Car Tech Live 183:  CNET drives the 2011 VW Jetta
Car Tech Live 183: CNET drives the 2011 VW Jetta

Car Tech Live 183: CNET drives the 2011 VW Jetta

Auto Tech
Just -- the biggest road hazard not even close. Red lights they're -- long. Are we just over -- Britain's. And -- gears up -- a major launch. While we drive the new 111. -- more space -- chick. Right folks at CNET car tech live welcome -- I'm Brian Cooley in the world's lowest share that will happen here -- munchkin. All work on that. It's the X 46 of August at the Thursday and you're Wayne Cunningham and one good one and -- saying is at the controls. We catalog is -- -- talk about today let's get right to -- first of all. What's worse for Toyota cars that won't stop. Or cars that won't run. Their latest problem now is a pretty chunky recall we don't normally jump on every recall would do the podcast every day. But on another one point one million controllers and may -- C is. -- -- -- Has now are built on the artificial recall issued by communities -- 05 to 08 sign that the popular car so a number review may have one of these -- have one in the family's 05 to away controllers and matrix is. That had over a thousand complaints that the cars won't run. Based all at the most inopportune moment moment the exact opposite of the cars that wouldn't stop so Toyota seems not be able to -- -- Aperture actually your first regardless of -- in their cars won't keep moving is that why there's always a Prius blocking my way -- credit dries fast someone. The good excuse for the years anyway. I just stop chronic enough from the same factory that seems strange I know right I would think that they're very few parts in common. So. -- this is another mass for them it's not disease and -- play is badly in the media as like a runaway car. I don't think this is gonna anywhere near the kind of hysteria and -- of the runaway car thing that but apparently -- system engine control modules probably electronic stuff. May be defective and these were all by the way North American car -- heads up have you got an O five to await corolla or matrix. Chevy dealer go to the Toyota site Veoh is have this stuff posted. That these idiots or go to nick -- and HTS -- dot gov but that it will be easier. Existing one is also gonna be rather alarming news into evidence of other companies listings where we saw in the Wall Street Journal this week according to RL -- the folks -- here who. Monitor and digest the information of auto registrations who's buying what -- what part of the country with the most popular color who's leasing versus buying all -- kind of stuff they say new hybrid registrations art -- especially in the place -- they always did the best. Right here in the San Francisco San Jose Oakland area in -- since 2007. They've just been and -- So that -- 27000. UI registrations there was 07. But 2009 the number was off 36%. To 171000. So -- the -- through May just 6000. Hybrids reg. Here in the green and G progressive. Bay Area that's not a good -- guys. Well maybe it's just that everybody who's gonna buy a -- regarding had one I mean you that's a good new lyrically and there's one in near the reprieve and every of bigger and -- new driveway. Yeah so it's I mean it may just -- and of those things where. You know people buy their -- they keep them for a while and -- Now that did that the big initial kind of gold rush for like I needed green car it happened. The people who have them -- the equivalents gonna keep it now earth are Tanya I think that's a big part of the problem is the numbers -- that -- 270171006000. For this one large metro area of almost seven million people. And that's all they can wring out of it from the number one with a bullets. Market share hybrid in the world. These are not giant auto changing numbers Google a lot of all of discussion is are the electric cars on the plug in hybrids and the range Extenders stealing so much under the folks are waiting for those -- that the mark. Do I have to what you don't want as -- here are -- you don't know mostly because the economy. I mean economy was. Horrible in 20082009. And sales were down all over the place where they down this much though they were down a lot I -- car companies suffered -- and right now reducing big gains in that car sales all across the board be trails compared to 2009 and 2000 and I'm hopeful areas however registration those -- was a -- -- the national drop a pivotal nation got it would be with the economic -- of course. I would like to see these numbers as compared to you overall car sales down because you know you can pull out a number like that and well hybrids drop it you know. So is everything else. That's that we should -- -- report these numbers currency will talk about the next show see -- this is dropping off significantly more than the economy repeated themes are super cars. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah a lot of this visit our by the economy but it also shows that the idea that in difficult times people go for -- more efficient car this is and what they went for. Because cars are -- purchasing change -- behaviors you're down to eleven and a half million versus sixteen million in the good old days around but. A lot of -- a -- a lot of cars a large shipment to more efficient cars. It was like hybrids didn't get -- sharing that. But today it -- -- -- -- it's -- -- over another one that may be myth or may be true texting while driving you know it's gonna public enemy number one these days and all the media. But the question is. Is it really such a big deal. But -- -- -- across here the institute Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Says you know it's just not anywhere in year. The big issues being media by you know by hope. Selling muttered her but the folks over the I agents who also do a lot of -- crash testing all those insurance star ratings and all that sort of thing. Say that distracted driving in general. Are not one of the big ones out there that they're worried about. These guys have to pay money when things go wrong so believe me they're worried about things that are really wrong there with cars. And they say yeah foreign away its traditional things. Accidents that happened because of all -- conditions before we had texting in the car. Before we had any run away Toyota's it's just people not driving will not paying attention for other reasons as drunk driving figure -- that drunk driving is in there don't think says yep all kinds of other distractions yes texting is part of that but I was just surprised to see the insurance institute of highway safety taking a chance on the bully pulpit and you know slam texting while driving not saying it's a good practice but. They didn't. -- that you had not -- on our radar news. The C 20086000. People were killed and more than a half a million injured in crashes involving distracted driving so lots of numbers. But the insurance folks -- not. Point the finger -- saying that's the big problem -- the big trend because you not to put some numbers on the stuff but tallies in the US have been declining significantly during the entire heyday. Of this recent cellphone texting -- the last three or four years. Who's on the in the balance there I don't know they'll be building announcing the text and a one about. Okay so. Red lights anyone here feel like they're getting longer. We just getting old. -- To vote yes that it depends on where you are and there's some localities and the red lights seemed to last bird after pearl asked -- this goes pretty good I mean I think there's. Nice quick -- -- license or yeah I would agree on the south -- Silicon Valley have always felt like the red lights are in formidable. I don't know why those big broad boulevards of the expressway is. And I've always felt like labs is -- be a 62 -- -- longer. -- terms -- -- -- be some truth to it I didn't notice August last year new federal