Car Tech Live 222: Meet the 2011 BMW M3
Car Tech Live 222: Meet the 2011 BMW M3

Car Tech Live 222: Meet the 2011 BMW M3

Auto Tech
VW says leave the driving to us cyan upgrades -- after -- cabin tech. And -- Honda Insight goes too fast for the competition. This is cnet's car tech live at Thursday thirtieth June 2011. I am -- -- and am. Antuan Goodwin is in the studio team took -- on the board Brian Cooley is not is out today -- that teach -- -- cats to do a triple Lutz. At I was very impressive and then once they get down -- got a YouTube video for that as an identity there there's. The YouTube video anything related. Insert random term and nothing due to largely generation video -- exactly of what -- view Google's on the crew out. VW is that experimenting with little let's acknowledge that going to scare a few people. New ideas there they have -- their -- a temporary auto pilot. The idea is that -- use that cruise control adaptive cruise control and I guess steer the wheels Tuesday you can candidate and the Wii -- bit and -- -- be the driving. Yet so I mean this is like at highway speeds they're not gonna be driving around your neighborhood -- -- stops. And intersections. Com or anything complicated like that. You decide you -- Lot of magazine on the road -- -- work -- they say the car can drive automatically up to eighty miles per hour but. I think what they're talking about in real world -- -- is just like -- traffic you know if you're driving along in bumper to bumper traffic. You can just take your hands up we'll read the New York Times or whatever of the car -- That's when I wanna pay attention. Because. I -- I'm not exactly at the point yet where I trust. The sensors to maintain distance I mean a five I have my -- on the wheel Moffett hovering over the break I feel. All right about given that -- to control over but in the take my eyes off the road and trust that the current gonna recognize that somebody squares and and -- -- me. And it doesn't have enough space to stop anymore that's when things get weird when the roads clear for quarter mile ahead -- -- take over then. -- -- all those things like when it restarted using adaptive cruise control and some cars. You sort of like cattle little when you when you first use you kind of get a little hesitation you keep a foot hovering over the break. This year carpool in the lane in front -- -- you get all like freaked out and then after use and it for miles and miles -- is gonna like okay that's fine it'll work. Have you had like one of systems when you're driving -- and maintaining a nice distance between you and the when Elton and a card does kind of squeeze in that gap. You ever had this experience -- for a second sometimes some systems will go like I don't know what's going comes in ago and Alexa speed up for a brief moment. And -- to go wait wait wait now. You get is weird surge of speed exactly when you don't need it that what kind of freaked me out. -- little it yet I've experienced that on earlier systems and I think the programming kind of said. Well I don't have a radar lock in it on anything anymore so all the speed -- to that set speed. -- -- it is not the way they should work and in the ones that move driven more recently. Seem to do is drop the speed that happens is they like I don't know what's going on -- gonna slow down. To be an accident in that situation who's at all at US faults is VW fault -- is the driver who could chew off -- all at. I think Zurich fault from the other driver of -- CU BW it is safe and say that there at fault for -- -- your system that in its early snow and ice. A line of fine text and hysterectomy -- VW networks are able. If you -- -- -- their system other early warning things all -- -- if you use this system note that you might crash anyway and VW is not liable -- -- nav system you have to -- that little -- you first turn it on. This is like eight with decides -- -- -- -- new it is that the building -- their fault for not -- where you're going. Exactly and Mercedes-Benz actually talked about a system like this last year. It would just in traffic -- is the idea it would maintain your speed and maintain distance from -- the cars and steer for you. But the idea being just -- slow slow traffic so you don't have to. Do the boring aspect you know that or an act of driving in those circumstances so the board considered in that Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen are talking about this and it's gonna come. -- but feeling and the other weird thing is that the sort of autonomous driving new -- spectrum you're -- solar systems as a legal gray area there. As far as like it did legal work hard drive itself. As it turns out a bill that just path and Nevada. Basically makes this the first state where robo cars are legal I think this is actually on the tail end of Google. Building their own autonomous vehicles and testing them there. They've been testing and in the Bay Area with an engineer sitting in the front feet but the build -- -- Nevada says. Acer like if you wanna -- drive your car. Me bring it on but I guess there's actually nothing in Nevada except for Las Vegas though -- You've got miles and miles of empty highway just take it right and how it fifties and -- -- -- like how you can be used in desolation middle of nowhere and so. I -- Nevada being like. Who won independents