Ep. 188: Where Bonnie is a Fandroid
Ep. 188: Where Bonnie is a Fandroid

Ep. 188: Where Bonnie is a Fandroid

Hello welcome to dial -- it -- that south on podcasts today is Thursday artists when He said. I'm Kent German here in San Francisco with Nicole Lee and I just that -- court is still on vacation and we have our producer of course to impeach him. -- -- I join us from New York is Bonnie Cha and refuge and Bonnie Cha is. Actually we're gonna in camera -- -- we don't have Bonnie bears so. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Is standing in for an open. I think He minds about her money and had served on an island it to read them so I. Had I doubt that's -- and it's not plant. It was -- silver color grain. Finished plate that's what happened in this she ran the building. Exactly what it's supposed did. Man. At the -- just just took it off steam and now. We accept Roger and onscreen today we don't we that we don't have Optimus -- standing in for him and companies. -- -- -- -- So you know I was just thinking today I really like August because it's the -- -- happen. And this spotlight -- AM everybody's on vacation. -- sit here at work off and -- and KA YouTube began back to you back to face a backed. Yen and I -- I. So. We have to show last week we talked about Motorola -- my Motorola and -- we talked we talked about webos. And then yesterday. Something else happens again this comedy big news after the markets closed. We -- Iceland -- on Twitter and then actually Twitter exploded. And it was because Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announced that He was resigning. And CEO Tim Cook would step up in BC EO was jobs would stay on as much commendable themselves. You know everybody. I think in this -- -- one of those kind of surprising but not talking things because we all knew this was coming at some point. So the actual actually that it happens in general is not shocking but it just. You don't really X -- probably expert. Yes it is it's definitely one of those -- you expected it medicine tell you didn't expect it. It was so sudden rate it was and I think that's where you -- I was coming the subway and my -- I got. You know of alert on my phone thanks Steve Jobs resigns and -- -- have. Actually someone mentioned it to me -- -- and galaxy -- signing up but. Yeah I mean a sudden death I just hadn't yet. You kind of expected him to may be -- to -- the iPhone to find out in whatever. You know unhappy his swan song but that's not happening so he's resigning and its and its. Pretty big and it's it's -- an anatomy neatly like you like you -- him -- of limited like Apple or not -- neat ten denied that its it and momentous. Thing that he's done it corridor technology and is sent its one of those in and a dynamic if its students at accurate while. Absolutely I mean He shook up like -- -- three different businesses and a range of music cellphone and -- have -- him. So we have quite a lot of coverage on CNET and and the pond in the podcast plug it will post the link to our roundup which keeps expanding. By the hour. The couple things you wanna him we -- things -- wanna highlight is rhetoric story about Apple's product pipeline which of course. Adding -- -- question in people's minds you know biggest question of course is what's gonna happen Apple now. On all levels as far as management's first culture as -- that strategy but of course you know I think most consumers out there really care about the products and -- and appease them. Reflects what I like and a lot of people now are but some of aside -- -- in the product pipeline at least for the next -- to three years. Sorry done it's a pretty Monday night out yet so anxious for the short term we're not gonna see -- so what you find -- in space. -- That the question is Apple gonna continue to be Apple and question is largely an answer largely yes then next few years they've got. The -- all lined up there -- you know there's already talk about them speaking out iphone's six. And usually takes more than a year developed thumb so let's surprise him -- in my mind it's an they have let you know a couple of years leeway. It's really the bigger question is what happens three -- four years out land. Steve Jobs the C jobs affects -- goes away and -- really Tim -- maybe that's common you know the real questions began announcer begins. In a gazillion companies we've seen we seen other exact stand up and introduce products so of course that's not gonna happen this time around. -- iPod and iPhone I was reading today as part -- appears that Josh -- gonna post later today about sort of the future of Apple's -- products in the next two years. It out the iPhone will continue to change which -- -- of course but but Steve Jobs really. Was there for the most important part of that whole process is the new -- in the foundation of the phone exists and where it goes from here. Albion of the story that the phone as the phone what we know -- today and when it brought to the cellphone world. That work is probably the most important work and it's probably and it's already done so where we go from here artsy but. This mean there's a lot of momentum behind