Ep. 1498: Violent video games OK, 'Cars 2' NOT
Ep. 1498: Violent video games OK, 'Cars 2' NOT

Ep. 1498: Violent video games OK, 'Cars 2' NOT

-- -- -- Today is Monday June 20 -- -- have -- 2011 dynamic. You know trying to resolve. All around of the art -- In a contest to determine a link that that -- 1498. You have no idea what we're talking dramatically since -- But it is because desperate today we're getting it back up the -- castor. Bader you can hear it you can't share -- a weekend and it -- talking really like a month -- -- -- A little bit Monday commitment to the east of the species. -- it look good today. Anyway it's gone now so we're gonna read we will resume normal places. Probably policy like I don't even realize anything was wrong and -- shot up the dude you. Are. It's Monday everyone welcome to a Monday -- But there is good news or proponents of free speech everywhere. -- -- first meant it still mattered little bit. The US Supreme Court has ruled today that California's videogame violence while it actually would have banned or restricted the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. Is in fact in violation the First Amendment they struck it down and and -- Intentional this is this is awesome stuff first of all this was a law that -- California had passed. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is really behind it where you had to be. Because he learned so much from the violent movies he produces physically generate gotta pop that movie was very violent out of -- -- ferrets around the world should be pissed. It's not about it yet it is that they edit. But California lot of had put a blog place where if you were eighteen years or younger you would not be allowed -- there is no way you could purchase. Of the game a violent video game based on the ratings and you would have to have an adults' purchase that game for you. The Supreme Court struck that down and really put video games on you know in the same grouping as you know books. Magazines. -- movies for you to purchase at home again. It mainly at mainly put them in the same category as movies and things that -- that have a rating because they said -- you already have the SRB ratings board. These things get a rating of mature or every -- or teen and the Supreme Court and that. Is enough. For parents to be able to make an appropriate and have an informed decision about what is -- is not appropriate for children -- that banning the sale. Is an unconstitutional restriction on -- Also in the games industry you have a lot -- developers and producers to in different countries. And also in the US they were worried about the content that they would -- they were kind of limited by the content that they wanted to create because they would fear. That their games would not be able to be sold directly to the you know at the broad audience that they want -- to so this so by the Supreme Court ruling in their favor I think this also. Not only validates the video game industry because they've always sell because it's an interactive medium. It's different -- -- you act out the actual. Imaginary killing of someone in a game. That's why they were first that's why you know courts and people in California were so hard about this like this is a different type of medium you can actually interact with this but. At the end of the day now the content creators will be able to produce freely what they want -- -- -- it organization -- franchise have the ability to say we don't want a solid game. They can but by law at least you're not restricted to the audience you consulted. Ranked exactly as long -- -- -- -- if someone is there to buy it you can tell it to them and and to be clear it doesn't validate everything about. The video game industry -- like some of these games are are still and remain. Appallingly violent and it re edit it you know but it puts the burden where it frankly belongs which is on society and parents. To decide if it's not appropriate and then to vote with their -- because he can't you know the that because the definition. Of this stuff is so. Broad and fuzzy and subjective. That the idea saying like in this week date we -- this to be like to inappropriate to sell. And so we're gonna in a -- and forgot about first amendment rights -- does not that's not how America -- as long -- the rating system works. Like it should have with our studio then worked fine -- in -- talk about that labor will get -- The rating system is just a guy like some people were some people had criticizes laughed at the SRB's rating system now but today the day it's at least some form. Of guidelines that people can base certain decisions off of your at least you have out of place -- and -- the -- does that actually that the -- Serbia has a pretty good app. That -- -- details what is and with what is not. Objectionable content. And and hopefully I mean don't merely that the onus should be on -- a Serbian under should be on parents to make informed decisions about what it is and isn't too violent for the kids like this -- not. And people will try to spin it this way because it's something people tried to get these