Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode
Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

Can't do. -- -- -- -- -- Mean everyone it is Monday April 2 when is well and you are listening to -- final episode of dialed. This new powerful Santa has if you haven't heard CNET is -- out in interactions with exciting new -- this is not one of them. I'm. Sorry. You are seeing creative video programming -- -- us -- cuts to that said. And we are going to definitely -- this weekly opportunity. To reach out to you you know there's. So with that in mind we are dedicating this final podcast -- year. I'm just -- all court join in San Francisco quietly and -- and -- technical producer Stephen beats them out and buy original host Bonnie Todd I. Kent German on the phone from new York and -- -- we will hopefully be joining us. At some point and we've got Brian about it also in New York. It guys the happier we have bubbled through new and old miners difficulties I just got I just got the call that Nicholas here thanks I'm gonna -- better than cost them and we will have -- we will have a -- -- But until then where we're gonna share some emails were gonna share some memories of ours are gonna get this show are property at I shut off -- style. I'm right now we're gonna do what we do ask and -- person has some headline. So -- Basically BH TC -- and it acts which as you might remember is sort of like the highest octane. Of the three HT CY and it. Phones introduced -- new family phone by HTC and mobile world congress. And we have a review of bit Quad Core world so this is not. Same model that'll be coming to the US this is -- -- -- phone that will be released in Asia and Europe. And CNET Asia and -- UK got her hands on that and they helpful reviews and Brian Bennett. It's going to tell about them. That's right I mean this phone is basically what a lot of people who have been waiting for an Android device and holding out now is the phone meant -- hopefully. -- want unfortunately us in the US won't be able to get it right now at least that's a little look at something else with LTE which state that we're hoping that by. I'll lose that -- listener -- processor but that's true yes. Although my -- -- we don't know that the Quad Core processor made by Nvidia is going to necessarily be better. Then the dual core crop processor that we're getting from Qualcomm in our version so -- elderly need to get some side by side tests. And see if it actually makes a difference. That's true I mean a lot of people bend and latching on to the fact that the European version of the H -- C one acts which is the flagship phone in -- EC's new one series one of devices. You know will have Nvidia's tegra. Three processor. Which has a Quad Core. Computing in -- of the you know has four. -- horse with one. Ticking away. In case the phone is in standby -- conserve battery power sector. Basically you know of this device. From what problem. And of the -- And that checked out that that means there -- malicious how delicious -- low. At CNET Asia took a look at this phone and based it turns out that it's it's what a lot of -- -- expected it's fast. It's nimble. It's -- like its suspect that it. -- exactly I mean -- this this this device com is smoking mean from what. He had dead term. -- its cameras really quick. Takes shots. You know very very swiftly and with no delay on the part of agency's coal plants -- offer devices that take photos on in the blink of and I. I remember correctly and that you know this this phone not unique. -- did by the way it like a shutter speed is really amazing if you leave your finger on the -- for more than a sec and then you'll have taken three to five at a. You know I mean that's it -- -- -- really fast. Now I mean I you know I -- -- our -- take more pictures by accident you know them. And on purpose of this thing you know maybe dangerous. So so watch out but -- -- this this phone om is is is an awesome device and -- -- it has a four point seven inch. Some tweet that he. LCT. I'm a -- super LCD two which is a new version of -- technology it's not all that. A lead or amoled but fortunately but. Com it seems to be very cool -- a new treatment that night he says. Enables -- to survive or -- -- us -- -- Offer lots of a high contrast and the ability and some -- Com and in -- has a really nice design as well that sounds you know very easy to grip so. On this phone is is just a pretty awesome. Handset. I'm one thing that that I was mentioned reviews at and battery life isn't exactly. That awesome so you may want -- carrier charger along with you wherever you go in the daytime. Yeah we also heard -- and licenses in an -- -- that there is going to be an update and I think he had a better battery life -- able to get a full -- -- use with moderate to -- years on his memory. Well that's good that -- may not -- universal. And certainly shouldn't. Hope we won't pose a problem that it it's our reviewers when it comes to the US with AT&T. There's also and send photo tests that you should -- take a look at if you're interested in that photo quality of the others -- HTC when -- an iPhone four asked shoot out. -- -- instead I love that way. And -- Internet. There's a picture of and it Teddy bear thinking. So check out. In the meantime and other HTC evo news we've got this mystery event that aren't going to be coming -- this week. That's right and it's between sprint