iPhone 8, 7S and 7S Plus release is reportedly on track (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 95)
iPhone 8, 7S and 7S Plus release is reportedly on track (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 95)

iPhone 8, 7S and 7S Plus release is reportedly on track (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 95)

[MUSIC] Good morning or good afternoon. My name is Steven Beacham and you are tuned in to the hottest podcast in the Internet. The Apple Byte Extra Crunchy podcast with your host, Mr. Brian Tong. Get your brain working! Get you brain working. What's up everybody welcome to show. Bitten tong here in the house Apple byte extra crunchy episode 95. The pod cast fearless being pleasure all thins apple, all things earth thing. Again. This is the show where you all are part of it, it's an interactive back and forth thing we live stream it, we YouTube live stream it We periscope streaming it, but if you wanna be apart of the show and be in the show remember all you have to do is call us at 1-800-616-2638 1-800-616-2638 your name and where you from. Get right to it. You guys are getting better as we continue to scold you and you learn what you can't do. [LAUGH] We're training you. Again, we should do a training session at the end of one of these shows. We should produce a video about how to do it. We've got to. But, again, this is episode 95. Thanks so much for hanging out with us. This is really the gift that keeps on giving. I don't know how many times I can say it. But those Apple leaks the home pod firmware form last week, continues to be a treasured trove of everything and people like keep on messaging and telling me it was done on purpose the damn thing wasn't done on purpose. Yeah. There is no way there so much not only are we talking about iPhone eight now, People have been digging in more, we have stuff about the new Apple TV for you, we also have stuff about the new Apple Watch for you. All of this rooted from the home pod firmware release of iOS 11.0.2 which is two versions earlier than what they've released publicly anywhere That'll enable and they didn't scrub it of any of those references of some of the new stuff and all the new goodies. So, people continue to dig in. Developers everywhere and then revel all this new stuff, so. I have a question about this. Yeah, what's up? So, do you think Apple had a meeting after all these leeks, my microphone is screwed up, after all these leeks? Do you think they might had a meeting and said maybe we need a code name the staff for future firmware codes and stuff, do you know what I mean? They've actually always code named everything for example like the face id is code name pearl And it's reference has parallel id and the developer in the delible notes. So what a lot of these guys they are digging in is that they're looking for the similar things they've seen from the previous version iPhones, they're going to the same strings finding new terminology then searching for that terminology to try and figure out what is it? Like No, it has been now revealed like parole is basically their face ID or face recognition platform. We also have things like Gizmo, which is the code name that was kinda lit up by the New York Times a long time ago that references the new Apple watch People start looking for those terms in the new firmware to see what it is related to and then it surfaces all this good stuff. Yes, but I remember this code was like pretty self explanatory like face detect. Yes, exactly type in the word face and see where it shows up as well.>>Oh, I see>> So pearl ID related to face detect so lets jump into the newest stuff because people complain You get all this stuff late, it's called a weekly show. It's called a weekly podcast, I think that's why we do it weekly. But let's just jump in to what has dropped today as of Friday. Some of the new information now, I was talking about everyone was worried about the delays of the iPhones. Are the new ones gonna come on time? Will they come out in September, will they come out in October? Some outlets were even reporting maybe as late as November Here's the latest piece that we have right now. All three 2017 iPhone models, according to DigiTimes have entered volume production ahead of the expected September launch. We don't know when Apple's going to do the official announcement. We will find out typically a week before they do that. Typically, they do that in early September that does not mean they will stick to early September. When they talk about these phones have entered volume production, mass production, large quantities that are going to be able to be fulfilled. All rumors, not only did the Times report this but From KGI Securities. Also talked about how the new 7S and 7S Plus, kinda the standard size phones that we're used to right now, will have more than enough quantity. It's the [UNKNOWN] iPhone 8/iPhone X/iPhone Future. That is the one that would be in limited quantity much like the seven plus was with the portrait mode camera this past year. So, I think that everyone that's worried about when are these coming, they're still on track pretty much so dont worry. Yeah, like it seems that they're getting on the bar. They make sure that they're going to be on time and because the last few releases, can you hear that? It's bad. Terrible. That's a new problem everybody But yeah their last few releases have been behind so they're making sure that they're gonna be on point>>All right so we'll see how that shakes out also in addition to that news that just dropped today not only is Apple in volume production they have been placing orders for this 3D sensing laser Component. And so this company or the supplier, they're called Lumentum, they have received over $200 million in bookings for the rest of the 2017 calendar year related to components for what they call vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, VCSEL for short. But these are believed to be aimed specifically for Apple's 3D sensing camera to be used on the iPhone 8. Let's just talk about in comparison in their last fiscal quarter how much money worth of orders do you think they got if they just received a $200 million in bookings from Apple for the rest of this year, what do you think and don't look at this>>I have no idea>>What if I told you it was five million. Wow. So, five million, to