laws enacted in the first place. Like they'll basically say that this is some sort of you know blanket approval for children to play whatever violent video games they want and it isn't and it shouldn't be but it's not like. Anytime somebody tries to go so far as to violate the constitution. It's not know you can't do that you'd only -- supreme court of the 72 ruling impact as. It also -- think that something like this rate of violent video games gratuitous graphic violence. Would be one of those cases -- the Supreme Court. It might. Test them to be like well should we allow this to go through -- can attest the merits of free speech from a violent standpoint but the bottom line is also that there really has been no evidence that is even linked. Behaviors. In -- violent behavior directly to video games so without even any type of evidence that backs that idea. That also makes the case you know go in the favor of the content creators like there is still no link proven and -- had a how many years of video games been out violent video games -- over over a deck. And that the Supreme Court pointed that out Justice Scalia wrote the majority opinion instead psychological studies purporting to show that connection. Have not been able to they have not prove that such exposure causes minors act aggressively as the effects are small and indistinguishable from the effects produced by -- media. They -- good jobs of I'm happy about it good job it job. Some other maybe kind of good news I believe -- really -- -- -- -- again the hacking group lulls that suddenly. An unexpectedly announced that its colony -- But not a statement of course they are saying yes of course they are because not only are the -- of breathing down there and -- that -- like a hot breath from health. Other hackers are starting to try to make it their mission to expose the members will also -- find out who they are -- -- all their information online. So -- -- in their message to kind of say goodbye to everyone they they wrote it's time to save bundling odds are planned fifteen day cruise. Has expired and we must now sail into the distance leaving behind what we hope inspiration fear denial happiness approval. Mockery disapproval embarrassment -- -- -- -- even love if anything we hope we had a microscopic. Impact on someone somewhere. Anywhere. Are you had an impact on all those people's emails and passwords and -- this -- -- released I'm sure they felt that. They they also -- well I have read several story that you've and I talked about on Friday they leaked what it called sensitive documents from the Arizona department of public safety. They said they would release more goods on Monday but I thought several. Headlines that basically -- that Arizona leak was probably the last straw. And like some -- even that the people I know were tight with anonymous have been thing -- like. There are forces with that you don't you it's easy to kind of laugh at a government a little bit but there are certainly forces with in the government who -- perfectly -- -- like you know what. Ethnic and yeah yeah he announced that night at select -- like let's break it into top. Databases. And revealing stuff like like when have you guys -- against what ignore her prison break they make things go away things they make things. Nevertheless I did get a tweet from someone earlier today whose -- -- that has not gone -- just sort of rejoined the anonymous collective the big fleet. And that all members are confirmed any counterpart which I'm sure indicate that mean I think they -- what they -- as they were small. Splintered and exposed and -- I think that they sort of led to the the safety. Of numbers but it certainly doesn't mean that any of its gonna -- and public anonymous in an -- It also made no sense to me because a week ago lol -- anonymous said that they were going to form together to -- this group that had the same kind of mission goals and objectives. When I first read the laws that was getting out of the game my first gut instinct was other's gonna join the anonymous collective and it -- -- looks like that's what they're still doing -- -- definitely have any defendant Jerry Mike and things like natives don't wanna play now that that he does on and that's not -- noble. But let's be honest there was never much noble about lol -- particularly. Anyway I mean it was in at least when they joined with anonymous -- -- -- -- okay we're -- at both the fat cats or whatever but before that. And we'll get through an email -- like these -- were just running roughshod and -- -- -- And good riddance -- -- -- today is the group that was. With hacking -- second trying to expose them -- they released this kind of page of code and -- -- things. That lead down to you what they say it in fact the the revealed information. About album and the -- -- liberals -- We can't verify that I'll -- it's -- it's interesting interesting reading anyway. -- anonymous that sounds like it -- -- it. Back at it right they've picked up there's a new -- on the Tunisian government. Which is that's vary more it you know in the anonymous -- the main widget to go after