Ep. 1360: Level 3 vs. Comcast: it's massive
Ep. 1360: Level 3 vs. Comcast: it's massive

Ep. 1360: Level 3 vs. Comcast: it's massive

-- thirty. And neither -- I'm Brian com online blogging about bell labs fitness podcasts in you permanently -- stated that it says. Thirteen 106. The news. Forty minutes or about thirty minutes -- Think we give -- terrible reverb if -- analyze stream on the music but in -- And enter our game then them -- we have had a -- any morning. And we're ready and we're so unfortunately now we're just pulled up angry and ready to get out -- contests. Our level three or actually yeah contest -- -- -- he could be both actually get 5% artists there right now but lets you will get started though what happened yesterday. Is that level three which is a huge Internet backbone provider put out basically a press release saying that Comcast with trying to charge them additional fees. For receiving traffic from level three that included video streaming. -- essentially. -- the reason video delivery has now increased recently Netflix thing and -- backbone providers from Akamai. To level three and that in turn increase the traffic flow from level three going through Comcast pipes. Wrecked and so then. Comcast said listen if -- -- more than -- because what was that thing about Netflix their traffic with its attempt is a double A basically had doubled there are times though when -- Netflix. At the -- 17% of traffic on the Internet at peak times in the accident Comcast and look now however -- where receiving five times more traffic from level three. So we want them to -- More and then level three put out what John Strickland I think in the -- just called. The best thing ever a master work in passive aggressive press releases and -- Saying that they were trying to put up a whole on the Internet and that that it was potentially. A conflict of interests because Comcast wants to deliver its own content and they painted it as a net neutrality and. And they said advice indeed. Based on what that of federal communications. -- have tenants roughly set in place at this time. Right so the FCC has thinking no no net neutrality guidelines the -- talked about this before they just have guidelines. That say. You can't violate the spirit of net neutrality and you have to allow open access. So then the Comcast put out a statement and says an old none on -- -- and -- This is a peering agreement issue only this is about the fact that we already have an agreement for how we're gonna. Do you traffic and and level three is trying to pretend that it is a content delivery network as the media and like -- -- -- optimize when it delivers content in that way to Comcast has to -- yes so they're trying to say -- -- -- backbone providers that we don't have to pay. Extra -- like Expedia and would even though they're now delivering content in what can arguably be seen as a PDF like fashion. -- so. They're trying to you know through this -- many -- argument out there. There has been at least according to reports that it didn't originate the source of it but that optimize does pay higher fees or did pay higher fees. As a CD -- -- that that's a fact so the fact that level three is now saying oh no they're charging us for no reason other than the fact that our traffic is gone up. We don't know how genuine that really is -- optimize themselves hasn't come out directly said. -- level three are being -- -- of babies because this -- -- that they're getting impose a number the same that we've done that we don't know that that he's the puzzles is a little foggy right now. -- so that's definitely a little fuzzy. Nevertheless there's a really good read up on dig down that that you and I I think that level -- somewhat unfairly painted this as a net neutrality issue but I think the reason. That that happened is that Comcast basically -- to them your going to pay this fee. Or we're not going to deliver your content. And if that is true that as GigaOM points out this hoops state Stacey Higginbotham at beyond what time it takes to really disturbing. Because. Because of the lack of competition. I like it if Comcast says I'm not gonna deliver Netflix. Contents or -- -- -- -- deliver traffic that comes from level three. Because you aren't going to pay this additional fee and -- Comcast is let's be clear trying to get a lot more money for traffic and so. It it is not and that maybe isn't gonna be the way that this works out Writely to it level three is all the backbone and -- and then it does become more complicated but as a backbone -- they shouldn't have to pay for specific types of content that they deliver. And it contest really isn't going to -- and nobody else has any broadband. Competition in their area and Comcast was it -- -- -- and are they in the position of not getting Netflix like it's a very bad. It's a very bad situation that is made all the more complicated. By the fact that Comcast is trying to merge with NBC and become a content provider and there is this huge conflict of interest in -- plate. Even if even if it's not a -- net neutrality issue I think it starts to it gets