and -- that the testing ground for a new era of robot cars and at that they'll be cool up to visit there's a diamond has really take Sok -- and -- use that as a way to get stories about new robot cars on the road. -- -- bad -- the robot driver might ever be. It can't be any worse in your averages -- at -- Editing terrifying -- by a right to BI and I've taken its lap around -- think in the bank and in equalize AMG with the the razor and getting their test driver behind the wheel analytic as terrified that I -- -- -- coming home from. And event at CES -- In the backseat of rather -- crown Victoria and. Edit I would rather have heroic -- grabbed me around Las Vegas and then -- -- gambit that. Is. On -- fuel economy. Economy is. In a hot hot hot topic considering that. Well considering the present gas these days and actually the Obama administration released oil reserves recently actually member countries that really strategic oil reserves. Recently witches and lower pressed the gas -- -- something that the your occurs periodically. Well. Along with that there's been ongoing discussions with then the administration -- -- corporate average fuel economy. -- look at a re setting that and they've come well what we're seeing here is is an article that says that they think they've come up with. -- a good compromise number that against going to be 56 point two miles per. At least that's the point to yes there they just not like round numbers that -- how -- that he would -- -- about the number. Probably when you calculate everything with the Wii then even though the cars will still be listed as you know a -- couple digits it's point two thing will just be. -- in the background -- the calculate this. But you know it's them seen as all the cars and -- -- forty miles per gallon now highway now. With lightweight technologies different technologies. -- this could be achievable. Pitney I think there's actually quote in here by underneath. Studio. As a -- and ethnic. And if you don't yet see you with that -- -- he says fifty is doable. The lot of hard smart work and Hyundai actually have a bunch of course right now that are in that they're touting at that forty mile per gallon mark. So I mean they -- least a couple of the auto makers are saying that. Yasser we can get behind that the thing that the actual range because if you -- -- six point -- was gonna be. The average. To their vehicles are gonna have to actually hit. Somewhere between -- it looked like 4762. Miles per gallon. -- there's a pretty good range there they're gonna have some. Extra -- cars and then. You know and and things like for example Sonata hybrid was just -- now the on the highway. -- -- under way to get seven more miles per gallon out of that. Yet they were that in ministries and actually are are on advice from by the Union of Concerned Scientists was looking at a 62 mile per gallon. Corporate average fuel economy. But there's been some studies that may not really pay off ultimately when you consider all the factors. You're not really -- a whole lot and you know you're going about fifty miles down corporate average fuel economy that's that's actually -- be. Huge savings on on money and and you know pure imported there -- less imported oil while -- You think there is actually an article on car tech last week. That fit that when you start talking about the sixty some -- average. That the amount of extra technology that would have to go into the vehicle. To make them that fuel efficient wouldn't pay for itself and a five or seven years that people keep cars and -- -- Exactly and given all this. Green technology Californians might end up not paying you for like it has previously. There is been of really substantial rebate program in California for. Alternative vehicle -- well. High technology cars a so for example hybrids for a long time get -- sticker that let them drive and hov lane. And electric cars are also getting an similar to -- this one as a -- they're actually -- meant that yellow sticker program. But there's also been a rebates says so -- -- give you some some money to buy an electric vehicle. But that data may be on the chopping block with the the current that budget situation. Budget negotiations -- Are in line -- trying to work out that when they actually afford a program like this the energy state energy commission is actually lobbying for it they still wanna be able to get this rebate. But you know that -- although there ditzy in that jeopardy when media. That the budget becomes tight which -- you know it is frequently in California. Yet I mean did it in the -- -- a bit of an issue with that but it missed it when you gotta start topping things off giving people free money. Is it could be at the top of that list. -- -- -- We know what I'm with interesting it I mean how quickly in if this can and it happened and it's gonna be like street -- cut off. Where. Whether their current data rebate stance that says that 15100 to 5000 dollars depending on the type Libya also pro area. -- -- should you know the firm may be able would qualify -- the -- out to area Tesla -- peanuts at them as a local product. And did they had allocated -- five million dollars to keep its program in place. Although they apparently. Burned through that pretty -- as these electric cars -- pretty popular. I am in here in the Bay Area