someone they think of evil and then. Disputed media on their website -- I was the second time in six months that anonymous is attacked two lesions that Tunisian site. This is in response -- the way that when WikiLeaks information was bringing release the Tunisian government. Had ignored the demands by anonymous to stop the government's Internet censorship of the WikiLeaks information so in return. They decided to -- others view them as video and. That's an early stop things are obviously well wolf the -- what -- continues to transpired doesn't seem like a hacking thing is going away about but maybe the whole like. On a crazy rampage taken on PBS I think -- -- however so I hope I hope they've kind of. I hope they -- I got tired of it -- decided maybe we should grow up a little everyone there's a certain point it time and everyone's life recounting got to grow up a little -- -- -- I'm pretty sure they didn't discuss grow up I'm pretty sure they got -- here and input their -- -- kicked tail between my legs and about it why why is it like that individuals lets people be exposed mile eight. That boy acknowledged the problem shall we -- -- for. Consumer and them. It's true on this thing isn't it true there are some scary people out there. Where that work -- -- Let's move that we don't know and I don't think anybody there wanted to -- disappeared. Let's -- -- -- -- when we come back we're gonna play that the expert. And I I am. And then there are all thrilled they're all through a -- you'll be astonished to hear what is the biggest energy hog at your house and -- my new boyfriend and his confidence done. Why. Looking back -- buzz out loud on him at -- my Monday moment. You guys getting here beginning here where are oh and echo that -- -- Am my Zealand are -- video called echo which is really bad -- easy Otellini -- -- -- and I'm not kidding when -- say that. It will watch -- at the end of the shelf it's horrible it's. I got a great I have a great tweet actually from Garnett Lee who covers video games and as he wanted to know that it's not just violent games because that is headline fodder. That the video game that is not even video games that ultimately the ruling. The president of the ruling is that it's about creators were being afforded protections for expression. And the violent video -- thing is the meet the message but in the medium or whatever. Excellent anyway thank you for that thank you for that context because it's true it's a bit I mean is. Broadly. Applied it is extremely. Valuable ruling for First Amendment precedent. Also. Also. -- You're right. Right through planets -- flares to -- and came out I love this. Apple is not building -- one but. -- -- -- -- For a September only released I -- -- cited that is entirely through. Some have said see this is -- -- what happens we -- there was okay let me just read the quick bull -- article. The article -- stating that Apple will now have an iPhone five but also an iPhone for access. That is going to cater to the lower end market potentially. Doable our free upload a prepaid phone the so they can target that market and other areas but okay. Let's as they just media just get the satellite and I thought that project army and terror which is just let's just get this away. The once. It's like so crazy because -- IPhone terminals like one guy okay Bloomberg said the -- bite is gonna be reported literally all the details at every other people everyone has report there is no new information. But now -- There has to be new information this week and it's that -- phones are coming out. -- Well I just can't believe not you know I don't know if someone's -- who's gonna get slap in the face of this is not a variety notably -- and if to -- about. By panel -- I never accountable and are. Analysts are the guys see we are actually analysts -- console analysts we read. And we sometimes find out even more stuff than these analysts do but we don't publish this fact. Let him that the Tim Cook said that we understand the prices the big factor in the prepaid market and they're not ceding any market. Does not by any means just that they're gonna come out with huge new -- -- on course it does. I know they've done instead. They've made that iPhone three. Cost 493. GS's -- -- -- and they will continue to do that like at it does as I list and sell. Median. I love that they -- ideas ingenious I'm dying here but anyways where. We're talked about story and eleven were thrown it out there. -- that Hollywood is run with -- if you guys are right count me wrong notion -- didn't predict this and I'm not going to. I'm stayed away from this I'm pretty sure that's and I -- but it. -- -- -- Apple fatigue and tips are doing that pilots automatic rent a fascinating story in the New York Times today about how the biggest energy hog in your house. -- in fact is using more energy potentially even then your air conditioner. Is your high Def DVR. Believe that believe it in -- -- that your DVR and or set top box in general. Is a huge -- Tuesday during it is causing an increase of over ten dollars a month. For a home with many devices some typical home entertainment