Dialed In 154: See ya, suckers!
Dialed In 154: See ya, suckers!

Dialed In 154: See ya, suckers!

-- every line -- -- Wednesday December 15 and I'm Kent German. -- credit for suffer -- cnet.com excuse me an airline with my wireless calling spawning a colon. Jessica. And Leo and we got a we have a full Bonnie this weekend and can hang around my hair and funny video Bonnie audio not not a but it had nothing to do. But again but -- -- -- and -- a system that's always by the need to consult with its own diminishes. -- justice just discussing that -- less than a month course CES begins. And the entire tech world will -- it looks like going to be a really big show this year it would -- the last few years have been pretty quiet actually just with the economy and I think people pulling back. I had we're getting a lot of buzz about what we're Tennessee and will go through longer to hit the shelves so I haven't -- preview next week by. -- like it seems LT Android and windows phone seven. In the sense that some even think of it seems like it so. We will talk about -- next week's CeBIT we'll get to a lot of what's gone on -- last week in the show of course an Android and kind of on the same topics actually. So I will start off with. Just a little that as the Android roundup I had done previously comes back and -- September artists -- done. History 200 -- when -- all the -- we've ever had and -- So -- -- to that list with the lastly forty which just came and in the last week it seems Disney's. By Jessica actually went through encounter -- Which I didn't I could remove that iPad hooked -- And how many where they aren't I counted if memory serves 56. And only eight of them came pre -- -- -- yet. So it's Benitez is. There any way and it's -- south that. A lot of hundred -- and you know I think about I you and we're -- signal chart to do this sentence it's it's kind of just. Time consuming and in and it makes your eyes glaze over to grow because of applicable -- and you know -- -- -- -- -- places but. Going through this that does that make us look and listen to him. -- -- -- -- Partner and it's -- done -- anyway I'm ms. Jessica at list of -- hundred pounds and -- and I think -- margin things about it is watching MB OS -- the us OS first and progress vehicles. Am actually were not seen any -- one point six the last one -- -- with the cricket. And you. And as I dial and then. The also Sony Ericsson. -- blasted -- success than. So -- hasn't been two point one reason a couple 2.2 and then of course with the next there was that -- air we got time well we only. That -- -- -- -- without some maps that thou shall not mention the added. -- -- -- -- it's happened again that tells time -- -- that's right yeah yeah someone in the comments section is kind of Bosnian. How about the -- -- -- respondents how about now. Try to that was found it and then by so lot of to Atlanta went to and then now we have 2.3 which -- -- Which is. And it. And exciting so -- it's of that by. First -- -- relayed out is Sanyo. Has immune from com. I'm pretty sure it's the -- but -- -- Really -- yeah that's yeah so I'm I'm not fan. Phones with. Pronunciation guide and if they've had to do. So this is so we're gonna call the -- -- Democrats. And Sanyo -- -- not shy about doing I'm. But it is a rugged found Sanyo has made a lot of these in the past them a long time ago and -- was only doing sprint. They had you could always reliance -- him. Sprint record -- men if you needed regulatory Nextel and Motorola. I'm pretty midrange features -- a two megapixel camera last microbes to such indications Bluetooth speakerphone. It will be beginning available beginning -- nine. Now for 99 dollars with a two year contract after which your contract and after -- dollars. So that's the -- He Apple yet and I and I don't know the only thing I think -- -- -- by the truck that means. It. And then in a gingerbread back to that for second Scott Webster and it. We've talked about it you just what's coming with all the basically when gingerbread is coming for your phone -- -- -- of weeks ago registered -- him -- -- your message was basically the. You're gonna bring a -- -- anchors haven't yet been yeah and generally a good. You can't really happy about getting it yet they clearly if there's any. Doubt as they arm and -- that institute aims. Yeah that's but I think it's an accurate description of when you look at and -- but there is a little confusion earlier last week where. LG had a it was a matter he's mister urged them ascent solar -- something and they said that. LG. That -- line which is there it is now like. The right call yet and I can't get 56 and again in UBS -- -- -- -- many carriers -- there isn't yet. And music. And the cortex is an optimist on the this is an optimist but it is slightly if it is not. Well they had said it was gonna -- -- -- from algae had. New babies or canoe team had said that the -- line would be getting. 