yet. Hello and a million light. I would if -- adventure against its behalf. For the Nissan leaf on the -- in America are here in the dad that's in a number of them and add that to the course the federal rebate program and federal tax credit program. And yeah you're saving a lot of money out of this and a lot of people of taken advantage because -- if you can get that. -- price down to the mid twenties low twenties not bad. Yet this seems like in that extra -- at the -- -- the auto makers have been counting on that when -- -- to the price. Of a city bowl when it first came out they -- quote about infinity mine. Or in the same with a -- expand that with the rebate that's gonna be under this price. You know they didn't even tell you what the actual MS RP wise and so now -- -- you can there's going to be more of an if -- if I believe placed -- -- for one early adopters are gonna pay more hours they usually have to do and any sort of technology. But then you know that the race to get the price down. Discount heated up a little bit you know if if this goes through when you do lose those rebate and a built in subsidy. You know that economy of scale -- have to come quick. I'm thinking the stay you'll find the money to it to continue this program. I think California -- as a pretty commitment to you. These these environmental technologies and wants to be Green leaders. I could see getting -- its -- pretty popular here obviously considering how many people. Signed up for it to. Right and if many of -- entry. In other news Apple and -- switch gears here for a second and talk about software. Looks like Apple is trying to wean itself off them. Google's mapping. Eat if you -- -- that at a few there's actually if you there's an article on Mac rumors that says that if you look into. The legal. Information in the IOS five they choose -- on the at the new iPhone update. Underneath the maps section there are -- mentions. Of -- data that belongs to companies like Tom Tom. Urban mapping way -- core logic. -- -- fibers. Both elementary companies here that are listed. It's comes on the tail of global. TV Apple having renewed their -- partnership with Google. But then Google also holding over Apple's head with their -- -- -- that. When you get Google's maps on Android you get turn by turn directions. -- of updating. When you get a dot Apple's you just -- Direction the chip to manually flip through it looks like Apple's working on some sort. Of its own mapping solution or at least opening the door. To make it easier for these other companies -- better integrate their own -- Yet Gordon's article Apple is actually spot a couple of companies that are involved in navigation. They -- mapping companies -- space and -- nine which and really haven't heard of the corporate. But. And it probably does and I about crowd sourced traffic Democrats are trapping database to. The one thing about this. Apple including these these. Legal terms four. Tom Tom and weighs in urban mapping and some of these other services that may just be more of a -- AA might just see more. To let these apps on our own in our iTunes store we've got include the legal terms for -- I've already -- beached in comparing this to the legal notice or. You know -- pilots for. -- doesn't include the same term. -- -- wonder like why would you put it TomTom legal information and your IOS. Legally -- that he -- and not in the about pennies on the TomTom app amusing click when you install and that it's sorry there but everybody who -- And wireless phone in and install TomTom -- The angels wasteful yeah I'll you never notice legal capability as they can read every terms of service. Get out of hand -- that brilliant thing where we had Richard -- it's reading segments of the Apple the end -- islands conservancy tests that would dramatically yet scary maybe get -- their long. Or -- take a little break right now for. Sponsor notice and we'll be right back. Hectic lives with. Myself when -- I am Antuan Goodwin. And missile tank sprang fully on vacations are actually -- sick or something like that. Comes in about training camp training camp seems -- always training -- -- a couple of weeks ago there was a storied that was kind of floating around. After Chrysler came out with -- sort of Chrysler -- -- ad campaign with their imported from Detroit Super Bowl. You know advertisements and whatnot in an -- and everything -- again there were there really popular. And they've actually -- a couple of awards as far as I understand but a company called pure Detroit. Started filling teacher. In Detroit that -- imported from -- it. A -- Chrysler struck back at them that hey we're really gonna need you to stop selling. The sort he asserts. To appear to trick to court. And just recently this week we find out that it judges ruled that you're Detroit and continues filling their imported from Detroit search. Currently doesn't own that trademark apparently. Yeah. They do tapped to get out ahead and antivirus and all trademark can exist through use but then again a purity try to jumped on early enough then. You know may not be associated with Detroit there with Chrysler and up to you to really. That -- now hold on that. And to -- -- that could also be a copyright -- But that would be a trade mart. Let the I think -- -- -- -- -- our our trademarked. Logos all sorts trademarked and