configurations eat more power than a new refrigerator. Yeah this is so one high definition DVR. And one high definition feel lucky is an average of 44446. Kilowatt hours a year about 10% more than -- -- -- one cubic foot energy efficient. Refrigerator and you -- about that -- like. Could it. Could actually be that much. I think about a cable are DVRs are always on the die hard drives are always beneath the fans are always going on the -- recording content and that the a lot of it we don't even -- -- watch -- eight you know you know your AC can go down -- 20. Day. Your refrigerator has to stay on but I guess it's. A lot formidable then maybe these load these these DVR boxes by -- -- -- not meet the energy efficient. Well I love the thing they're not to be energy efficient and the fact is your refrigerator can read 24 hours -- and still be marketed and I -- -- nearly eight. Like that -- is control radioed she attended a built using less power than you DVR like that's shameful actions nacho cheese. -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- -- get it and that is. But it's not to tease its machines. Is there any days. Similar to write like the company -- apparently according to at least the California energy commissioner former member of the -- in energy commission companies are saying it can't be done. To make -- lower power or it's too expensive obviously we know that's just not true I mean about you know. Similar devices in some European companies countries can automatically going to standby mode when not in use cutting power drawn by half. And then even go into an optional deep sleep which can reduce energy consumption by about 95%. Compared with when the machine is -- now it bears like that's pretty bad. -- -- -- -- -- That's bad and that's gonna have to stop what everybody has gotten a at least to some extent -- the inner energy consumption bandwagon. And I'm shocked that they're making machines that are not in effect inefficient and then saying that they can't make them more. It despite a number reserves of 160 million so called set top box in the United States one for every two people the numbers rising many homes now have one or more. Basic cable box as well as add on DVRs -- -- -- video recorders. Now it may not cable companies that customers will not tolerate the time it takes to reboot it. -- once it has been shut down -- put out. I mean I try to turn off all it's not as much as possible I even purchased a power strip who knows if this is just -- marketing speak that when your products are idle it. Turkey it's completely shuts off that outlet I don't know if that's literature book but it is associate Green you know -- -- And I have to power -- or if it'll lower energy European systems reboot from deep sleep in one to two minute. That's all I I am. Now I'm -- I mean I can microwave a -- and a. Alan Meier a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories that of the industry in the United States I don't wanna use the word lazy. But they have had different priorities and saving energy is not one of them. It a priority. Or a world first world problems and to think. Curse the world problem is there will probably have to get -- our citizens and one to -- -- percent of the people in about my dealer clearly Americans would freak played a -- DVR power drain -- world prominent -- -- idea here is such a hard. Motorola DCT three forward cynics. Takes a minute when you think Holman. I was gonna get an energy efficient won -- at picnic in the works. Cost more -- minute it. I interesting news from the world of if you're good enough hacker you can totally get yourself an awesome job payment. George hots AKA -- hot -- the apparently return from spring break and gotten a job at FaceBook. -- is now a product developer at FaceBook. And make magazine and others are reporting that he'll be working on I -- less apt to get these and often like it is not just the guy who -- the PS3 but he's also. A notable -- breaker of iPhone and -- estimate. Yet also it's been reported that the change in -- job profile. -- kind of matter speculation in the -- community because he backed off recently of a challenge for hacking the iPad to. With fellow -- Joshua hill and then they checked out his profile -- an hour of Facebook's. Now he might begin -- the game -- site. That this is one of things -- we talk about right companies are should be. More wise higher read these hackers because these are -- somebody most talented people now. -- like a kgo hops on basement fine that's not a hardware company -- yet. But at the end of the day it's still genius that he's going over there would someone like Microsoft or Sony should have opened their eyes and hired him it probably would've been smarter -- an Apple. By you know he's gonna -- but. He's he's gone legit and he's not challenging Joshua hill from. That's the the other thing that's really interesting is that there's that rumor going around about project Parton. Which is potentially -- but trying to kind of go around Ohio us and around Apple to be on devices with more sort of rich media html five applications. And and