Ep. 956: Zombie Pirate BotMacs
Ep. 956: Zombie Pirate BotMacs

Ep. 956: Zombie Pirate BotMacs

[ music ] ^m00:00:04 >> Today is Monday April 20, 2009. >> I'm Natalie del Conte. >> I'm Wilson Tang. >> I'm Jason Howell. >> Welcome to Buzz Out Loud, CNET's podcast of indeterminate length. This is episode 956. >> Yeah, welcome... although kind of sort of, because we're running way late and we're having all sorts of technical issues. I'm looking forward to normalcy. >> We seem to have a lot of tech issues lately, so apologize to the people who don't listen live and then listen later, and you're like what the heck is wrong with you guys? Yeah, it does seem like we're falling apart at the seams, but I promise you we are putting it together as fast as humanly possible. >> I'd like to actually personally thank Jason Howell for coming out here to New York to fix this place up. I know we had some issues but... >> Yeah, still working those things out. We'll see if we can kind of improve the situation. But you're welcome, it was my pleasure. >> Well Sun Microsystems has an improved situation. They are now being purchased by Oracle for 7.4 million dollars. Originally we thought IBM was gonna be the big buyer on this, but IBM talks dropped a couple weeks ago, so Oracle has swooped in with a cool 7.4 mil. >> Yeah they're offering 9.4 dollars per share? Not actually that much better than the original IBM. Looks like IBM offered... actually Oracle offered 9 and a half dollars, IBM offered 9 and 40 cents. >> So it's very marginal. And I mean, quite a bit more than what Sun's closing price is. It looks like it's 6.69 as of Friday, so ultimately it's more than they could have expected. >> Yeah, and already the talk from the town is that this is a pretty good merger considering that the both of them sort of like have better synergistic tendencies, especially considering that Sun, Oracle actually uses a lot of Sun servers in their products. ^m00:02:01 I don't really know much else to say, just because we don't really cover enterprise too much. >> That's true, we don't. >> I wish I ran an IT department in a Fortune 500 company. I bet I could offer... >> Poetically, endlessly. Yeah, I know I hear you. But this is a big move for them. >> It is. I'm still surprised that IBM dropped off in this and now IBM is coming under threat because they do compete directly with Oracle. >> Especially because of the recession, you're probably gonna see a lot more of this happening throughout the rest of the year; a lot of consolidation going on in every industry, especially technology... people aren't buying as many computers and now they're trying to figure out ways to better integrate companies and to save some money on the back end. Right? >> Sure. >> That's right. President Barack Obama has appointed the CTO of the country. It is not Eric Schmidt, he turned down that job even though we never really know if it was offered to him. It is in fact, Aneesh Chopra. He is currently the secretary of technology in the state of Virginia, and his bio you can find at technology.Virginia.gov. Google had published a blog after this appointment was made over the weekend, and they are all love and hugs for him. They seem to really like him, so apparently it's a good move. He's gonna be in charge of things like security and basically integrating technology into our government. So hopefully he's a good guy, seems to be. >> And he's gonna be working with the CIO of the country, right? >> That's right, Vivek Kundra. >> Vivek... so all these guys, you can't even pronounce any of these guys... ^m00:03:37 [ laughter ] ^m00:03:41 >> Well I'm assuming they're both Indian. I have no basis for that, but I think that's a pretty safe assumption. >> Sounds pretty cool. I've always thought that the country needed something like this, especially given that the U. S. government, I believe, spends something like 30 percent of the gross domestic product. They probably should have somebody in charge of all the computer systems, at some point, and leading the technological push forward and I think this is a really good idea. I can kind of understand Eric Schmidt turning down the job, considering he'd probably be making a thousandth of what he is making at Google. The odds are kind of stacked against that though. That was a good choice. >> Google is crediting Aneesh Chorpra with things such as making government sites more searchable, integrating iTunes into educational systems. So they think he's already done some good things. I would like him to move ahead on making eElection technology out there. I want online elections by 2012 please. >> 2012, that's kind of scary. It's honestly kind of scary. >> That 's what I want. >> I still need the paper ballot, that's me. >> No you don't. You don't need that. We need to go... I know a lot of people disagree with me. You're free to write him about that, write to Aneesh Chopra, don't write to me. ^m00:04:59 [ laughter ] ^m00:05:04 The U. N. has published it's digital library online. That goes