Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

On main thing and then -- this I think actually he that you guys weren't here for those that sometimes on the Apple -- on her rounds out the publisher of this well enough for -- at Thomas here that I EU warned here. Not really know you're -- -- Where did you know you are not the book all right. -- I love and -- I -- oriented and -- felt like I bet you. What little we really do throughout the pre show basically the idea until then it's a blatant. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Before I go any farther to get any headphones for Donald to -- that evidently found no idea -- that's not moving to them I don't know I think he's hearing were. Revenue outlook and I mean wasn't in this -- are -- it was as infidels it was a different thing but that on the flight certainly. The box you know like I don't know like to hot and the last -- tell someone discovers that I know that someone out there -- -- -- -- One of -- -- there. Jason entire -- -- my headphones that we can do here Vinny your video voice mails and and without them in the Tara read out the. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- area of northern Italy -- Notice that it sounds -- in -- -- -- netstat. Detonators all my god thank you for everything you've done -- -- is amazing. Amazing. -- that and the germs on them -- make up my ringtone. I assume we have I think -- -- up to regular visit voicemails but we got a ton of video voice mails that super excited exciting so this is the part where I am. We -- about some Kinect. All it -- is madness Owhali. This then you better. Your ideals of on this. Discover my passion for side that can provide -- -- Place I can just help budding -- out of even more important and need some incredible lifelong friend oh there goes out loud whether. I -- kid broke my GB cap cute but I -- John Strickland and much more but I'm just an incredible ride. -- truly sad to see the chapter and I think I'm just as excited. Rob just following each and everyone of you guys near future endeavors. -- the project so called. Thanks a lot -- -- guy's done enough to keep -- Well beyond any studies that rest. It's not that I regain a little like stuffed in -- -- a little bit. Well it's it's it works just in there's gonna be like a lot of we are down -- -- -- there is gonna have a single flash of the titans poster and mathison. Definitely not what you say -- -- But it's awesome. -- we've -- have a video voice over this data for an end is absolute genius element. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet anyway I'm are going weekly that was like the most amenities being it was much longer three minutes and that's just encrypt a -- It is lucky in the chatroom users silent and we duplicate the sound and it is tedious. I came in here that's -- -- there's going. -- -- to admiral and Colin Davies Colin Davies. And the. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Good god and not any of us today in -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Brian Levine and you Jerry -- Yates got my good. And bringing the idea of CNET and you do. Good not. You -- com. No big -- -- Yeah this was getting your works. Anglia. I'll look something was gonna stand up and in the real -- don't. -- while it like I got it all that's attributable on pollen you're them -- that's awesome that's some Richard -- -- many of you probably don't have but he we met him at CES because he was part of the -- he and so now we'll hear from a little later. Part of the CNET backstage crew it was like our plan to bring users. You actually. Actual users -- the -- and Richard is is one of them he has the what annoys me that are either I'd really love that anyway his sentence. The -- -- Veronica. -- -- -- -- -- -- All of this costs Jason Natalie -- Bryan Steven and a ton of guest hosts this is Richard on the with a digital media zone. And I'm. So excited to hear about your new opportunities and just wanted to let you know how appreciative I am for the years of in Richmond and enjoyment that. I've had from buzz out loud. They have listened for about six years now one of the first podcasts. -- downloaded to my first iPod was buzz out loud. And it's largely because of you. -- showed brief opportunity I had to work alongside you a few years ago at CES that armor anymore now -- tech blogs and podcasting. Feel -- -- the end of an era. But the ratings on the wall for a long time and I'm very happy for all -- -- I wish you the best with your endeavors. I want to encourage your producers not to -- listeners entirely. For the golden promise of video. Can't watch a video work can watch a video on the road. There's still a very good use for audio content. And still very relevant today. Anyway thanks. And I'll be listening. For more great content promoting. Com and Richard. Apartments -- It goes on in. A happy could not. Tom -- hey guys you can listen all the audio podcasts until it. -- -- -- -- Many you can. There will still be -- is a good time to reiterate -- still gonna get a lot of great audio podcast forums -- including roundtable at ports are able. Yes although it's not like they -- now we're gonna do recorded a silly audio yes you'll still be audio good in depth interviews on the topics that you care about and -- you don't. -- listen anyway because of that -- Of the goods and I am really glad it's continuing -- -- it's phenomenal guests I mean you really do like ours which is common in Latin Harry -- -- -- Yeah that's much more -- have. Leo do -- a moment. -- There out of the water -- up the floor up or will still be available as an audio show and Bridget and back for those you are still mad about the CNET news podcast going away. Bridget -- CNET update will be available as an audio podcasts and audio -- and daily news update. So that there is still some but it's -- You know. To. Make attitude about -- -- -- -- -- -- beneath it it to change well. Medina that it hopes of -- -- in information. -- from a security. You know Apple released the -- -- to -- at the virus are talking about earlier. Yeah thanks for the updates they heard it -- they heard us. I outlets that it did an excellent video voicemail from Reggie -- -- between the. In ways Sony gave you my last message that and a a second this show and get to know that you guys aren't -- Internet I mean -- Twitter where you guys ten. Now somehow gonna love it does show and I -- watching and regular base has been on Saturday it had decided to -- it to weekly. And unfortunately my age -- jobs is my schedule and and I its intrastate. I used to get only three -- asleep so I can catch up this show RT and I'm learning. And motherhood and those of the motherhood and Brian Tong -- guys are funny and cremated at the same time it's awesome and Steve didn't. Stephen -- generate from -- Europe awesome like -- could never get tired. -- -- Christian and its camera back and forth and playing back and -- and everything. That's great now. And -- however that these -- station if you can if you guys can make an initial. And and it's pretty seem rule it -- -- a -- guys don't make it live but. Just shoot as seemingly that's during a live show. Around and it -- -- dance and put it on a CNET. That'll be awesome. Don't make. You don't need to making good on our long products -- an endemic and -- shown -- the should -- -- editing though no special factors like. -- as -- believe as do its in the same way. Student -- Grow. I'm just not into it. -- -- You this feeling that. We should and a special interests none of that -- -- like a nearly nine. Really obvious that it could -- -- -- within -- -- that produce one. I'm scared to do -- them. Do it do it. Now okay there it is -- little old time. Buzz towners and view them in on the show we have this fun segment was in -- vehicle into it or not into it. Stephen is and CN UBC throws at a headline may be a two line description about the story or product. And you just spit out either into it and -- into it it's also accompanied by some awesome techno house music. Which gets us fired -- -- and then we dance. Just wanna let you know that's what it's all about but that's all well I do -- -- We'll do that voicemails and emails and IB -- about canyon but yeah -- Being done by our old recording time can interact determines need to determine. Let me get it setup here. Me out and they -- -- -- -- in ninety minutes they're like wow I. There's news. -- yeah I felt like really. I'm on a day after they're here they're got into another candidate do we all say we're into it not like everything that we should -- adding. I'll take -- and live. The judge -- -- product. I'm. Not into. We'll get environmentalists and isn't moving from an instant. -- ranking comes from. This is -- got it right down to recent tech product releases and decide quickly whether or not we are simply into it or not -- let's get started number of people. Do -- yourself robots. MIT labs project envisions a day where people can design and 3-D print their own -- robots which can be built a substance abuse. Specific tasks Molly Wood are you did you yourself -- how good an obvious that I'm so into it Brian -- could -- Oliver now limit robots into windows. Veronica Belmont. Wed. Americans are already doing it. Only and totally into it and how did you drew -- -- I don't well. And we'll drag them into -- -- designing my own bare -- robot. -- -- Ashton Kutcher is rumored to replace Steve Jobs and upcoming biopic citizens so -- what -- you intuitively and it is not intimate. I highlighted how what now hey have -- is that -- -- plays Steve Wozniak and Intuit yeah. Running. Not be less and doing. I think -- run ActiveX. It'll -- I want Jack Black as was again Don. And not and then the correct answer is I. I still had to look and -- letter reads plain old Steve Jobs that Adobe -- here. Giving him. All right. And read. Since then -- -- is for IOS. Has announced they're adding TV -- discovery to that -- -- you could examine TV show to find out what you're watching -- you into this is sick except for a way to have ignited but not matter -- I'm not into -- -- talk you into the I don't wanna -- what I'm actually watching not into it Veronica Belmont that is -- but I Tina. I'm merits and busy watching why would -- be into that got into it. Brave new minority got 33 is going don't need another not into it Jason Howell I don't mind that why not it's another way to find out if there really needs -- I'm okay Intuit Donald well. TV news they're great. Any damage -- -- -- is I'm not into it over forgot what I'm watching when I'm watching it on my television and not using this moving on. The number of war. It did. Well Google recently confirmed that work on the Google heads up display glasses and also hinted that they're working on a glass elevator they'll take you into outer space Molly -- union like I know I'll admit I am into the block sale later and I want -- -- now Brian Tong and -- but I don't like the picture they use that looks like my brother Chris and. Veronica