standards for crosswalk timing were passed and the states have a couple three years to implement them. So they went from using a rule of -- that a person will cover four feet in a second as -- cross the crosswalk to three and a half feet per second or walking slower. Which of the sound like much but as this article -- Mercury News pointed out it is in good crunching on this is that well -- -- hundred foot intersections one of those big multi lane. Expressway things that's an extra four seconds every -- a pedestrian gets a light. And there's also a new technology being tried in some municipalities where they're using smart signals which if you're the drawback for the red light -- -- smart. Because they'll actually since the pedestrian and if there walk -- really slow. They'll make the red light last longer so they have a longer walk you could be crawling across. -- some places in San Francisco or some of the stand in the londoners say what -- -- three three blocks from here but this intersection yeah absolutely yeah that would be you like Howard and sixth what I wonder though is what is the bad have to do with states or communities local traffic light. -- adjustments yeah he's getting paid -- data realize that they had any influence over that. And I know -- that's tied to funding right so yeah I gotta believe someone's not gonna get road funds -- they don't do this readjustment. Because a lot of money. This piece here estimates that you can spend anywhere from thousands to over 20000 dollars per intersection depending if you're just three timing lights that may be old -- need new timers or if you're putting in that smart system quote smart system but but the feds fund -- states. And I realize -- any money union now local. You know traffic quite nice things like that they fund some local roads as well whether it's stimulus or something's been around longer than that I mean yet -- mostly known for the interstate funding but this is a trend that if you think the lights are getting longer special you drive all the time. And it's -- -- been -- recently they've -- is gone and they aren't that a lower at it but three time it to the new federal standard of crawling back. Three and a half feet a second I do that and -- stride but -- -- -- didn't hear what people from around the country think it depending on the senders you know with what they've noticed about their local whites of their. Slower or you know -- if the red -- seem to last longer -- someplace who has a horrible long intersection. Just. -- -- -- -- -- Really you you too bad because all it like that. Let's see hybrid so now we just talked about hybrids going down the tubes lets hope they aren't because Honda is rolling out on the jazz is a hybrid. Yeah this as a development in the states. And this is this is the -- in Europe. -- -- -- I think -- lethal in Japan if it. Well -- Asian market. A hybrid yes I believe. It maybe Japan only no -- it European briefing in pounds billion a year ago when I left turn of this couple weeks ago. The the rumble -- Japan only yet we're not gonna get it. It makes me a little sad going to be a Philippine that the Fitch they actually a good -- For like a little small city -- if it pretty efficient as it is. And I think even our it has -- bigger engine in -- over ended in the European. And we helical one point 51 point six or something like that can't believe it's a one point -- modify they get like a one point three. And they're adding an electric motors that. But it's a good combination I I mean it what also wonder like you know how is it is that alters. The reason like Honda's. Regular sort of like I have an idiot I am a systems that I -- think of a lot of extra space and -- The -- where the batteries -- are you gonna lose some of the pit storage space. Which is really wanted to be. Selling points for the stated that you've got all the you know the gymnastic -- and look all around you a good cargo on the back yeah are you gonna lose some of that are a world where the battery in -- it -- Aren't we getting the CRZ here which is you know the small hybrid. Honda kind of sporty look and little Honda car actually thought theaters -- in a dealership in Berkeley Tuesday. Look -- law mean. And am excited about it anymore. How was excited about it now it O'Reilly and it cover over the -- year and a anyway knew that if the drive did -- -- -- you've -- you know the driving impression but it just looking at the numbers I can't really excited about -- -- -- if it's okay outnumber wise yeah it's it's a little bit by and its unique but obviously in the power kind from the happiness small. Hybrid power -- a one point three and that this is I mean it. Famous -- and one is zero point three and this one is getting. Rory read over CNET UK says expects 64 miles per gallon. I don't know -- that would have -- all markets. Oh okay which is a big improvement over what they normally have with the European it was just 53 miles per -- -- -- already gets a lot better mileage to the smaller engine in Europe. And -- -- bumps up again ahead of that another. -- ten -- are ten miles per gallon again this is all -- -- back. But that's that's a that's a high mileage car if they broader view that have a real -- Because the CRZ. -- -- It's not super efficient as -- super fast of a supernova -- that you cedar tears so I'm in the -- has a lot of room and space and I mean that's the good yeah written about the -- And -- you put that hybrid -- print from this here is he in the get I think you know the nice little. Practical -- The second paragraph of the article says it's. It'll drive the vehicle electric only mood and I -- -- do that some think if maybe something different would have to be could that any given every do all electric minerals like liquor is the league electric super charger he will. Yeah although they yeah -- hundred does claim that it. Drives -- -- electric power only for. Like brief bits -- -- milliseconds this is going downhill. You know with the tail -- yeah they say that that I -- NATO beta and do it so maybe this is just a little -- that same sort of on the spin spin finance and I Oregon -- anyway is how are you Europeans are lucky you get the bug but these cars literally have. Really small engines not. Kind of small and they -- saddling -- -- I like little. -- -- well we're talking ons for the day about. That reinventing their service right now had lunch with that Chris produces their new president of OnStar and OnStar is owned by GM. Chris is long worked at GM and so is Kennedy recently made this transition to OnStar. And there he told me that they're actually planning a big re launch of -- on September 15 so we're were kind of waiting for. They could tell me everything about what was going on there but. They've got a lot of potential maps so lot of what we talked about over lunch the I've got a notice for a long time it. They OnStar you know they got a digital connects me -- a data connection and into every car that OnStar if it is installed and and I think other manufacturers would kill for that. You can feed in traffic information and that gas prices all this great stuff but do you know through a data connection. They haven't been monitoring leveraging that. Which -- -- -- story a lot of stuff that's been going on -- GM. Did he make noises like they're gonna do yeah right now Chris seems -- a modern guy gets technology. He. Realizes that they got a lot of stuff they can take advantage of there. He said initially the initial launches -- re launch is gonna be something -- xenon. A CD which is always been -- -- watch or rather right but I think they what they wanted to you start adding that you know massive gene in this kind of stuff but in it in a seeks ways mourn their take on it foreign one -- one little interesting aspect to four star I heard from -- and that's a plus our months are. Or very valuable and the fifth at that day. But