CNET to the Rescue Ep.17: Biker gear and iTunes alternatives
CNET to the Rescue Ep.17: Biker gear and iTunes alternatives

CNET to the Rescue Ep.17: Biker gear and iTunes alternatives

-- look at CNET to the rescue our weekly tech show where we try to dispel some fear the uncertainty of the -- of using modern tech tools. I'm rich people in San Francisco I'm joined today by two very special guest for Seth Rosenblatt the -- and Darren Kitchen body a pack five fixer. -- -- Josh is down at demo. Watching demos and -- and writing the figure out we're going to be taking your calls today if you have a tech question no question is -- basic. Are those who -- we -- answer pick cause that 888900. To 63838. That's 888900. CN ET -- your old fashioned which. Push button phone or if you know you need help we compile your kernel the call for that yes today only it's worth a shot as -- is here. We're gonna get started with a couple of quick road tests and when I -- does that really mean -- -- are going to be talking about motorcycle tech because. As we have discovered quite -- get -- its -- Darren is like king of the road trip. I may -- motorcyclists -- of a couple years ago I really wanna get into it. Seth just got his license and bought a bike if -- even Kelly on the board. Is the dimmer boxer -- the new which is very cool so a quick protest here because I just a -- them do new stuff I have a Windows Home Server. From a couple years ago and it is loud as a screaming jet engine which assessments both because -- -- quiet it's at McCormick. I can't have it in my office at home so I moved down to the basement unfortunately the basement. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I am going to at some point in the future talk about wireless in bridging because when I'm currently doing right now with his powerline networking is not working I've got a Cisco powerline adaptor. I think -- the model 300 some. It is slow as molasses even though I've only got it running over. Literally fifteen feet from one plug upstairs to another plug downstairs it's a Cisco Linksys powerline AV ethernet adapter kit model POK 300. Actually it's fast enough it's plenty fast for streaming media but when you're running a forty gigabyte backup -- to computers you know -- that my -- And then my desktop it just takes forever back -- -- from. You know twenty minutes to more than an hour so I'm gonna be trying something -- that little -- word of warning there. It works fine for streaming not so much for massive tens of -- back ups have you done like speed tests through it. To see what -- -- throughput you're getting on the no just watching waiting you. When time machine can't start a new back up the -- hasn't finished yet. And I've got a problem yeah of interest to just to see what what the raw throughput that he didn't just go speed test that -- or something like hosting last night that's because the -- is not the public. And I'm getting full Internet speed there I'm getting in home back up networking. When I I I had -- a Gigabit -- before over the course of like five feet. American that's -- -- morning on the like never get back with that not being wired -- and I know. Anyway so let's get at the motorcycle tech -- little bit. Here's the thing we're gonna talk about this briefly -- I I love auto mobile tech. And when I was writing I had none because when you're riding motorcycles but -- when your new -- you really cannot afford the distraction and you have notes bear digits now -- body your entire body is occupied with controlling the motorcycle all hands all the and you need full attention. -- -- Is still alive despite the fact -- checked out your bike they'll tell you do it. Okay well you know I haven't I've only been writing for five years and I'm not suggesting that anybody you know. -- -- their bike with a bunch of doo dads and pay -- pay attention to the road. But I wouldn't be here to win for some the things that I clipped onto -- handlebars. Just to help me get here for those unaware I just recently moved here to the San Francisco Bay Area by way of my beautiful 95 Honda nighthawk 750. And it took gorgeous -- 6000 -- scenic route here. So you know not and spend like five weeks on the road so wasn't really justice drive across country was the whole motorcycle experience seeing America. And I gotta say like you -- you're gonna try something like that GPS is where -- -- so but don't spend the crazy money on. In motorcycle GPS -- an -- GPS is going to do just as well. You can find ram mounts ram is actually that the company that makes these -- announced four clipping. Any device on any thing -- in particular do some great jobs with Garmin. Devices on to a motorcycles and. Yeah I had great experience with the Nuvi 200 series now wait but. That the GPS manufacturers will say if you're gonna do a