Ep. 79: The beginning of the end for locked bootloaders
Ep. 79: The beginning of the end for locked bootloaders

Ep. 79: The beginning of the end for locked bootloaders

Goodbye blue letters hello tethering and we meet -- Android and all that and a CES preview in this week's episode of. -- January -- -- Florida. In January 4 actually is -- while 2012. I'm just as alongside Antuan Goodwin who does not new a that was an experimental open we're back we hope you'll like it and so that -- opening graphic there was by a from. Quarks and that's -- you very much done these really cool -- like the swipe to open the phone up. Experts very clever he didn't have the rate time on the home screen time BLU at least -- one half of the -- So good job Austin. We don't use the -- clack that's how much we appreciated real crimes no -- earth simulator style machines in -- well that's my resolution that is. We'll see about that on Monday in the resolution. -- RO got a lot for you this week mum and a special show for you next week which will -- -- later in the show. Com source concerted. First we have a story which is down. The subtext on -- -- -- it has marched -- story itself so. Verizon is reportedly going to -- this -- rumors at this point but it -- continued to generate three. -- It's never had much -- very well let's be honest -- -- new -- actually leaking misery for for weeks now record those and that not the president. And then apparently -- containing all of their four GL TE hotspots. Which is also a little -- -- So. What I read into this is that there's a little show called C has gone next week -- little gentle semi part of it. -- -- big deal here at CNET that kind of a big deal yet I don't I don't. Think people appreciates -- a similar -- Appreciate her feet under the fear it is the -- Exactly. But that Verizon. You know I think resident has the press conference on probably among down yesterday and I would expect that we'll see some new interest -- things from resident. -- hotspots world and maybe even the Droid -- there. Yeah maybe it's it's quite possible you've already started seeing like. You know materials going out to Verizon at retailers. You know about the Droid or -- -- of course the the leaked screen shots of there -- -- -- merchandising software. Over 204 in it that we know it's coming just a matter -- in and there's no better time -- yes to and a toss that in there -- whatever else they're doing. Yet so -- and shame. Next up the excuse me -- -- says. Has announcing a -- transformer her name as -- sandwich upgrade date right. Averages. Which is according to Eric Franklin. January -- -- results yet. Com. Which is you know it's good to see there are embracing it for the tablet that is kind of. Much coveted now I don't know -- a script that and a pretty pretty cool I have a pretty cool. Probably. -- of the that the most powerful probably one of the best injury tablets on the market today definitely. What where they've also kind of addressed in this announcement that they're gonna be a -- I CS is that they're also. Against there was a little bit of an outcry that the boot loader for this device -- Was. It's locked at launch and Asus is basically saying irate people. You know chill out will will probably will get around to unlock and -- -- at some point. Or. We feel that they're GPS fixes here -- -- their -- -- asphyxiated by taking the -- off the spec sheet. -- at that the fix yet would have -- you -- -- RE SER and and it. I don't know it's -- I think the problem is that the again I GPS is that is that. And RF signal it basically themed albums is currently are if RF signals beamed up -- space. Satellite signal and need the metallic body of that the trees -- prime is basically blocking -- -- GPS reception that's. Kind of -- a if they're they're been a couple of Garmin GPS devices for example and metallic -- and you'll -- -- -- a plastic chunk. You also saw a similar thing with. With you know the first couple generations of iPod touches where they have the middle back in the at the little plastic child -- -- where your antenna would normally be. The iPhone four solves this problem by basically. -- in the body the antenna and I and a lot of Android phones you'll. Noticed that the you know even though if -- their bodies are primarily need -- plastic for the most part was not really an issue with phones. But yet -- the primes -- of -- bodies I think GPS issues I'm wondering why they never caught this during the development process. The act I don't know that you know you may remember a little things was called iPhone -- something you know the antenna game in town. -- just repeat rate than it did you know daylight. Hampshire bass is probably -- this whose. Has this release that the entire testing process and a nice -- Well I'm saying Apple's you know chord in Steve Jobs then at a hundred million dollar test facility but they still didn't get it to Leo and that test facility for -- -- Adam so I feel like maybe -- is sort of well if you're indoors tested and maybe it's not one of the things