Ep. 1258: Where we get a gif from Peter Ha
Ep. 1258: Where we get a gif from Peter Ha

Ep. 1258: Where we get a gif from Peter Ha

-It's Friday, April 26th. Time for the 404 Show. I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -I'm Mark Licea. -Welcoming to the program for the time. Man, I don't know how many it is but Peter Ha from Gizmodo is back on the show. Wow, is that the cowbell? -Yes. -We got a little cowbell action. -Yes. -Amazing. -How you doing? How you doing? -What's up, man? -Not much. How you guys doing? -Good. -Not bad. -I love seeing your face in the studio, always a friendly face. Thanks for being here, man. -Thanks for having me. -What's new in the world of Gizmodo? -Oh, all that huh? -Yes. There's a lot going on. -It's still a website. -What do you guys wanna talk about? -I wanna talk about, you know, like what have you been up to these last couple of weeks with Gizmodo? -Well, I guess the biggest thing is we're gonna-- I don't know. Do you follow like Jalopnik or Deadspin and any of the other gawker sites-- -I get linked out to Deadspin a bunch because they cover sports. -Right. -Yes. -So you know the whole redesign has happened. -I saw that on Kotaku. -Yes, yes. -Yes. Looks interesting. -So Gizmodo will be the last gawker site to transition over to the new platform. -So they save-- why are you the last? What's up with that? -I always save the best for last. -Is that the cliché we're gonna go with? That's-- -Yes. -That's just the truth. -Okay. Oh, okay. Fair enough. -Well, what's going on with Valleywag by the way because I notice that popped up again recently. -Yes. -That was like an older like text celebrity-- -Right, right. -News blog. Now it's back again. -Yes. -What's up with that? -It's you know so Sam Biddle is running Valleywag and you know I think it's gonna be a little bit different than last time not just gossip for gossip's sake. -Yes. -I think what Sam wants to do is sort of give some folks a platform where they can you know kind of get on their soap box and can I say bitch. -Yes. -You said that. -You know they could bitch about stuff. -You know if they get fired or whatever, they can go to say I'm gonna be like hey I got this story for you. -Right. -Maybe, I don't know. -How much of this had to do with the airing to the story because it kind of came at the same time so I kind of suspected that one-- -That was just coincidence. -Okay. -No, it's just pure coincidence. -It's a very convenient coincidence. -Yes. -Well yes. I think. -It's perfect. -Have you ever met that dude? -I used to work for him. -No, but I mean like really personal? Do you have-- yes, what are your-- -I've had an interaction or two with him, yes. -You like that guy? -You know whatever. -Whatever? All right. -Okay. You got beat up by the guy. -How many fist fights did you get in with him? -I mean you know he has a rep for a reason so I'll just-- -Okay. All right. -All right. -Let's leave it at that. -Well, this is in Valleywag so we don't have to get into that. -We're getting to the dirt, man. -I mean we can if you want. -I like that Peter has no filter. That's why I love about him, you know. -I can tell you who's dating who. -What does that mean? -Not that you would know. -No. We wouldn't know any of these people. -Yes. So it doesn't matter. -Okay. -All right. So tell us about this story that you got going with Gizmodo today that you're pretty psyched about? -See one of our guys actually went to Hasbro the other week. -Okay. -And talked to the folks behind Transformers and all that sort of stuff and one of our last stories today on toys and Transformers is basically I don't know if you guys have noticed but over the last couple of decades, Transformers have gotten incredibly hard to actually put together. -You mean the toys? -Yes. -You mean put together by the kids who buy them or by the factories that make them? -What do you mean? -The kids. -The kids, the kids so-- -Like someone gives you a brand new Transformers toy, you're like I remember being so much easier to-- -Right. -Yes just the like-- -You just have to push a button and it went-- -Well, that's because Transformers back in the day they would just like there was no articulation. -Sure. -Their arms just went up and down. -Yes. -But now it's probably a lot more complicated. -Right. -So apparently the reason why it's complicated is a) just because of the whole movie tie-in and essentially we can blame Michael Bay for all of that. -Yes. -Which he only apologized for Armageddon. He hasn't apologized for Transformers yet. -Well, right but you know I mean yes. Look at it. It was so much simpler back then. -It's funny this is Bumblebee. -Right. -Bumblebee-- I mean I appreciate the evolution. I appreciate the complexity. -It's probably because kids are so involved with you know electronics now that they don't-- they're not gonna accept something so simple. -When was the last time you've gotten a Transformers and you've been able to actually make it transform? -Oh. -Without looking at the instructions? -1991. -The last time you played with the toy. -Did you guys actually played with Transformers was like you click on button and it just automatically does-- -No. -No. -One angle-- -Remember like you kind of pull like 2 or 3 things and then that would be it. -I remember playing with Transformers like the elemental Transformers like the earth, wind, and that those sort of things. -Yes. -The fire ones. -You're such a hippie. -Did you know what I mean? It had nothing to do with hippies. You don't know what we're talking about like rub your thumb on it and it went-- -Oh, the sticker. -Yes, dude. And they were like certain Transformers had that ability and you had to put your thumb on it to like activate the heat sensor. -Right. -Yes. -To find out what kind of elemental Transformer you have. I'm not making this crap up. -No. I remember this. I just haven't thought about it for me. -Yes. Pretty bad ass, huh. It was mica red. -All right. -I used to have this Transformers toy. I think his name was Soundwave and it was basically-- yes. It would transform into a cassette tape which I don't think would fly nowadays. Kids just wouldn't even understand what the-- -Yes, but all the hipsters would be like that rule. -This is the dopest Transformer ever. -Yes. -All right. So what's been the problem? Why are they so complicated now? -Well, I mean you've seen the movies. You see sort of how complicated Michael Bay has created them. -I mean I saw like-- I think I saw three-quarters of the first one and it was like come on. -I love them all. -Oh, you get up. You don't like them. -Yes. That's a lot. -They're terrible. All right. -Okay. They're like summer blockbusters. You know I'm not really expecting much. -They're mindless sort of-- -Yes. -Okay. -Explosions and-- -I wish you could like I said I wish you could buy a ticket for like just the CG part. -Yes. -You know watch like a 40-minute movie instead of like you know-- -It's called the trailer. -No. -But that's-- no. -Pretty much. -An extended trailer. -Yes. -Yes. -I'd be into that. -I want like a half-hour CG bad-ass blockbuster explosion trailer. We'll call it the Michael Bay trailer, you know. You just watch it, watch it for half price. -Yes. -In and out, you know, showing every half hour. -All right. -So are you a big toy collector then? Is that why you're into this story like do you-- -I just think it's pretty interesting because it's something I grew up with. -Yes, totally. -Yes. I think that's basically it and I've been saying for years and like why are Transformers so hard like why do I have to look at the instructions. -Yes. -Yes. Come on. -It's like Gundam now basically. -Yes. -Yes. -Or like Lego where you have to like build the damn thing. Transformers should be this seamless, you know, couple of you know motions and you're done. -Exactly. -Yes. -It's a little too complicated. -Yes. -So the story coming today on Gizmodo dives deeper into that. -Yes. -I bet the price difference is a lot too. That's probably why they had to make up for the features. -Yes. That probably is because I'm just looking at this Bumblebee thing. The guy's on the left as well as like in the 80s. -Yes. -That probably cost like 4.99 and then the one on the right probably now costs 25.99. -I think they were expensive still back then. -You think? -Even then I don't think they were more than like 15 bucks though. -Right. -Is that why they're more than that now? -I don't think so. -I don't know. I mean I haven't bought an action figure in a while. -I feel like-- -At this point. -Oh, on Comicon. -What's up? -I took it down but I was just gonna say I feel like at this point it's almost like you assemble it and then you just kind of leave it alone and-- -No, man. You gotta play with it and like bang it in to stuff, dude. -Yes. I guess. -I don't know. -What the hell was your childhood like? -This doesn't look like you could do that though. Is that what you're saying like this looks like it would probably fall apart if you-- -I think they're too delicate. -Yes. -Hit them against each other. -Yes. I feel like the old generation looked a lot more simple. -Yes. -And I don't know. I guess my action figures were not-- I don't know. I didn't watch Transformers or--I was more an X-Men kind of guy. -Oh, yes. -So they pretty much did this. -Yes. -And that's it. -It was about it. -Sure. -Well, that's a funny motion. What action figure or cartoon things were you into when you were-- -I had Banshee. -Yes. -Banshee you could blow into his back and then it would scream, right? Did you have that one? -Oh yes. -Yes. -And he had wings. -He had the plastic wings. I was obsessed with that with Banshee, Bishop, and then Rogue and Storm and-- -Yes. -Yes. -So just X-Men? -I didn't have X-Men. -I didn't have X-Men either. -Ninja Turtles though. -That was pretty much the only-- -I had Ninja Turtles and G.I. Joe. -Yes. -You see and I didn't do G.I. Joe. I did Ghostbusters. -I did G.I. Joe because they had the action figure where you throw it up in the air and then it-- -Parachuted down. -Yes. -There was something cool about G.I. Joe. I feel like they had more bendable joints than most action figures. -They could bend like this for-- -I think of the time yes. -Some reason. -Bend at the hand, yes. -Yes. They could bend at the hand-- -At the wrist. -And at the elbow and at the shoulder and that was something unheard of where you had Ninja Turtles they were just like-- -Oh, their torsos would twist too. -Yes. They were super-- -It's like the small around. -I remember doing that. -Yes. That's fun, man. -You'd wind it up and then go up to my brother and we're like-- -And let us feel like Karate Kid come into eternity. I love that. -I wanna ask you guys. Is there one toy that you always wanted as a kid, but never got that maybe if you go back now, you'd buy a-- -Yes. -Mine would be the Technodrome from Ninja Turtles. It was like a whole playset and it was the round Technodrome with the eye at the top. -Right. -It had wheels. -It's like an arena. -Oh, man. -Yes. It was insane. You could basically pack all your toys into it and go mobile with them. What was your gadgets? -I was really, I love all the Ninja Turtles and that stuff and I don't think there was one of those that I didn't get. It was-- -You didn't have the blimp. No one had the blimp. -No. I didn't have the blimp. I had like the underground sewer lair. -Yes. -I had the car with like you know the-- -Pizza shooter. -The pizza shooter one. I had like weird special edition ones that you know like you could put the turtle head, you could like poke it in and then squeeze the feet and the head would pop out. I had crazy Ninja-- I had a lot of those. But one thing I wanted, it was like this really awesome remote control car on a track thing, and it was like one where it would leave the track for a second. -I remember that. -You know what I'm talking about like the car-- -It would spark on the bottom. -Yes. They were all spark but there was like this sick jump that it did over anything you want it to put under there. -Right. -I forgot what it was. -There was a commercial for that too. I remember it was a really good commercial for it. -And like the kids and the commercial built up an unbelievable volcano -Yes, there was like fire coming out of it. -Yes, it was like fire sparks and shit coming out of it and I was like-- -Oh, it doesn't do this. -I was like holy God, I need that right now and it was probably like 300 bucks at the time and my parents would just like go F yourself, you 8-year-old, you know. Enjoy your Ninja Turtles and shut the hell up. -Excellent. -What about it was the early-- -Really aggressive. Were your parents that aggressive? -No, but that's what they were thinking. They didn't say that to me. They're probably like sorry, Jeff, you have enough, you know. -Yes. -Go play with Slimer. You have enough-- what about I mean like Peter, anything. -There's one that pops but it's a little embarrassing. -I didn't know. I can't-- -But-- -Oh. -When I was a kid, I wanted the New Kids on the Block fashion plates and my parents were like no, you're not getting those. -Oh boy. -The New Kids on the Block fashion plate, this was when I was a kid and then they said no and then-- -What are fashion plates? -Can you bring these up, please? -Do you remember what fashion plates are? -Yes. -I wanna know what these-- -Time out. -Oh. -Fashion plates. -Fashion plates. -Like dinner plates? -They're these-- it's like a stencil background. -Yes. -And you basically mix and match the hair, torso, and skirt or-- -What? -Well, okay. I see-- -Like pants and then shoes. -What you're talking about, is this what we're looking at here? -Yes, but they had a New Kids on the Block edition. -I see. So you kind of trace over it and they had the grooves and it would make an image. -Yes. You trace over with different colored pencils. -These things are for ringing a bell for sure. Now, now, I know what you're talking about. -Yes. -It was that and Skip It. -No. -You couldn't get a Skip It? -Skip, no. -Skip it, skip it. -I always played with the next door neighbors anyway. Peter. -Yes. -I don't-- -You don't know. -You know I was really into Micro Machines back then. -Hell yes. -Oh yes. -There's probably some of my collection things that I wanted so that's probably what I would want. -Yes. But I had one that folded up like into, it came in like a lunch box, right? It was like some sort of weird briefcase thing that you opened up and it like unfolded 30 times in each direction and it was just like a little city with a car wash. It was almost like Sim City but in real life. -Yes. -You know what I mean like a little Micro version of a town. -Was there ever a toy fad that you guys saw happen as it was unfolding and you're like yes. I don't know if this is a good idea. -Back when we were kids or looking at it now? -No. Like when you were kids. -Yes. -Remember Pogs, remember seeing Pogs. -Yes. I know. -I didn't dig Gak. -I had buckets of Gak. -I wasn't too. -I had Gak that had bubbles. -What is Gak? -Gak was like Nickelodeon. -I know what it is but why? -Because you didn't have cable. You didn't appreciate Nickelodeon. -Yes, so was there a tie-in with the TV show? -Yes. So like Gak and Slime and all that junk was like the tie, it was like the product tie-in for-- -Oh, man. -All right. -For Double Dare and you can't do that on television and all that junk. -But aside from making it fart on itself-- -That's it. -What you could do with bubblegum. -And you would just-- -What's the point of Gak? I don't get it. -Because you just-- -Yes. You huff it. -You need more than that? -Yes. I need more just. -Why? -Because it's just slime. -I guess kids are into that yet. -What's not cool about slime? -Oh. -I had Ghostbusters slime too, man. -Yes. I got it. -I remember you would throw it up against the wall and it would always leave this like orange stain that you could never get off. -Yes. -Oh my God, yes. -I did it on like a couch once and my mom was not happy. -Yes. -At all. I remember the freaking Ghostbusters slime. I had 2. That stuff was straight up permanent like ink. It didn't care what you did and made all those noise. You're right. Smiling politely he's right. Gak smelled weird. It totally smelled weird. -Yes. It had this soapy kind of-- -Yes. -I don't know. Didn't really smell like chemicals. -That wasn't chemically but a weird smell. -It was like fruit and soap. -Yes. -Like and chlorine. -It was like I don't know, like some sort of bubble gum, not bubble gum, but some sort of like tropical punch drink. -So weird. -What about Pogo Balls? Do you remember that? -Pogo balls. -They basically looked like those balance boards that you see at gyms now. -Oh, with rubber on each side, yes. -They look like Saturn. -Yes. -Right. Yes. -Oh yes. I remember. -Yes. -Oh yes. -For sure. -I tried typing Pogo Balls into Google and it automatically brought up pornhub.com. -Oh gosh. -Like Po, no, no, no. Not that, not that. -Oh. That's a you problem. -I know. -Not a Google problem. -Oh. So these are the Pogo Balls right here. This is kind of cool. -Yes. There you go, Saturn. -They're just like yes, balance on them. -Can you jump if you-- -Yes. -Quickly with the side-- -Of course. -Yes. -Yes. -Really cool. -That how you knew you were cool if you're rocking one of those in school. -Yes. -That's cool. We could really just go down memory lane all day. -We could. -I wanna switch gears a little bit and talk about this Nathan Fielder story that Justin has put in the rundown here. -Yes. -Nathan Fielder like Comedy Central Nathan Fielder? -Yes. -That dude? -Same guy. You put me on to this guy. Actually I haven't watched his TV show yet, but apparently on that show it's called Nathan For You, right? -Yes, yes. -He challenged people to sort of tweet out-- no, I'm sorry. He tweeted out to his followers, instructions to text their parents that he had 2 grams of weed for sale like accidentally. -Oh, this was awesome. -You know we've been talking about you know sending accidental text messages to the wrong people lately. So he ask his Twitter followers to text their parents saying that they had weed for sale and then-- -But why? -Retracting it saying it was sent to the wrong person. -Got you. -And then recording what they're parents said. -Got you. -And follow up. -Can I put this on screen? -Yes. Here we go. Let's just look at some of them. This guy says got 2 grams for 40. I don't know. The parents just kind of go crazy. -It's just like as if-- -Granddad asking grams of what? -Grams of what? Grams of what? -Yes. My favorite. He says got 2 grams for 40, sorry. Ignore that text. It's not for you. Mom doesn't understand. She does wait. Why did you send that? Are you saying you have money for grandmother? -And grams, nice. -That's pretty good. -Yes. -That is pretty good. -This like other one-- -Does anyone actually realize what they're talking about. -Oh yes. There's a handful of them. -Freak out. -Go to the one where she says you're overpaying. -Oh, man. -Maybe for 1960. -Yes. -She's like-- -That's funny. -Oh. -That's pretty good. -I don't know where that is. -A lot of them were like you have a lot of explaining to do. -Yes. -Yes. Exactly. -There's a lot of those. -Yes. One's like I'm going to Walgreens. You better get ready to pee in a cup. -I love the one where you can see that before he brings up the 2 grams thing. His parents were like you better get a job. -Yes. -Like you need to get a job right now and then he's like oh, 2 grams for 40,000. Never mind. And they're like I'm coming to pick you up right now. -I mean-- -Excuse me. Come home now. -If you're the parent, do you freak out? I don't freak out if my kid is like 18. -I mean the fact that he's selling it I think is a little alarming, maybe consuming not so bad. -I guess it does. -Distributing, yes. -I can see yes. I guess it does and imply that you are selling. -Yes. -Was this supposed to be for all college kids because I'm assuming that's what it seems all these kids are-- -I hope ours are teens. -Yes. -You are a huge turd. -I know. I don't have any money. -And you are overpaying if you're getting illegal drugs, you goof. -You goof. -That's the best. -That's funny. -That's the cool mom right there. I like that. That's a very funny social experiment. I dig that. -Yes. What about you, Peter? I mean we've kind of been talking about all week like you know the worst is when you send a cheap chat to the wrong person. It's someone you haven't talked to in like 15 years like someone like middle school then you have to be like oh, that wasn't me. -Well, sometimes they inadvertently send inappropriate gifts. -Oh. -To people over IM. -And like oh, that's the wrong person. -Oh, really. -Oh. -Yes. -So this is the problem for you. -What kind of gifts are we talking about? -Whatever I find on Reddit. -Okay. Yes, yes like porn gifts basically. -Well, no. I mean no, no, no. -Not porn, it's not-- -They're never really fun gifts. -Yes. No porn gifts. -Okay. Yes. -The guy that-- -Is this the creep in the room always? -I don't know. -Sue me in the head. -The porn hub guy. -And he outs himself. -I know, I know. -The best part about it, Peter, is that every day he just outs himself and doesn't even realize it. -I just think it's funny. -I mean there's porn everywhere in the world but it's not-- -It's too easy. -I don't need to pull up porn gifts. -Right, right. -Okay. All right. -You know it's more like animals doing something funny. -Right. -Or a girl but-- -You just said you didn't need to pull up porn gifts. -You might need somewhat violently inappropriate. -Yes. It's just something silly. -No, it's just fully clothed. -Something silly and totally harmless. -Right, right. -Yes, right. -Yes. -Like there's one yesterday that I sent to a friend and luckily I sent it to the right person. You know Slip 'n Slide. -Yes, sure. -So it was this guy drinking a beer on his knee with the girl in front of him on all 4s and they were going down a Slip 'n Slide. -Right. -They were connected. -They were connected. -Oh. Okay. -But fully clothed. -Sure. -But you know that sort of-- -Like a human centipede. -Kind of yes, a little bit, yes. -That's kind of funny. -Yes. It was a little-- -No, not like a human centipede. -You need a third person for that. -Oh. -Well now this woman was more-- he was you know. -Oh, I see. Yes. Got you. And who did you send this to? -Just a friend. He's like my mom. Actually my mom. -Yes. I don't know. You never had a situation where you send someone a text message-- -No. -And we're like oh. -Never. -Never. -No. -Lucky you, man. -Yes. -You're pretty good. What's the worst thing you've ever done as there's you know what I mean like the worst-- -Speaking of adult texting. -Or embarrassing like something online embarrassing where you wished you could have it back. -I'm pretty conscious about well, I mean other than saying stupid things on Twitter or whatever-- -Right. -But nothing completely inappropriate. -You're pretty filthy on Twitter. You ever catch any flag for that? -No. -No? -Well, I don't say anything to that. -No, you don't say anything to that. -You know what I always do. -It's not like I sexed someone inappropriately so DM them but accidentally tweeted out me like oh crap. -Yes. -You know what I always do is you know sometimes you like look back through someone's Instagram feed. -Yes. -And you'll be like you know 15 weeks back and you accidentally clicked twice on a photo and it'll like that photo. -Yes. -But it's the only one that you've liked so clearly that person now knows you've been going back through their archives and like lurking on their history. -That's a little creepy. -That, I've done that a few times, but everyone's guilty of that. -Well, that's fun. You know what? You know what's a fun thing to do especially on Facebook. -Yes. -Go back and find embarrassing photos, like them. -Oh, so they now pop up and they'll pull up. -Oh, that's funny. -Then dislike them and then a couple of weeks later they like them again. -Yes. -It's cute but I'm fresh. -Just a little bump. -Yes. It's like bump, bump. I like that. -Yes. -That's smart. -It's a good thing to do. -Yes. You know there is like a lot of weird creepy things you could do like I could tell a buddy of mine was looking. Yes, this is bad. You gotta be careful because you don't always know especially people with whom-- there are people who are new to Facebook. They don't really get exactly how it works and the methodology behind some of the intricacies of the platform. -Yes. -You got a guy who's like looking at all these women or gal or a girl looking at guys and you start liking stuff. -And it's his entire like page. -And it's like wait a second, dude, and there'd go like commenting on really old photos like-- -Hey, girl. You look so good. -Yes, damn. You know. Wow. Let's put the brakes on a little bit here. -Right. -Relax, soldier. -But that's the beauty of Facebook. -There's nothing beautiful about Facebook. -I mean there isn't but at least you could laugh at people when they're-- -Yes. I guess. -At their misfortune. -I guess. What do you think of like their new redesign and stuff like that? -I really don't care for it. I actually do when I get off Facebook. -I'm telling you, man. It's kind of easy. Once you sort of-- -Are you off of it? -I mean I have a profile and occasionally I'll you know check but I don't-- it's not my go-to. -Days and days-- -I don't look at Facebook. -Go by before I even look at it. -Yes. -I don't unless someone, unless I get a notification in my phone that says like someone has either sent you a message or whatever. But you know what's exactly interesting last week when all the news is breaking that nobody on Facebook shares news anymore. -Yes. -You're right. -Right? -It's not. It's all about-- it's more like just what you're into, you know what I'm saying. Like it's-- -It doesn't matter. -No, but I'm saying like you know I don't know. I was looking at my wife's feed. -Yes. -And all of her junk is just stuff she likes. So you know her news feed-- -Yes. -Is just things that she's into. Mine is just people. Hers are products and services and brands and stuff like that. -Oh. -She's getting this sort of feed that's more of a commercial. -Yes. -And I'm just getting you know crap from people I just don't care about anymore. -Right. -You know. I don't know. It's weird. -I get photos of people's kids. -Yes. -Lot of kids. -People ranting about things like it's 2004 or 5 or whatever when Facebook first started and they're like I had a terrible day and blah, blah, blah and like-- -Right. -I don't care. -It's always weird. -Justin brought that up the other day, these overshare-- -Yes. -What do you think about these people? -They should just go away. -Yes. -Or Facebook activists too. Not that I'm like offended by what they're posting about like obviously on pro-gay marriage, but to see that happen so much-- -Yes. -It was like wow like I don't know if people go into Facebook, you're kind of preaching to the choir here. -Right. -I mean I wonder if they have an-- -But they only make friends with people that are like minded so why would you-- -Right. -It's like get some new friends. How about that? -Yes. -Do that. What's up, Mark? -I was gonna say I wonder if they have an appreciation for when other people do that because you know when I see other people status update or tweet something that's lame or something I think is stupid, I'll go why would you do that. If you see someone else doing that, you're gonna say to yourself note to self, don't represent yourself in that type of way. -They don't-- -And they must-- -They don't care. -I guess. I don't know. -They just don't-- some people just don't get it. They haven't yet been able to wrap their heads around what their virtual sort of aura is like. -Right. -You know and they don't understand how they're represented on the internet outside of their own little world. -It's sad. -It's bad. It sucks. Yes. -We're talking about this yesterday. The weird thing is that some people act totally different online through those online personas. -Yes. -They do even in person. -Right. -You know like a lot of people are a lot more awkward in person but then when they go online, they're like-- -They're the superstars. -Yes. -Well, I think a lot of people just haven't really evolved with Facebook like we have. -Right. -Right? -At first yes. When we first started, it was like what is your status update like what are you doing or-- -Right. -I'm eating a sandwich and it's awesome. -Yes. -Yes. -And I think the problem-- -But now-- -I was gonna say I think the problem with that is you see that and you make a judgment on their character when in real life they could be the coolest person in the world. -Right, right. -But then you go off of this stupid, stupid update that they had and you're like i don't know if I wanna hang out with them anymore. -Yes. -Or talk to them anymore. -They're less of a person to me now. -I know and that's how I feel and I think that's how most people are, but-- -Whenever I go on Facebook now, I always feel like I'm eavesdropping on a conversation that I shouldn't be listening to. -Yes. -You know or that I'm listening on an inside joke that I don't get. -Yes. -And then I don't care about either, but I'm forced to read. -That's actually a good way to put it. Yes, yes. -Yes. I hate that so-- -Oogle maniac in the chatroom says something very profound. It's a social site that no one is social on. -Yes. -True. -And it's kind of true. -Yes. -We're all still on it. Do we all sound like a bunch of assholes right now? I just-- -No, no. I mean-- -Talking about how much better we are on Facebook. -I want it because so many other services are linked to it now. -Or require your Facebook log-in-- -And not only that like Peter is in the same spot we're in, it's almost like it's a part of your job now. -Yes. -It's part of our jobs. If we didn't have Facebook pages, we would be told to get one. -Yes. -Yes. -That's how it works. -Yes. -Silly pricks. -Yes. -Sure. -But if we were real pricks, we would have Facebook fan pages for our online personas and that's even worse. -Right. -Do you think that's bad? -Yes. -Do you think that's bad? -Yes. -Here's why I don't think that's bad. -That's the alternative to having a personal profile and having-- -No, it's not the alternative. I think it's the complement. -Even douchier. -It's the complement. -I think it's a way to filter out. -Or-- -Yes. It's a way to like-- -It's a way to filter it out but then at the same time you're like-- -But-- -Guy has a fan page of himself. -Bur for people that-- yes. -They're rated by himself. -For people that don't know who you are online-- -But then depending on how many friends you have, you might be forced to just set up a fan page because you can't accept any more friend requests. -But are they really your friends? I mean couldn't you just go back and delete like a thousand of those people? -Yes. -That you never talk to and has-- -Who the hell wants to do that? -I could easily delete like half the people that I'm like friends with-- -I'm gonna do-- that's my weekend spring cleaning. -Yes. -I'm gonna spring clean my friends list. -Like all these weirdos from high school that I'm like you're not doing anything but you told me like the same things you're telling me about back in college like, yes, but don't you have like some people that are total train wrecks that you can't look away? -Oh, my God. -Oh, that's the best. -But that gets boring. -No. -It does get boring. -That's like getting us magazine. -And you're like oh you're on your 4th marriage like cool. -Yes. -So awesome though. -Come on. -I'm with Peter. -That's such a boring life. -No, no, no, no. I'm talking about-- that's too tame. I'm talking about people who are literally off the rails and every day's a new adventure. -Yes. -Like that sort of stuff, it's amazing. -What? Like-- -No, not like drug like hardcore intravenous drug use. -I told you guys about like-- so recently I had my 10-year high school reunion. -Yes. -Right? And like people were all going online and crowding opinions on like where we should hold that, how much to charge people-- -Yes. -And stuff. And it kind of derailed into this conversation about like all the drama that people had with each other in high school because they haven't talked in so long, so eventually gotten to this whole thing where people were calling each other out on past relationships and oh I had a crush on you but you didn't even respond to that letter that I sent. -That's terrible. -That's weird. -In the 11th grade. -That's just-- -Yes. And the thread ended up being hundreds and hundreds of comments long and every day I would read it and like yes, yes. -It's great especially because you know these people. -Yes. -That's the best part. -I skipped my reunion because of that. -So did I. -It's like I'm not gonna-- -But when you have access to information like that online you can't look away. -That's priceless. Come on. I have got some-- -That made it worth it for me. -I've got some guys and girls on my friends list some of the crap that comes out of their mouth. It's too good to not read. It's too good because they don't know how absurd they are and that is the best part. I'm sorry. Call it morbid, call it whatever you want. -Okay, fine. No. No I get it. -That's fine. -Sometimes I think about whether or not I should troll people but I'm like-- -Oh my God. How many times-- -Do you do that? Do you write it out? Do you write out the chapter-- -Oh, sure. I do it all the time. -And write out these troll comments and then like chuckle out loud-- -Yes. -So you like the satisfaction and then sometimes I even take screenshots of it just like-- -Really? -And I'll send it to one of my friends. -Nice. -This is good idea. -This is twisted. -We'll send it out to one of my friends and we do this back and forth to each other and then-- -You're evil. -I know. -Oh my God. -But everyone does it. Everyone thinks it out in their head but they don't actually go through with it. -See, I wish you get 5 anonymous Facebook comments a week, 5 anonymous Facebook comments a week, right? And you just get to go nuts. I'm sorry, man. That's what I want. -That's my dream as if we could just live in a sitcom world and you could just say whatever and everyone would be like oh, that's funny. It's a sitcom world. -Right. Yes, yes. -There's no repercussions. Wouldn't that be amazing? -Yes. It's something I really-- if I could pay 10 bucks a month to get 5 anonymous Facebook comments a week, I would pay the whole year in advance. -Now, I'm just gonna look at Facebook real quick. -Go for it. -Maybe read something out loud if I find something there. -Yes. -Go on. -Did you know we have a sub-Reddit, Peter? Did you know that? -Here? -Yes. It's pretty active too. We almost had a thousand members. -Who's monitoring that? -This dude, I don't know, what's his name, dual underscore CIT? -CIT. Yes. -He's a good guy. He started it for us. He moderates the whole thing. -Yes. -He changed the layout of it too, Justin. Have you seen that lately? -Yes. I did see that. Yes. Let me just bring that up. We'll show it there. -Please do in an effort to make the show-- -Talk about self-promotion right now. -Even more interactive, Facebook, Reddit.com/r/the404. We were talking about how we were going to make one of the stories from the thread part of the show. So let's do it right now. -Here we go. Let's do the first one right here. -There you go. There's an interesting set of tracks that have been laid by the Mars Rover and if you would really look at it, kind of looks like the Mars Rover has graffitied out a penis. -Yes. -Yes, it's true. -Totally. -The tracks-- I mean come on. That's what else are you gonna make that turn into? That looks just-- -Like a crop circle. -It's not a crop circle. It's a-- -The tip is steaming. -What's that? -The tip is steaming. -The tip is steaming? It's awesome. -It's trailing off. -Anyway, the Mars Rover, NASA's Rover, thought it'd be funny to draw a giant penis. I'm not sure that's exactly what the rocket freaking scientists at NASA were trying to do. I think this is just a very funny coincidence that only the internet could really appreciate. -Come on. You know they were told just trying to draw a big penis on Mars. -You think? -Yes. -In that sort of-- -Are you serious? Come on. -Yes. I agree. -You're joking. -No. I agree with Peter because who took this photo, right? Why would they-- -Well what do you mean who took it? -But why would they take a photo-- -Marvin the Martian took it. -Why would they take a photo of the pattern drawn-- -And orientation is perfect. -Onto the planet-- -The orientation of where the picture is taken is perfect. -Right, it's perfect. -Yes. -If you were in control and if you're one of the smartest people in the world-- -They probably realized-- -Like why not draw a penis? -I refuse to believe-- -Of the Rover. -Would you not just think to yourself and your head would be like oh, wouldn't it be really funny if I just made a big penis? -Yes. -I don't even think you could like do it if you wanted to. I think-- -Come on. -I don't know. I think we're giving you know this, this is not like a remote control car where a guy-- -Yes, it is. -I know it is but is it that simple to just like draw with it? You know what I mean? Come on, dude. It's got I don't know. -But look. It looks like he just went up and then where the steaming part is he just stopped and then I don't even know how he got back to the stations. He just lifted off from there? -It's actually amazing. -Yes. -Exactly. -I'm not even mad. -You're really determined whether or not it was on purpose as if we could get photos leading up to the whole thing. -Right. -To see what route he took. -I want like a fine-- -Listen to what some experts are saying it is. -Experts. -The truth is not that there was a penis drawing competition by the rocket scientists at NASA. That's absurd. The phallic shape naturally resulted when the 6-wheeled Spirit which was declared dead in 2010 made a turn as NBC news' Alan Boyle points out. NASA's currently active Mars Rovers, Spirit's twin, which is the Opportunity in the much longer, larger-- -Go on. -And the much larger Curiosity have also made similar tracks on the red planet. -Yes. -Come on. There's no dick drawing contest going on at mission control. -But why is the default-- -You stupid? -Why is the default pattern for the Mars Rover-- -Well, think of it. It's gotta turn on its-- like when it moves it's gotta turn so the turning thing makes the balls. -Are you saying-- -I think you have something against penises. -I have nothing against penises. -So you're saying that this was completely inadvertent and not on purpose? -Yes, 100 percent. Not intentional at all. -Not intentional. I will not sit here. -So okay. If that's true then the Rover has probably made a similar movement on other planets like you just said-- -Not other planets. -So it's-- -The Rover has only been to Mars, dude. -So it's probably on multiple parts of that by now. -Yes, it said right here. -So there are multiple penises, not just this one? -Yes. There's a plethora of penis on Mars. -Spirit is-- -It's an all-over print of penis. -The twins, Opportunity and the much larger Curiosity have also made similar tracks on the planet. There are bigger dicks than just this on Mars, okay? -And they're all drawn up in-- -And yours-- exactly. -You guys are being you know this. This is your being dicks. This is not-- I'm telling you, man. There is no way, there is no way that this is on purpose. -Look, I'm just telling you that if I was in charge I would totally make a big-- -Right. Well, you know or a smiley face. -In what? I'd make it big enough to be seen from earth. -Yes. -Why wouldn't you do that? I don't understand why. -I don't know. -Why are you so like-- -Because they're busy-- -It's not intentional. -Because they're busy looking for the history of the planet, looking for life. -What? Are you saying that you can't look for-- -Look at hour-long lunch breaks. -Life on Mars without drawing a penis? -Yes. -I think you can. -You're right. -Well-- -You might be on to something. -It looks like a penis and that's what the most important part of the story is. -I guess that is the most important-- -Look at it. It is a big schlong. -Yes. -What is this part on the bottom though that's like coming out, the other tracks. -That's tracks, dude. The thing has gotta get to A to B. -That's not the tracks. It's the the hair. -It might not be an actual real penis. It could be a-- -Kind of looks like a gun turret too. -Yes. -Yes. -It's weird. -I mean-- -Thanks. Thanks, buddy. -Maybe it's a strap-on. -Yes, maybe. -Yes. That could be too. -Yes. Anything is possible. I wanna talk a little bit about New York now. -Oh. -2 stories, really weird. Well, one's really weird, one's from Gizmodo. -Oh. -Wait, which one? -The giant head. -Oh yes. -What the hell, man? -I don't know. -Can you talk about it? Do you know a little about it? -No. -Crew has found a gigantic unexplained head in the Hudson River. -Do you have it up? -Yes. Here it is. This was found by Poughkeepsie. This is weird. -Like yesterday, right? -Yes. The Marist College crew team, they just found this giant head. How big is it? -Jeff, do you see that in the story? -It's roughly 8 feet tall. -Yes, which would've make, if it was part of a statue. That would make it about 30 to 40 feet long. -What the hell? Where did it come from? -I don't know. It's the strangest thing. -How did they find it? -Well, Gizmodo says that it might be a theatre prop from Vassar College which is close by. -That would make sense. -An 8 foot. What's it made of? -But then why would they throw-- it's made of Styrofoam. -Oh. -So that's floating. -Yes. -All right. -So why would they throw it into the ocean though? That doesn't make sense. -Oh, when you're done with the play, it's a ritual to just dump all the props into the ocean. -Sure, right. -Who hasn't heard of that? -Right. The nearest body of water would be like-- -Just roll it down the hole. -This is super weird, super creepy too. -Definitely not the weirdest thing that's washed up on the Hudson River though, right? -Yes. -Like there's gotta be all sorts of crap in there. -Oh yes, oh yes. -Probably the biggest piece of Styrofoam though. -Yes. -I'm surprised-- I mean I wonder how long it's been in there and I don't know. -I don't know. -It looks pretty good for being Styrofoam, don't you think if it's in water? -Yes. It's been a little beat up though. I think that's safe to say. -Something tells me that this giant head and that giant penis are somehow cosmically connected. -Oh, man. -Right? Like that would be awesome. -Yes. -You're a dummy and you know it. -Yes. -What's the-- oh, the other subway story. -Yes. -Is that some stations in New York are finally getting free cellphone and Wi-Fi service. -Correct. -But only the uptown stations, right? So none of the 6 trains that go downtown. There's nothing at-- they basically just go down to 14th Street. -Yes. -And none on the east side either. It's just 8th Avenue, 6th Avenue-- -And they're all just on the platform. -Right. That's the-- -You can't like use it when you're in the train. -No. Yes. -Which is good but I've got to be in one of these stations where you do have the service. Have you guys seen it yet? -I've had service I think in like west 4th or something. -Yes. -Yes. -Random sporadic. -Would that annoy you having everyone on a train or in the station talking on their cellphones. -Well, it has. I mean it happens-- -You go to Queens everyday it happens, you know. I know but I'm saying would that annoy you like-- -Especially in like 14th Street or-- -Look-- -42nd Street. -You know now that it doesn't matter. -Because everyone's already glued to their phones but you don't have to hear them. -Right, but if it's not someone talking on it, it's some jack hole with playing his music. -Yes. -Or her music on the-- -I think that's pretty uncommon though. -Or playing game. -About the music thing? -Yes, blasting their music-- -I think it's twice a month. -Really? -Oh yes. I spend a little time. -People are really stupid. -What's worse than loud music coming out of headphones is when they just don't even bother with the headphones and they play the music at their phone and stick them into the ear. I respect the hell out of that. -Or they're playing Temple Run. -Wait. What? What do you respect about that? -That they just don't care. I mean like-- -And you respect that? I don't understand. -Yes, I respect that because it doesn't bother me since I'm wearing my own headphones anyway. It's just funny to see them holding their cellphone up to their ear. It's like this for the entire ride. -Right. I've never seen that. -Actually it's really funny. -I mean-- -I wouldn't respect that. -It's funny but it's kind of sad. -I wouldn't murder them or anything. -I mean it denotes a level of stupidity that-- -Right. -Just not really-- -I just think it's silly. It's always like teenagers and stuff. -Yes, stupid, stupid people. -Randomly though speaking of subways, did you know that this July, the NYPD on 3 separate occasions or in that month are going to release some odorless and I guess like whatever gas. -Why? -Just to see what happens if in the event that there is a major gas leak of some sort or like a terrorist attack-- -Yes. -Because they wanna see