The craziest tech we've seen at CES 2019
The craziest tech we've seen at CES 2019

The craziest tech we've seen at CES 2019

[MUSIC] Welcome back everybody to cnet's live coverage of CES2019. I'm Ashley Esqueda, and sitting next to me, my favorite Scotsman, Mark Serros. Hello, how are you doing? My favorite Scotsman Australian. Yeah, yeah, I'm both. Scottish, Australian, Scotstralian. I'm Scostralian. [LAUGH] And we're gonna talk about some of the craziest technology that we've seen at the show for good, for better, or for worse. Cuz there's some stuff that is pretty cool, but maybe also. Some stuff Yeah, there's some stuff. So, first off, I think we have to discuss the Kohler Numi 2.0 smart toilet. Yeah. Which we haven't discussed a lot here. Yeah, I mean, we talk about the Internet of s-h-i-t. Yeah, and this is literally the Internet of That. Actual physical itch. Yeah I mean I think about this a lot because we're struggling, there are places and people who don't have running water. Yeah, much less just a working toilet. And now we have the toilet that you do a dump, your dump gets analyzed It buys you dinner. [LAUGH] Yeah, it buys you dinner. [LAUGH] And I guess it does this. It's got Alexa support. Yeah, I mean- Built in speakers. What do the speakers do? It plays music. Awe, that's great. It's got ambient lighting. You've got your ambient lighting if you needed some mood lighting for when you get in there, you settle in. We've all been there, We've all been there when we need a little bit of encouragement.>>Can I just say thought, let me ask you this. Cuz I'm a lady and I feel like, I just get in there and get it done and get out and it feel like this is designed for, you know, guys You know who you are, which is most of you. Give us all an assignment now. Who spent a long time in there. It's like this is a luxury that not many people have. I truly don't think it's a gendered thing. I'm an in and out kinda guy. I eat a lot of porrige, so I don't have any problems in that department. My wife, on the other hand, she's very regular. 10 PM every night she's in there. And she spends a lot of time in there. I'm sure she appreciates you telling all of her toilet secrets to the entire Internet right now. I think it's ultimately it's a bad thing. I don't want anyone analyzing my poop. [UNKNOWN] my doctor. I mean, I've got- Only if it's your doctor and only if they have probable cause. If I've got problems- Just like the cops. [LAUGH] If I've got poop problems, I'm gonna go to the doctor. I don't need a toilet, a smart toilet, telling me what's wrong with my poop. Pick a nice third party and then it's like, okay. I just think it's, look, I wanna address the internet I love really awesome toilets with really awesome features on them. Yes. For example, Total makes incredible toilets that you can find in places like Japan. Yeah. That are unreal and offer many luxuries for when you go to the bathroom. This to me seems like over kill. They're crossing a line. They're crossing a line. It does seem like they're crossing a line. A quip line. Yeah that's definitely a line. I'm also curious about the Alexa stuff, I'm like what are you asking for, facts? You wanna play trivia, maybe you're playing 20 questions. Yeah I mean whatever distracts you from the business at hand I think is useful. Music I'm down with Heated seats I'm down with, all that stuff. Cool. Bidet, awesome. I just don't want to know what's going on in there. I just wanna flush it, and I want to back off like Homer Simpson in the bushes. That's my goal when I do a jobbie here in Scotland. [LAUGH] Alright well let's move on to our second product, which is the bell. This is the flying taxi drone. Yeah. That we have seen a few times. Vanessa visited it. Earlier in the show, it is pretty incredible looking, look at this thing. Amazing! Yeah, it is pretty sick. Would you ride in one of these as a taxi? 100%, I think it would be sick. Clara Raley, or one of her general associates, she actually flew to Tokoyo and there was like a flying car convention. The Uber [UNKNOWN] This stuff is happening. All jokes aside, we're gonna probably be in flying cars by 2025 or something like that. The problem is gonna be things like, what are the risks gonna be like? How are they not gonna crash into each other. All the regulations, all the stuff behind it. How are they not gonna crash into normal small drones. Yeah. That's my biggest concern is cuz Planes are much higher in the sky than these things are gonna be. Yeah. And that's okay. That's fine. That's cool. But let's say a DJI inspire which is not an insignificant