Obama. Intel I want you go to there they're being the future -- where those every day. All Macs and know what it's not real calling when it's -- -- though it -- -- I didn't do -- when they get to version two Missouri. -- are -- -- and -- -- -- are -- rave right I'm never leaving the house -- will be bumping into each other no thank you dangerous thing home correct answer is I need to have -- Will they want to enter terminator eligible erratic glass elevators basal wearing my Google. -- any minute now number -- I have. Designer Joseph -- that -- designed Lady Gaga inspired head -- blind -- your eyes the focus on the music. The red spikes are meant to let others know that you do not want to be bothered Molly -- -- you -- -- -- -- them blindfolds and I'm so into that the airplane and or you name. Friends aren't so into it I -- -- -- -- The Belmont added to it that is the stupidest thing I've ever seen Tom Merritt have them -- contacts into it. You couldn't just turn out the lights. Novell. Will help you Villanova and treatment. Correct answer is that not attributed -- only ridiculous. But that would be fun on the bus -- -- the -- I do like the like keep people in India or at a heavy metals like. Head -- off yeah the if you really dangerous and I am I at last but not least number six the good people that think we can have created the inflatable captain Kirk captain's chair. For only 25 dollars you can have this company piece of the Star Trek enterprise to inflate on the go Molly what do you into inflatable captain's chairs are you sure that's on April fool's joke because it is -- geeks ominous and not -- -- to be -- -- -- them into anything inflatable. Run a -- -- I want that from a lady hair. Tom Merritt dogs is not an inflatable captain and doing. A little -- and they'll weight limit -- 120 council and sad that I. It -- captain Jason nuts when it and I howl but now I had I don't think I'd sit in that things are not -- The correct answer that wait until -- fully take this thing down the beach and sit along a prosper with a -- my hands and now we. -- wow big -- player. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I am creating an outward by the -- I am super into an inflatable Patrick esser moved mechanism. An expert. An Internet interface can possibly that has dubious and like I didn't know I can go away but -- enter into ninth it has this. Number it isn't it funny approached me about. That's -- Negotiations that's an outstanding. Idea I think do we have some what anti -- -- has just derived in the chatroom well. God for -- two hours now because he okay. It's. We're in your tenure -- Tonya I -- -- honestly he was actually like you -- like half of a cup of champagne and respond to them on the number and -- not exaggerating. A -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think that any device announcement yeah I get surprised than on the -- -- -- a plea deals first this from dual program. -- -- crews have past and present it is -- from San Diego and as the official and unofficial attorney general does nascent high rise to object. That's not enough. To strenuously object at the departure this great show. We the buzz nation and chat room community will miss it dearly. It seems as though the daily and then weekly show has been part of my ritual for years now. And I know there will be a large gap in my life moving forward. Look forward to all of your future endeavors. And have been enjoying some of your current endeavors looking UT NT crew. But in the end I will miss the show -- the awkward moments the well actually -- -- -- -- to me. And I must say past its decision to cancel buzz out loud I am not into it. Thank you for all the wonderful information you bestowed and the -- way in which you did it. Best wishes to all. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. -- -- -- -- from San Diego signing off. Loved in Russia. Okay. I don't that's the title matters does that trombone and home data. That show -- on. Now -- to the audience. The -- and incidentally had married man like -- -- you know and. Alone. Has died -- the title below what -- chronic diet but I. Is that his objection meddling has been sustained several times -- With human -- And men iso completely botched -- But instead it. Hey it's spots did it from -- -- an hour in and and I would calling to thank you for everything you've done it years and it. Are you -- story -- -- affected our diet I that's having a really crappy data Monday. So I decided to get my computer and an episode -- -- to -- and I -- in the middle of pop out about it. And that -- -- it's almost better I don't. Really now if you realize how much -- affected people's -- additional. That you don't watch everything you -- Always and forever I looked so -- it. It's. It is because you went off on cars tuna are Molly what does the article -- a little spot. Accident. I'm. Variance pending to a -- system ought to back. Hot that he became but getting probably my kids in the house in the -- and all. -- I'm so glad your image that I I would do anything that are -- expert -- -- Minerals. Alli Q whether he's I'll -- tired out. -- -- key was like. Well I'm glad they -- original well actually he was and I had -- invented. With some frequency certainly was almost the very first voicemail -- he's probably the first batch was he had been -- plans to launch. He's the he's the first botched and he was the one who claimed. Well actually they'll actually. We usually die on us actually rally at giants yeah magazine and -- and