two hundred million. A huge jump. We know, how this 3D sensor, at least in, many ways is going to play, in the whole facial recognition system. We're gonna talk about that more in a bit. But this company, Lumentum, they're pretty happy right now. [LAUGH] So it's a laser, it uses a laser to. Like a depth sensor, using lasers. I see, so. So, LG's phone has had similar ones for taking photography where it uses basically a laser to pinpoint the depth of where you are to get a better focus, focal point. How does. Instead of purely just the links. How does Instagram and Snapchat do it when they put those AI filters over your or those you know those augmented reality filters over you face. That's just using the camera- Yeah it's And like little data points, right? Using the camera and features I mean they don't have exact depth information. Yeah. But they can still see, it's really more like your facial features. Yeah. It's not based on adoptive as much as it is look at my face and being able to build a framework. Here's my eyes, here's my nose, here's my ears, here's my lips. Those are like shockingly fast like you put a thing and you like pops right on. Yeah, I imagine that technology's super fast now. Instagrams were also really bad. Straight up my five year old nephew could do better ones than that. It's like, man, that's horrible. So what's the difference with this? It's gonna blast a laser at our face? It'll be laser beam, it'll have a laser Will enable focusing to be extremely fast. It can pinpoint exactly the depth that you're at that moment. I see, okay so it's measuring the distance between your face and [CROSSTALK] Yeah, exactly, exactly. So that's where you have these depth sensing cameras. Also, when it's a 3D sensing camera that uses lasers, it can pretty much build a general wire frame of your body, of your shoulders, of your face. Why is that important if we're talking about more specific augmented reality? To be able to see This versus the service of this table and they use that, that's really important. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. So, we already have a certain level of censors in the phone but nothing this specific. So, this is gonna be a big, a big deal when one comes Was the AR kit and other platforms that Apple's implementing into the iPhone. All right, let's keep on rolling through kinda some of these other things. Ming-Chi Kuo, we referenced him about how he said that mass production is on time. Also it appears, according to him, that the 2017 line-up of iPhones will initially only come in three colors. His report is that it'll be silver, black, and gold, although there's been kind of this copper looking model, or like a more bronze model that's been floating around. He also says that the phones will not only be Be announced at the same time, but they'll be launching at the same time and again it's that OLED iPhone 8/x/iPhone future that is believed to be really the one that could be a little slower to arrive just due to lower quantities. So we have that, all right let's talk about this boatload of recent leaks Again from the home pad firmware this is the stuff that you've kinda collected if your on top of this. You've heard about this stuff over the past really three, four or five days or so but not everyone is. So, we want to kinda get you up to speed. The biggest thing is facial recognition everyone keeps on saying why do I have to hold this up to my face It's gonna take longer, it may not be as accurate. We're gonna find out exactly what it's like when Apple realises it. But with the facial recognition according to what people have found in the source code, it could mean that Apple themselves will be able to use facial recognition while you're phone is laying flat on a table. While your phone is in maybe not your normal standard angles But instead of you having to lift it up and hold it up to your face, in the developer code, you're going to be able to at least unlock your phone while it's resting on a table. That's what this alludes to if it's true. Apple himself is really Really touting Mark German, right? Rumor Apple News guru. Had also put a Tweet out that Apple's really gonna try and position this as kinda like the space ID platform. That's kinda the name that's starting to be used around a lot more commonly. But it'll be faster, it'll be quicker, it'll take more data points From you, not only just whether it's a combination of iris recognition, 3D detection of your face. Also in the early reports, there was some level of being able to tell that you're actually a live, living being, right? Whether it's like tics or some subtle movements in how you are. So you couldn't just hold up a photo. And it would unlock and I think that's the number one thing that everyone says instantly, like you're gonna be able to hold up a photo and lock it. That's not the case>>It has to detect blood flow or something>>Even with Samsung's iris scanning you had to take a photo and then put on a contact lens over that photo and then hold that photo up to it. And it didn't mean it would always work. But it took, it wasn't just like holding up a photo for it to unlock. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't that easy. I mean, there's ways to make it more difficult. But it just wasn't that easy. So, the whole idea is, if it is really as fast, people internally, according to Mark Urman say, this face ID or facial recognition, is going to be. Extremely fast, we'll see. If it's fast I don't think people will care. Yeah, it kind of reminds me when you're saying different angles and stuff like that. It kind of reminds me when you're first inputting a fingerprint into your phone. Then it makes you do like different edges of you finger and stuff. You can kind of get it all down really quick, and then you can kind of just half [UNKNOWN] and get into your phone easily It's, kind of, similar. Yeah, there'll be some sort of initial calibration. Yeah. But, again, the whole idea of, look, if I pick up my phone and by the time I get to 30 degrees, if it can already unlock, that's fast enough, right? Yeah. If I have to go all the way to 90, that's gonna be a different story. But if it does it around 30, 45 degrees, where my arm is at compared to where I pick it up from That's gonna be fast enough and I don't think people are gonna really care as much, but this is