motor but it GPS on a bike that you want a motorcycle GPS for. The -- different you wise he can use it with your gloves on and victor ability that's why -- say the Nuvi 200 series now had no problems using it with gloves on real. Yeah and you know in in the one time that I needed to a little plastic -- goes a long way to do some waterproofing. So I'm sure -- the money I'm gonna say just just that so what do for the audio. Well actually. Halfway through. I switched my GP attacker -- to -- void because I was using my toward primarily for my audio and pandora. Great you know it. Need some -- and you know you've definitely gotta have some tunes if if you're not already wearing -- -- just to block out the wind noise. A good pair of noise isolating headphones we'll save your sanity and -- hearing them so. I love the costs -- quote unquote the plug your buds. Only fifteen dollars and they work. So phenomenally well they're like 200 dollar -- -- can get bill do these things electronic noise canceling -- now -- now -- just not got the sound not a earlier than just like at December to do so well because essentially what they are. Is there -- -- there there there earplugs -- have a whole. In the middle of them -- -- they've got a driver that's got like a -- that goes through that and T have to squish them down and just to get them in your ear and an expanding your ear and some people don't like that but. I don't I don't hear the road noise nearly as much and it he's still here trucks coming up anew another -- -- hazards and exactly. Yet and I don't ever listen more than like -- -- 3040%. Volume on the Android anyway and and that's what I used primarily for me music is my Android. Now say that I did have some problems with my Garmin Nuvi but that was. Just this particular model was really. This one that I got was just finally fallen apart on me. -- -- left it in in the rain or something but. But they ended up using Google Maps for all my navigation and when it comes to mounting -- or Smartphone to your bike. I -- I'm a big fan of the velcro. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And and forget ago Bluetooth held Bluetooth on the edge so he he just got the X so the scorpion -- -- 900 -- -- one of -- really cool helmets that like. That does the three quarters things he can like pull that in front of the the full face helmet up. And it's got the module for the Bluetooth haven't played with yet and I'm looking forward to rule -- may be doing a lover a -- has clear I'm gonna get those and and do the two way communication happening but speaking of. Audible audio we have a call from. Medlar who have -- -- from India you question a portable audio. -- -- -- -- The recently heard that before you can actually -- pentagon -- Cool what's your view on that. That a question on with our view on what product. I. The iPod Touch or. Fourth generation iPod Touch the new one thing and he had your hands on it. No because we have an accurate we have. -- -- the question is -- you should get it looks like a really nice device. I mean -- can imagine being worse in the previous nano. What that does that touch forums or -- -- is an approval of such of all of the devices that Apple recently updated they did the shuffle and then on the touch the touch is an -- actual upgrade. Because it has a front cam on it I think. And more memory in its thinner the shuffle and is. Improvement -- -- because they went back to greet customers and then nano is seen by many as a downgrade. Even -- looks really cool is it's very neat yeah it's not an iPod anymore but -- the the iPod the current generation iPod on just -- -- we'd like that a lot. -- -- I think Gulfport and it just came out too so you're you're right on the the upgrade cycle has a great time if -- land -- -- -- now. Well it's yet. I haven't heard that it's been sluggish but it wouldn't surprise me that it's not super high res camera and now -- Anyway good luck. Well I don't mean we have viewer access into your checking accounts I don't know how much picture -- bill you have but. We think this is a good music and video -- yet. -- -- -- -- -- and reviews team like the yeah -- and forms. And that's -- -- question here from Cameron who wrote to us that said. I'm having trouble deciding what CF which compact flash card to get from a Canon seven. SLR. I want something with at least six gigabytes but I'm not sure how fast the right speed I would need and if there any other things that should influence my purchase thanks in advance. Well I asked our camera experts about this Lori Grunin said there really so -- They should be thinking at least sixteen gigs -- 32 you're going to shoot video. Right speed is. Will impact you the most if you're doing a lot of burst shooting. If you -- shooting action you want the fastest part possible it will not increase