to bring. Them. -- where are those guys I still -- -- -- nine mile we never heard from Japan again we never heard again I don't. Need deep. -- Triple is a caller who was clearly some kind of like secret operative or military guy and now is calling for an undisclosed location and completed -- from temperament and -- we've never heard from again and Elliot lake. Its part Apple cannot I want to play by -- -- to -- There's actually a great way to allow waving have a -- this is ready you hold on I'm gonna find it because it was in that thousandth episode. I would like to reveal at this point the trip is one view which yeah. If truth is in this room right now another -- just died apparently -- -- a cover do you stream at that he died. I can't let us now. I -- it -- here record here's the -- and then remember. Remember the thousandth episode Ramey send us a video voicemail attack -- with Steve and putting in the very top of the document rate the second. And we were like. Saying maybe you even. Have chronic and I had an idea questions codeine for us to -- audio pressed as the it's in the very top at the very top the YouTube. Issues remain on all its -- -- not any way it is true. Not just -- it's actually ran. Modeling here by buzz out loud T -- -- on episode 269. You know last year I was trying it was just some of the first episodes. To find something historic buzz out loud moments. Did you know for example. That. Episode three. For reference is made -- uses transitions. And I tell you more. Time it's not just congratulations. -- -- -- And we -- like -- -- yet he's handsome man in the handsome man will -- gets so excited it would fact I think there -- even audio over a clip -- that we use over and over a just ironic and I mean like. -- Yet now it's all out to all other at a table look. I mean -- College costs -- time is me follow me call them do you have an idea of more and more voicemails usually forward though. Okay oh yeah it's yeah. I am Patrick Wright act export. And I looked me in the creek park app. I import. My network built somewhere -- -- -- And I learned that creek and the last out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That could come. On I wanna tell you aren't cutting from my coat factory -- I -- that I Clinton here are logged. Out at -- I wanna get out of business. And I want video -- Content in the middle of my career and that -- In large part because the PL out what you got caught -- -- I -- -- at. And all of my doing and it got I loved it and you've got. Scott. Copyright stuff -- content -- -- Albrecht can opt. In the lab at -- at real art -- got a lot school Apple empire about. I'm so in an opera XP can't believe that -- Initially got -- I -- I -- all of -- -- You're literally changed my life you're really it may want certain -- -- Take out at -- -- -- and changing Korea so our. I doubt that. You know not that it would be it -- ever Katrina -- you cannot. -- any way and actually any -- and around and not a crock of crap out of beer I got. Oh. Port -- just -- twelve minutes ago she's on a gorgeous speech on an island off savanna with a beer in hand. Games. Which are there for -- but if Florida the only it the only person to -- for ever exempt from the 32 yeah. She's given a pass every times in I don't know if she ever came in under thirty so I yeah I actually I was expected -- public good for a minute -- have a pretty amazed actually that it wouldn't pay part or email -- -- -- -- -- Denise -- -- -- -- -- Forrester analyst Amazon actually -- in my room mate for life. I had -- three a couple of emails from some our our oldest and most awesome listeners and and the rest will just get through as many as we tend -- we can't talk and more on. -- -- we'll split them know if I had his first one -- my own deeds the boys from Boston John. These does -- Men -- to meet like Monday dare. Right guess. Definition during ceremonies -- -- hazard a meeting. The boys from Boston is too early settlers of -- town or it was as it was known -- -- and incorporated area. But we are proud of the way our little corner of the Internet grew into a buzz droplets. Will -- -- because it is more than simply detection -- ELL as a community with fellow settlers like trip -- and -- though it Earthlink I -- Molly rants Tom unappreciated -- Are out there and appreciated I think he's being -- I think. Toddler -- that tones -- -- map with property. Spectacle -- -- boon to you baby talk Q birds in it. Computer lab into it not into it well actually conversations with tech luminaries and of course keeping abreast of the day's news Flickr -- a -- But it -- Four settings then next year is a minority. Seven years -- talked to domestic countless -- -- mind numbing hours in the car between and my team boss and you made -- laughs are for copy and occasionally even tear up. But this is why would not -- -- while no other show combined tech. -- humor analysis and -- it is so consistently we hope you know the -- Ellison -- special and irreplaceable those of us who listen and watch feel lucky to have been a part of it. -- -- -- -- the bush Obama. Likewise always you know guys. What I feel best about is that I that we can now count like -- -- like -- -- -- you know -- -- Also needs is a wicked dancer media is able -- -- -- no one knows. You get down you can almost say we have -- -- I have pretty much like a permanent date. To go see this asthmatic and -- Whenever they may be playing the net party or other eyes -- as permanent of the permanent getting an. And I'm gonna