sized machine could very easily hit one of these rotors and that's the end of that. I feel there's a lot of obstacles. [INAUDIBLE] out. Yeah there's obstacles, and one of the things. Birds. Birds my god, I mean there's a lot yeah, you could very well die in one of these things, it would be a glorious death. That's your first, you're like put it on my tombstone, send me in a flying taxi. Yeah send me into the void, send me into the drone void. I just My question here is, okay, so we don't have enough time to get real deep into this, but so Elon Musk has his boring tuttle. Yes. Right? And he wants to send electric cars- Under the ground. Yeah, under the ground like mole people, and build tubes that are stacked on top of each other. And then you drive your car away, and that's fine. This still has that final last mile problem, which is constantly the issue in technology is how do you solve the last mile problem. That's number one, number two it seems like something flying in the sky can come down, right? So it's like to me, this seems Not dangerous in the way of like, this is so dangerous. But it seems like to get all of these regulations, all of these laws changed. Air traffic control is gonna have to change in a completely revolutionized way to where I don't think we're gonna see these. I don't think we're gonna see- It feels a bit pie in the sky, right? And I think it would probably take Some sort of big company to do the whole thing. Do a roll out across one whole country. Yeah, or a city. But I don't think we'll see it in the US at all. It'll be much longer because, a, the USA is a much >To larger countries. Yeah. So to roll out a type infrastructure like that, I think we might see this first in like South Korea. Well, they're doing it, Seoul. I think the plan for a company like Uber is to do it city by city. You know? Try out a city Sure. and see if you can make it work and then if I think Seoul, that's my first choice. How about Sydney, where Iive? Sydney seems great. Sucking down a glorious day on a drone when it flys in a personal something. Air Taxi. Here lies Mark Serrels Death by Taxi Drone. Okay, next product I want to talk about the Y Brush? Have you seen this? Yeah, I've seen this. So, you can brush your teeth In 10 seconds, I think. 10 seconds. Yeah. Which Look, we all have busy schedules. This makes sense. It's this Y shaped brush. It looks like a mouth guard. Yeah. You put your toothpaste in there. You shove it in your mouth like you're going to go fight somebody. [LAUGH] And then it brushes your teeth in ten seconds. I just don't care about my own teeth. I feel like my teeth are already ruined. It's too late for me. But what about your kids? That's exactly. I'm glad you brought that up. Because kids, you've gotta really struggle with them. Yeah they don't know how to brush their teeth, they're rubbish! So I went to the dentist with my kids just before I came to CES. And the CES kind of pulled me aside, and he's like. What you doing, man? It's like your kids teeth are rotting out garbage and therefore this is like this kid has the teeth of an eight year old man yellow was painted on the planet so like for me I gotcha like this would be amazing I would love to just be like Ted size for 10 seconds yeah because like the bath pain if you're a dad the bath pain with two kids is like It's the kiosk zone, so just having this thing put it in your mouth, shut up, stand there for ten seconds, and then you just pick them up and just launch them through the window into bed. All I can think of is you begging This company to develop a smart bathtub that cleans then in ten seconds. Where you toss them into like a rubberized tank and then it just scrubs them real hard for ten seconds, and you just let them go. Yeah just >It's just a roll-out period that does everything and then they don't have to do anything, that's the end goal. That conveyor belt, like in the Jetsons, [LAUGH] where he's just standing on it and it does everything for him, that's what you want. Yep. I'm down. I'm down. Sign me up. Alright. So one of the things that you've been complaining about this week, which I love very much, is that there's a lot of beauty products that are telling you how ugly you are. Yes. Correct. And what's wrong with you, what's wrong with your face? Yeah. So SK2 has a FutureX smart store, and there are other skin analysis products that are probably here. I believe Loreal has an app that you can use and all this stuff. And so this is kind of beauty technology, but It's also men are very much into taking care of themselves these days so I'm very curious