that iPhone -- its iPhone four it is more than a year old and still the pops out there and it's sort of a mean. That momentum is not the only times in five states. Even if they do you know just minor incremental improvements over the phone -- and it absolutely is doing any top seller. I -- -- effort has if it is iPhone five is a huge update. We bring its more cares who's our couples rumors and my -- my come to T-Mobile I commenting disparate elements and more reliable but. Of course that will be huge but even if it's just an -- incremental upgrade and they bring -- only to and it keeps on AT&T and Verizon. Yet stomach the -- -- signaling the sport -- right. So -- -- -- we have a lot of coverage we have video retrospective -- lot appearances photos. And -- piece is if you're not familiar with. Course I had to wonder about this too is what would Apple or what is jobs gonna do is chairman of the board so you know we see movies we -- the chairman -- the -- -- -- -- chairman. You know what this is what does that actually mean on -- -- basis this woods and a ready mr. two cents. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I was trying to look at you know -- job to -- extra minutes in given the secretive nature of the company notes -- -- -- to -- I so looked at. Past examples. -- look at Google. The way they kind of moved Eric Schmidt -- -- chairman. Basically you know page history Brenner taking the -- company taking direct control of -- -- -- going. And Eric Schmidt sort of has this. An honorary role means it's not put to pasture exactly -- -- like that. Whereas in other companies like Nike's -- -- powerful chairman and film night -- co-founder. Actually orchestrated a change in a lot of CEOs. Think jobs is gonna sort of style that line he's gonna be. The chairman. -- -- with some -- with guy and so provide guidance to Tampa. But I think. And allow people urged Ehrlich as mean as it as a way for. Jobs to ceramic is graceful exit from the company in the chairman's from stepping stone -- that. And that's been mining you know these the -- executive aboard dead keys. Can talk together dipping working for the past year already is is not like a complete and sudden transition runs he's -- he's -- you know CO of chronic a year plus and share. And you know it I don't think it's me he's -- -- -- -- thought about. You know that the succession. Rule and how -- for Yahoo! really. And a lot of these guys have been on the scene on the bench for a long time that had been brilliant suggested as replacements -- It's Jonathan -- frame Jonathan -- I -- gonna do and source seller and all these photos we've seen before. It around a long time and work together so this isn't like we're bringing in somebody brand new when I could threaten. You know honestly I think the the recent stock market shows that just hasn't tumbled you know hasn't like find out -- -- Exactly and I and I thought I was gonna drop a lot. And it shows that there is some confidence in this -- yet. -- -- their own and it shows some notes are remarkable -- in the units and -- -- iPhone and pocket right now there's a -- and exhibition in BS I mean any Apple investor should have -- this is coming I was like chatting and a little bit of mark insanity to. Branded casual market -- -- and -- -- and -- -- -- she -- in the last couple presentations on the website. Schiller -- these guys are starting to chill a lot more on the jobs is -- -- There are doing a lot of work to kind of present these guys as public spaces that matches Steve Jobs but -- whole team. So that's so we'll continue on -- T -- at the story. Especially as we head into iPhone five time whenever that is. I know where that's -- people insane but couple stars like we mentioned is one is that sprint might get the iPhone and of course. Thing about the iPhone as harassment of saying that the used to say about. Contract in a country does but vendors to Wal-Mart is the best thing is to get work -- moment the -- -- -- not too. Our doors and it's of the ordinary and -- -- worsening as to where former I think there were things -- -- camera but like -- -- the job writing this -- saint. Iphone's great every carrier wants -- but then. Once you get the iPhone comes a lie -- other changes responsibility and implications that are gonna come along -- maybe some more customers so. One of those is possibly into an unlimited data plan of course right now -- because when its biggest things is near the room. Only one that really offers a true unlimited data plan -- Think that might happen. Yeah I mean it. It's happened with every carrier that's gone yet. And -- He was the first do it. Less then six months after Verizon gets their eyes on. You got tipped plans. Spread his artists -- talked about. Unlimited plan can't last forever. Nina and share their -- -- network strain now they attract. The heaviest users because they're the only element on out there and adventure is gonna catch up to them and -- -- it's gonna compound problems though. It might be convenient excuse for them to use iPhone as the reason for them to move to tiered data plan maybe not right away but -- -- and a few months now. -- you think it