live, it already is live actually, but they're gonna have a big unveiling of it in Paris on Tuesday at the headquarters of UNESCO. This is a digital library with basically archives for several different cultures. It'll have things such as original pieces of works from Arab scholars who were the groundbreakers of algebra. It'll have what is known as the first novel, which was a Japanese work. It has archives for American history. It's a really cool thing. You can find it at wdl.org and spend some time looking around there. It's basically like going to a digital museum. It's very cool. ^m00:05:45 >> Yeah I kind of like this whole movement sort of putting... I know a lot of libraries are starting to do this, Google with the whole digitizing every book thing in the world, but this is really cool in that we get to actually go back in history and take a look at a lot of this stuff. It's available in a lot of... most major languages. I feel like they're saying that more content can be added by scholars across the planet, but just taking a look at the website, looks pretty cool. >> Yeah. >> A lot of history here. >> Yeah 380 items in Europe, 133 in North America, there's quite a bit of stuff to peruse through here. That's very cool >> This is a 10 million dollar project and it came in 7 languages so far, but I expect that's gonna continue to expand. >> Oh yeah, it kind of seems that way. That's great. I like it, good for ya! >> See that's great, we're all full of positive news today. Only good things. Here's some more positive news. In the city of D. C. they're gonna have free digital TV on their mobile devices. This includes cell phones, laptops, in car entertainment systems, all for free from local affiliate stations such as CBS, our... not sister station, our home base, our mother station... >> Right, right. >> NBC, PBS, and FOX, so you'll be able to watch things like 30 Rock, the Apprentice, Heroes, Lost... yes, 2 and a half men. >> Watch Survivor on repeat, over and over again. >> Looks like this will be a free signal. Any mobile device you have that can get on the digital TV signal will be able to watch this. Now how many devices is that? >> I was gonna say... are there a lot of mobile devices that have a DTV tuner in them? And if they don't, maybe that's the next big kind of thing to come to mobile. >> I think this is a really interesting idea, just because we're already... stations across the country are already broadcasting DTV signal. I can't believe nobody's thought to come up with a low power DTV tuner that you can use in any device. >> ...USB stick, plug into your laptop, watch TV. Right? >> Well according to the Washington Post, LG and Samsung are already working on getting devices out there that will be able to pick up this signal, but so far none. And how likely are we to see devices such as Zune or iPod have a DTV receiver, because they want to sell you these shows, they don't want to stream it to you for free. >> Well, I mean they're already pushing it out for free over the air. This is one of those weird things where digital convergence is blurring the lines between Hulu and television now. ^m00:08:18 I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if you see someone, especially when the iPhone 3.0 OS comes out this summer, releasing some sort of a gadget that'll let you tune your iPod into a TV. >> You think? I don't know. >> It took them a really long time to get an AM FM tuner in the device, they still don't have it but they have that sort of dongle... that you get on. >> Yeah, that seems like it competes directly with what they want to be doing with the iTunes music store, and that's probably a big reason why they don't build those FM tuners into their iPhones specifically. You have to buy a separate adaptor to be able to do it in the first place, because they want you buying their stuff from their store. So I don't know, that would be a big switch for them to build a DTV tuner into something like the iPhone. >> I don't think Apple... >> It'd be cool. >> I'm thinking actually a third party... >> I see what you mean, yeah. >> Especially because they're opening up the dock. >> Like a receiver that works with your mobile device or you PC? >> Yeah, that would be great. I believe El Gato for... they make tuners for the Mac, and I believe they actually make an over the air DTV tuner that you can plug into your computer, though you have to hook up an antenna and it's kind of big and what not. I wonder if anybody could shrink that all down. >> Yeah, then turning your iPhone into like one of those really old school cell phones that's like as large as a brick. >> Like Zack Morris... >> Exactly. ^m00:09:47 >> Or essentially it becomes those little portable TV's that you could buy at the drugstore that had a really long antenna. You could take that to school and... >> I remember when I was younger and people having one of those, but we always thought that it was bonked because it would last for 20 minutes and you have to replace all 6 D size batteries in