all speculation that we're talking about. I know, yeah. It has to be very fast. I hope you don't have to stare at it for a second and then it comes on. And then also, we've talked about this before, taking off sunglasses or whatever. If you're wearing a hat or something weird. Who knows, we are going to find out. We will, this is thing right we got about a month, about a month and a half out before we really find out everything. But because this, look if there was not this leak by Apple that everyone says was intentional but it is not. We would not have as much stuff to talk about but there is so many nuggets. Like, in relationship, to the facial recognition system new reports again found within the code are talking about how This will likely work with Apple pay. So- There was a voicemail on how this would work, and I'm curious. I've been using Apple pay here at the vending machine a lot, and I'm curious as to how that's going to work. I just double tap it, I hold it it's good. The thing is, you may not even have to Other than do some sought of gesture on the phone, you're gonna be good to go so, even there might be a signal that's sent from that point of sale unit that only activates the fact that that prompts Apple pay to show up your face there and then it just does it too. Yeah I've been doing like the double tap and then it asks for a thumb print to Authorize and then tap the- See the iPhone 7 is so fast that you'll only have to read you the finger prints. You just want to tap it. Yeah, see I'm on the 6S so I tap through the finger print. Yeah you're slow. [LAUGH] I'm way behind bro. [LAUGH] Catch me up. [LAUGH] I'm trying to help you out, man. [LAUGH] I'm trying to help you out. Get on that iPhone 8 gravy train. I think also what I've noticed is, as time has gone on, even though there's a lot of leaks about this, a lot of people are genuinely excited about the new iPhone coming out now. It's like That first, you're gonna have the naysayers that say, Samsung did it, yes. Android did it, yes. But the thing about it is if you haven't had a feature on your phone, and then you all of a sudden have it for the first time on your phone, guess what? It's going to feel new to you. And guess what? You're not gonna really care. Yeah. Like portrait mode? People went bonkers about portrait mode. And we've seen phone that have been able to shoot relatively depth-of-field type stuff. Mm-hm. But guess what? When it's new to your phone, you're like, i guess who sells hundreds of millions of phones? Apple. Apple baby. Also another report says this one coming to from developer Yelherm Rambo, who release the first one that kinda break the news on the HomePod firmware leak. The iPhone 8 may mute notification sounds when the user actually looking at the screen. Which alludes to the fact that this kinda facial recognition, facial detached in a creepy way Might be passively always happening. So it's always looking? Yeah, it's always looky looky. That's what people are most uncomfortable about, like Alexa's always listening. It is. Or Siri's always listening, or this is all, you know, Everything is always on now. If you want to be plugged in, if you want to be part of the future. That sounds like a battery problem to me. The camera is watching. It might be. We'll see what type, we'll see how they handle all these stuff that's the other issue. A lot of new sensors, new technology is the battery life gonna be the same. The only way that they will be able to squeeze out a lot of battery life these days when they optimized the operating system They're not putting a bigger battery in this thing. In fact, they're putting kind of some sort of an L-shaped battery, rumored, into this phone. So, even if it's an L-shaped battery and you get a little bit, it's really more about the optimization of the OS because these phones are getting thinner. They're not getting thicker so there's not as much space for these Battery. So, we'll see how that all shakes out. And then also, to kind of play on with this whole wireless charging aspect of the new iPhone, pictures allegedly leaked from an employee from Foxconn are screen grabs of an iPhone, an iPhone 8, in its final verification test stage. All right, this is called an engineering validation test. The codename of this product in the top corner, it says Ferrari EVT. Ferrari is referenced as the internal codename for the iPhone 8. So, it looks like we're looking exactly at it and that there's a big black dot in the center. And really what that big black dot is, is the coil For the wireless charging capability of the iPhone. Okay. So, it's this charging coil that then would, that's the money spot where you have to, like, put it on some sort of a dock to then get you your wireless charging functionality. I think it's cool they're, like, calling it the Ferrari. You know it's like the Ferrari of phones. Internally, yeah. They should just called it the iPhone Future. They should just call it future. So it's pretty good. I think we should just take a little breather, because I've heard that we should probably read something today? Let's do it. Should we do that, should we keep our show alive? Let's check it out, Jamf software, today's show brought to you from our friends at Jamf Now, J-A-M-F. As your business grows, so does your supply of tech equipment. And as a result, it gets harder to keep track of everyone's Macs and iPhones and iPads. Thankfully, Jamf now helps you manage your Apple devices from anywhere. So, keeping up with your equipment is a breeze. [UNKNOWN] secure that iPad that your sales rep lost on a recent business trip, shame on them. Jamf Now allows you to configure settings protect sensitive information even lock or wipe a device no matter where you are, that way you can focus on your business without any IT expertise needed. I know the IT guys here use Jamf.>>Do they really?