2.3 -- to read and then. Algae respondents his restaurant requirement that all -- ones Smartphones -- currently used in the frail -- version will create an expert in which. So -- -- will be announced later of course locally in the U cores. I innovation and adding -- courses in quotes knit relationships I scare quotes for due course -- man by I got so it's coming to the good news and I think. Originally. At -- the -- -- because it's from Jamaica aren't systems locally to twenty and then. Google's like it's not actually -- even if it's not it's -- 2.3 and 600. -- -- elegantly I okayed it and it did making it the minimum requirements. And -- are actually yes that means you -- I found out when I looked into it yet. So yes a pretty much she appeared if you have -- you should be able to get -- because you're actually amount. When compared to direct foreign notes and it's not a huge up at -- man -- from increments also if you nasty -- nearly. You should be able to get. Depending on -- manufacturing can handle -- respite. And Verizon. Of course we'll have to -- for some about the price -- -- I -- I felt I found right yeah. Share everything I can't believe. I Mac daily news and video qualities that -- doing is that print and an article with a bunch of rumors coming out of Christmas which we are ready in time. One -- that was interest seen is that said that. Verizon. You know whether -- -- if it does come -- January with a BOT. Now and it's it's a sort of right now is that it won't and then announcement later that Mac daily rumors that it. When LG phone comes it'll be OT. Which I just fine. -- Yet. In my within it if it -- -- planet yes it's. So I found it failed yet. -- -- read through these rumors as a year at your leisure and some of them sound particles from down. Like a picnic. I -- during the dark. You know why isn't -- I just excellence to get giant -- and all of list. And you just go there expect like a huge sport G iPhone use it would just get squat. I think we should calculate. -- -- -- -- -- And and -- -- -- but it can run on Android. -- You know I'm sure some and picked -- right. The advantage. We actually had authority that happen to someone rooted in Iceland and now happen again. In -- in that actually -- you know I said -- a -- technically last year with them. Who had showed me a phone with an iPhone -- -- and it was bizarre world it was restraint yeah yeah that's solid. When it comes out if you think about it that way it's just hardware -- any other hundred if hardware. I'm personally or whoever and and -- out -- on nets are really got excited about -- platforms ran -- other hand that could -- repairs. Can already run on another him. Yet now I would agree. And and I have kind of thing I was just him -- -- Samsung in particular and other manufacturers that when they may seek an honest. Not to not to subtract features and really -- the -- to. When compared to eternity and then the messenger three point -- They're getting messenger to they both lower the camera resolution and -- -- and other manufacturers but it just take -- features and -- things. Why I don't even have to write this article you sound like you would think -- Emily is compatible on logic behind and I haven't. I mean I you have a sniper as the -- you should you should add more. Preferably but at least keep -- the same if you're gonna you know -- changed and you're gonna do anything to keep the same to them justice attract features on candidate -- Sports -- -- features that make it act that -- bad yeah there's anime plus there are some she's -- And move into -- models yet it -- it happen. The -- We have troubles and pop client that sound -- -- Yes we have argued in it for cricket and now it is available -- MetroPCS customers. 480 dollars -- a little bit more intricate with selling it for otherwise -- Going to be pretty much the same opponents and in trade Q point one. And 3.5 inch HI VE -- displayed 3.2 megapixel camera. Three G and Wi-Fi supports white keyboard built line. And it's got the panic cool denying it grin at home screens has got mine -- home screens which is a little bit. More than -- usually. Yeah I don't even -- three really yes -- -- media make a couple flight applications. -- on the other screens but it kind of cool if you press the button it kind of has that. And screen that's a little bit reminiscent of bleak future and east east -- fence. And connections to your current volunteers screens they can easily navigate around instead of swiping through online. -- you haven't. And and it doesn't about the content and. Yet but I would think yeah because as much -- -- exactly. And -- just he just tweeted today -- read today that mister BCS has more equity markets and that's they did they open up. New York Boston and Sacramento. -- -- -- ain't half I'm a little bit town have really potato sack may eighteenth Sacramento. Could affect -- about it at. I can email that -- have come get -- from Sacramento senator. Anyway Abbott smart what do you people think anything -- there in nine markets but they're still mean -- bound. Yes I -- yeah usually that that -- thought that it has dismissed a complaint we hear the other hand. It is not even like. And especially