give the next one to top did you hear that doesn't say -- it's from a -- -- saris from -- mailings and content -- A time. Nate -- and I will not try to read it in a British accent from I was -- And I was as disappointed as -- They'll -- there -- -- was to -- after all these years but most of -- it's because I consider this year to be the reason I got my big career break. Many years ago in the early days of the show Tom O'Malley announced that Was hosting a competition for -- tech -- to go to CES with CNET to do some backstage blogging from the show floor. I thought might as well answer. Got a long story short my entry won me a place and has been a few days writing and doing videos from the show because I was running a little technology side of my own at the time. I'd written a lot about consumer tech and end up being asked him to cnet's next big thing panel at CES he was actually saved the state. -- are no idea and -- where I talked about the future of Blu-ray and other media. Someone from CNET UK was in the audience at the time and said I should get in touch back -- England as they were looking to hire someone to review MP3 players and audio gadgets I applied and I think in part thanks to what I had the chance to do at CES I got the job and moved to London a few weeks later. Since then I had several roles at CNET ended up to senior editor before being asked to take over the position as editor of wired dot co dot UK. Where I've been for the last two years or so. I honestly believe that had I not been listening to -- -- well in those early days. I'd never have heard about the CES competition. Never have been seen by a CNET you -- manager and never got the early break I got as a result. I'm grateful to have been able to go full circle and guest on -- well a couple of times since then and even more grateful for the 1500. -- -- I've never missed and the resulting career they ultimately helped me develop. -- -- -- -- I think I'm teasing and other charms like not all have. AM I have to say and in similar fashion I I would never have a career in in -- myself of the hand and reveal out. -- never you know -- a podcast -- and and and asked to produce -- show and gotten the chance to talk on the show and then that led to doing video stuff and now that's what I make my life doing and and it's all -- -- guys let me push a button. Ditto but actually if I -- her words yeah like -- -- my career to -- to buy is absolutely. I'd YouTube. There's no questioning. -- Mike -- my career -- managed Nasir I -- different. Bennett would have been without buzz out I mean I would've had one but it would have been as a product manager probably -- horrible -- like bad yet. -- -- -- -- -- -- And no offense portal for me. -- -- bug you that makes. It subject line was. Thanks for the courier and I was -- -- I feel the same about other products. -- for the current. Doctor Karl wrote the next email on my god and we love Nero and -- -- student you know. And that's. -- It's. Time that we are doing -- show car all went from -- the med student to Carlton residents. To doctor doctor Tara and is now totally practicing and it's amazing -- that I'm sure -- -- of stuff going -- it's only brief -- And by that he means kinda like Ford and him. I just wanna say thank you for buzz out -- thank you for keeping me informed for making me laugh and providing the opportunity to meet me conference -- the whole new group of -- people. But it likely never have met otherwise but I think back on last five years I realize I stopped coming for the -- is probably four years ago. Great and all the amazing part was the dynamic. This is why do wells truly special in my opinion regardless of -- who is hosting a pretty senior -- -- -- -- in shine through. And was an absolute blast to listen to and then watch and then participate in. First and foremost I'm happy to get to -- really excited about the new stuff coming down the pipe and I can't wait he would it will be I expect nothing but the best approach. I'm not going to miss anything because almost nothing is really going away like -- -- before your personalities -- anything you touch awesome so I'm not worried. That being said between -- -- -- only tiny concern is the fate of Libya oil community. -- -- in the -- activity with you guys I hope there are some ideas out there to try and at least maintain. If not further cultivate those relationships between fans and between fans and -- personalities. These things mean a good deal to me and I'm guessing to many other loyal fans as well -- the -- -- upstage music and plays -- -- Arctic thanks. Expedition lag -- Green teacher at the grade teacher and the autograph teacher at the book on how to use analyst and regular leopard though I've never out. -- -- -- the mandate and but then many stickers that two way audience -- and -- thin and -- the times do boom thanks college acting congratulations. -- school there -- in the job. -- -- I currently pottery. -- -- Us some time near one. Anyway he bothering so that's exciting. Thanks for the member -- memorable moments always keep with me obviously too long to list here are my favorite -- moment. -- -- Many many going to have to go with when you guys received the 1000 episode care package shirt we made -- all that was inch apps. And is a funny little -- -- instead listening to the show was on this and anything that make him an image. Well anywhere we get that they've really good times -- any forward I'll be watching taken -- -- doctor. And an honor and. Our role. Mobile