there. Yeah, hopefully technology's coming along a little bit better than that. >> One would hope. >> Well mobile technology is moving along, especially Windows Mobile 6.5. We thought this would come out in Q4, but now according to Windows Mobile blog, it looks like it may launch as soon as May 11. That's soon. >> That's a first for Microsoft isn't it? Actually pushing up an OS release? >> Yeah, right? >> Right, sooner than you anticipated. ^m00:10:32 >> We're used to it coming way late, but it's coming early. I got a lot of hate mail last week for saying that I think the Zune might could run Windows Mobile 6.5. People were like, don't ruin the Zune! I don't want to ruin the Zune, I just think some kind of Windows Mobile capability on Zune might be nice. >> Some sort of application system. >> I'm not hating on the Zune. I just would like to see some continuity between mobile Microsoft devices. >> I'm gonna go there, and I'm actually gonna hate on the Zune because... I mean it's a fine music player, but everybody else seems to be moving forward in the whole mobile computing thing, and Microsoft having these 2 strategies sort of releasing the Zune operating system as music only and then Windows Mobile as being the actual mobile platform. I'm hoping one day that they're actually gonna converge, but I don't really want to use Windows Mobile to play my music, and the Zune operating system seems to be pretty terrible at playing anything else besides music and movies. >> I'm gonna stick with our assessment from last week. The Zune is a good device, not great software... not great software that goes with it. But Zune, I'm gonna say it again, is a CNET editor's choice. It can do things that... the sharing is great, the AM FM tuner being in there's great, it can play terrestrial radio now. I still like the Zune. >> To be honest, I'm not a big fan, mostly because living in New York City I've played around with the Zune and I like the idea of share my music, but I still live in New York and I have yet to come across someone with another Zune willing to share their music. This is one of the most densely populated places on the planet, and I have yet to cross another Zune user. >> Alright, well we'll put that in BOL Bingo then. >> Yeah right! >> Anyone who sees people actually sharing or get someone to share with you... >> Actually we had a listener not too long ago that emailed then, because while he was on the bus or the train or something, he ended up getting squirted. >> Really? >> The song, yeah. I hate to say that, but hey blame Microsoft. They're the ones that came up with that. >> Yeah, I don't love that. >> It does happen, it just doesn't happen very often. >> Well I mean, but back to the main story. Windows Mobile 6, it looks kind of like... and I'm not too sure about these details, but it looks kind of like a pretty much a interface change. There's probably a couple of features here and there, but it still doesn't look as groundbreaking as I feel like Microsoft really needs to be at this point. >> Do you really think that? That Windows Mobile needs to be groundbreaking? I think it just needs to function like Windows. It needs to be a natural extension of Windows. I don't think it needs to do my laundry and clean my house. >> I'm just speaking from the media perspective. Microsoft really needs to generate some big news, and Mobile 6 just looks like a polish on an operating system that they've had for the last 10 years. >> I don't think it's that bad though. >> But I just don't think they're going to be able to generate that excitement and PR that they really need to sort of take on the iPod iPhone platform right now. >> I just feel like your expectations are too big. You want Cirque Soleil out of Windows Mobile, and I'm happy for it just to be nice and sleek and functional. >> 80,000 people work for that company, and I expect a little bit more out of DOS. >> Well they've been able to generate hype and kind of like this excitement behind Windows 7 too. So you know, they are capable of figuring that out, whether they can translate that over to the Zune world... or even Windows Mobile I guess remains to be seen. Maybe that's how they do it, they actually effectively combine the 2 devices, maybe we don't know what we're talking about. I mean, it could be the coolest thing in the world. Exactly. ^m00:14:17 >> We don't have to wait too long, because if it comes out on May 11 then we'll have it here on CNET. So stay tuned for that. >> That's right. >> Gmail launched a new labs feature. It seems like they've got one every single week, something new is coming out of Gmail labs. How are you liking Gmail by the way? You've been what, 2 weeks? >> Yeah, I switched over to it a couple of weeks ago and so far I really like it. I think one of my favorite things about it is the threaded response system of it, that it keeps the full thread of an email kind of tied to one location so they're not spread about through your inbox. Yeah, so far I like it. >> You never used Gmail up until