GameSpot's The Lobby: The best 2016 PlayStation 4 games at PSX
GameSpot's The Lobby: The best 2016 PlayStation 4 games at PSX

GameSpot's The Lobby: The best 2016 PlayStation 4 games at PSX

Gaming Hardware
[MUSIC] Let's talk about Playstation Experience. Sure. I was just on over the weekend. We were all there playing whatever games we could, playing triple a games, playing indie games. Let's go down the couch. Alexis, first of all, what were some of the games that sort of stood out to you at PSX? Reds Okay. I played res on the vr. I don't I get motion sick so I don't play vr games. I played it with the Morpheus and I didn't get sick. And I'm really happy. Playstation vr. So I really like res. I know you had a very interesting res experience. Good point. [LAUGH] So there was a back room. Yes. I think you wore this too. I tried to get in. Yeah okay. And they were like its booked out. Really? You want to wear the trans vibrator suit [LAUGH] You've gotta book ahead. Yeah so [UNKNOWN] being the crazy person that he is built a suit with 26 different vibrators on it and you went in and played Resin VR with the suit vibrating in time to everything that's happening. Happening and he was secretly taking video of me while I was in the [INAUDIBLE] I couldn't see or hear anything and it's him just dancing up on me, and it's up on my Twitch, it's hilarious. It's just [UNKNOWN] like yeah you like that [UNKNOWN], you enjoy it. Was he doing that to everyone but you're the only one that's got evidence. I think I'm one of the few people that has evidence of him doing it but I think he did for a couple other people yeah. I like how at the end of this present he just Pulled the mask off, and I go, look, it's the Miz, and he's like, waves, and then just shuts off. Yeah, it's just like I'm gone. Yeah, you just saw that, right? [LAUGH] All right, I'm out, enjoy. What I love about it is it lends itself so well, like you were saying, to VR in terms of motion sickness and everything, because of the aesthetic of it. When you're in these hyper realistic worlds, or you play something like a drive club, cuz they had Dive Club there as well. That really sets off your inner ear and your sense of balance and your sense of oh this isn't real. You know what I mean? With something like res or Super Hyper Cube Because of the aesthetic of it, and the feeling of openness. And also, I think, because it's third person in VR. Yeah, I think that's it, [INAUDIBLE]. It makes you a little less sick. Yeah. [INAUDIBLE] One step removed, in a way [INAUDIBLE]. And we'll get into the VR stuff in a little while. And some of the other sort of big name games that we saw. A game that I didn't play for a while, but I got a demonstration of, and so did you, as well. Media Molecule's Dream. Dream. What did you think of it? It's really interesting. I mean it's the next logical progression of what they were trying to do with Little Big Planet, Planet 2. Focusing very much on creation, creation tools. Empowering players to sort of make their own experiences. Although in talking to developers, they told me that there will be sort of a campaign sorts. A lot of created content. That exists with you know a sort of beginning and an end, the same way there was in Little Big Planet. I mean- But it's kind of there to teach you how to use the tools rather than. It definitely seems that way, yeah. And that part was not on display. They were mainly showing off the creation tools. But they were explaining that you know, [INAUDIBLE] to this, but [INAUDIBLE] very adamant that everything in the, sort of, campaign portion of the game will be created with the same tools that they're giving the players it's not like they're doing something on their end with their coding and specific stuff there. They're using the exact same tools they're giving everyone else to create their own campaign. So, in theory you could create Something just as robust or detailed or rich or even story driven as what they intend to create [CROSSTALK] players. It's funny, because that's such a fascinating thing. And every time they demo it, they've been doing these regular dev streams. Every time they demo it, they create something completely different with it. And I think it's sort of helping their cause and hurting their cause, in a way, because it's hard to pin down and explain to somebody within 30 seconds what Dreams is and why you need it, and why you want it. I think it's very fascinating to people who are artists or creators. Like, they immediately are like, oh, I just want to touch this thing and use this thing. But when you're explaining to somebody who wants to play a game like What do I do with dreams? Yeah. How do I use it? What am I doing with this thing. And they're like, whatever you want. And it's like, I don't know. It's almost like they made a tool and not a game. It kind of feels like they've been in application development for the past couple years. Cuz they've made this tool set. And I was really taken aback by how Enjoyable, the process of making actually seem to