you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bobby -- about the test today. It could've been just that -- of the GPS chip has a lovely manufacturers produce every manufacturer uses GPS chip sets from either Qualcomm or surf. And those are the two chipmakers and they're trying to -- you don't have to do really -- these devices out. So it's you know maybe when they were. And I really hate to think that you know Asus is braid -- these things but maybe would during the had been testing process. In a prototype -- had a BB a plastic prototype body it worked fine for -- switched over to the unibody. -- that's when the issues he's never bothered to go back into the they're the number reasons why this is I don't really know that's if there's what I would consider expelled. -- it can barely say examiner enabling and I guess the Wi-Fi eight. Location based -- serve on -- the easy PS if you if you give it that are where its zoning. How about but it doesn't really solve the -- the -- of sorts yet I'm all right so Asus transformer plan as -- date of January 12 there. A duress seem GPS issues and -- letter to come later this police -- -- there maybe. Maybe manhunt but so speaking of boot -- stuff we -- often criticize people for their stance on different things -- world. And now I think -- -- take time out to a applaud. Each TC who. Said earlier this year that they would enables the unlocking. Of open letters are they would unlock them that the -- was a little odd here. They're giving you access to there they have an unlocking a bugler unlocking tool. The they've had for a while it's been out for a couple of months but they just kind of quietly. Enabled and locking on pretty much every device that they make on I think Verizon and maybe as a sprint. I think is the other carrier but the idea is that you didn't really make a huge deal out of it it is. And it turned -- -- functionality in the tool may be possible blog post and moved on -- that but I mean. Well I applaud this. That they're following through -- this yet and -- -- it Nam you know you'll have to see you and -- carriers do you know specifically. Fit this Josh Goldman calls you know. What's gonna happen with Motorola here especially now that there you know who -- over Motorola or person to be any -- you. Because they certainly it did -- kind of back and forth on their monitors little -- Yeah they have -- palm. And yet if it I don't know I don't know if it's really gonna affect you know the -- the company's very much. And a TC it seems like this kind of a reactionary thing from -- TC at. Just kind of the more I think about it. Where they ever really done tremendously well. Over the last the last half of 2011 -- -- and good devices but they didn't do that Greek -- means -- That a lot of their devices were overshadowed by this Samsung galaxy devices. Service there are no Motorola yeah well. Of course not but what I'm saying is that this is probably an attempt. -- two to reclaim the goodwill of that the hacking community direct mode and you may use them -- the phone of choice for identity. Analysts wondered who move NLD's index is what I'm saying is it if this could also be moved it back into Google's good -- -- meaty you know -- recapture the you know that the contract to build the next nexus phone unit there will be another next that this phone next year some points from -- doubt it model plan. I don't know about that -- -- I don't know about. Pakistan environment predictions listen last weeks of -- on a document. So fragmentation. On -- talking about that -- -- -- -- there is lot of buzz this week about Nam you know one thing that we have called for is can Google put down some more. Strict rules about what manufacturers -- phones can -- used it -- sort of pregnant too much or -- -- -- -- MC PU requirement and this is one of the first from. I'll say things in that direction that we've seen. Google I don't think this is pursuing new but I think it started with ice cream sandwich and they are requiring. Via. A certain skin called risen -- Hulu hollow scheme. Com. Be available on all ice cream sandwich. Four point -- a four point oh devices. So it doesn't have to be -- skin that is like shown they are using measure homes greener. -- -- you -- throughout your experience that. All apps need to have access to its if you write an app and you wanna show button you want to ensure that that button. Looks exactly as you expect. You can should have specified that I want to use the Hollis can show that button rather than. Use whatever the TC -- or TouchWiz. Button -- look may be you Tom. So potentially you avoid. Any problems that may occur by using. To register button or any kind of UI element that you didn't expect as the developer and can make sure your -- Looks exactly like you expect it to look great -- I'm so I don't feel like this is is that -- strict on Google's front calm but. Needs developers -- -- collide if they want to take advantage of this and created a consistent experience for their app across. Android versions. Rate and with what's