one little interesting that -- I got from a talking to that and then him is that -- a GM was involved in mid initial launch of XM satellite radio and and when they launch that -- funded it. GM got allotted a certain amount of satellite bandwidth. Character GM has had this band with that they could have been using to feed information of their cars get this right as far as you understand they haven't been using it they have not only easy and and it's it's clear script -- are again so GM. And Chris said you know we could potentially use any I don't think -- have any definitive plans on using satellite band with Clinton would explode. This I think. So much potential here right now right now on star -- units or two G box it says -- through Verizon. He said -- -- -- things as I -- think they're gonna expand that to he's that is going to be new box coming out to you know and right and David GPS chip -- -- tedious TDMA. You know and communication protocol. So that they are looking at the you know expanding -- making you know he said basically the new box that's coming -- I think this is -- -- -- part of the 915 announcement is. He said it's gonna be better in every way technology. Is certainly for -- Yeah I would sell out -- have been at this time you know Verizon can certainly look it. Orgy rolling out from some carriers -- -- got at least to have three G on maps and it would be hot they went to a forgy. You know Verizon's getting very close to rolling out there and there's four G network and -- that degree headline for them to catch up and not just to move ahead not just catch up. Right right now want to wait and see whether they'll actually be the case whether something like that. Comes out but you and I would expect day yet increased bandwidth. On that thing in a -- said do you know an initial watching -- said it's in the evolutionary too which means no radical change. And it's radical changes and you add -- to get billion I think he's he's thinking in the right way that OnStar could actually become really incredible service one other thing you talk to you about Tuesday. OnStar does not SOS to stay in the car. On star could go into devices that are in your home. He talked about like exercise machines and bonds. If you didn't you get locked out of your rowing machine you can. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If I get drawn gonna pull down the stairs they can send someone they know that I fell on my air -- -- something new following you can't. So. And I think isn't discounted blue sky thinking that you aren't stars never drink and -- Or cocktail you -- It was a once alright -- bizarre episode All-Star -- if. Tina do expected that they should do do some good stuff -- so the so it's only when we can change or two weeks and change -- that about that's will be on top of that here on the yeah on the show course. Couple quick stories here about some means. Mobile technologies -- is building cars wirelessly. Sort of kind when they install sync software turns out they don't. Actually -- company kind of USB adapter master computer a laptop loading device treating it is -- that into the car wirelessly as it comes down the assembly line. That was done this before I think this is -- -- on the assembly it's all inside baseball -- only carrier cars made in that respect but. We -- a personal blog poster from lance Whitney who picked up on this some of the way that. There actually modernizing assembly lines and so many ways to actually do the firmware install as it rolled down the line and it it gets blasted in there. Without anybody attaching some kind of physical device. Let's talk about iPad in the rear seats. This of course is some that you can do on -- only going Reuter a little bit of -- Croat papers on them apartments more than that. And Scotia one of the companies building one of those front dash -- devices that -- actions before. Is now working on making adapters that will turn the iPad into or -- -- SE killer our rear seat entertainment system killer. Now would have a picture of exactly what they're coming up with yet but. This like a pretty decent threat to me if you're gonna -- -- entertainment system for what twelve to 18100 bucks at not a mistake -- have -- screen and it plays dvds and you can plug in -- I -- usually. But even that's kinda rare if you get an -- you're usually going over at them -- an analogue -- quirky and yes -- real crunchy stuff. I can go right to -- -- for thousand dollars. And they're used all over the place not just in the -- for the kids can run around with a all the time or whoever. Why wouldn't I do this except -- acutely dvds which are pretty common. Well I mean I mean it seems like this is actually. The more logical solution to using yet and the -- -- even using in the front seat yeah because of the screen is just right for that sort of thing insists it's basically a screen with everything built into it. And I mean -- consumers start to move away from you know. Carrying around physical like dvds and -- -- and purchasing their content on iTunes many people do the things all the time I mean that and the left and I thought physical dvd. I've actually -- it and a Netflix if you've been collecting dust like treatment that often thought of everything now. So Leo like you don't -- with like things like -- Netflix on the iPad with via the three G connection it's just. They're -- a ton of different ways to get content into the car and it. It's a way that's gonna be constantly updating it -- new -- again you. Applications of the technology development connected to all you really it was opting. Touch what goes out of the car but it doesn't water cold water on this idea that's in that okay no dvd player is a problem. Also you know with the kids strapped in their car seats in the back seat. They're not reaching up to touch anything they can't reach. These things they're you know put -- -- the backseat monitors. And mom wants to control what -- watching from the front which you can do with. Traditional rear seat entertainment systems the controls are up there -- So you can -- can -- out what they do they ever remote control they can use to move the chapters on the dvd credit -- the screen to touch it now this is also if you can't do with the iPad currently -- and they could do a custom and those girls optional Brett. I mean if -- -- theme those iPod docks where you get -- -- little remote I mean for a while even. That's -- Scotia for a look at them in all you needed some sort of removed that complete often get an -- our movie I was touching -- immediately I've never depends on the movie. I don't touch movies I watched him for an hour in and -- find -- the off the law mean. That's kind of -- -- historic immediately with a dvd you're not. Jump in all through the menus and stuff like that it -- just watched the movie. Thing I do you like about this ideas that now you can get an iPad for the price of hammer. -- connect back -- yeah. The problem militantly -- just like pop it out in front -- yeah. That's -- thanks for the price of a hammer -- they'll face. And get yourself an iPad I -- insiders are related and here's the bravest at 600. With -- I've added in the back -- they also show with headrest dvd a stupid -- This is this is exactly what shouldn't be done we don't need to drop down and headrest dvd and iPad -- hate stupid this is the idea. Clean up the backseat just give me iPad so obviously the kind you know if it -- last year -- the Genesis the name and -- up with all of -- to Mac -- a MacBook. An and Apple TV. IPod touches in the and -- just to do an iPhone runs. I think -- pretty much an -- and -- -- in the car I think your super -- you need that kind of thing has been you can look at your world domination map on one screen and you know our -- Amazon others appearing on needs that's it if there's very little more realistic -- a mock ups of -- -- there are. The nice