would happen anyway but then what this this happening just the amount of their in network strain could have been. And then but the data use that you'd probably since Verizon says it's a very touch. Sprint has ruled out all of these as recently -- should recoup that loss in them with a very strong at camp using immunity only Canada has unlimited data plans like yet. You know and it's and it's again very strongly -- stand -- -- -- because of this and in telling. Exactly and if the -- -- -- -- off the minus six months it's not. Gonna dig it. We have yet again yeah I think it's gonna they -- limited and I. I -- -- on Apple's all. The things I guess. But that's at that would be a big deal that's in -- and I think that that expanding pairs is one thing that. The iPhone you know is gonna have to do and in the next few years since -- -- -- express it was certainly a start but. Taking that same stand on -- carriers and on those carriers. As the US even an in the US as -- goes for they're gonna have to expand if him. -- that they do want I mean there I was gonna competitive guitar is gonna be head that it's gonna be better for them to keep expanding carriers. -- So. This is also somewhat related is and is obscene a couple of rumors and a couple people speculate already that the reasons this is happening is because it. Apple's patent laws fights with Samsung as that the -- galaxy S two is now coming to Verizon sent on earth and -- Yes -- and this is actually confirmed to Dow Jones act and -- I just anyway just the fifth. They have rendering need -- and raisins. The executive director of corporate communications can I'm confirm that they are not. And bring the galaxy S tune to the network. -- said you know we are ready have -- portfolio of devices including the -- marriage. Though you know and -- we need it but that doesn't mean they're not getting -- there's a rumor boy genius report just posted a story saying. It doesn't get something similar it's just not gonna be under the -- as two branding. So. It'll have similar specs and things like fat diet. Just want have a galaxy ST name. As you know we talked about this -- -- but Samsung's having an event on Monday. Sunday and where they plan to unveil the aspersions. The county do an eighteen TT mobile and sprint are all expected to do on -- have -- -- and I will be there -- -- but with both arms. And Internet access panel that He couldn't take pictures and things I've seen them -- And still be there a day event starts at 6 PM eastern -- camp X and union and for more details and hands on it. Definitely and -- -- quick segue for. It's gonna order for second but oui to a couple of things going on next week. Not that He -- but -- and one is that a she's seen is planning to unveil its Windows Phone September 1. Yes so this may be tied in with -- -- has -- which is a Consumer Electronics Show that happens in Berlin. Believe it starts September 2 but. HTC is holding an event on September 1 in England France and Spain and Germany and they they often have these kind of -- meet ups -- off their current put. Foleo devices as well as some upcoming staff and the rumor is they're gonna show off two new Windows Phone devices. And -- -- -- names each TC eternity and HTC Omega. -- now added details the attorneys must have three point seven inch display in the and make they'll have a -- point. Four point five inch touch screen. And it is rumor and that acts. It trainee will come to AT&T in -- -- come to T-Mobile. -- -- -- to -- -- to refresh. Their gear in England France Spain entered you can go to events and check out. Jack does that mean anyone Mario -- -- the -- to be eaten enough. And then that same day there -- also be -- -- and rumors. Samsung introducing something else frank. Yes stone of the Shaheen. Obscene and they they put out this enjoying Adams the. That's our regular rains a lot of those that's are regularly. -- to -- regularly show within Russia. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So they put that -- -- -- -- that it's Samsung mobile and -- expects posting you know. Provide information about a -- upcoming events He -- about new products. Led a tip -- -- dismay next and went kind of searching through the app and and found some logos for a Galaxy Tab seven point seven and Samsung wave three and -- Alex the. And forgetting. Until -- at a significant but. You know. It it looks like they're gonna announce those those three devices act on September for -- it. The Samsung galaxy note. The -- three we can assume that's an expert it Bada OS. Phone -- efforts au and WAV at first when they announced it in outlook -- -- -- congress where they had a trapeze artists. That's another -- sends -- He. The Galaxy Tab simply -- and pretty safe to assume it's seven point seven inch -- tablet. And then no idea what the galaxy noted that I haven't heard much for -- and her. That Russian industry -- tablets and gas and maybe -- -- let alone flown via. -- -- -- -- -- -- Well -- Samsung -- do you think you're right decision in China and India that you'll get into. It. That is also happening in September fares that on the exact time. And went and now. -- And then also. It's