interesting is that if the requirement. But it's not a requirement. It's a require -- in the sense that if you blind I think they're saying if you wanna have the market on your device. You can't abide by this rule but you are perfectly RE not doing it if you want and not do it you just can't have the market in I think in that when Google saying you know were open and but we're close institute. -- it's it's a very kind of interesting way of as kind of doing that they're they're still giving. -- developers -- the option to if you wanna make your device local creek you can play go for it if you if you want like global buttons and and comic -- -- your fine. Mural more than welcome to do that -- just after market if you do that and -- I think every by keeping the market separate from the core of -- of what injury is is that is -- sort of loophole. In the -- -- when whenever people start. You know going likeable if Google starts imposing rules on what things are supposed to look like and how things of course the work and they're not really being open I think that's an interest in loophole that allows them to do both. At the same time. -- yeah and that's kind of always been. What they have required you know early -- so via atom. Forgetting that it does end devices let -- -- -- those -- in -- yet didn't have the market on it. Because they weren't allowed because at that point I think who were currently has a cellular chip in your -- An arm and honestly that's what is news -- -- -- on that. Com. This excellence tension -- also. This is not on the -- who -- a routine. In reverse boot -- before and you know it's great for people want to do it but com also can be kind of hard. -- one of said the real blow to the primary reasons I think that a lot of people -- -- the -- that irony to phone stuff for family members over the holiday break was. There would a tether their phone with currently paying thirty bucks for of the tethering plan. And usually and typically -- -- -- -- if you -- have to buy elect at the three year for eight dollar app. And use that to enable some sort of view with -- Bluetooth tethering. Or. You have to root your phone and install Wi-Fi tethering app that -- routing being that. -- your your carrier finds out you've done it. Could -- problem depending on how much about it. Pain but your carrier wanted to be. But. I guess a little bit of -- work background here a clockwork -- basically and -- alternative boot loader that allows you to. It's that -- -- in -- do things like backup Iran and spoke with around that are that are. The developers. Of clockwork line that alternative -- -- has actually released. In -- -- in software solution. Called clockwork mark clot that and that. -- -- -- -- For Linux Mac and a PC. That will allow you to USB tether without a separate data plan that does not require root and most interestingly it uses an interest seeing. Tethering solution that. Makes it really hard for your carrier -- actually even knew that -- doing it. Was -- -- -- you know a round of against blocking of at apps in the marketplace -- out tethering on route last year. I'm in -- and even. A lot of like the -- of the the right word is packet sniffing but just you know if your carrier Ricky would recognize. That the way that your phone was using data with unauthorized tethering they could actually block your service they -- sending out cease and desist last year. The way that this. Application it which is basically software you install on your computer. -- -- put your phone into what's called USB debugging mode you don't need -- for that it's built into the device and the a software on your computer will install -- peaking in your phone in the in the start talking to each other. And I and the way they do that is is this is -- sneaky and it basically keeps. -- if you -- your carrier from really understanding or senior are drawing -- -- to the fact mr. tethering. -- it's pretty cool I wished there was a -- version. You have to think that'll know he says that he's working on now to develop -- busy working on -- Bluetooth version and but because of the -- that they're using to enable communication between the phone and in the device kind of Haston -- via Wi-Fi connection. I believe what is Bluetooth it's edict is so Bluetooth three point nose up to 24 megabit. Nam. The potentially and -- -- in real world Bluetooth could be slower then. Your phone actually. Yeah probably but I mean it immediate I think. Yes if you wanted to full speed I mean. You can you can route into Wi-Fi. You -- pay for the plan that mean there are ways to get the full speed this is kind of a hack a work around I've used it. -- with its announced a couple of -- news and I've used it since the and it does work and it still buggy its alpha. And I did run into when he -- where when I stop tethering. Between the my phone in and my laptop. They wouldn't go back to life for some reason had to redo binary or yet -- because the -- The advantages to doing it this way is that when now I have tethered in the past you just kills my battery