>>Yeah a lot of businesses and companies do quite honestly you just didn't realise it. Be killer for a small startup, like a small group of people. Yeah, just for Apple devices, you can even Jamf an Apple TV in case you didn't know. So check it out, our listeners can set up their first three devices for three, for free, sorry. Add more for just $2 a month per device Start securing your business today. Go to jamf.com/crunchy to create a free account and set up your three free devices today. That's jamf.com/crunchy. You got that? Got it. Got him. All right, let's jump in to more stuff coming out to you from the firmware leaks. You want to talk about, we haven't talked about Apple TV in the longest time, because the only time the Apple TV really comes up is if it has to do with the fact that Apple never was able to get there ish together and give us a streaming TV service of any kind and in any way, shape or form. We'll talk about some of the streaming stuff later. ADA Disney and Netflix. You mean like every other company has managed to do? Yeah, easily. Every PGA TOUR has one. Easy. Disney's got one. Easy, easy peasy. I mean, there's four or five companies that have their own TV streaming service with relationships with the major networks. But Guess what? The big A couldn't do it. Well, their loss then. That's all on them. So what we have here, in the code again for the firmware of the HomePod. There's been references which reveal the fact that a new upcoming Apple TV will have Most likely $K HDR support. Nice. There were strings in the code that said DisplayModeDolby and DisplayModeHDR10. That's really direct references to Dolby Vision and HDR10. Those are the two formats for 4K video, depending on your television set. Some support Some support both I believe for example LGTVs and ViSEO TV support, Dolby Vision and HDR10. Some TVs only support HDR10 because it's software base. And Dolby Vision is actually like a chip based Kind of system in partnership in license and agreement that you can go through but if I were correct, my brian could be wrong, I swear that they changed some of the terms of adobe version that in the future it would be done also surfer base, if I'm wrong, You guys can correct me but that makes it easier to put on TVs. When I hear adobe I think i hear 5.1 sound, is that allowed for that? For 5.1 sound. Narrowly this allow for 5.1 sound allows for a Dolby app most sound as well. Hey! So there's the thing. Dolby vision and Dolby app most are their own to per proprietary formats that are them licensed to serve company. So, if you look on the back of some of the blue rays you buy, or if you buy the 4k Blu-rays.There's actually just standard Blu-ray disks. You will see a little logo that says Dolby Atmos on it. Hm. But then again, look, you have to have not only Dolby Atmos disk. You have to have a Dolby Atmos-compatible receiver. And then you have to have a Dolby Atmos system, which is basically I guess a 5.1.2 system. That's a lot of hardware. Five surround sound speakers, a subwoofer and then two ceiling firing speakers which I have. [LAUGH] Do you have that? [LAUGH] All I'm all about it man it's sick. That's a lot of hardware. It is but Dolby Atmos is redonk at the home. So this leak is kind of eluding to you can have four home pods in your house. I don't think no it's actually not related to having four or five whole parts it's more related to that the Apple TV as a device will support 4K video and the two 4K, you know how there's like HD DVD and Blu Ray for a long time, there were two different formats but they both displayed 1080p Blu-Ray video, sorry 1080p video, this is the same thing HDR10 and Dolby Vision are technically competing standards, but they are starting now to readily adopted but all companies. But there is some hardware that only Like there's some TV sets, like I believe Samsung only supports HDR10. But then future ones ideally would support Adobe Vision and HDR10. They all have their kinda like different optimizations, it's, I could get into it and get really dirty. It's like one of those format wars, that's happening right now. Yeah, but most people don't even see it, it's invisible to them. So anyways, the Apple TV expected to Support some of this, which would be a huge deal. Also later to touch on more Apple TV support, Stephen [INAUDIBLE] Smith, another huge big-time developer, was able to crack in to the TV OS simulator, which kind of displays what is going on if, you know, people use it for their apps. And whatnot of how they look and they can simulate this at home. He was also able to find, thanks to some of the code, options for a resolution of 3840x2160, which is ding, ding, ding. That is 4K video. Boom. So look, we don't know when this Apple TV is coming. It could be coming, I gotta hope that it's coming by the end of the year. Apple could have a huge holiday season if they just drop a bomb, give us the new iPhones. Come around October, give us a new Apple TV and Apple Watch. Just drop it on us already. It's all starting to work together and be merry. The momentum has taken a long time to build, but it's getting there. It's getting there. So that's kind of the latest that we have with Apple TV news. Again, no word of any type of Apple service. By now, they're just not gonna do it. There's so many different options. There's There's five, what? Hulu has their own TV service, YouTube has their own TV service. Sling TV has their own service, Playstation Vue has their own TV service. Those are big four. All of the major cable companies have their own. Those are the big four. Everyone now has their own platform, their own app. Sports. So, yeah, just. CBS, let's not forget. Our favorite, CBS. [LAUGH] I'm just gonna leave that right there. [LAUGH] > All right, let's talk about some Apple watch. Again, new stuff reveled from the freak in firmware. Originally, kind of earlier last week Bloomberg and our friend Mark Germin dropped the bomb with an in depth report about the fact that Apple is planning to release a cellular capable LTE based apple watch. The series three apple watch, sometime this year. The big thing about that really is that last year there were rumors that Apple's going to actually do an LTE based Apple watch, But, they didn't. The prom was really optimizing battery life, do they want us put it LTE ship in there. It just kill your battery life. They weren't able to tweak it or get it good enough so they opted not to do it. We don't know how much better the battery optimization has been able to be improved. I've got to imagine to a certain degree also just the watchOS is general, but watchOS is really light. The main thing about this LTE Apple Watch Is the idea that will be, give us kind of that free independency from our phone. The more I use that Apple Watch and the Phone or if my Apple Watch is charged, see look again fashion