clean install scotus does not like that it ties into shore power gives you the remote like -- talking about to get lean back and even reached -- borrowed time. The cleanest -- -- -- and -- take it with me or if these -- popular -- -- one day when it's my car minority have one. It does they'll quote you at the dock from that -- And deliver it and then -- start ties in with the data connection works. Exactly site sidelight -- that I was just on a Hyundai Equus drive and yeah you got to. Well they've been using iPad -- the manual in that cars that -- ideal right. Right that you know you buy one of those cars demanded that -- comes it's in the glove compartment you got your manual on there. That this is part of the car part of the whole experience -- the idea. And did you com did you get look at that mean annual. -- indeed you know -- video winners it just flat pages you know I did not get look at it the reason why. Interest me enough in his because -- Hyundai rep told me that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Based eleven approve the app right app and of course what the app is approved you can buy you can. Download for free up the iTunes store right -- never store they approve it has not yet -- the united have to -- through those channels they don't do any sort of special like you can only get this -- even injury -- they would -- okay. Alright so. Apple got -- all float TV for card is in trouble at -- there -- to it afloat TV is the digital the Leo. Where you get about 018 or twenty digital channels from cellular towers -- its cable channels. About twenty dollars a month is ever call yeah. And it's 400 dollars for the actual in the car TV it's got a picture will be installed looks like here and have been promoting your hard here are some of the brands that are on their fox MSNBC CNBC -- TV ABC mobile and -- CBS's in there yeah we are. They just cut the price by half it's now down the 200 dollars that -- all that's kinda like that new Blackberry became at a couple weeks ago and -- what was it two days for the cut the price. Not doing well. So I don't get it people just are not responding to this idea of TV in the car they're responding to Internet delivered step in the car I get that but. It's rough going out there so they are -- the price on this. Well I wonder in the US market we're we're just not used to having TV and card I don't it's big novelty in Europe they do have tuners in cars that's it's fairly common. Diana Rolls -- we had a TV tuner which I was it and workers -- frequencies -- older. Even yeah Leo lesser cars had MTV's over there they don't have the restrictions on putting tuners in cars. And we just haven't had that and so maybe people are -- Lots and Christine you know device for you know euros crazy -- person or. Super luxury buyer of letting him. The for the biggest problem that I'm seeing here -- into problem first of all. We're kind of -- into the point where are we like to time shift our television watching mean people. Recording and -- photos and things on the Internet -- TV you get the card what's on it on. So right. You Ian in and you get in the -- random times during the day and you mean again in the heart 8 o'clock in time to watch the show. -- -- at home or you streaming on the Internet or you you can if you aren't -- regularly it's public injured the driver probably alone commuting exactly and watch TV. -- and in the other problem is that I think also we're kind of a culture of 500 channels. Though I mean you may watch ten of them any given time but I think people are used to. Wouldn't you pay cable it. It's pro has really into when he finally looks a little bit of concern with the value twenty bucks a month between -- Kind -- -- -- Ireland via felony I think it's it's just there would be either a bunch of what is small issue that. Our -- people are running into -- and also that. -- gears up drum major -- Like monitors. Your own installation. And I don't know supply your monitors are -- -- -- that's not really a true price tag and and and and dollar. Now and it's going on film best buy any week now this quarter reporting in August so they gotta hurry this one up and that spoke to the big visibility -- rise significantly cut 11200 dollars it'll be embarrassed -- system. The -- -- So -- in this this is gonna be your enticement if your thing like we are it's kind of a non starter. I dislike the idea of you know scheduled viewing where you like -- on that are. If there's an article that I don't -- favorite editor -- -- -- drive is -- about the -- both Steve yeah it's just not right. -- for the if you're voicemails in your emails emails this week and they all came in a car tech at what they always do shoot a -- as you think album. Reply here last week's drinking question bio Butte and all doctor Jim professor at large we talked about being able to use the oh run off if you will from -- making to run cars. We didn't quite know the story -- -- -- view on these has drinking alcohol as ethanol which has to carbon you know all has so for and that's because it doesn't completely. Doesn't completely eat up the east's but the F sugars and starches the -- -- so they have more an octane is eight obviously pocked. I keep finding gasoline so this will come he says from any grain based alcohol alcohol production not just good -- single malt Scotch -- And he says he'd -- open and arbor -- The text. Doctor Jim thank you likes the PD one place at the anyone's read. Policy -- -- guys agree wholeheartedly with view that new drivers should learn to drive -- -- transmissions at some point. And we city you know if you remain that he could drive anything -- an Abrams tank. But the left in Rochester says I'm no believe it I hate to break it he had -- the Abrams today has an automatic transmission. As do most village equipment it cools the the military has to -- to the lowest common denominator driver ouch. My Disney in it too easy to drive a tank can you imagine intention that you that he needed drive -- -- good -- that anonymous -- never. It's like hey we're gonna like make -- fighter planes easy it is alive and lowest common denominator going to get him. And it a potentially have listed uses various special classes and at least know how to drive -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- it. It if it's not an auto. However gears and -- -- you're going to be elements in one yeah and yeah there will you know it's not automatic people like whatever they respond to that. High octane gas. CM Chang writes as as you mix the government. I have a question I have an outlander ES for all four wheel drive. Are the owner's manual -- can put any kind of gas in there as well as duct it was at least 87 and -- nine -- 93 where he lives. And I heard from some equipment high octane in my oil will burn out faster. It's you don't know anything it's doing -- that's in the I think that was just to complete crock. But there for you system octane over a hundred the united over -- hundred -- -- -- stock ago and be gotta send it to me and CEO of Obama also. He says I was surprised -- 100 plus oxygen into gas stations around yet it's been a few decades. Now 102 octane racing yes that's right tools and -- gas -- to sell. In polyps on street corners that's long -- and you got to get edited some of the racetracks yup it's infineon on. They have like one -- wait and the public easier ATM card it's very. On the side -- I did notice a huge difference in acceleration of premium gas in the car -- at the -- Well what the thing happens announcements with a modern car you've got a I don't know what you're you didn't say but it's you know the modern vehicle outlander yes. The vehicle that can detect -- knock. And of the combustion cycle and will adjust the timing. To either stop the car from knocking on gas that is low octane or take advantage and -- more aggressive timing to the vehicles optimum spec. If it