adventurous thing if you look at mr. And I don't actually have a picture of it up but I've seen it. It's actually just black T shirt with almost what looks like the Chrysler wings coming outside of a -- a small logo that there's imported from -- around. That meted. Almost doubling to rip off of Chrysler's. Wing Lugo in their -- sprayed but -- mean according to the judge it's big enough. And I just may be due maybe also due diligence when -- done reckless part to secure that trademark. Yet -- -- it's yet downs can it be there that -- -- was on the project -- is that. Trading on credit the Chrysler. And a board but I mean the same time it. And is it. Almost here -- -- we got one mr. the album yet mean it that's definitely the rest and equipment. -- on the I don't know if it's almost like -- and -- -- advertisement for Chrysler may -- the -- -- battle the polish and depicts. -- meantime you -- particularly to property I like that logo and I'm thinking Chrysler should just -- that look at the -- that on their -- -- their new releasing the new the new wing density have. It it doesn't have the circle in the middle anymore mainly just the -- very horizontal with the word Chrysler spelled out and it. It's a lot -- American couple speaks on the -- I think it looks. Better that it actually. Allen looks like of the wings that -- to have pain and domino could of the upon the of the firebird and transplants. Mathematics -- And spirited and a I left it off of Chrysler for a second in talks cyanide -- talking about and all week on the Arctic long to get that XP and -- which -- a -- give us a few mixed mixed reactions. But fortunately I. At that the -- that was old and outdated and that car. And ports and -- just announced that they're updating their -- and -- cabin tech which is after market haven't actually which seems strange that they would need that. Data coming and begin a faux marble on a -- the first thing it -- the Ares I don't expect I think we feel it -- Time we talk about -- I -- -- first -- we do is -- stereo out and though. They actually announced this week for one -- -- -- twelve -- on TC. And the release series seven. In this. Very bright yellow color -- -- at high voltage I call it written a scorcher. But that car is actually gonna debut with for one that found first push button start. And then also a new base -- your stereo that it HD radio. -- integration a standard. Pandora radio integration and standard as well as Bluetooth and three and audio streaming though you can -- that. Blue logic button -- No more dealing with that thing and then also -- on the 2012 XB. Is -- -- be that same stereo don't know if they're gonna get push button start but then there's also going to be -- new premium stereo of the -- saw. Right that that little. The if they don't have pandora on the yes standard stereo. But they do have -- Bluetooth streaming and audio a and integrated Bluetooth hands free system. And then on the premium unit they'll actually have that pandora integration those -- pioneer units and they unit head -- -- units from last -- we -- getting the -- pioneer in the end you get upgraded -- -- -- and you get upgraded it into another -- now and you. Yet and you know my thinking up on that was that that's science it and never let those -- units they were using probably three or four year old had units from these companies. They should have been upgrading pretty much every model here to stay up with the technology. We'll show you one thing these new head -- have the specs. HD radio Bluetooth audio streaming. Standard US -- either things that should be in a youthful brand -- things that kids want. People -- -- gonna be getting these current Smartphones are going to be able to do most everything you want. Even with the -- and despite such a company mark on your dashboard. I will tell -- this -- These are two of the ugliest doubles in -- yes I have ever seen in my life it's just like a ton of -- speeds and buttons are all over the place and even that. The second one down there has these big huge. Cyber trolling English almost that it. -- one of these buttons look like it a guest on but I mean I guess that the phone at that. However it's no bad yet at an -- that the big knob on the left in them. As sometimes those -- the cell potency. I guess in -- -- title -- Republican -- also consider that the interior of the XP itself though. Pretty ugly to begin way and I -- they'll be rated home in there I mean think it again -- turned a corner on the XP et Al liken them car. As a bare bones cards you can pretty much do anything you want to. It's still gonna score low on our on our reviews just because it's technology -- that. But I mean mandated. On the inside it's not a pretty picture. One thing though with the -- pandora in interest and you've seen pioneers Apple radioed do you think this is. The same technology basically yours we'll need it if pandora app link equipment and everything now I mean you can get and -- app link on. And entry level and Israel would like -- mid -- singled in. Alpine area and its it's built into the pandora app all you have to do is bill. Some sort of vote functionality into your -- to get in -- -- -- API. -- -- it'll it'll it'll probably do the exact same thing every other pandora link and implementation Wi -- and a thumbs up thumbs down. You know. Access your