platforms. And I wonder if that is what he is potentially working. The same -- that it's gonna -- -- that can be very very uninteresting and frankly. Let's be -- like anybody needs some pretty good technical wizardry it is actually FaceBook. Like they've done a good job at sucking -- -- with the psychology but my god they're technology is bad. That's late and not work and mobile apps are terrible like this latest -- all the time the photo. Displacing its ridiculously -- -- and help. Good for them. Good for you for military -- hot buddy they go good trio making it make my living in and make my mobile apps better we're -- -- be best if. Hopefully you can also make this app federal -- lots on have a direct direct Obama does but Skype over the weekend actually -- Friday they posted a video. There are accidentally leaked a video of their iPad video chat app. Now I was able to because I'm a smarty pants I downloaded the actual file from YouTube because I figured they would take it down and they indeed. Did take it down they jumped the gun -- in the yet to be released application below is more compelling about it was that it showed off. Multiple. Chat capabilities with in the iPad -- -- facetime at the moment doesn't do. There's -- -- on the Skype app. Potentially will do the -- B -- we got a hands on you captured some video and and we actually have just Kendall -- managed to do a hands on with it while it was. The for the brief time that it was up into a video. Calling -- -- iPad which actually pretty and -- pretty often she must of got our hands on version from the company though because they never put the actual app out. -- -- know know -- the upcoming South Korea. We got it we must of had a sneak -- and US economy and optical assemblies and competition but also not everybody -- I mean it be great if I can use the iPad for. -- -- not yet and I'm not one but -- people could use the device they're already using for video chatting with facetime and also he's on nightly youthful good idea very. Right let's isn't click create. -- ID best by suspending MacBook Air lawyers ahead of -- refresh. You -- company like Apple want to just you know cancel stopped taking orders. Before an imminent product release I'm -- Apple -- that -- by best buy it I don't. But best buy put a hold on all online -- orders. Pretty list. Ticking everyone off that -- these guys are to increase MacBook Air MacBook errors and it specifically the one that Italy 84 and we only Allah can only -- that I mean -- out. I would hope that means that supply -- enough of that is that the kind of -- to -- but if you're at you've been waiting like PT and -- minor you're fired up idea. Google three years after launching Google health has decided to pull the plug on the personal health record service because not surprisingly. Nobody wanted to. They can really do you. I mean that there's some stuff about Google is or is not creepy about men nobody. Especially with whip Eric Schmidt weird statement in the press about -- -- -- don't think you can behind whatever like. It almost nobody was really feeling good about uploading their personal health records to Google even if they were okay with personal health records in the -- in general that with does not. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The product itself was not super well thought out and super well presented but they decided turned out. No one's using it. -- we're gonna I think sometimes wanna hear those things unfortunately there's probably people that lost their jobs because they're closing that down but you'll think so but. I think it's good that they streamline some of the things down the line. We -- it all hang -- place they know Google pretty good at least judging from that wrote that book I read about them they're very good they just redirect people other products like they don't -- -- on these products are now. They also meanwhile killed the Google power meter service which monitors web based -- energy is there. And it was -- based on your web browser like your web browser when you -- that's how they would now I thought it monitors your home energy. Usage but you had to like have a -- them all your information -- Now I -- I'm assuming and have some kind of hardware at home like him I wasn't familiar with that and if that people were using an -- an already and we didn't know its. -- -- you know you're doing that. I hope it's not about find her for power -- services in general because those are really useful and cool and there's some really cool iPad apps other iPhone app that parents -- Power meters are good idea it but it does doesn't -- and coming from Google. And it shouldn't necessarily be taken as an indictment of the entire. You mention cool iPad iPhone apps. HB goes app seen explosive growth they've expect to see the three millionth download of the HBO go up go app which debuted on May second. HBO's you do you have to be a subscriber at least in most cases from Medford. An HBO subscriber United States but what makes their service compelling generally. The best of the bunch is that. You get the back catalog. Of all of their content