neck as is amazing don't -- and also. -- here. -- as I recognize that envelope. That Manila covered. I think it's only appropriate. For the shirt. You go to. Top on -- this -- -- as I know that thousandth episode was like. Our most unbelievable and got together and they passed Fisher all around the world. And they all of the artists for months yes. -- they all signed in it was and they send a blip of postcards which I'm keeping. But. I I feel like. Our audiences and I hope you fully appreciate how much Thomas like heart -- of building this community. And building the show and and Thomas the guy who convinced me I should talk to you. -- you guys you being a community. And so at this -- so that hopefully in a frame -- -- -- -- -- There's no mobile world community -- an atomic. And union gave me a believer that sure is and I noted that not every block and ended up in a different part of the world did I didn't want -- to easily get literally -- -- on the IW. -- You're you're floored when you're surprised by something like that he just can't I can't believe the amount of slot and everything that went into that and after -- thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Diaz remember that you made the -- -- -- to protect effort all the time. That guy a made in new menu he uploaded them and you. And then he posted this -- -- -- this hilarious he's from Austria. Attendance and that's hilarious like update dear burp out loud customers. Is with great regret that we -- -- -- team have to inform you that we're closing down our restaurant business indefinitely. In the last six years we've matured from a little. It will take longer than five minutes -- away place to a stylish modern and trendy restaurant always serving you the latest and greatest meals while still giving them our own personal flavor. But due to restructuring our parent company -- we're moving on to new ventures. And even though there won't be any freshly live -- -- anymore we'd like you to inform you that as of June 2012 we will be opening a series of vending machine. Although -- and pre packaged -- ouch. All the snacks instant prepared buyer -- -- you come to know and love in the last few years. All the machines to be operated on demand twenty -- -- to restock illegally with new delicious and exciting meals so the you'll always have -- -- intranet. Thank you for your understanding. There -- created via an it guy you'd like updated the menu. With all of these all it's just incredible is its. Built in and -- has the Kinect -- Sundays. -- -- It did on Etsy that she and the -- ago for -- mobile people who are stressed more. The including really taken let's -- don't actually unicorn skeleton bell Atlantic and service. On her hunger and -- only the iPhone. Only available one more time and I -- they've -- -- -- wrong. At the -- didn't have -- It's all there isn't a planet -- live global -- At the. Is amazing. That -- -- Wow dude here. I am -- -- -- another deer and scrambled eggs quick bites. -- -- -- -- similar additions may contain bugs. Neither Amazon -- a tomato winning salad garnish with tiger -- I -- awful. Day. -- -- -- And that's amazing. And they've got a hold guided -- totally I try to print that -- a color project -- yet another printer and the earth. -- at work driver. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Monica. -- -- what's next on one from to her Malaysia. Okay at -- I have hard time getting back in and out of work -- Okay okay. Even as crew is extremely said -- doesn't -- come to an end it had a wonderful run out before it ascent after last time I have to dying wishes and hope you -- -- cell. Wish number one please take and post a group photo of all the official hosts and producers of buzz out loud it should be a great piece of human history this. Plus a dangerous space -- -- -- for them at a time -- -- before we did. And all. Outlined in this space because. -- you have a buzz out loud theme song remixed duel between Jason and Steven and I'm sure it will be. -- -- -- The buzz crew and exposed through -- -- -- you continue producing great chosen content to buzz out loud rest in peace will be miss dearly tears. For one last time love -- show on -- to ensure Malaysia Joe Horn Malaysia fan of the show since. The number lists -- the -- now. -- -- -- -- -- and because when I read it just silently and totally cried the whole that I can't go on only one I. -- -- -- -- -- That's got to get redirected to -- and -- like croak. Through it yeah. Yeah the. Dear -- -- past and present and future -- JJ Abrams successfully re booted Star Trek. I'm practicing have been a loyal listener subscriber viewer lights streamers since -- -- -- like they were huddled around small voice recorder and long before Veronica ever spoke. -- -- -- -- -- Things. Much less inspired Jason through your passion and commitment I have been informed enlightened and -- entertained and sometimes heartbroken James Kim and however the one thing I'll always be grateful for is all of you can now. All have the lives he touched and changed I wanted to let you know you did both. Much success fuel in future until then -- second start to the right and straight on till morning -- -- And then. It starts. At. Ten patterns and that at the you -- direction. I will go there would hear ha -- I LED actually I am proud to say. I gonna do all they don't think what to do. -- its market. Hero. I know like what is the tolerances are trickier to it is and I did it -- When it and I would be late and I was like. Nick friend