different channels maybe even create a new channel -- on the phone to listening to now. But don't expect to be blown away if it's good to have that functionality yet then that doesn't mean that dead the the news system and the new -- sentiments and what the upgrade about the -- other apps online -- I think -- -- different and you know you have probably. I don't -- that being. Alien mention anything about great ability in their app radio products -- -- of its own thing right now. So I mean I think. Yet these two lines and really converge anytime soon so if you really wanna -- on -- -- -- Yet here's I -- with the base system pull that out and get miners that radio -- that and then your blog today we have shown in the every -- -- -- -- -- testing it in July out so -- -- to note you should actually -- it -- the way to -- get my hands on it because I'm a little. I'm still a little. If he about it and it sounds really -- -- that -- last thought but the more I think about it. Oracle almost. Too reliant on -- -- on. Abdomen again apps it's gotta be cool camera has let -- Kathy -- speaking of special editions and that their release series. And they've got there are spent in the just released. Pictures and specs for a new Genesis. And I mean the with a weird thing about this -- their Genesis one goes into very different direction the coop is very -- -- sedan very upscale. -- to put the on this sedan with a new five liter engine. Is a little weird -- like they're trying to say they're giving mixed signals. A lot of engine for the Genesis sedan and that's not a huge. It's not accuse cards actually just aboard -- Version of the people. Four point six or four point eight liter where that standard -- that in their four point six as the editorially they bored out than they or maybe increase the stroke that. With our spec in the Genesis -- they they took out all the electronics -- so anything -- viewed here in this terminate they do the opposite. They give you more power. They continue to offer -- like a seven dot one lexicon system pretty much all the tech -- you can get. In the standard Genesis sedan you can -- net music and everything in there and the biggest in this case are expected in mean. Erase bank enemies mean while really knew it was important -- -- it. If they everything it everything but to keep and think what police say it does have a sport transmission suspension and sports during calibration. And a night. An -- wannabes will mean I guess -- mean BMW's you've proven that sport sedan and a big sports sedan can be funded drive but. And -- notified when an arts -- in -- at that kind of bizarre enemy will develop a -- black pink. -- don't -- it now the about it and that's. They edit my needs in -- vehicle could hurt a little bit different years -- what somebody who's -- -- and if against. -- -- -- Yes eight. BMW five. And an unknown number. 29 horsepower at side. -- -- -- BMW implies that they've also got an updated look on the right and slightly reject your grill. New -- that yet they have the new -- the -- -- -- strict yet if you really want it in Italy the lights trip on your Genesis you can hold enough of that. It hadn't on this one -- the odds of -- -- -- The program kind of sick of seeing them -- stated it's an interesting looking implementation on this almost changes the profile -- -- depending on what you're looking at it and beer night but I mean. Have a sixty minute thing but if what you gotta have -- could be made a big deal out of date. Area and it is a junior it is dribbled out over here now last story here at Honda Insight not gonna -- you'd expect you. -- be banned from a rally search for being too fast -- you don't. Most expect the opposite of -- lake don't -- the inflate we don't wanna sit around all -- -- -- -- to finish a circuit that. And the Formula One thousand and effects the eighty rally series. That features tarmac and gravel -- thing. A modified Honda Insight that was actually I think if have power train -- co developed would Lotus engineering and -- UK when. Was -- end. Because it's too fast on the tarmac sections. And by the way this is they actually first generation on -- and at the two -- I'm not the bigger than a Prius similar -- -- CNET it's got the fairing over the rear wheels with cutting through the wind neck if you don't -- pretty fast ordering local food. In its class that let -- -- Where they would they do in here I mean it doesn't seem like I mean they still got a theme one point three liter gas engine electric motor and lithium ion battery pack. A lot of these classes are determined by engines its efforts and of against other one point three -- -- -- and hit me actually blow and everybody or. I don't know but this thing and they're talking about its 21 place wins and second place win in the event. Here is business going on here if you're looking in. You who would have thought front wheel drives small. The biggest yet rally classes are weird. And you can pretty -- bring anything to the show. But it's a little bizarre night they had no religions -- battered looking in my down to is that part of it is a little more output -- -- -- electric motor. -- get involved and active there than on the can do some some pretty miraculous stuff with cars. Too surprised when -- their involvement something. I expect any -- -- K series engine and the ever be