our students Japan and open it but and and order here that Samsung has also. Announced earlier that they -- Early this week that their region. So it recruitment campaigns -- come from with the word we campaign that their entry naming convention -- -- -- came out with just a few new devices. They are and civic they're gonna be like Samsung galaxy and and a letter of the alphabet in the latter will mean something different. Yeah I think it sounds like they're really putting gay you know all -- knows it basically did -- -- putting more emphasis behind the galaxy mean essentially and you know the galaxy S is an opinion product and of the NCW the end of it gets in July -- Bureau why is young in this Mexico -- wonders oh. Yes that's an espresso -- and then. Bunnies and -- -- -- announcer arm one of permanent reporters don't interpret -- but. Are -- are different I'll oppose the most blogs is allowed to go through but there will there are different way each thing stands for something different select a different market segments of yup wise young so that's. Younger emerging markets -- consumers in the in -- Mexico for budget friendly and -- magical but that's the I think what -- -- -- -- And I'll end. -- means instantly -- blade plots means -- an upgrade from the existing model. And S is super smart. Accidents of them ISS if you picked it's -- and that's the that's that's. Especially in their look on it and it -- -- -- -- it was artistic with the. And there are jumping around OS's we have witnessed on mango to. And -- -- say that looks like there's putting front facing camera as animal -- -- feature. Yes so. The -- -- and this was confirmed by Microsoft but at the tech Ed conference that's happening in using -- -- but looks like. It's coming and a forward facing cameras are gonna be supported as well as Skype integration. I am I asked Microsoft if you know if we're gonna see this on -- new handsets coming out and they said. -- -- -- They say about vision cameras in recent are you gonna learn. All that canned response. Other primary here is that it's can then allow for mobile hot -- capabilities. There is a redirect to be He central that found. This the -- -- Internet sharing settings. In the settings menu and He said it worked fine but is a drain on batteries though you. -- -- You know again the link update its coming its can be when at this farm in new handsets should there -- in the year now. -- -- -- -- -- In a lot and is coming to become a fully answered no when when -- of Nokia's Windows Phone 7 devices. -- -- And next thing we had an armament in -- -- -- -- actually one more operating systems talk about is rim has and to date just when you don't think there are enough new Blackberry carriers for other for you. This isn't the only black there this is Blackberry curves of the one force that's protected. Yet so there it's. There are three variations in 1950s CD me 9360 TS -- yes and and 93 -- many as two -- -- me. But sprint has gone ahead and officially announced that they're gonna for the 9350 on September ninth for eighty bucks I'll with a two year contract and after -- don't mean -- rebate. And yet it is update to the -- it has 2.4 inch or eighty by 360 display. An 800 megahertz processor by backup camera and -- he's part and you know running Blackberry analysts -- now. They updated everything else -- that's the -- turn. Considering his -- want to humans. That'll actually had to be missiles make up about -- you just have a little -- program last week because apparently on Monday and have three devices. Are. And then Motorola and then an -- today agency and then Steve Jobs -- yeah some of the I mean if you think. Even if you don't like the device is just think -- that's about it and it. Finally it's armaments and then -- now. So much planning for August just because it was like supposed to be a melanoma and down the grade some marketing -- some marketing person right now sitting on -- not just right. Companies about the Droid by sonic looks like we have a long long long -- -- -- -- and that the coal mine and even care about anymore. We are gaining animate sells for 99 and we have an official Droid -- teaser videos well. Yet though the Droid by Leon -- it's I'm so tired -- -- despite anyway so often you -- and I'm gonna review instant. -- -- And I thought. President -- but yet this -- -- nine months but. Puts -- assistant game is cystic -- as I am nudity scenes -- -- dual core phones already is this again. So it. But you know it's still very -- -- -- -- I mean you can't deny it in an apparently don't have that. -- the usual dual core -- -- in has processors and -- -- cameras and is very new very decent specs. With it on. We -- this leak -- yeah I know that nobody is -- and he's been a game that really pan out and but this pricing leak apparently price the Titanic at around 300 dollars. And we mentioned people -- that the US dollars is. The hot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't know that that other LT thunderbird two and 250. You had at least a little more expensive which I'm not getting them yet -- -- not. Obscenely expensive ranked so there's just -- by entities dvd