everyone's asking for HBO stuff on Netflix then -- why not get everything like The Sopranos sex in the city true blood all that. If you know through the HP go app. It's remarkably after they -- three million in downloaded it and there are 28 million HBO subscribers in the United States that's about roughly ten -- and which they say it is it. Really good considering not all cable providers even offer it like you're on Time Warner you can't edit. And other people I know he is absolutely love it. And when it's working felt like when they rolled it out it was like as capital often on economic reports that. LC but I think -- this is the cool thing about -- they're doing it right because they're not they're trying to test set to see if it's getting if people are catching on people are. They're not worried about their dvd sales being hurt by it they're just saying you know what we're just gonna go with that and give you access -- the entire library of our stuff 8 PM -- Which is different compare what most companies have done yes it's true -- at and they're trying to -- create and a good. Netflix killer like they understand that what people are doing a lot is trying to stream video on Netflix and they don't want and it's elegant and that mean they're trying to control their distribution. Issue mean distribution but at least they're doing it and that's cool what they need to do you I think -- offer -- HBO go subscription standalone. Because -- I love -- W I would pay for I actually would pay for that like okay you know RO 56 months but the monthly just for that. But I don't want paper HBO -- because -- thirty dollar African packaged the way that they bundle it with the -- and that's the -- right now. I -- with all that with all the momentum here -- you could see them imagine -- them mean -- okay we've had success here. Let's throw this on to like Xbox let's throw this on the PS3 in the -- offer -- subscription it would make sense yeah. So anyway -- -- good job HBO go. You go and now the cool thing. -- So -- space -- at the International Space Station has set up a streaming webcam. To offer. The first ever streaming HD video of earth. They're gonna broadcasts and I think they are now right now they haven't trailer. They're gonna launch the cameras later this year and start broadcasting by early twentieth while there's and there's -- We watch this idea that the bottom of the -- thanks -- again this is really -- -- -- -- is really cool the Canadian company called your of the cast. As a range in a deal with. -- -- -- -- Well school's most -- cosmos the Russian space agency to bring two cameras to the International Space Station sometime later this year one camera will be shooting. I feel audiences exactly the music it was picturing. An hour I mean -- One of the -- July death. The frame rate of 3.2 by friends -- another will broadcast a lower resolution. With three color image. These are not -- big show a little later scan of some of them at the -- like that promoted via. Like that I can imagine that would be particles. Not him but if it could. I have -- wanted to be when for the video about a really like important and now this is -- this is -- I get bit it's sort of like Medicare what you and -- -- you -- through mutant. I can see I think I did seem like how it's giving out or near I guess we buy it hunted it for like when you can -- those storms from Spain and things like Alec it's pretty crazy. I think I'm excited and -- very cool will be watching the -- be. And it now all. A happy ending. Living proof that every guy looks hotter when he pretty -- comic -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A new prototype -- global. Is poised to make. Robocop inspired dreams a reality it integrates a nonlethal taser and LED flashlight and a -- guided video camera. In -- This -- futuristic looking armor and it's gonna be deployed to the Los Angeles sheriff's of course -- Kennedy's. Played LAPD data -- thing the most that was out of -- lookout tower and its activate it by pulling out a grenade like pain that. And pollinated embedded -- pad they they still want this in Detroit during the unveiling of the Robocop sketchy. That's what they should bring this out I'll be a perfect brands. You know -- what they call it you know when it. Activity at -- -- right now our access skeleton our logo and everything is like perfect marriage between the two it is like you know for energy -- it. -- -- is my greatest right. Release me is good traits Robocop stats you unveiling and -- having. We cannot default because remember the Internet movie series all did you hear about this on a case still public -- -- -- on the Internet. And a group of people. Organized. And rose raised the funds for -- Robocop statute to be raised and erected in Detroit relief and of an initially. The mayor I think a deepening former NBA player was against it. And then at the swell of support. Had them reconsidering -- the last time I heard. They said they were going to look at a movie four -- and exploring where to place the Robocop sexy going -- -- really can get Iraqi Detroit gets Robocop. Only. Action during the -- -- you know I'm right there -- out concerts and -- -- arguments been -- -- meats and clearly. But the -- back to say sweet desert shield paying the standard -- Is roomy enough GPS equipment bio metrics chemical sensors or other embedded editions as needed cleanup first step toward light sweet -- the -- I don't want people use things this is Gary -- Rules is there a lake -- says integrated a nonlethal. Taser how many times -- -- that. Nonlethal taser. Yeah there are pretty leap didn't. Going into your called letters including. Completely. -- don't order beat you donors don't but I don't feel comfortable I'm moving on -- adult. I completely allow you to be the adult and one of us as a girl emailed love that cnet.com and Thomas straight in and then we just weren't there on the fun out there we never know -- -- -- distant user error not -- fourth -- up -- -- because that same problem. Thomas doesn't happen to me twice I'm starting to think it's not my faulty memory now. Twice now -- going through my FaceBook -- -- entries by companies in which I did not like -- pages on FaceBook. -- -- I know for a fact that I did not like those pages he says but -- when I press the accept the right my options are to hide or unlike the page. I think FaceBook is deciding for me what pages I should be liking. This is not good. I personally nothing I haven't seen this I have seen an increase in FaceBook spam yet overall and so that could be one -- -- decision. But if -- doesn't seem that let us know we -- in corroboration -- don't press like. Don't press like. Yeah I don't I'm I'm curious about that and -- -- -- your -- -- -- email from a long time blizzard Tom -- it's the toppled in Italian dinner. And I both believe will be at. The ASE is a little -- you guys have thought that you. A -- did it mean that we all of -- many of us have been Peterson's little silent like in this universe. I -- it is necessary to help Molly find a -- -- and researched and published proof that cars to should not the G rated but PEG. Here's the article Molly -- -- the tweets over the weekend about it's it's -- -- to would you like to inform me -- the others let what occurred. It's an interesting article actually it does so it says that priests he sent -- this article -- -- that violent television can affect the -- of preschoolers. But -- it -- in response yes my -- storm of rage after I thought occurs to movie which we waited a year for obviously if my child like obsessed with cars one of you've -- -- -- really sweet tale it's like. An amazingly touching morality tale about how love really matters and you should slow down and in life and take the time the first relationships or one of -- -- The second one. Rated G also is. A horrifying. James Bond movie made in cartoon form that includes. -- three G. Tortured -- -- like actually torture and by the way in case you're concerned about me spoiling the movie let me be clear. I don't care because I don't think that anyone should go see this movie or buy any of the crap that they paddled for like 45 minutes before the movie oh and the entire duration of the movie it was like the most cynical. Bait and switch I think I've ever seen -- so they torture. A and American spy car to death. At which point my child is like. They didn't related to the -- actually die than they kill the card they -- him the cold blooded -- kill him. And you're sitting there like. That's just that's gonna happen and parking at -- and that's after like all tasting in the beginning we're like two cars go diving up this time platform into the water and they die. And their little car parts are floating in the water. Look up Andy I'd like. -- -- Fallen into the water and then hey this -- car but although until underneath for kidnapping and cars and diamond they like it one point they capture -- and -- -- -- -- -- my child mr. kids -- flaming out of this movie left and right like mine was actually one of the tougher ones. But then I mean really by the end of the movie like the whole plot point is that they're going to try to kill lightning McQueen -- to kill him ET -- he needs to die. This -- all like. In this G rated movie. There's the three main characters are tied up and literally about to get killed after they have to watch their -- be murdered by the bad guys whoa whoa -- imagine being four right like I know there's so I can even leave the movie it becomes just like thick catch 22 were -- We can't leave the theater because then -- -- will just think they died. So we had to wait for the inevitable happy ending to the industry -- I mean you portion lake Evers a -- that in people are coming on their shelves. -- appalling. Up hauling and I cannot believe that it was rated G and that's what it really comes down to me is like the rating thing. An outlet and like them you know the video game ratings board thing have to be. For real -- That is that was just cynical corrupt and -- -- unbelievably. In appropriated -- G range to make it AG rating Emmy for Disney Pixar to even produce that Colombia all it's just like -- that's Disney -- -- is what that is like that is not Pixar I don't feel like that