you -- that if you're tethered via USB probably charge charging it has -- time -- surged to an appointment. -- you know aren't. We have if someone new ones chose week. We we do. It is mr. injury. -- If this is the Lander -- -- -- the and a few refining voice. As is an interesting. I guess in photographic. -- say it's an interest team -- a PR scheme. -- whatever you -- have. Sorry if you go ahead with yours first. Well I mean if it ultimately -- -- -- what it does is it takes. Blue stacks -- they basically used -- entity they make. Basically injury emulation software PC and allows you to run apps that were developed for injury. On a windows PC and they've done this being -- -- against kind of Tiki in the and all of this information. From. I guess people who -- them on FaceBook. And out of they've compiled this composite. -- Who I is basically. Needs during Android so. I guess for example your average -- user. Most of them were teachers. Very few of them -- foot lots. Essentially there's only 1% T -- 62%. Genes. They break things outlook 47% have. Black -- thirty brown. Will -- twelve -- a very small percent have Green. And they basically kind of break out you know these. This information and in built what they think is the average. -- -- User. -- -- And then you -- looking guy and given that much. Anywhere is a Jean jacket. On our viewers like to have Jean -- does that concluded with yet an announcement on there. Caveat -- this is pretty inching it's also I was saying you know -- to accident has. They were commander at world road -- -- you know this is just an interest in way to get. Their name out there on an iPod that does it work very well look we're talking about the marina. -- -- just to mention January. But we also be mentioned in my facility or want. Now they won. What if they -- if and when exactly -- free publicity. Well I'm sure it cost them something to do through all the trouble building -- though there's no assisting its free of the and a it's interesting if it's -- a -- cool look at. And -- is also very cool to compare my were true too but that's -- -- yet and just like yeah look at that. And mr. similar to that and I also have genes and were in the same sneakers at premiered demand. There anyway it has of the one aka wasn't learned about -- school girls. -- before a real value lead in a bit like that. Essentially -- me will since -- public that there is that I take a web comic. Manga if you will -- That's developed by AD Japanese. Sort of web site in it's basically what they've done is. -- for more -- the different Android developers as. Japanese school girls so there is LG time and Sony every time. And -- teeth feet sat. Fence on time and -- basically they've taken all of these characters and is basically. For example you know made HTC into. -- a schoolgirl is also looking character -- is supposed to represent Apple. The united character with -- -- appropriate black turtleneck and an Apple in hand and teacher. Cold and I'm assuming is -- mr. Google. 20 where is god wears glasses that. Google. Of course there's a weird sub -- and in the comic -- -- Google has actually married a Motorola. One of the students and the biggest the the happenings in the sort of comic book -- dramatized. Versions of basically did the news that's happening in the injury world so when you see you know. Apple for example. Ensuing you know one of the injury manufacturers. Then that they character would be sort of the -- would there be some sort of conflict in the comic there -- pretty interest in the look at. And so weird sort of phenomenon called I think it's called on the -- and the from workstation where you basically takes something that's -- human. And then you turn it into a school girl. The issue of the first time then you see something like this he did others. I've seen you know for example. Long did it take things like -- and news and Mac and Linux and in transformed him into sort of Japanese characters that sort of in -- the the characteristics of those operating systems or even. -- -- whole countries there's a couple of mind is where. There's high school where it. Here's the current state of the student the represents Great Britain in the you know that that character is the end for more visitation of that culture. -- it's interesting I think it's banana cream it's used in the USQ. To talk about a terrorist cooler gas is weird. We're gonna go to recognize -- -- humans RA since we'll be back talking about CEO. -- -- And we're back game that was weird as soon as those talk about something that that -- me feel less awkward to yes. -- biggest. Who called biggest Consumer Electronics Show in the world if I think it is. I think -- maybe if he says people will. -- RU but I think you're ready -- You know that none of an effect on -- -- it -- it it says. The European anything. Electronics show now it's the biggest convention. In Las Vegas -- it yes and massive I -- its treatments to get up all the hotels. And -- appointments all over that city. It's going to be a fun time. Fun times aren't so we