detects that there's no not gonna -- a little higher. Because you've got higher -- so yes the car we'll get better mileage and we've -- a couple -- having to route three where they say horsepower is this -- 87 and this on 91. They give us a couple numbers so it is true it doesn't is not it is not a myth. But it's also -- -- necessary to -- your car on anything more than 87. Whatever is out there while others some engines that I I think I would -- with the manufacturer's recommendation -- in the premium gas that. Get into Turbo charged and dinner direct injection. Things like that yeah you never wanna go load. It and above -- audible over the moon and it. I don't allotment Japanese haven't really -- -- seven and those. NASCAR's internal I don't know if they don't tell them it but are you kidding statement CBS a little money I'd -- its its its I I I've seen this a hundred -- I just don't believe the Indians and can't. Make that small adjustment. -- -- you're putting 85 85 and that's -- problem. But putting in 87 -- ninety or 91 guys there'd. Making money off it. Put that put the cheap stuff any kind of the analytic AMOCO. -- -- I old trick you don't know it's a great old trick you try you do you get back to encode mostly sugar soon as you walked back to work you let me know how network and it looks like -- -- I think it would liquids. It didn't work on foot when you catch your -- you limit how that -- that others went from -- he says this but keep your redneck hybrid. Has anyone tested the output of a portable casts generator. Being hauled around on one of those hits shelves -- put of the year cargo it's delivering power to an electric car or I guess to a plug in hybrid. He's they gonna make in his own -- -- and -- general back your -- -- let it run and if you're tropic or electrical all the time. It would be a bit of green tech ironies seeing a Honda portable generator -- a Toyota Prius or -- -- we'll be going down the street. While huckleberry that's a crazy idea that's of the doing the -- at that there's an evil they're just height of the generator. Whatever -- has got to be our first CNET car tech project car that we get electric conversion on the avail. Moe bring you my my Honda generator. And when you load up a little shall -- the -- of the and I can only use these statements and -- I got an attachment develops our. Our privacy along with cars went what's this one all about Leo and from -- about a car the last -- ever. Right salmon that cnet's is what we do recommend as a car that will last longer than fifteen years in Daly watts. He's excited about new cars -- product cycles getting shorter and shorter doesn't -- -- run group problem with parts replacement seven years down the road. Says I presently drive and -- two TGI wagon that I hope -- for fifteen or so years. With amount of complexity built and have modern cars a limited lifespan. This one you know I think it's media fear to you a lot of people -- encountering because cars are much more complex than they were fifty years ago. With the -- and all that to but. I don't think that means they've been so last shorter amount of time. You -- -- with all cars parts eventually do you wear out. You know you're -- might you know 1950s Buick or 2005 Toyota you know your brakes are gonna wear out belts are gonna need repair yeah replacement you know everything gets replaced you can -- car running for a long time if you replace everything you don't mind spent a lot of money doing it. But you know I think actually newer cars have an advantage over some of the older cars. -- I think it ejector is -- gonna probably last a lot longer than our readers yeah. And gas units of manure cars also say you know note about -- needed for hundred. 1009000. -- -- that a little realised it wasn't that long ago that some of for every 3000 miles. -- changes in our like forever. 101000 miles and more on these cards if you especially -- -- that it ultimately -- and in -- -- it's better that way -- it isn't it and breakdown like organic -- the news again next three. The only change gonna get a -- but as we bring them. I'm looking here just for kicks at a 95 Geo Metro on the -- hardest thing dissident former. This is the veil of its -- An attorney ABS sensor -- a high tech part that was kind of new its aero on a car it's pretty old now you know this is a fifteen year old car here they are. There's one for every we'll there's a bunch of different choices they're not cheap. But I don't know what media centric off than when he's not looking Regis excuse 7200 bucks so -- -- there's a high tech part there. And see if there's like an engine control unit normally and that's not so that -- cells but. We may get lucky Euro and 95 geo -- -- -- pumpkin shaped thing. And -- I've ever heard of NEC and feeling like something -- actually replace. They do sometimes because the -- old -- units you -- -- -- the planning anything for the we Avian cesium that's what you some of the old the four WC. For the early modules they were kind of I've replaced the moment wagon a couple times. That's an 88 and those are you can't buy new ones anymore. But you know there's a perfect example of his question there's a thriving market to even refurbished those even though they're nothing but electronics. So there's always a cottage industry for a popular -- -- the key here is if you're gonna gonna card you want to last long time make sure it's not niche. Because then you're gonna have aftermarket support problems but a TI common car and Toyota camera and there's gonna be tons -- always harder for that. Yeah I had one -- 89 that -- 275000. -- the great and the transmission wins but I mean new transmission it continue to run and. But he could have commented yet rebuilt Ringo elected from an Apple cover from some dude every -- -- under a tree you know he's rated solitude. So yeah via popular -- you want to last forever the polls as important as buying a good car so -- what's -- -- -- my oldest one is the 68 Fiat and I'll tell you. Parts for batteries because they're made out of you know it joint go to our good -- new ones this is what's that -- -- -- -- -- -- ago. But I leave my 88 wagon I had to replace that engine control module to the only computer in a car that old. They had to scrounge around they found some dude -- and rebuild them and that's what we did beat him by -- anybody could finally kind knowledge examples of -- in the car you find the key is maintenance. Immunity of a lot of people have cars they never easy oil -- -- it's easier filter in and something happened in their like on the -- -- and -- but I think you're less weight and you edit it and here is what -- these -- obsolescence can you find the high tech parts in an old car and there is an odd and there's a lot -- what this annual car hobby these days about we -- gonna have classic cars in the future like we do today. There's the there's not enough of a business who's gonna set up a little cottage industry in their home making new. What -- -- electronic components. But it's hard to do it whereas anyone can can be you know anyone -- a machinist can make anything for a 1950 whatever. It's it to be good machines but not anyone can make electronics but then again that's changing to tomorrow's after market. Cottage industry may be run by electrical engineers not some -- it was a mechanical in navy and -- tomorrow after monetize it cottage industry in India -- -- meeting new technology tools are well that's the thing up again when the day we courtesy of mass availability of electric conversion kits for old parts yet as admissions standards -- to squeeze them off the -- California's -- -- -- letters every year one inspector whatever they're -- Victoria. Because they just see it as a database of -- 1969 for this needs to come off the road and they and they don't know give you 500 dollars for. But a video of I think you were to electric almost like -- just wineries here for in LaMont I just. A as we go on -- -- Wayne shopping question from Steve -- looking for. All right Steve is asking is disease that purchase and and I used car and you some advice -- says -- -- 2007 or 06 or no way to. And a must be a manual. He's stared it down to the -- 35 Infiniti G 35 the accurate T Al where the Honda Accord coupe. Eyes leaning -- the G 35. But he was in new England and he's a little worried about the rear wheel drive in the snow and also the fuel economy. I -- -- trim levels CNET styling -- -- electronics. So I checked out I love know that Steve the IG 35. They actually made that in an all wheel drive version. The threat yet so that's not a -- you know -- worry about that as much and also -- your modern stability and traction control. Those actually can function as well as all wheel drive. Yeah -- -- once you get into a slippery situation no matter what you're driving and if you lose grip you lose grip. But to the the modern electronic data track -- stability control of those actually and I was actually talking to Hyundai engineered yesterday -- have pretty much the same thing that. You know modern traction from -- stability control would do -- it just as good -- all wheel drive. They a -- -- neutrality and better I'm sure -- ready no this living in New England but -- higher levels is good tires so much more than any holes that system will do because. The mortgage you have the better but when that. Right east of swapping out your wheels ever ever -- I'm -- you gotta set up on the wall the garage for -- rice is a must be a main I didn't notice that when this first came through which case I would -- From away from the -- that I replied that I just like the court building -- -- better value. But he didn't mention wanting it to be such a hot rod as much as you want it to be well equipped which you can do within -- -- agree. Driver's car but and I -- but the TL such a great manual PLS. -- -- -- sporty car here and obviously from the selections it's definitely. He wants on the -- sporty sedan and an accord to -- that's answer clue. But the add the manual on the TO is actually really get to a great idea really like that that manual transmission and yeah yeah big winner there so there's some advice on that those are all very good -- in the TLG 35 very competitive court's gonna -- oddball there it's kind of a different classic car. Yes though I I do think for the year he's looking at the infinity probably has better cap and yes because the TL widow while -- -- the that infinity. The of the -- TL. They only recently was -- two others that crummy Honda head unit for the longest time all right so 2009 model they actually updated their -- and I'm being made it a lot that in the current TL has. Yeah great cabin tech that's real -- yeah. A KG 35 that's the way to go you can find that accidents all wheel drive to argue that in the Nazi guard. Okay equivalent here of mortgage or all cards of the week fast becoming a perfect -- -- I don't know about you -- -- use cards have been submitted but. Mark rights and enjoy the show good -- second and -- you have got this request before actually we hadn't so thank you. But can you put the pics of the law all cars -- a link so we can see them without watching -- video for those that just get the audio version. I try to fast for them in the video version but that doesn't work well -- -- so. Our capital link in the show notes when you put them somewhere so -- -- -- And up and deal with that what -- you gonna do we're gonna study -- flights there after the suit today. And it will put the link in show notes -- -- and while that it will be legally able to go there and he went. The -- -- the week. And often the last week that it's another step toward getting sued that -- -- be a place to really go on the -- that we ridiculed public. -- license plates visible it probably if you're allowed to take it -- your it department will license plate you want privacy don't go get your car public road but there any radio contact us at CBS 500 Broadway. New York, New York that are attorneys are standing by waiting for you are all well. Well it for seven with that in mind amber that's it will also -- -- car's name -- -- ideas on that but moderator role that I just yet. -- -- -- all cars this week and normally we'll have some -- music playing right here. Let's see we got folks quick blast through some of the most horrid cars you have seen on the road that you forwarded to us that that we -- walk arts segment. Every week let's see we've got this one coming in from chase who's in Dallas he talks -- this. -- -- -- -- where they keep doing that Camry with a special wooden spoiler. Now if you're watching on the video version of me trying get this in the center here it's a little hard to see in this photo equipment better want somebody made a plywood. Winning great big fast and furious -- -- another photo of that one here and I mean it's horrifying. It comes another picture that uses a little better shot. That's really wrong. -- -- about two feet of of the -- couple plywood struts. And a couple of like shark -- on the side. -- really -- the pain of blue I don't think so because it -- screws in the -- to do the union I really hope they flooding at -- last name is right. Got a brother and let -- cool okay from operations the LA who did that electric Z Joe. He sends in this one this is our -- of the week I think this one boy in late seventies impala or something we've got here big Chrome face on it. What are those wanting to lose. They'll often -- -- -- and once fallen over to him aside there now awesome. Huge yellow with a green convertible top. Well worth the step -- to -- -- that there you need it there's no two ways about it -- -- you -- -- that -- without climbed. While okay that's about 54 feet off the ground alright Joe thank you that's beautiful interview that current -- she was well. Here's another one Frederick writes that it is all it puts in the messages. We all live in -- yellow submarine. Yeah we do here's a re -- -- boasts the USE. But give it painted it up with the stripes and the -- from the yellow sub believes a bunch of like 46 and three -- PVC. To me at risk groups on the -- -- what is that model what are they take -- Nice is valiant and out of nine political as -- are horrible thing Aries and Aries over the he's gonna rudder on the trumpeted noticed that the first. I adding that curb your model I think -- this is wrong -- why wow. Okay so that's that that that scare Klein let's see who else we got here of all cars this week to tell you folks -- gotta get the video over you know what you're missing. Here's one from Troy who. Thanks in Dayton on it wouldn't kind of created -- -- -- -- -- -- it's every panel of the school bus to different caller and what appears to be. I don't know what's on this thing it's. It looks like the -- lifeboats in the Titanic. At the Partridge Family -- it is part of -- but now there -- I've blocked the windows so unspeakable can go on inside of us it isn't the Partridge Family bus. Plus heroin we've -- on the road for forty years the Internet that things have gotten little weird it's a little quicker the road. Jason green has got a Pontiac G six for us that in many cases can be bad enough. But the one he sends it it's adult it's a -- six don't. Sega do this to the to the darker they do color key the wheels -- I mean these guys get it right. Nice perfect butterscotch metallic. It's wrong way. Very wrong actually. -- -- -- -- -- You readable we'll get him on the united Catholics they go and they cut the with the got to become apparent there's no way that this is gonna fitting in -- -- -- -- wheels are huge. Here is from somewhere in Texas this comes in promising -- -- is coming in from. Ed Ed thank you and it's at the -- Lena Illinois. Let's see ads that this guy and this is a is a chicken. Grafted onto -- -- -- an