an -- TC. And it's very dark mysterious but a lot of people -- As the other than there once making predictions that this is going to be the dual core version of the agency one -- which. May possibly be called the sprint. -- one room so -- -- could be in an excellent sense because. Allow -- to pun there oh -- -- -- -- -- Palo -- is getting to me he he put upon in his review as well but sense but anyway what -- -- he said you know somebody about this this this part of phone makes sense. In -- understanding vote on the fast. We have that here yeah when you are are well that's a lot of the time -- at the time. -- -- their against networks. So in any case -- this this bonus is rumored to be. The HC on you for one and it's supposed to hopefully have. Arm AL TE connection which would be -- -- the first. -- sprint. Phone that would actually be shipping with it or at least yeah. -- if they actually just announced was last week that they were urged America no -- no more WiMax devices. Right WiMax I mean echo -- -- there but they -- not be releasing introducing anymore. That's right so I -- looks like it's gonna be an attorney re -- that that that buzz and that that excitement. That the original agency you though -- -- -- with when it was first announced and it -- WiMax now -- about will hopefully have helped India access. So that this is gonna happen Wednesday on this going to be big event that you know in the evening at 530. And though that is going to be a lot of headliners -- just gonna be the CEO of sprint. And to enhancing. As well as the -- president of HTC. Job and what's his name Jason -- McKenzie. Yes so why he's going to be there I mean you don't pull up these big wigs for nothing so everyone's all excited and we're gonna be there we're gonna check it out lets -- Prostitute. So -- Nicole has joined us sorry. Trying to coral and whole host giant -- everybody's year old art in new weariness they -- I was gonna say sir Brian you'll be there with a Roger -- -- yep that's going to -- -- that -- Brought in to their. Changing. -- said there's another found that we're anticipating misses the Nokia leukemia 900 head of for AT&T that's coming out on April 8 along with the HTC treatments -- -- are both windows phones. And lent her a little bit of news in case you're looking tube -- -- -- -- -- -- 900 -- says it's available for pre order now and -- generally -- -- April -- and I -- consumers. We anyways we can't wake has its April -- I mean it's asking basic movement and its elephant -- and it'll be a hundred dollars -- That's a very competitively low price. And -- -- with that technique. And recently restaurant related analysis piece you know -- this it adds them with this on -- could mean from Microsoft Nokia and basically he's just saying. Done it matters a whole lot. And that and none of that understatement there now there's. Hint -- and you're pretty accidents at the end of -- -- in -- -- Nokia has come back chance they've never -- like a hugely strong presence in the last lot of there. Top -- phones have been unlocked here. Money is reviewed a bunch of then. Why I -- daily press and. -- that and yet and it was when it. Hasn't yet again. I mean a hundred dollars for this kind of five -- -- that to mean that to get a good first step yet and I'm joking around via. A little -- -- mucks up must be subsidized sponsors. That's. You know. Even more reason to go around and check out. Up companies Microsoft and Nokia have promised putting -- -- dollars behind them marketing campaigns and you -- and I and other. They're doing it means about doing and of course have in hand to different pocket -- choose from. And the other is that's very last week how they're putting 24 million dollars into. -- education program -- In Europe. So they are not joking around they mean business and that's it that's attitude they need to have if they're gonna succeed. Says census. Is our final show we're gonna be sharing and reminisce saying and we have somebody who's gonna reminisce with us to send us some very nice voice -- households and back. -- -- That credit contraction and I would say that's -- gonna show and watch religiously. Online and download I EO and. The TV and watch it. I hope that there. In the article -- CNET. It's going to offer direct support and I'm gonna show people again and luckily I'm talking about -- 900 being made guest for Windows Phone and why would I buy that -- -- Windows eight coming -- possibility that there. That windows eight will not be. So -- my country. And good luck and hope to see you program. The Internet -- Car that's very -- Now this felonies -- get some more information from Microsoft and Nokia about their upgrade plans I mean they just haven't announced. They haven't made any announcements about. -- does -- and what it's gonna -- to mobile. Mean outside if you're committed -- -- was of course. So we'll have to see about it for right now they're not saying because -- introduce -- -- -- of course mobile car when and an Anderson they showed off mobile windows -- again at mobile congress that they did not make any sort of announcement about. How would come to phones. That's that's an awesome question. I mean prominent I'm gonna go on on a limb and say that I have a feeling that that this product will. You know hopefully supported and I think -- will be likely that it will now that's based on zero information site. Never -- an elite