now? >> I had a Gmail account and I just never really, yeah I had it, I figured maybe someday I'd check it out, and... >> You never bribed someone for an invite, or any of that? >> Well I mean, I actually... yeah exactly, I went outside on the sidewalk and this guy had a jacket, opened it up and lined inside the jacket was a Gmail invite. ^m00:15:18 No I mean, I've had it for a long time and I just figured someday I'd check it out, and I finally did and I'm really happy I did. >> I like these Gmail lab features, and I believe on CNET News a couple weeks ago we had a reporter ask them why did they do all this? And I kind of like the idea, instead of deploying it across the whole Gmail system, letting people try it out and taking the good ideas and making them standard. And this feature is actually really, really cool. I know I do this all the time, Gmail will actually suggest recipients for your email. So I mean, earlier today on Loaded we talked about this. Natalie emails me... or Mark a lot, and sometimes one of us gets left off. >> Right. >> Just because we're sending out a thousand emails all day, and I think this is a great idea instead of... forgetting someone, leaving someone off or missing a meeting because of this. >> Well Gmail, well what they'll do if you enable this in labs, you enable the feature called suggest more recipients, and it will learn the groups that you email most often. So if you email your mom, you dad, and you sister like I do a lot, and you go to email your mom and you dad it'll say hey, don't forget your sister. And so it'll just have a little 'also include' and you can just click it, and I would click Lindsey, which is my sister's name, and it would automatically push her into the to column. So not super groundbreaking, but kind of a fun addition. >> Yeah, kind of a cool bonus feature, and indicative of the reason that I decided to switch to Gmail, which is that they're always kind of rolling out these new features that... they may not be groundbreaking, but they actually care enough to do it and some of them are pretty cool. >> Right. ^m00:16:58 Well a senator, is he a senator? Yes, a senate candidate did not care enough to ask Don Henley for the rights to his music, and Don Henley has filed an infringement suit against him. His name is Charles DeVore. You can find his channel on You Tube, talking about how much he loves government and everything politicians normally talk about. He put up 2 campaign videos with Boys of Summer and All She Wants to do is Dance, and Don Henley says ah-hem, you did not ask me for the rights to that music. >> Don Henley not a Charles DeVore fan I guess. If he was, he probably wouldn't have cared that much I would guess. >> Yeah, maybe his political... association doesn't line up with this guy. >> But you hear this happening all the time. >> Yeah, it's happened a lot lately. >> A candidate runs, somebody will... a liberal candidate will use a conservative person's song or vice versa. And you know, immediately send them a takedown notice. I don't know, like there's always a question of political free speech. I don't know if substantive to use an Eagles song in a political ad? >> All politicians have to get rights for their... for their music. You can't just go stealing for informational purposes. >> Yeah, if Ford had used this song in one of their commercials they'd have been sued right away. >> Yeah, this is just an oversight on his behalf, and hopefully not indicative of the way he will govern. Well even loose ends like this, if elected. >> Just skirting the law there, senate candidate. >> Yeah, he's a criminal. >> Right out of the gate, yeah. ^m00:18:36 [ laughing ] ^m00:18:39 >> So for those of you who haven't watched Loaded, I'll use this joke again. I think Don Henley should just take it easy. >> Wah, wah! [ laughing ] ^m00:18:51 >> Alright here's something that's not so easy. If you do not live in the U. S. you are now restricted to books that you can access on eReader.com. Someone posted this on slash dot, and it would seem that if you go to eReader's FAQ section on their website, that they have geographic restrictions now on books, so they can't legally sell certain books to people who live in certain countries. So that's certainly a bummer. >> Well I mean, this is sort of like an extension of the whole copyright and rights thing going on, but it's gonna become a bigger and bigger problem as I guess people become more and more mobile. I know in our generation people go to different parts of the country all the time, maybe even move there and become ex-patriots so to speak, but it's something that our laws weren't really designed for coming in the future, and I feel like a lot of people will be bumping up into this in the future. I remember when I used to live in China for about half a year, and actually became a really big issue because I couldn't buy any iTunes music. While I was there, I could only log into the China iTunes store, and even then wasn't exactly the music I was looking for. >> I was