image and EQ -- -- dvd images you see here. And. In the -- movie yes its its authority actually morally -- TV -- Yeah it's basically like a thirty -- and teaser video of his. Lady dressed in leather fighting monsters and thesaurus and now doesn't that Mitchell and -- -- help. I don't ask it -- of prizes are right now Droid commercials are so funny because they're can be not. I don't think there could be an -- more testosterone and I am I -- from. And scenic vistas is that Greek PP music playing the background -- -- it's -- you -- is this -- does does the upcoming attracts this and perhaps. And is. And there's knows there's no sign of any phone and -- and videos although you know -- -- need to find Mars. Dad here it is again. -- 803. I feel like I have seen this trailer on the -- function. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Anyway so I -- it ended little tag I mean and this is called -- machines. Against it moves on the other. I don't know. Couldn't tell exactly but demeaned at clearly putting all their eggs in a -- didn't have -- -- It clearly you know putting on his -- on his post this on in both CNET and does Motorola care anymore either -- -- and I -- Right exactly and I gotta -- -- got it -- every airline and -- And. Both camps throwing around no not. -- -- that we'll have a couple quick hits Nokia. Remember them. And just when you thought that -- was gone and I'm just about four by -- strategy bit below. By Nokia has unveiled Symbian though which they actually. They. Forecast on this -- FaceBook page a few days earlier. I said they haven't -- to Symbian M have a few handsets that bombing them by -- pro like twenty -- yesterday. This one -- them. Yes well and that and that I was writing you -- taking a little bit but sesame imbalance but it is the latest updates and mean it really just. And I've had stuff that maneuvered its theme I get six customizable home screens the thinnest three now. -- Greenland caused the you can resize the widgets and now they have toggle it it's they can you -- turn on enough wireless -- and things like that. And a pull down notification straying. Like enjoyed. -- screen has more information to really kind of basic -- And other things and -- supports been extended to you can share pictures and connect accessories things like that and you're getting a more robust suite of applications for Microsoft. Including SharePoint when no prep and -- passer. And this is gonna be available to all existing Symbian three devices in the coming months and we'll be on in the new handsets including when they announced. Yesterday. The Nokia 600 they all have some kind of claim to fame and the Nokia 600 they're saying it's allowed a Smartphone today. You to blast music from panic if that's the one to go for. The Nokia seven hunt and this plan is this my most compact touch wanna -- Smartphone on the market. And the Nokia 701 they say has the brightest screen in the world. Little world in the world appeared very destroying. All out with the U. And heat but they're -- expected in Q3 -- -- if you like Symbian. And be excited about these and a -- -- the bright screen. -- -- -- -- Play you know these are all. Probably gonna be available unlocked if you if you -- Invade they range in price from four -- and you about 230. US dollars. Time -- Letting the image of an Android -- that it's. Not. 010 and yeah. It. -- rhetoric just sort the instinct a piece about the pre -- of course one of the -- one of the -- WTFs of the hall HP. -- W webos decision was that a device that they announced a February which. We silencing on the streets is probably won't certain -- manatee US carrier -- -- you can -- them so on and read about the -- three. And you can't imagine a -- the state -- -- -- dynamic and available through the UK and France. You can get him for about 75 dollars. Which is great but. They're not gonna work on our you know three G network that could be -- on me. So that's something they think about if you do wanna spend 75 dollars and like the touchpad which went on a fire Stephanie nine. Dollars and and -- -- -- up pretty -- because they -- sold out in Germany. So. Don't have home and I don't think they've gone and -- -- that definitely -- -- out or something has to. And -- anyone get a touchpad and explain on the subject I tried. Is it a try again I was which relate I thought I'd just what I thought about it and I will on the so yeah -- thought -- -- -- -- long ones -- Order from -- -- way to make a Tennessee she got the email confirming the -- on Sunday and Monday. -- -- -- -- -- -- suggesting -- -- I've heard some retail outlets were sunny Italy fifty dollars the opinion it -- -- literally giving addicting lane now. As an express so I don't know. We have a frequent chat -- visitors the Bonnie and I talked on Twitter sometimes -- -- -- who's just sat on the chat room that actually size tweet that He actually ordered 28. HP attachments. And delta cancel. -- -- -- -- Now are trying rates -- that their rentals berries listening Tony eight outlined and that gets when -- sent me. You know as a -- actually lock the random seeing Canada and seeing him with returns to like it -- -- attack. You -- tell yet that unless He says that -- that's a tiny hands and while. Directory and starred in her other places though -- deep it. Staples -- selling them but there are also they have the same problems that were overwhelmed -- islanders is interesting if you couldn't go look for it on late eBay and Amazon now from resellers of the more academic that the act Ivanov is just crazy -- it. Even more and yeah -- exactly. I -- selling for 300 I don't get buying it. In the united isn't that -- -- 300 Illinois there were no longer be supported. Yeah that -- -- any updates. So yeah but I -- And then the. Over a couple a couple very quick phones that cricket and in the Samsung and other accidents on the -- -- the Samsung comments which there's just gritty of -- right. -- the basic messaging -- it okay we're a little trouble getting review units from cricket these days so I can promise anything. We're trying to. And then back and -- -- Aussie blogs and Samsung Gravity tech. Its sixth. UP eighty so this is the yet another gravity messaging from the -- essentially -- successor treaty and gravity to -- only fetuses to damage the TXT. Finished that. The basic messaging phone -- And finally we have a US so there will also pick up one of the new blackberries the torch 9850. If that's -- touch screen and it's gonna be available August -- expert 200 dollars with a data plane after -- -- element in music. So they're slowly making their own carrier owns there as well. So we'll take a short break and then we have -- -- -- Coetzer. What would know who. -- what. Welcome back to dialed and we have wondered need to go through today but actually it's pretty big ones -- -- the waiting for for a while this was introduced at C today this year ranked. Oh yeah I was easily and lead yes the LG throw forgy which is a variation. The LG Optimus 3-D. Which was introduced. Just a few weeks before that -- mobile congress. So again. I'm sorry -- I reviewed yen in Japan because turnabout -- technical heavyweight -- -- -- -- -- -- had one or two Blackberry. It. I don't know what your impression of the cold. And write anything to IE it was an al-Qaeda base I thought the 3-D and it was better than it Eva three V and you get into the field -- -- Yes and they. The immediate the display actually marry him -- shark. It is. But I thought as a whole -- It was you know it has a dual core processing it's easy and -- a map process dual core processors and I just didn't feel like -- with snappy. Compared to some and other you know dual core phones out there you know when I was -- the camera there's -- 3-D games -- -- so that was kind of in. United in it spreading Android 2.2 and I know it's gonna be upgraded to -- 2.3 in different. But just some of those things just kind of -- it feeling a little thing. Some part competitive. The things out there. The good thing is it's 9999. And so it's it's an affordable now I don't know ingest to edit -- -- -- to meet -- gas so inexpensive Florida kind of caliber phone it is. Right so I think you know if you're on a budget if you're looking for some fun you know -- media centric. My opponents find that if you're looking for more parents think -- better options out there. You know in in when UD's commitment treaty and some -- the other teachers how to leave the batteries. It's not that -- excel. And -- a -- 3-D gimmick. Those -- but it dead like -- fud and yet this idea to show your friends logic applies -- -- and and you dance at. Yes so when you and 3-D and mean -- it's a decent. Device but it's not it's not -- stand opinion yeah that's like a hundred dollar price point really yeah really and it's nice to meet. You know it is and managed Ian stupid -- to look nice yeah I totally. -- -- would you say that the -- or better so remember seeing this is the first receive advice -- -- Very early stone and I remember seeing anything going you know it's coming quotes I don't know how much and -- it. And then it you know when asides in -- -- -- -- -- MC -- which is only about a month -- remains in three weeks I remember thinking. This is not so great and I just -- northern Africa Foleo is -- at that point -- -- you know I haven't looked at them together -- me yeah right I mean that's the same interest by. -- still in -- elements. I Yemeni there but I just did notice that you know there's just marred -- the field it's not the stuff popping off the screen. You know and so yes they did their job of the menus -- -- yet radius that in some pretty good. So that was the old multi throw forgy. We have quite a few reviews coming up we have people -- 900 which -- -- -- version of the OS at the divisive it's nickel slot like the nine and thirty yet. -- -- Course -- T-Mobile. Audio as you read here which is that's a -- -- phone firm Verizon ports yes it is and it's just a flip phone. And remember those and in the Motorola theory which is Andy -- mobile -- messaging from the present. -- and is quite a while ago -- Lanka and so friendly giving them. And it's we -- one reader email based this is from John in Bozeman Montana. Not. -- rather seen them. I'm just curious which cellphone provider is the least you could enter