and all details and -- -- my land and clairvoyance you know. But I mean well if you think about it windows in the of the whole Microsoft's. A phones they've been good bit of providing updates to all their devices even if they're really -- like -- The first Samsung Focus and they got mango and -- that's. But I agree Q I really hope that they just update every -- Though wondered if found the note to me -- is two cores. No no no it's not single core Microsoft has. Announced that they are not against multi core and they're thinking about it and planning for it that no announcements yet so -- a single core however. And they also argue that they don't need multi core because there I am in announced that processes work pretty quickly and they don't have -- They -- task switching. I'm but they don't have true multitasking where things are running in the background but -- -- piece -- bad because isn't like task killer. The most popular project on Android. -- and -- -- if people don't necessarily want tasks actually running all the time. I -- you know like if I face with a bunch of -- I -- -- -- gimme a list of -- features and they said you know rank them in -- important Adam I -- -- dual -- with this would be really that -- -- -- care about long battery life -- and it really is probably on -- -- and and a -- screen. As and that. For the live without in some of -- and plus side windows smokes. Android. Except when -- -- -- without having -- Well there's a lot of controversy and a. And get started at. -- -- -- -- -- -- Over to another email right now -- holding an arena. Where. I'm Jessica Ing tree and -- -- you all -- -- And when about it above and that it again. I don't think you know was quite sad to -- on the latest -- you can leave this. Lebanon's into an element unique and -- that there others cellular -- campus -- into those as well. But you get something special -- very informative have been listening since about episode 100. The new -- look for the future. It regards Tom Paul Warner and from Auckland -- And that's very nice. And I that you have good memories of -- we have good memories of ourselves and I had -- looks -- Conflict with our original cast you as -- -- share your favorite filed and memories -- moments. In -- think it'd. I am a member Ehrlichman -- instances. And this is the school missile production. It. It was a lot different than it is now I -- really really trying suits -- department -- of its -- and yeah they're dead -- Invading -- an idea again I don't know which is means -- -- Likes they like trying to juggle -- beings toilet yeah and I had a hard time. Yet our team and -- -- machine. Have a look at it was it was it was it was the idea to -- to -- -- confidently -- -- -- -- like -- -- -- mandating it. -- And yet -- at midnight it's just trying to it could Coopers as well as suits. Yes we have added -- six people on the sharing. I. Back then -- the most -- your -- -- Month. Or seven voices there are particularly to break the laws of -- causality. They any being -- from animal really is happening. -- something the world is going to and T doesn't have any outside. -- -- -- I it will it was that and I Wii two with do we and we had a we have couple special guests -- him and that's -- folks and see it in -- yeah. Well. Against the treatment and insisting you can't remember -- and not to but then Bonnie moved to New York again sans any and it happened I think if I -- it anyway. We added all the hours that we I don't know how many minutes that we spent trying to get -- passed and -- I mean think -- have another week of my life. 8 PM my fear is education body there. -- -- there is there -- spotty disembodied voice for awhile ago. -- -- -- Yeah. Economy. It's -- -- remember where we got that. Okay. Okay so what happened on I would always freeze and -- -- at activists in. I could tackle is an MB please -- we have public a little avatar for buying and so we just kind of like grabbed a barely a stuffed bear -- I was around like this is now the -- mean and then. Sometimes she was an Android and Google Android -- Now and the like the one hand -- arms and I am yet it -- proteins have a couple of -- stuff and think it's. -- I'll never forget when you I don't. I'm not and I found I music you know linked. Well I yeah. -- all Ing. Hell not get to be on here and just think of I mean this is kind of -- of -- and -- but I think. The limit restarted -- as the -- Android. Magic spell even engine with the island now we have daily we have the iPhone get an iPhone magellan's they know only there was a misty is little project with him what the math in 089 Iran as we -- Actually -- Google and noting it has yet it's -- Amazing how things have changed via a -- a lot and rim is like you know or -- commonly cited and then. Expanding isn't necessary -- think I'm listening to them -- this is -- -- expert but I remember listening to the first podcasts. When the CNET podcasts -- -- five some species to its content. -- -- technology. Yeah I just look at and shutting you out aren't. I know and a -- tiny -- of growth of thinking -- it like the T one. We humans that. Wasn't that event that ping it with an -- -- -- -- -- just like in 2007. -- Six. OOI and is it was called HTC -- CU I think it was released in and I. 082000. -- isn't it did. Not and I now it's as -- asked -- September 23 2000. If you're giving you oral or something like that and I shall I say and