wonderful it's not a smart and it's a perfectly nice if I could find your phone but not like an Android I can't touch pad and it doesn't pick -- -- bulky and the -- him ethnic and India and beards and didn't they haven't and Allison -- crash -- haven't announced any -- great -- I and. Now it's nothing -- averaged. I mean in fact inherent in other pretty slow steady -- but a study -- rolling -- -- -- -- inside even they don't have the whole country covered sorry. -- I would expect them to launch them again. -- They have to close and yet if it's not. Yeah then any NH TTP. But I -- at Sacramento says if there's some pretty big market yet it may actually Sacramento that is them. At least for TV markets at the top twelve -- Ethnic. US sailors offering phones for free. They're just given -- Actually pretty cool did you Canada on a limited time and nineteenth through the 24 ending is all -- the messaging. And including Android. -- -- -- -- and it is bad and in limited. Time and while supplies last -- I'm -- teacher pat means. In -- that they're just burning through an inventory store has to. Can you like RadioShack are elderly or ill run out of everything on the -- well all you have this client that -- later. And fan in I -- and they're just clearing out and in pain and also try to make it doesn't and you -- Yang he's coming up in new phones and the new year earning him. And -- -- it is partly because -- yet it is the our contracts so -- -- like him like this read me you -- get them. Yeah I have an image of somebody standing at the door with the giant -- like tossing them out. Good thing. I like it. So. But it's pretty good -- -- Undertaken at the spam -- -- surprise me -- they did -- meeting hit the million it. -- plans in the pricing is really competitive and -- and they have that loyalty you'll definitely -- it planned to add Bluetooth and and then I'll say yet Maggie Reardon. -- -- that -- beat out Verizon Wireless with this year's top rated provider offering service on yet and humor and -- observatories around about -- we talked about AT&T getting -- pain and yes yeah yeah like that's with the public the silver lining -- and it's been pretty aggressive or at least a third -- -- -- after Turkey via team and they're not sitting -- picked it anyway. And if you your rights Oxfam -- -- US -- a USO fields park and. And then Barney -- who -- to -- yesterday about the nexus swell shrink and -- -- I just released details as far as. Then launch at times and pricing again but. -- and next fest will go on sale at 8 AM eastern on a first come first served basis and you'll be limited to two. I can't buy -- -- -- -- still. It has found -- all of those whispers -- for so keep you order it. A teacher's Ed Dennehy -- you can pre ordering a first come first served you know and they they'll start online sales an Avian eastern. To coincide with the -- opening a spa can. And so you -- -- three pricing options you can get it unlocked for 529. Or with a two year T-Mobile contact for 199. And if you add -- line and IE Nat pictures phone for 249990. -- They haven't says sales start to Mario. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I guess it's natural gas used. If you want to make sense. President well I just stick around and XSS toilet about it but -- we'll take a short -- Hollywood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls and we feel your emails and -- Send us an email right now holiday helped us at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right -- Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Okay well hope you had a chance column hardly helped us and them to -- on the other Angel and Monday. Yeah I'm. It's because this. So I'll tell about the nexus as Sino us out of show last week because I have thrown in just went and maintenance needed since -- -- -- animate at the manatee avenue and because it was present. -- and I didn't. Seven PR person under from group run run -- and Ireland from -- -- but I didn't -- existed on that problem so on yet. I went into thinking I went into reviewing and access I'm a little bought a bothered by a couple things the fact that it didn't have the memory card spot in the fact that it in HK plus part. It could just as an image two features that should have yes it has sixteen -- and internal memory and buy them and know this -- really have these because. Comic -- -- attract -- him in the Nexus One didn't and they -- the SD card. And I know that they're -- same manufacturer. Kind of the same family so that -- change but after I got the -- -- to claim -- found I actually was pretty impressed by I think that. It it's gonna kill a certain person and buying I Annan estimates that the summit on Twitter -- and -- -- But. So I can't put them craft a correctly but -- idea it's a scientist Samsung and Motorola and HTC that we want our west and the thing I really like about this phone is that he was such -- clean Android build in just felt so accessible and -- user friendly and with the addition to direct photographer socket was nice but it just was found it was