And he basically was able to use and to search. Thousands of profiles. And essentially harvest six million questions and answers from 20000 women around the country. He group those women into seven categories. And then through his own sort of like proprietary algorithm. Was able to really use OKQ -- database to single out personally. Who would be compatible matches romantically. For him to -- -- game the system. And you know it's awesome because he totally use this be used OK cupid. In a way that no one is not designed for he -- took advantage of their data and all that sort of stuff but the big controversy now is like a he did he break the law. -- which. I guess technically he -- But at the same kind of like that who cares. As a genius. Who wouldn't wanna -- this fantastic gentlemen. -- to say. What are your thoughts on. Okay I don't know if he's a genius I think this is smarter than the average OK -- -- -- Smart in the -- -- -- users of -- the fact is that okay keep does open up exactly what you just go to their algorithm that shows matches part of it is definitely these questions. The survey questions that you fill out the -- survey questions he -- out supposedly the bigger pool of women -- men are -- you -- it. On the problem with this is that the survey questions are submitted by the users themselves here is a certain collection of them that are you know pre the written. OK cupid. But -- -- crowd source you can submit your own question. And have that -- don't have that yet but a lot of them are completely mundane and so I don't know if these matches actually helped. On for him a lot of gamers who randomly out a lot of right would you rather questions. Remember reading when I was like oh would you rather sweat milk or have to to cache it every fifteen minutes -- -- and how does is. Really just -- kind built Kirsten I Dan -- -- but the thing is you answer these questions based on what you think the -- -- want to see. -- would you wanna date someone who -- -- -- -- -- and it does make sense that's -- really random questions asked. That on top of I want to hear more about his experience using -- -- -- prior to being so frustrated he had hacked the site. Will look this guy is a self declared math genius -- all. So if I'm a math genius. I basically my religion is math and I only trusts statistics and numbers and stuff like that yet which. Like this and live my life view with a similar sort of Sandra yeah. He I would imagine like he gave it the old college try and then after awhile maybe things are working -- he was -- getting this the -- that's the type of response he wanted breath that was like you know line. The site is free can hackable -- I'm gonna try something now. I mean come on mom and at this guy at all somebody wanted to do was writing the script that basically went through all of his matches that Oki Q beats him up with. Automatically rated them five stars and then viewed their profile write rights -- basically just opened up his pool of -- that. Thought he was looking at their programs he took advantage of Lego look -- a book of -- loopholes that right. Was never exploited before. -- -- -- But my thing is. You know maybe the reason why he was thinking and of messages wasn't because not -- when we're looking in his profile. Maybe is because his profile read like a creeps yeah -- read like somebody who would hack an online game. -- falsify information like this or media its photos were all taking in front of a mere or something like that you know like how I would sort of turn. That lens on himself and be like what was wrong with your profile that you weren't getting the -- that everybody else that was using okay granted. Was able to reject -- you know there's there's there's something makes you so special right there's something kind of creepy there it is sad. I mean look let me like it's. I think the ultimate hack on OK cupid is too long enough. Right like the ultimate hack it to get off OK -- right and you wanna -- -- -- little amount of time on the outside as possible -- and if you're spending it you know just. It's not a numbers game. Right like a -- -- that's -- looking. Right and I mean but it didn't -- dallas' objective is to get latest maintenance -- bill -- clear that he that's not like the primary receiver rather firmly that I would respect a little bit more than him doing something like. This is -- guy. It's funny because I think the reason this is made so much. News is because the original wired article is a very sexy kind of article -- -- its -- -- math genius. -- OK cupid to find true love right well there's like many contradictions. In that headline alone and I like. Who -- you can't hack love love is like an organic natural process threat and the fact that the girl that he found through this -- he ultimately propose to over Skype sort of just proves. That he's not -- an average -- the user. -- is engagement -- engaged now you know look. It's it's weird though like the most interesting thing about this guy is that he did it's right right so that's his whole lay claim to fame right now. On again you know -- I think it's an interesting story. Identified one of the -- -- thousand -- and you know especially have exploited the system that's in little creepy here it -- but on nevertheless. You know there's someone for everyone in this -- approved it even if you. Deliberately compromise yet that process. I also think that it's great you can -- it as much as you want but ultimately you're gonna have to be the one going on the -- with right and that. -- to respond to it you're gonna do that's all right you're gonna have to put up with yourself as -- awkwardly stumbled through this date if you don't have the social skills to grind through it. So I kind of wanted to see all like these -- date that this guy has gone on who knows maybe he is a social person and he's able to to do it but -- Well we did a story reads like he's just as awkward weirdo programming. In the basement -- like. Just like you'll have to do all the stuff to like find the