be alike. Yeah, like looking at Bob, looking at many people watch Bob Ross on [UNKNOWN] painting. I could watch somebody use this, who's like good at using it. In comparison, actually two of them when I was talking to them they were explaining how they wanted to make it accessible, wanted everyone just, Feel like they were creating something worthwhile, and not feel like they were failing to create. And in, in talking about that, it did make me think of Bob Ross and sort of his approach to painting. And, and they said, yeah, absolutely. They agreed that that was a good analogy for what they're sort of trying to do. And then they also were, were fully open about, yeah this is It's really about creation, I mean it's not a traditional game like we're used to seeing. Mm. It's not like oh I can pick this up and you know play six hours and then I'm done. It is more of a creation system. And one thing that I thought was really fascinating that they pointed out is you're going to be able to save whatever you create as a 3D image file and then print it on a 3D printer. Yeah. What?! You can make characters What? In the game. This thing is too crazy! And 3-D print them. As long as you have access to [UNKNOWN]. You can import them into. So you can, if you wanted to you can use Dreams as just like a toy creation system. Yeah. And like, I just wanna create a thing I can put on my desk. That's great! It's not a game, it's a toy creation tool. Fine, that's how you wanna treat it. So they use standard. Wow! Because like 3-D modeling is essentially standardized, you can also like import this stuff into Maya if you want to. Yeah like it's so alike in work. Yeah. They were saying that a big part of it is sharing, you letting people [INAUDIBLE], if you just want to be a character creator, you can do that and then other people can take what you create, put it in their own games or print it for themselves. So, it really is about empowering players to create and not so much acting as a traditional video game. So, if you wanted to [INAUDIBLE] it as a creation tool system then I think that's A perfectly valid perspective on what dreams actually is. Although, again yet, that is not super easy to communicate- Yeah. Quickly or easily or sexily. It's weird, I was super cold on those until I saw them doing that stuff. And it's completely turned me around. [UNKNOWN] super cool. The level of Customization and just the things you can do. It's incredible the detail that you put into things. It looks like they really that sort of, that search. I remember when you were able to search in Little Big Planet 3 for like everything. And the search system was so good and they really applied that to Dreams in an interesting way. When they were doing the onstage demos, they were like I'm making a monster but I don't like drawing eyes. I'm bad at eyes. So we had to look up eyes and we're gonna see all of them. And here's a guy who makes nothing but eyes, and here's a guy who lists himself as a guy who makes nothing but monster parts. And so you can like mix and match from all these people who all ready do amazing things. It's interesting because it's going to be, it's gonna live and die based on this community. And what it winds up being, whether it winds up being a game or a creation tool, or whatever, Is going to be totally dependent on what the highest number of people's doing with it which I think is also interesting. Did you see [INAUDIBLE] go one way where its like oh the first couple weeks it's all [INAUDIBLE] and then it pulls in this other direction. Yeah, it's going to be super interesting. [INAUDIBLE] though and [INAUDIBLE] worked for Minecraft as well and then little big [INAUDIBLE] and I think that there is [INAUDIBLE] to succeed although you're very right. It is very dependent on what community does with it and that will dictate how the experience evolved. Definitely [INAUDIBLE] we've got a bunch of games to cover. Uncharted for as well among things we saw it's a tell tail game. Dialogue street. Yeah. I want to know how that impacted. I love the idea I'm all about dialogue street, I love tell tail, I love Like the Deux Ex game is maxed, all that kind of stuff. But I wanna know if it has a tangible impact on games. Does it need to? Are people really gonna remember that? Okay so this dialogue choice right here is the one that they showed off, and you're right. It's kind of like- Which Uncharted did you like the best? Yeah, how's that gonna change things? Yeah but who cares? Yeah, I think they were just kinda showing off, hey this is in there now without showing off. Yeah, definitely. So I need to know more like how is this impacting the game and the way that Narrative to convey to players. Like, if it doesn't, that's fine, right? Yeah. But then why do it? Like, if it's something to keep you engaged. It feels strange if it's not gonna have a, a broader impact. I just want to know more. [LAUGH] It could be one of those things that, where it's subtle, you know? Where it's one of those deals Deals where it doesn't look