gonna say, I wonder if they added the same catalogue, probably not. >> Probably different catalogues. >> A little bit, buy maybe not the stuff you were actually wanting to listen to. >> Oh yeah, definitely. >> Just the really super popular stuff that the world seems to think everybody wants. ^m00:20:17 >> Yeah, these global restrictions are really getting passe. I think that we should, hopefully, move to a system where we can access all content. But there's such a cultural barrier there in certain countries. They don't want you to be able to access certain things. I don't think that this story is a result of content, it's a result of licensing. >> Yes. >> Maybe one day though they're be like a global copyright board, or something to that extent. >> Yeah, and I mean, more and more the economy is global because of things like the internet that's opening up this content to be spread out everywhere. So it's always strange when you run up into these invisible barriers, that's it like well, why. Why is this blocked from me? Just because I'm in another country, it doesn't mean that I don't have access to it. And especially in this case, they had access to it for quite a while. It's only recently that these barriers have been put up, and I don't know, just doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the day and age we live now. >> I would suggest to the eReader user who can't buy their stuff outside of the U. S. using a proxy of some sort, although I'm pretty sure that's violating some sort of law. >> Well you know, if you're doing that for illegal purposes it could mean more time in jail, so keep that in mind too. ^m00:21:29 >> That's right. >> What do we have next here? You Tube testing channels. Now does this have something to do with You Tube and kind of what they've been announcing over the past last week or so? They said they were gonna roll out new features. This is part of that right Natalie? >> That's right. You Tube has said they are gonna test channels, and this is a lot like Hulu's channels where you go and you can watch science fiction or crime or comedy. So it would be something where you watch a You Tube video for a certain type of genre, and then it would just play you more videos of that genre. And so apparently this is in secret testing, not so secret because there's a link in this read write web article. >> I actually think that the link if pretty funny. It's You Tube.com slash super underscore SEEKRIT. >> SEE-KRIT. [ laughter ] ^m00:22:19 >> So it's pretty funny. I honestly think this is a big sign of Hulu's dominance on online video. You Tube seems to be playing a big catch up role to... Hulu now. People are just getting tired of the being kicked in the crotch videos, or falling on your face videos on You Tube, or all the illegal music videos. People kind of want legit premium content now, and this is another sign that You Tube is going there. You Tube channels, kind of a big step for them. And I know that they've been having a big time trying to get advertisers to buy their video inventory. You hear on the news every single day, You Tube signing deals with CBS our parent company, NBC and all these other people - Sony, to put feature films and other things online so that people can access them. I believe also that this is an extension of that. So you'll probably be able to look up drama and see like the latest CBS drama on there. >> Yeah, and we've kind of heard a little bit about You Tube possibly showing those types of things, like feature films and TV and that type of stuff, hopefully through the deals that they're making, not because people are pirating it the way they used to onto You Tube. But yeah, that could really feed into this. I could see that. >> I really want them to sort of redesign their interface though. It's really starting to bug me. It kind of looks a little too early web 2.0 now. >> Yeah, it really does. It should go on Veronica's new site Vintage Web. She collects sites that look like they are web 1.0 even. >> Even though they're current? >> Yeah. Even though they're alive. Hopefully my homepage never gets that far. >> Yeah, better watch out! Might need a redesign! >> Although I'm not gonna say that people are ever gonna get tired of the getting kicked in the crotch videos. >> Yeah, I mean that's... yeah that's been going on since, what is the TV show where they... America's Funniest Home Videos. I mean that's been on for like 20 years. People never get sick of that stuff for some reason. >> Yeah it's just that You Tube doesn't want to be pigeon holed and let Hulu and TV.com run away from it. >> Well exactly, and also as an advertiser though, do you really... do you want an Apple ad preceding some guy being kicked in the crotch? >> Yeah, exactly. >> Well if that Apple ad is doing like Susan Boyle You Tube numbers, then yes Apple does want that. I mean, I think it depends on the content, but it also depends on the eyeballs. >> I'm pretty sure actually, speaking of Susan Boyle, that her video numbers have surpassed Bush