the frames per second much -- -- will improve consistency. Of how fast your buffer -- from putting the camera images onto the card itself. Reads people -- who will read speed will affect how fast you can download -- your your system the faster is always better. For this camera -- suggest at least a sixty megabits a second card. At best the EUD and make card which will go up to ninety megabytes a second that's what to look for and Stephen -- -- Says you can also save a bit of money with the second -- compact flash cards such as Kingston and transcend. He says he's had issues with file corruption with transcend and it's had special card -- is that we need to believe that SanDisk and -- are. Our. Probably worth the premium -- my brother is actually a photo journalist and he. He swears by -- Against transcend. -- I have actually had approach an issue and only once in the last two years and now on what -- yeah. -- that -- that you -- -- I have to you know little overdue repairs here. I've had corruption issues on my iPhone four G my iPhone -- I take pictures. And when doing a lot of pictures that fast -- should either take similar doesn't what happens is our will be scanning through my pictures. And the playback I'll see a little bit of the picture here square or rectangle there and but pictures get corrupted on phone. When you're talking when -- generating thumbnails -- -- when -- went on and viewing them I don't know -- gonna download them trying to view pictures and I see like half an image you're holding it wrong. That must be and -- if you've got questions for us the number to call is 1888900. To 638 that's 1888900. CN ET. What's the you've got a question here from. -- -- I'm looking for alternative to iTunes for XP who isn't. I always iTunes for convenient downloading -- podcast any suggestions would be appreciated but there's only one answer to that. DLC. Move or I'll come offer downloadable podcast now know for playing earlier media what you want to know that podcasts. I would I would use I mean I used the suggestions that -- came up with and covered all limit at some when another. Winamp as of two years ago got much better than its reputation early in the decade was. Media monkey's great I still use medium IKEA home use and only seven -- used -- XP yeah songbird. Is a little interest -- -- it it it incorporates browser it's based on and on Mozilla's gecko engine. So you can do some neat music discovery through it but it's recently. Region -- -- itself into being more music friendly. Look any of those media monkey songbird Winamp -- tunes. I'm anything that iTunes I think it's fine contended there's some really nice. Lightweight apps food bars and other Goodwin who -- as an about -- This receiver -- turned on lately. Near heavily in just like that one as well there's -- and he says he care less about the jukebox and justice because once the script podcast -- -- -- Also if you want and not if you have an iPod and still wanna sync it these are these are not syncing your iPod apps yes there they are at a local and media monkey songbird Winamp I don't nobody -- -- -- -- -- dispersed they definitely all -- only sync to your iPod but the sync here iPhone. Here iPod Touch. Most of these not all these products for most of these are free or at least have a you Val licensee can -- -- -- you are not stuck with iTunes rejoice over Russia. And here my persuasion G potter. It's on other. -- it doubles -- instinct I mean that that there's so much out there we did a comparison of iPod compatible I. At iTunes alternatives -- put the links in the show notes the link the show notes -- that so yours you're. Don't worry you don't you'd you do not if you're -- XP or windows user you do not have to be stuck with iTunes. Okay let's see we have. Hey lean and mean. Email. From Joshua he says he has a wireless. Linksys wireless G cable Gateway. It's a wireless modem -- -- combo. He's been having problems with their recent history is all my computers will lose Internet at some point during the day after reset the -- in order to get back on line. I've heard that updating firmware will resolve this issue but talking to my -- Linksys about the update has been unsuccessful. Linksys tell me -- my ISP has the firmer but the eyes he says -- they didn't they don't have a firmer since they didn't supply the routers. I've also tried disabling wireless on the reverend with it or -- and -- to it but the unit with slower than is anything you can suggest. -- -- -- -- I don't have access routers but I have -- -- nonetheless which is that you call your eyes. And I already in rent it it's okay won't be much. A cable modem from your -- speak at the cheapest one you don't necessarily need. Your cable modem and your wireless or multi port routers in the same box in fact I prefer. Personally the -- have