straight simple and really care and -- -- I was not. Total in my but the built without spoke -- little fragile. The -- I've heard people say that what they like it better it's it's little slicker and it's not as thick as the nexus -- -- the Nexus One but. I prefer I'm much I'm actually taken -- from -- and -- -- I'm gonna drop -- times program. But it had a brilliant display it had on some usability improvements with interpret -- and -- performed pretty well. And I have been there really thought about HCA and HQ plus a game that's coming constantly -- it hold against it but. If you take it and you harassment like the iPhone. We don't necessarily not the iPhone for not having -- -- and so I felt I had the judges. On somewhat similar territory and I couldn't say well we're gonna knock this -- poorly we're gonna -- -- a -- -- not -- -- -- and -- But the gingerbread OS instance not a huge upgrade but hasn't things has more. Nicer copy and paste it sort of about the same thing by. And -- just had written about this in her first gingerbread bars and Mosul are confused is -- what -- meant and what they're talking about but. Now because it just they worded it varies specifically. But what it is is it's about the same thing but when you touch attacks before you would -- it. You had to be able to select all of a block of text you now you can just select sort of the one word touching me and before you could sect of bark and -- -- it -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- another -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But -- do you select the whole block you'll get nice orange arrows to grasping easier and -- that contract in the back and forth so much that. -- virtual keyboard has some welcome tweaks. It's little little redesigned. It but it has. A faster text editing input experience. It was the suggested tax when you're -- coming and industry and -- -- Looks a lot nicer. You can. Multi -- changes so when you hold the shift key you can -- the capital and without switching to the separate upper case keyboard. And -- a couple other things like that. There's a revamped app manager that shows you how much. Battery how much. There's the NS even near field communication unusable because. The -- is -- opportunities for. -- -- -- -- -- Now kind of thing -- -- in a guild as time goes on and anybody who happens on will be like in our habit. Yes sir your and I know you said you saw some atom promising that it. With -- with a -- Q mart Kmart account your dad you know that the bus stop right across the street you better get. I'm it has and then other thing has some enhancements there -- people -- -- for developers like. On -- make this audio sound Maxine you can -- VoIP calling which haven't tried yet. One thing I did try is it does have tethering hands. Hotspots -- And T-Mobile will charge fifteen dollars for these features that's much of -- tournament that's not for -- but it is cheaper than -- in windows disparate. Offers but as pretty and restricted and actually I use it at home and he's here. And I was pretty impressive how it worked actually in my PC. And then I ran an iPhone he's announced -- feature. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not super fast but you know certainly enough. Two if you're just traveling and you wanna check your email you -- -- browse and you wanna FaceBook Twitter whenever you media uploading some performance. I think it worked recently. -- and I was quite impressed at just how easy west Seneca. So it's nice that it -- for a came along sprained right now we're not letting you put. Tethering feature -- -- You a fortune -- an Ecstasy. -- -- processor. Pre basket call -- -- I want to. And I'm Kent when you're I tell you that the clean interface in -- -- -- was part. You know gingerbread horrid he just Munich at. Pure Android experience that it -- -- -- from yes I think it was both there wasn't. You know little blurb again. When it -- and some things linking them right now on its end of an icon -- -- -- It's an inoffensive but whom she didn't. Either there wasn't -- but also I think that it does there's of just these very small speaks with that it would ginger bread that is -- make it to seem a little cleaner which I really -- I'm. And it just feels like you're just skating that pure Android experience again yes her and -- touch with. So I was of the and that it found the caller and he -- the battery -- -- you. Yeah and that it's in the what is the scientists parents topic today that. The bad real life it's just on fixed it up calling it -- no media playing you know you units I think that. It's pretty decent it's -- that it's still going after an extended this morning so. You know and say that this would hold the whole curved screen -- -- the nexus as. -- a little bit skeptical about at the -- -- -- it -- another thing that we had been around. -- Okay -- equipment but keeping camp -- a little. -- -- loses this of the curvature despite -- little power. -- is a console that's continent's -- that means that that the phone is its. Vary slightly