having a shoe thrown at him. >> Really? >> Yeah. I remember reading that this weekend. So good for her! [ laughter ] ^m00:25:07 >> Very good for her. >> There we go. And finally, a story that I thought was pretty interesting. I read this last night. It's basically in Texas. The Denton police department outside Dallas... there's basically been a Twitter page that's been created. I'm sorry for the Twitter news here, but this is kind of interesting. Headline Denton police, basically what they've done is they've taken publicly accessible information about arrests that are happening in the department and coupling it with TwitPic mug shots of the offenders and putting it into a Twitter feed. It's kind of an interesting mash up of these things in real time. It's taking publicly available information and offering it in a different way, that's actually getting a lot of people kind of worked up about it. ^m00:25:50 >> Yeah, I feel like for a lot of law abiding citizens, this is a really good thing. But then again, if you're likely to commit a crime this will probably scare the crap out of you, because... >> Like uh-oh. How many people are following this feed? >> Well I'm looking at the page right now. About 1,345 people are following this feed. And these mugshots first of all, are not pretty. >> No mugshots are pretty! They are meant to be scary. ^m00:26:21 >> What 's scary though, is that on top of having the mugshot... it has the date that you were booked, now old you were, and what offense you were booked for. So I'm looking at it right now. The first one we have assault causes bodily injury, family violence. So kind of scary, kind of like this, this is pretty cool though. I feel like it's a very useful function for Twitter. >> You'll be walking down the street and be like, I saw your mugshot. Stay away from my purse. >> Wait a minute, I saw you on Twitter! >> And actually earlier in the day, there's been a lot of controversy about this because even though this information is publicly available, people kind of think it's almost too easily accessible. >> Yeah, exactly. >> And the student who actually put this together has been in talks with the Denton P. D., members of the media, and the idea is that once you get released from jail, as a compromise the picture gets taken down. >> The picture gets taken down? So then the entry is still there, but the picture is removed from the entry? And if so, how do you edit an old Twit? I didn't know you could do that. >> I don't know, I'm sure there's some sort of... >> Yeah you can go back and... >> API function or something like that, but... >> You can delete your TwitPic. >> You can delete, well you can delete... oh I see, delete from TwitPic, not from the Twitter feed. I got ya. >> Keep in mind none of this includes like personal information, there's no home address. >> Right. >> Names, or anything like that. >> It's just the ease of use on something like this. >> Although I believe all that information's publicly... >> It's still a veritable who's who of the hooligans in your society are. >> That's true. >> Well what's scary for me, oh and I talked about this on the 404 earlier today, is it's not so much that people are getting arrested, it's that a lot of people are getting arrested that might actually be innocent or just been swept up, so to speak, in a arrest. Not everybody goes to jail and not everybody gets convicted, and being publicly humiliated like this... >> Before the... >> Yeah, before actually you've been given a fair trial, is where it sort of gets unfair. It may be that for every person that gets released is innocent, somebody should Twit that they are; get their name cleared. >> No one cares about that. I mean it looks like field research for a social study proving racial profile, if you look at it. >> Well exactly, and it's kind of scary and one of these... you hear about all these software programs, especially on the web, who will be able to identify your picture by face, even though there isn't personal information. How would you like someone Googling your face and seeing this arrest record? >> Yeah, I wouldn't. I would not like that at all. ^m00:29:05 [ talking at once ] ^m00:29:11 Alright let's move onto the voicemails. We have an email someone we think is named Irwin. >> Yeah, it was hard to hear but here's the voicemail. ^m00:29:19 >> Hey Buzz Out Loud, this is Irwin from Louisiana, originally from Caribbean, Saint Lucia. I just wanted to talk about the Palm Pre. I'm a customer and I called... about the Pre, thinking about it will come out... they said it wouldn't be coming out for a few more months. So don't know if the guy just wasn't in the loop or maybe the Palm Pre's take longer than we think. Thank you very much. Love the show! ^m00:29:48 >> Well last week I went running my big mouth about the fact that I did know when the Palm Pre was coming out, but I wasn't able to say. And then I got an email from Palm and they said the date you think it is is not right. We don't know yet. [ laughter ] So that's