aria -- I was dissuade that was the first show -- doesn't. Now now -- and one can go okay okay I am well. -- -- -- on the back. -- -- -- And it. I'd like operating system but never like that stupid chin on -- property now reach your fingers and it was the worst thing. I was in an and I got -- and I. I -- and put. Let's jump over to another email -- -- -- -- and share. Does it -- -- and crew -- have -- during you all and have. Really enjoyed the pod cast. In fact you and the rest of the CNET video podcasts are the reasons -- cut the cord from cable. Cut off adds configuring programming anyone it. Now for the boring staff. Not sure if -- instant but -- recently gone from the Samsung to act very old but really -- call quality to Samsung Focus flash. I really like the new Windows Phone -- and the focus flash is okay great camera and makes touch screen very responsive. Call quality construction that so much. The rest of my family uses Internet devices and I'll agree that Windows Phone fits my personality better simple fast and customized -- Because if it does happen -- I finally got me in color and last Christmas they also broken itself in in the -- OS is okay but I of them Windows Phone and it instead the feel of it in my hand is very nice says oh I now carry a phone. That flash camera a tablet and as soon. The other place -- -- still use -- -- for different aspects of my life and did not consolidate nearly as much as I think I thought I would. To some random -- sorry to see ego Tony and -- and thinks it's the first thousand episode -- September 26 and seven. No video on that -- -- -- anything about it but if I didn't. Client offers video podcast that I am now I don't know but it's been destroyed. Parts of Simonyi about -- but it. The system. Well let's take a short little ad break and -- we come back. More email or voicemail more thoughts. And -- in a -- about somebody made for us. -- back. The final episode of wild and out because we're tackling an app we do you have -- -- emails and reminiscing and he -- three the next email. Will -- As you can. Now that it's. Mean but that's. -- -- a nice. Much. At a temperature and IIU -- I don't think. Its line at. CNET TV and you will -- pocket in Wisconsin and -- -- to close. -- all of you including the two people which -- to -- their names but I. -- camera and it. But my favorite moment was when I -- ET -- giving you on the names which I can't. And fine now but I do remember getting just the name happy -- be on time -- the other. That's right she was happy all I -- I. And you know she's like that all -- quality arrived at -- -- at 7:30 in the morning news like hey. Dramatic thinning properties and speak with -- -- and. And there was a camera issues with irony. When I went in and year exe on and contains the code was always a sweetie and -- -- like CSI actor input yeah. -- -- -- Tactic in its announcement -- was very nine. She's kick off this mask in his -- And others just -- always a straight face and in that case someone who has -- -- It's called -- -- I am your help will always be -- Anthony home or in any other -- group. -- -- -- Vaughn and -- Now we've got this video somebody like didn't want to display. Right and bit him on a call and they actually spent time and he spent time videotaping himself and financing that's -- -- for the show. -- -- -- He adds is that Jonathan was a long time listener I've always watched the doubt and actually most -- listen to it. I've gone from on Nokia flip -- to the candy bar. And then eventually moved on to -- Windows Mobile Blackberry. On Android now which I -- I did have original Motorola. There iteration of the iPhone. Before with iTunes -- largest. Sorry to hear you guys -- leaving but you know. -- at love you guys I've chatted without -- and a Twitter -- drop my phone into a ball of fun. Just -- -- -- -- -- we'll have some kind of video format -- team to watch him down and -- actual phone lovers so because of in the past hoopla. -- -- you the best every time later. No -- within your the battery is as bad. -- -- -- -- -- -- I gotta ask any -- and into mobile. And T copying him and it is an -- Like seeing. Communities funnier and as it does it could pick up because of the little off the fun of and -- -- -- and then dropped it. But then your phone tasted delicious when you -- -- An atmosphere but could -- -- and drop in student I mean you just its ranks from the Mac. Colonels and a Cassini have to try it well yet have to do unless unless you have a phone that -- -- removed the battery life. -- -- -- But help is an -- -- is Harriet and now we have many guard when -- I. Think that I. Travelers inevitably eat it and -- written it's. Analysts in new and then so -- is accurate moment -- it's not -- because Israelis and I and I would be -- different. It's -- -- and it's -- and it's likes. -- -- -- -- -- Actually yes the wrote for that podcast the rule of -- was but. Our aim -- podcast I was full of nervous laughter and I even got an email. Saying -- this -- too much and that is bringing down the quality of the show. About a mile island and a planet because I was to -- -- and flat. Can anyone beat repeatedly. You know the it -- -- phone buns stuffed in the company. And make it time we cannot be mr. serious. -- -- -- -- -- -- I actually am. I -- Jessica needling me on a daily and on let me. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SS when -- learn that I were to Disneyland -- was on the jungle cruise. She finds it very amusing but I think she alone trying to there isn't that I'm I'm the calming skipper and something. BD still can't trust and respect for your -- The way I understood that the main campus and it actually being on the jungle cruise is pretty high and the Disneyland and. Actually really wasn't. As well -- to ten months of popular on and do it because you had to be you could you were just sitting -- pressing about it you know you're actually only zero do you have and flexible. An -- that jokes are pretty dumb so UDF to follow a script can't. Yeah you could you could get in trouble for deviated from -- but. It depended on how far you deviated from -- -- You know like that is just -- about it and there's that look at all the baboons and -- common Debbie patent annually some of them are. -- Daniel don't happen and you could and I. On the scripts by. You but other jokes -- -- the scripts and some people to get fired for going. Oh that's pretty end -- just like in -- it in your weekly allotment of popcorn thing. -- that Brian. T haven't yet. Well you know -- -- a -- is now when in my. Inca mean you know I've I've you know -- -- you hear about it I think one of the first times a host of this show that was pretty intense you know now surrounded by all. You know on these lights and blinking you know do dads -- Intent is announced and see my face like of mostly like. Floating in a screen. -- -- else chemical. You know and a fully enjoyed them. Com but yeah I know I -- you know it's been it's been awesome you know. Definitely enjoyed just chatting with you guys and a -- -- talk about the news in and now all I know I likes. And I think you know it is true I made a prediction on one of the first episodes about rim. Him. And if you guys remember but I said that they're gonna go screens and surprise. At some point can change -- And there -- Team was when -- rights. -- -- -- -- Actually -- -- -- to spare an art however and says that and then apparently the use of illustrious. With his favorite memory of my first time hosting. Its. You have -- -- -- -- but illustrious well now rate. -- -- -- But definitely I definitely enjoyed. -- -- -- -- Chang. In his avatar inside the phone Booth I think that was that was awesome awesome. When magma heated mom Bonnie bare obviously because -- and identity. They have time it's asking that a transformer that changes with the -- brand. He was and then -- and then Steve had the brilliant idea of using real. And as -- But yeah. -- -- he I think I have a couple lot of -- -- there is at the time that. I mean and I and steam had the most sense. To write -- party hats and party hats. The -- -- episode had. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's not screen how to find. You have just like the telephones and drinking into the sorrow student Nathan watched I don't get. Steve. -- given how nobody knows about -- really did. Also -- and parents there was -- -- surprise people for her on that your departure honey -- and -- Nobody brought his eyes and we note that I have authority today I thought that that would eyes and hair and earrings are. -- -- -- -- -- I was -- feeling funny when Bonnie found it and aren't like that of the early finish it because -- had -- are real fun. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- there were -- -- a lot of comments just remember a lot of laughs I remember and I love interacting with aggregate in a chatroom and anybody who sent email and one of the past -- -- -- -- -- totally like turn into. A little. Groups as emotional. This ultimately I mean it's having an anyway. It was an email that we got from. One of our viewers view us as having a bad day in much depends dialed in opposite -- -- Groups that say how it lifted his spare no wrong and amending a new -- and remains. Just -- Be able to do that I mean we're sitting here in studio. We don't really. We've got walls around -- -- IP at airports you've got people around no -- MM I'm in the studio and office Hickory and also -- TO absolutely. Surrounded by default it doesn't immediately obvious that -- -- reaching and yes this morning you guys out -- really other. Else it just it's. Like. Yeah. They call. As myself that we are now then did -- a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- turn on CNET TV. -- -- -- I mean the best company guys that. Actually wouldn't and it Stuart -- after we came back from break -- mind then it's time. -- -- Let's get -- to her second voice mail. This is from toll in Napa. That folks look terrible. Issue even more are possible only due. To church -- -- -- -- -- -- -- From what is -- -- interest composer so it hasn't been a third or. Critiquing hustled and I know house that was that was my way of making sure that -- -- that don't know. Eight but the way he -- I care Bonnie nineteen and immediate and an infant with the Bryan -- -- human -- read. And I actually don't I don't have it open brands have -- right so therefore brand. Okay I'm just making sure we have the right one front of me here for and science that it's from -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So Brian says just listen to -- second to last -- and ride when you broke the news that my favorite CNET show. Was canceled. Frowning face -- alone know how can I protest that's. That's like -- genetically and it -- couldn't. And in my hand period. It's. Like listening to fresh air is something that could wind up -- its all I know it could. But -- And I and lastly I'm Brian where your -- Well -- protest could occupied it's occupied yeah okay. -- years to -- in and -- sent in Ireland Nokia. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Command and -- I'll read that's -- you guys intent. Final thoughts and other story is the -- and for tsunami approaching that time capital T. It. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Oh my well I'm excited about the new videos such programs and definitely sent its its mango yourself is my favorite podcast and not just because it gave me good and -- helped me find my non. Now I'll miss it because he made me laugh about it and funny and insightful and cheered me up after boring day at work ain't -- -- and -- like all of you in the future. -- Perhaps just -- and smash some phones in the finale or at least one final -- just a suggestion thanks. -- Your last request shall be part -- it. 09. I think it. -- but it's. Good. Outline. And it. Any system it's magic phone. -- and eggs -- -- of -- in the put down the headphones and then you can. And -- environment and and it and de allocate for it but it did not. Know that. -- know that -- sounder without the padding and it takes -- Every -- ideal -- -- the phone is definitely damage -- -- again. And yet. Light. Do not -- And -- with its -- -- -- Another. Thing. I didn't I get into that -- valuables -- property. I did want you grant missiles last requested team pretty reasonable to -- -- -- and Greg and I. -- -- -- -- And where did you get the hammer. And well they're just. There are into them. It. -- -- breaking the phone was it was less on them. What's the number X -- 3100 force. Think that's how. -- it was yeah yeah -- indestructible found that she mister Spitzer it. Had a entity studio. Rate -- on links to put them encased them in concrete for you and -- -- -- Like you're -- concrete here's -- normal and I've had it. So. I didn't of the video or it might in amber outside and growing it down and it didn't break and -- had -- -- and -- it again and then. -- and I thought it would be funny like as a signing out of the video iPod of your really mean it just like for -- up in the air. -- coming down. And and you know that's well it turns out accurate up in the air it came to -- On it's it's -- -- a little -- -- stop rolling I went and got it. And I like. Them expert -- great. -- is pretty sad audit team but they're just like so well actually it's you know public -- -- expert hired and eight -- or whatever in early. Well actually you know that's just the number we give you -- certified for much more. And by you know -- -- and -- a Hubble or some uneven surface of the box means. It never -- what they're completely indestructible sat there and now. Presents -- mostly means they're mostly there until they -- just exactly yeah and industry. The released Monday benefit. And can't really fun time -- me. A hard time. It's a hobby you can put up -- and well any final thoughts. Aram you know just to say thanks everyone who has -- in the chat room for all these years we really appreciate your supports and it's your engagement and let the -- -- you know as we go on for -- we get these new shows and Siemens it keeps changing and Alex coming out of the stuff -- service organism a sinister comments. -- you know. It's and -- think -- everybody my that gains however and says to a person with a hammer everything looks like in mail. -- -- And you will be able to finance. Even though we won't be on this podcast anymore and finance. Except for example you can find it twit in Canada pay the rest of us at cnet.com. -- all. Of us on Twitter Google+ and expect. So follows if you're not already and you can learn about all of our great coverage all the new shows when -- -- -- you can always email us. I'll then at cnet.com. We'll miss you think you for sharing few 1183. Episodes that us. -- -- -- -- -- Big bad yeah. And -- -- quarter -- little airplane models that is -- -- I am planning business -- that is very early eatery is down. -- -- Take me backing. -- -- Can't -- I'm playing. At the -- -- average in the. Which mam -- in a school dance yet. -- -- -- -- -- -- It's been a pleasure. We'll see you online -- Human Inca people about the beat them endurance then okay. I I am in -- the conclusion -- -- every landing I -- -- to me. -- Watching the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I really hope the -- never -- romance -- when it and that's because we just don't meet heroes with. Just a quick shout out to them all the -- -- uses to the need -- again you know the reasons and how many analysts. And he had -- -- he used his hair out it. -- -- Entity produced in this search topic opening. -- well it. I'll tell him thanks for everything -- fleeing hit us up on Twitter and all that -- -- and -- emails and be sure to check out -- and all of her actions tube. The news. This today at T. I'll be on tonight for Android show and you know. Which -- hell for it yes then Android -- Android. Soon. Me -- chatroom. And icann unanimously by everyone and may --

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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode
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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

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