old Toronto or. What hell is that BR. The beer it's -- it's from largest chicken shack in Lena -- at all if you know -- chicken shack. Don't email us just don't go there. Alan he had written in its its its its its second lack homeless -- this has to with a chicken -- he's got a full set of feathers on the trunk. And the chicken head comes up off the roof about five feet and going to be -- with its chicken they're just they're built for speed that -- yeah it's -- he's got an eighties -- that has chicken grafted to it that's really -- formula. And it's good that they don't fly to exit your car up in the air is getting about forty miles negative per gallon don't think you're of that car and that an impediment -- one more here Roger -- on -- sends this one and just outside of Winnipeg Canada. And -- on garage -- this this frightens me this is like the Partridge Family -- heroin bust. It's a hard one -- those little Mitsubishi and -- bring -- this country. IDC in the Caribbean and Asia we have to. -- hobby horses from those little machines in the front of a grocery store back in the day. Ran into the front Chrome fender. Parked illegally with a citation under the wiper. And one note stories this story is -- -- story with a here sell equipment. And -- Yeah -- -- -- they read the story going look at it is partly because -- is a very good idea. Yeah playground or something that's of the Longley. That is that's the right and in our approach to check out the -- cars are first edition of the slight shall go up by after the show and -- see this one from Winnipeg. It's the most deeply disturbing that the little Mitsubishi's black. Like in the windows equipment it is he's on the side. The be extended its reach Andy. And I cut -- it. It's all under federal law -- Mood okay keep those walk ours common heartsick at while I'm of you folks -- -- -- -- board dime here it's great. Okay so let's get to our -- take a look now at the real world -- more useful it well but listening -- that is. Going on the road you know the -- that VW has to get right year after year is the one that sells almost half of all they're going in the US by itself a single model. And it's now available in an all new completely redone version -- -- take -- for arrive in the all new 2011. VW Jetta -- CL. -- a little bit of -- that's mostly due to the manual transmission that I vehicles equipped with -- to get an automatic. It's really a five speed manual so. Now get as much you know you'll get optimum. -- your choice out of it. It does. Feel -- if this manual transmission. Close bill does have a super long. The -- -- your -- will travel almost an entire -- before it it's. The bottom of the travel and but I mean it does feel good they're really engagement on this thing. -- the vehicle suit -- transmission well. Yeah I really like the -- this transmission because it's really easy to 500 years. Yeah and it just seems to got a naturally going to figure you want whether you're slowing down and it sits down -- for you or whether you're speeding up and it's it's on the right -- year. But all things to work pretty perfectly. Now this is connected up to a 2.5 liter five cylinder engine which isn't the fastest thing around but united it's adequate for this car. And mileage I was -- about thirty miles reality the -- so that's. One thing that makes this are really of value and -- get -- cars it's gotten out of an amazing. Set of cabin tech here. We've got a navigation system that's obviously an option. It's a really simple navigation system it's flash based. And it's it's a lot like diamonds -- -- Tom -- Yeah -- dreamed about things that look like Iverson since during there. Maybe even smaller and that left find it interesting is that this is the German car with a touch screen which is something we don't usually see. You have the little knob here that allows you to -- -- access most parts of the mean -- but you also have the ability to it will not on the map. Took surrounding -- -- to access some parts of the interface. Yeah it's really interesting -- that and I think that may come from whatever -- partnered with Apple for this. But it you can't do everything -- hard controls to it does not -- to buttons on the side. Other they -- it'll tedious entering in that addresses. A they have -- -- this new. Rotary style menu. It's really it's actually pretty nice looking and very functional. So we got a big tech we've got updated exterior looks and or in our daily -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- power train options. Overall -- you think about it. Well you know you mentioned the exterior looks and I would say there element in Unix news it's -- -- -- the very boring over but he exterior of the star. We'll -- boring eventually concern that -- most -- it would oh. But I mean I think that it's it's a safe look doesn't look bad. That -- did it actually -- worse. Over the years that certain iteration. Can't really complain too much about that right yeah a little bit of people who don't really want a -- that stands out. Only -- needed it parking lot. -- focus meets specific is what I thought on the Friday. Little mismatch of both and I like it -- it it I can see where you get the kind of book. And electric in the headlights yeah yeah it's got that -- grill. You know very idea decides to really. And very -- smooth metal I mean I think that smooth metal is a very modern. Design yeah -- yeah but I also think it's it's buoyant. From the family -- but it -- Its side and -- -- and don't do it any favors I thought the face was kind of a nice looking car of those present in car from the three quarter front and then when you -- on the back it's like hmm. And then -- a picture the rear here years this is it is and it's it's the Euro spec car but that's the rear end of that -- in case you're watching Apple's size I'd do -- the C -- actually when Clinton BMW three theory. A little although yeah I'm not as much when it's one person for some reason -- But overall it's a more grown up looking -- you can there's always been it's always been a chick car in in popular iconography and now I think -- can actually be seen as well. Nice looking. More. Grown up. -- never got it cheap car -- now it's -- Bay Area thing I think it's a total -- -- -- in this and the -- area. -- The food bolster -- type it's that maybe it's. It's California but. It never was a -- you call him. Yeah I'll agree with that particularly back when they were just went octave -- it's really angular but I did earlier generate a last generation. I think was probably going to be the best look -- mean named a new and is it's definitely a handsome looking -- I mean I really wanted people play and move away from. The kind of anonymous look at it seems like they're kind of just moving that they're there they're headed toward opening. You can feel lot of the kind of Audi influences a little bit if you look at brand but -- again. Kind of boring. What a what a planet Christine is that they got rid of the big Chrome grille surround that the use to have well so -- -- today as I didn't like that so much but Audi is actually more emphasizing their their big grill look. -- Hughes at eight yeah I -- -- the car was the real. So -- You know it's it in the zone guys on the different design -- to -- going on and Volkswagen doesn't really have very consistent design across. Their models users so what they're getting there with the scores of -- a lot like the CC company oversees one. And looks more like what we're thinking there's another model there's they've recently read -- looks a lot there's trying to get this is their language we were shot here in -- the three quarter view of the new -- This and as a different Chrome trim around the space that Arctic. That looks really good I got -- I think that's a -- looking car and I think it's a fine looking car and overall it's a very -- package. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes. -- that you wrote that to a -- is gonna be a nice step up for the power train. You know and noticeably more high tech than that the 2.5 five cylinder yet that'll be in the G ally which we don't get until next a year early next year I think is that that's coming out yeah we'll get the we'll get the 20. TGI late this year -- -- next year hybrid when he twelfth at it yet hybrids going to be interesting to have embarrassed. Unusual -- now the cabin tech and that car I did like that is a nice it's solid package. All. And standard and sclc which is very cool. Although this -- does cost about 22 grand so but thirteen hundred less than the yes -- it last year. -- is the weaker opinion and yet -- VW's trying to get -- bigger mass market. You know it's nice hitting those points having navigation Bluetooth cell phone system in -- a great Bluetooth cell phone system. It has that voice command system where you can say you know called judo and -- -- that you. Person's name written. And so that that's a good thing. IPod integration Bluetooth that streaming it'll all work pretty well -- the nav system though is very very basic no traffic. No -- know whether -- not know. Football score Anderson -- serious travel stuff even -- it has serious it does -- the serious traveling technology in there. It was only missing in terms of media over anything -- an iPod cable which we had an -- you can also get a USB. Jack cable or an -- don't -- -- -- in the head unit. So it almost anything you want for media you can actually get on your -- have in the -- That was nice -- surprised with a Bluetooth streaming. Out the end the -- unit worked well -- with simple. But it looked good it was pretty quick it I couldn't lose it on week -- I would drive all over the place -- -- just -- -- in the second reroute. Last base rate classified and that that -- -- student right along remind me and he current. Network. -- all Irene did yeah only the top down view notes and yet metric. And hundreds treaty is there yet but treaty rendering but there's a -- Yeah but I thought a -- really good quick response. It was almost like been meaning it is really would come back on touch response to elements in the the voice -- pretty well. This is the core of the 170 horsepower hundreds of -- several pounds -- -- I couldn't find about Apple. Yeah is there are sluggish and I'm missing something I mean 170 -- great 177 pound -- of -- good -- did but this card is now -- -- and Powell and the previous year jet that was much -- and what happened is that a case -- like all the powers like right at the Red Line and that's -- -- downloading those numbers where the -- crap out of -- get the power it -- above 3000 -- so you start to get a nice -- beta by then you're needing to shift I didn't find an engine to be as smooth -- a lot of the Japanese -- at least is -- isolated. So is like you're grinding -- to stop stop Austin. But -- prom with a five speed manual transmissions here is that. -- of the way it shifted but those years weren't. Yeah and the -- warrants and set rightward and yes you can really take advantage of keeping those that are PMs yeah this this the that the spacing on the gears didn't seem right never had a good time drug it was it was an appliance to me. Good handling but it from the power trying to look like and whatever but when it figures -- -- Read what you back -- -- -- car what with the -- with a sixteen and the this during Apple's lack and it's you I think the whole idea is that it's easy to drive. And that's what they want he I think they've changed the personality for this generation as they chase. -- -- -- they're chasing civic with this and I -- -- chasing correlates to which you know. I that's a shame because the jet it was always seen as being a more upscale car than those competitors but they're envious of their numbers. And they're going after him by lowering the price. I think making it a little less of a driver's car. -- will be w.'s only about 5% of the US market and they've been wanna -- -- wanna -- bad yet they really envy those mass market. Economy car but not super small ones it has been -- -- confidently. Not AG anymore of the city. Greet him driving army sort of just sold because it was always that deals -- far for nude in mind and they always posted at a great driving car driving -- suggest -- always felt really good. But this -- -- of the perky and in the transmission was fine although every time you went for gear shift. You get that. Grind. And then you -- also on the steering wheel and you also -- and it's in the your -- they do this didn't isolate the power tremble and Mac are which don't have to. -- -- to become a plus card do you Japanese -- things really well even in a you know a Mitsubishi with a twin clutch. Or Genesis coupe but they keep things isolated in smooth which makes the car -- faster and tighter and this and to -- what -- that. Migration publicist. And I'm -- -- -- I'm not a huge fan of that drug -- -- -- 2000 like Wayne says. Plus destinations -- it's about one means. 3000 dollar car. Yet you get -- sixteen and you get the base model and that's it can -- price for -- probably enough and and often. Now they -- of the interior. Plastic was much more prevalent than in past Janis little wanna hold that was -- -- -- hard candy shell which is -- They also dumb down the breakthrough drums that are disks for this year the stability control is simple doesn't have any profiles you can even -- -- off. That the cheapening the in the got rid of electric -- -- went back the hydraulic. Live rear axles that it independent these are all steps they took from last -- jetted to bring down the cost the year giving up a lot of stuff that made the -- You know a great handling German car at least in the marketing its its. -- -- -- -- this is change in the journalism program that made the right moves but. Not -- I think they'll be trying to fight against the new focus to -- and the focus yeah -- different experience. That's that's gonna be a big battle -- them. So anyway Jetta is gonna scar but -- -- -- we like the the toys more than the driving better improvement on the head unit and emails. They can -- much enthusiasm governor access well we got bombed out on the -- -- at that whoa okay the area around those who aren't so you can hook what is Lego up by the way out of that's up it's up -- -- -- reviews up. And Mitchell -- -- going -- business. Okay okay it's ridiculous into -- live -- -- it's going up soon after listening to -- on demand up so. Go check our review and a look at the video on the 2011 VW -- very popular car lots of folks. While consider this -- -- -- -- coronary class it's always on the list. So love bill but we waiting for your cars dot all of our reviews are there it's a -- check that out. That's it for the show this week folks a quick check of what's in our -- -- garage. For this week just couple cars right now of -- -- for you next week of course that -- is new and also about to go up because we're driving it now. Is the 2011. Infiniti G 37 convertible. Which may qualify for two awards went off the bat one of them is you know sexiest newcomer with a retractable top -- the other one is. Smallest trunk. I'll will rail on that next week and it's. I think I I can't get started -- -- make me nuts anyway that's what's in the garage now. That's the first of this week thanks for joining us -- -- -- -- this show lives car tech dot show notes to their back shows all that's that you wanna catch up on. Email us send us those all cars and your comments or questions whatever may be -- tech at -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And were all on Twitter -- you know we have today. Brian Cooley is me Duane C underscore -- -- doctor Cunningham and you'll find Antuan the master of it can't do any NT GO OO. We'll talk -- next week thanks.

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