have a cup. I'll say predictions -- thoughts about what might be announced. That we -- it to us before we jump into the email. I think the biggest thing has been going around is that that Intel is -- have jumped the full force into the injury deem. With their atom chips com. End the rumors are of that -- not only announce that but they -- amounts potentially phones with LG. -- or Samsung. You Nam. You know and this could really change things -- -- now. -- in of all almost all phone's standard. Phones have been arm base yet -- it and says this -- Intel who has not. Clearly not been strong commander -- market could suddenly. Jumping here and Intel is kind of force to be reckoned with -- right in the chip world. You know and -- -- in the way of things and no that they need to be in the mobile world and com so I I think. -- and is probably -- happening here whether -- see two phones announced I don't know. I actually think in that it -- -- it's probably more likely will see them. Tests that water with via tablet spurt this seems like -- A more of a more about it you know. Transition their form factor. I think that will see more tablet may be I think. In -- I'm expecting to see. These these these tablets and CES and then maybe phones later on in the year. What I'm expecting. Yeah I don't know I would recommend they go into phones -- as he could be right as well certainly is softer landing for them. So we are gonna carry the LG news conference at 80 AM Monday -- ninth cnet.com slash slide. And who also have the Samsung press conference at 2 PM same day either Pacific time Asia Pacific time. And the Intel conference at -- and I am so. In whatever happens. I'm pretty sure it's happened there and that's gonna happen once -- a -- Decision tune in and watch. Definitely. -- -- speaking of tablets com. -- Is. Look it looks like they're gonna follow up the transformer prime tenants with potentially a seven inch tablet. It's possible. Com. Would -- we -- does this make sense to use. I mean it doesn't make sense. Just kind of to get to the lower price point. I think that the disorder of that the price point of the entertainment such transformer -- -- is is a bit much for a lot of consumers and and I think that the price point of most tablets outside of the iPad is gaining in of course Amazon's Kindle. -- unit which -- of is like buying it. With the we're looking for an ecosystem that -- carry -- out of the price point of these devices is just a bit much for a lot of consumers and so I think to. To kind of shrieked at screen size down give people all that processing power that we've heard so much about. But in just a -- -- -- -- sacrificed couple inches of screen space a little more easy to carry around. Endive and I think that's a good thing I'd definitely hope that we do see this and -- the rumored price point is to 99 Nam which is pretty good. What I also wonder I mean we haven't really seen outside of the Kindle fire is successful. Seven inch tablet. -- you com says could this change the seven inch have a world. Before Apple -- -- -- -- -- interview Tuesday that the Samsung says -- tablet was not a success. I think it was a failure but it I don't think. It's not like we're scenes are equal amounts of seven mention ten inch tablet credits pretty much attendants have a world with some. Little seven -- thrown in there -- That's that's who -- -- -- and twisted. And -- -- its Asus is not the only one. Planning to do some tablets and we also have some rumors about velocity might brew we don't hear a whole lot about -- league -- kind of run into the -- -- -- but did when being -- in very interesting about this tablet. Is that price point they're talking about hitting. And that's. -- seven inch tablet -- 150 bucks. -- and it's pretty low price point two does this have meandering market. Because it says it has -- Amazon market on it. Out of money in that -- they just have the app preinstalled. Com. I don't know haven't looked for information -- that -- could really find it. And I guess I should say that these are and are -- these error act there -- a press release from you know -- -- about this so this will happen according to them. Nam suits that Cruz. Tablet -- -- -- -- 750. Dollars seven inch. Screen and -- -- T. 510. Nine point seven inch -- but there is no pricing yet. It looks like there is an Amazon out there yes -- they're saying I Kindle for Amazon Amazon App Store. So I am. An army -- believe they did they don't have the Android app market or maybe it's just not a point of sale for them they just insane thing about it. Let's do what we until someone gets their hands on -- -- I think we will -- -- wellness in and a I'm all right so do you -- do you think we're -- see at CES. Talking about little predictions here. Com. -- the sort of an. Device entry device that is the focus of -- like we did last year who saw -- -- -- a -- you com. Is that with so -- we saw that it means on the planet union -- an island in districts talked about that for you you know the year's tree it almost. We saw that -- that that