response on and on -- dating in all you have to do is like. -- -- grunt work you know like finder that you think is worth messaging. Send a worthwhile message right and then do things to improve your own image on the side why does. You could photos of yourself. Don't write like a funny picky profiles or something right and then followed through with like a good date did the go through albums. Oh I guess now I mean I get the users and yeah you know answers for -- this -- just seemingly genetically programmed to -- he does -- Man I just I wanna know like. You're making us started this as a dean and then again we to really hit a hat yeah you know his emphatic in these something on here -- and then after Rollins thing is yeah -- hat at -- it seems like it took so much effort when you can it is. You know don't everyone else does. You what's good tip for OK cupid. Give you free to. Cool because all three of us are needed fit in case on this what I told my my friends on Wiki cupid is what you gotta do. Look up bands that are coming into town at your local venue it's right for us it's like terminal five on display here and here in -- Look up and that are coming right. Bands that you like that are coming and then go on -- cupid do a search for those bands and find out which females or males if your woman. Com or whatever you know and then of find out who lists those bands as their favorites and asked them if they going to match. That's a little bit hacking too big Catholic social engineering but -- -- hacking the website now and those are like little things you can -- I go into the script to do. That's that's Smart men -- trade secrets -- wouldn't give those away -- -- differently -- Florida would did you meet your girlfriend again and did not. Know enough to that have deployed yet. You it was a more organic never will this. I think like the best it is -- -- real messages you know don't rights. Templates right or if you do have to read it template make it a template of mechanical method -- -- -- I -- like or rights they want to -- yes let's say you see some unlike. I -- the movie her right and you craft is -- clever message rather than movie. Then do a search for someone else you know for anyone else who buy them and then send that the man dating sounds like so much more -- and -- these days. Look I'm not gonna -- a part of me is a little. -- -- I don't wanna -- this the sound the wrong way apart is a little like bombed out that I get the -- like this whole digital dating thing yet. Not because of I'm not happy yet because I I would you know it seems -- like a game. And I just wanna play that game a little bit yet at the same time though. The horror stories that -- and and hold -- yet single friends and just like the crap that you got to deal list. It's you it's a good job as a second job. And it's crazy when I was on Vegas and I was hanging -- with a couple of you know friends and in the industry. And one of them was single and he was on Tinder. Vegas. And he'd been there for like four days -- -- and it kept sane man every hinder your life like in Vegas. It's a prostitute. In blow that's what they're doing there there like on Tinder. And when you chat they go -- they give you like African priceless ride isn't that crazy. I mean it's kind of brilliant and crazy -- -- time yeah -- -- a perfect suite this gorgeous 23 year old is into me once I need up. A pair 500 books who'd ever thought most roses overrun error and we want to and from money origin fifty roses -- -- -- my time right I mean again it's crazy ray I think. For online dating it's such an uphill battle just to get to -- -- Yeah that's all it is you know and I mean before you do is a -- little bit of courage like it's shot down but the end of the night you -- forget about it okay now you have to do with search. They you have to find later they you have to create a cleverness that you know -- -- it's it's such. Struggle just to get to that starts conscious and everything after that you have to rely back on your own personality it's not -- of this online thing. Is completely online eventually it should open person and should -- constant stream -- it's it's tough I mean. And I think of anything else did you practice for people who happen. And man or one app for your single friends -- -- have that easy again. And ultimately people can still line. Right I mean this guy -- -- -- -- my levels. But they could still be lying about what they look like what they're interested in how much money they're making sure you have a very long and and shattered path. Of being yourself. And being honest people transparent and I -- I read that there are agencies only dating agencies in Asian countries that actually require you to submit things like your diploma. You've proven employment or year's national registration files in order to prove that how much do you say you make behind right actually you gotta give him like Adobe to yes exactly the Chinese -- -- -- understand -- -- -- -- I don't wanna start of that the exact site though you can do that via the -- we're gonna finish things up today with. -- the little discussion about what's arguably the most awkward part of online chat -- Yeah I mean there isn't really a story that Islam this I just kind of wanted to bring -- up because we talked about a lot of -- subjects but this is something we really expose. And I am wondering why it's still around and what function -- -- aside from just making everybody feel super -- I'm with you on this a little a little -- we're talking about the the message anytime you're -- G chatter few students they'll use any -- like that even a text message I don't know about -- -- I you know -- -- -- -- they put that -- -- -- -- something -- -- it is that. We're talking about the little temporary message that says. You were the person you're corresponding letter. Is typing yeah right so it's like the does the does sort of calm before the storm -- could -- -- sees yet be that actual message as you partners sometimes it's like a pencil with a couple dots