statement. Its not even charged. But the more that we use the Apple Watch on its own, this is more I think for people that are Active runners on the go. I think people are going to freak out and feel naked without their phones for a while. Again we're going to move in the future like way down the future. We're going to move to a point where we don't really have, the phone that we know is not going to be the phone, right. But that first time you go out. And you'll just have an Apple Watch, I think it's gonna be kinda cool but it's kinda freak you out too. I think you won't be scared. I think you'll have anxiety. [LAUGH] This is first of all promise right here. You'll see that little weight in your pocket. There is gonna be first all therapists out there that are gonna have to deal to this anxiety issues that you all gonna get. It's just inevitable. Yeah. So any way is Mark Erman just talked in depth about the plan to release the cellular capable watch. It will be using an Intel based modem. So, that's the rumor, that it'll have an Intel based modem for that, not a Qualcomm modem, and that is also kind of interesting because if you've been following some of the news, there's a lot of beef between Apple and Qualcomm, specifically suing each other. Over different uses or different patterns, blah blah blah. They're going back and forth and they're not really friends right now. They're beefing, bottom line. Intel and Apple aren't. But then if you remember when the new iPhone 7 came out, there were proof Just positive proof that an intel based modem for the iPhone seven was not performing as well as qurtem based modem. Really. Yeah. In the phone like to get cellular connectivity, faster rates, better signal. I know I have an intel based one and I know the signal based one is not nearly as good as it used to be for an iPhone success. That's right I remember that story. know this for a fact. [CROSSTALK] And then also Qualcomm was complaining that Apple was actually throttling down their modems so that the performance would be Even or a relatively around the same as the LIntel based modems. I forgot all about that that's crazy. All these like inside baseball stuff so just what they're not happy but Apple is looking to use intel based modems for the new Apple watch inside the latest code there are also references to an LTE base modem for The Apple Watch. So that's gonna happen but we don't now when, it's gotta come out by the end of this year though I would assume. It's exciting though, so you can finally make calls from your Apple Watch. I mean that's an exciting move forward. This is gonna give more for Airpods quite honestly. Because I don't wanna talk to my wrist. [LAUGH] I know, right? I'm not gonna talk to my wrist, I'm sorry I'm not that guy who's gonna do that. Although people are saying my shirt might indicate otherwise. [LAUGH] It's very James Bond-ish though, it would be kinda cool. Not your shirt, talking to your wrist. I was like, wait, my shirt? I don't know, this is not subtle at all. This is like what are you doing with that pink camo shirt [LAUGH] Bro. All right let's keep on rolling through the rest of this. We all also have just kind of a quick update note the fifth betas for iOS Macos and T. TV OS have been related, and Watch was basically for developers. They put out the fourth public beta. So if you guys wanna get on that and just kinda play around and tweak with it, that's fine. Again, it's the latest version of the software, it's not final. I still love the iPad beta, but for some reason I can't connect to my The work's corporate wi-fi anymore? No. And I think it's because of the beta. [LAUGH] But that's okay, that's okay. I'm really sad about that. Another story, this has kind of been always going on, but we don't We haven't had any concrete data. According to the financial times, Apple is working on surprise, surprise, like they do with every product, several different kinds of wearable augmented reality prototypes. It's trying to find out the most Most compelling application for a AR augmented reality headset but they're gonna learn so much from ARKit and the iPhone in these next few years. I think that's really gonna drive their direction of how they can use these glasses, just remember that this year What was it? It's been shows ago. But when everyone's like, what could be the next big thing from Apple, what could be that product? I think if it's going to be anything, and it's not gonna be this year or next year, or maybe two years, it could be a pair of Apple glasses. Yeah. That is the only thing that I think that they can get ahead of everyone, like actual glasses, not straight up Crazy, big, chunky headsets and they're not trying to go over to virtual reality. We know they're not. But if there's a product that maybe it could be their next thing, could be, it's not gonna be a car, it's not gonna be like Andy, it's not gonna be the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is good, it's not great. It's not like everyone's going crazy over the Apple Watch. Well, we saw people go crazy over the Snapchat glasses. Yeah, for a week. They did go crazy. Yeah, for while. Until they used them. Well that's, I think that had a lot to do because their marketing like really sucked. Like they put like a Like a vending machine out one place for a day. It was terrible. The Snapchat glasses had a lot of buzz, but then when you used them constantly. Like I used them for a little while just to see what it was all about, and then you're like okay. Okay, it's all right. It's a cool idea. They kind of set it focused to one specific thing taking little video clips that you could rotate your phone 360. And again, the tech world can get seduced by the newest, hottest thing. But I've seen now these Snapchat distribution boxes, just a big yellow rectangle, in the southern California area. At a major mall on Saturday or Sunday where no one is in line for it. Really. Yeah, its also, there are like a 150 or 170 bucks or something like that, you know so, this is not something that everyone is really doing here, its also a very It was a very limited specific use case, and that's good. That's actually a smart thing to do, but then you don't see all of these Snapchatters using Snapchat. And guess what? Guess who is scooping on Snapchat. It's Instagram. Big time. One Instagram took on that story thing, people are on Instagram. More than they are on Snapchat. Snapchats stock is dropping like a tank because people are not using it, not making enough money, they talk about all these original shows on Snapchat, all this new content, but guess what people are just doing their stuff on Instragram now.