pretty close to the edges and it gets pretty dangers that Comcast -- ever saying. We're in a position of literally controlling like having a network that only has some content on because that's just a -- about Preston. -- and also the fact is that a Kate they they put a hard line down like level three had to pay. And the reason why little three came out at least. Like we said -- a pain as an -- Cali she which wasn't necessarily the case I think Comcast put the hammer down as a due to -- cutting out the service right. And -- and and I just journal that action alone. And what it's like when you say -- not -- cutting off the service what you're saying is our customers literally will not get certain Internet content. Because we want to control this -- And then likely fed compounded by the possibility that can't get Comcast would be than delivering its own content it just becomes like. It it beat it it goes back to that that article that the manifesto that hamburgers Lee wrote a few weeks ago which is just like dude. The web is in trouble this is really dangerous stuff and and it points. If anything it shined a bright scary ghost light on the broadband competition problem -- Also that what's curious is you don't hear any other content providers like AT&T or what not what. How how do they do their billing system for like content delivery networks because. Level -- having an issue with Comcast but clearly they're not having an issue with like AT&T U verse soul what are those other Internet service providers and carriers. How how -- their relations any different that also and Comcast is stepping outside the bounds of what other Internet service -- have done up to this point and trying to trying to dictate when and what content and what pricing to flow through their pipes. And now it's pretty dangerous someone in the -- -- but it really at -- which is like are we gonna get to a point where we can only view NBC content if you're on Comcast and that's the fear that that's the number one fear because of -- potential merger it hasn't been approved yet -- and others Demi -- -- on it if Comcast -- already -- he'd been this way. Editing and -- -- to just make NBC universal content exclusive to their pipes. Or -- you -- charge such high fees for that because they will be a content delivery network that they -- other you know carriers won't wanna pick that content up. One that's a disturbing trend here like. It is level three Expedia and just because they -- -- I mean or aren't they still a backbone like the point of the neutral net. Is that you don't discriminate against traffic regardless of the packet type -- the traffic -- all. Equal and that there while there may be some with them service level packet shaping -- you improve speed you aren't discriminating against certain types of content. So. And yet it contest as saying all this isn't that -- they're saying this is no net neutrality violation because we're not discriminate against certain types. We're discriminating against the amount to -- but. They but the -- -- level three candidate was that they that it was about video content and I'm sure it is because it's about Netflix has. Increase in overall it's like very fuzzy -- bulk I think throwing some kind of over the top accusations around but I think the reason that that what that level three came out that statement in the first place -- that Comcast will put down like a shockingly hard line. And that hard line is really dangerous. And -- ultimately -- were waiting to see the FCC is. I'm looking to announce kind of what the future guidelines are needed net neutrality are gonna look like -- and the this year the -- a proposal that we can see. And this kind of puts a lot more attention on how they're going -- word that. Because of this situation right here now so I'm very curious to see how that is gonna shake out. In its gonna reshape kind of what the current -- rough guidelines are in place and how it addresses that. Because this is gonna you know this is -- seem to be one of the top concerns of how many telling this -- with Comcast make -- move like oh absolutely. And the thing you think thinking. Like they are I don't -- they -- partly it's still bone headed because -- deal hasn't been approved. They have not trying to help mount that you're not -- -- Comcast NBC merger -- to -- arithmetic. I mean I really I think comic contest is would be perfectly happy in a future where everybody subscribes to different. Broadband plans that include different types of content -- you know -- that. As soon as you are a broadband provider who is in the business of content delivery you're setting up the possibility of future fractured -- like where every you know where you'd subscribe to. Kept packages of the Internet the -- -- subscribe to cable packages. That they're super familiar with that paradigms of course they like it. But here they are in a position where their deal with NBC hasn't been approved it under all of the scrutiny by regular federal regulators. And then they just come out and do that like bone -- hardline you know like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- How -- you guys like you are they just that arrogant -- like. Yes they know why they're like like what I heard that yesterday -- was like a -- Monitor and fame and -- sometimes also insane. The European Union with their anti trust an overzealous -- This may not be that but it is fascinating they have now announced that -- opening a formal antitrust investigation into allegations that Google unfairly -- of unfair preference. But -- unfairly gives preference to its own services over that of competing -- Search services and search results search results to have a lot of you know also with Google the ranking they have -- he scores and there's services that kind of pay. That are for sponsored results how does that -- -- because there's companies that are -- to be elevated. But what of Google's algorithm based on the partnerships they have who they're trying to show preference to. Are ranked higher than people that are -- more. The potentially even show up as higher hits ranked so what it what is Google doing in the back end the really. Even out the playing field and it it sometimes -- about this. It's hard because they have their hands in so many jars now and they're even looking and it hasn't been -- -- but outlet acquisition of IT which is the travel software company that that is plugged into many travel services. Will will those will those companies that they're now part of ITA. -- higher than other than other engines you know results. Any got to wonder like why wouldn't they -- why wouldn't day. Miami now would be. That would be the smart way for any business to do it is is they can't really pull -- -- -- you're Google and -- the -- -- in the world and you Make or -- mean Google literally makes a -- company. So in in this if I'm kinda glad that the EU is looking into it because. If they're doing. In about. -- about for everybody else in the in -- -- so that they're looking until we don't know how far this is gonna go yet but it's. Under investigation -- this is gonna just starting it is now. With the formal and Expedia by the way is super excited I mean part of the reason that they're doing and this is they're getting pressure from companies that are feeling the squeeze of Google purchasing them. And packed Expedia travel segment trying to get back teeth he. And the department of death -- in the US. In to look into it -- -- -- -- Italy which to -- who want them all the line after all the problems we -- -- bagel model with. Dell displayed in Manila -- I have been through the African war with that studio over the past -- give diet -- -- here. There are wires coming out that is years utility you know what that on the record utilities. And -- -- -- that's a lot of stuff going on his her equipment after failure of a bottle at your body. But a -- of ads queued up because we're in takes great. And come back into an outlet period. And practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of CNET holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls -- we -- your email and -- Send us an email right now holiday helped us at CNET dot top -- all of the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash live. Everybody results. From cyber Monday they're not official yet but it appears that sales could top. Or one billion. On the crazy -- Monday with two is a completely made up. -- hit by marketers. And yet it's certainly were and yet it yeah over the years now it is totally completely become an event. I find it amazing that -- working because I didn't even think -- -- -- that improve hurts like there wasn't that I don't know I mean I -- didn't I had roughly nine. Billion emails. Eggs -- need to various free shipping offers and that I -- -- -- keep copying. I love you never actually order profit from people to them instantly apparent in other people do that really need to get on the free shipping bandwagon because everytime I look at -- -- of email that like. 40% -- banana republic let's free shipping for life and about everybody that recently and then people -- like -- -- being. It's like that you -- -- who pays for shipping on the Internet. You're not -- -- -- associate press. The -- throughout the numbers nearly 90% of all US retailers offered some kind of cyber Monday promotions via now about a few years ago in 2007 only -- -- presented -- And what's -- as they say even though you expect or they kind of pain is everyone's gonna be shopping online at work. Mexicana look at the deals and the highest traffic on cyber Monday is between 7 PM and 8 PM which is the time where people -- home. The home with their life and the guy says can -- mr. I thought and I actually thought about. Doing some shopping online yesterday and I didn't buy anything that impressive but apparently am only one because. One. Men don't I still I still don't get it because this -- -- Black Friday online sales were ridiculous. A -- -- and then when I waited -- Sunday I delayed something and then I'm like oh crowd. I checked on best buy that -- on Sunday which is black -- stuff is already done by that Saturday and the deal is gone. It's like -- looked around on