a very simple cable modem just one -- out. And that is the eyes beside. And it's easy enough to trouble shoot something goes wrong with the cable modem then I know -- the cable modem and I know who's responsible for and and then I plugged it into and a wireless routers. And if something goes wrong with that I can tell you can tell the difference between an internal networking problem and and -- I like having that demarcation I know -- side of the equation my equipment design and I don't have to do internal -- troubleshooting with somebody else's hardware. That's my opinion. I agree with you wholeheartedly about separating your modem and you're brouder. Definitely go with either whatever your ISP is going to provide you if it's inexpensive enough or -- -- and -- if -- can -- maybe. One of the new -- like docs is three cable modems just to that you're going to be. You know if you already in -- three area or -- rolling it out you future proof yourself there has something to consider on to cable modem. As well as when it comes to your routers sure you can go to -- big box store and pick the piece of plastic -- that's exactly what you're getting his piece of plastic he's got an old -- laying around -- recently upgraded you've got some things there they're not using. Bring it back to life build yourself a home brew routers actually not as scary is that sounds it's really is -- is installing windows these days. So if that's something that -- can't -- with I highly recommend untangle. And if you're what you really geeky there's also mono wall and smooth wall but untangle. Is a great very user friendly -- -- operating system where you just pop the CDN. It guides you through the process and next thing you know you've got. A real machine a real you know computer with lots of ram and and all the reads -- -- that you'll need. You have a reliable networking experience because I've done the the plastic modems there's -- routers and I've been there re setting them. You know two or three times a day because you know when you do things like. -- just something simple -- it forward when it opens all of this connections to like hundreds of different things. There's little things they just croak they don't have enough ram they don't have enough CPU and give a real computer to your network you. You think it's a thing if I I would not do that I'd like you might -- -- simple and I my routing that it is in the stereo rack that'll monolith heat noise my untangle routers been up since the booted it. I can argue that it's impressive as if you were the -- -- when he project -- we had some fun we did on a Hak5 season's seven episode seventeen. And we'll check that out banks and we got a call here on camera as if it's a popular episodes there remembered being referenced. The yeah and where to take a call now Jeff from Cleveland I actually don't know the answer to this hoping you guys know me Jeff -- helped out. Yes I was I want to run my. Computer my television my big screen and my big -- and very next world. But HDMI cables won't reach my TV except eight in my hand and it also has PGA in and I want to run. Will run a computer on -- television but I don't have I don't wanna running cables -- -- -- solution for that. Oh you know -- I don't -- demo yesterday and you guys toppers you're gonna there I thought I saw on a product where you Emily is definitely go and the right route by two -- with either the VGA or HDMI. It's not even worth your time if you have a TV you plug it into the the components -- they're not committed to that the composite. Or the S video card. I haven't seen any. Wireless HDMI. -- at the consumers yet I don't know it it briefs I have no I can't find it that the German -- But I'm gonna speak slower. Yes as -- researches and -- that hopefully it was why aren't you. -- a wireless USB product. Or video. -- -- haven't seen any wireless VGA either I have seen wireless VG -- ideas and got it. Bad VE EB EAM. EB I saw a demo of this yesterday. In. Wherever demo was and it sound. It's limited ranges living room range not house range so you put your computer on the couch or you know your -- on the couch and you plug this little thing in there and a wireless use the USBs it over to. A -- that you connect your TV that has HDMI out. And it will it'll stream your computer to your flat screen and it doesn't do 720 1080 but it really asking for I think it's 10020 -- I don't know exactly -- Pretty nice check it out I didn't it's just now I don't under is it's hundred dollars for -- -- version 140 dollars for the HD version is that where you're looking for. -- but definitely that's the outcome. Keypad -- salute I don't wanna use of -- -- -- style keyboard and mouse -- really make anything like that or. -- and -- room. -- there are some Barak once I remember its its. Sure I remember a