>>So the Apple AR glasses will probably have apps like any other project they have, right? You just download an app I got my Instagram app, I got my Snapchat, I got my [UNKNOWN] I don't mean, look my niece uses Snapchat all the time with her friends but I'm just saying whether it's the millennial generation that, I don't even know what you call the generation that's even younger than millennials now, that's where she's at. They're using it but it doesn't mean it's a large enough segment or cross-section of the population like Instagram. She ended up jumping on Instagram because even the young folks, when I say young folks I'm talking about, like 12 13 year old they're starting to jump over too a little bit so we'll see I think the whole idea of Apple glass is interesting. We saw what happened to Google glass but that was a beta product that they tried to release and announce as a publicly viable product which was completely Just a huge disconnect. And I'm not going to wear Apple. Apple glasses aren't for me. I don't wear glasses man. yea, yea I know they're not for me, but I know some of y'all that wear glasses without the lens. [LAUGH] Hipsters So they're going to be the ones buying the Apple glasses. [LAUGH] cuz that's what they do. Its what y'all do. All right two other quick little notes. Carpool Karaoke finally on apple TV, finally Carpool Karaoke, it won't have James And all the time but they're sometimes matching celebrities together. Like, we got Alicia Keyes and John Legend. They did Metallica and another singer. Metallica. They'll have like, so, it just depends. I'm sure they're gonna drop in a cord, here and there, just so people feel like, it's actually the thing. It's the series I know. Like Will Smith is doing stuff with them and stuff like that. But for Apple music subscribers you can now check it out on Apple Music. I'd like to know what you guys think. I still don't have an Apple Music subscription service cuz it's just not my bag, baby. Yeah, it looks very, I don't know. They weren't even in the car for a minute there. They were- Carpool karaoke's, they're gonna be doing other things. [LAUGH] So- I might watch the Will Smith one. I like Will Smith. So, that would require you to pay for Apple Music just to see Will Smith's Carpool Karaoke segment. [LAUGH] You sure you're gonna do that? I'm just wondering. As long as he does Summertime. Summer, summer, summertime. I'm just wondering the. See, and I'm also curious, like, do they make an agreement where they could actually put some of the stuff on TV because of? Or maybe like, eventually they put it on TV. Yeah, if it's like- Because not everyone can watch this. If it's a really good segment. Yeah. Cobden wants to if it's Cobden and Will Smith, why is it not on the Network. Why is not on network tv? It's got to trickle out there eventually. because Disney and apple and their relationship with pixel and there is a lot of cross pollination there between the groups. i thought it was interesting any maybe what it might Mean or point to the Apple TV and what type of services we might see on there. The latest report from CNBC is that Disney is going to pull its movies from Netflix and will eventually start its own streaming services. You have to remember Netflix. Just got Disney content in 2016. Wow! They just did. They, cuz they signed an agreement so that Disney movies would be on then. And then I was like, I'm kinda like, I thought I was crazy because Civil war, yeah I know it's been a year. But when Civil, when Mar, when Civil War Captain America Civil War showed up on. My Netflix and I was like, dang, that's kinda crazy! Movies like, The Jungle Book showed up I felt like six month after they were in the theatres when I saw that I was like, there's a lot of people that don't see them Look, Disney is going to pull out from Netflix sometime in 2018. So it is not going to, it is not like Disney is pulling all their content out right now. But what they announced is that they are not only intending to pull this out of Netflix but they will launch their own Disney direct consumer streaming service in 2019. So, they're smart. And you know why they did this, right. They were like, crap, look at the data. Look at how many Know they have stream numbers of how many people are watching Disney stuff on Netflix. Hell, yeah. And they were like, yeah. We're gonna pull out of this and just do it ourselves. It's almost like they seeded the public a little bit too. Like, we'll sprinkle some Disney shows out there, see how it does. Whoa, It did really well, let's make our own. Cuz they have their animation network. They have Disney XD, not that I know. Yeah, they've got Marvel, Star Wars. Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, Disney. It's like the Fab Four. That's all you need, just put there somewhere else. Have someone Pay what seven eight bucks a month. I hope it's that cheap I hope it's that cheap cuz I'm just trying to through out there yes seven eight bucks Disney, you wanna hook a brother up? Yeah. Seven eight bucks so the thing is that they're gonna be split off but it will be interesting to see will they most likely they'll have this service available on all devices not just the Apple TV, But I find it interesting because it's just showing how the world of streaming content from actual companies that are big enough. They're just completely fragmenting off and just saying we're going to do it ourselves. yes it seems like everyone is **** that now and it's like divide and conquer I guess. Everyone's just dividing all their content up and putting it out in different ways. Well if you don't watch sports, it's really easy to cut the cord. Yes. It's true. And so what I also find interesting is that not only is Disney pulling out from Netflix, they also said in early in 2018 they are going to launch their own ESPN streaming service That will include sports games like MLB, HL and MLS content. That's pretty cool. So, but the thing is I need my NBA. Like yeah. If there's no NBA I don't even care about that. [LAUGH] Like come on, come on. Warriors Yeah, I didn't hear any PGA TOUR on that list, so who cares. Doesn't the PGA TOUR have their own app, they stream all their events? Yeah, it's like $5 a month. Even the ones on CBS, like The Masters and stuff? Every PGA TOUR event they stream. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but the masters, yeah, gets CBS. Different providers get it like USA has US Open, or actually FOX has US Open, USA has the PGA Champ. Got it. So, yeah, it gets divided up but I'm curious to see how they would do that. Yeah. All right, I think we're good to get to calls. That's it, man. Yeah, again, everybody that loves to check in and hang out with us, the phone number to call is 1-800-616-26-38 This is the Apple bite extra crunchy. And you can just call with your name where you from and then we'll get into your stuff. And just talk with us just hang out with us. Yeah and keep it short. [LAUGH] Short and sweet. It's the best. Alright here we go. Hey, how's it going. This is Adam. Big fan of the show, anyhow, I had a question, so. Theat the new iPhones coming out, the regular edition, editions I should say and then the anniversary. Is it true that both will use face recognition instead of touch id? I was just wondering because it's been just hearing a lot of conflicting reports about that stuff. Anyhow thanks for taking y question and have a good day, bye>>I think the honest answer is we still don't exactly know but the expectation is that the iPhone 8 will be Using the new face detection and then the iPhone 7S and 7S plus will still have touch ID and it will be obviously cheaper that will be one of the distinguishing features that make them different from each other other than the screen other than potentially the camera and then as well this quote unquote we don't have an official name for it yet face ID. Versus touch ID. It just remains to be seen how, not only how different it is but how well it works. But all indications that the 7S and the 7S Plus will still use touch ID but no one has out right really clarified that but look they have a physical home button just like the 7. So just Think of everything your 7 does and maybe a few improvements, if it comes to processor, things of that nature. But there's not gonna be wireless charging on a 7S. Maybe they'll surprise me but there's not gonna be wireless charges. So, all those goodies are gonna bump up to the 8. Yeah, the consensus on our YouTube chat seems to be the Touch ID will be gone. On the 7S and 7S Plus? No, on the new- Yeah. On the iPhone 8. It's like all the stuff that was leaked. [BLANK_AUDIO] I'll shave my head if there is Touch ID on the iPhone 8. You heard it here! [LAUGH] He'll shave his head? You know what would be cool is if you shaved your head and there were still a streak in your skin, on your scalp. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] That would explain. The curtains match the carpet, Beecham. [LAUGH] Okay, next call. Too much information. Let's move on. Hey, Brian. Hey, Beach. Love the show. You guys have some great chemistry. So, I have two questions. My first question and this related to a possible Apple, October event. So, we all know that September will probably be devoted to iPhones. So, my question is, do you think that an October event might be. Reserved for maybe an introduction of a new Apple TV or an iWatch or what do you think it will be devoted to? Second question, and this is related to the MacBook Pro. So I have to admit I hate the touch bar. And I was wondering, do you thing that Apple might be release a 15" MacBook Pro without Touch Bar in the future? And also, do you think that the Touch Bar might be phased out in future MacBook Pro models? Okay, so my name is Miro. I'm from New York City. And thank you very much. Bye Okay, that was like four questions. That was. Yeah. So, I'm gonna break this down based on my memories. So, yes we kinda talked about, there's got to be some sort of a van. How about this. I hope there is for the Apple TV. There will be no ovens for the iWatch because the iWatch is not a product that Apple produces It's called the Apple watch. I'm just messing. [LAUGH] I'm such a d-bag. I caught that too. I was like iO watch, what's that? You know, we'll talk on a show like this for 45 minutes, and guess what? You're gonna sometimes slip and say wrong things. [LAUGH] I think last week I said. Field of depth when describing the portrait mode instead of depth of field. Yeah, I think people got what you're saying. I got crapped on. [LAUGH] I got crapped on. That's what Twitter's for. [CROSSTALK] Exactly, I mean, Twitter's always right. No one makes a mistake other than the people that get yelled at on Twitter. So Apple Watch without a doubt, we're gonna see it this year. Unless- October, he's asking, it's in October. Yeah. sure. Why not? But if they would, if they're coming forth, if 2017 is this badass year that they are talking about they should just drop it all there. The only reason why they would see an apple watch getting move to next year is just purely because of bad reoptimization issues. Hm. That's, but I don't think delaying it For few months it's really gonna make that much of a difference. Yeah, yeah. If they're using the same size battery. I don't think that it will make that much of a difference. The other question about the 15 inch book Macbook Pro with a touch bar without the touch bar. I wanted them to give us that option from the start But the reason why I do not ever see them doing that yet unless the touch bar is so, gets such horrible feedback that they completed killed is that based if you look at the price points of the Mac Book Pro family it's very deliberate that 13 has a no touch bar option then a touch bar option And then if you go large and you go 15, it's going to have a Touch Bar. That's strategic to pricing. They don't you to buy something like $100, $200 in between the 13 inch Touch Bar and the 15 inch Touch Bar. They just want you to spend more money and get the 15 inch Touch Bar. So that's just pure, from a business strategy, economics reason is why I don't expect to see it. Do I want a 15 inch with no touch bar? Absolutely. Yeah. Do you know how damn annoying it is to change the volume or the brightness on your computer? It's the worst. I haven't even tried it, but that sounds annoying just you even bringing that up. You can't