nick for Montana already Tom. I deer browse through all of you as I look back on all the joy and knowledge and laughs the -- has given me over many years it would be easy to feel above everything else a sense of sadness and I know that is the first reaction that has come forth from many members of this community. When I look back over the years I see all of the different ways BOL in all of its different forms has shaped my life over these years together. And from that -- -- optimism for all that has to come from our hosts in our community. And I remind -- -- reminded of a powerful quotation from Charles to vote. The important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Good luck in what will -- and remember the words of John Keats to remember what has been. A thing of beauty is a -- forever it's lovely -- increases it will never pass into nothingness. But still we keep -- Bauer quiet for us and -- full of sweet dreams and health and quiet -- all the best. -- -- -- -- Thanks a lot. The other. Dear -- And until it -- the guy where he talked to time you want him aren't tanked yet I just want comes a -- -- -- more Jim writes in and says. But he stayed I actually listen to one. Buzz out loud. Because your podcasts -- of indeterminate length sometimes -- check out one of the others afterwards. Deal well murdered my commute you left my commute on life support when you went weekly now you've driven a stake through its heart. My commute is dead. I hope it doesn't come back is a flesh eating zombie and take revenge on the -- crew good -- a missile to meet to gain -- commute was. A solution eligibility -- -- Thomas. Of mark right then and says that -- the Japanese and to thank you Brian Molly and yourself for working on a great show it to Steven. The ending of the show we greatly -- by myself and many fans a mix of -- topic -- personalities and a welcome reprieve for me during the workday prolonged period of time to look and -- featured Everest. Perhaps -- can have a new show of just computer lot of. Moon. In the thought of insanity while Brian not saying anything goes hello is -- I'm Brian doesn't -- not say anything. -- -- -- -- blood -- and agent and I get taken an excellent. -- and I guess we'll let it not gonna cut back at you and you know. Oh it's happened again anytime I start to -- listening to a podcast do you decide to end so I've gotten super busy at work and haven't had as much time to listen to podcasts lately so -- got pretty backed up on back episodes of deal well over the past week I've been able to catch up only to find out that the show is -- I'm sorry below its all my fault this -- -- to be before was shows like the mailbag today in tech history. -- jets and many other non CNET shows. Even back in the day when I was a wee -- I stop watching the CNET TV shows and bam Ryan Seacrest last. -- promise to try and watched and listened more in the future I feel so bad when I destroy the things I love. In all seriousness congratulations on the great opportunities thank you for the great content over the years and good luck thanks -- it. Today must be error you must be it just wouldn't venture. -- just -- upload firefly religion and it. -- -- -- and -- I've been listening to be Austin's high school even before Veronica started speaking on the -- that is like such a milestone and I. I don't let you know like nine or ten shows and a bit different and may be too whiny tops before you actually it was thought it was like once maybe twice a week it was an August 10 2000 I don't stand out pre law August 2005 -- when Veronica -- spoke but Jason makes a good point which is that over time the time ran out of time. -- found out in the like on the east was earlier -- -- but that's like -- it's like. BBS. Or -- -- kind of -- Anyway I want to thank each and every knows about them out past or present for helping me find my passion and engaging he was brilliant analysis tech news but -- -- help -- -- journalism as my major in college. Educated me throughout college and you all continue to inspire me every day five if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be writing software reviews and blogging about -- for my job. I did appear in -- -- I have the organ only become a doctor and yet LBJ in my life it's hyperbolic as that -- it's true and I will miss them out and everyone of its -- dearly and I look forward to -- new project keep doing what you love. And I'll keep. Most analysts say that I can't tell you how many emails we get a like that and it really. And sure it seems at times they don't take this job -- this responsibility seriously but we do because we're totally where the geyser like. You're the reason and I gave -- this -- disorder. I've got this job or you know whatever it's it's. It is pretty intense and. I have a low and I'll jump -- on this on this one comes to us from -- -- via. Hello Molly Brian -- and -- -- my name is -- yet when he when years old from east Los Angeles, California -- never emailed or called in but I just wanted to thank you guys for providing hours. Upon hours of amazing content for me on my commute to and from school. I -- discovered you guys through Andrew -- of -- -- podcast for Harry -- -- -- couldn't when you guys when -- was also around the time that -- -- switch to monthly shows and I've been at a loss for good -- since I think it's about time. I make use of all those audible dot com offers everything -- task. Seems to -- Molly you're an inspiration to myself and so many young women seeking careers in journalism and digital media Brian you make me ruffle Steven. -- for making CNET content the best it can be stopped being so good at your job. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look -- -- -- what new and wonderful content you have to offer don't forget to the. -- -- -- I love this email. Is all about the Steve. -- net from billion minutes that are in -- fourteen years -- so right now I'm being shaped into the man who will become. And I wanted to thank Steve -- -- For being one of the people to do that last year without knowing it's even has been influencing me teaching me to do my very best bring new things to the table. And keep an element of surprise site that I say thank you. To Amanda taught me things that will stay with me for the rest of my life and didn't even know it. -- that's heavy amount I think he's so much for that at all he doesn't. I gotta say like every. Every hosted every producer brings so much this show and Steve came in here and just like. -- down kill bit from Internet not into it to that it does the production elements select a nearby dams geared to the top of the show has plagued. It's it's amazing how this this kind of we call the producer role but it's so not Writely as it is and -- content. -- it's very intense community -- extra suing everyone in this room right now and Adam. I just had a blast at Swansea think -- everyone that I had so much and in the show so anonymous and a lot. And then that's it thank you. It is a good place and I think and -- and -- Tommy on the month. It's pretty good from Brian yet. Brian Barton writes and buzz out loud -- at says hey does true after all the years and episodes I'm surprised nobody's ever said -- -- I will. The show. It. To go to keep abreast of the rest of these -- to. It's not. That opinion but. I just as there. -- systems only. You know. I I feel about buzz -- -- the way -- -- tech TV. And that's the 1 thing that I am holding onto in trying not to cry too much today is that tech TV -- it was horrible. And -- can take what in the we'll never a community like that again and whenever people like a time like that and Bozo that is where we found that again. And I -- of cried a lot more -- I have -- and com. Now I'm in it when we started to get that feedback we surrogate -- -- -- thousands first -- I was like oh my gosh this is this is what it felt like back then. That can happen again. I was amazed as I got it to I didn't think -- I'd ever feel back connection to -- -- -- so it you know as we've said over and over it is the community. That makes a show and it definitely has -- buzz out loud but that doesn't mean that just because the show. Is stopping that the community has to go away or can't find plenty of other places look at all the people -- tech TV. Who went on to -- bigger and better things and little conflicts in this room. And all the big you know and better things that are going to be always on. And I'm. It -- get that. As it so -- and in -- eight everything comes to an and you know its Star Trek never lasted seven seasons what I left. Yesterday when I am like got mail letter to go home. It is correct and -- news. And one thing's for sure we last longer than Jersey -- but. Oh. And whatever -- there are more things there counters that you know everything has changed and there are cool awesome project -- -- -- it. It now is really not the time point to -- because I think now -- the times Atlantic. Thank you if it's. The show is everything and is because people who listen to and after three days and you'll never. Forget that we will find a way to -- -- part of everything we do in future. -- thanked everybody has been like those -- -- we an exciting news to the Donald bell is becoming part of the TV team. -- time just in time. -- It. But a lot more of him Nvidia and we -- and -- and like enemies in an amazing. Is is now an appropriate time to fire you'll have. And I do that could -- -- -- and wasn't expecting that. I'd never been fired bugler from Akron and they like it. He is living up there with three bottles of champagne and we're gonna -- -- -- -- anyway gotta get a ruling that. Song to play out lets out -- Nine and seuss character. -- -- -- ColdFusion to do. It admin is not a liner. More out now. I won't be able to see -- We've been meeting here. And services unless treated him. -- -- -- -- -- Hatch and -- need to. -- -- -- They don't stop and -- that the you know -- Bringing an Internet. I. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ideal when you -- in your ideas on earlier like China tong thinks you can think that's great -- there is a leading up just you know they didn't. -- Non. -- -- -- and I does -- and average and you get a Rex running. We -- and it. Also. -- I mean. Here's England's the next time that all this will -- -- in the same room together again maybe a CS yeah good and amp. Working for Veronica when he is from. Yeah and -- S uses -- actually need it. -- -- it won't be part of it. Police -- for the floors up in the back. I don't I don't know. I'm -- the show and have so little. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ninety minute. I -- it's pretty easy on. -- hiding -- that it cannot kind of person and public. Clearly we -- but -- it's. Thirty minutes for each lot faster yet time and the -- -- it's -- -- -- -- mass effect just announced expanded content yeah. Hi I'm hoping things. The president and music I'm really glad you. And -- want. -- -- -- Okay mean.

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