like, because David Cages stuff is kind of like that too where you make a choice and it doesn't feel like it's affected anything, but then if you go back and you play again you're like oh that was really subtle, what a change. Tell tail does that really well Well sometimes too. I like that it's Nathan Drake like no to republic or importer, exporter or something. [INAUDIBLE] Drake. [INAUDIBLE] like filling out papers and he's just grumbling. This was a great nerd of choice on the writers part though because we are so used to seeing Nathan doing these spectacular things,dangling off a train, you know. We're so used to seeing him in precarious position that putting him in the most mundane setting possible is [CROSSTALK] And it such a good like rubber banding of the conflict that has always been between Nate and Elena too. Were it's just kinda like dude it's like slow your role for five minutes and then like okay maybe he finally does for a few years and let's see what's done to their marriage. Yeah And then he's late for dinner because he's talking to his brother. [CROSSTALK] Like family slowed him down. [CROSSTALK] Oh wait, my wife, she's at home waiting for me. I love that. He's like, oh wait, I'm married. [LAUGH] Like that's such a, that's such a Nate Drake line too. He's like, oh by the way, I've got this wife. [LAUGH] She hangs out sometimes and screams at me not to jump into pirate ships. [LAUGH] We also got to see a bunch more of Far Cry Primal as well. Yeah. We've seen a few moments earlier. We finally played it and know what it is. Yeah, yeah. Was it playable there? Yeah. Yeah I actually played in the bin. How good for. They had a bunch of kiosks set up. I think it's the game play videos that people are seeing on Game Spot and other sites. In effect it was the same portion that was playable on the show floor. Right. But yeah just a quick taste of like it just drops you into the world and says okay go kill some stuff it'll be fun and I jumped on a wooly mammoth and was riding that around. Right. You charge at stuff and. Yeah, I mean it's [INAUDIBLE] the beast master. You can ride something, and if it won't let you ride it, you can kill it. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] And somewhere in between for you. Yeah. So, when I was talking to JS about it, he's the narrative designer of it [INAUDIBLE] I love that they're kinda like stripping away more and more of the things that I feel like sort of got in my way in Far Cry in getting these things that I really love. So like Far Cry 3, you think about like, oh I want that bear to eat those dudes, but in order for that bear to eat those dudes, I've gotta unlock this thing and throw some whatever, and like yeah, and really make it happen. In this one it's just kind of like, be a bear. Yeah. All I want to see is the bear kill a bunch of dudes, can we make this happen? Honey badgers, too. Yeah. You can be friends with the honey badger, now, that awful honey badger. There's like seventeen different animals. I like that you do kind of like a Hoo Hoo and a giant prehistoric death owl comes down, it's really Yeah. An insanely large owl, did you use it to like kill anybody? You can upgrade the owl. People destroy people, it's a brutal animation. Mission. And you can upgrade it to throw like poison bombs too. Yeah you can really bomber owl looks great. Because of why that's they're really making it just everything I want out of a Far Cry. Yeah. He was showing me a part where they go to where he's hunting you know he's hunting an animal And as he' about to shoot it just like an eagle randomly comes down and takes the animal. [LAUGH] And he's like I guess I don't get that animal. And I'm like what just happened? He's like eagle ate it man. [LAUGH] I'm like huh? He's like. Just line from the priest on there. Yeah he's like this This is the way it is. I'm just, this is gonna be so good. Wow. Does it seem like a sort of Blood Dragon-y size game or does it, it's hard to tell in those types of animations but? Yeah, I think they're looking to make it as big as four was. Cool. As big as three was. And other things that they streamlined too. He said no radio towers, nothing like that. You walk- You know what's gonna happen? Like, I **** miss the radio towers. I'm just walking around. It's got elements. I'm just walking around, unlocking the map as I go. This is stupid. Where are the radio towers? [INAUDIBLE] no one's ever going to say that [INAUDIBLE]. [LAUGH] l Well, I will. Really? Big radio tower fan? [LAUGH] Editing [INAUDIBLE], any indy games, any big stuff? Oh sure, [INAUDIBLE] still looked amazing [CROSSTALK] Back up radio tower [CROSSTALK] Radio tower. [INAUDIBLE] very predominately [INAUDIBLE] It looks good, I like that it's sort of realistic but Not like the animation cell's very cartoony. Like Yeah. the guy you're playing as has like really meaty hands. Mm-hm. [LAUGH] Meaty cartoon hands. No, it looks great. Yeah. It's beautiful. And it Wow. just gets more and more beautiful every time I see it. Mm. Which is great because it has that same basic cartoony style, Mm-hm. but every time I go back, it's just like a little more layered. A little more beautiful. We still have very little idea what it actually is. Yep. Hm. That's fine. Whatever. I guess we'll know soon. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] It seems like kind of kind of like a couple of steps up from what we've seen of the, you know, to be productive at walking similar genre. Mm-hm. This feels. This one feels like you've a little bit more urgency, but it's not. It doesn't feel like a big Yeah. open world to me. Lots, and lots Yeah. of things Like, somewhere in the middle, it kind of feels like- Yeah, you have a lot, like there's an instance, I know the one that we've seen over and over and over is the one with the boom box- Yeah. Where can either throw the boom box in the lake or like, take it and like, yell at them or what not. But I was talking to Sean Bannaman, when I went to play it, and it sounds like there will be a lot of choices like that, and what you do will sort of influence how like, the area pans out. Okay, [INAUDIBLE] Or maybe like how people react to you or how Delilah talks to you Yeah. What's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And by the way. If Sean [UNKNOWN] sounds familiar but people aren't totally sure who are watching, that's the guy who wrote season one of The Walking Dead for [UNKNOWN]. Oh, yeah. So that gives me a lot of faith in what [CROSSTALK] this project could [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. They got Nels Anderson on game design. Yeah! He's the guy at Clay who made Mark of the Ninja. Oh wow! So yeah. They got, it's a team [CROSSTALK] that knows their stuff, yeah. [UNKNOWN] know what they're doing. Let's talk about the show stopper on the press conference Paragon. Yeah. Paragon. [CROSSTALK] Then it's like it entered the show, it sort of felt like a whimper. And it was like oh that's it. It's [CROSSTALK] Right, where are they gonna [UNKNOWN] Okay. I don't [UNKNOWN] Fair enough. [LAUGH] And you can go play it now, I think? You think [UNKNOWN] engine launcher or- Yeah, yeah. There's an alpha, there's an alpha access right now. I don't know if that's limited access, or everybody's open. I don't know how that's working. It's very interesting to me, it's very interesting to me in sort of the same way like one of the dungeon defenders. The dungeon defenders is basically tower defence, but because they are switching up the perspective into more of a first person action perspective I enjoy dungeon defenders more than I enjoy a power defense game and I think that's what they're looking to try to do with [INAUDIBLE]. Because I think Moba's are sort of shrouded in this layer of sort of jargon and you know people who are really into them. It's a very like insular community. Yeah. But I think when you watch a moba you're kind of like I get the basic idea of what's going on. Like I understand the lanes. I understand that we're both trying to get to like this other side. I get it but there are all these things that kind of complicate and remove I think most people from Moba's. Everything from You know that community that I was talking about to the perspective. Like the top down click only perspective. Yeah. It feels like when I like a strategy game or. Yeah, exactly. So I think they're trying to be like no this is a really fun type of game. This is an amazing game for teams of people, for groups of friends. So let's see if we can make that accessible and fun and awesome looking for people. I'm kind of willing to give it a shot after playing Overwatch and enjoying it so much. Yeah. Because that's the game that really broke me out of oh this is straight up a first person MOBA. And it's probably the best first-person game I've played this year. I mean like, I adore [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. So hopefully we're cracking that nut. And the MOBA, which is quite reductive and may be expanding into other things. And we're running a bit long on this. Any other shoutouts to games that you guys play that you wanna make sure you mention? Shoutouts to video games everybody. [LAUGH] Edith Finch. Enjoy them video games. Love you doll. Oh Edith Finch, yeah. Actually very cool [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. Bound looked amazing. Yeah. Bound [INAUDIBLE] continues to actually seem like a pretty cool game even though no one seems that interested in it. We have a little game called [INAUDIBLE], it was really good. Head liner is really good. [CROSSTALK] There's a bunch of [INAUDIBLE] stuff which we're going to talk about in just a second. Actually so. Oh. [CROSSTALK] I wish we could rattle off a ton of things. But if you want more PSX, go to We got all that stuff right there. [CROSSTALK] second to talk about virtual reality games and to let us know if you, do you think are some of the games, that you as a viewer on the internet found entertaining and expiring of Playstation experience.

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