just tap it. You gotta touch it and scroll it. Yeah, you can custom make like a default Touch bar and there is no haptic feedback on it so it feels weird to touch it. It just feels weird so. We got another voice mail that we didnt use today and he was talking about how much he hated the touch bar. So you're not alone BT. Some of them are already asking that is there any expectation for a new iPad pro any time soon? Common, they just released iPad pros [LAUGH] like I'm sorry right now as of today, the iPad pro is my favorite Apple device of the year. With iOS 11 hands down. Cool. I feel like I could talk about it for ages but I'm not going to there is like two of you who use it. Okay. All right. Next call. Next call. Hey, Beacham and Tong. This is Brian from New Orleans. With all the leaks coming out about the face detect instead of using touch ID, it's intriguing. It's neat, and I know we don't know exactly how it's gonna work yet. But one thing that I'm a little Nervous, I guess I'll use that term, about is not necessarily just unlocking the phone but authenticating for payments. So, I just think it'll be pretty awkward if you're holding your phone up to a vending machine or something like that. Have to make sure you're holding the phone up for the near frequency to work and then also kind of positioning your face. It's just really Easy and elegant just to hold your thumb up against the Touch ID sensor and complete the purchase. So obviously we're waiting for Apple to show us and tell us how that will work. But if there's no Touch ID at all, I wonder if that will affect the Apple Pay usage in any way. Love to hear what you think, thanks, bye. I think without a doubt someone who uses Apple Pay on a regular basis with an iPhone 7 that's faster than Beecham's iPhone 6S>>Yeah I had to do one more tap yes>>For someone who uses it its super convenient because you just hold it right on the spot but again if this face unlock is and this face ID platform is as fast as Apple. Internally thinks it is and is bragging about it and can actually detect your face at different angles, then that remains to be seen. Again, until we actually use it we just don't know. So I can't comment. But if it's faster than even putting your finger in any kind of position. Yeah. Then that's faster. If it's like a double tap to open. Not even a double tap. What if I just pick it up and because it's within proximity of a POS system that pings it it just [CROSSTALK] And it can see my face from it's angle, you know? I mean that's like, okay, we'll see. I'm like making up the idea that it's really gonna work like that. But, come on. Some one was asking, should I buy, in the chat, should I buy An Apple watch right now or wait? You should wait. [LAUGH] Just wait. Yeah, wait to get the one you can make a call on, man. That's what I'm talking about. I'm curious what the LTE cost would be per month. Probably Probably standard $15, $20 for one gig. One gig? $65 for unlimited data. You know they're gonna do that. But on a watch it may not go as fast. On a watch it may not go as fast. True. It's gonna be basically a cell phone plan for your watch. Yeah. And then if you already have, I think the key that they're gonna try and work on is Adding it to your current plan without making you pay a full 65, 80 bucks. Maybe- That would be awesome. You pay 40 bucks. This is what they're gonna do. They're gonna charge you not the same amount as a brand new device. You'll pay a little more. But then with that amount, more that you pay, it's not like you're gonna get A ton more data, it will be like, yes, this will work with your current plan and we'll give you an extra gig of data. Just for your watch. Yes. Yes. Yes, I guess that could work. It's gonna be like that. Yes. I guess. I don't know. I don't know. It's gonna be something stupid, it's gonna be something stupid like that. We already can tell. That's gonna be a whole thing that we're gonna have to break down one day and it's gonna take a whole lot of thinking. Okay, next call. Yo Brian we've seen you and your girl chilling on vacation going to Philly and going to all these places and I have a large group of people that just need to know they can't sleep if you took all them pictures with your iPad pro 122=.9 inch. We have to To know. And side note for the win. I think the new iPhone's gonna be called either the iPhone Pro or iPhone Edition. All right, yo, have a good one. Matt, homie didn't leave his name. Yeah. But that was funny stuff. For the record, I have yet, straight up, Yet to take a picture with the iPad Pro in public. Wow, you do it at your house though? Like around your home? I do it to make movies. Make videos, cool. But you won't go out. [LAUGH] Grown ups, that was a horrible grown up joke. No no, I I've taken pictures of my nieces and nephews for fun, but not like straight up use it as a damn camera in public. We all know how I feel about that. Yeah, that's annoying. We all know how I feel about that. Big no no. And I like to take pictures of people who are taking pictures with their iPad. It's It's just the worst. [LAUGH] It's the worst. That's funny. And they make cameras better and better for them every time. I know. It just encourages these lame-os. I know. All right. That's it, man. That's all That's it? We got, that's all we got. Okay, so, yeah, we're pretty much back, in effect. We've been on vacation for a while, so we're getting a We're getting our rhythm back with this but sometimes we'd rather do a show in the studio together because it;s just a better back and forth vibe. Totally and Skype is always little in this end. >. Yeah it just dont matter what. I can't pirate your eyes and read what you're thinking I always look at you in this monitor over here, so we never really make eye contact a whole lot. [LAUGH] You should work on that. All right so that's going to do it everybody. Again, if you'd like to be a part of the show call us at 1 (800) 616-2638. You can always just Tweet us your questions. Just use the #ABXC. You get it? Apple Bite eXtra Crunchy. We'll train you guys to do that so you guys can start asking questions on the show. Sometimes it's easier for us to see it that way. But beyond that, be safe, have a great weekend, enjoy the rest of the week. Until we see you next time, peace! Peace out. [MUSIC]

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