as to your thoughts on this type of technology and this is your first CES so what have you thought about seeing it? I mean it's difficult because when I get my makeup done before coming in here, the women herself said to me I had incredible skin I don't need these products. I am perfect. If I look at that mirror, I look straight in that mirror dead in the eyes, it's gonna tell me, it's gonna break the thing. It's not gonna have a single product it can recommend to me cuz my skin is so luminous and flawless and no pores, nothing. Yeah, I find it quite intense. You just need fillers. So perfect. I feel like a lot of these smart devices, and this is a great example, are really designed to find a way to quickly buy you, to find you to sell you on stuff. yes, you're looking at a mirror, it's playing to your insecurities is it creating a problem that you didn't know about that they now say congratulations I have a solution exactly. They've solved it don't worry And it's all connected... Alexa or all these places are trying to sell you stuff. It's just [UNKNOWN] on all that stuff. Yeah. The whole connected world where it's like, we wanna make you buy more eggs. I guess you don't know how many eggs you got in the fridge. And you need moisturizer cuz your face looks like crap. [LAUGH] It's just like, give me a break. We're already absolutely 20 somethings and 30 somethings, we're already all anxious and we're looking at social media, we're scrolling through Instagram, we're freaked out the whole time and now we've got another thing to worry about. We got a mirror telling us how crap we look. Yeah. It's just like When will it end? When does the madness end? Can I say there is one product that I would 100% by for beauty or that type of thing. I would buy Gladys from Portal. And it's sort of like an assisstant. And I'm like, just give it to me straight Gladys. And she's like, You are a hideous meatbag and you need All of these products and I'd be like done, I will buy them. Too scared. I know you're a massive [INAUDIBLE] fan who does the voice of Mario. Imagine Mario telling you, it's-a-me, Mario, your face-a look-a bad, you need a mosturizer. Sign me up, that would be sick. Hook me up. Okay, last thing, and we'll make it quick is Fight Camp Boxing Studio, this is sort of an emerging Tech. We've seen Pelaton do this with treadmills and their bicycles, their stationary bikes now. Fight Camp is saying buy our heavy bag. You could punch it. You get a bunch of stats and you can do classes and we have an app and it's a subscription service. What do you think about these sort of subscription-based smart Athletic products, that are selling these sort of ongoing things, I gotta be honest wiht you man, I've seen a lot of middle aged men doing that demo with a shirt, tie and their dukes up. And they're like, this is quite. In their business suits It's quite the sight. I'm just gonna leave it there. This is perhaps, I mean, when. when, When are they gonna stop bleeding me dry? I'll buy the thing. It's clearly expensive. Look it, I'm looking at the- It's 1,000 bucks. It's 1,000 bucks? 1,000 bucks, plus the $40 month subscription. That's a lot. So you get a subscription free with it? Or do you have to, I mean- No, you buy the bag [UNKNOWN] get the gloves and some wraps, and then you gotta pay for the subscription. But the Peloton bike, you gotta buy the Peloton, then you gotta subscribe. You buy the thing, you get a subscription You buy the extra gloves. You buy the add-ons. You buy everything. You're broke. You buy extra classes maybe like, at some point. yeah. You buy the gear. You punch it for five minutes and you never wanna go back to it. It's just, I don't know, I'm not a big fan of all that kind of stuff. You're into punching people in real life. Like, yeah. I mean, I'm Scottish. Real life punching. We punch people. We headbutt, We don't punch people, we headbutt people. That's, Right. Because I was about to say, that soounds very un-Scottish, [LAUGH] I'll say it again, going around and headbutt people. Yeah, I mean, get me a head butting simulator. That's, that's what I need. AR glasses, head butting simulator, I'm gonna, I'm sold. I'm gonna make some calls, and maybe we'll see it next year. Sick. Can't wait. That is the craziest tech that we feel we have seen. At CES 2019. We are gonna take a break. Thank you for joining me [UNKNOWN]. I love you so much. [LAUGH] I wanna do everything at CES with to you. Don't go anywhere. Bryan [UNKNOWN] and [UNKNOWN] up next with the best of CES day two so stick around.

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