would seem to be like. Ever was talking about that that and resume you grant. It was a it was a big Andreychuk last year seems like so long ago you think we're gonna see that kind of thing like his -- and again in -- -- -- -- Thing at a show and as they're going to be -- event at. Vietnam. -- -- -- flagship device that emerges that we're all gonna focus on or do you think it's gonna just -- there's so much out there now that. There's nothing's gonna really emerge from the pack. I don't know so much about like a flagship device -- Again we're seeing a lot of people out of manufacturers trying to focus on and on going in in both directions and also kind of -- to target. And and and -- and take advantage of that sort of low price point I don't wanna spin 500 dollars on a phone sort of market. And so I think we're gonna see. More sort of like. You know trickle down to mid tier and -- -- phones. And then you know maybe a couple of really big announcements that. I think also that -- this year a more than in any year it's been last year about Windows Phone feminist and a it's gonna steal a little bit -- that they -- gonna see a lot more from Microsoft. In that respect and CES this year -- I'll be interested to see you know through that the play back and forth between -- to -- and as far as like windows becoming a more competitor something that we we talk about more. As far as I need these sort of market share battle and in mind share battled for an integrated competitors yet that's accurate there. All right let's ticket quick look at the app of the week the app of the week is not a new when -- when that I. Just started playing it's cut the group. In this is like a super cute little game with a very simple mechanic. That has absorbed hours of my life or over the last two weeks and basically the idea is that you have a little monsters -- -- mom. Best name ever. And -- the idea is that you have a little -- On. Peace group and you have to get the -- into his mouth and sometimes there's a simple as just swiping your finger in -- the -- But -- there's some really interesting physics involved were sometimes it is reading things into his -- that are pushed beings. With that with a year award. Even plea with gravity in one of the stages it's. Does look at three by game and -- -- worth. Every penny. Nine incidents if it gap it used to be three -- -- we got ripped off opening I don't remember how much I paid for -- and -- purchased it and totally worth the money and -- their recent decade worth candidates it's a lot of fun and sometimes very frustrating. -- -- I think I'm a bow to -- when the levels away from being completely three stars on every stage and -- get this to play on the plane on the way home for the holidays. -- cool -- com. Creative indicates you are you and I am with a mean well it means I know it indicate means that just went -- That last week. Which was last week a couple weeks ago on our installation slash reviews show. We said they are entered port -- -- it had not happened. But apparently it has happened a few times when we had a -- Mel and comments on the blog about this. Nam you know the first one that will talk about we got from iron Z. On our blog comments and from miles vacated terms and junior -- email. And this is. This Saddam. Samsung. Kindred powered. Inaugurated. -- that -- X I have a video's here ended. Came out in -- it is this is dated December 20 -- it's possible that it cannot for the end of the year but not before -- last show. Around that. You know I think we still can retroactively -- view. Up a point for this apparently. -- -- cyclical this video. -- -- listeners. Could. There are -- and which -- -- use the new get there a robot. There are in the -- -- and includes Metallica includes Microsoft Kinect enabled here. And another vehicle wreck involved in others in an inherited those in tablets. The -- in the -- in the tablet. -- -- -- -- Apparently -- indeed even give you a hug and. -- Yeah me. And it's been -- -- in an appearance showing this off. At that Samsung galaxy cafe on the second floor of the -- -- of the report -- hills. I don't shopping center in took it. And anyway let's just -- -- -- get -- -- limitless funds is a regular employee was easily from the he's hugging a little girl and we also had a look like the bad robot Lugo from. There's any -- exact area. And -- we had another email from games from who point out another hundred parity generated. From NASA. That I guess his -- looking robot servant. Powered by an Android phone. Seriously on the space station it is floats around and -- does stuff for -- -- -- that we actually did double points for. Did he think he should. Okay so that would make me the winner in. Against the movement and -- and -- tested. Before you -- and hook up. -- Well -- you're the winner. -- and the winner congratulations. Yet we're all winners and general. -- winners of its -- this phone does little looting guy. Just goes around the space station they have studios in. Red Hat and I -- -- a video of this there's some pictures of