particular doing something just like this with an ETI. All in wonder TV or something like that that they -- to make. But -- have an RF remote so I bet if you went over to whatever your favorite you know. You -- -- best buy whatever is in the look for an idea and RF remote users -- -- yield on the well and there a couple of that's that's that's the depends where you want with a computer you -- the computer right next to your -- -- -- -- hardware. An -- -- it's in the next room so we want you what's remote yeah I'm looking at some right now for between 15100 dollars over -- new egg from various manufacturers the other thing of course so you what you're looking for is RF remote are a media center in that. And and emulate. Keyboard and mouse functions. And probably have their own software to do you know next track previous stuff like that as well. 250 bucks back and technical solution couldn't -- Yeah and then you don't have allowed PC in your living room and now the other thing to do is to look at a streaming box like the Boxee box its -- so you can it's you could have the boxy device stream media off of your computer and that is designed from the ground up to be a living room -- -- -- It basically remote control and PC there's 11 thing that was -- -- -- from a just wanna quickly interest somebody suggested a Bluetooth. And there's a good reason why you don't wanna go with Bluetooth which is that it's in the next room the chances of signal degradation and having something blocking it Mars in the wall or something. Will make the signal quite spotty. Let's has put chat room from musket lives that the Logitech Harmony remotes are RF -- real -- as a well. Okay but it if if you find -- harmony remote that is -- Those are soon yeah I have I've I've been -- a couple of things the harmony remotes are really easy program -- do everything. And they do have RF version of some of them that that's my wife friendly -- -- there -- it keyboard and mouse and get yourself a Logitech Harmony and I think you'd done. We have time one more. Jeff thank you very much for calling best -- Thank you -- One more email here from. Peter who wrote to us and says I have from -- and we do that -- Peter said that's our problem with the way windows -- audio outputs I just got a Phillips. SHB 9000 Bluetooth stereo headset I like listening to podcasts and making phone calls on it. But I have every problem while I'm listening to a podcast my girlfriend wants to listen to music on Winamp or use -- -- or something else the problem is when I connect to it. The Winamp windows -- he changes the audio output from speakers to the -- that I would like. I want. I know would be easy to use another computer play music -- that is not so green so please help me to separate the two audio outputs like and keep the peace at home and also -- and bit by bit. This is a very interesting and difficult problem to solve we've touched on -- briefly last week when Jason talked about podcasts that -- The challenge that you're facing right now and I don't and -- a good solution for you. Is that windows routes all audio through one place the windows audio -- -- whatever it is and as far as I know. With off the shelf windows there's no way to say this program goes to this output in this program -- -- that output. You just basically you have one output -- time you can't route audio on windows without an additional card. Or at least that's how it has been with windows XP I skipped Vista but Windows 7 will do exactly what you're looking to do so may be just time to go ahead and do the upgrade. Because with Windows 7 if you have multiple sound cards -- devices. You can issues on -- program by program basis. What goes where I think the program has to support it I know that -- -- -- in most media players -- into the option for how. Hey I know this because I do the -- it'll say hey. What sound card you want -- use I noticed because. A Skype in particular does that and sometimes a bit like note Skype I don't want to ring on my headphones are wintering on the speakers -- is my Aiken. And have other things going through its listen to music on the speakers -- using Skype on -- headset. But that's where it's -- when seven's. -- more versatile than XP and -- -- and merit. That is it for this time we're gonna get -- here on schedule and -- it we. Would always love to hear your questions forcing it to the -- you can email them to us that rescue at You can catch this episode get all the links and help you need at slash rescue and always you can follow me on Twitter I'm Rafe are AFE. For updates on this and other shows. Seth thanks for joining us thank you for having me on again Daryn we can find your -- and -- free at H a K the number five dot org. And we will see that's only I can -- don't.

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