Monday and Sunday trying to planet are there any deals even close to what was offered and no. But everyone stills -- -- on site for Monday. I -- now. We'll see we'll find out and as from -- official numbers as the weaker than last year. Apparently government is sales totaled 887 million dollars -- -- giving them a billion dollars wouldn't be a surprise. Yeah but here's the wealthy wealthy we'll keep you up to date -- that will see he not to be out die and in the -- had only magazine. I talk about content exclusivity worries and I'm really worried about the idea like by the way publications movies for how -- -- before we have an iPad only movie but that -- bad. -- all of your stuff to play on every device ball. Footage you hold your magazine -- only now I mean eventually -- enough -- that as long as long as there's another Android tablets that are sold. It'll be a problem pattern -- is one thing develop apps are dominant but the idea like publication -- I'm sure that Apple had a -- any way to the actual story. Not to get that in the iPad only magazine department. By -- it News Corp. virgin group is launching its iPad only project magazine they supposedly they -- -- last night -- you have an. -- -- what happened is that. You you dolby app each issue cost -- 99 there's little video on the article that he's the -- -- the intro of the magazine. It's laid out a lot like wired magazine's format which is the top selling iPad -- -- at the moment because of how it formats directly dependent when you hold -- vertically. Or horizontally it actually changes the page layout and type space and -- not. But -- Wilson we'll see how this goes I I and in the problem with. The actual app is that it's messed up downloading. Or five times I really and I've -- on different networks to try and get it. -- its uber popular. I don't know it's just having issues right now that is needed that they have Jeff Bridges promoting it but there's a Tron -- the bands that fits the body trying to hide and yet there's -- -- -- -- in the future. Such kind of -- what admitted. Elegant design and technology magazine yet has a profile of a French record layer label. A jaguar -- question and five mile per hour electric powered super car and a 3-D tours of. -- secret total you know these are among the other features promised them so they can either read this -- like generally get them but every now. But it doesn't seem to have the whole a subscription model built in that we've been waiting to see. That was kind of river to be implemented into the next version of the iPad -- -- L less -- which is potentially coming in December which. Rupert Murdoch and a couple are potentially announcing their subscription based content all these little -- on prom night veterinary yeah on the -- all these little bread crumbs -- still we have yet to see anywhere. -- -- So which actually that -- us so nicely in the rumor -- we're not gonna go it does not affect other real thing -- other studios' ugly. Barely don't want to explain together and -- need to click don't you forget even I. Don't even mention -- -- lady. But we do you have a whole little rumor -- -- -- today burst up the river we can no longer a no war. That Google is -- is not going to buy group -- It seemed like Google is almost certainly going to -- group on at this point like nobody's even really denying it. And now Kara swisher at Wall Street Journal on -- time -- -- I think that the group on -- will be five point three billion dollars. With a 700 million dollar burnout. Well and we talked about this a while ago you know Google is still -- -- it still hasn't cracked the whole. Social. Aspect. Of search. And here with group on alert so localized and -- get so much customer information and data that's plugged into the group on sites via. I think when you think about all their location based services and -- search services and now the growing group on as another layer into that it's pretty crazy. It would be insane -- it would pretty much just absolutely give them a lock and a local advertising space they already have the national layered and the web. It's actually I cannot imagine that federal regulators to let -- I don't know it's already coming there is becoming their old Katie. Yes I mean Google like this is a total takeover move apparently it makes sense though just in that it would happen Google did try to buy Yelp. Previously nobody really knows what happened -- -- -- it fell apart. And then Google is apparently even more. Of of a coup basically. The look they work we're keeping an eye and Allentown think it's gonna happen in human. Also another Google rumor mill news Google has a secret social initiative that looks like it'll be delayed. In til spring of 2011. -- The rumors -- this service called Google mean which is different from Google Buzz because Google Buzz -- work out as well as Google mean might work out. But ultimately it was -- for read a launch -- of this year. It's gonna be a full fledged they -- a full first class social network who first class -- putting -- their top guns on it VP of engineering. I love that I love that -- now