what I get for speaking out of turn. So basically the answer is, we don't know. We thought we knew and we don't. >> And they played the switch-a-roo. >> So is this thing ever gonna come out? I guess that's my question. >> It is supposed to come out, and estimates of... I will say this. Everyone was estimating that it was May 17ish, and that seems to be... and we thought that that was, now we don't know. >> See, if I was Palm I would probably try to do it after the iPhone launch, because you want this to have sort of a long tail in terms of PR marketing. >> Yeah, and that's a really good point. If they come out with this thing like super close to an iPhone launch that might happen in June or July or whatever, they're really only giving themselves a month to 2 months of prime promotion before it gets completely steamrolled by the Apple truck. >> Yeah, nobody's gonna remember the Palm Pre when the iPhone 3.0 comes out. So we'll see. A lot of Palm employees are depending on this. >> Well Palm is depending on this, period. >> Yeah, exactly. >> It's kind of their big deal. Moving onto emails, Buzz at CNET.com. Evan, the friendly sis admin in Israel, says it was bound to happen and he posts a link to the ZDNet story that describes... you may remember a couple of months ago, back I believe in January, we spoke about a Mac OS10 Malware found in pirated copies of Apple iWork 2009. Well it turns out that these are setting the computers that download and install, try to install the software, it's setting them up to be part of a zombie botnet. So you know, you gotta be careful. Gotta be careful with that pirated software. Just don't pirate, and you won't get the zombie pirates, or the zombie botnets. ^m00:31:55 >> Well I think it kind of destroys the myth though, that Mac's can't get viruses. >> Yeah, exactly, right. That's been a long standing myth that they're kind of defensible against all this stuff, and you never have anything to worry about. Granted it came in the form of pirated software, but... it kind of does. I mean, that's just the way of the pirate landscape, is that you never know what you're really getting. >> Indeed. We have the next email coming from Mike from Toronto. He says, hey Buzz crew. In episode 955 there was discussion regarding the use of proxy servers in the commission of a crime causing an increase in jail time. This was compared to wearing a disguise during the commission of a personal crime. In many places it is illegal to do this, and you will be charged for doing so. I found numerous examples on the net from Canada, the U. K., and the U. S., mostly Delaware - question mark, question mark, question mark, of people being charged with wearing a disguise while committing a crime. Although I recognize the U. S. sentencing commission is looking at this as an automatic increase to sentence time, whereas I am speaking only of charges, I still think the parallel is there. The question is, will it be illegal to wear a ski mask while committing cyber crimes? >> It will be if part of that cyber crime involved a web cam. >> Right. ^m00:33:12 [ laughter ] ^m00:33:17 You're disguising yourself from yourself, so you don't know who's committing the cyber crime. >> Exactly. >> And in our next email, we get an email from... hope I'm saying this right, Chevas from Iran. In episode 952 where Brian was talking about Mitsubishi, said that there's no top level product in their product line. Hey man, you are in car tech. Have you ever heard of a car named the Mitsubishi Evo 9 or Evo 10? The cars have changed the way all car makers now make rally cars. Their cars could hit the Subaru Impreza in the face. Wow. >> Alright well... >> Should have known that Cooley! >> Yeah man. It's your beat, it's your beat. >> I'm sure he would have a sure fire response to that I would imagine. >> I'm sure he would, and to be fair none of us actually verified that these cars exist. They exist because Chevas said so. We don't know if they are. >> And I'm thinking Chevas actually owns one of these, so that's why... becoming very vocal about it. >> That's probably it. Talking it up. Wilson, thank you so much for helping out today. You guys over in New York have been really helping us out this week with BOL, with Tom away, so we really appreciate it. >> Tom should back tomorrow. >> Yes, he actually does return to the show tomorrow, so I'm imagining that a sense of normalcy will return to Buzz Land. Technically I have some things to work out, I can see, as a result of today's episode. But yes, it will get back to normal. >> Well thanks for having me. >> Yeah, you bet. >> Of course. >> You can always hear me every day at the 404.com. >> That's right, excellent, check it out. And for all the information about our show, you can visit BOL.CNET.com with show notes, links to all the stories we've talked about, email, phone number, everything. Find it there, BOL.CNET.com. >> Thanks for tuning in guys! >> See you guys later. ^m00:35:17 [ music ]

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