Ep. 1282: Web Exclusive
Ep. 1282: Web Exclusive

Ep. 1282: Web Exclusive

Okay everybody side. Right there and -- just. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You've got you've got -- -- gotten -- the ever does that this show we have the little quad Broder and acts from -- those. Now the 11 o'clock -- is that -- -- -- then. -- -- like to get plant by two men hacks really they've ever want -- the blades are exposed become a couple had. She it's just like there is back and -- -- amount of freedom there you go. Should we read that book. This freedom loses the Internet technology me like taking an island -- at the sequel -- demon okay it's like if I can't wanna know although Tommy is a big deal out of it -- -- podcasting Daniel Torres to send him an early version of freedom I am going to open up outlook and things have every effort freedom argument. -- -- freedom and freedom is the sequel it. Every edit and I like that -- it was it was a little. -- -- -- That's well known on an Alley no yes yes and away but -- in many ways I wish it -- -- yeah. -- -- Gets -- -- read -- with total clever thriller and then -- also pretty scary and and what happened. To me from demon. Is that it has that along with the sources that it -- from you know that I ended up buying like thirteen other books now about how corporations around the world and and that really have. -- and it up like it a little bit cabin in Montana can give -- a little. It's one of those you know with three pages and netbooks that we've seamless. Yet the it's an -- and freedom to. In a Mac with -- -- Molly as a humorous person humors and Margaret -- -- or humor there's some more humorous. Movement -- or there's bile flow. -- -- to the back of the mountain. I'm iTunes on the details yeah oh yeah so. I just that I don't know about that and I kind of -- we worked I don't know what that meant -- -- system. -- -- -- That's we have half the chat -- -- -- on the fifth that's so weird it's really wouldn't mental note from an idea. It. Bono well -- and autism just -- On -- -- Well that it. -- at the info doesn't do it anymore and went through that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Q1. -- broken down you know court so well. What what term if you plan -- -- an accident when it and they take over the old beautiful when it does -- with terminal and I -- that instead of just putting me on the plane where we thought for a few hours on the -- of disdain and then they cute little -- -- I'm having all of -- finger rampant with -- eaten. -- that I got to the plane -- -- -- -- -- hours because they've got like. One runway clothes and then they had to reconfigure all of the runway things and all at once there Renaissance -- get a plane for sure is this just you know Tuesday I think what. Well. Moment you should read. Asked the pilot and salon. After Smith is that the pilot he -- this great column about aviation if you're into it -- yeah. I you had a moment report roundtable and it's just -- -- well after the pilot asked the pilot will. I'm gonna put that -- -- Evernote and yeah let's do it. -- led government on usually to that still easy to do it. I'm just enjoy and the -- He's doing -- own site or not actually my iPod or three case with compares about them. It's. Then you need out it and people really do that -- he and and you are you -- it eating out it. I -- malaria. Kennedy -- -- what they've put. The artfully used to be cool to have an iPhone and now it's totally jumped the shark and now -- like a little tool if you by the latest that Apple -- what happened who cares. And one electing its final word crap and you have that on I don't know if you realize it but like when your plane with a -- you can -- the case like. War mobile around the thing that I know it all -- -- -- with -- packet comes out of the case half the time from a pocket means that if like your phone is wearing oversized sweat pants. Yeah like my phone and I it to be wearing skinny jeans and say yeah I know a lot of new cases in order -- -- -- and leggings like now the case. Is that like two months or -- you know development of the door -- things that the -- five weeks but I got my bumper yesterday but I'm not gonna usable -- an -- or the bumper but you company uses. And in order actually it -- should vote I if I -- -- its own. Yeah and now. -- Finland and well written in Italy when you when you feel your phone like before -- UK three great. But when you feel your phone on the -- you -- -- it's like you'll like twice the size that if you like. The case by -- I drop it -- me. -- -- -- -- -- -- I like to live dangerously now protection I don't like drop my phone that's -- I like on the case I don't let that thing well -- A well president. I'm iphones. My goodness decent among you accident yeah -- we're the ones who started it you sick people. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- my -- group hired haven't I'm sorry if I -- is that it look at it from a bit. -- -- -- -- Hello wow. Did updated the -- right after what happened -- yeah. You. -- Martyrdom. -- I expected a minute -- -- mean. Okay. And -- a good -- and all of his -- that did get a look. Now there. Are either right on the general. The kind of -- -- -- is on everything isn't new or did you just discovery. Is that before -- -- near its its not one of the fault that the glue the funny thing is last on that idea. On Friday night we were kind of popular try alien and I remember seeing the -- -- like. The sparkle transition that in no way around like plus -- Yeah yeah in the middle of your military might need property and don't -- smile and there's -- there's nothing they'll award is -- it'll like. And -- Alabama and into the and sometimes they help you make me laugh -- more -- adult only you -- You know or don't exist -- don't you know -- doing that right cancer that's. Should the mythical creature. My rational -- shark week. This is sharply this I guess so some of -- happy sharply. Maybe passes I'm excited about technique is Craig Ferguson hosts yet apparently. Oh yeah he's been treating about a and he really -- hundred intelligent shows that it's had left it alone hi Adam -- spent some quality time with the Tivo says the entity like serious on -- -- like -- -- -- -- -- does some kind of they weren't in here. I'm -- air time and went to collect and over here and Mac 1000 X welcome back my food. -- And then plant. The idea but I'm gonna look for me. -- -- now it's I don't Brian -- -- neck -- with. Yeah duties that do this -- -- -- I ever on and all the findings is about and -- the vacuum that's open the vacuum chamber and others -- just. So that other rooms transitions that you can enjoy so we edited the show before it gets. Horribly -- it's not depressing it's depressing it's interest it's more like. Friday or Friday the thirteenth it's actually Google isn't depressing. It just. It's just shares -- the Jesus thank you your pants it's different now it is that why. I know I -- I am yeah that's -- it is something and a pants over Toronto hands on the ground look like -- I just made of solid -- with a -- turns out -- Nice -- lol thank you -- nine they don't allow and I'm totally that's all -- needed. Equipment and. It's innuendo Monday -- right -- have -- big thing. Yeah it's waving at this and who are -- recording a little nervous who's here. -- that's all point isn't it. Yeah yeah yeah and executed I'm good you have provisions -- Google and there's. Project vigilant FaceBook Google. Okay that's good that's good when he got picked to throw off. Yet significant. This is this does not out of -- all of the possible -- mystery. Which is alone. All alone. And me it's like -- some my comment I was like -- to access them hepatitis C like all this stuff. It all adds that men and you know it all of them put them -- for the sprint overdrive connect the -- yet at this this is literally went to carry around the Catholic -- we've done about. I've had. Net book. Netbook charger. Who bring overdrive and Android yes and and I can't carry various charges in the bag with me -- never knowledge of the union on camera and it's like okay this is stupid. This is stupid. If you -- -- that. I carry. In my -- gigantic conducted -- A MacBook. And an iPad RNY and using different they're different of it I know it's it's heavier just -- like I guess if you use your work primarily. If your MacBook to your primary work -- naturally have both -- them in there you can do frowned at how you feel like exactly but actually I've I've stopped. A lot and they get home yeah and -- -- the MacBook doesn't come out. I instantly email a home on the iPad notable that's because we're okay because -- -- jobs were trading content constantly and I actually telemetry content anymore when -- moments -- like -- Movement -- -- just jump on the iPad -- the -- You know what I do -- -- that's how I felt like oh I should be using an iPad for that after I've been on the couch for an hour and half -- Mandarin and well I Seattle residents reached for -- area you know my -- sold or iPad because they were doing there's the same stuff mostly on the phone that in mind the smaller screen and now so that sounds like -- you're what I'm still curious about honestly with iPad and I -- return rate and or repo rate because I do think like I have encountered a lot of people in fact somebody -- asked me about the iPad yesterday. And is at the top with place in the -- -- blue terminal -- using your iPad in the toughest ones I was reading yes and reading my book. -- scary scary book. And and they were like -- money don't think you know what it's. It's I like it for the plane and I like it for my kid but I don't use it as much as I thought it would make it really does know and they were just like. Now my friend have one and I and she -- not. -- -- they were kind of thing again we knew a lot of people who bought it and -- music. -- wimpy that the things had such sex appeal I -- people in the early wet leaves with how well the people -- -- have -- -- my desk last week in some guys from the New York crew were in the office and they. In -- -- ethnic and it seems like. There -- organize that the iPad can so sexy can I touch it. Yeah. Matt 0678 -- I work at best buy anything one every one in twenty return. That's a pretty good 5% and a very low bit rate -- but. Did old because you know your Kindle user -- Did you find reading on it kind of weird because it's backlit I'm curious that you know the back. It's happened to the back -- it doesn't -- -- heading -- anything. But I feel like when I'm reading on the Kindle -- but they can get really into -- yeah when am reading on the iPad I find myself in being more it doesn't disappear. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah yes. And so it prevents me from really getting like absorbed and attack them you know I -- -- I -- read very differently maybe I I it's very similar to I -- I could be wrong but like. When you're looking at your computer and your reading articles on the computer something like that. Yeah and it's giving a little bit more at least I know I view versus light reading a book where it's like if I might print that thing now yeah it then it's like -- okay -- it'll cards. I have a theory that it's arrived here my theory is that the -- turning a page on a computer or an iPad is instantaneous and there's no like emotional cost of of skimming by turning flipping -- pages on a Kindle -- real book it's actually slows you down. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's you use subconsciously feel like you're staying at a computer screen or so which I used to doing other things wears them when you're on Kindle because there is no backlight it feels like paper and -- you hold a book. That looks like paper you honestly trying to don't pay attention other things. Exactly like I find it really hard to get immunized to be accurate and ultimately during reading period yeah whatever they happen to -- -- physically drag me out of it. And that still happens when I'm reading the -- Kindle -- the the physical book but does not happen when I'm reading an iPad I don't have the same absorption rate and be honest -- really interesting I don't know why and -- and maybe totally personally it's completely anecdotal people but. It's noticeable -- also when you're on an -- that thing gets notifications you have five billiard apps on it so you could like be like. Your mind -- wonders are you don't pop the -- what I got today and thanks Louis crawl into bed and a pick of the Kindle read a book -- began. And it's it's a very I have to. Really try hard and not pull up and gain more email which I know what if this -- disrupt my sleep. And just say okay I'm only gonna do the Kindle only battery you know phones have the stars rating but these probably need to bars rating of books -- of lurks in her native person race like me an -- you know how in the -- Can you get we've used this device. I mean I just I haven't only two billion and now I'm really intrigued about getting one of those 139 islands because they because I've I've read on iPad -- and 139 for like an on -- reader. And it's like sleeker and slimmer and -- that black version of gonna kill you to prop it up and he's definitely anything I -- I might I might pull the -- -- that -- the -- little -- that -- I -- my -- there's no -- am getting rid -- it. Like there's no -- the -- giver and I could -- myself in the future carrying iPad kindled netbook. But c'mon that's -- That's if there are I do every minute yeah we do -- that -- -- -- dozens number app. But I guess I look bottle totally about how are not here at yeah I told her that I -- testimony. -- -- And then we need it Helena that you can think globally or locally knife. Nights but I do use Kindle unsettled times. -- -- -- -- -- You ready we've -- and is a little different this is welts you know someone you've heard planning -- Canada. However this time he did a little video version along with -- and he called it the the kitchen. Reading lists. That you and now. -- Some people. -- -- -- -- -- This flu. Wow all it. Nicely done wow key chain added again battle -- not. -- I know I love that that's that's a commitment right there that's. That's awesome that appreciate that. Reinventing our theme every day. It appears. When you call that the kitchen sink the kitchen -- so. That illicitly -- in this little note here that take notice that the streets here it sound -- dot com. -- -- -- Thinking of the packets of of the future yeah. Is is even -- so that men on the calendar so -- years you know act texas'. Let's get it yet what what ever that expression blend that was an -- planet you should actually -- Hoses when I -- -- the the night. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah we'll go Pergo. Dollars. Of. I wanna know. That tells them -- coming really calling in nineteen it's it's -- and movement. Brian -- is -- -- he is Eugenia a girl -- and yet the it department. Which is not unreasonable retaining it on. -- And only recently in cash and released only okay. I bumper sticker that emulate all of the one that I grew up with in Montana that public that Phishing paying -- and -- -- -- and I think that's a relief coming on and that is so funny picture I really have a long -- -- knows -- not have like a list of a 150. Teachers it's actually my teacher company is gonna become a deserted keys. Nice -- you registered -- little did I figured it he's got problems being squatted but it's not if you you can't possibly these things -- -- -- I'm -- her because her. Prior -- Yeah well via via. So -- better get that that's the nation Jason is panic tag edit it and it's nothing -- -- -- just put up 32 audio or other exclusive just could grab her and send you the link for. With a look at the time of WW cost him a wonder woman know please. Oh yeah all of -- I -- believe you carry that off that's amazing to do professional journalism. In a -- grown adults -- I was -- Basil journalism though you'll no really feel -- of varying gauging the eighth year and it wasn't because of that it wasn't just because of the wonder -- would actually -- -- Didn't do a show in cost than I would never have done. The guts I've heard as well as though I'm I want you know -- did with the golden -- Blair and I were like pretty it's just happy. We had movies it's the Larry need to continue do you think it is that -- offline now we're not short hours filter advanced. -- you just assume more -- streaming. I never that I got it down but if you've got is now my X generous. Only got black -- my point is not that she was not how could she was nobody knows it too is also -- That's awesome I appreciate it and I have about time matter and where does the guest but it's as -- -- now they're shooting. In addition to -- Report a thirty minute special on compound for CBS that's -- air start airing I think this week and this would coming -- custom. While I was like acting regional and comfortably -- they VI NG with sending email or disliked. To the other producers like she was sort of air traffic properties in in the report if there's -- -- running around and you'd like mom is not that hot initiate. -- get up led by did manage to get like Clinton five to seven minutes in cost him. At the end of this -- The running room which if they got it down there right hands Emporia on the -- Florida and having your side have a whole -- in -- actually got one you can kind of -- it was cubic. Like I about a comic on medium which turns out compound. I mean. I have now. I like -- only hundred. It was totally -- and make it as. Arnold and I right now the company -- content -- Hondurans large element veterans can think they didn't. Just note to self next year target of small. -- taller I am. Yeah. Yeah I should be I should believe me I -- a -- but Palffy Malick action really -- and a small -- in the economic outlets vol. Let them out them. -- -- -- -- -- kids infants. It's fairly unpopular. Confidence that it's not that easy we if you ones the Atlanta classic the design and audio and it went for Natalie -- -- -- -- not think oh and it you know I did you -- the air and a deal Italy via -- -- -- I think it -- on the -- Actually -- know -- do it once the. Mayday mayday. Mayday. Did. -- -- -- -- Okay and yeah. It's. Like even party is fitted that he could prevents -- -- -- whereas experience if man. Oh yeah I think tank I don't think I'll W elementary notes and it. Oh I like verio I mean well and it did not. It's not news. It's. --

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