reporting that the rumored service is going to be is rumored to be delayed. Think -- And I know I bet this is like this is like a meta rumor -- it's never been confirmed -- We have no idea what it actually going to be like but we know that through its service -- now rumored to be delayed until spring. And unfortunately it doesn't even. Even this rumored service doesn't there's nothing that sounds compelling a battery now when you deceitful class social network a pattern we already have that. They're not gonna that -- -- left leg to publish a pretty get a lot of that. They're not good -- social I'm not actually. It's not like Kevin -- a new logo are like little mini mouse -- accident. -- that for Google me to come out also in the rumor mill windows phone central reporting. The rumor that the January windows phone seven update will be -- -- Obama. -- -- -- Ten and each other's minds. And will potentially bring windows phone seven into parity. At minimum parity with the -- on -- -- -- -- Yet it's -- green features like. Turn by turn directions. Would be nice and the idea -- simmering your support pulleys and I mean that's one of the number one request -- exactly eye watering sounds. Also copy and pays to everyone -- -- And multitasking of some sort some form. But these are like the key features we all -- -- I mean -- when the windows phone seven came out we talked about. As long as they can make that jump in -- from the feature set this is a compelling Alice yeah that's -- that's new to that that's new to the smart the world. And a lot of the -- there's people on Twitter and commentators saying that they've been working on that date since before version one came out hundreds you know they don't they promised copy -- How long ago. Answered is coming so -- it remains to be seen just how. Well. You can slow it down I couldn't pick up on just how Mac. Sedan -- well. It will actually be -- us. Are actually gone to the -- gets through it okay first up surprising black. Friday now if you guys all thought Nintendo instead it. You got another thing coming instead -- reportedly sold one point five million video game systems. During Thanksgiving week they had all these crazy software packages limited edition colors but the different systems for the Wii and the DS lite DS. 600000. Wii console than 900000. Intended -- -- portables were sold. In -- November 21 -- -- in just in the US and this is in the US. It -- them then US shoppers bought about 9000. Nintendo hardware systems nonstop every hour of every day during the week of Black Friday. Wow well Nintendo. Now for at least from the systems side Sony and Xbox have yet to announce their results but. That's massive however that -- the. Three to match the -- on agreement oh sorry I have thought I was over it well. I don't wanna play now and only -- you know that's the thing about it definitely got a -- he had immediate all the way and yet till bloody pulp until it's listening now I'd never -- -- But a good -- -- never get -- Not to be outdone at all Microsoft that they didn't they didn't -- pupils. Numbers or their Black Friday week -- but they did say that up just 25 days after launch. The they have sold 2.5 million motion detecting connect devices it is now selling they say your time. As fast as the iPad. Now of course you know perspective here in the iPad in -- Black Friday to help them who you know why it's is that they're random convince you it's like. -- you know the thing that is totally not even remotely a tablet. It's nothing like the iPad while it's only two times -- but he added. Honestly that's really good -- though because every with things like -- iPad if you think. You know just throughout a hot device that your device is doing better at for the time being. And -- weird double heated up I knew I had the benchmark now the benchmark price and or whatever product. And what they're talking about how like the you know at the time iPad -- the my quickest adopted new technology on the market as a standalone device -- out did like the dvd player and whatnot but then at the same time. For connect compared to that sure the connectors -- different -- but it's an add on accessory it's not a standalone not anymore. Now I'd think they'd like my new redesign peanut butter is telling your bit -- -- as well. And then then -- -- the hot if you like peanut butter with -- -- -- it there -- largest. All. And again and now. He'll figure about the quality -- that backed out of the is that early double the techno and -- here also. Sony trying to show up at Microsoft -- it revealed it sold four it has currently. At four point one million PlayStation move devices shipped worldwide now that I read this even more carefully shift doesn't even mean sold -- -- -- Hit the headlines this shift is that the headlines this -- and Sony on this whole months ago it's actually slower rate than they connect with and also when you see -- move devices if you don't know the move hasn't controller like -- ice -- -- yeah it as the camera. And also has another navigator so if you even say like you divide that by two or three. It's that humans to -- sell the same amount that Microsoft sold about anybody else. Yep I think we think -- -- the -- is now moving in our Baikonur and it can finish a little bit moving it. You need them but bad patent they got tableau that movement of the matter I just like -- and it -- -- -- use right I like to have much of. All around the -- social browser would like you to know that it still exists. It move and and does not move that let them out of it and had to click I'm now I'm movement on her body coming and assign them and going slightly -- I -- -- -- haven't heard about that yeah we're gonna stuff -- -- it was a at the hard morning. Flock has released version 3.5. Declaring war on not only give us greater speed and added functionality. Our social search is Lee better than Mueller's that's amazing how how flock social browsers swooped in just that the exact moment when rack mount and lock all buzz and momentum. And said we're here to. You know maybe -- money in nuclear he has cystic right in anyways they -- that they -- -- a browser wars. -- A favorite of ours infinity blade which we -- it was like. Off some months. It's a -- has come into the app store December ninth for iPhone or iPod Touch third and fortunes and the iPad. They actually use a little quote -- saint. He just said I can't believe this is on one of our devices and this is after jobs saw the iPhone game another -- ex Apple -- -- this changes everything. It's. You know to get us use those exact same lines if they do use it in a launch like in the keynote he's like you -- -- like you guys. You know we've seen a -- these I just can't believe someone of our device and that there be something weird about it that he doesn't like and -- never bring it up against -- -- near Tampa Tampa. I know Internet. Really not that quick click -- let's move -- and take gadgets. It actually if I didn't so much gadget news as like Apple buzz kill -- down -- gadgets. Apple locked down to Newton. Check their reporting that Apple has sued it. MIC gadget which made the oh don't freaking awesome Steve Jobs truly knowing I got a couple days ago so -- -- -- so often they filled out their first 300. They -- people love this thing. Next thing you know Apple like and dual. I know I don't think so we don't think so you can't be you can't be making that because people -- it down. That buzz -- number one but still number two. Is that when Apple at -- thing to -- figuring out that's like a real accurate -- of Steve Jobs okay it's another thing from earth to stop people from cracking open their -- making them better machines that just kind of bend them that computer code distant and again of how computers were always done and -- you get -- and -- your Apple if you do not want you to do so no -- -- up. All -- it is they've kind of put it. A cease or -- photo fast. Who created these -- -- sixty gig. Solid state drives that are on their own you know that the -- that's not in in -- enclosure is just the chip board that people could install these on their machines. Buy a MacBook Air with a lower higher. Sorry a lower capacity drive which is -- 128. These as this is the drives that they have -- least faster than Apple's internal ones -- -- -- request them to stop producing them. And currently photo fast is in Apple's MiFi pro and buy program is basically means that their license -- -- says he's and since this is not. And approved. Accessory Apple told them -- you guys -- is not making this. A better drive that's faster. And a little cheaper for someone to me -- like -- X. It's one thing to say I like it. Any of this has been the -- of Apple -- they've made. You know -- iMac and like pretty much a case you can even get inside and they made machines that you couldn't get inside and customize and I'm sure that the ultimate goal but it's one thing to -- Lock down the machine it's another thing to go to your suppliers and say you have to stop. Making this derived from completely like talk about anti competitive -- it's just shameful and it's not that your consumers have the right to buy a lower priced machine. And then go out and while packets that are actually have all the does the lower price and a -- Angelina he would be like in -- them and actually use the -- -- can do whatever they want. There is community to understand. If it if it can if his message to -- -- at the consumer is don't you dare try to make a product better. Maybe get him in it would mean maybe they could've just put that faster SSD drive and -- computers themselves in the first place. How is that not anticompetitive -- can openers. Only because the marketers though small in a theory. I let -- about assigns it numbering that -- out of the -- films -- and now until well. Did okay hold on to you what you -- -- you want to prepare for size -- today. NASA. Is going to hold a news conference. Few of them are the next day after tomorrow on Thursday. December 2. -- -- -- The talk about. An Astro biology finding. That will impact of the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life why it's. -- Why didn't on the -- Astro biology if it -- knows the study of the origin