next through a gap. It's the you know just -- is typing thing yet and it's you know -- -- -- we got word of it. At least that it's being called the most awkward part of -- -- through an article on new republic dot com and it's funny because you -- -- when you see that. What's your your thought especially I think when you when there's like a midair collision and unite -- likes. And you both stop because they -- the same idea heated. And then it's just silence radio silence for like 48 seconds a little worse is when you both don't stop. Right and then you both. Bring up a new subject and it's like there's actually -- competition -- the same time could simulate questions break and then you have to almost like backtrack a little bit awry and you answer the first thing that was talked about. See what the second thing it. I import that in like in a slick sort of place that both don't sound completely crazy -- like gosh it's not that bad when -- just -- to a friend I mean who cares to an it fresher. -- the worst when -- in the courtship period which is another way that neat online dating whether it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So it's a river on a team and I was like in college music so -- I was -- -- -- or something. And I would like I would bitterly not touch. And you think -- didn't know what activated the -- yeah okay. It could be the mouse move data entry error grieving over the touchpad but it does -- -- -- cloth on the keyboard area that could interpret that as I'm typing or -- doesn't show you on your graduate typing right exactly and another good thing. I always so anxious about like you know you start typing and the -- back space and you electro and the person -- others like. Oh they they weren't happy with the first thing man -- -- -- -- delete that now -- just there's pondering about liked that there are. Yeah yeah you wouldn't like that I don't do -- and leave it there for like I'd like to that it doesn't. Matter how much -- it just that you've -- them -- despite type one thing. Leave the room share either -- -- -- become actively wow. You people -- -- it seems like you've typed paragraph yeah messages annually. Now and the person on the other completely. -- -- -- reunites. Him to -- this -- you're overseas and typing and then you entered something. And then they stopped typing and you right. Yet the value of an ever present -- as you thought there but few people talking dad into. And I ended up that part of -- and you -- -- you know there's a lot. -- illusion of train of thought there sir I don't like you know what I would do so when I first realized like oh man this could be a compromising a little detail that I don't want. My new partner to it to -- no there was a setting in in mean. After which version where you could -- uncheck that box -- and -- don't let them know and type. -- my. It was an -- achievement and you know I want to give people that they look it's -- enough that I go -- when -- I -- okay. Are of the view that he was seeing when I'm typing media -- -- that was historical accounts and that's it minute's code on you can change in G -- in -- and analysts either mean what it warmed my heart and soul like she was something like. Here it is the it's gonna smelling perfume that these data and somehow that -- computers period for me is is like. Trying to write the being funny to a girl via active. And then no typing and share and -- -- should do a -- now that I shouldn't have to tell others that I'm joking. But then you know she is insane to you have to packaging and -- -- -- -- -- eight. It's the the politics of online chatting lot of lot of red tape. Navigating those -- not not so easy. The real pretty smooth that this that it thing I don't think he ever had this experience is being very quiet and -- an admittedly never been an optically. On the east. -- -- days. And well in. X windows and an -- -- in. -- -- in audio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Board yes exactly just and you can now if you think act and obviously they they would use the out exactly really. It's some high level in and yeah and you you you know you are if you are what is wrong the yet I don't I ask. The couple I don't on bitches overhead on that and Patrick the act is like you guys talk about years strategies -- onions don't you -- love that. Yeah and it. Here is clearly -- there cars and -- out on a how to that really can't do that with -- iPhone now. In the jumping around via. But still. You had your way back in the day I am casting and if I do for greeting cards but it never thought about -- for in and help -- He's on a different. Scoot stare at him -- him and all. While Leo well we say goodbye right that's it for us today great -- We're talking real quick about the voicemail situation I was on our -- -- the other day and IR. -- were -- hey why haven't we had a voicemail and a month well. We still are not able to do that just yet. But we've got the tools now we just gonna set it up and voice mails will be coming back. Very soon so if you want a communicate with the show the best way to do that is to email -- the 44 at cnet.com. -- -- I guess go for it that's 6644 CNET although we can't really hear them for another couple days. While we figure out how word or situation here getting -- to -- but we rubio do that very soon so don't worry that's still happening. You can also send videos if you want. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Read it FaceBook. I don't know what else we got going on the phone never ends overturn SA. That'll do it for us today guys thanks so much for tuning in will finish up the week tomorrow with a brand new show until then I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Justin new Mario on the doing me a favor and check out update I'll be hosting that today and tomorrow slash -- a lot of fun. For a -- show high tech. -- brow we'll see you tomorrow. Have a great there's.

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Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro