Ep. 12: Evil creepy Casper baby
Ep. 12: Evil creepy Casper baby

Ep. 12: Evil creepy Casper baby

It's Tuesday August 3 and you are listening to slash watching to create podcasts doesn't. -- -- Donald and now -- I am Eric Franklin. And I have -- -- I think it's again very very specially deaths we yes we -- very special little creamy by the way. You design -- who make sure that you understand shortlist of special message and another there is actually a bottle of something I'll we'll get we'll -- -- -- we'll get that we're not gonna go there yet. I I switched it -- Don't gonna tells the story in the second but first. We're gonna talk about for the now does it say -- -- is that sites with them but not the they'll too much but now build it up -- -- lots we're gonna talk about the book liberator yes which -- very confused on. That's -- pretty pretty simple device here is they DIY can't. That's the expected costs -- 120 dollars. That lets you scan in your books page by page with two cameras. That amount that -- angle like this little glass enclosure. And then you you just put that the pages one by one so if you this is like the the ripping your own vinyl. The digital form and click the book version of that where if you don't wanna pay like ten dollars for an e-book -- -- got the book -- -- You can spend the better part of an afternoon turning through the book page by page there's any way you way cooler if he had mechanized that page flip thing -- I think you you know look at he had an addiction at -- video of this of this. Just -- -- that if someone came up with is not to like bizarre. That's solution you -- -- it -- why hadn't anyone come up with it yet but he -- he. Quite over there and not your turn and I'm just driving like they can always easy -- attention. I am and Gloria. I'm not impressed because anything that looks like I can actually make it I'm gonna. If it doesn't look like someone modified like fish bowl. Things like an applicant squarely in atrium difficult and and it and a rare I'm just wondering what is your area. After -- -- what different features distended built into some sort of PDF. Well that's -- thing is. That -- apparently there's some some software. That belongs that comes of the kit that will take all the images they shoot and the cool thing is -- shoots both pages at the same time. Yeah that's cool rather than you can you -- get system of the site that are opened into the into the scanner menu to stand hopeful and wants right well your -- with that it was gonna scan the book directly into your head exactly -- -- outdated valid -- somehow to eject the Hoboken Simon hasn't had to read anymore. Share that be great idea now I -- hunter reignite it will -- that once that happens -- books on. You know audio of cocoa -- he. Or in such areas that matter. I I don't and I don't -- is a very special show and tell. Now yes so basically. I think got a funny right now and the reason to have these very cool device you have it right here. It press. And then even show you whether or not you the the local level is value blah -- this is the breast alive -- press the -- This which is the you know which is important because. I really like it -- you Jonathan. Guys like it because that -- to have it -- been do some serious testing yeah yeah. The study how cities look at -- bar right here eyes squeezed it -- -- Pentaho -- I don't something in there and her I don't want it was there was -- formulate did you finish this thing did this morning you're drunk right now we well I cannot test is so you know maybe edit you can upload view and see how will have a little bit later -- even -- that would amount. There's a new -- Those and it's not enough. Oh you crowded here. -- -- will -- -- second and loads it where it's -- hello how long and hard and now you go all the way down and good at that aren't as his good it is good that is good at you know blow battle. And -- there you attend a second maybe that that's that's okay and upload to it until did -- -- -- How much is this. This is lake if you go. There -- -- clean it up. -- clean what does that say it says is what do you euros zero and they're they're innocent is -- and -- -- I'm I'm I'm gonna try because I think and get -- and trouble let him yet so this is basically import. This is of the portable you know -- one at a cost fifty dollars. -- can do whatever you want to basically run we've we had to know who. Double -- batteries. And it can you can test how much time you wanna say well we're really uses -- this -- -- you -- -- curators and you're speeding and I drunk. I get home you get some that we know is is even on the -- bring it home and have to his -- -- -- dream getting and testing. Now has used for this -- be it but there's a couple different uses -- could -- I'm a goat tracks of my grandparents have an old school brought Pulitzer at their house does -- over the mountains and phone occasionally throw a party for their old school is like hand print this. You can't play it also -- -- -- older which much older -- figures out -- And they'll have -- -- at their parties people can blow into the breathalyzer before they leave the -- out of thirteen card to drive have. You know by the limit of the law -- -- little -- -- take out with you if you're going out at night you happen to -- I don't think this is that he's on the city because most people drive here but anyone who's gonna be driving or even. -- or riding a bike is you can get voting and -- get tickets are all of those things and of the implant. What's so what does is look at the hold special point 08. New -- And California the basically -- -- only one via. It's like one drink per hour for somebody my -- probably yeah. Let me if I mean I think I hope auto and I feel like I'm Bulow won you know four point uniform. Hello I'm pretty good you that you -- pretty heavy -- train. -- -- -- liver that is act actually buy on it and -- Also Albany attesting to -- actually it's only page due to test this product to drink yeah you have to drink -- -- -- really -- exactly area. That's great how do you know it's accurate. You know yeah I can go and what you need to do is actually get pulled over by the cops and say for a little -- it means that -- like hey man I -- hathead. By this so -- under the limit. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Do volume one the -- of -- some kind of device that can help training to count -- that it did say the alphabet backwards or walk straight. Blind -- -- I can't make them say the album that backed Karzai get a circular area. I actually -- -- like train myself but it. They cannot physically and legally I just did it for funding any any real dedicated it will do is right -- -- and out out of backwards I think also by this device that they really know what -- I think I think -- come -- handy mean if you want to if you go to friends if you -- -- PA's you know. So without the drama and it's gonna months so it is kind of -- -- it's fun at parties you know. I love to use it remembers that -- releases -- -- -- is as a Segway hydrant in -- effort by the way is called. The optical -- sleep all sure that's the that -- would you right here. So you know what to together -- -- you can actually I'll -- foam like him but I -- -- -- borrow. It -- like you know I think. -- of anybody's any storm. Yeah I can actually want a brand of alcohol called alcohol. Content uncle -- it it. Pretty awesome that's pretty great look also for the party's -- -- but I think that the cameras Canada and at parties. The reed EHD cameras from Panasonic tests apparently well as a lot of civil it's coming -- microphone civil and took one that I she's that create the -- now section -- stones from its data should know that all across the I it's the Panasonic full HDE. 3-D conversion lens and camera. Can help you record your very own HD. 3-D movies. At home and you getting drunk and -- your friends them -- perhaps its best sounds great so apparently this is. This is coming out around 12100 dollars or 14100. Dollars and -- over. And it it the gist of this particular article on -- Japan's create that's -- that -- Is that. I don't short circuit really know. We know who wants. Only those same argument of do we really want 3-D TVs what do you want 3-D movie doubly -- -- you currently -- -- candidate for. I want it says I. Think and it had a -- if you have to use a -- to to view the footage probably not but if you can just view the 3-D movie without the glass. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I this is another they have like that would -- and -- -- coming out there can be pictures can see them on the device yeah. I could see something like no glasses and witness no glasses and it's kind of woman you agree that that now the -- -- -- it is. Whereas a 14100 dollars investment yes and lets you really like trying to make -- next budget avatar -- -- you're a filmmaker. Right at -- that's an editor at it why do you want to see you -- rule in 3-D -- you see that every day and sweetie already with -- data I mean it's. -- and now I feel it is trying to capitalize on -- three -- That this was started avatar program -- you know that that this is not going to like the parents that it wants film decades like soccer game but now. The future -- -- wanna -- film that -- with broad nature of the exact area every treaty and the future economic juggernaut. Really disturbed by this they like especially the fact there are charging so much for is it's the same library and -- that it would be a -- greedy. Movie that is having treaty tacked on it now -- -- to make your own dvd movie with you can't read like. Those who want that's unique that a -- it well I don't need that. Q actually you don't need that. If hearing and that in real life are actually our industry doesn't -- board things the kind of pushed the featured pandora is -- -- -- -- -- -- well the scene is I've -- people who have tied to get it you liked flip cams. -- best -- actually perfectly right at the it's -- it's got -- your own eyes. And any settlement is the rights operative make it viti. And deals that I think -- just got to do that something like this. -- my my whole point and if you -- me that's just me. Room if you everyone -- edit it -- -- sweetie if you have to use some sort of extra accessories like the glasses to -- them yeah. I think I think that's not not to get too dirty but that the biggest test of any new technology is the one. Let's look good and and how that was. All technology and I -- I think if it. At and I think they HD danger now he now has been -- husband -- HD taken off as a means we. We know about this I don't need anybody to know or an HD is at a hotel yeah. They have anywhere more vako quizzing the right people -- -- -- right now right. -- show. Without them and save anybody knows about the HD or 3-D pornography that would be every. Does overnight I don't -- -- -- But -- this the and and the next the next story actually goes right to the heart of why we don't need things you might like and vehement. Because this -- you light light ish. And -- and it's creepy Beatty robot dances as being some that in my nightmares -- I hate that's being developed. How. Yeah horrible idea -- -- well they had them Buffy I'm gonna have nightmares about this is like a telepresence robot the idea is that if you -- for the elderly here if it's if it's that. If here -- -- in the top Graham. He isn't necessarily want to deceive the computers in he -- have the actual interaction in the room. Right. Pat you on the back and slap you on the phase out the eighth -- well robot -- kind of both -- and I'm slapping them in particular that's ramp that -- on the -- they like it. Action that touch may face slapped it's not -- -- investment -- right. Here. So. I am. In -- Horrified was deliberately need to be thinking -- code and kind of represent both men and women are free -- -- -- -- -- children learn or adults and yet it is cast with -- and league goes androgynous. Limbless robot -- -- Casey right hopefully crawling around. Let's -- agreement out. There it stop it on -- my oh my god. I'm and there's nothing. This is very disturbing one backstabbing. I think the other good thing that's happening here with amber is that his I think it's going anyways that he is now he isn't really a great. -- got -- -- a little bit off. The moment but he -- and there is good enough. So who who made these whose idea is -- this is being developed I believe by. It's called -- tell annoyed -- as a child sized telepresence robot soccer. Created -- -- university. And it's gonna be shown off at the ars Electronica -- Next month so if you really wanna see this in the -- -- white Casper the ghost robot flash. Go to Austria -- it's particularly. We thought the story that I really creeped out that's and the president gonna get -- adjustment. No because you're not about money I -- you and -- that I didn't -- no I don't actually if you. With your appetite has returned you can now cut out your favorites images. In the shape of your favorite Star Wars vehicle yes. -- Tyler yes isn't Williams's -- so while this isn't happy Star Wars -- -- cutters. That come in both high fighter and millenium falcon cable -- -- using wheat bread in the -- particularly. Amy hunt and accounting also come to -- some little like custom retro in Star Wars want box they gonna get when you get you get one I was thinking about it is is good idea I guess I'm really gonna get they also offer cookie cutters and pancake mall you'll see in this and so. Pancakes and I'm all for but the cookie cutter -- look pretty though especially when you click on -- -- awesome on hanging at the -- that frosting on accurate like that. Yeah oh yeah owed -- cookies. Aren't on this as also thinking that like. -- my kids to -- -- -- Star Wars yet yeah and then there will be that moment. All that bothers non -- moment where show. -- And you're gonna be seeing him you know fake. Airplanes anyways right okay well that my availability of well could I could really mess that is head by starting now feeding him things that are shaped like that thinks he's gonna see is that yes. Years from now yes he's gonna think believed falcon like why is that -- like -- -- daddy. And then it'll it'll just make it that much more vivid -- that -- sandwiches are fighting -- out matters little or no equally confused him yeah sorry it'll -- may could backfire and it's totally -- William digital reenactment of this -- -- impression expect when. Them when they're inside the cave to cave is actually your -- stomach. Thank you Meredith know that. You guys -- Costs is an agent. Right well that's our that's a podcast with wrap this up it's -- -- been in all. Its. Texas look beautiful one after another hits a gadget -- And -- -- robots we had food we had alcohol we had. Things that terrified jasmine will continue to care fire yeah lower -- data aren't we -- we talked about poor -- or -- -- -- I'm side this is -- I think this is a gallon podcasts I don't know I think different yeah -- ended here yet another grisly I'm glad you want to see more stories that we'll be talking about next week. You go to -- -- blog at crave dot cnet.com. Elements we don't don't think you for joining us you and also you guys to mean is it in -- this week. It should be up this week or early next week at the very last official episode -- -- podcast yes. There and that really that we cut it off coming to and financing an economic episode 100 -- 100. Writes a check value check out the and now classic. Creative arts in -- the lab with -- now. And Eric Franklin and in the meantime if you have any that it -- back or criticism for us we don't need to email us at -- show at cnet.com organs the call -- Eight hundred seventies -- CNET -- that. Seven now I don't know what that is -- 6:3 o'clock up a. I can't I -- Totally not against sentinel consent -- it and showed ghost who suggest you know fitness you know of -- -- -- I think back. Value PP maybe it -- it is the event. -- -- -- --

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