into that if you ask and -- that -- included. -- I am currently an AT&T have been thinking about switching to Verizon and live in Montana and I don't have much of a selection providers to choose forum. Maybe a prepaid phone. And are not -- Yeah. So good side and bad thing. I think one thing that. People -- it I think. At fortunate thing is I'm not saying that John you're you're thinking of this but I haven't counted people who have. The sort of think of a cellphone provider is like a public utility that it's just there to serve you and -- -- set up by the government or its monitored by the government insists its. Are good and they're just for their provide electricity or water trash picked up or whatever might be but. They're not they're businesses and they're there to make a profit and the thing about our carriers do is they do change their minds constantly about. These services and pricing that they went -- for -- and a good example is -- AT&T decides last week or two weeks ago to remove that I texting plan was 600 message text -- -- and and they just come and they remove -- amendments like okay nineteen -- have to deal with that and they make these decisions -- but time and I can't think of any carrier that. Is better about those decisions. And -- again and I don't think they do as they change the service all the time and that always -- me about. Is carrier contracts is that you look -- contracts this you can get out of the contract without -- TF early termination fees. When they make a material change but then they are really created a telling -- what that material changes the name. I'm always -- Cheney has had -- upgrade fees and all that sounds. I think that. Certainly carriers to better with the PR war and and I think that some do better than others at least -- customer service I mean T-Mobile tends to an audible shares for and I don't think that's all hype I -- think that only they do a better job. -- T -- I do get the impression that they. Are more about. At that date I and I think impression that they they don't to a very to -- communicating their customers that. They're dedicated to their service I don't get them as much but I don't know what you expect. Well I mean it's different Iran like I've talked to AT&T on the phone and on the Condit be -- kind of office lately you know kind of distant and and condescending but I've been to their stores are used in -- -- -- it perfectly normal and very nice to mean historic. So I deny it seems to -- -- -- -- just nickname I. -- so I don't know what that any -- -- -- -- hub I have -- -- the small botanic cricket in unison and I've -- those have. Very good customer service and in this undated and regional right in -- her right things about your assess what exactly would actually use them yeah so don't. In -- -- live and and -- of the ministers again to be honest knowing. So I don't know I can't really we -- -- -- and answer questions. From. -- -- -- -- -- -- I think certainly -- -- that prepaid you know the smaller carriers. They're small organization. And it really is about a called -- that day perpetuate within the organization -- that employees. And I think smaller organizations can -- top. And so as good way to sidestep that yeah yeah I think it's excellent and well. I'm trying you know you yeah. My name anything payment -- anything on simulated. Anything explode over Twitter in the last forty minutes we just haven't. And I -- I -- checking -- line. And but things -- dryness has been a very busy show of course it's been -- very very there's a couple weeks and I really don't think it's -- stuff from here. And so -- like Christmas meaning -- a busy hacking easier. And then as easy cement and started by. There and I'm -- gets back we're going to. -- do all the work for. Back at you right now made -- thank you a cover that as. Now just screeners should be. On -- way more than -- -- but she's enjoying her -- so we are will be excited -- -- back -- -- back next week on Thursday at 2 PM Pacific. So join us then and thanks for joining us today. Later. And will.

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Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'
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Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'

Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)
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Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)

Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins
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Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins

Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown
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Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown

Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note
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Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note

Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak
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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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