curved -- was completed so if it's Advani described as is its -- you put it -- your head you're supposed it's just sort of mimic those are here again. But have a -- and -- you know thing. I can tell you personally I could take it -- leave it I'm not I'm not criticizing that I'm not saying it's yeah a teacher again but I didn't really. I don't really think and I really think amendment to the difference I mean it's not like something I came away with these -- wow that's great -- about direct. Think and I -- Miami you know how that money however and living the way for our. -- and that's you know I adding it's fine meaning it's a good idea but -- as well as features that. Tammy was sort of saint Leo's of those cursor and probable a lot of it's -- with -- like nice but I wouldn't make this wouldn't write a story this. Story about this phone I sailing displaying and the command at the convictions but -- whatever you gonna call it. It just me it. Looks it looks different enough from the -- yeah this you'll notice a difference in utility and I am the only thing that would station -- my -- them. Maine yeah I -- and I like my day. Yeah yeah -- -- -- and implement that Nexus One and it looks different looks like eating well and this plan looks like every other I mean. I think the story here is you could just replace nexus with galaxy and this is a galaxy S yet -- the -- processor it has so many of the same features. Is. Almost the same in a lot of ways mature as Linda at the interface -- yeah OS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- things like an -- yet there are things in here that are vary displays. Payments the -- there are things in -- literary galaxy yes so. It's not it's not something that. You know is -- used -- -- is one of my friends was asking me what should I get the -- began its yes Michigan the nexus as a flight while. Note to point the -- -- and that's view the that. Amber and your just clean and accurate where's the Lankford two points on the exactly give them the bad though as you why -- I would think if you prefer the pure Android experience addresses the Simpson experience against the -- The world will doesn't display testing we'll get -- -- battery testing and every -- had treated to mean about the GPS NASA is going to go whole lot of term look at services trying to get the -- -- Welcome back to that option a constant battery tests definitely notice. That's a galaxy S senator countless video and call quality simple and -- in Barney you too could look at LT -- -- this is US cellular status injured divine plan. -- -- as impressive is their latest devices and -- my desire. Backseat kind of a rehash of algae ally for Verizon which -- collecting -- took that. It's been awhile -- that Nokia -- just a long time actually and after that review it immensely -- people complain of night scene well updates and updates again and -- that's kind of how I felt it. Says that it -- -- it just felt a little older and it did did design might make a really rather like its its forty site as I do like that isn't yet it and -- slimmer so it's it's more comfortable to hold in you know he. The tradeoff is you get a little bit of a fine display but I that is fine but still sharpened -- -- -- -- to zoom. -- the keyboards really nice Spain and initially thought the and comfortable to use. You know like the Droid but it actually worked on in -- -- And play it it is in running Android two point one and then it's got a slower processor. So you know it it's definitely more authorities phone an -- from that the battery -- -- really quickly even in standby mode. And little -- so eloquent -- all along when it last. I -- -- I mean just having it it there for you know three hours like the battery -- again. You know they're sitting there acting that -- sitting there very -- with very maddeningly easy -- -- Clothes and menus and it was singing to it -- implement it or hate Britney there -- some energy in them but yeah -- you. So then -- than -- -- -- containing. You know. I think it's the better -- a few lines you know of phone with amniotic fluid keyboard over the same -- to claim. But either way I would say go with the mesmerizing desired -- little more expensive but -- to any of our battered -- them. Those deep McLaren -- -- where we get more of those who would Darren seventh and fifty. And then you might be able to about one for frequent young black -- friend count yet now you who haven't furniture had -- I'm gonna take a bit. And then Macaulay -- to -- Bluetooth. How can an interest in it and you're viewing this -- -- just because it's the first ever -- that -- by blues. It's -- on in the canceling headphones. And speakers. The name of this headset are doing is called the blows -- -- it. Since those things to different arts -- one to differentiate itself from the opera. Exactly. So. It's stylish look gain -- that -- -- does not -- -- -- design sensibility. But. In an -- but it only fits -- the right -- I -- that unit I think that's what to do -- sorry. Ten. So an end media and Erica sorry and -- that's