considered a on the road this week -- movie none. Me and -- get out there now BM WM three. -- -- -- expect. Now -- BMW says they make the ultimate driving machine. This is the car they're talking about yet you originally aiming -- -- The -- card takes up and goes. -- happen. This is that cores the -- latest generation of them agree with the EVE eight point -- liter V8 engines. Much more power -- -- outgoing. Previous. Six cylinder. Yet in big news that's -- -- -- yeah it makes a good sound just when you're passing somebody in evidence here on the highway. And -- I really -- is are targeted at -- double clutch transmission. And so when you down shifted actually blips the accelerator and edit your nice little pumpkin that engine and as well as ground except pray -- I didn't speak if they're gonna go and -- that seven speed. Not that -- because there's a seven speed dual clutch transmission. I guess maybe just -- and you're there for fuel economy and I hope. I gotta start is really does geared for the racetrack in fact especially option -- racetracks you. They didn't give us that navigation and the premium stereo upgrade although we -- Albania iPod connectivity -- a hands free system you gotta have those. And the but it does also have like imagine -- more than double clutch transmission -- genetic about a 12100 dollar option. Then it's also got. The electronic -- control which is an option and it's got the -- diamond dynamic mode which actually -- and options it was one of them at a ridiculously BMW. A lot loads. Data at all up this really interest in all the different modes and everything in -- car and the DT CNET -- -- double clutch transmission includes. Eleven drive programs. So at all accommodations. And could have 130 different ways to configure this car's drive programming. And -- over the top and that's not even counting turning the traction control on -- off. That's double there. It's insane how many ways -- can programs -- -- how many people are gonna be like. Okay I wanna put it in. Write programs where he and manual mode and having it easy on normal -- -- -- -- has hired the grid and the BMW owners forum. Of people who are like cooking -- their favorite -- competition and others thanks VOA don't like flash into the USB your eyes. In the -- -- -- -- and not medically. -- that would definitely. Let me tell you what I thought. When dad. We've first got to say M three in the garage before -- drove it. I just I think in okay and other and three it's united sort of the go to -- super performance are. And in driven and before on as a car snob I looked in India and the -- XP transmission -- -- dislike -- It's an automatic 10 -- so wait for a but the thing is then I got behind the wheel and I just like oh yeah that's why these cars -- -- And isn't like BM that used it there I mean if BMW had a halo car. This would be it I mean forget. You know the empire and I mean this is when people think about the MW sports client like sport sedan the and three the current compromises. The car that I've used the lust after as a -- and everybody else wanted you know liberty -- Yet part of. Goes back to the -- of the history of the three series where the three series used to be a fairly inexpensive -- is a premium small car and and death. Then they added this am's sports series which -- -- was too much more expensive than the standard went so. The idea was that and it's collect hot hatchback thing today it's like people could get into a really good sports are for little money so -- earlier -- performance was great. It's changed a bit and then within days although I was surprised this car is not as expensive as I thought the base is only 58. I mean that's pretty. 65 like those thinking you but you can get out of control. At the when you start -- in. Late -- want the DCT. You to Dell's 15100 -- -- -- -- -- the DTC. The CDC electronic -- controls another I don't know who read this ultimately the competition package it was columns. I had a lot of those performance technologies on there. But it mean that -- -- -- buck leaving yes definitely yes -- fifth. Okay as one example I was dad driving on -- -- test drive routes and get this that. Really fast going motorcycle driven pretty fast you think in the corners -- with a target -- But in this motors and gets behind it in sane driver just really -- and -- like right behind me something like okay I that are stepping up a bit. So I start push and it on these corners. And the car hit car takes it easy. It just does stuff that I didn't think it was possible and I still think I was probably maybe seven tenths eight cents. Alia -- the first -- driven in three on the track it would almost. Stupidly easy to drive him if you select the -- -- driver. So much so that the next car got on this tract without but I can drive it like the imperialist when it off the track -- -- black lab of the day and I that are. Estimated that make up for the -- mr. not a good -- but I mean it does what she -- -- do you mean it. -- if if you -- any sort of driving talent it will come out on the -- with. And it's done with a lot of technology -- this may turn up a lot of people are really appears in the -- you mentioned seem like the automatically and I don't wanna write this -- -- -- The technologists. I mean this is really. Racing car technology in the and the best drivers -- the best race car drivers use the same sort of technology and take advantage of it to get. And cuddle lap times take corners at ridiculous speed -- -- the same thing with the -- -- agony could have an old car were no traction control and stuff like baton to get around a corner and tail and out and -- crazy stuff. This card does with the -- and come out but -- electronic systems like you only so much. She found the right combination oh yeah I got to do whatever you want a really -- traction allotment -- what's interesting about this vehicle being in an automated manual transmission is that when you when you. The key and you hit this will probably and hit the start button you put the transmission and the drive it in -- your -- your way. To say no no -- want you to shift. It it in -- in -- A -- -- -- a difference in mindset. For me. When you're thinking like oh this is an automatic transmission or oh this is a -- automated manual the fact that you have to. -- every year yourself or you have to decide that I wanna be hands off. Exactly. It's it's -- just -- I did experiment -- to get all the settings all the different. 132 comedy since the settings in their most mundane. Event via most mundane suburban. Just to try driver on the city is actually if you put it in all its performance mode settings drive and on the -- got a tough eagle lunged it will be hard to modulate accelerator. When cars are moving along -- 2520. Miles an hour in front -- you. But. It's still. Was put in it all in all -- but put in an all the -- settings and analysts saw the settings. Actually perform it would actually became fairly drivable uses the session was still somewhat rigid it but it felt more like. A normal sports car. You know suspension to -- -- like. Yet this is what today a -- I know like dead Audi -- something might might give you heat them but dead and then of course but it and more you know -- mode it just becomes ridiculous. In the I guess a couple of weeks -- months ago at this point we had the the 335 I -- And every single one of us said while you're behind him three wouldn't -- -- a 335 I yes and -- that around and I'm even gonna have to ask. Still stood at the same -- -- New I think that M three and is well it Canada on the what you want it for now -- M three. Debt that you -- on track student does that you will reward you so well with that. 35 bias is great it -- but it's something in that. -- if you're not gonna ever go on attractive but you wanted to drive below the fast in the mountains and still be pretty comparable drive and -- work and back. It's it's okay and it just doesn't have that that that glued down in suspension and it doesn't do quite the quite the same things -- the M three. Freud and had to be corralled we heard in the media mean if they Greek -- -- twin scroll. 86. With a two charter right which is a good engine but I -- not the DA. I mean but -- needed given all also are giving it the fuel economy. I got out of it cart with fitness fifteen miles per gallon. -- -- didn't really look at the what are into the week average with I can't imagine it being over twenty. -- we actually averages about fifteen miles beyond the team -- And daddy I ended up pulling up -- take -- that are up three times in the week we get -- mr. Clinton called on settlers are yet. -- not be it in a market now every minute here yet I would do it -- -- -- lie down one thing interest in now. Given a lot of freeway driving it it one point -- build it up. Data on the freeway immediately -- -- trip at you know trip computer showed via average fuel economy. -- -- -- have only had medium you know a quarter mile of city time and most of those on the freeway. And he got up to over one. In the EPA's as -- can even do that. Yeah you hooded and atoms or even EPA test with display you know it gonna put it in it -- and I wanted to get a picture of miles per gallon on the the trip -- just because I figured. Nobody's ever seen this on an -- be able to delegate that job -- -- Well as the and the BMW MT that review is actually alive. Right now I would of the video -- Our that -- -- -- got to check -- a but the Branko and and the real. In in the yet BM WM three. Next -- Messina garage. Well be and a M three is the latest review up we also this -- XB. Reopened a second -- by Antuan nest of reality -- -- still -- this car or not. Also the first take of the 2012 Buick LaCrosse hybrid. Hybrid standard with the new Buick LaCrosse with the justice system. Next up will have the -- Audi a four that's in the garage right now we're or grandma around -- and -- that. And coming up this Hyundai Sonata hybrid. Due to the ugly sister -- -- sister Vivendi. He the not -- opposite. India depending on like you feel about that whether that's the good looking -- is the media. As has been the CNET car tech collide (%expletive) load the murder -- 22 for a June 30 2011. I'm Wayne Cunningham. And when Gibbons in the studio with us Antuan Goodwin you can find him on Twitter -- -- -- HDT -- a little. -- you find me on Twitter -- -- underscore SF. -- I'm Brian Cooley on Twitter he should be back next. Frankly disk that BRI and CO OLY. And that. You can find this on the web car tech dot you can look at our show notes and that's in some stories we just discussed here today. Thanks bye folks.

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