around. It it's in the email itself of one of the astronauts. Com and -- -- find -- sphere which has controlled -- -- Samsung nexus. Of religion in. Com aren't the solution Maloney it's often right -- it hasn't -- two emails. Two questions one from comes from key -- take as little podcast -- -- -- work well programming on Fridays. And it helps to make it -- buy -- a question. And their forgive me if it sounds like a dumb -- but I've been hearing a lot of tech blogs talk about. That we should -- our phones a separate from our renewals are rather rather than being on a contract. I has -- in his bill yet but would -- be saving money this way. Do you normally a lower rate by being on contract. In is it that the phone is so -- that they'll make it back on the contract he basically goes on to. A state that he's on Sprint's and that he spent 500 bucks on a phone promised when he -- and it's that are that are. So. Pretty easy answers to -- -- no. You wouldn't save money by -- from a no I'm net as far as I understand. You don't get a lower monthly -- -- -- -- Nam. I have bought mine off contract suggests. Because I didn't want to sign a new contract. For an interim period was waiting for a new phone to come out you -- -- doing it that way if you don't want to sign a contract for any reason it is. You know eat your liquid if you're Sony do want to buy subsidized or. Because you gonna stick around with whoever your carrier is for two years right -- But other than that at a I don't really think it's effects -- monthly regional. In the primary examples it to jumping off of the contract of that freedom of of of mobility. So if you buy for example GSM phone. You have a number of -- -- that you can go to -- one of them (%expletive) you off. So if you're just not -- AT&T for example I can jump over to another -- GSM carrier with that same phone -- you'll have to in that case. I'm not paying the of the early cancellation -- that if you -- that kind of person we -- guys wanna be. Moving and changing -- quite often and buying them off contract. Takes a bit more work. It does just -- -- -- pay for your phone up front. And if you decide for example you wanna swap phones need contract for example the galaxy nexus comes out do you wanna buy it. Which two union unite and a concertina -- signed a contract will then. You'd pay for that also if there's no real perk -- there. But then there's also -- active. Andy was the pre owned phone market as regular hammer that if you have like. For example an HTC thunderbolt is in pretty good condition you can sell it for couple hundred bucks. And that can be your own built in subsidies heats it for yourself. -- -- Com. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- From Karen Karen in the chat room and she basically says. I get my GSM unlike galaxy nexus and the beginning of December about a week ago. When CNET and pointed out that a lot of GSM versions will not be getting updated by Google. And there's. Essentially a little background here their two versions of internally. Of the -- -- galaxy Nexus One is why KGU. And the other is -- AK JU. Time and she basically. I -- to summarize for email wants to know. If these two devices are in an extremely different. I think he -- difference is that the one of the device is getting updates from Google in the others in their apiece from Samsung. Just know she should flash -- phone. And -- it. -- to get the newest -- Peter -- -- if she should just be patient and wait for the update from Samsung. Or if she should try to return the phone try to get a hold of -- one of the YJ. Why KG UI devices. And as far as I understand. The phones. Are. Essentially identical the only difference. -- Is you know. Wind at the -- honestly think there's even very much difference in in where the rule out of the updates come from. The thing is that. As far as I as if we maternity. As of December 30. A lot of GS and nexus devices just having gotten the rule out yet it's that it they rule the updates out. And sometimes. It takes time for -- to get around to your device -- your. -- it says here. So no matter which device you have you look at the updates from -- -- bottom line here. Right around some of the updates come from Google some of the update the phone from Samsung depends on whether it's a firmware. Or. You know software. Sort of update. But the idea is that if you have a GS -- galaxy -- if you will get the update it'll happen it just may take some time. And sometimes these rollout happen over the course of a whole month. So it could be weeks but where is it and they start to roll out and stop it and I'm. The idea being they don't want to just push one giant update to a million people and everybody's phone bricks at the same time. Didn't that I would say just be a little bit patient if you wanna route your phone for other reasons -- I can definitely recommend that you. To do that -- a lot of fun. But geologists -- you know hang tight given load another couple weeks. A couple of -- at the very least. And -- see if it comes. -- keep your eyes peeled