really wanted to know why why why doesn't it. But I guess for design reasons you have to fit in -- I don't know and then. And he does and hunt and that fifty dollars fifty dollars indefinitely to DP -- It denied intensely is that it's okay -- not like between things can -- and and record it set so. Angry is the right here so it's how it so it's like your only -- name. You're paying just antibodies -- for the -- names that aren't so I think it was worth 150 dollars that Michael -- it looks blocking. -- -- -- -- -- -- and well that's -- if I wouldn't call that a ringing endorsement these. How much -- opiates that but the prices. And instruments. Well so that's the those with. We. Have a few devices to get wrapped up in -- -- Including through the algae to optimize. Adopted -- optimists see this isn't yet which -- of those around the optimists and the -- peace yes. Up do you wish you itself. -- of the others I must say an all. But by Friday -- -- isn't like them bank and predicted it. And then it Jessica astronomical community Samsung -- on earth. -- the story and we expect. Few kids aren't the messaging and it'd be spitting image almost -- -- of the -- and math Niger pre. And hold the next to each other -- -- different and it actually has the extra Yunnan megapixel lids. But ours in an excellent idea and I am glad that the -- -- websites off like -- all -- in -- profile. Now at the two megapixel camera every -- profiles -- Furiously angry animals and that aren't even good you know like the feeling you -- reviewing PP -- actually. About entry -- but it's not very exciting and and it could expect. -- Phone and I'm so broke up its -- -- did you may call -- the equipment. About it. And we have the rim Blackberry Bold nine B seven. F a bold with -- -- -- And -- can -- -- if anything it's about the design the phone now yeah it didn't think the Nokia I think it's been. Clank when they -- as the fire. Yeah before you -- it but. And then I was gonna I'm gonna take a quick look at -- Kyocera it from Reno. Which is pretty receive -- yes but it's pretty much like the Kyocera -- for you version which advocate. Earlier this year sound not a whole lot of difference -- hoping to get the -- and get coming Millon when -- -- -- -- phones and from here well. I think. But anybody -- reader questions. And when and from Sam hill he's wondering about -- HTC. Legend battery life we mentioned in -- if you. Had great talk time -- it. It was international island only -- on edge over here so it can. The top ten with twelve hours but he was wondering if stated -- used with the battery life was and it's also. Good unite that probably -- old days -- and -- half eSATA they sell. It is deafening on the -- side but again it was running on 3-D you need them. -- And technical. And implement. He says you don't have to. Now -- this -- -- -- a comment about like pain and this comment from Audi is and referendum idea family in the end he was gonna use he's wondering if but the Blackberry style keyboard at indigenous ethnic and ethnic and yet it isn't seeing -- -- its busiest combat and due to detonate that he -- you will keep waiting. Each one -- -- -- for editing. At a clinic will keep -- -- me open. Well I think that should be at this week test in anything I have only love. The only. Hello Jess -- -- It on. And now entering the mobile if that's its and its and it -- -- we've got -- filed a degree in every area but the. Well thanks for joining us -- and as -- said. Nicole the starting her holiday break next two weeks there's one behind CS sectors. -- -- -- Technical and curtailing pumping Bulger and illegal aliens and their color and in. The accident next next week we -- the art the F reviewing here. Hungry. I told me like your local -- unions we do you have belittled reaper and everything. An ammonia. I guess I haven't done it and apologize for my. Instead of she didn't mind -- I did it my way just crossing into that four G. Okay enough that attempts -- it if you thanks everybody for joining us. I'm happy holidays ambulance happy holidays. And Christmas happening means none of them over and yeah and handles the youth yet. And -- -- acne treatment CS preview and then of course we will be off. For the next following me and then we will have a special. -- them apps Las Vegas from CES he is scheduled for Thursday in the past six right now. It's definitely were -- PM -- definitely definitely tune in -- the fiction so we'll be live on the stage and CNET -- -- -- in the so called Vegas convention center. To bring you everything plan which have now everything -- by them. And yes see it's suckers will be -- the -- CEP -- the Internet at the end of this stuff is gonna. Not yet and that's 4 PM Pacific department needs that little UCS factors -- -- -- actors and I think you know. I'm gonna need -- the yeah yeah all -- -- Atlanta guys. Because of -- sunshine and I. -- I can't believe it. -- hey -- and beauty is doing okay. It's like to -- as Iran -- -- you next week Canon it's yes by bang. Will.

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