evolution distribution and future of life and universe. This is crazy like NASA actually. Announcing something along the lines of life in space. And not water we're not -- -- water I mean we might be but I like to believe that we are not. What -- it's like we found ice on Pluto were making it a planet again that's probably it but all of that up. And -- then. Can we just please assume that they're totally going to announce alien life I mean seriously. And exactly how -- and -- off them could this actually be like to discuss. An answer relative I mean it will impact the street and wouldn't -- What if they felt like how. I wanna see a full on alien. Like alien room I ask. In that vinegar jar. Dangling like a curtain raises -- -- like. Oh. That awesome definitely does support geek at like they're going through announced that we have been contacted. This we be doing that they're doing the age reversal mice in their bridges with steady press -- -- I am diet says -- will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. What could that be hey this is actually gonna happened during the show. Leading. Told -- -- in line we will be covering that live in that and I am. That'll let any action with -- if they're streaming if there's premium we're pretty much it can only -- opt out and ultimately play -- be payment plan. That's awesome -- home. -- -- -- axis of my mind was just blown it doesn't happen that often -- And all that doesn't happen area and -- -- and Leo -- They would delay -- I am flip -- order of a happy ending a -- -- I'd -- you wanna -- the -- okay. This is happy ending for easy Verizon really needs to work on their advertising skills because they have -- great phones like the Droid X. Well appears that they would really suck at Photoshop because they just recently put out an ad which features -- right -- to be ethical it here. On the screen is of the Google Maps from an -- phone. After. My gosh look at that -- I can pull it up right now see that's an iPhone and I've Google Maps news. I micro. My first inclination was Molly and click edit this Molly just keep the real at this this is -- about the joint tax rate can be configured as the -- -- -- iPhone OS on it but it's the Droid X -- you don't have to come out clean and be like guys I. Actually an Apple. -- -- -- -- -- -- The thing is like -- my -- Droid X is like BC would of their flagship phones. It's freaking phenomenal. Could prove that -- -- -- -- this is just dumb dummy. We -- It could be a guy that was like a total fair and non -- -- that -- does Google that thing and public. There are it was corporate -- -- are really smart guy that like with egg -- at his job at Verizon was like screen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You get an error. We apologize and -- -- the pain and ensure that they got fifty million -- about it and I think Yan Moore is the is right in the Carolyn I've seen plenty of ads were like they have. PCs and like these catalogs magazines writing like a list and or even there's like -- -- -- on TV where they had like you know. -- someone using like Macs but is like a PC screen if you sealed -- it but it's like Verizon Droid X that's -- and constantly and it really in the. -- -- it doesn't link and -- today I am super happy with my during an act. Now that I returned the -- them from my brief dalliance with -- the -- world. Okay now let's get to the real happy ending -- that Playboy magazine. Just in time for the holidays is really think every issue from 1953. To 2010. A product. -- on a hard drive on a hard drive and on a on our tech guy -- in digital format and digital -- It's his -- that's pretty amazing it's on a 250 gig drive. And you can you get when -- that they're who -- the statement public. Why don't you let more than 600 and safety of your favorite -- celebrate the holidays meant damp garage. Stashed -- your better crowded together in the basement where you can bring them altogether beneath the mistletoe that the. Dude seriously this is gonna be like a huge -- seriously who's gonna be playing with the hard drive and mistletoe. Copper and off got -- this Aaron got -- out of the -- it's just. -- Excellent beautiful game and beautiful that let you. The move while the -- product releases labeling has seen a decline in -- -- its monthly print magazine. At that -- if they're prime online now. I know what I love about this also on this planet and the 650 issue's loaded on the device it also has 200 gigs worth of free space. -- looking to save other files like -- you know -- -- Maine new Redmond home I don't know family movies all actually. The Internet regarding your family. And that it really is only an article -- Written into. Anyway there eco me ourselves to shop early every line shop early and often violent move on -- the emails there we. Adding we'll be editing in some voicemail and the end of the idea of what you can do -- okay oh. Cool -- first some some. We were talking earlier about search slant turns out some surprising search results. And -- the. Eight. I'm sorry -- -- -- know. I was Google saying that you have to sit at the Big Bang theory