and and then. You stay in contact with with other galaxy nexus users out through some. Either through the injury -- forums but you can -- cnet.com slash injury -- analysts. Or. You know through through other enthusiast. -- I had one last thing we have in an email from -- her voice mail from our favorite. Caller and apparently the only person who has our phone number and -- from Toronto. I guides is -- -- and control are so happy new year. On the last show and -- said that he expected Android to be used a lot of different facets and society. Even cars. I was under the impression that the outside was already using Android may -- -- -- Portugal I've -- -- art -- February march April. They're being -- made arrangements with Google to use Android operating system for the -- But I don't know the -- but -- They declared bankruptcy. -- knows what's gonna happen but. If they ever implement. Or was it just yet we're gonna do -- in the next model and -- -- Smart water game. I like it swat guys look forward to that -- on this week -- Or kind of funny is on a kind of that generally more of a signals -- he may have been. I have a lot of times when I make phone calls through Google Voice on a laptop in or mixer to -- on and off someone's computer. But yeah dumb there have been a couple of announcements of you know carriers either I -- -- -- makers either. In talks and using Android war era of -- halted. Stability some sort of tablet based -- -- -- -- actually been mentioned on the same show. Of sort of a tablet based interface. So yeah I didn't really make the of the prediction without. Actually knowing that you know -- the balls -- -- sort of in motion. In least. You know like a cross. It is within the within the sphere of of of automated -- -- -- -- OEMs. But I don't really know what's happening with sobs that as far as the whole -- like this. They're kind of in limbo right now. But -- had a very seriously doubt that we'll see that covers an Android on any of this generation vehicles little. William and whenever -- meeker sort of -- You know hey we're working on him this in the next generation of cars it will probably be. I don't think we'll see that injury in the face and saw a vehicle not this year definitely not mean when he thirteen beyond -- if they're still around that at that point. But you know they could surprise us. Operating system in the car that means to run like entertainment in the infotainment system and -- rendering engine. Added. -- -- scared and recruitment in my -- law means that the thing about lake the the of the thing that's actually running your engine. If -- ECU and that -- -- very simple firmware. Extremely simple. Because it has to be fooled as to be like a real IOS. Yet that that -- to be able to you know. I'd do things like check your O two levels for the catalytic converter under -- -- That sort of thing like in you can't. You can't. Installed too many widgets that will say is that like -- you can't have that lagging because you calculating route to the -- -- and -- it I am. -- -- -- But there Seattle as as far as the infotainment -- anything can happen. In the indeed the OEMs are moving a lot faster now than they used to. -- but it kind of seems like. For the most part most of the the major ones failure of your beamed -- user Fords are pretty. Pretty content to. Stick with the -- -- they have but it I'm thinking that we'll probably see something from one of the European manufacturer's first. European me when the small. Smaller. Japanese manufacturers are there even one of the new Chinese upstarts -- that's that's probably will start -- that sort of an indecent because they. The -- -- coming from. A more nimble platform they have less established. In an alien girl that relative -- and that you will see some stuff Alexia at -- about. -- in grade or quality though we're gonna be plenty of artists stuff and it is yes yes it's inflate turning into a -- over there. And there's a cursor on the same time yet there is and and and I will be at that -- but Wayne Cunningham Amoco's -- -- live will be there. -- -- that is our show thanks for the call. -- com if you wanna call us our phone numbers 866344. CNET 8663442638. The blog is cnet.com slash Android atlas. You can watch us at cnet.com slash live we have a special edition from CES. Next week. Same day Wednesday January 11 but it's at 3 PM Pacific. So -- it's a different time than normal. Com Wednesday January 11 3 PM Pacific cnet.com slash -- but he also -- to see all sorts of live content much -- 26 or 910. Five something like that most days Monday through Friday next week at -- -- If you have questions about C asks about your car running and greater how to richer handwritten running car. Sent them to Android atlas at cnet.com. -- -- follow the show on Twitter. We are at Android atlas -- on -- -- -- and who I am at not my real name. And that is our show looked on Google+ we are I am just packed house and it's an annoyance on -- insisted on exits. See you next week at CES.

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