how the gases move throughout the subway systems-- -Oh, so they wanna check out like the air flow, how that-- -Yes, yes. -How it would respond? -Yes. -That's interesting. -But they're not gonna shut down the subway stations. -No, they'll not -Those that are current which I don't understand why they're doing that because they'll shut it down for construction-- -Right. -But not for testing bombs. -No, but this is fun. -They're doing it in all 5 Burroughs. -Yes. -In however many stations and then on the street level. -Yes. -Like you won't know, I think there's something like 200 people that are gonna be going around like releasing gases. -Right. -But clearly it's not gonna be like you know-- -Flammable? -Or just no-- -Dangerous gas. -No, it's not dangerous. No. -Yes. -I feel like even if I saw someone with official like New York Public Transportation-- -Looks like a huge canister. -If that's on, I would still be alarmed if they're like setting off gas. -Yes, like a fog machine. -That guy clearly stole a vest. -Yes. I don't like that. -I sort of wished that they hadn't even said anything. -No, but-- -I'm sure there's a law that's just like if we're gonna go do this major test like people need to know. -Right. -Because otherwise they might freak out and be like oh my God, I just saw this person release like whatever. -Think about it, dude. That's terrifying. -Release gas. -People are so gonna do that. I guarantee you people are still going to report they've seen like-- -Yes. -Sure. -People on the subway platforms like-- -You see something, say something -Dropping something. -Yes. -It'll happen for sure. -They definitely need to start putting Wi-Fi inside the actual cars though and I'm hoping they're gonna do that soon. Just because inside the subway cars, you're constantly looking for something to stare at and inevitably becomes those stupid advertisements that are on top of the seats. At least now maybe or hopefully soon you'll be able to look at your phone instead. -No, because if you get Wi-Fi in the train, I guarantee they're gonna find some way to serve you an ad. -Yes, for sure. -I will accept that. -Yes. You wouldn't accept ad just for really be letting you surf a little bit. -Oh that was like I'd rather-- -That was my idea. -Read a book or stare creepily at some really good looking girl. -Oh. -That I will. -Well I mean-- -I'm sure. -That's for sure. -I'd promote that. -What's a book? -What's a book? -What is book? -That's the great idea though that didn't we have that the other day on the show where we're talking about like I was at the Garden the other day. -Yes. -Yes. -There's no Wi-Fi in the Garden unless you're like are a member of Optimum you know Cable, right? -Yes. -There should be free Wi-Fi in arenas and-- -Why? -Why should there be? Because there should be. -Why? -I don't know. There should be. Wi-Fi is like-- -That would take a huge network though. -I mean I actually didn't watch the game in that-- -No, but they do it for the optimum online thing. -Yes. -For everybody? -Yes. Why not? What's the problem? Right? And you do that and then you work it out where like you've had someone pay for it by serving ads. -Because you shouldn't be on your phone when you're in an arena. You have something to watch already. -I'm just saying, man. Just saying. -Those second screen apps that you can get at like Barclays for Net's game I think is stupid. -I haven't-- -Like you're at a game-- -Experienced that, yes. -Yes. -Well, it's weird. -It's like right there in front of you. Why didn't you look at your phone? -This is well, here's the deal. So I saw the Knick's game on Tuesday. -Yes. -And I had seats where there was a television right in front of my seat deliberately put there. -Why? -It's just part of the experience. You could watch whatever you want or you could watch well it's a great place to watch is the replays. -Oh, that's cool. -Okay. -Can you select which play you wanna read? -No, it's not interactive. -Okay. -But you can basically say hey, you know. I can freaking just rock and roll-- -Yes. -And there's like a special channel. You watch like the closed circuit one. -Yes. -And they put whatever is on the big scoreboard on your TV. -That's kind of cool. -But that's different as opposed to giving you Wi-Fi so you can like look on your phone and be on Twitter or Facebook or-- -I'm just saying like-- -Pornhub or whatever it is. -You know what it is with the Garden, the Garden and the service is really sporadic. -Yes. -So my phone like farted out because it kept looking for service the whole time. -Yes. -Burning a hole in my pocket and I was like I had to turn off the radios on because it was getting too hot. -Yes. -Could you also order food on that screen in front of you? -No. Totally non-interactive. Just like for a-- -Just like a Sony TV. -I see. Okay. Yes. -But there's-- I mean they have that. There's places that have that. -Yes. -Yes, that's pretty cool. All right. I think that's gonna do it for us. -Yes. -We gotta say goodbye. Peter Ha, man. That's a great show. Thanks for being here, man. -Thank you for having me again. -Our pleasure. Check Peter out on Twitter. Where do we do that? -The Peter Ha. -The Peter Ha. -Yes. -The definitive article in front. -Not Peter Ha, but The Peter Ha. -The Peter Ha. -Make sure you do that. Read the stuff on Gizmodo now and all that good stuff. He'll be back. Are you going to E3? -Maybe. -Yes? Let's go to E3 together. -All right. -Just hold hands the whole time. -Oh. -Yes? -Perfect. -Perfect. That's gonna do it for us. We will see you guys on Monday. Have a great weekend and give us a call 866-404-CNET or you can email us the404@CNET.com. Until Monday, what's up, buddy? You okay? -I'm looking at one of these gifts that Peter Ha puts you know. -Oh, he's a creep. He's a creep. He's a creep. -What's are-- -Just like some kid being fed paper. -No. Go to the other one. -The mail slot, dude. -Go to the one before it. -This one? -Yes. Maybe. No, not that one. -You are a freaking gift hoarder. -All you post are gifts. -Yes, what's up with that, dude? -Yes, this one? -Is that Edge from wrestling? -Yes. I think so. -Not bad. Not bad. -Yes. -All right. Follow Peter Ha if you want stupid gifts in your Twitter feed all day. -Yes. -We'll be back on Monday. Until then, I'm Jeff Bakalar. -I'm Justin Yu. -And I'm Mark Licea. -It's the 404 Show, High Tech, Low Brow. Thanks, Peter. We'll see you soon, man. -Thanks. -Later, guys.

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