that science and -- -- -- -- bang theory episode ten. And at the bottom of the page it says in response to the complaint we received under the US digital millennium copyright -- we have removed to results from this page. And I didn't really know that they were removing search results now so display goes on another. Yeah we we did the search or sells them -- pulled up here I know we can take my screen button it down here at the very bottom. There you see the complaint and its -- and they -- If you wish you may -- the DM CA complaint that caused the removals at chilling effects dot org. Which is that -- -- clearinghouse of the bad things caused by the DM CA and it answers the question why -- the web -- blogging service provider or search engine. Get the MCA takedown notices they say that it there they are. So they have safe harbor they can't fairly be sued but they can actually take -- I didn't really realize that. Google had to do that then apparently and ISP may choose not to follow it. And can read -- I'm surprised if I think that is not -- Oddly Ashland in terror and those of you read idioms he noted it was because of the URL -- Because of the that -- rulers of -- printing again. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Arrow Robert have a whole entire script and I said torrent and it. Might if that -- -- it -- -- San Diego they're even getting into their search engines now -- and. Next call brightest cuddle and asks a question that actually we asked ourselves everyone was probably one -- We accident talk about even though we were supposed do so and all this gets his call. But it Bryan -- Questioned about. -- I'm able. Apartment -- Or email all at worse -- -- news. -- -- you are actually pretty much right on the money so. In the New York Times article. If you go repeats for -- kind of breakdown of what exactly it is and so right now we're in the Arab satellite to fiber optic links for the cable it retains its -- name. From an earlier technology -- So as the tool consecutive state to -- -- orders to the field and also for. Ambassadors are political officers to send their analyses of -- to Washington from their meetings and diplomats they have different like protein. For the different types of cables -- the type of type the different documentation that I guess you could kind of call it. Government email based on accounts of private secret meetings. -- -- No fan of just a little known people know fifty anyway it was and turned that page or in the it of the New York Times article about the cable leak. We get we understand -- -- I love about -- email but at cnet.com or email address TD ready and that I'm currently a medical student myself. And it has won a richer -- that the anti aging miracle you know them I think -- -- to the zombie apocalypse. What to moderate that does is allow for -- to replicate and form new cells. At the end and then as you can see at the end of each chromosome are -- -- telomerase is located. Each timer cells replicate part of the conglomerate is lots of until a certain point -- -- the cells becomes investment and their disaster right. And he said that's really important because obviously you're still continue to replicate while we'd have to -- Now Molly should be worried about radius that Melissa virus and hope it never mutate because that -- the central nervous system in an animal causes them to lunge at people and invite them. Why you -- because -- replicate in the brain funny how that works. Though that pirates begin -- a way to bypass their blood brain barrier and -- in the process and and I mean the thank -- -- both reassuring and horrible. I think when in a lot of different directions. Basic that it mallet a lot of related bits -- like that one thing. Am I think very scary now this thing though. But -- -- that penetrate upload nightmares. And then he said people's heads and bite them in their house. -- is is reassuringly and email like that we need that and arrogantly again. I know there are right. Dan writes in -- Homeland Security wants are breaking the Internet by forcibly changing DNS records for -- domains. They need to realize that there is -- -- not been keeping users from -- in switching to another DNS service we use the NS because it works but anyone can set their own DNS server. That doesn't -- the changes requested by the intense. Which -- about the Department of Homeland Security was that the agents -- I -- adapt to the web and everybody to -- using their. Private in little individual -- system back to UBS's and we -- -- better embroidered EDS's. It it is is that blackberries messaging system -- political. If you -- -- sending your favorite media -- of messaging. Board but at the -- I calorie mode at one handed -- and sixty victory Adler and amber. And you can find the link to all of the stories that we talked about today or if your friends want to understand the whole level three contests that you can point -- today's episode. Hopefully located -- blog -- that CNET. We made it. Thanked India thank you -- are right guys we'll see you guys.

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