growth. -- -- Monstrous what's weird though. Kate so monster saw the -- -- I should not have been rated G but you've seen pics are there -- twist is now that -- been around for the game for awhile. The movies are taken on a darker tone -- story three ways -- -- -- are really dark cap now -- they didn't you know. Try to seek out to murder or killing of its characters but it it was one of the darkest movies from -- can ever remember in the -- -- -- -- In other China China's -- -- be clinical more mature about it. -- know about that and this is not like I mean and even. Disney movie have a long history of being kind of upsetting that yet they -- OMB mom -- Foss that is like I don't know nature and action not like a violent action movie that all about guns and an -- a tortured murders clean energy written like as far as I'm concerned and Peter Blake. And Pixar Disney have a lot cancer -- for -- -- on a one woman mission like those toys there -- banned from my house there will not be any cars merchandise in my child's life. Ever again like no loop. Done dead to me as horrifying. Vote with your wallets I -- -- and my Twitter. So mad about it is that upward on it but really -- and never wear my personal things but I don't like I -- it out yet away even after. I came out of their -- In reads I feel like a bad mother for taking my -- -- this movie like if you like one of those -- -- -- -- the -- Umi console to take your -- year old nephew to die -- bait and switch. Evil. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Good good explosions on -- -- we'll do next I think. There -- -- and I'm a longtime listeners have been following your coverage of low fat and not -- the PlayStation network and I'm not a part of any contentious government organization. Thought it was pretty safe. I was therefore very surprised when I got an email telling them my email and password from an undisclosed site. Was released by lol fact turn -- my log on information was released as a part of the 62000 release -- completely out. On their page they claimed not to know where the lot and came from but I recognize the password used it was for a website called writer space. Where authors large and small can connect with readers. There -- prizes and giveaways comments and topics workshops and -- a third thing got to be one of the most harmless places on the whole Internet. It's for librarians and book nerds. It was really really tough -- -- through romance -- security who will also act punished for daring to participate in the into web. I think I have accountable while -- and I began -- clearly if I'm still in danger. Adding that all part of the reason we'll -- -- where. Peace out guys you know let me he -- not so -- it's not so much sympathy either can have. All right and also our last. It does seem that the zombie apocalypse is -- well at least the CDC thinks so he wouldn't so here's a little blog entry from our friends at the CDC. And it looks like they are but -- it's an emergency -- a zombie emergency Denton. Be prepared Sunday prepared to get -- pre -- and actually like. Clearly the TV because they know we got taken last week by the fake army manual with us -- -- we think that eventually like -- -- at the -- Person if it works but the CDC I gotta say. Clever of them pretend like -- -- hop on the zombie -- To promote -- emergency preparedness kit in general. They just click on earth and I swear when -- -- since this story. Along a while ago I don't know -- -- but I'm excited about the page that we discovered it because I'm totally gonna get one of these kits like the -- -- awesome one -- water. Per person per day. Food stock about non perishables medications include prescription announced a few minutes tools and supplies utility knife duct tape battery powered radio sanitation hygiene. Clothing -- to change clothes for each family member of blankets you need that for or against -- -- -- -- -- -- that if this is their recommended list -- the -- one. They just included acts to -- has taken a little more -- and -- -- basic justice included. In the comments someone said at the bottom said they recommend an aluminum bat. They referred clearing a path through the hordes of zombies. Lot of things. It for readers ski boot. They comments are pretty funny thank you CDs deeper coming out and saying what really needs to be that. -- do with myself and my girlfriend who doesn't believe in the V day can survive thank you CDC Urbina. I will say good job too good job being -- -- there and immediately think a little bit. -- -- other letters coming you can find the show notes the links all the stories that we talked about our blog BO LB -- -- -- -- At cnet.com you guessed it also calls at 806162638. Which spells CNET in Italy we are a little disappointed that you guys enjoy do we -- it -- policy. So we would like to call us back in it aquinas tune in to -- -- taking a direct gas cards to -- and I mean our. -- also email us a buzz at cnet.com those are good we got plenty of emails very guys -- -- with it. The skull -- is yourselves. Are I was you guys stagnant.

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